Author Topic: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation  (Read 13311 times)


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #75 on: December 29, 2010, 06:53:21 PM »
I don't think it's just "Right Wingers" that have a problem with all of this. Obama is continually losing support from independents and several who typically identify themselves as left-leaning.

The idea of all this is to take away responsibility from the individual and rest the responsibility on the shoulders of the government. The idea is to create what Obama views as "fair" in the realm of personal liberty. The idea is for others to decide how much you are allowed to have. The basic idea is to create a nanny state because the idea is "They know better than you."

The health care bill was the first big step towards all of this because you can put anything on this earth under "health care" that's why there are so many random things in that bill that really have nothing to do with health care. It's also going to destroy insurance companies, this has already started, it is slowly but surly making being in the business of selling health insurance completely unprofitable and guess what, as much as it pains some people to think insurance companies should earn a profit, the truth is they have to or they can't remain in business and provide insurance. Yes, there needs to be regulation but not at the expense of the industry altogether.
I am amazed at the paranoid delusions I have been reading in this thread.  My lord the left would be ecstatic if Obama was any of the things you claim, but he is not, and they are pissed at him for it.  Obama is barely a progressive, he is a corporate shill, the same as every other politician, he is just shilling for different corporations than Bush.  I am just absolutely blown away that any sane person could think such things about Obama considering the outright Gift's Obama has made to Wall Street and how Obama ditched his entire political team that got him into the White House and replaced it with the Elite of Wall Street and Finance.  Have you read a single piece by Matt Tiabii that excoriates Obama for his corporate giveaways and his complete betrayal of his campaign rhetoric.  His health care plan sucks that is for damn sure, but it is a far cry from the socialistic "nightmare" that you are decrying.  The healthcare reform is really just a complete gift to the Insurance industry as Obama has offered them millions of new customers, paid for at the public expense, and whose rates are not going to be negotiated.  This is hardly anti-business, it is pro-busines, just a different business.  That is what you people have to get in your heads and wake up.  There is no way anyone desiring any real change to the system is ever getting elected for the presidency in this country, the system protects itself and we are provided the charade of having a voice every 4 years.  These rants about Obama hating America and how he is a commie intent on destroying America just make me laugh at how simplistic and easily manipulated people really are.  Distract the population with insane conspiracy theories to hide the theft of the country that is occurring right under our noses.  Are you really that untainted and idealistic that you think someone who has not been completely vetted by our ruling financial elite would ever even make it beyond city alderm in this country, or are you really just that paranoid about Obama, because either way, you are living in a world of pure fantasy if you think that anyone who desired anything other than what our corporate masters want is ever getting ahead in politics in this country.   There is definitely a conspiracy but you are looking in completely the wrong way towards some mythological monster from the 1950's that did not even exist then, much less now.  Sorry buddy, Obama is a corporate whore just like the rest of them, I love that you think someone could get elected who really wanted even marginal change, much less the complete destruction of our entire system. AS for the D'souza article, what an inspired piece of fiction, I give D'souza credit for inventiveness that is for sure.  It was a good laugh.  Carry on, I  am interested in how Obama is going to pull off this destruction of America, the great colonial oppressor!!!  Seriously, no really, seriously, you really think this?  Man and I thought the people who went on and on about Dick Cheny conspiracies were nutty.  You are swimming in peanut butter.


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #76 on: December 29, 2010, 07:10:13 PM »
Anyone who doubts me - needs to listen to the Ex-Ceo  of Shell on his meeting with Obama in 2007.

First off, the guy is not the CEO of Shell, he is president of the US division, a far, far cry from CEO.  Second, I listened to it and it is nothing other than the continued desire to get at deposits in the US which will not in any manner reduce the cost of oil on the market or what we pay at the pump but will enrich the companies who are able to extract the oil.  This is the same shit that was going on when the Cheney wanted to tear into Anwar and allow drilling right off the coast line, there is no benefit at all to the American consumer and all the economic data is there to prove this.  So we have almost nothing to gain, but as been morbidly illustrated by the Gulf disaster, we have everything to lose by opening up more areas to the type of destruction BP has brought to the Gulf Coast.  This is not Obama wanting to destroy America, this is actually a bit of commonsense being implemented instead of bowing to the oil industry's every whim.

