Author Topic: Radical Islam  (Read 105861 times)

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #150 on: August 20, 2014, 12:12:21 PM »
US intel confirms journalist execution video 'authentic,' Obama vows 'relentless' fight against ISIS
Published August 20, 2014

President Obama, reacting to the brutal execution of an American journalist by Islamic State terrorists, said Wednesday that the militant organization has "no place in the 21st century," as U.S. intelligence analysts confirmed the authenticity of a video showing the journalist's beheading.

The president, in brief remarks from Martha's Vineyard, said the video of James Foley's death "shocks the conscience," while vowing to continue the fight against the organization which has taken root across swaths of Iraq and Syria. He called for a "common effort" across the Middle East to "extract this cancer so it does not spread."

"The United States of America will continue to do what we must do to protect our people," Obama said. "We will be vigilant and we will be relentless."

Military analysts and U.S. lawmakers also say the execution should be a wake-up call to the need to dismantle the militant organization. 

The remarks come after the White House National Security Council released a brief statement saying the intelligence community reviewed the video and has "reached the judgment that this video is authentic." Obama said he spoke with Foley's parents earlier Wednesday.

The beheading marks the first time the Islamic State -- also known as ISIS, or ISIL -- has killed an American citizen since the Syrian conflict broke out in March 2011, upping the stakes in an increasingly chaotic and multilayered war.

“America got a glimpse of exactly who they are,” House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told Fox News on Wednesday. “This is a group you need to deal with.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., called the "brutal execution" of a hostage "the clearest indication to date that ISIL has declared war on the United States."

The militants in the video railed against U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and threatened to kill a second American journalist, depending on Obama’s “next decision” – an apparent reference to U.S. military policy in the region.

The video puts pressure on the White House to weigh the risks of ramping up airstrikes in Iraq targeting the Islamic State, and the possibility that militants could kill more Americans in response.

But in an indication that the U.S. response is not changing, a U.S. official said American fighter jets and drones conducted nearly a dozen strikes in Iraq since Tuesday. The official told the Associated Press the airstrikes were in the area of the Mosul Dam and were aimed at helping Iraqi and Kurdish forces create a buffer zone at the key facility.

Rogers and others said the video only underscores the need to develop a clear strategy for defeating the group. Rogers said this week’s success, for instance, in helping Iraqi and Kurdish forces retake the Mosul Dam from militants must be part of a “bigger strategy.” 

“That [video] ought to get us off our backsides and get to work on dismantling this organization. It’s dangerous,” he told Fox News.

“We have to be taking severe military action,” Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, a former military intelligence officer now with the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, told Fox News, saying “boots on the ground” are not necessarily needed to do that.

“We do have the ability to start walking back ISIS, we can't wait,” he said, echoing lawmakers’ concerns that the group will try to attack New York City, Washington and other American targets if they can.

Retired Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the CIA and National Security Agency, raised the same issue.

“What we've seen with this video is the character of the Islamic State. Do you want that to continue to exist and thrive and grow and be able to threaten other Americans?” he said on Fox News.

Foley's family also confirmed his death in a statement posted on a Facebook page that was created to rally support for his release, saying they "have never been prouder of him."

"He gave his life trying to expose the world to the suffering of the Syrian people," said the statement, which was attributed to Foley's mother, Diane Foley. She implored the militants to spare the lives of other hostages. "Like Jim, they are innocents. They have no control over American government policy in Iraq, Syria or anywhere in the world."

Foley, 40, from Rochester, N.H., disappeared in northern Syria in November 2012. He had previously reported for several outlets, including Stars and Stripes, but was freelancing for Agence France-Presse and the Boston-based media company GlobalPost at the time. The car he was riding in was stopped by four militants in a contested battle zone that both Sunni rebel fighters and government forces were trying to control. He had not been heard from since.

The group is the heir apparent of the militancy known as Al Qaeda in Iraq, which beheaded many of its victims, including American businessman Nicholas Berg in 2004.

The video released on websites Tuesday appears to show the increasing sophistication of the Islamic State group's media unit and begins with scenes of Obama explaining his decision to order airstrikes.

It then cuts to a balding man in an orange jumpsuit kneeling in the desert, next to a black-clad militant with a knife to his throat. Foley's name appears in both English and Arabic graphics on screen. After the captive speaks, the masked man is shown apparently beginning to cut at his neck; the video fades to black before the beheading is completed. The next shot appears to show the captive lying dead on the ground, his head on his body. The video appears to have been shot in an arid area; there is no vegetation to be seen and the horizon is in the distance where the sand meets the gray-blue sky.

