Author Topic: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries  (Read 371640 times)

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #825 on: January 19, 2011, 07:13:18 PM »
Keith did a lot of photoshops of people just for fun. Sometimes he got his own medicine!

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #826 on: January 19, 2011, 07:25:27 PM »
More about the side effects of that spider bite. Sorry if this is a repost.

 Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2006, 10:56:35 PM » Quote 

Thought I would post what I put on the other thread.

wow!  Thanks everyone for your thoughts.  This was a doozy.  It was probably the worse episode in 8 years just because of how long it lasted.  I trained on Monday the 11th and felt great.  Told myself on Tuesday I am just doing cardio.  That night I got a really high fever (102) and was shivering the whole night.  Didn't sleep a wink.  In the morning I felt better (not shivering) but still had a fever and was very sore.  My leg was already very red and was so hot I had to lay in bed with it hanging off the side.  It wasn't that different than most other episodes except it was the first this bad in about a year.

It usually goes away in about 4 or 5 days.  But when after a week it was worse (redder, bigger) I decided to go to the emergency (12-18).  I had my daughter take me.  I was there for about 4 hours.  They dopplered my leg, and did a couple x-rays and gave me Erythromycin(?) an antibiotic through an IV then sent me home.  Well the next morning I woke up and was covered head to toe with hives and was red everywhere.  I couldn't get ahold of my daughter, so I decided to drive myself back to the hospital.  I live in Kona and the hospital I went to was in Waimea which is about an hour drive.  The drive was hell and it hurt so bad that I was going to crash my car (easy) just so an ambulance could take me the rest of the way.  It was shitty.

Finally I got there and some of the people who were there when I was there the day before was still there.  SO they got me in immediately after showing them what happened.  I spent about 5 hours in ER until they finally checked me into the hospital.  There was a guy who came into the ER who wassurfing and got faceplanted onto the lava rock.  This guy you couldn't even see his face.  It was covered in blood and his whole front was just ripped open.  It was definitely the most blood I ever saw.

So then I got checked in and everything.  They put me on antibiotics for 9 hours a day.  I always have veins in my hands even at this weight but because of the hives and the bloating from the reaction they couldn't find any to put in the IV and take blood.  They poked my 9 times before giving up.  So they ended up cutting the inside of my upper arm and then putting a catheter(?) inside the hole up into my heart to give me my drugs and take blood.  Two little ports were hanging from my arm so they could do this easy.

The put me on a low calorie and low fluid diet.  I was restrcited to just 1200 cc of fluid per day and 1200 calories.  In addition, I went on Lasix through the IV.  I pissed so much everyday.  The only good part about all that was I lost 42 pounds in 11 days.  YES 42 pounds.  Mostly water but still it is gone.

So, it took about 7 days for the hives and redness to go away.  It really made it the worst.  My leg peeled away allot of skin.  Just like a really bad sunburn would do.   So I was scheduled to get released on Thursday, but that morning I got "gout" in my right ankle.  It hurt so bad I could not sleep at all or move my leg.  Because of the rapid water loss and other crap the doctor said that gout was something that could develop.  So it did.  If you know anyone who has had it then ask them how much it hurts.  Unreal!

SO now I had to go on gout medicine and spend an extra 3 days in the hospital.  I wanted to go home today.  I still have the gout a little but it should be gone by monday.  Myleg is still huge but no infection which is the most important.  My leg should be back to normal in about a week.

The biggest thing that happend to me is to find out exactly how shitty it is to be overwieght and out of shape.  I spent 40 years being in excellent to very good shape.  These last 5 or 6 years has been a fucking nightmare.  I am fucking committed to getting back into shape now.  It took this hospital stay to open my eyes.  I can't see myself being so immobile for the rest of my life.  I have never had medical problems like this until the bite and gaining the weight. 

I have pics of the leg in the hospital.  They are on my phone butI can't see from the website how to get them.  I have the new EnV phone with Verizon.  If you know how to get pics of this phone and service tell me and I will post them.  I saw the measurements Stunt put up.  Way off.

Bad Leg: calf 32" thigh 45"  Good Leg: calf 20.5"  thigh 31"

I want to thank everyone again for the nice stuff said.  Getbig is a fun place for me to come and I missed it.  I know allot of you kind of look up to me because of my past, but in reality I ain't shit no more.  I still have some strength but I am definitely not something to look at anymore.  But, I will tell you that 2007 is the year I make my comeback and I will get back to be something to look at.  I feel and look like shit now but it is only temporary.  It took this hospital trip to get it through my head but it really did do something.  I liked it when I looked good and was healthy. Thanks again everyone.  Even you Vince and Sean.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #827 on: January 19, 2011, 07:27:26 PM »
We all felt sorry for what happened to Keith after he showed us photos and explained the complications, etc.

 Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2006, 12:38:06 AM » Quote 

Quote from: Vince Basile on December 30, 2006, 11:44:52 PM
Well, Keith, bad luck about all that illness. What exactly did they say caused that swelling, etc.? Was it cellulitis? I had a friend who had a swollen leg that was hot, etc. Lasted quite a while and not much they could do but give antibiotics. I doubt this was related to the spider bite. Obese people do have serious health problems and many can be aggravated by poor circulation. If you are lifting weights you should be okay. However, carrying around extra pounds does put pressure on our systems and you have found that out now. Hope you have a better year next year. I will give you a call in a few days to have a chat with you. Look at my photos at the beach.  Might cheer you up a bit!

Well actually it is all from the spider bite.  I got an infection after the bite from the cellulitis.  That is why it is in just the leg I got bit.  I am hoping that the 11 days of antibiotics through IV got rid of everything.  I am on oral antibiotics for the next month or so.  They really tested me allot.  I am not diabetic, I have great lungs, and my heaert seemed to be fine.  One thing the weight has done it that it has affected the amount of oxygen I can inhale.  I use this little machine and I am no where near where I should be with how much oxygen I can take in.  That is a reason why I get so tired so easy.  Definitely being overweight sucks and affects your health.  I knew it but didn't think it affected me that much.  This hospital stay surely woke me up.

And those pics are nice Vince.  But remember I live in Hawaii and my backyard looks like that.  But I do love Australia.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #828 on: January 19, 2011, 07:29:30 PM »
Men don't like going to the doctor when sick or hurt. Perhaps Keith might not have suffered so much had he presented right away.

 Re: Welcome back Big Keith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2006, 06:22:17 AM » Quote 

Quote from: badlad on December 31, 2006, 01:38:01 AM
Hi Keith,
just thought i'd chime in.
I had a spider bite on my ankle about 6 years ago - happened in Australia. It was a little inflamed and swollen.
Being a typical male (I found the bite in the morning) I went off to work my late evening/night shift (I was a bouncer at the time)) and about half way thru my shift my entire leg was aching really bad. I managed to finish my 12 hr shift on my feet went home and slept. Got up the next day (middayish) and got ready again for work. I made it to work but went via a drugstore on the way in for some advise (they said get to a hospital) - I declined (stoopidly). About two hours into that shift i could barely stand 9my entire leg now was stiff as a board) and my groin was massively swollen. I was starting to get into some serious pain. Felt like someone was whacking my ankle every minute with a sledgehammer.
My flatmates came and pickedm e up and after alot of convincing (i hate doctors) made me go to emergency.
Long story short - they put me onto some kind of IV straight away, gave me a heap of tablets and I spent the next two weeks in bad in agony. My lymph glands in my groin and underarms and neck were the size of golf balls and there was a definate blue line that ran up my leg to my groin.
Doctors said that basically my lymph glands could no longer handle the poison and that I may have been just a few hours away from death as the poison and its effects would then travel to much more impotant organs.
Well - it took about two weeks to get over it - along with plenty of hydrogen peroxide to eat out the infection site. I lost a good deal of lfesh (pretty deep too) at the bite site.
So i got better - then about two weeks after everything had cleared up I was at work at my foot started aching - and i recogniswed the pain immediately - like a sledgehammer blow every minute or so on my foot (not the ankle this time).
I worked my shift, went home and took my boots off.
When I took my sock off I got the shock of my life. The ends of all 5 toes were green and hugely swollen. A few days later all my toenails lifted off, and with the help of a rzorblade I opened up the skin on each toe and drained what appeared at the time to be an endless supply of puss from the wounds.
Two weeks later - I was ok. My toesnails all grew back and to this day I haven't had a relapse but almost every year the bite mark will mildy flare up and get inflammed and itchy and occassionaly the skin will break but that is all it has done - thankfully.
Moral of the story - if you get bit by a spider (particularly one in Aussie) get it checked out. nasty little fookers...
Good luck.

Yep, I actually felt it in the morning too.  Asked my friend if he had hit me with a bat.  He laughed and went ot work.  When he got home at around 4pm I was passed out half on the couch and half on the floor.  Went to the emergency they gave me an antibiotic sent me home and it was worse the next day. Went back and got checked into the hospital.  I kill every spider I ever see now.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #829 on: January 19, 2011, 07:33:03 PM »
I hate to think how big Keith got. He showed up at the Olympia a few years ago but hasn't had a photo taken since that we know of. He sure hated being fat.
He kept promising he would change but it never happened. It just shows how difficult it is to deal with two issues at once. Bad health and obesity.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #830 on: January 19, 2011, 07:41:13 PM »
Keith spent Christmas 2006 in hospital for complications re his bad leg. We have no idea how much he suffered over the years because of various infections, etc.

