Author Topic: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!  (Read 44426 times)

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #250 on: October 05, 2011, 07:47:34 PM »

1.  Herman Cain is popular in the South.  There's no question that just about any candidate from the GOP will carry most of the South...but Florida, Virginia and North Carolina are pivotal states.  A Southerner on the ticket might solidify victories there as all three states were narrowly won by President Obama in 2008.  If the GOP is to take back the White House, these three states are key.
2.  Herman has practical experience.  It's true that Herman has very little political experience, but Dwight Eisenhower didn't either.  Cain's experience in the business world is unmatched by any candidate that has ever run for the presidency and practical knowledge is what is despirately needed to turn this country around right now, not lifetime politicians who are only looking to do what is politically right. 
3.  Herman is a strong advocate for the defense of our country.  He has invoked President Reagan's philosophy of "Peace by Strength" but Herman has added "With Clarity" to his vision of foreign policy.  He has also made it very clear that, as he told the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, "If you mess with Israel, you mess with the United States."  In a recent debate between all of the GOP candidates, only Cain tackled the question of Palestinian statehood and said,“If, in fact, it was clear to the Palestinians where the U.S. stood, they might have had second thoughts about trying to pull such a move without negotiating with Israel.”  There is no doubt where this man stands, a statement that does not hold true for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
4.  Herman has an actual plan for economic growth.  His 9-9-9 Plan puts a 9% flat tax on 9% tax on businesses, a 9% flat tax on income and a 9% national sales tax.  This would eliminate the IRS while making businesses and individuals pay their fair share.  It was also eliminate the death tax, payroll taxes and end nearly all deductions and special interest favors.
5.  Herman is simply a likeable person.  He talks common sense and plainly unlike a 'normal' politician.  Ross Perot showed many years ago that the American people appreciated someone who would break things down to the lowest common denominator.  Cain does just that and doesn't pull punches.  He's taken a little heat for some of his comments, but one thing is for sure:  When Herman speaks, it comes from his heart.  If it were a prerequisite of our leaders not to make mistakes while making a speech, we certainly wouldn't have the 'human-gaffe machine' Joe Biden as Vice-President.
I did save Herman's most 'electable' quality for last....
6.  Herman makes people feel proud to be an American again.  If after you listen to a speech by Herman Cain and you don't feel the inspirational little hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, you're in the advanced stages of rigor mortis.  Much like President Reagan did to revive the country after the 'national malaise' of four years of Jimmy Carter, Herman Cain will make the United States respected again, not only globally but by our own people too.  I can promise you that you will never see Herman Cain bowing to a foreign dignatary nor will you hear of him disrespecting the Israelis, while at the same time appeasing the Muslim community.  (Please don't get the wrong idea...I know there are peaceful Muslims in the world.  I'm writing about Muslims that live under Sharia law or terrorist states, not peaceful members of the world community.)
In short, there is no doubt in my mind that Herman Cain is electable and will be a very good President.  The field of Republican candidates is one of the most diverse we have ever fielded:  There is one female (Michele Bachmann), two members of the Mormon church (Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman), two Lutherans (Gary Johnson and Bachmann), two Catholics (Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum), one Methodist (Rick Perry), and two Baptists (Ron Paul and Herman Cain).  With all of that diversity, there is only one Herman Cain.  He's an American original who is certainly electable and should never be taken lightly.

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #251 on: October 05, 2011, 08:31:31 PM »
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Poll: Cain Overtakes Romney With GOP Primary Voters
Newsmax ^ | 10/4/11 | David Patten
Posted on October 5, 2011 3:29:18 PM EDT by justsaynomore

A Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage poll shows businessman and radio talk-host Herman Cain now leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney among likely GOP primary voters in the fight for the 2012 Republican nomination. The exclusive poll, taken in the past 24 hours, shows Cain vaulting Romney 26 percent to 24 percent. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent. Several other polls show similar results, establishing Cain as the new grass-roots frontrunner deadlocked with Romney, the establishment Republican choice. A new CBS poll showed Cain and Romney deadlocked, with each candidate garnering 17 percent of the vote. And a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows Romney leading Cain 22 percent to 17 percent — a statistical tie due to the poll’s margin of error.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #252 on: October 05, 2011, 09:17:28 PM »
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Poll: Cain Overtakes Romney With GOP Primary Voters
Newsmax ^ | 10/4/11 | David Patten
Posted on October 5, 2011 3:29:18 PM EDT by justsaynomore

A Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage poll shows businessman and radio talk-host Herman Cain now leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney among likely GOP primary voters in the fight for the 2012 Republican nomination. The exclusive poll, taken in the past 24 hours, shows Cain vaulting Romney 26 percent to 24 percent. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent. Several other polls show similar results, establishing Cain as the new grass-roots frontrunner deadlocked with Romney, the establishment Republican choice. A new CBS poll showed Cain and Romney deadlocked, with each candidate garnering 17 percent of the vote. And a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows Romney leading Cain 22 percent to 17 percent — a statistical tie due to the poll’s margin of error.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

 :o  That is pretty cool. 

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #253 on: October 06, 2011, 12:26:52 PM »
This Is Candidate Cain - Ten things I learned from his new book, This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey...
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ^ | October 3, 2011 | Katrina Trinko

This Is Candidate Cain
Ten things I learned from his new book, This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House.

First things first: There is no 9-9-9 plan in This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House.

But other than that notable omission, which is due to the fact that the book was written before the campaign developed the 9-9-9 tax-reform plan, the book reads exactly like the optimistic, sunny speech that brought down the house at Florida’s Presidency 5 straw poll.

Sprinkled throughout the 167 pages of This Is Herman Cain! are numerous interesting tidbits for those fascinated by the pizza mogul–turned–presidential candidate: He wears gold ties because “gold is my power color,” he can see his Secret Service codename being “Cornbread” (one of his favorite foods), and he generally gets standing ovations — except for the one time he spoke before accountants, who are “trained to be unemotional” and reserved their enthusiasm for the written feedback forms.

There’s plenty more throughout the book. Here, in no particular order, are the top ten factoids in This Is Herman Cain!

Cain’s Relationship with Teleprompters: On page 2, Cain makes it clear he places no faith in teleprompters, saying he doesn’t “do teleprompters” because he is “a leader, not a reader.” But on page 166, Cain concedes that if he becomes president, he will “use a teleprompter, but only to make sure I get the names right.” That’s because “reading it word for word . . . would distract from interjecting some emotion.” Flip-flop? Or simply an evolution in his thoughts about teleprompters over the course of 164 pages? That’s for you to decide.

Cain’s Early Leadership Qualities: When he was just eight years old, Cain gave his first speech at his church. He first ran for office in seventh grade, vying to be class president. He lost, but ran again when he was a high-school senior, “having been urged to do so by some of my classmates who recognized leadership qualities in me before I did.” He doesn’t say whether that recognition became widespread among his classmates: There is no mention of whether Cain won that election.

The Hillarycare Speech: Cain had a distinguished career by 1994, but it was his speech to President Clinton detailing how the Clintons’ health-care program would derail the economy that first catapulted the businessman to political fame. Because of his respect for the presidential office, Cain says he was “nervous” before speaking — an unusual sentiment for him. Cain told Clinton that the cost of his proposed health-care program “is simply a cost that will cause us to eliminate jobs.” His four-minute speech to Clinton elicited a response: In the months following the speech, “hundreds of people let me know — either in person or by letter — that my town hall meeting ‘chat’ with President Clinton had inspired them to telephone their congressperson and to believe that . . . something could be done to stop” Hillarycare.

Cain Loves the Number 45: Cain was born in 1945, and he sees the number 45 as significant in his life. In a chapter entitled “‘Forty-five’ — A Special Number,” Cain details some of the ways 45 has popped up in his life: A vital flight was numbered 1045, an important speech he gave in Tennessee was interrupted by applause 45 times, and a weekly column in June, “Watch and Hope Won’t Work,” reached exactly 645 words. His first exposure to The Road to Serfdom was when someone sent him the 1945 Reader’s Digest article that condensed Hayek’s famous work. Of course, there’s one more reason 45 is so special to Cain: The next president will be number 45. And as Cain notes, “In 2013, my first year in the White House, Gloria and I will be celebrating our forty-fifth wedding anniversary.”