At the end of the video, a militant speaking with a British accent shows a second man, who was identified as another American journalist, Steven Sotloff, and warns that he could be the next captive killed. Sotloff was kidnapped near the Syrian-Turkish border in August 2013; he had freelanced for Time, the National Interest and MediaLine.

New Hampshire lawmakers condemned the killing. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., called it a "cowardly act of terrorism" that "underscores the threat that ISIL poses to the freedoms we hold dear."

In a statement Tuesday evening, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, also called the act "appalling."

“Seldom is the descriptor 'evil' applied with perfect accuracy as it is with this monstrous group that glories in death," he said. "They know no human decency -- murdering journalists, beheading religious minorities refusing to convert, victimizing women and children, and starving entire communities.”

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #151 on: September 08, 2014, 04:45:46 PM »
Arab states join forces against ISIS, as Obama preps strategy
Published September 08, 2014

Arab League nations called Monday for combating Islamic State extremists, acting to join forces against the terror threat as President Obama continues to forge his own coalition for battling the extremist group.

It's not clear to what extent the Arab League and western allies are coordinating.

The league's resolution, issued after late-night meetings of Arab foreign ministers a day earlier, doesn't explicitly back American military action against the group. On a separate track, Obama administration officials met Friday in Wales with mostly European allies to discuss the Islamic State threat.

Obama, though, is seeking an international coalition to challenge the Islamic State group and has urged nations in the region to get involved.

Secretary of State John Kerry is due to travel to the Middle East this month in an effort to secure the backing of Arab states for an anti-ISIS campaign, while Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel was due to arrive in Turkey on Monday to press that country's leadership for support.

Obama is expected to outline his plan Wednesday to the American people.

The Arab League resolution calls for immediate measures to combat the group on the political, defense, security and legal levels.

The resolution backed the United Nations resolution issued last month that imposed sanctions on a number of the group's fighters and called on countries to adopt measures to combat terrorism. The council resolution was adopted under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter, meaning it can be militarily enforced.

The move comes after the head of the 22-member Arab League urged the group's members to make a "clear and firm decision for a comprehensive confrontation" with "cancerous and terrorist" groups. Nabil Elaraby called ISIS a threat to the existence of Iraq and its neighbors and "one of the examples of the challenges that are violently shaking the Arab world, and one the Arab League, regrettably, has not been able to confront."

Iraq faces an unprecedented crisis after the Islamic State group's offensive, which included militants committing beheadings and mass killings while targeting minorities in the country.

In an attack on Monday, a bomber drove an explosives-laden Humvee, apparently seized from the Iraqi military, into the gathering of a major Sunni tribe, the Jabour, and security forces in Duluiyah, some 45 miles north of Baghdad, a police officer said.

The explosion killed 16 and wounded at least 55 people, the officer said. A health official confirmed the casualties.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration reportedly is preparing a campaign to destroy the Islamic State militant group that could outlast the president's remaining time in office, according to The New York Times.

Citing U.S. officials, the Times reported late Sunday that the White House plan involves three phases that some Pentagon officials believe will require at least three years of sustained effort.

The first phase, airstrikes against Islamic State, also known as ISIS, is already under way in Iraq, where U.S. aircraft have launched 143 attacks since August 8. The second phase involves an intensified effort to train, advise, and equip the Iraqi Army, Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, and any Sunni tribesmen willing to fight their ISIS co-religionists. The Times reports that this second phase will begin sometime after Iraq forms a new government, which could happen this week.

The third and most politically fraught phase of the campaign, according to The Times, would require airstrikes against ISIS inside Syria. Last month, the government of Bashar Assad in Damascus warned the Obama administration not to launch airstrikes against ISIS in Syria without its permission.

Obama was scheduled to outline his plan in a meeting Tuesday with House and Senate leaders before addressing the nation in a speech Wednesday, the eve of the 13th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #152 on: September 10, 2014, 12:57:03 PM »
Radical Imam: Terrorism Is 'Part of Islam'

Image: Radical Imam: Terrorism Is 'Part of Islam' Anjem Choudary. (Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images)
Friday, 05 Sep 2014
By Sean Piccoli

A British imam gave a television interview this week in which he defended acts of terror, including the beheading of foreign journalists, as consistent with the teachings of the Koran, Breitbart News blogger John Sexton reported.

London-based cleric Anjem Choudary told Russia Today that "terrorizing the enemy is in fact part of Islam" in an interview with the English-language RT news program, "Worlds Apart."

Choudary cited a passage of the Koran that calls for Muslims to use "steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah."

