Author Topic: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries  (Read 371750 times)

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #925 on: January 24, 2011, 05:19:36 PM »
Oh, the flame wars Keith had with Goodrum.

Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #184 on: March 04, 2010, 06:40:05 PM » Quote 

Thanks Stunt and I have talked to several from Getbig and they are great.  I have said this before, Goodrum matters to me as much as that first shit in the morning.  And many times that shit looks better than Goodrum ever could.  He needs to this.  This is what he is good at.  He thinks it makes him look better but in reality it just makes him look worse.  he has the reputation of a liar, a guy who bullshits constantly, a guy who tries to cut corners to achieve what others spend many hard hours doing.  The guy is useless and has no shame whatsoever.  There is not one person would do serious business with Goodrum.  Not one.  He is in his low 30's and he has done nothing.  And it is only getting worse.  Everyone talks about how much I talk about my past well it is my past that gets me everything I have.  If there are any serious business owners on here who have not hit bad times and do not have debt well more power to you. 

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #926 on: January 24, 2011, 05:22:54 PM »
The war continued. Here is Keith's side of the story.

Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #256 on: March 05, 2010, 10:07:26 PM » Quote 

Quote from: Vince G, CSN MFT on March 05, 2010, 08:19:20 PM

Face it, I proved beyond a reseasonable doubt that Keith Jones is a scam artist and a fraud and he took people to the cleaners.  Deal with it

And I certainly don't come here for anyone's respect as there is none of that up here anyway.

Keith: Just like always you fucking idiot you prove to be as stupid as ever.  you didn't prove shit.  What you did is embarrass yourself like always.  Your piece of shit reputation is even worse (if that's possible) and you didn't do shit to me.  All you did was make my choice of not paying that idiot a good choice.  I delievered the shirts to him and he decided not to take them.  That is his fault.  I even kept them for about 5 months or so then sold them to a guy for a buck a piece. How is that. What you did is bring it back so I could think about it even more and see that just because he didn't want them doesn't mean he gets his money back.  And your baseless statements about the gynm were just more stupid remarks from an uneducated twink.  I told you to prove one penny was lost by anyone and you didn't do shit.  A low life like you Goodrum will get it someday.  See you have an advanatage of not being worth anything to anyone and having nothing to lose so you spew shit out of that mouth you suck your ugly husband with without having to worry about anything. 

Oh by the way I have a friend who might live by you. his address is 57 E. Chestnut.  Is that anywhere near you.  Maybe you guys know each other.  By the way you have no respect from anyone.  You are a parasite and low life.  You grew up that way, you still live that way and you will always be that way.  By the way I still do business with people after 25 years and more.  Of course those are real business people.

Oh and Travis where the fuck you come up with the porno thing. Are you fucking Goodrum on the side.  what the hell.  Oh by the way I would have spent your money starting it up.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #927 on: January 24, 2011, 05:24:36 PM »
Keith explains his situation.

Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #266 on: March 06, 2010, 11:22:30 AM » Quote 

Quote from: kiwiol on March 06, 2010, 10:27:24 AM
Did you read the whole thread at all? I like Onlyme, but Vince owned him in this thread. Onlyme kept saying he makes more money than Vince makes everyday and Vince disproved it by producing all those emails and got Keith's former partners to chime in as well.

I don't approve of Vince airing Onlyme's dirty laundry here for all to see, but Keith has also gone far in insulting Vince and his partner / husband, who has nothing to do with Getbig.

They should stop fighting on such a serious level IMO.

Ok here it is in short form about my money.  I guarantee Goodrum or many others have not made more than I did in the 80's and 90's.  I lived great traveled and could get anything I wanted.  I went from being in great shape to literally not being able to do nothing.  I could not make a dime.  From around 2001 to 2003 or so I was done to nothing.  Up until just about a few years ago I was having a hard time making money cause I was stuck not being able to get out and about to do anything.  I was doing shit here and there and just barely paying my bills.  My bills total around $3000 a month around then.  I was asked to do the gym by some of the most respected people in the industry and the people who were involved know this.  I am the one who created the business plan and model to bring these people together.  That is a fact and something everyone knows.  I had the senior manager at one of the biggest hedge fund companies in the world as my CFO.  If am such a bad guy why do I get so many millionaires and successful people still to this day asking me for advice and help and want to do things with me.  I must have done something right at some time.  Me being fat has no bearing on what my head can do.  Well over the past year or so I have been doing 100000 times better.  I guarantee you I make more than Goodrum.  That ain't saying much compared to what I used to do but it is still pretty damm good considering I do it from my laptop and while I am playing on getbig.  I deal with President and owners of major companies nearly everyday.  I would love to list them but with people like Goodrum around who are low lifes and scumbags I don't need the headaches.  But like said before from Stuntmovie who lives in the same house as I do he see everything I do and can support everything I say. I don't to bullshit to make myself look good .  Goodrum needs to bullshit all the time and everytime it backfires on him.