Cain’s Literary Background: This Is Herman Cain! is not Cain’s first book. He’s written four other books: Leadership Is Common Sense (1997), Speak as a Leader (1999), CEO of SELF: You’re in Charge (2001), They Think You’re Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It (2005). (Considering the Democratic sweep in 2006, Cain may have not published that last tome at the most auspicious time.) He is also a poet under the name “The Hermanator.” When his first grandchild, Celena, was born in 1999, he was moved to write a four-stanza tribute entitled “Little Faces.” Sample stanza: “For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or where / I could only think of her and so happy to be there / Born into the world with all the other little faces / What will we do, to make it a better place?”

Jabs at Opponents: With the exception of Ron Paul, Cain says virtually nothing about his GOP rivals. He takes one crack at Mitt Romney, in the section on Hillarycare, writing, “Bill Clinton’s — and Hillary’s — health-care plan failed, only to be revived in somewhat different form in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney and in the White House by Barack Obama.” Cain, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, says he is open to auditing the Fed, but does not consider it a top issue. He complains about “Ron Paul, whose campaign sends one of its ‘Paulites’ everywhere I show up,” and asserts that the Paulites’ intent is “to agitate, not to educate.” Cain says he knows it’s a “deliberate strategy” because “how can a person randomly show up at a hundred events and ask the same stupid question to try to nail me on the Federal Reserve?”

Cain Believes in Happy Employees: Tired of surly DMV employees? Ready to lose it if one more postal worker glares at you? Well, get ready to pull the lever for President Cain. When managing a Burger King restaurant, Cain became frustrated when he wasn’t allowed to make any significant changes, including changing prices or increasing the amount spent on marketing. As he tried to figure out how he could increase profits, he noticed his Burger King cashiers were failing to radiate good cheer as they rang up customers. So he “established the BEAMER program, which taught our employees, mostly teenagers, how to make our patrons smile” by smiling themselves. It was a success: “Within three months of the program’s initiation, the sales trend was moving steadily higher.”

Faith Sustained Him Through Cancer Treatment: In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with stage-4 colon cancer — and given a 30 percent chance of survival. During that difficult time, he and his wife, Gloria, took consolation in their faith, relying on a couple of fortuitous signs, such as a medical staffer being named “Grace” and the fact that the incision into him during his operation to remove the cancer was made in the shape of a “J” — for “Jesus.” Speculating about why he was blessed with a full recovery, Cain wonders, “Did it have something to do with the Lord wanting me to survive so that I might help set this great nation of ours on its own path of recovery?”

CEO of Self: As a high-school student, Cain began to consider how he was responsible for his future success or failure, and the importance of making (and reaching) goals. Ultimately, he decided there were three steps necessary to become a “CEO of Self” that he calls “ROI.” The three steps are: “R: Remove barriers that prevent self-motivation to achieve goals; O: Obtain the right results by working on the right problems; I: Inspiration. Learn to inspire yourself.”

Why Cain Can Win in 2012: Cain is optimistic about his chances of winning the Republican primary and then the general election. (The last chapter of the book is him imagining what it will be like to be president.) He knows that not everyone agrees: National Review’s own Jonah Goldberg is singled out as an example of “media negativity” for saying in December that it was “hard to imagine” Cain being “more than an exciting also-ran.” And Cain acknowledges he has three weaknesses that could hinder his candidacy: that he doesn’t “claim to know everything,” he doesn’t “pander to groups,” and he is “terrible at political correctness.” But he thinks his strengths — his talent for speeches, his ability to come up with solutions, and his talent for hiring the right people — will prevail. Another advantage, to him, is that he likes “to smile, laugh, and have fun with people,” traits that he thinks “people can handle  . . . in a presidential candidate.”

Ultimately, Cain views himself as “Barack Obama’s worst nightmare!” He muses that perhaps his parents should have made his middle name David because that Biblical figure “defeated a giant against the odds.” For Cain, that’s the goal in 2012.

— Katrina Trinko is an NRO reporter.