"So terrorizing the enemy is in fact part of Islam," Choudary said. "I mean this is something that we must embrace and understand as far as the jurisprudence of Islam is concerned."

Sexton wrote that, "Choudary went on to say that Muslims make no distinction between civilians and armed forces since civilians elect the leaders who direct the armed forces."

Choudary, also a lawyer who lectures on Sharia law, headed an Islamic group, Al Muhajiroun, which was banned in the United Kingdom.

Two attendees of Al Muhajiroun events were arrested in the 2013 murder of a British Army veteran of the Afghanistan war, who was stabbed to death in broad daylight on a busy London street.

Choudary has sparred with Fox News' Sean Hannity and CNN's Brian Stelter in recent interviews, and even spawned an anti-Choudary Facebook page.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #153 on: September 24, 2014, 09:49:04 AM »
Khorasan Group Founders Obsessed With Pulling Off Next 9/11
Wednesday, 24 Sep 2014
By Melanie Batley

American airstrikes in Syria have begun to focus on a small, little-known al-Qaida offshoot that is fixated on carrying out an assault on the United States similar to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The group, known as Khorasan, is composed of roughly 50 fighters who were trained in Afghanistan and Pakistan and sent to Syria to recruit foreign fighters. The jihadists are loyal to al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, and operate separately from the Islamic State (ISIS), Fox News reported.

"Their focus is recruiting those that hold Western passports so they can attack Western airliners," Ryan Mauro, national security analyst and adjunct professor of homeland security at the Clarion Project, told Fox News. "Since a-Qaida is looking like a bunch of has-beens, an attack on Western airliners would be a way of restoring their credibility.

"It's the jihadist equivalent of an old rock band launching a comeback tour," he added.

The group has set up training camps in Syria, and followers are given sophisticated skills in bomb making.

The Obama administration on Tuesday directed airstrikes against the group around the regions of Idlib and Aleppo, and officials said the bombings damaged the group, though may not have eradicated it.

The group has become a rival of ISIS, competing for dominance in international terrorism, according to Fox News, but ISIS claims their divisions are based on spiritual differences.

"Al-Qaida, including Jabhat al-Nusra and Khorasan, deviated from the rightful course," ISIS spokesman Mohammed al-Adnani recently declared, according to Fox News. "It is not a dispute about who to kill or who to give your allegiance. It is a question of religious practices being distorted and an approach veering off the right path."

Khorasan, whose leader is Muhsin al-Fadhli, is particularly concerned with attacking Western planes and trains. There have been unconfirmed reports that al-Fadhli was killed in the bombing raid and sources say his death could be a major blow to the organization.

Al-Fadhli is believed to have been one of the few that were privy to the September 11 plot before it was carried out, and he had extensive training in firearms, anti-aircraft guns, and explosives.

"The group's repeated efforts to conceal explosive devices to destroy aircraft demonstrate its continued pursuits of high-profile attacks against the West," Nicholas Rasmussen, deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center, said, according to Fox News. He added that Khorasan's "increasing awareness of Western security procedures and its efforts to adapt to those procedures" make it particularly dangerous.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper warned last week that the group poses a real threat of attacks on U.S. soil.

"In terms of threat to the homeland, Khorasan may pose as much of a danger as the Islamic State," Clapper said, according to Fox News.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #155 on: September 26, 2014, 09:04:10 AM »

Where is stawtwink to tell us all religions are the same?

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #156 on: September 26, 2014, 09:07:54 AM »

Police: FBI looking into Moore beheading after suspect tried to convert others to Islam

Posted 4:38 pm, September 25, 2014, by KFOR-TV & K. Querry, Updated at 11:01am, September 26, 2014   


Update: 9/26 10:38 a.m.:

MOORE, Okla. – Officials with the Moore Police Department say the FBI is now involved in the investigation related to a brutal attack of workers at a food distribution plant.

Sgt. Jeremy Lewis says the alleged suspect, 30-year-old Alton Nolen had just been fired when he drove to the front of the business, hit a vehicle and walked inside.

He walked into the front office area where he met 54-year-old Colleen Hufford and began attacking her with a knife.

Sgt. Lewis confirms the type of knife used in the attack is the same kind used at the plant.

Lewis confirms that Hufford was stabbed several times and that Nolen “severed her head.”

At that point, Lewis claims Nolen met 43-year-old Traci Johnson and began attacking her with the same knife.

Officials say at that point, Mark Vaughan, an Oklahoma County reserve deputy and a former CEO of the business, shot him as he was actively stabbing Johnson.