 Only Me Committed
« on: December 25, 2006, 03:41:00 PM » Quote from stuntmovie. 

Good friend of one and all, Only Me, has been in the hospital for the past few days.

He leg swold/swelled up to gigantic size so he went to the emergency clinic to get a "professional" opinion and was admitted to the hospital immediately.

He felt great but that leg just got too darn huge and he decided that once more it was time to get some medical attention.

He asked me to say Merry Christmas to all his GetBig good friends and better enemies and let ya all know that he'll be back as soon as he is released.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #831 on: January 19, 2011, 07:45:49 PM »
Someone asked a medical question about his bad leg. When Keith would walk and exercise a lot his bad leg would swell up!

 Re: Video Interview with OnlyMe!
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2007, 08:00:56 AM » Quote  

Quote from: bodybuildermdpitt on October 26, 2007, 10:59:23 PM
All jokes aside, Onlyme, did you gain the most of your weight secondary to systemic corticoidsteroids (probably prednisone) or through the amount of inactivity caused by your injury? What was your weight before the spider bite, and what was your weight after the bite, status post corticoid steroid use? Either way, i wish you the best.



Keith: Not sure what any of this says, but I was not prescribed any type of steroid or prednisone.  I took Keflex for a little while.  The weight gain was from not being able to do shit but lay in bed and crawl around the house mostly to go eat.  I weighed 298 the day before i got bit which was March 1 1998.  I am not sure what I weighed afterwards.  In 2001 when I moved back to Hawaii I weighed almost 400.  All I know is right now I am steadily losing weight.  I have gone to the gym almost everyday to do something since after the Olympia.  I am going hiking today.  I am already stronger.  My wind is a lot better and my back hasn't hurt so I haven't had a Vicodin in about 10 days.  ANd my eating habits are 1000 times better.  

I used to weigh myself at Hawaiian Air Cargo when I went to pickup up my payroll which was flown in from Maui.  The most I ever weighed myself at was around 535.  I think I weigh around 450 to 465 or so now.  I feel a lot better I know that.  It is coming off steadily and the thing is I enjoy going to the gym again.  Met Steve Carr the other day.  Great guy.  I have a goal for the Arnold of around 400 or less and I think I can do that.  I think once I get below 400 I am going to feel really good.  And my strength is coming back very good.  The first week I felt weaker than a girl.  So I think I will be good.

Quote from: marcus on October 28, 2007, 03:31:39 AM
Keith what kind of spider was it that bit you and how long did the swelling last?

Brown recluse and it is still going on.  I spent 2 weeks in the hospital last year at Christmas.  My legt today is in fact swollen cause I have been up so much lately training and running around I haven't been able to elevate it.  It is about 30" today.  WHen it gets big like this I can only bend it about 3" cause me calf hits my hamstring.  But at least it doesn't hurt.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #832 on: January 19, 2011, 07:53:11 PM »
The boys were worried about onlyme when an earthquake struck Hawaii. He attached the photo with his post. 

 Re: Onlyme are you ok? (earthquake)
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2006, 12:30:43 AM » Quote 

Ah you guys care about me.   Anyway, man what a ride.  Right in the middle of that puppy.  The thing is here it was crystal clear out the whole day and hot as hell.  Oahu was raining and ugly.  We got our power up in a couple of hours.  Oahu is still not fully up.  The thing here was it did something to the cable comapny so we had no internet for awhile.  Nothing big happened here excpet the hospital got some damage.  It is really old.  The roads on the other  side (Hamakua) got fucked up.  Allot fo rock slides.  Waves were messy but the water was really nice and blue.  My fridge ended up in the middle of my kitchen.  All the stuff in the cupboards fells down.  Pics on wals screwed up a little.  But nothing serious.  The thing most everyone here was worried about was the tsunami.  I live right on the water and would be swimming if one came.  It would be a madhouse if that happened.  No one got hurt I think.  No high rises are here.  The tallest buildings are the hotels.  What was funny was the people who live below me (I have a condo) thought I was dancing at first.  They came out laughing their brains out.  Anyway, it was a wild ride.  I'm waiting for the volcano to blow.  then we coudl be in trouble.

Just little ones nothign special.  I make a bigger rumble when I take a dump. 