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #77 on: December 29, 2010, 08:15:16 PM »
First off, the guy is not the CEO of Shell, he is president of the US division, a far, far cry from CEO.  Second, I listened to it and it is nothing other than the continued desire to get at deposits in the US which will not in any manner reduce the cost of oil on the market or what we pay at the pump but will enrich the companies who are able to extract the oil.  This is the same shit that was going on when the Cheney wanted to tear into Anwar and allow drilling right off the coast line, there is no benefit at all to the American consumer and all the economic data is there to prove this.  So we have almost nothing to gain, but as been morbidly illustrated by the Gulf disaster, we have everything to lose by opening up more areas to the type of destruction BP has brought to the Gulf Coast.  This is not Obama wanting to destroy America, this is actually a bit of commonsense being implemented instead of bowing to the oil industry's every whim.

you just made too much sense.3333 is going to hunt you down

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #78 on: December 30, 2010, 05:52:16 AM »
First off, the guy is not the CEO of Shell, he is president of the US division, a far, far cry from CEO.  Second, I listened to it and it is nothing other than the continued desire to get at deposits in the US which will not in any manner reduce the cost of oil on the market or what we pay at the pump but will enrich the companies who are able to extract the oil.  This is the same shit that was going on when the Cheney wanted to tear into Anwar and allow drilling right off the coast line, there is no benefit at all to the American consumer and all the economic data is there to prove this.  So we have almost nothing to gain, but as been morbidly illustrated by the Gulf disaster, we have everything to lose by opening up more areas to the type of destruction BP has brought to the Gulf Coast.  This is not Obama wanting to destroy America, this is actually a bit of commonsense being implemented instead of bowing to the oil industry's every whim.

 ::)  ::)

Ever here of basic supply and demand as well as there being no vible alternative foroil or gasow, or any time in the foreseeable future?  

Additionally - I have been hearing the same bogus shit for years - "It will take too long",  "we cant dril here", "we can'tdrill there"  blah blahblah  

In case you don't remember - the economy went off the cliff when prices went to $4 a gallon.   That was not a coincidence asour conomycan not grow or recover with high energy prices.  

Finally - Obama has already stated his goal is to jack up energy prices as high as possible.  What does that tell you?



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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #79 on: February 02, 2011, 07:30:38 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #80 on: February 17, 2011, 07:13:07 AM »
Does Obama Want the Best for America or Does He Want to Destroy It?
American Thinker ^ | 2-13-11 | Jack Kerwick

________________________ __________________-

Among pundits on the right, there has been disagreement for quite some time over the fundamental motives informing President Obama's agenda. Essentially two schools of thought on the matter have emerged.

One school insists that while the president's policy prescriptions are indeed ultimately destructive, he nevertheless genuinely believes that their implementation is what's best for the country. This is the position taken by the likes of, say, Bill O'Reilly and nationally syndicated radio talk show host Michael Medved.

Members of the other school are convinced that Obama is resolved to weaken America. Only a determination on his part to diminish the country's military and economic preeminence in the world and traditional liberties at home can account for an agenda that is so obviously destructive of the nation that we have always known. Among the most illustrious exponents of this view is Rush Limbaugh.

Adherents of the first position think that the adherents of the second line are idiotic, if not "crazy" (although, interestingly, they haven't dared to call out by name "the King of talk radio" who has been in the vanguard of advancing it); champions of the latter believe that the former are naïve and confused.

This may come as a shock to both sets of apologists, but a synthesis of their perspectives is attainable.

Though there have been more than a few thinkers who have quarreled with it, the thesis that no one ever chooses evil for its own sake has an impressive pedigree stretching back into antiquity. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Christian theorists up to the present day have affirmed that evil is always done for the sake of some perceived good -- pleasure, riches, power, fame, love, and so forth. It is in light of this principle that we can hope to go some distance in reconciling these two competing positions on Obama's intentions.

The idea that the President of the United States wakes up each morning scheming over how he may ruin the country over which he presides is, of course, the stuff of fantasy. Contrary to what the Michael Medveds insinuate, however, I don't think for a second that either Rush or the legions of people who share his view of Obama entertain this view. Still, given the baldness with which Rush and others have stated their position, I suppose it lends itself to this caricature.

But it is similarly foolish to think that it is from nothing other than the union of an ignorance of the most basic economic principles and a comparable ignorance of history that the President's obviously destructive policies are begotten. Regrettably, to hear O'Reilly and Medved speak, one could be forgiven for concluding that this is what they really think.

While discussing this issue with a friend of mine recently, he reminded me of C.S Lewis' argument regarding the Jesus who is presented to us in the pages of the New Testament: either Jesus was the Son of God, as He claimed, or else He was an egomaniac or a madman. Given the self-referential remarks that the Biblical authors attribute to Jesus, there is simply no other alternative. Likewise, my friend continued, Obama's utterances and deeds are born of either an invincible ignorance of their consequences -- in which case he is without question the most incompetent president of all time -- or a plan to ruin America -- in which case he is indeed guilty of the designs that Rush and others ascribe to him. There is no third possibility.