“He’s a hero in this situation,” Sgt. Lewis said, referring to Vaughan. “It could have gotten a lot worse.”

Authorities say it appears Nolen was attacking employees at random.

Johnson is in stable condition at a local hospital, recovering from her injuries.

The FBI is now looking into Nolen’s background after his former co-workers said he tried to convert them to Islam after recently converting himself.

Lewis says the FBI is working in conjunction with the Moore Police Department, especially when it comes to the religious aspect of the case.

At this time, it is not known if the suspect’s beliefs played a role in the attack.

Employees are back at work today.

Vaughan Foods released the following statement about the attack:

“On behalf of everyone at Vaughan Foods, we are shocked and deeply saddened by the events of today. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the team member we lost and all those affected. Our focus is on the safety and well-being of our employees. We will provide counseling and support for our team members and support each other through this difficult time. We are working with authorities on this active investigation and ask that you direct your questions to local law enforcement.”

The Moore Police Department released the 911 tapes associated with the attack.


911 Caller: “Shut the door, shut the door!”

Dispatcher: “Moore 911, where’s your emergency?”

911 Caller: “Vaughan Foods, Moore, Oklahoma, 216 N.E. 12th St.”

Dispatcher: “What’s going on there?”

911 Caller: “We have someone attacking someone in the building. I was just informed.”

Dispatcher: “Okay, where are they at?”

911 Caller: “Inside, are they in the office? They’re in the office, front office of the building. Yeah, we can hear a lot of screaming. We’re actually in a different office but someone just came in here yelling.”

Dispatcher: “Okay, do you know where they’re at in the building?”

911 Caller: “In the front of the building, there’s our main entrance.”

Dispatcher: “Okay, do you know where he is at in the plant?”

911 Caller: “We know that he’s loose. He has stabbed someone.”

Dispatcher: “Yeah, we’ve got medical en route for them. Is anybody with him or do you know?”

911 Caller: “Hold on, I’m going to put you on speakerphone for one second. Okay, so we don’t know where the person went and he went through our front office, went through the shipping office and stabbed a woman in our customer service department.”

Dispatcher: “Okay, did he know her? Is that who he was arguing with? Is she an employee?”

911 Caller: “She is an employee.”

Dispatcher: “Okay, thank you.”

911 Caller: “Lock that door.”

Dispatcher: “Yeah, lock everyone in there if you can.”

911 Caller: “Yeah, we’re trying. Okay, can you hear this in the background?”


Dispatcher: “Is that him? He’s back?”

911 Caller: “Yeah, it sounds like he’s running around out here.”

(loud bangs)

911 Caller: “And that’s a gun shot.”

Dispatcher: “Got a gun shot. Units responding to Vaughan Foods, be advised we do now have gunshots. Okay, do you know where he’s at now?”

911 Caller: “He’s in the hallway, outside of the center of the building.”

Dispatcher: “Maybe in the hallway in the center of the building. And how many more shots have you heard?”

911 Caller: “We’ve heard three.”

Dispatcher: “Three shots?”

911 Caller: “Now I’m hearing somebody yelling in the hallway.”

Dispatcher: “There’s another subject yelling in the hallway. Units be advised that there’s another subject yelling in the hallway. Still same amount of injuries.”

911 Caller: “Stay down, stay down.”




ORIGINAL STORY: We’re learning more details about a brutal crime that left one woman dead and sent two other people to an Oklahoma hospital.

Around 4:05 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, authorities were called to N.E. 12th St. after receiving reports of a shooting or stabbing near a business.

Sgt. Jeremy Lewis, with the Moore Police Department, said it was not an active shooter situation but could confirm that an officer was involved in a shooting at the Vaughan Foods distribution warehouse.

Lewis says 30-year-old Alton Nolen attacked one woman inside the business, who later died from her injuries.

NewsChannel 4 has learned Nolen allegedly beheaded her following a workplace dispute.

The deceased victim has been identified as 54-year-old Colleen Hufford.

Police say he also tried to kill another woman, officials say.

Sgt. Lewis says Nolen was attacking another woman when an off-duty sheriff’s deputy, who was also the former CEO of the business, shot him multiple times with a rifle.

Nolen and the second victim were taken to OU Medical Center in critical condition.

Authorities say Nolen has no relation to the victims.