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #833 on: January 19, 2011, 07:59:40 PM »
Keith was clever with his gimmicks. (No, I have never used gimmick accounts.) Sometimes I posted re Goodrum and waited for Keith to post but his gimmicks did the work for him. He used 'noworries' to defend himself before he used that handle when onlyme was in Timeout.

 Re: Not to insult, but if you were a betting man, you'd place onlyme at?
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 06:17:12 PM » Quote 

Quote from: noworries on October 16, 2007, 05:42:25 PM
I decided I didn't want to get in this debate again.  Keith is a friend and I have known him a very long time.  I have defended him and got into it with many guys on here.  I have finally figured it is useless to try to convince people who have no idea what they are talking about when they say shit about Keith.  You guys make it sound like he doesn't care and he hasn't tried to get back to where he was.  And I have seen as has many others and seen what he goes through.  From reading a lot of the shit on here I promise most of you would no way last through what Keith has gone through.  This shit happened to him almost 10 years ago and he just spent 2 weeks in the hospital last Christmas from his leg swelling so big.  SO until you guys get your shit together then it is useless for me or him or anyone to stop the shit you post.  Ron is pretty much spinless because he allows this shit.  But hey it makes Getbig popular.  So carry on kids.

"Just" and last christmas don't go together.  Stop making excuses for him with exaggerations of his plight.  I'm sure the difficulties he experiences are indeed extremely difficult.  Are they insurmountable?  No.  There are people in wheelchairs that are in amazing shape.

As for the insults, Keith dishes them out here too.  He's exploited this place for how it is just like everybody else.  Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Of course, being his friend doesn't allow you to have an objective point of view and everything he does is justified - the rest of the board are being cruel and nothing he's said or done warrants any retribution


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #834 on: January 19, 2011, 08:07:40 PM »
Mrsa = bad stuff you may never overcome.

As of 3:30am this morning, my grandfather did not overcome it. :(

Princess L

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #835 on: January 19, 2011, 08:43:11 PM »
As of 3:30am this morning, my grandfather did not overcome it. :(

So sorry to hear that Young :'(


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #836 on: January 19, 2011, 08:46:59 PM »
As of 3:30am this morning, my grandfather did not overcome it. :(


My condolences.


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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #837 on: January 19, 2011, 08:53:43 PM »

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #838 on: January 19, 2011, 09:23:50 PM »
Keith was clever with his gimmicks. (No, I have never used gimmick accounts.) Sometimes I posted re Goodrum and waited for Keith to post but his gimmicks did the work for him. He used 'noworries' to defend himself before he used that handle when onlyme was in Timeout.

 Re: Not to insult, but if you were a betting man, you'd place onlyme at?
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2007, 06:17:12 PM » Quote 

Quote from: noworries on October 16, 2007, 05:42:25 PM
I decided I didn't want to get in this debate again.  Keith is a friend and I have known him a very long time.  I have defended him and got into it with many guys on here.  I have finally figured it is useless to try to convince people who have no idea what they are talking about when they say shit about Keith.  You guys make it sound like he doesn't care and he hasn't tried to get back to where he was.  And I have seen as has many others and seen what he goes through.  From reading a lot of the shit on here I promise most of you would no way last through what Keith has gone through.  This shit happened to him almost 10 years ago and he just spent 2 weeks in the hospital last Christmas from his leg swelling so big.  SO until you guys get your shit together then it is useless for me or him or anyone to stop the shit you post.  Ron is pretty much spinless because he allows this shit.  But hey it makes Getbig popular.  So carry on kids.

"Just" and last christmas don't go together.  Stop making excuses for him with exaggerations of his plight.  I'm sure the difficulties he experiences are indeed extremely difficult.  Are they insurmountable?  No.  There are people in wheelchairs that are in amazing shape.

As for the insults, Keith dishes them out here too.  He's exploited this place for how it is just like everybody else.  Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Of course, being his friend doesn't allow you to have an objective point of view and everything he does is justified - the rest of the board are being cruel and nothing he's said or done warrants any retribution


Was this also Keith (as unrevealed noworries) in bold??

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #839 on: January 19, 2011, 09:34:02 PM »
No, that was somebody else bagging what noworries had written. I guess someone saw that noworries was a gimmick of onlyme.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #840 on: January 19, 2011, 09:36:53 PM »
My sympathy is with you, YB.  I'm sorry for the loss of your granddad, bro.

But if it were MRSA that affected Keith, wouldn't he have known about the existing wound on the site?

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #841 on: January 19, 2011, 09:43:32 PM »
No matter how many times a story is told on the net some people miss it.

