Author Topic: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.  (Read 26927 times)


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #175 on: October 20, 2010, 10:32:05 AM »
don't things in nature always happen repeatedly?


  What do you mean? If you mean that the laws of physics and chemistry are constants, then yes: throwing a rock up will laways result in it falling down. Burning Iron will always result in the formation of Ferrous Oxide, etc. If you mean that because we were once dead - nice alliteration for non-existence btw - and then we were alive we will someday be reborn after we die, then you are wrong.

we've all been dead before and we were all born

  If you are using the word dead as a metaphor and/or aliteration for non-existence, then I agree with you. Otherwise, friend, the word dead here is nothing more than semantic babbling to imply something that you think is different from what I am implying but is actually the same thing.

why won't we be reborn after we die this time?

  What evidence do you have that we will be reborn? What do you mean by "we"? The soul? Please define what the soul is and show how it exists independently from the electrochemical workings of the brain which so far is the only thing we know to responsible for our consciousness.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #176 on: October 20, 2010, 01:14:39 PM »

  I said that not directing it specifically at theists but people in general, although theists do tend to be not smart. And did you read my whole post? I state that there are some very smart theists, but the difference between the smart theists and your average traditional religionist theist is that the smart theists come up with logical, elaborate arguments for the existence of God and they use evidence to back up their claims, whilst the religionist uses the argument of divine revelation and when pressed for supplying any evidence for the existence of God they point out at the Universe as if the only explanation possible for the origin of the Universe were an omnipotent intelligent entity at the beggining that created everything. That is, out of the trillions of possible explanations for why something and not nothing exists, they believe that a magical entity with infinite powers is the only explantion possible.

  I think it is one of the least probable explanations.  Theists seem to assume because relity has an elaborate design, and that because a design requires planning and therefeore intelligence, that only something possesed of intelligence could have created the Universe. This is not true. Everything that exists that is elaborate is the result of aggregation from very simple things from processes of synthesis and derivation. For instance, Helium is formed by nuclear fusion of Hydrogen atoms. Heavier elements are formed until Carbon is made. Carbon has four nuclear bonds, which allows it to form long chains of complex molecules, which, through a process of blind selection, results in greater complex life forms.

  Now, you could argue that if we reduce all the complexity of the Universe to simpler and simpler things, we eventually arrive at the origin of everything, which is a an incognita. We don't know what this cause is, but given the fact that everything that exists comes from simpler and simpler things progressively, then this initial cause should be by definition the simplest thing of all. It shouldn't be a complicated entity like God. The initial cause would be by the very definition the least intelligent property in the Universe since all higher complexity is derived from this initial cause. So the real question is this: can something that is possesed of even the slightest amount of intelligence arrise from nothing? Even the initial cause has some degree of complexity, even if nothing more than a pure axiomatic definition so the real question is whether intelligence requires itself or not to exist. If the answer is yes, then you could call this self-organizitaion process a form of self-awareness which could be called God. If not then there i no reason to assume the existnce of God.

  Most physicists believe that the initial axiom from which everything else derives could have arrisen from nothing(the uncertainty principle), so there is no reason to assume an intelligence that begetted everything. However, I believe that the initial cause could require a self-organizing principle whcih could be called God, so I don't rule out the possibility of God. I am 90% atheistic and 10% agnostic. However, this god would be so radically different from the one of religious people that the fact that there could be this possibility does not prove the existence of God in the way most religious people believe in him.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #177 on: October 21, 2010, 02:30:21 PM »
 Is the man still alive if his head ripped off, heart on the street and still beating?


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #178 on: October 22, 2010, 04:42:32 AM »
Is the man still alive if his head ripped off, heart on the street and still beating?

  Depends on what you define here by "the man" being alive. If you mean his personality or ego, then no, since a brain without Oxygen and blood supply cannot function. If by being alive you mean if a part of the man's body is alive, then yes, since his heart is still beating and thus is living tissue. This is an issue of semantics and definition. Ludwig Wiittgenstein would agree.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #179 on: October 22, 2010, 04:56:35 AM »
 a brain without Oxygen and blood supply cannot function - that proves that there is no afterlife



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #180 on: October 22, 2010, 12:22:56 PM »
a brain without Oxygen and blood supply cannot function - that proves that there is no afterlife


  Nice strawman, you dipshit. You asked whether a man with his head cut of but with a heart that is still beating is still alive and I answered your question. Too bad you didn't like the answer.

  And yes, a brain without Oxygen cannot function, and I am not saying it proves that there is no afterlife; I am saying that since what you call "I" or your ego results from the electrochemical processing between neurons, and since neurons require Oxygen to live, then ergo a brain without Oxygen dies and so does the person's personality.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #181 on: October 22, 2010, 12:33:12 PM »
  Nice strawman, you dipshit. You asked whether a man with his head cut of but with a heart that is still beating is still alive and I answered your question. Too bad you didn't like the answer.

  And yes, a brain without Oxygen cannot function, and I am not saying it proves that there is no afterlife; I am saying that since what you call "I" or your ego results from the electrochemical processing between neurons, and since neurons require Oxygen to live, then ergo a brain without Oxygen dies and so does the person's personality.


  There is no personality visible because the brain without oxygen dies, no electrochemical processing between neurons occurs and I am not saying it proves that there is no afterlife but I know for a fact - there is no afterlife. Too bad you didn't like the answer.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #182 on: October 22, 2010, 02:04:49 PM »
  There is no personality visible because the brain without oxygen dies, no electrochemical processing between neurons occurs and I am not saying it proves that there is no afterlife but I know for a fact - there is no afterlife. Too bad you didn't like the answer.