Or maybe there is.

Obama knows that his economic policies are productive of neither liberty as traditionally conceived by Americans nor prosperity. He would have to be, not just the most incompetent president ever, but among the most dense of human beings, for given the extensive exposure that he has had to both Keynesian and neo-Marxian philosophy -- anyone who takes the time to read his memoirs, particularly his first, and who considers the worldview of the people with whom he has surrounded himself for most of his life would know this -- he could only know by now full well the fruits that these policies promise to reap.

But from this it doesn't follow that Obama anticipates the ruination of America as such. There can be no doubt, I think, that he wants to preside over an America that is morally superior and, hence, better, than the country that elected him two years ago. The problem, though, is that the America of Obama's imaginings is radically unlike the America to which most of its citizens have an acquired affection and even more unlike the America within which their ancestors made their home. That is, the "fundamental transformation" that Obama wants to visit upon America demands nothing more or less than the death of America as it is currently constituted; only once America as a living reality is eliminated can America as Obama's ideal be substituted for it.

The philosopher Ronald Dworkin once said that "a more equal society" -- a society the resources of which are equally "distributed" -- is better than the contrary, even if its citizens prefer inequality. Anyone who has paid any attention at all to Obama must know that he couldn't agree more with this thought.

So, our president does indeed think that as a people, Americans will be "better" in the wake of the "fundamental transformation" that he wants to impose upon us. So the O'Reillys and Medveds are correct in this respect. However, neither Rush, myself, nor the large numbers of Americans who love the liberties which our forefathers labored indefatigably to bequeath to us are likely to receive much consolation from this. After all, the fact remains that his intentions aside, our president is determined to see the historic nation that is the real America go the way of the dinosaur.


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #81 on: February 17, 2011, 07:23:25 AM »
 Obama is a KGB agent! Everybody loves America!

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #82 on: February 17, 2011, 07:57:14 AM »

 ::)  ::)

Ever here of basic supply and demand as well as there being no vible alternative foroil or gasow, or any time in the foreseeable future?  

Additionally - I have been hearing the same bogus shit for years - "It will take too long",  "we cant dril here", "we can'tdrill there"  blah blahblah  

In case you don't remember - the economy went off the cliff when prices went to $4 a gallon.   That was not a coincidence asour conomycan not grow or recover with high energy prices.  

Finally - Obama has already stated his goal is to jack up energy prices as high as possible.  What does that tell you?


Hey send me te article that obama said he wanted to make gas unaffordable

Soul Crusher

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #83 on: February 27, 2011, 09:00:44 AM »

Well-Meaning or Not, Obama Threatens America
Pajamas Media ^ | February 26, 2011 | Mike McDaniel

A wealth of evidence points to an inescapable conclusion.

 In an Feb. 14 Wall Street Journal article, Michael Medved asserts, by way of title, “Obama Isn’t Trying to ‘Weaken America.’” A film critic and generally conservative cultural commentator, Medved only approaches the primary thrust of his argument in his final paragraph when he writes:

Americans may not see a given president as their advocate, but they’re hardly disposed to view him as their enemy — and a furtive, determined enemy at that. For 2012, Republicans face a daunting challenge in running against the president. That challenge becomes impossible if they’re also perceived as running against the presidency.

As a 2012 political strategy, Medved’s final point is, as far as it goes, reasonable. However, the rest of his essay often argues against his thesis, which seems to be that Mr. Obama is not consciously trying to harm America and is a conventional American president and politician with conventional political goals and aspirations. If one assumes, for the sake of argument, that this is true — if Mr. Obama is, with the best intentions and with good will, pursuing policies that are manifestly harmful to America and Americans — the end result is the same. The matter of his motivations will doubtless be a ripe controversy for future historians, but will matter little to contemporary Americans, who will suffer regardless.

Medved begins his essay with a quote from John Adams: “I pray heaven to bestow the best of blessing on this house and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May not but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof.” Medved mentions some who were not so wise and honest in making the point that the quality of our presidents has always been limited by the fact that we are limited to choosing from the human race. “For all their foibles, every president attempted to rise to the challenges of leadership and never displayed disloyal or treasonous intent. This history makes some of the current charges about Barack Obama especially distasteful — and destructive to the conservative cause.” Perhaps, but only if Mr. Obama is unquestionably a member of that august company.

