Author Topic: I'm throwing in the towel!  (Read 16558 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2010, 08:19:32 PM »
Does the nerve impingement interfere with your ability to use your muscles?  I feel like I could certainly have a problem like that.

Things might be different if I had a lot of money and access to good, knowledgeable physicians, but at this point I think all I can do is sit back and see if things work themselves out while I try to lose some weight.

The impingments make my arms go numb and I get pain going all the way down my elbow. My neck hurts like hell all the time to. Doc sayed they're impinged in the c5, c6 area. I have bad posture so it makes it worse plus I'm hunched over the computer alot I need a better chair and desk to use. If you have insurnace I would try to find a doc. If you can't get to a doc figure out some good streches to do and give your body some time to heal.


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2010, 08:19:56 PM »

I crammed my face religiously with meals I hated, worked out six days a week, and tirelessly sought to improve my performance in the gym by learning more and trying to correct issues with recovery, flexibility, diet, lifting technique, etc.

I beat my body into a pulp and forced it to keep going.  I know the results aren't that great, but what can I say... I was very very stupid in the gym for a long time.

And now my body just won't cooperate.  That's all that's happened, nothing more, nothing less.  Laziness, however, is one thing I don't think I can be accused of.

probably need to give it a rest always trying to lift as hard as possible and eat as much as possible, you will be surprised how fast you bounce back and ready to go at it again.

that's what usually happens, workload in the gym goes up you food intake go up and so on, until you are maxed out and then keeping at it until you burn out severely. that used to always happen to me, in terms of what you can do. then you should to take a break if you can make yourself to take a break that's hardest part.


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2010, 08:20:53 PM »
I'm planning on doing all that, except HIIT!

I might do HIIT if it seems necessary, but I was going to try to follow wavelength's protocol first.  Any I'm not really going to go out of my way to lose muscle, it's just that I don't expect to be able to hang onto it while dieting down because my workouts suck so much these days from all the injuries.



ok im gonna tell you how it is, you have not been bodybuilding for 8 years. bodybuilding is about training the whole physique and matching the whole thing together. you do not train legs. in your mind you might think so, but belive me you dont. you want to be lean and just look good from the waist up. thats fine, allot of guys have this goal and its ok. but you are and never were bodybuilding. ok., now if your lean look is your goal, stop eating immediately, do cardio and thats all.

you dont need drugs to be 185 with stick legs. ok. so stop crying and get on the fucking stepmill, or something. and stop fucking eating.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2010, 08:21:40 PM »
You look great in the second pic.  I don't understand why you wanted to move away from that physique in the first place


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2010, 08:24:58 PM »
probably need to give it a rest always trying to lift as hard as possible and eat as much as possible, you will be surprised how fast you bounce back and ready to go at it again.

that's what usually happens, workload in the gym goes up you food intake go up and so on, until you are maxed out and then keeping at it until you burn out severely. that used to always happen to me, in terms of what you can do. then you should to take a break if you can make yourself to take a break that's hardest part.

How long would you say is needed?  This sounds like me.  And yes, taking a break is very, very hard!  I need to see progress, so that's why I've set myself up with a goal that heads in the opposite direction.

ok im gonna tell you how it is, you have not been bodybuilding for 8 years. bodybuilding is about training the whole physique and matching the whole thing together. you do not train legs. in your mind you might think so, but belive me you dont. you want to be lean and just look good from the waist up. thats fine, allot of guys have this goal and its ok. but you are and never were bodybuilding. ok., now if your lean look is your goal, stop eating immediately, do cardio and thats all.

you dont need drugs to be 185 with stick legs. ok. so stop crying and get on the fucking stepmill, or something. and stop fucking eating.

LOL I train legs!  You have to understand how pathetic my legs used to be... I literally could not tell I had any muscle on them.  I would press into them and hit bone immediately.  Also, I have had very horrible squat technique for many years which never allowed me to lift more than 315, or 4 plates a side on the hacksquat.  I think I've corrected my technique, but lots of damage has been done in my lower back, which I think needs some serious time to heal.  They measure 26 in. from 4 inches above the knee.  I realize I have weak legs though, and weak arms.  I wanted desperately to bring up all my bodyparts to the same level but I've had enough.  Maybe next time.

You look great in the second pic.  I don't understand why you wanted to move away from that physique in the first place

At that time I had no legs, and I was very very small.  That pic is misleading.  I weighed 185 probably 8% bf at 6'3".  I agree, from the front with no shirt I looked decent to the average person.  But I wanted to look like a bodybuilder!  I wouldn't mind looking like that now, especially as I have a more even physique overall these days.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2010, 08:28:42 PM »
 I don't understand why some guys injure themselves so much. I've been lifitng since 1994 and never injured myself. Except one time when some weights fell in my face.