There were as many as 300 workers inside of the warehouse at the time of the incident.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #158 on: September 28, 2014, 02:04:58 PM »
Breitbart's Big Peace ^ | September 28, 2014 | Danielle Avel
Posted on September 28, 2014 at 4:24:51 PM EDT by 2ndDivisionVet

Was Muslim convert Alton Nolen, who allegedly beheaded co-worker Colleen Hufford and stabbed another woman in Oklahoma on Sept. 25, inspired by ISIS, the Islamist group that rules large parts of Syria and Iraq? (ISIS is also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, ISIL, Islamic State, and Da`esh.)

Law enforcement and the media have, as usual, distanced the attack from Islam and terrorism, implying the alleged crime is an example of “workplace violence” due to Nolen’s recent firing from Vaughan Foods.

But co-workers report Nolen had a history of attempting to convert them to the Muslim faith. Law enforcement officials have not yet revealed if this was a contributing factor in Nolen’s termination. In addition, Robin Marsh of KWTV-9 reports that Nolen was “shouting Islamic phrases” while attacking his victims.

It is Nolen himself, however, who provides the best initial evidence that radical Islam in general and ISIS in particular motivated his alleged murder a fellow worker....

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; US: Oklahoma; War on Terror; Click to Add Topic

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #162 on: October 13, 2014, 01:39:41 PM »
Cheney: 'Very Dangerous Period … More Threatening Than the Period Before 9/11'
'9/11 will turn out to be not nearly as bad as the next mass casualty attack against the United States'

Vice President Dick Cheney opened up for a nearly two hour interview with Bill Kristol, as part of the latest installment of Conversations With Bill Kristol:

The two discussed Cheney's time as secretary of defense, the Gulf War, the Nixon and Ford Years, the Reagan years, 9/11, and the threats we face today.

On the last point, Cheney surveyed the world -- particulary the Middle East -- and expressed concern about Iran getting nuclear weapons. If that happens, Cheney predicted, many other countries in the region would quickly acquire nuclear weapons, too.

"So we're in a very dangerous period and I think it's more threatening than the period before 9/11," Cheney predicted. "I think 9/11 will turn out to be not nearly as bad as the next mass casualty attack against the United States--which, if and when it comes, will be with something far deadlier than [with] airline tickets and box cutters."

Cheney defended the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques--specifically, waterboarding--used by the Bush administration to help save American lives, as well as the NSA program. He also talked about how congressional leaders, such as Nancy Pelosi, all privately signed off on the programs -- and implored the Bush administration not to bring it to Capitol Hill for discussion.

Kristol ended the conversation by thanking Cheney for his "model" public service.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #163 on: October 13, 2014, 02:01:23 PM »
If someone could give his personal guarantee we're about to be attacked, it would probably be Dick Cheney, yes.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #164 on: October 13, 2014, 02:02:45 PM »
Yes, the man who worked with foreign terrorists, the airline industry, the military, etc. to bomb us on 911. 

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #165 on: October 13, 2014, 02:28:28 PM »
Yes, the man who worked with foreign terrorists, the airline industry, the military, etc. to bomb us on 911. 

To "bomb us", Beach?

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #166 on: October 13, 2014, 02:32:59 PM »
To "bomb us", Beach?

Oh this is where we pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about?  The WTC and Pentagon. 

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #167 on: November 11, 2014, 02:39:44 PM »
Intel memo shows NYC ax attacker's online obsession with radical Islam
By Catherine Herridge
Published November 11, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: The suspect in the Oct. 23 hatchet attack on two New York City cops had been searching online for jihadist propaganda and foreign terror organizations -- as well as information on martyrdom and suicide bombings -- in the weeks leading up to the assault, according to a city counterterrorism bureau intelligence assessment obtained by Fox News.

While initial reporting from unnamed sources suggested Zale Thompson may have been motivated by anti-government or black power sentiments, the four-page document provides new details that speak to Thompson's self-radicalization. They show his online obsession with the "message" of terror groups like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

The intelligence assessment, further, said he "may have held a long-standing interest in violent jihad."

"A preliminary analysis by the NYPD of approximately 277 online search terms by Zale Thompson in the weeks leading up to the attack revealed multiple references to 'jihadist' materials," the assessment states. "Thompson used internet search engines to query specific terms including but not limited to 'lone wolf,' 'jihad,' and 'jihad against the police'."

The investigation is ongoing, and the report says "there is no evidence that Thompson conspired with other individuals to carry out the attack" -- but it adds that his Internet searches were focused on known terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, its affiliate in Somalia known as al-Shabaab, and the Islamic State. It also documents 58 search terms from Thompson's electronic records that range from "jihad against the infidels" to "fatwa against americans" to "death to America in Arabic."