Mr. Medved quotes a number of prominent conservative commentators to level a blanket criticism:

None of the attacks on Mr. Obama’s intentions offers an even vaguely plausible explanation of how the evil genius, once he has ruined our “strength, influence and standard of living,” hopes to get himself re-elected. In a sense, the president’s most paranoid critics pay him a perverse compliment in maintaining that his idealism burns with such pure, all-consuming heat that he remains blissfully unconcerned with minor matters like his electoral future. They label Mr. Obama as the political equivalent of a suicide bomber: so overcome with hatred (or “rage”) that he’s perfectly willing to blow himself up in order to inflict casualties on a society he loathes.

Thinking that Mr. Obama is a conventional American politician who will react in predictable, rational ways to common American political stimuli is a common mistake, so it is unsurprising that Mr. Medved makes it. But Mr. Obama manifestly and demonstrably is not a convention politician. The evidence is stark and easy to find for those willing to see.

Mr. Obama is a doctrinaire socialist who does not, perhaps cannot, see that the pursuit of socialist policies is harmful to America and harmful to his electoral prospects. He simply can’t bring himself to believe that the public won’t ultimately be grateful to him and catapult him back into the White House. Recall that he has, on more than one occasion, said that people ought to be thanking him for imposing socialist policies, and in making those statements, seemed genuinely puzzled and angry that they were not.

Begin with the reality that Mr. Obama is a socialist. Those doubting this assertion of fact need only refer to Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. There, Stanley Kurtz meticulously and undeniably lays bare Mr. Obama’s socialist education, associations, mentoring, roots, beliefs, and actions. Let us also keep in mind that socialism, like Marxism, is fundamentally incompatible with freedom, democracy, and capitalism as embodied in America’s founding documents and as practiced in America. If Mr. Obama is indeed a socialist — and he is — then his belief system, his way of thinking, is innately hostile to America. Socialism and American democracy cannot coexist, so if Mr. Obama is pursuing socialist policies, American democracy must, of necessity, be weakened or destroyed.

But if this is true, how did Mr. Obama become president? It boils down to this: He lied. He lied about who he is, about his background, his fundamental beliefs, his intentions, and his methods. He employed standard Marxist/socialist tactics and concealed his true nature so as to seize power and impose his will, and for two years, he pretty much got away with it. A recurring theme of Mr. Medved’s article is that such things are impossible, as Mr. Obama — like all politicians — wants to be reelected. Put aside, for the moment, that Mr. Obama has addressed this issue explicitly, saying that he’d rather accomplish his (socialist) goals than be a two-term president.

Consider then the following examples, not by any means an exhaustive list:

(1) Mr. Obama’s 2012 budget flies in the face of fiscal and political reality. Not only does it fail to actually cut spending, it dramatically increases spending — and the deficit — far into the future, while raising taxes, ignoring the entitlement crisis, and continuing the promulgation of policies that can have no result other than to destroy the creation of wealth, jobs, and the economy. America is broke, beyond broke, and the utter dissolution of our existing entitlements — not considering ObamaCare — is imminent. Unemployment is arguably at 10.3%; virtually every economic indicator is in the toilet. Any responsible president, any president for whom the welfare of the nation is his first concern, will not propose a budget that spends, now and into the future, far more money than America produces and can possibly take in or repay. Yet Mr. Obama wants to spend billions on projects like high-speed rail, a boondoggle the public neither wants nor needs.

(2) Since taking office, Mr. Obama has serially and crudely insulted our strongest and most faithful allies, such as Great Britain and Israel, while extending “outreach” to virtually every thuggish, repressive, anti-democratic regime on the planet. His repeated threats to establish yet another deadline when Iran violates the last have established only his impotence. Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, and all Mr. Obama can do is threaten to trot out even more threatening rhetoric.

(3) Mr. Obama’s neophyte involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process” has served only to destroy it. He tried to force concessions on Israel that even Palestinian President Abbas admitted the Palestinians did not want, destroying any contemporary chance for peace.

(4) Mr. Obama’s statements and policies, across the board, are nothing less than Islamic boosterism. Any president serving as a cheerleader for say, Catholicism, would be rightfully criticized, but a starstruck media and a benumbed public have nothing to say when the head of NASA announces a new, primary mission, handed down from Mr. Obama, to make Muslims feel good about the scientific accomplishments of their ancient ancestors. Of course, since Mr. Obama has impaired NASA’s budget to the point of driving it entirely out of space, ancient Muslim outreach may be all that it can afford to do.