  Re: A question for Onlyme Keith
« Reply #58 on: October 22, 2008, 09:23:00 PM » Quote 

Quote from: GetItOnNY on October 22, 2008, 04:58:07 PM
I met Keith Jones, back in 1996, at a health food store.The name of the store was The Wild Cheetah Nutrtion Center, the owner, who was a friend of Keiths was Richard Bounce.The owner was a really cool guy who knew all the cops, and guys on SWAT, and gave them great discounts.All the Firemen, Cops, SWAT, and Military went to this store.
Anyways, when I met Keith he was probably right around 280-290lbs, at probably 13-15% bodyfat.He was a pretty big guy, his arms were close to 20-  21" and his chest I would gues right around 55"-57" .Beleive it or not the guy had a pretty impressive build, for an profesional arm wrestler.He wasnt fat, just a lil bulky, but had a "V" tape.He even showed Richard Bounce pictures of him with numerious well known stars, and his SAG ,card, Screen Actors Guild Card.So Keith did acting, and working with well known actors.Real actors, not B-listers, but "REAL" holly wood stars.He also owned part of a sports nutrition company based out of Hawaii.So he was doing really well for himself.

My question to Keith is how did you go from being a muscular guy who was in very good shape and doing acting to a man who weighs over 400lbs? Do you suffer from depression? did something happen to you, that made you lose all hope? What made you give up on life.?I am not putting you down but Keith, you had so much going for you back then, and after seeing pics of you at last years Mr Olympia expo, I was quite shocked.Keith please tell us what happened.I know if these guys saw you back when you were in shape, they wouldnt talking all the shit they talk now trust me.

Keith: I have told this story a million times.  I have not once said the spider bite caused my weight gain.  Not once.  Anyone who saw the first five years after the bite knows what happened.  What it did do was prevent me from training.  This is because I had monthly bouts with the leg acting up.  A fever of 102, shivering, then sweating, my leg got so red I had to sleep with it off the side of the bed, swelling of my calf up to 32", peeling of the skin on my lower right leg.  This did get me very depressed and I did not change my diet.  So I was eating the same shit but not getting any exercise.  I sepnt about 10 days a months in bed unable to walk.  You can ask anyone who knew what was happening.  In fact at my show in Hawaii I had such a high fever and my leg was so big I collapsed one day at the entrance.  I blame myself because I should have been stronger and been able to at least diet enough where I didn't gain the weight.  But I didn't. 

I literally went from riding my bike 28 miles a day 4 to 5 days a week and training in the morning at 8am and then again at 4pm and pulling a weight tire around Diamond Head on weekends.  I was still benching 405 for 6 to 8 reps while dropping weight.  My goal was 275 to compete.  I was about 292 when I got bit.  Depression was absolutely what did me in though.  I got so out of shape and weak I didn't want to go to the gym.  Instead of benching 315 easy as hell I was barely doing 225 for 8 to 10.  What got the weakest was my legs.  My right calf atrophied and I developed lymphedema in my lower right leg.  I just hated going to the gym.  I basically stayed home and either stayed in bed or went out to my pool and hung out for 8 hours a day.

I got back training last summer pretty good.  I was getting strong again then I got hurt again.  The up and down was killing me.  I have my blood checked every 4 months or so.  My cholesterol has never been over 134 and last time was 118.  My blood glucose is 89.  All my numbers are right in the middle.  I gained 99% of my weight in my gut and ass.  I am down in weight and trying to get back into the gym.  The big mouths here and the kids like Asschaotic, Goatballs and some others have no idea what they have in store for them when they get older.  they are not even close to what my physical condition was and my strength was.  They are in their peak years and they play on the internet all day.  I spent maybe 8 hours a day at home back then.  All the other time I was at the gym or out doing something.  Some of the idiots on here seem to think when I post pics of me it is bragging or whatever.  It aint anything to me.  I saw these people all the time.  I was out doing something with my life while you ate the same age live at home, play on the computer and basically are doing nothing with your life.  I post my past pics cause I can.  What am I going to do post shit of me now.  Fuck I have admitted everytime I look like shit.  Why would I go around bragging about that.  I post my past cause I did not waste my youth or my prime years.  I did something with it.  Whether it was successful in some people eyes or not, I did alot of things that were my goals at the time and I got to experience things not one of my closet friends have been able to do.  And all along I had a ton of fun.  So when guys like Asschaotic and others make fun of me, it does nothing to me.  How can I take someone like them seriously when they have done nothing in their life and are wasting their prime years. 