  Can you prove that Human personality is anything more than electrochemical impulses between neurons? If not, then STFU and accept that the end of the brain means the end of the person's self.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #183 on: October 23, 2010, 01:31:47 AM »
  Can you prove that Human personality is anything more than electrochemical impulses between neurons? If not, then STFU and accept that the end of the brain means the end of the person's self.


 I'm not a scientist, I have no diploma, it's his job to prove or discover, so let him prove that there is no afterlife.
 You say that the end of the brain means the end of the person's self, but there is no evidence, have you ever been to that reality where this person's self continue to exist it can be without knowing of the previous life, the judgment day is in between. Accept mofo that you haven't been to that reality! Kill yourself! ;D


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #184 on: October 23, 2010, 07:12:13 AM »
I'm not a scientist, I have no diploma, it's his job to prove or discover, so let him prove that there is no afterlife.

  This has already been addressed innumerable times. No one is ever called upon to prove negatives. This is a classical logical fallacy. Otherwise, any other theory that anyone can come up with no matter how absurd it is true unless proven otherwise. Cicero once said that the burden of proof lies with those who make the claim. I am not claiming anything: you are - that there is an afterlife. I am simply denying your claim until you provide evidence. This is plausible deniability.

You say that the end of the brain means the end of the person's self, but there is no evidence,

  There is plenty of evidence. Every person that suffers brain damage and loses their memories, their personalities and such things are clearly demonstrating that their personalities and memories, what you could call the "soul" is the product of the brain and once the brain is damaged or destroyed the person's personality is destroyed as well.

  Now, some of you religious folks might claim that the person's personality does require the brain, but that the person's brain requires the soul to express the personality. In this case, then why is it that progressive damage to the brain causes progressive loss of the person's personality? Is the person's soul distributed throughout the brain and leaves the brain only in parts when the brain is partially damaged? That is, a little damage to the brain causes a little bit of the soul to leave the body and more damage causes more? Why not just accept that there is no such thing as soul and that the partial loss of a person's personality following brain damage results from partial loss of brain ells

  Partial loss of brain cells...partial loss of pesonality

  Complete loss of brain cells...complete loss of personality(or death)

have you ever been to that reality where this person's self continue to exist it can be without knowing of the previous life, the judgment day is in between. Accept mofo that you haven't been to that reality! Kill yourself!

  None of what you are claiming has any evidence to support it, and nor does it make sense from a logical inference point. I am sorry.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #185 on: October 23, 2010, 08:42:48 AM »
 This has already been addressed innumerable times. No one is ever called upon to prove negatives. This is a classical logical fallacy. Otherwise, any other theory that anyone can come up with no matter how absurd it is true unless proven otherwise. Cicero once said that the burden of proof lies with those who make the claim. I am not claiming anything: you are - that there is an afterlife. I am simply denying your claim until you provide evidence. This is plausible deniability.

  There is plenty of evidence. Every person that suffers brain damage and loses their memories, their personalities and such things are clearly demonstrating that their personalities and memories, what you could call the "soul" is the product of the brain and once the brain is damaged or destroyed the person's personality is destroyed as well.

  Now, some of you religious folks might claim that the person's personality does require the brain, but that the person's brain requires the soul to express the personality. In this case, then why is it that progressive damage to the brain causes progressive loss of the person's personality? Is the person's soul distributed throughout the brain and leaves the brain only in parts when the brain is partially damaged? That is, a little damage to the brain causes a little bit of the soul to leave the body and more damage causes more? Why not just accept that there is no such thing as soul and that the partial loss of a person's personality following brain damage results from partial loss of brain ells

  Partial loss of brain cells...partial loss of pesonality

  Complete loss of brain cells...complete loss of personality(or death)

  None of what you are claiming has any evidence to support it, and nor does it make sense from a logical inference point. I am sorry.


 I'm not talking about anything but just an afterlife. To find out whether it exists one should just kill oneself and get back with report, I don't see any easier way.
 There is a story of the man who died and found out that the afterlife exists, then then he said - it's against my beliefs...
 ok I know my English sucks, so what your next say?


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #186 on: October 24, 2010, 01:22:29 AM »
 YEAH the greatest minds of the human race have proved that the person's personality dies if the brain vigorously pound with ex because there is no more electrochemical impulses between neurons occur. But they cannot prove that the life after life exists? hold on are we talking about afterlife or lifeafterlife, because there is the difference...


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #187 on: October 25, 2010, 06:29:33 PM »

 I'm not talking about anything but just an afterlife. To find out whether it exists one should just kill oneself and get back with report, I don't see any easier way.
 There is a story of the man who died and found out that the afterlife exists, then then he said - it's against my beliefs...
 ok I know my English sucks, so what your next say?

  It is pointless debating you. You learn nothing, refuse to accept answers when you get them and then repeat the same questions over and over again and make the same inane statements over and over again. At this point, you are really just arguing for the sake of arguing and have nothing of value to say. I am done with you.



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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #188 on: October 26, 2010, 12:26:34 AM »
 The more you talk the more it gets twisted and winded and in the end one is only left to spit near you and spread the arms out...


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #189 on: October 26, 2010, 09:43:02 AM »
 btw just today have read in The Brothers Karamazov -

 something like of Religion hopes to resurrect the dead ones (Does it God have an ability to resurrect the dead ones?). Ok the greatest minds of the human race, SUCKMYMUSCLE amongst them have proved that if the humans brain repeatedly and vigorously pound with heavy ex the brain doesn't survive, so dies persons personality, no activity in a smashed brain occurs. Well here is the next question when the scientists will prove that God cannot resurrect the dead ones, it should be proved, that God cannot do it and there is no afterlife


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Re: I Know For A Fact There's No Afterlife.
« Reply #190 on: October 26, 2010, 10:23:24 AM »
 Shoot me a pm asap when some scientist somewhere around the world proves that God cannot resurrect the dead ones!