(5) One of the only constants in Mr. Obama’s foreign policy is a reflexive, mindless support for Marxist and/or Islamist despotism. Take the example of Honduras, where a Marxist president attempted to overthrow the Honduran Constitution and install himself as ruler for life. Adhering to the rule of law, the Hondurans threw him out of office and out of the country. Mr. Obama immediately sided with the Marxist, and has personally, and through the State Department, supported him against the Honduran rule of law ever since.

(6) Mr. Obama has appointed avowed Marxists (Van Jones) and worshippers of Communist mass murderers (Anita Dunn) to high-ranking positions in his administration. For any other American president, even contemplating such appointments would be unthinkable. For Mr. Obama, so low have our expectations sunk that it’s almost unremarkable.

(7) Venezuela has taken delivery of some 2,000 Russian man-portable, anti-aircraft missiles. It has entered into an agreement with Iran to build ground-to-ground missile bases in Venezuela, stocked with Iranian missiles capable of carrying nuclear and/or biological warheads that could reach virtually anywhere in America. Mr. Obama has had nothing to say about this, and has apparently done nothing at all to stop it. Did I mention that Mr. Chavez is also going to build a nuclear reactor capable of producing weapons-grade materials? Neither did Mr. Obama.

(8) Mr. Obama has done enormous harm to immigration policy and national security. He has sued Arizona for daring to try to enforce immigration laws that he will not, and surrendered huge portions of the southern United States to terrorists and drug cartels, posting signs warning Americans to stay out of those areas for their own safety.

(9) Mr. Obama and his administration refuse to identify our Islamist enemy, and continue to pursue policies that make Americans far less safe, including trying terrorists in civilian courts and establishing a paralyzing regime of political correctness in every governmental institution. Despite recent speeches by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, all acknowledging not only the failure but danger of multicultural political correctness, Mr. Obama shows no sign of abandoning socialist multi-culti orthodoxy.

(10) When the Iranian public rose up against the mullahs, Mr. Obama ignored them, giving lip service to “bearing witness.” When the Egyptian uprising occurred, Mr. Obama flip- flopped, offering support to the protestors one day and to Mr. Mubarak the next. He succeeded only in alienating virtually everyone in the region, giving Islamists a boost by declining to delegitimize the Muslim Brotherhood, and encouraging its involvement in an Egyptian government. In so doing, he convinced the leaders of every Middle Eastern nation that as an enemy, America under Obama is harmless, and as a friend, fickle and treacherous.

(11) Under Eric Holder, Mr. Obama’s Justice Department has pursued blatantly racist and class warfare policies, refusing to pursue — as a matter of internally declared policy — cases where non-blacks are discriminated against in violation of federal law. Mr. Holder has also allowed states to blatantly violate federal law that requires that overseas members of our military receive absentee ballots prior to elections. (Our military members tend to vote overwhelmingly for conservatives.)

(12) While decrying America’s reliance on regimes hostile to American interests for energy, Mr. Obama has cut off domestic exploration and production, actually saying that he wants energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket” to better force socialist policies on the public. He has announced his goal of destroying the coal industry in America. His administration has ignored court orders to issue new drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico and has blatantly doctored scientific evidence — and been caught in the attempt — to support its unsupportable policies.

(13) Mr. Obama rammed through ObamaCare against the wishes of the public, and has continually lied about its contents, effects, costs, and consequences. Even though Great Britain and Canada are beginning to back away from the well-documented daily horrors of socialized medicine, Mr. Obama blindly rushes ahead into that pit of despair. The largest single entitlement program in history, ObamaCare alone will bankrupt the nation. This despite the fact that without considering ObamaCare, Mr. Obama has spent more money — money that we do not have — in only two years in office than every other president combined. He is laboring mightily to make things worse, much worse.

(14) Mr. Obama federalized the entire student loan industry as part of ObamaCare (!) — apparently as prelude to his oft-expressed desire that everyone attend college on the public dime, equally apparently whether they need (or want) to or not. Add to this faulty calculation the bursting of the higher education bubble, fueled by out-of-control loan and tuition costs, and by the fact that a bachelor’s degree no longer guarantees employment or an enhanced yearly wage. Mr. Obama’s actions serve only to further depress the private sector, reducing tax revenues while providing no public benefit.

(15) Under the guise of saving it, Mr. Obama has federalized 2/3 of the domestic auto industry, enriching his union supporters.

(16) Mr. Obama and his various State Department functionaries, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have so berated America in foreign capitals and elsewhere that their enmity toward America can scarcely be denied. Any man who spoke of the alleged failings and faults of his wife the way Mr. Obama and his administration speak of America would be hard pressed to make anyone believe that he loved and respected her.