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #254 on: October 06, 2011, 01:38:28 PM »
This Is Candidate Cain - Ten things I learned from his new book, This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey...
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ^ | October 3, 2011 | Katrina Trinko

This Is Candidate Cain
Ten things I learned from his new book, This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House.

First things first: There is no 9-9-9 plan in This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House.

But other than that notable omission, which is due to the fact that the book was written before the campaign developed the 9-9-9 tax-reform plan, the book reads exactly like the optimistic, sunny speech that brought down the house at Florida’s Presidency 5 straw poll.

Sprinkled throughout the 167 pages of This Is Herman Cain! are numerous interesting tidbits for those fascinated by the pizza mogul–turned–presidential candidate: He wears gold ties because “gold is my power color,” he can see his Secret Service codename being “Cornbread” (one of his favorite foods), and he generally gets standing ovations — except for the one time he spoke before accountants, who are “trained to be unemotional” and reserved their enthusiasm for the written feedback forms.

There’s plenty more throughout the book. Here, in no particular order, are the top ten factoids in This Is Herman Cain!

Cain’s Relationship with Teleprompters: On page 2, Cain makes it clear he places no faith in teleprompters, saying he doesn’t “do teleprompters” because he is “a leader, not a reader.” But on page 166, Cain concedes that if he becomes president, he will “use a teleprompter, but only to make sure I get the names right.” That’s because “reading it word for word . . . would distract from interjecting some emotion.” Flip-flop? Or simply an evolution in his thoughts about teleprompters over the course of 164 pages? That’s for you to decide.

Cain’s Early Leadership Qualities: When he was just eight years old, Cain gave his first speech at his church. He first ran for office in seventh grade, vying to be class president. He lost, but ran again when he was a high-school senior, “having been urged to do so by some of my classmates who recognized leadership qualities in me before I did.” He doesn’t say whether that recognition became widespread among his classmates: There is no mention of whether Cain won that election.

The Hillarycare Speech: Cain had a distinguished career by 1994, but it was his speech to President Clinton detailing how the Clintons’ health-care program would derail the economy that first catapulted the businessman to political fame. Because of his respect for the presidential office, Cain says he was “nervous” before speaking — an unusual sentiment for him. Cain told Clinton that the cost of his proposed health-care program “is simply a cost that will cause us to eliminate jobs.” His four-minute speech to Clinton elicited a response: In the months following the speech, “hundreds of people let me know — either in person or by letter — that my town hall meeting ‘chat’ with President Clinton had inspired them to telephone their congressperson and to believe that . . . something could be done to stop” Hillarycare.

Cain Loves the Number 45: Cain was born in 1945, and he sees the number 45 as significant in his life. In a chapter entitled “‘Forty-five’ — A Special Number,” Cain details some of the ways 45 has popped up in his life: A vital flight was numbered 1045, an important speech he gave in Tennessee was interrupted by applause 45 times, and a weekly column in June, “Watch and Hope Won’t Work,” reached exactly 645 words. His first exposure to The Road to Serfdom was when someone sent him the 1945 Reader’s Digest article that condensed Hayek’s famous work. Of course, there’s one more reason 45 is so special to Cain: The next president will be number 45. And as Cain notes, “In 2013, my first year in the White House, Gloria and I will be celebrating our forty-fifth wedding anniversary.”

Cain’s Literary Background: This Is Herman Cain! is not Cain’s first book. He’s written four other books: Leadership Is Common Sense (1997), Speak as a Leader (1999), CEO of SELF: You’re in Charge (2001), They Think You’re Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It (2005). (Considering the Democratic sweep in 2006, Cain may have not published that last tome at the most auspicious time.) He is also a poet under the name “The Hermanator.” When his first grandchild, Celena, was born in 1999, he was moved to write a four-stanza tribute entitled “Little Faces.” Sample stanza: “For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or where / I could only think of her and so happy to be there / Born into the world with all the other little faces / What will we do, to make it a better place?”