So that is it in a nutshell.  I have had my really good time and in the past ten years I would say 85% of that was downhill and it sucked and I was at the bottom.  Well the last couple years it has started to turn around and it is better and getting better everyday financially and physically.  Everyone rags me on here about being fat.  I rag myself.  I look like shit but I do look better than I did. And I feel better and I am in the gym.  that is far more than what Goodrum can actually do.  he can say all he wants but all he does lie.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #928 on: January 24, 2011, 05:26:06 PM »
The gloves were off for this one!

 Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #269 on: March 06, 2010, 10:40:58 PM » Quote 

Quote from: Vince G, CSN MFT on March 06, 2010, 03:51:45 PM
Millionaires and successful people were still calling Bernie Madoff for investments up till the day he got arrested.  Your argument holds no water.

And if you're doing so well financially now then you should have no problem pay restitution to both Travis Anderson and Thomas Obkerman for your actions even if its only a 100 dollars a month or etc.      But you're simply not going to do that because you have no moral backbone. 

You have had over two years to make things right with these people you didn't.  If you had done the right thing then they would not have never contacted me.  This thread didn't backfire as I have successfully shamed you as you should be ashamed of yourself.

Your own deceptive actions ultimately created this thread Keith so deal with it.  Pay these people the right thing.  And stop blaming me for this because it was your former business partners that you lied and cheated to who wanted me to put you on the spot.

Keith: You are hopeless retard and everyone say the same thing about you.  you have no credability, honor or balls.  You have proven it day in and day out.  You are going to be the same tomorrow as you have always been.  No matter what I have gone through I would never ever want to be in your shoes.  You have had a shitty life and it is all because you are stupid and someone who tries to be something he is not.  You are pitiful and pathetic Goodrum and everyone agrees with me.  Oh, by the way you let a guy a smaller than you spit right in your face.  You did nothing. You are a pussy and it is that simple.  I promise you spitting would be about the fourth thing I did to you.  And as a proven pussy you won't do a thing.  Being a fag fits you perfectly.  You are about as far from being a man as you can get.  A lying, scamming pussy and you're ugly as hell.  Fuck dude, kill yourself ASAP.  Do us all a favcor.  Leave Vissy the double dong though.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #929 on: January 24, 2011, 05:28:01 PM »
Goodrum stood his ground.

 Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #298 on: March 14, 2010, 09:29:09 AM » Quote 

Quote from: noworries on March 13, 2010, 08:55:31 PM
liar liar pants on fire.  Your lies mean nothing boy.  Travis was never a partner of anything and odd that me and Tom talk all the time and in fact doing something together right now.  Man, can your lies ever end.  Face boy you are out of your league.  Stick with the cock sucking and taking it up your ass.  That is the only tow things you are good at.  Not even sure about that.  Cant take that ugly pale white twinks word for it.

According to the emails, he agreed to operate a distribution of Muscle Mafia T-Shirts in Australia to which he paid you 2500 dollars for it.....That is the definition of a business partner. 

As far as Tom is concerned, the email that he sent Travis is legitimate and I don't care whether you two are working together again or not.  One thing is for sure, Keith and that is that you're out of control.  Not a day goes by that I'm not in your head because you really don't talk about anyone else except me and its always the same jibberish.

My advice, take a vacation from the message boards and get your affairs in order.  You owe the money and you need to pay this fellow.  Stop bullshitting and beating around the bush.  Your past came back to haunt you so deal with it. 

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #930 on: January 24, 2011, 05:29:12 PM »
Keith's rebuttal to Goodrum's charges.

Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #299 on: March 14, 2010, 09:54:26 AM » Quote 
Quote from: Vince G, CSN MFT on March 14, 2010, 09:29:09 AM

According to the emails, he agreed to operate a distribution of Muscle Mafia T-Shirts in Australia to which he paid you 2500 dollars for it.....That is the definition of a business partner. 

As far as Tom is concerned, the email that he sent Travis is legitimate and I don't care whether you two are working together again or not.  One thing is for sure, Keith and that is that you're out of control.  Not a day goes by that I'm not in your head because you really don't talk about anyone else except me and its always the same jibberish.

My advice, take a vacation from the message boards and get your affairs in order.  You owe the money and you need to pay this fellow.  Stop bullshitting and beating around the bush.  Your past came back to haunt you so deal with it. 

keith: whatever you say dummy.  Do you realize I own you like it was 200 years ago but worse.  The only problem I have with owning you is you are so stupid.  I mean what are you good for.  Manual labor maybe.  You are very fragile looking and you don't lifts weights so real physical labor might hurt you.  As far as anything that needs reality you defintiely fall out of that ballpark.  Really the only thing you may be good for is cleaning.  Now we have all seen the dump you live in and you don't even bother cleaning when you take photos so you might not even be good for that.  I guess sucking cock and taking it in the ass is all you are good for.  Since I don't do any of that, you will have to stick with Vissy since he obviously has no taste or cares about who he is sticking it too.  Good job though for continuing to own yourself too.  Oh by the way, because you really got me thinking about this Travis deal he had the goods in his hands and left them.  After storing themn for about 8 months they were donated.  So, instead of me wanting to be a good guy and not caring that he made a bad decision you opened my eyes and showed me that I did everything I could to giove him his goods.  So he and I both thank you.  See what happens when you stuid ass gets involved with something. You fuck it up.  And you wonder why you are such a huge joke.

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #931 on: January 24, 2011, 05:31:18 PM »
Getting flamed by Goodrum made Keith hot.

Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #301 on: March 14, 2010, 10:53:24 AM » Quote 

Quote from: chaos on March 14, 2010, 10:41:38 AM
I'm not going to read this shit Keith, but I'm seriously wondering how you're doing on your weightloss and working out, you can PM me if you don't want to get flamed.

I love getting flamed.  It gets me hot.  Anyway, I am in the gym training 4 to 5 days a week.  I am starting to do some cardio.  I have a virus right now in fact gotta go to doctor to get some drugs.  Weight is slowly coming off.  I have something to do ion June so I am trying to lose as much as possible by then.  I have something else to do in July.  As long as I stay healthy I am in the gym.  My strength is coming back really good.  I feel it is at least a little better being fat and strong than being fat and weak.  This way I can weight train a couple days a week and do only cardio on the other days.  Dieting is so-so.  Cut back on a lot of crap but can't go cold turkey.  I am really hoping to be be back about 80% by the Olympia this year so I can go and not worry about the photos of me.  We will see. 

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #932 on: January 24, 2011, 05:32:42 PM »
The bitter end to the thread and a sad prediction.

Re: Keith Jones / Onlyme - The Beginning of an Epic Thread
« Reply #311 on: January 17, 2011, 08:17:12 AM » Quote 

Quote from: MJK on March 14, 2010, 02:07:36 PM
WTF is your problem you FAT fucking whale. What kind of loser continuously stalks another man online. You are a fucking sick pathetic loser. Vince, this lard ass will be dead in the very near future. I know you will do alitte jig on his grave.

Well its the very near future and you're right except I'm not going to dance on his grave


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #933 on: January 24, 2011, 05:39:23 PM »
If I recall correctly .. her e-mail was posted and I'm pretty sure all you have to do is send money to an e-mail thru paypal .. or you can e-mail her for an address for a check .. stuntmovie posted it on her behalf I believe
I don't want to sound like an asshole but wasn't Onlyme in very good shape financially?

Vince B

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #934 on: January 24, 2011, 05:40:54 PM »
About the debt supposedly owed to Travis. I talked to Keith on Jan 4th this year about that business. Travis made a deal for heaps of T-shirts and Keith was paid $2500 for them. Keith delivered them to Travis's room at a hotel but when Travis found out the shipping costs were too high he left the Tshirts behind. Travis then contacted Goodrum to expose this 'debt'. Keith argued long and loud that Travis didn't take the shirts so Keith lived up to his end of the deal.