The search history with terms such as "is Saudi Arabia a member of the United Nations" and "Saudi Arabic 69th general assembly un" also suggests Thompson may have considered targeting the annual U.N. conference and Saudi dignitaries. 

The intelligence assessment includes an evidence photo from the crime scene where Thomspon appeared to stalk the rookie cops, attacking them with the hatchet -- before he was shot dead. A second ax and hunting knife from the suspect's home were also pictured.

Officer Kenneth Healey, 25, suffered a severe head injury in the attack, and Officer Joseph Meeker, 24, was injured in the arm. Both are rookie officers.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., current member of the House Intelligence Committee and a former chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, noted that NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said the attack was terrorism soon after it happened. King said the assessment was pulled together and shared with police across the country after a similar ax attack in Washington, D.C. He said the document shows "it was not just one deranged person, but he was obsessed with Islamic terrorism."

"This was jihadist inspired. Plain and simple," said Frank Cilluffo, associate vice president and director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute of George Washington University. "He had so many search terms in this respect, I think it would be very difficult to suggest that it's anything but."

The intelligence assessment says there is no known link between the New York attack and the one in Washington on Oct. 31 -- where the suspect swung an ax into the window of a police cruiser -- but suggests the pattern of attacks on military and law enforcement, including recently against Canadian soldiers, cannot be ignored.

"As I understand it, NYPD is already instituting new actions, and new steps where instead of patrolling alone, they are going to have group patrols, and stay together even, even simple measures such as having lunch. They are hoping that people will stick together, so you can have two eyes and ears on potential threat," Cilluffo said.

King said ISIS is recruiting individuals on the margins of society. "It shows the real necessity of having surveillance in neighborhoods," he said. "It may not have prevented this attack. But the best way for the police to find out in advance about these potential threats is through informants and people in the community."

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #168 on: November 17, 2014, 01:02:35 PM »
New ISIS video shows beheading of American hostage Peter Kassig
Published November 16, 2014

The White House said Sunday that a review of an Islamic State video confirms that American hostage Peter Kassig, an aid worker and former Army Ranger, has been beheaded by the terror group.

In the nearly 16-minute video uploaded to social networks, a black-clad militant with his face concealed stands before a severed head that he says is that of the U.S. aid worker.

President Obama confirmed the video's authenticity on Sunday, saying in a statement the act was "pure evil."

The video was posted shortly after President Obama departed for Washington from the G-20 summit in Australia. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Obama was briefed by National Security Adviser Susan Rice while in flight.

Ed and Paula Kassig, Peter's parents, released a statement early Sunday saying they were aware of the reports of their son's death. They also asked that media outlets not post any images or video distributed by Islamic State, better known as ISIS or ISIL.

"We prefer our son is written about and remembered for his important work and the love he shared with friends and family," the statement read, "not in the manner the hostage takers would use to manipulate Americans and further their cause."

The video also showed what appeared to be the mass beheading of more than a dozen captured Syrian soldiers, but did not show the beheading of Kassig, 26. Showing the execution of the soldiers is a departure from previous videos, which did not depict the act of beheading. The soldiers' executioners are not wearing masks in the video and warn they will carry out similar actions outside the region.

"This is Peter Edward Kassig, a U.S. citizen of your country; Peter, who fought against the Muslims in Iraq, while serving as a soldier," the militant says near the end of the video. He speaks in an audible British accent despite his voice being distorted to make it more difficult to identify him.

"We say to you, Obama claim to have withdrawn from Iraq four years ago," the militant said. "Here you are: you have not withdrawn. Rather, you hid some of your forces behind your proxies," he said, apparently referring to Western-backed Syrian rebels, Kurdish fighters and the Iraqi military.

"Here we are, burying the first American crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive."

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #169 on: December 01, 2014, 08:30:13 AM »
EXCLUSIVE: Al Qaeda plot to blow up 5 passenger planes in Christmas 'spectacular'
TERRORISTS are plotting to blow up five European passenger jets in a Christmas "spectacular", security experts say.
Published: 08:01, Mon, December 1, 2014
TERRORISTS are plotting to blow up five European passenger jets in a Christmas "spectacular", security experts say.   

The threat has been taken so seriously it came close to leading to an outright ban on all hand luggage, a senior insider has revealed.

Mobile phones and electronic devices could still be banned from plane cabins, with the threat of a 9/11-style coordinated attack on London and other major cities feared imminent.

The warning comes as Whitehall officials admit that a terror strike on the UK is now "almost inevitable" particularly with British jihadis returning from fighting alongside the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

An airport security source told the Sunday Express: "We've been told that five planes are being targeted in a high profile hit before Christmas. They've been waiting for the big one.