Jabs at Opponents: With the exception of Ron Paul, Cain says virtually nothing about his GOP rivals. He takes one crack at Mitt Romney, in the section on Hillarycare, writing, “Bill Clinton’s — and Hillary’s — health-care plan failed, only to be revived in somewhat different form in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney and in the White House by Barack Obama.” Cain, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, says he is open to auditing the Fed, but does not consider it a top issue. He complains about “Ron Paul, whose campaign sends one of its ‘Paulites’ everywhere I show up,” and asserts that the Paulites’ intent is “to agitate, not to educate.” Cain says he knows it’s a “deliberate strategy” because “how can a person randomly show up at a hundred events and ask the same stupid question to try to nail me on the Federal Reserve?”

Cain Believes in Happy Employees: Tired of surly DMV employees? Ready to lose it if one more postal worker glares at you? Well, get ready to pull the lever for President Cain. When managing a Burger King restaurant, Cain became frustrated when he wasn’t allowed to make any significant changes, including changing prices or increasing the amount spent on marketing. As he tried to figure out how he could increase profits, he noticed his Burger King cashiers were failing to radiate good cheer as they rang up customers. So he “established the BEAMER program, which taught our employees, mostly teenagers, how to make our patrons smile” by smiling themselves. It was a success: “Within three months of the program’s initiation, the sales trend was moving steadily higher.”

Faith Sustained Him Through Cancer Treatment: In 2006, Cain was diagnosed with stage-4 colon cancer — and given a 30 percent chance of survival. During that difficult time, he and his wife, Gloria, took consolation in their faith, relying on a couple of fortuitous signs, such as a medical staffer being named “Grace” and the fact that the incision into him during his operation to remove the cancer was made in the shape of a “J” — for “Jesus.” Speculating about why he was blessed with a full recovery, Cain wonders, “Did it have something to do with the Lord wanting me to survive so that I might help set this great nation of ours on its own path of recovery?”

CEO of Self: As a high-school student, Cain began to consider how he was responsible for his future success or failure, and the importance of making (and reaching) goals. Ultimately, he decided there were three steps necessary to become a “CEO of Self” that he calls “ROI.” The three steps are: “R: Remove barriers that prevent self-motivation to achieve goals; O: Obtain the right results by working on the right problems; I: Inspiration. Learn to inspire yourself.”

Why Cain Can Win in 2012: Cain is optimistic about his chances of winning the Republican primary and then the general election. (The last chapter of the book is him imagining what it will be like to be president.) He knows that not everyone agrees: National Review’s own Jonah Goldberg is singled out as an example of “media negativity” for saying in December that it was “hard to imagine” Cain being “more than an exciting also-ran.” And Cain acknowledges he has three weaknesses that could hinder his candidacy: that he doesn’t “claim to know everything,” he doesn’t “pander to groups,” and he is “terrible at political correctness.” But he thinks his strengths — his talent for speeches, his ability to come up with solutions, and his talent for hiring the right people — will prevail. Another advantage, to him, is that he likes “to smile, laugh, and have fun with people,” traits that he thinks “people can handle  . . . in a presidential candidate.”

Ultimately, Cain views himself as “Barack Obama’s worst nightmare!” He muses that perhaps his parents should have made his middle name David because that Biblical figure “defeated a giant against the odds.” For Cain, that’s the goal in 2012.

— Katrina Trinko is an NRO reporter.

He also went to Morehouse College

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #256 on: October 07, 2011, 06:34:45 AM »
As Sarah would say....

Herb did a great extended interview with Larry O'D. last night. several segments.  Held up to the sean hannity - style questions and gave answers in complete sentences. He is starting to interest me.  Not as much as Sarah does, but still...Herb did a great job; was invited back and he said he would be 'delighted' to return to his show.  Looking forward to the Colber Repor and how Herb handles Stephen.