 Just lift smart and use tension instead of destroying yourself.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2010, 08:33:38 PM »
I don't understand why some guys injure themselves so much. I've been lifitng since 1994 and never injured myself. Except one time when some weights fell in my face.

 Just lift smart and use tension instead of destroying yourself.

Some people are more susceptible to injury, and additionally some are very stupid, such as I, and try to lift the weights regardless of what their body tells them.  I came into bodybuilding thinking that I needed to give 200% effort and destroy myself or else I wasn't going to grow an ounce.  I know better now but I feel like the damage has been done.


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2010, 08:43:20 PM »
Today I got home and thought, "I've had it!  I can't go through another crappy workout!"  The thought of doing arms and shoulders tomorrow, getting no pump, lifting no weight, and going home dejected again only to cram my face full of chicken and rice, hoping "better luck next time!" made me sick.

I've been "bodybuilding" for seven, almost eight years now and only just recently started reading getbig.  Before this, I had no idea how prevalent steroid use was outside of professional and amateur competition, or that mutant physiques could be achieved in just a few months with the right drugs and a solid foundation!  Anyway that's somewhat beside the point.

The point is, bodybuilding just isn't rewarding for me anymore, and hasn't been for a long time, now that I think about it.  I've always had an obsessive drive in the gym, and this got me hurt many, many times.  I rarely did research on training technique unless I had an injury and couldn't progress.  And even then, I would rather push through and eek out one more rep just to beat the logbook than pay attention to my body's warning signals.  Eventually I learned that I had to listen to my instincts in the gym, but I'm afraid it's too late.  These days, every time I set foot in the gym I feel like I'm walking on pins and needles -- one false move and my lower back is out for a week.  Additionally my muscles feel dead and unresponsive probably ninety percent of the time, which is by far the most frustrating feeling.

I don't mean to ramble, so I'll wrap this up.  Tonight, I decided to lose it all.  All my fat, and maybe even all my muscle (we'll see).  Especially I want to lose this massive, distended gut (my waistline is over 42 inches now from massive overeating -- 5500 clean calories a day).  Another factor contributing to my decision is my genetic predisposition for hypertension.  I've spent the last several years of my life probably above 150 / 80-90, and that has to change sooner or later.

After reading wavelengths dieting strategy, I've decided to make a diet plan tonight, and for once take things in the opposite direction.  I'll do my best in the gym, three times a week, but honestly at this point I don't even care if I lose lots of muscle.  After thinking about my workouts and analyzing everything day and night in hopes of further progress, I've come to the conclusion that the best thing for me right now is to simply lay off and hope my body can repair itself.  If that happens, maybe I'll come back some day, and use all that I've learned to do things right.

Anyway, enough dreariness!  :D

I want to go from this:

(~257 lbs)

back to this:

(~185 lbs -- I had no legs  :o)

and beyond!
Nice meltdown, cyphilis.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #33 on: December 13, 2010, 08:48:08 PM »
Nice meltdown, cyphilis.

Actually "chaos", if my memory is correct his screen name shares a similarity with your own.  Both are based in ancient Greek/Roman mythology.  Not in STDs. Unless of course your's pays homage to the enemies of Maxwell Smart.  You're welcome.  ;D


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #34 on: December 13, 2010, 08:56:56 PM »
Actually "chaos", if my memory is correct his screen name shares a similarity with your own.  Both are based in ancient Greek/Roman mythology.  Not in STDs. Unless of course your's pays homage to the enemies of Maxwell Smart.  You're welcome.  ;D
Are you fucking retarded ???


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #35 on: December 13, 2010, 09:05:18 PM »
Are you fucking retarded ???

No, but I'll wager you are, you simple minded product of an incestuous relationship coupled with a decade or more of arduous drug ingestion.  WTF?  You're barking up the wrong tree, or in your particular case, you're trying to hump the wrong leg, sport.  Ordinarily, people live and learn but you, you just live.  You're lucky that both respiratory and circulatory systems in the human body are involuntary, elsewise you'd die from the mental effort of breathing alone.

If you want to try and fuck with someone, go find a close relative.  Oh...wait.  There are too many syllables in the majority of my words.  Here, let me "chaosize" it for you.  Fuck off.

By the way, you dolt.  I was complementing you on your choice in screen names.  Perhaps I was wrong about you.  Much like the person that told you to be yourself.  Keep it up ace.  ;D


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #36 on: December 13, 2010, 09:07:46 PM »
No, but I'll wager you are, you simple minded product of an incestuous relationship coupled with a decade or more of arduous drug ingestion.  WTF?  You're barking up the wrong tree, or in your particular case, you're trying to hump the wrong leg, sport.  Ordinarily, people live and learn but you, you just live.  You're lucky that both respiratory and circulatory systems in the human body are involuntary, elsewise you'd die from the mental effort of breathing alone.