"We have many scares but this one nearly got hand baggage pulled from all airlines. The threat is still alive and real."

The plot, which has been known about for the past two months, is thought to involve Islamists smuggling bombs on to planes bound for major European destinations before Christmas.

The well-placed security insider said talks had been held about how to deal with it, with suggestions made to ban hand luggage.

The source said: "High level negotiations are continuing at Governmental level but at the moment there has been little done to respond.

"There is paralysis because of the difficulty of banning hand luggage which is one of the strongest weapons we have against the new threats.

"All electronics may be banned from hand luggage and placed in the hold, that has been considered, and there has been behaviour analysis training at airports but while it's effective, it's difficult to roll out quickly and is not a sufficient safety net.

"The threat is aimed at Europe. The U.S has improved their security over the summer but we have not.

"Everyone is expecting something catastrophic very soon".

. . .

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #170 on: December 03, 2014, 10:41:34 AM »

Medal of Honor recipient invites Islamic State to visit
Jeff Schogol, Marine Corps Times 12:12 p.m. EST December 3, 2014

Terrorists want to track down service members using social media, and Marine Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer is hoping they drop by his place because he would love to meet them.

"I take the threat seriously, but you are talking about a bunch of cowards," Meyer told Military Times on Wednesday. "We're not cowards. We're the most feared nation on the face of the planet, and we're worried about some radical group, some extremists that prey on the weak? I mean, that's like sheep preying on lions."

The FBI has reportedly warned service members to scrub their social media accounts of any information connecting them with the U.S. military to avoid being targeted by the Islamic State terrorist group, which wants to kill U.S. troops in their homes.

When asked by the website about the FBI's warning, Meyer said it would be a "dream come true" if Islamic State terrorists came to visit him.

"Hopefully one of these (expletive) actually shows up," Meyer told the website. "They'll definitely get more than they want at my place!"

Meyer later tweeted an invitation to the Islamic State, which is also known as ISIS or ISIL, to join him at his home for some light reading.

Fellow Marine and Medal of Honor recipient Kyle Carpenter retweeted the picture.

Meyer told Military Times that he is confident he would be able to defend himself if the Islamic State took him up on his invitation.

"The wrong people to be targeting in the United States of America is our military, because (they are) the finest men and women on the face of the earth," he said.

But Meyer stressed that he takes the threat to service members seriously and does not want to see the Islamic State show up at any other service members' homes.

"I'm just tired of us as Americans living in fear," he said. "I want people to know: Stand up to this; stand up to these people. I don't want to put anybody else in harm. They can come after me."

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #171 on: December 11, 2014, 12:27:03 PM »
Fox News Poll: 81 percent expect ISIS attack on US, majority says keep Gitmo open
By Dana Blanton
Published December 11, 2014

A majority of American voters want any ISIS terrorist captured by the United States sent to Guantanamo Bay rather than a federal prison.  That’s a key finding of the latest Fox News poll, as President Obama wants to close Gitmo amid widespread fears ISIS will try to strike the homeland soon.

A large 81-percent majority expects the Islamic extremist group ISIS to attempt a U.S. attack in the near future, including 48 percent who think it is “very” likely, according to the poll released Wednesday.

Click here for the poll results.

If an ISIS fighter were to be captured by the U.S., where should that prisoner be sent?  By a 59-29 percent margin, voters say the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba.

Obama wants to close the facility and fulfill a 2008 campaign promise, yet 56 percent of voters want to keep it open.  That’s up from 52 percent in June, though down from a record 63 percent in 2013.

Democrats want Gitmo closed by a 12-point margin.  That’s a reversal from 2013 when Democrats favored keeping it open by 7 points.

Seven in 10 Republicans still want it open (71 percent), as do two-thirds of independents (66 percent).

Veterans are more likely to think the prison at Guantanamo Bay should stay open by nearly 50 points (72-25 percent).  That’s mostly unchanged since last year when vets favored keeping it open by 69-25 percent.

In addition to a majority of voters against closing Gitmo, by more than two-to-one voters are against having prisoners there moved to a prison near them (65-32 percent).

Meanwhile, voters put ISIS second only to the economy on the president’s list of priorities:  38 percent say working on the economy should be Obama’s first order of business right now, followed by 21 percent who say ISIS. Another 12 percent say health care, 10 percent immigration and 9 percent race relations.

By a 21-point margin, more voters disapprove than approve (56-35 percent) of the job Obama is doing handling ISIS.  Fifty-seven percent of Democrats approve, while just 31 percent of independents and 15 percent of Republicans approve.