Imagine, if you will, a socialist/Marxist president whose party controlled both houses of Congress and who was determined to actually harm America diplomatically, domestically, economically, and in every other way. Apart from building a domestic KGB-like intelligence apparatus and paramilitary force, how would such a president and his actions differ from Mr. Obama and his own?

Each of the few examples I’ve provided are, by themselves, cause for alarm in a people dedicated to liberty and prosperity. Taken together, they suggest that far more than poor policy, incompetence, stubbornness, or stupidity are at work.

It may be argued that Mr. Obama’s expressed and implied beliefs and actions merely reflect a profound lack of experience, perhaps even utter incompetence, and there is doubtless some significant element of this present in the Obama administration at virtually all levels. Witness the recent pronouncement of CIA Director Leon Panetta, who admitted that the information on Egypt he gave the same committee was not the fruits of professional CIA analysis, but of media accounts.

Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano is likewise a fount of late night TV talk show jokes, and Vice President Joe “The Sheriff” Biden is in a gaffetastic class by himself.

The problem, for Mr. Medved, and the nation, is that mere incompetence cannot adequately explain away Mr. Obama’s background, his expressed and implied beliefs, or his associations, appointments, and official actions. Believing that he actually wishes America harm is, in light of the voluminous and growing evidence, not unfounded but logical — not a reactionary, emotional conclusion but a reasonable one based on objective evidence, most of which has been provided by Mr. Obama himself.

If this was not so, wouldn’t at least some of his policies have the consequence of substantially and honestly benefiting America?

And reelection? Wouldn’t any normal politician acting as Mr. Obama has acted and continues to act be committing political suicide? Wouldn’t he know this and engage in Clintonian triangulation, at least giving the appearance of tracking to the center? Yes. But Mr. Obama is not a conventional politician.

All politicians, particularly presidents, have healthy egos, but Mr. Obama’s narcissism is the stuff of legend. Consider his pseudo- presidential Great Seal of Obama; his extra-constitutional and non-existent “Office of the President-Elect”; his Marxist, Cold War-inspired propaganda posters and symbols; his announcement, upon receiving his party’s nomination for president, that history would record it as the moment the seas began to recede and the planet began to heal; or his response to a Democrat worried about the outcome of the 2010 Congressional election that Democrats had nothing to worry about “because you have me.” One might be forgiven for believing that Mr. Obama’s narcissism gets in the way of a clear-eyed, realistic view of the world.

Bill Clinton did indeed tack toward the center to ensure his reelection. He was not a socialist and did not surround himself with socialist radicals. There is reason to believe that Mr. Obama would like to be reelected, but there is greater reason to believe that he, first and foremost, sees the world through Obama-colored glasses. Peering through those lenses, he sees a world not only hanging on his words, grateful to receive them and anxious to act upon them, but breathlessly waiting for him to bestow his transformative words. He sees a world where his rhetoric and the force of his personality and matchless intellect can and will cause transformative change. He sees a world where foreign policy is an annoying distraction from his true interest in, as he has often put it, “fundamentally changing America.”

Despite his protestations (common God- and gun-clinging folk would call them “lies”) to the contrary, Mr. Obama sees as one of his guiding principles the necessity and morality of redistributing wealth. He made this clear when Joe the Plumber dared ask him if he was going to raise his taxes and Obama replied that he believed that things were better if you spread the wealth around. And of course, no one is more qualified to know to whom it should be spread than Mr. Obama, who makes a virtual sacrament of class warfare — particularly against the evil and greedy rich, a class to which one need make a surprisingly small amount to belong. (I seem to remember something about class warfare being an integral part of Marxist theory.)

Mr. Medved is correct in suggesting that it would be unwise for the GOP to attack the presidency, but he makes the same mistake made by Mr. Obama in equating Mr. Obama with the presidency. This is a significant part of the reason why Mr. Obama fails so badly in foreign policy: he speaks not as the president of the United States, willing and able to use its might and prestige to further American interests, but as Barack Obama, who routinely disparages America’s might and prestige, seeks to further his interests, and diminishes not only his office but the nation it exists to serve. His ego keeps him from understanding this distinction, but it is surely appreciated by foreign leaders who fear and respect him not.