Keith said on the phone that he sorted out this deal by sending Travis some things so that Travis could make the Tshirts in Australia. I have no idea if that arrangement was satisfactory for Travis but Keith felt it was settled. Now that Keith has gone it really doesn't matter. Gosh, the things that happen on the internet when someone has hard feelings towards you. Goodrum had been bagged long and regularly by Keith and myself so hapless Goodrum used any means available to try to retaliate. Keith was getting hot and challenged Goodrum to show up at the last Olympia. None of that eventuated and that is probably a good thing. According to stuntmovie, Keith regularly is on the phone talking to business people and making deals.

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #935 on: January 24, 2011, 05:47:31 PM »
2. She also asked me if I would post her email address. I explained that doing so would not be a very good idea but she insisted that I do so and further informed me that she could handle GetBig and asked me to follow through this evening.

SO here is Jaime's email address.....

She wishes to thank a good number of you GetBiggers personally and does not want to wait until someone approves her GetBig 'membership'.

Thanks again, ya'll.  Stunt

Here is the quote with Jaime's email address.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #936 on: January 24, 2011, 05:58:49 PM »
I don't want to sound like an asshole but wasn't Onlyme in very good shape financially?

I was thinking that anything the family receives will be used if it needs to be .. and all else would be for his family , grandchildren etc.

In lieu of flowers  ... money etc. is quite often how condolences are shown towards the family

I am only sharing the way I perceive things .. I dunno anything about his personal business

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #937 on: January 24, 2011, 07:31:18 PM »
I don't want to sound like an asshole but wasn't Onlyme in very good shape financially?

no, he wasn't in great shape there.  when he made those kinds of statements, it was a defense mechanism for him

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #938 on: January 24, 2011, 08:03:33 PM »
The one activity Keith said he enjoyed besides surfing the net was playing craps at the casinos. Stands to reason that is a good way to lose money. I never talked to Keith about how well he was doing in business. He always had projects going and told me about some of them. He liked to say he made more than Goodrum and others on Getbig.

Funerals are expensive events and Jaime and Cassie had to come over from Hawaii. It would cost plenty to do the right thing for Keith.

Keith: "Ok here it is in short form about my money.  I guarantee Goodrum or many others have not made more than I did in the 80's and 90's.  I lived great traveled and could get anything I wanted.  I went from being in great shape to literally not being able to do nothing.  I could not make a dime.  From around 2001 to 2003 or so I was done to nothing.  Up until just about a few years ago I was having a hard time making money cause I was stuck not being able to get out and about to do anything.  I was doing shit here and there and just barely paying my bills.  My bills total around $3000 a month around then.  I was asked to do the gym by some of the most respected people in the industry and the people who were involved know this.  I am the one who created the business plan and model to bring these people together.  That is a fact and something everyone knows.  I had the senior manager at one of the biggest hedge fund companies in the world as my CFO.  If am such a bad guy why do I get so many millionaires and successful people still to this day asking me for advice and help and want to do things with me.  I must have done something right at some time.  Me being fat has no bearing on what my head can do.  Well over the past year or so I have been doing 100000 times better.  I guarantee you I make more than Goodrum.  That ain't saying much compared to what I used to do but it is still pretty damm good considering I do it from my laptop and while I am playing on getbig.  I deal with President and owners of major companies nearly everyday.  I would love to list them but with people like Goodrum around who are low lifes and scumbags I don't need the headaches.  But like said before from Stuntmovie who lives in the same house as I do he see everything I do and can support everything I say. I don't to bullshit to make myself look good .  Goodrum needs to bullshit all the time and everytime it backfires on him.

So that is it in a nutshell.  I have had my really good time and in the past ten years I would say 85% of that was downhill and it sucked and I was at the bottom.  Well the last couple years it has started to turn around and it is better and getting better everyday financially and physically.  Everyone rags me on here about being fat.  I rag myself.  I look like shit but I do look better than I did. And I feel better and I am in the gym.  that is far more than what Goodrum can actually do.  he can say all he wants but all he does lie."