If you want to try and fuck with someone, go find a close relative.  Oh...wait.  There are too many syllables in the majority of my words.  Here, let me "chaosize" it for you.  Fuck off.

By the way, you dolt.  I was complementing you on your choice in screen names.  Perhaps I was wrong about you.  Much like the person that told you to be yourself.  Keep it up ace.  ;D
Nice meltdown No0b, run along back to your comic books and fizzy fountain drinks.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #37 on: December 13, 2010, 09:09:51 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, reeves!

And you too, chaos!



  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #38 on: December 13, 2010, 09:15:21 PM »
Nice meltdown No0b, run along back to your comic books and fizzy fountain drinks.

Look short shit, you've a wonderful economy with words.  Run along now, but be certain to stay out of even the shallow end of the gene pool.  You're already way over your head.  ;D A hundred monkeys banging on typewriters would sooner write the Great American Novel than you utter a word that makes sense.  Buddah, but you are one stupid fellow.  


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2010, 09:15:33 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2010, 09:17:09 PM »
Look short shit, you've a wonderful economy with words.  Run along now, but be certain to stay out of even the shallow end of the gene pool.  You're already way over your head.  ;D A hundred monkeys banging on typewriters would sooner write the Great American Novel than you utter a word that makes sense.  Buddah, but you are one stupid fellow.  

 He's Forrest Gump.



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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2010, 09:20:48 PM »
Look short shit,  
You're not talking to Swede here, you would look up to me.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2010, 09:36:34 PM »
You're not talking to Swede here, you would look up to me.

Allow me to be blunt.  I'm not tall, but I only look up to people that deserve it.  That used to be you.  Apparently you can't take a compliment regarding the origin of your screen name.  Well, if you're going to try and insult someone be prepared to receive some in return but mine reflect style.  Yours?  Like a turd, they reflect nothing and gather only flies. 

Treat me with respect and friendship and I will gladly do likewise.  The choice is yours.  By the way, pal.  You don't know me. This is the internet and no one really knows what to expect in person but to be honest at my age and temperament I don't give a fuck.  I will give you all the respect you deserve and every insult you earn.  Choose wisely, tall man.  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #43 on: December 13, 2010, 09:37:48 PM »
Thanks for the kind words, reeves!

And you too, chaos!


You are welcome and more than deserving.  All the best!


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #44 on: December 13, 2010, 09:39:10 PM »
Allow me to be blunt.  I'm not tall, but I only look up to people that deserve it.  That used to be you.  Apparently you can't take a compliment regarding the origin of your screen name.  Well, if you're going to try and insult someone be prepared to receive some in return but mine reflect style.  Yours?  Like a turd, they reflect nothing and gather only flies. 

Treat me with respect and friendship and I will gladly do likewise.  The choice is yours.  By the way, pal.  You don't know me. This is the internet and no one really knows what to expect in person but to be honest at my age and temperament I don't give a fuck.  I will give you all the respect you deserve and every insult you earn.  Choose wisely, tall man.  ;D
Wow, you take this whole thing quite seriously, huh?

LOL @ U!! ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #45 on: December 13, 2010, 09:40:24 PM »
Wow, you take this whole thing quite seriously, huh?

LOL @ U!! ;D

No more than you. ;D


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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #46 on: December 13, 2010, 09:45:27 PM »
No more than you. ;D
I've never melted like this........

Treat me with respect and friendship and I will gladly do likewise.  The choice is yours.  By the way, pal.  You don't know me. This is the internet and no one really knows what to expect in person but to be honest at my age and temperament I don't give a fuck.  I will give you all the respect you deserve and every insult you earn.  Choose wisely, tall man.

That's some serious shit right there, deep, thought provoking and fabulously entertaining.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #47 on: December 13, 2010, 09:52:12 PM »
I've never melted like this........

That's some serious shit right there, deep, thought provoking and fabulously entertaining.

"Melted"?  Surely you jest?  I rarely get angry and never so on a silly board.  Consider it a lessen in proper insult.  Fairly well written and pretty much extemporaneous (i.e., off the cuff) as well.   What was that line from "Blazing Saddles"?  I can't recall.  My mind fails me.  Again.  ;D  Now then, I am old and in need of rest, oh young and tall man.  A war of words, even one as lopsided as this takes a toll on an old fart such as I.    Good night.   ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #48 on: December 13, 2010, 10:04:10 PM »
I don't understand why some guys injure themselves so much. I've been lifitng since 1994 and never injured myself. Except one time when some weights fell in my face.

 Just lift smart and use tension instead of destroying yourself.

are you starting to catch on that nobody gives a fuck about you yet?


  • Getbig V
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Re: I'm throwing in the towel!
« Reply #49 on: December 13, 2010, 10:05:52 PM »
are you starting to catch on that nobody gives a fuck about you yet?

 Sure "Dokey", whatever you say.