When I feel comfortable about how I look and I have my strength back I will pst videos and pics of me no problem.  I will challenge any of the youngsters on here to any kind of lifting for strength they want (except for Wolf who by the way is awesome, he looks great now).  I still think at 50 I should be able to bench at least 405 for reps and possibly 500 and front press 315 for reps and possibly 405 for a few.  I know I will be able to incline 405 for a few reps.  And I mean with no spotter in the video and a pause at the bottom of every rep.  None of this shit some of you post doing 1/4 reps and have a spotter spot you.

So keep up the making fun of me.  All it does is support the fact that you are wasting your prime years making fun of a currently overweight old man.  And for the guys who PM me all the time and support me thanks.  It is usually the guys who have had some experience and understand what age can do.  You younger guys who say shit about older people and how they look, you have no idea what you are in for.  It is guaranteed you are going to look like shit if you can even make it that far.

And no this is not a meltdown.  It is me explaining how it is. 

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #842 on: January 19, 2011, 09:46:17 PM »
Keith explains some of his medical complications.

 Re: A question for Onlyme Keith
« Reply #68 on: October 22, 2008, 09:57:51 PM » Quote 

You know this site has gone to the dogs lately.  When I first started coming on here it was so much more fun.  A little fooling around here and there but mostly good stuff.  What happened to me (other than the bite) is 100% my fault because I hated going to doctors and I basically let myself go.  I spent 28 days in the hospital for this bite.  They gave me the wrong antibiotics and I got a severe case of hives.  I hate doctors.  I did not take care of my leg like I should of.  I think if I rested more like they told me too I would be better.  But I just couldn't.  So now I am paying for it.  For the guys who compete in any sport or truly trained like I did and then have it taken away literally in one day is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.  I could not wait to wake up and train.  I loved it when I would get stopped and asked how much I bench or what football team I played for or can I feel your arm.  I got off on that stuff.  For the people in Hawaii who saw me pulling that tire around Diamond Head and through Kahala they saw how hard I worked.  I literally lost all that because of a little punk spider.  I don't want pity or people feel sorry for me cause I don't deserve that.  I look at guys like Jason Pegg and all the other people who have had shit way worse happen to them than me and I literally feel like a huge pussy. 

But, people all react differently to situations.  I have a huge pain threshold but there were times when I could not even get out of the bathtub or I had to literally pull myself across my floor to get to the bathroom.  I felt like "what the fuck"  Plus, I turned 40 when this happened and it really seemed like my metabolism slowed so much.  I wasn't burning calories like I was either.  I weighed 130 in high school as a freshman.  Even out of high school I weighed 210 and could not gain a pound no matter what I did.  It wasn't till I started lifting heavy at the original World Gym in Santa Monica in 1979 when I started gaining weight.  I got up to 247 in 1983 and benched 500 all drug free.  I didn't start taking roids till 1986 and only did them for 6 months and have not touched since.  And 10 years later I still inclined 505.  I get my strength back pretty quickly once I get going.  So hopefully I can do it again.  I have alot going on for me right now and I start traveling alot next year so I really need to get back into shape.  So I have alot driving me to do this now.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #843 on: January 19, 2011, 09:49:02 PM »
Keith talks about will power.

 Re: A question for Onlyme Keith
« Reply #77 on: October 22, 2008, 11:51:05 PM » Quote 

Quote from: G o a t b o y on October 22, 2008, 11:15:43 PM

Keith, if it makes you feel better to think of your detractors as "kids", more power to you, but even you can do math...  you've been calling me a "kid" on here for what, 8 years now?  (and I wasn't a "kid" back then either).       I'm not as old as you, but I'm close enough to understand slowing metabolism and the fact it is no excuse for lack of willpower.

Keith: Believe me I understood willpower more than you know.  I had it before.  I could pass by eating crappy food pretty easy cause I had a goal I was shooting for.  I am the first to admit my lack of willpower is exactly why I am in the position I put myself in.  I have no explanation why but I just lost lost it.  I think I felt I was so far gone that I didn't give a shit about anything.  I really didn't care what I looked like anymore.  But, that has changed more than ever now since I have more things going my way finally.  I tried before and was hitting alot of walls.  Alot of those walls are coming down and things are coming into place even though it has taken almost 2 years. 