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #939 on: January 25, 2011, 03:46:28 AM »
wow i thought it was a joke, thats fucked up. he was a funny guy. rip


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #940 on: January 25, 2011, 06:07:07 AM »
If I recall correctly .. her e-mail was posted and I'm pretty sure all you have to do is send money to an e-mail thru paypal .. or you can e-mail her for an address for a check .. stuntmovie posted it on her behalf I believe

Thanks for the info w8m8 and all.  I had no idea you could paypal an email address.


Vince B

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #941 on: January 25, 2011, 07:09:05 AM »
You can pay a person via their email address as long as they are registered on Paypal with that email address. Jaime is registered with Paypal at that email address.

This is an easy way to send money to someone else. Better than going to a bank and much quicker.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #942 on: January 25, 2011, 08:49:03 AM »
are you now happy goodrum?


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #943 on: January 25, 2011, 08:52:29 AM »
are you now happy goodrum?
Go away with this lame shit, you tiny tit.

Is anyone going to the memorial?...........His daughter and grandchild are beautiful!

Still can't get use to logging in and seeing the title to this thread..


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #944 on: January 25, 2011, 10:03:46 AM »
cmon guys seriously this isn't the place for this

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #945 on: January 25, 2011, 11:46:24 AM »
Hey, Ya'll, this is Stunt with Keith's daughters, Jaime and Cassie. They are here with us for dinner with the  family. We're having BBQ hamburgers because the kids love hamburgers and they have just returned from Mt Charleston after a day of sledding down the side of a snow covered hill for a few hourss.

Jaime and Cassie  have not had a chance to read all of this but they want to take a few minutes and say a few words of there own on behalf of there dad.......

First from Jaime:

Hello everyone, I am so thankful for all of you wanting to help out. My dad loved this site and I can rememeber him being on here all the time. I just joined the getbig community yesterday, my username is fire2b12( i am pretty sure). Its been a hard last couple of weeks for me and my sister and my mom. My dad was my best friend and I talked to him at least 5 times a day. I called him for every thing. He was my rock. He was the best speller that I know of(I am a very bad speller). I just wish that I could have been there to help him. Its been 3 years since I saw my dad. He moved to Vegas in 2008. He never even got to meet his last 2 grand kids. But he loved them so much. I cry over some small things, just because something reminds me of him. But all of these stories that all these people have are TRUELY  helping me heal. The stories make me laugh and I love them.. So thank you so much for helping me smile in these crazy hard times. And I can't wait to read the getbig thread.

And here's Cassie:

Hello everyone, my name is Cassie, for those of you who don't know. well, all of this is really hard for me, it was something i just really didnt expect. my dad was superman, nothing could take him down. im glad to know that  there is so many people that are here to support me and my sister through such  a hard time. im just glad that i was able to see him as many times that i did this year. i just wish he would have swallowed his pride and told me more about how sick he really was so i could have been there. but thats how my dad was, always happy, no matter what he'll always put a smile on ur face. the last thing he wanted was for us was to worry about him. always i will have him with me in the way i am and the things he taught me. i just hope everyone knows and if you really knew him you do, he always stayed a kid at heart, all he ever really wanted was to make everyone happy, and i think he succeeded. i know my heart will never heal but i know he'll protect me. i thank him so much for teaching me to stay so strong. thank you all for being here for my sister and i. hopefully we will meet again and if we haven't i hope we do. i will alwas keep his spirit in me. thanks for listening. 

Always, Cassie Kay Jones

Very sweet sentiments.....a loving, adoring family speaks volumes for Keith.

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Re: Keith Jones / OnlyMe - The very best contributions
« Reply #946 on: January 25, 2011, 09:57:17 PM »
really hurts to see people disrespecting keith so badly

makes me wonder how many of the physical symptoms were from depression


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #947 on: January 26, 2011, 05:36:29 AM »
I don't want to sound like an asshole but wasn't Onlyme in very good shape financially?

Keith was a very large man.  His funeral will probably cost double, if not more.


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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #948 on: January 26, 2011, 05:45:40 AM »
which pro's will attend the funeral?

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Re: R.I.P. Keith Jones aka Onlyme/Noworries
« Reply #949 on: January 26, 2011, 08:20:28 AM »
Ill miss Keith .. very special human being.