In the 2012 election, the GOP standard bearer should not make the same mistake made by Sen. John McCain. He must be willing and able to criticize every negative and foolish aspect of Mr. Obama’s ideas, policies, associations, appointments, and beliefs. He must be willing and able to point out exactly why Mr. Obama is not fit to occupy the Oval Office. He must make plain that the office of the President does not exist to empower its occupant to “fundamentally change” America, to ignore the Constitution, and to gain ultimate, intimate power over the lives of its citizens, but to faithfully uphold the Constitution and to ensure individual dignity and liberty. This is not attacking the presidency, but upholding its dignity and importance — a dignity and importance substantially diminished by Mr. Obama. John Adams would almost certainly think him neither honest nor wise.


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #84 on: February 28, 2011, 01:55:36 AM »
I am amazed at the paranoid delusions I have been reading in this thread.  My lord the left would be ecstatic if Obama was any of the things you claim, but he is not, and they are pissed at him for it.  Obama is barely a progressive, he is a corporate shill, the same as every other politician, he is just shilling for different corporations than Bush.  I am just absolutely blown away that any sane person could think such things about Obama considering the outright Gift's Obama has made to Wall Street and how Obama ditched his entire political team that got him into the White House and replaced it with the Elite of Wall Street and Finance.  Have you read a single piece by Matt Tiabii that excoriates Obama for his corporate giveaways and his complete betrayal of his campaign rhetoric.  His health care plan sucks that is for damn sure, but it is a far cry from the socialistic "nightmare" that you are decrying.  The healthcare reform is really just a complete gift to the Insurance industry as Obama has offered them millions of new customers, paid for at the public expense, and whose rates are not going to be negotiated.  This is hardly anti-business, it is pro-busines, just a different business.  That is what you people have to get in your heads and wake up.  There is no way anyone desiring any real change to the system is ever getting elected for the presidency in this country, the system protects itself and we are provided the charade of having a voice every 4 years.  These rants about Obama hating America and how he is a commie intent on destroying America just make me laugh at how simplistic and easily manipulated people really are.  Distract the population with insane conspiracy theories to hide the theft of the country that is occurring right under our noses.  Are you really that untainted and idealistic that you think someone who has not been completely vetted by our ruling financial elite would ever even make it beyond city alderm in this country, or are you really just that paranoid about Obama, because either way, you are living in a world of pure fantasy if you think that anyone who desired anything other than what our corporate masters want is ever getting ahead in politics in this country.   There is definitely a conspiracy but you are looking in completely the wrong way towards some mythological monster from the 1950's that did not even exist then, much less now.  Sorry buddy, Obama is a corporate whore just like the rest of them, I love that you think someone could get elected who really wanted even marginal change, much less the complete destruction of our entire system. AS for the D'souza article, what an inspired piece of fiction, I give D'souza credit for inventiveness that is for sure.  It was a good laugh.  Carry on, I  am interested in how Obama is going to pull off this destruction of America, the great colonial oppressor!!!  Seriously, no really, seriously, you really think this?  Man and I thought the people who went on and on about Dick Cheny conspiracies were nutty.  You are swimming in peanut butter.


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2011, 04:17:14 AM »
Go listen to the drew interview I posted.  Obama told his college collegues he was a radical marxist intent on communist revolution. But oh yeah, you know more than drm drew.


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #86 on: February 28, 2011, 04:29:31 AM »
Go listen to the drew interview I posted.  Obama told his college collegues he was a radical marxist intent on communist revolution. But oh yeah, you know more than drm drew.

I dont know either of them so he might know more than this Drew guy who knows..,.

If Obama is a commie he would hate big coorporations right?

Why did he initiate the stimulus to save them then?

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #87 on: February 28, 2011, 04:34:05 AM »
Ha ha ha ha.  Have you ever read a history book about revolutions and who funds them?  Lenin was backed by wall street. 

And the stim bill did nothing but keep public sector unions employed. 

Go listen to the Drew interview and come back. 


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #88 on: February 28, 2011, 04:46:10 AM »

Do people really not understand what employees are for?  

You start a business because you believe you have the ability to produce some kind of "good" that people "need."   You believe you can produce the goods cheaper than you will sell them for and hope that there is enough of a "market" of buyers to allow you to earn a profit.

Employees are hired when demand is high enough to require more production than you can do alone.  
Employees aren't hired because of tax incentives.

Maybe I didn't pay attention before, but the garbage I've heard about "jobs" in the past year has me completely dumbfounded.
People really seem to have no idea what an employee actually is.  
You don't create jobs by "creative policies."  
     Who the fuck thinks that businesses are going to hire an UNNEEDED employee $30k (or possibly much more..) a year in order to get a $5,000 tax      
     break?  The businesses aren't hiring because they don't need the employees.  There isn't enough WORK for them.  People aren't buying shit.  