Haz and grant thank you guys.  I know you guys at least understand competing and serious training and what it takes.  Both of you have had success and obvious got a great deal and success out of lifting.  I have talked to Grant on the phone and he sounds like a very nice guy and obviously very successful.  Hazbin I met at the Olympia last year and he is absolutely a phenom in person.  Very impressive and as nice as they come.  I know I sound like shit on here sometimes when I rag on some guys but those are the guys who just don't respect anyone, not just me.  And there are a very few guys who I really get on.  I have never put down a guys body who obviously looks like he has lifted.  Even Sevatase as much as everyone rags on him at least has the balls to post videos and quite a bit of proof on what he talks about.  Being humble can take you a long way and some guys on here are just to young to realize that when they pop off on a board that has people who have experience and know what they are talking about regardless of what they look like makes them look stupid.  Some of you guys say I talk shit or lie.  I post a pic or an article or usually have some proof of what I say.  If I don't then I try to go into such detail that it would be easy to disprove if you possible.  I don't videos or pics of me lifting when I was in shape.  Back then we didn't have the advantage of having the internet or camera phones.  We just lifted.  No shit talking on the internet not bullshit, just lift the weights.  The kids nowadays can't understand that.  They train in clubs where the strongest guy benches 315 barely.  No grunting or chalk allowed.  Very few of those kinds of gyms are around.  Its to bad cause it was those kinds of gyms I went to.  Places you really trained and got results and if you wanted to prove something you just do it, not talk about it.  The kids on here all they do is talk.  Sorry but I didn't grow up that way.  The guys who can relate to me are the guys like Chic, Hazbin, Grant, and many others out there from the 70's and 80's and early to mid 90's,  The kids on here could no way keep up with us back then.  No way.  And even though I am almost 50 inside I feel just like I did when I was 22.  I know my strength will come back and it will be great to finally meet in person the guys on here who talk shit about what they lift and how they train.  You will see exactly what it is like to be humbled.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #844 on: January 19, 2011, 09:51:51 PM »
Keith explains why he told his story here on Getbig.

 Re: A question for Onlyme Keith
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2008, 12:35:11 AM » Quote 

I figure this thread is the best place to just spill my guts (sorry for the pun) and tell it like it is.  In regards to my posting old pics of my past there is a reason.  Not just because that is all I have.  I don't but just a few pictures of me over the past 8 years because I really haven't done shit in the past 8 years so I don't have any pics.  My heyday or prime of my life was in the 80's and 90's.  I don't have shit to talk about in any other era.  The pics I have of me are when I was the age of the same guys on here that make fun of me because I look like shit now.  So in reality we should compare what I did and what they have done at the same age.  Not when I am at an age they are lucky if they even get to.  With age comes alot of shit.  When i was young I always saw guys older than me and all I did was say to myself "I wish I could be like him when I get older or man I bet that guys has had quite a life".  I never ever once made fun of someone older than me.  I always felt I would be lucky just to live to be that age.  As much crazy shit I have done in my life I was lucky I hit 30.  I see you guys (all younger guys) make fun of Arnold, Larry Scott, Bill Pearl, Jack Lalanne, and other past greats and it makes me laugh so hard.  You guys talk shit about Arnold because he looks the way he does now and he doesn't look like he did back 30 years.  Honestly it is those guys that are just the most ignorant people there are.  You have no idea about life.  Anyone who posts anything about someone the way they look now to what they looked like 20 or 30 years ago and make fun of them are just stupid.  You deserve all the shit you get on here.

Another reason why I post pics and talk about things from the 80's and 90's is because I miss those days.  I miss the days of not waiting to get to the gym and lift during prime time and show-off to everyone.  I liked the times when I would go out and not a day go by when someone asks to touch my arm how much do I bench or what team do I play for.  I like it when people always told me how muscular I was, not how fat I am like now.  I miss the days whenever I went out everyone looked at me because they knew I was the strongest in the place and no one fucked with me.  Nowadays I know people look at me and say things alot different.  That is why I post shit from back then.  It is all I got now.  Some of you like my stories and the people I have met.  I promise you Chic and some of the others on here have met just as many if not more people than I have.  the only reason they don't talk about it is because they are still having the fun and still meeting people like that and are still in the spotlight.  Maybe when they aren't in it anymore they will talk about their past more cause remembering the past is sometimes all you got at the moment.

I gotta tell you guys that I have been talking to a Management company who wants to sign me once I lose the weight and get the things going I have going.  The past several posts are things I will be talking about when this management company starts booking me and they several enagements in the works.  I feel personally that I have nothing to talk about until the weight is off and the business I got brewing is complete.  Then I think I have something to talk about.  I used to do this before and I loved it.  Great money and alot of fun.  This is one of the other reasons why I am more driven now than before to get in shape and lose the weight.