Likewise, on foreign policy, 37 percent of voters approve, while 57 percent disapprove.

The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 1,043 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from December 7-9, 2014. The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #172 on: December 16, 2014, 11:37:20 AM »
Horror over deadly Sydney siege turns to anger
PUBLISHED: 16 December 2014
Horror over a deadly siege morphed into anger Tuesday as leaders of a grieving nation demanded to know how a man with a violent criminal history slipped through the cracks and ended up in the downtown Sydney cafe where he took 17 people hostage.

The 16-hour siege ended in a barrage of gunfire and screams early Tuesday morning when police stormed into the Lindt Chocolat Cafe in a desperate bid to free the hostages. Two of the hostages were killed, as was the gunman, Man Haron Monis, a 50-year-old Iranian-born, self-styled cleric described by Australia's prime minister as a deeply disturbed person carrying out a 'sick fantasy.'

'How can someone who has had such a long and checkered history not be on the appropriate watch list? And how can someone like that be entirely at large in the community?' Prime Minister Tony Abbott asked at a news conference. 'These are questions we need to look at carefully and calmly and methodically. That's what we'll be doing in the days and weeks ahead.'

Monis was convicted and sentenced last year to 300 hours of community service for sending what a judge called 'grossly offensive' letters to families of soldiers killed in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2009. He later was charged with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife. Earlier this year, he was charged with the 2002 sexual assault of a woman. He had been out on bail on all the charges.

That history prompted a flurry of questions that remained unanswered more than a day after the siege began Monday morning. Why was Monis out on bail? Why was he not on a terror watch list? How did he get a shotgun in a country with tough gun ownership laws?
'We are all outraged that this guy was on the street,' New South Wales Premier Mike Baird said. 'We need to ensure that everything is done to learn from this.'

Alongside the fury and confusion was an outpouring of grief, as crowds of tearful mourners flocked to Martin Place, a plaza in the heart of Sydney's financial and shopping district where the Lindt cafe is located. The mourners left mountains of flowers in honor of the two hostages who were killed: Katrina Dawson, a 38-year-old lawyer and mother of three, and Tori Johnson, the cafe's 34-year-old manager. Officials have yet to say whether the two died in crossfire as police stormed in or were shot by their captor.

'I'll never forget this day as long as I live,' said Jenny Borovina, who was in tears with two friends while carrying white flowers to the site. She predicted that the standoff would leave a permanent scar on Australia's psyche: 'Our laid-back nature has just changed.'

Like so many who work in the area, Borovina said she was locked down in her office near the cafe for more than four hours Monday before police gave her the all-clear to leave. During that time, she said, she called her son to say take care. She also called her aunt, asking her to look after her son if she didn't make it out alive.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #173 on: December 16, 2014, 11:39:13 AM »
Taliban-led attack on Pakistan school leaves 141 dead
Published December 16, 2014

An assault led by the Taliban on a Pakistan military-run school Tuesday left 141 people dead, 132 of which were children, officials say, in the worst attack to hit the country in years.

The horrific attack in Peshawar, carried out by a relatively small number of militants from the Tehreek-e-Taliban group, a Pakistani militant group trying to overthrow the government, also sent dozens of wounded flooding into local hospitals as terrified parents searched for their children.

"My son was in uniform in the morning. He is in a casket now," wailed one parent, Tahir Ali, as he came to the hospital to collect the body of his 14-year-old son Abdullah. "My son was my dream. My dream has been killed."

Pakistani military spokesman Asim Bajwa told a news conference Tuesday that 132 of the dead were children and another nine were staff members.

He said there were seven attackers, who all wore explosive vests.

A local hospital official told Reuters that the dead and wounded it had seen were between the ages of 10 and 20 years old.

As darkness fell on the area, officials said the country's military had cleared the school of militants.

"The operation is completed," said Bilal Ahmad Faizi, the head of the state-run rescue organization, speaking to reporters after leaving the school area.

The attack began in the morning hours, with about half a dozen gunmen entering the school — and shooting at random, said police officer Javed Khan. Army commandos quickly arrived at the scene and started exchanging fire with the gunmen, he said. Students wearing their green school uniforms could be seen on Pakistani television, fleeing the area.

Outside the school, two loud booms were heard coming from the scene in the early afternoon, as Pakistani troops battled with the attackers. Armored personnel carriers were deployed around the school grounds

Pakistani television showed soldiers surrounding the area and pushing people back. Ambulances streamed from the area to local hospitals.

. . .

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