I'm literally astounded by the job "plans" I see being discussed by the elected officials.  
Why the fuck am I going to hire someone I don't need...someone I don't have work for...someone I have to pay a shit ton of money every week to just sit that I can get a minor tax incentive?  

You want me to hire employees? 
Get rid of the uncertainty about my future taxes. 
Give me a reason to think the economy is going to rebound. 
Give me a reason to think that people will return to buying goods at a higher rate.
Quit loading me with restrictions and growth smothering regulations so that I can try to grow my business (i.e. have a need for more workers) without being punished for it.

Business don't hire employees because "people need jobs." 
They hire employees because people are buying their products, they take the risk of expanding their production.....and NEED employees to fuel that expansion. 



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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #89 on: February 28, 2011, 04:53:33 AM »
no tony...bush did everything right economically for 8 years to lead to state of the economy at the culmination of his term...

I love how the republican party spend like there was no tomorrow under Bush and didnt give a rats ass about the deficit, but know Obama is in office the deficit is suddenly so important

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #90 on: February 28, 2011, 04:57:47 AM »
Are you joking? 


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #91 on: February 28, 2011, 05:11:22 AM »
Are you joking? 

Actually no

Ron Paul was talking about the coming crisis and the need for reducing the deficit also by cutting the military etc

All his repub co-runners used this against him claiming he was weak on terror bla bla marginalising him and the need for action in this area

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #92 on: February 28, 2011, 05:17:44 AM »
Actually no

Ron Paul was talking about the coming crisis and the need for reducing the deficit also by cutting the military etc

All his repub co-runners used this against him claiming he was weak on terror bla bla marginalising him and the need for action in this area

Bush did spend too much yes, but on a matter of scale, its nothing compared to what we see now.   Everything bad bush did, Obama is doubling and tripling in terms of insanity.   

And what was the average deficit while GWB and GOP controlled congress compared to when the Dems took over congress in 2006?     


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #93 on: February 28, 2011, 06:05:04 AM »
Its no excuse for shitty politics that the other guy does it worse

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #94 on: February 28, 2011, 06:12:53 AM »
Its no excuse for shitty politics that the other guy does it worse

No its not - but Team Kneepad tries to make it that - Its ok for obama to be horriblebecause GWB was horrible too.   Mind you, they consider GWB the worst ever, so what does that say?   


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #95 on: February 28, 2011, 06:31:34 AM »

No its not - but Team Kneepad tries to make it that - Its ok for obama to be horriblebecause GWB was horrible too.   Mind you, they consider GWB the worst ever, so what does that say?   

It goes both ways of course

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #96 on: February 28, 2011, 07:22:49 AM »

Obama’s Socialism
by Uncommon Knowledge

President Obama’s cult of personality and feel-good message of “change” allowed him to sail through the 2008 campaign without being thoroughly vetted by the press.  No one took the time to delve into his past and look at his influences, his actions, or his political theory.  And when something did come up, the press allowed him to skate on by rather than press him for real information (Jeremiah Wright, anyone?).

Recent guest  Stanley Kurtz decided to do what the press failed to do – take an honest look at Obama’s politics.   His investigation resulted in Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. In this episode, Kurtz discusses the many socialist influences in Obama’s life, from his college years to his time as a community organizer, with men such as Bill Ayers, Frank Marshal Davis, and Jeremiah Wright.

In examining Obama’s main mentors, Kurtz begins to see a clear ideology that motivates the President’s disdain for the middle class, take-no-prisoners approach to passing socialized healthcare, reluctance to discuss political theory and desire for, ultimately, a socialist revolution.

Here is the full episode, you won’t want to miss it:

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #97 on: January 20, 2012, 09:43:37 AM »


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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #98 on: January 20, 2012, 10:06:06 AM »
After giving 2 billion to Brazil and then losing the oil, veto'ing Keystone, shutting down the coal plants, and refusing to give drilling permits to the Gulf, I think its becoming pretty obvious.

I went from thinking Obama was just ignorant and hardheaded, to believing no one can be this stupid and the only explanation is he's willing to destroy the country to try and push his "ideal vision" on the public.

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Re: Proof: Obama is Trying to Collapse the Nation
« Reply #99 on: January 20, 2012, 10:08:18 AM »
After giving 2 billion to Brazil and then losing the oil, veto'ing Keystone, shutting down the coal plants, and refusing to give drilling permits to the Gulf, I think its becoming pretty obvious.

I went from thinking Obama was just ignorant and hardheaded, to believing no one can be this stupid and the only explanation is he's willing to destroy the country to try and push his "ideal vision" on the public.