This board (Getbig) has been a great outlet for me.  I talk about shit and say shit I would never say in real life.  The people who REALLY know me know how I am.  I can talk to kids and I can talk to billionaires.  I have done both and I have done it successfully.  My physical appearance was an asset before and now it is a little bit of a liability.  Just yesterday I had lunch at one of his restuarants here in Vegas with a person I am doing business with that talked about losing $80 to $87 million in the stock market over the past 12 months like it was nothing.  Yesterday was the first time I met him.  He emailed me last night and again this morning and it looks like we are doing business and he said I had impressed him greatly. I do this almost weekly.  I go in there knowing I do not look the part, but the people listen to me and know i now what i am talking about.  So my physical appearance is put on the back burner.  I hate it because I liked when I was confident right at the start but now I am a little put off knowing I don't look that impressive anymore.  So this to is another reason and driving force to get me going.

I try to be cool on here and be nice but there are always a few on here who like to get me going so I have to go at them.  I don't usually do it but what the heck.  I am hoping once I get back into shape alot of the shit talking will stop here and we can start having great times again.  Big Mike Wolf has done it.  He looks unreal at the lighter weight.  he is defintiely an inspiration. 

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #845 on: January 19, 2011, 09:54:55 PM »
Keith vowed he was going to show all his detractors.

 Re: A question for Onlyme Keith
« Reply #120 on: October 23, 2008, 09:32:00 AM » Quote 

Quote from: GetItOnNY on October 23, 2008, 09:15:13 AM
Keith good luck to you with your weight loss.Like I said before I saw Keith in his prime, and the guyu was big and solid.He was like I said before probably 280-300 lbs, pretty solid.Muscle does have memory, so Keith your body will go back to the way it was once you start eating and traning again.
Keith what are you doing for a living now? Did you move back to Vegas last year? Why did you leave Hawaii?
Lastly what have you been doing all these years, since 1996 when I last saw you?
I am just wondering because in 1996 you were in good shape, still acting, and owned part of a sports nutrition company.What happened to the nutrition company you started?
I know you guys make fun of Keith, but beleive it or not, Keith was very succesful at one time
The guy had a SAG, card, Screen Actors Guild Card, and had quite a nice portfolio.He showed Richard Bounce and I his Portfolio, and he was in a few movies with well known actors.
Good luck Keith with you life, pull yourself back together man.You can do it.Dont let life just pass you buy anymore, get your passion and desire to live back.Keith wouldnt it be great if you lost all that weiht, and felt good about yourself again?
You could be an inspiration to other overweight people, and help them lose weight.Plus you could get a good marketing contract of off before and after pics.Imagine losing alll that weight, then getting back all the recognition you deserve.
You could make alot of money if you marketed you before and after pics, and told every one how you did it with other people.
This way you make alot of money while helping other overweight people, because you have been in there shoes.I know alot of athletic people talk about how they sympathize with overweight people, but they really cannot relate.You have been in there shoes,you know how they feel.
Just an idea, you might want to brain storm

Keith: In 96 I was still at 300 lbs.  Many people look at me and guess alot less that what I actually weigh.  I made good money when I worked as an actor mostly from commericals including non-union which in LA I could hide easier than when I moved to Hawaii.  One thing I learned though is no matter who you know and the people you meet it doesn't pay the bills.  And you are right about being able to relate to fat people.  I was once in shape and now not in shape.  I know once I get back into shape I will have a good story.  I have others banking on it too.  I miss Hawaii but my oldest daughter constantly is sending me pics and making sure she rubs it in how beautiful it is.  I am going back hopefully at Christmas and I do intend to keep her house in Kona even when I move her here to Vegas so we have a place there all the time.  I am working everyday now and it is getting easier and the distance is getting longer.  Thanks for the guy who say supportive stuff. 

Guys like Paul Hupp who has been fucking the system and not paying back his loans and lives at home with mommy feeding off her and having her support him even i his 40's is sad and pitiful but are very few and in between.  He is definitely the type of guy who just has loser in bedded in him and his bitterness he needs to try and infect as many as he can.  To bad he fails at that just like he has in life and the bar exam.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #846 on: January 19, 2011, 09:56:48 PM »
Someone asked how big Keith's arms were in the past.

 Re: A question for Onlyme Keith
« Reply #110 on: October 23, 2008, 08:27:00 AM » Quote 

my arm was just shy of 21" here.   Kaz's arm  is easily 21"


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #847 on: January 20, 2011, 07:40:44 AM »
As of 3:30am this morning, my grandfather did not overcome it. :(

Oh no YoungBlood, I am so sorry. :(


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #848 on: January 20, 2011, 08:17:18 AM »
As of 3:30am this morning, my grandfather did not overcome it. :(

Sorry to hear...


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #849 on: January 20, 2011, 08:24:16 AM »
As of 3:30am this morning, my grandfather did not overcome it. :(

very sorry to hear that youngblood..sincere condolences to you, your family and all his friends