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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #257 on: October 07, 2011, 07:51:56 AM »
1.  Herman Cain is popular in the South.  There's no question that just about any candidate from the GOP will carry most of the South...but Florida, Virginia and North Carolina are pivotal states.  A Southerner on the ticket might solidify victories there as all three states were narrowly won by President Obama in 2008.  If the GOP is to take back the White House, these three states are key.
2.  Herman has practical experience.  It's true that Herman has very little political experience, but Dwight Eisenhower didn't either.  Cain's experience in the business world is unmatched by any candidate that has ever run for the presidency and practical knowledge is what is despirately needed to turn this country around right now, not lifetime politicians who are only looking to do what is politically right. 
3.  Herman is a strong advocate for the defense of our country.  He has invoked President Reagan's philosophy of "Peace by Strength" but Herman has added "With Clarity" to his vision of foreign policy.  He has also made it very clear that, as he told the Israeli Deputy Prime Minister, "If you mess with Israel, you mess with the United States."  In a recent debate between all of the GOP candidates, only Cain tackled the question of Palestinian statehood and said,“If, in fact, it was clear to the Palestinians where the U.S. stood, they might have had second thoughts about trying to pull such a move without negotiating with Israel.”  There is no doubt where this man stands, a statement that does not hold true for the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
4.  Herman has an actual plan for economic growth.  His 9-9-9 Plan puts a 9% flat tax on 9% tax on businesses, a 9% flat tax on income and a 9% national sales tax.  This would eliminate the IRS while making businesses and individuals pay their fair share.  It was also eliminate the death tax, payroll taxes and end nearly all deductions and special interest favors.
5.  Herman is simply a likeable person.  He talks common sense and plainly unlike a 'normal' politician.  Ross Perot showed many years ago that the American people appreciated someone who would break things down to the lowest common denominator.  Cain does just that and doesn't pull punches.  He's taken a little heat for some of his comments, but one thing is for sure:  When Herman speaks, it comes from his heart.  If it were a prerequisite of our leaders not to make mistakes while making a speech, we certainly wouldn't have the 'human-gaffe machine' Joe Biden as Vice-President.
I did save Herman's most 'electable' quality for last....
6.  Herman makes people feel proud to be an American again.  If after you listen to a speech by Herman Cain and you don't feel the inspirational little hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, you're in the advanced stages of rigor mortis.  Much like President Reagan did to revive the country after the 'national malaise' of four years of Jimmy Carter, Herman Cain will make the United States respected again, not only globally but by our own people too.  I can promise you that you will never see Herman Cain bowing to a foreign dignatary nor will you hear of him disrespecting the Israelis, while at the same time appeasing the Muslim community.  (Please don't get the wrong idea...I know there are peaceful Muslims in the world.  I'm writing about Muslims that live under Sharia law or terrorist states, not peaceful members of the world community.)
In short, there is no doubt in my mind that Herman Cain is electable and will be a very good President.  The field of Republican candidates is one of the most diverse we have ever fielded:  There is one female (Michele Bachmann), two members of the Mormon church (Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman), two Lutherans (Gary Johnson and Bachmann), two Catholics (Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum), one Methodist (Rick Perry), and two Baptists (Ron Paul and Herman Cain).  With all of that diversity, there is only one Herman Cain.  He's an American original who is certainly electable and should never be taken lightly. haven't typed out a thread this long in many must REALLY like this guy

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - I love this guy.
« Reply #258 on: October 07, 2011, 09:08:48 AM »
Poll: Cain Overtakes Romney With GOP Primary Voters
Newsmax ^ | 10/4/11 | David Patten

A Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage poll shows businessman and radio talk-host Herman Cain now leading former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney among likely GOP primary voters in the fight for the 2012 Republican nomination. The exclusive poll, taken in the past 24 hours, shows Cain vaulting Romney 26 percent to 24 percent. The poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent. Several other polls show similar results, establishing Cain as the new grass-roots frontrunner deadlocked with Romney, the establishment Republican choice. A new CBS poll showed Cain and Romney deadlocked, with each candidate garnering 17 percent of the vote. And a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday shows Romney leading Cain 22 percent to 17 percent — a statistical tie due to the poll’s margin of error.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Cain wins the nod - i will definately do my legal work for his campaign for voter fraud, etc.     

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #259 on: October 07, 2011, 09:40:48 AM »
Poll: Cain Overtakes Romney With GOP Primary Voters
Newsmax ^ | 10/4/11 | David Patten

Cain wins the nod - i will definately do my legal work for his campaign for voter fraud, etc.     

LOL @ all the repubs who will jump on the Cain bandwagon today. 

I plan on beating up Obama voters so they're in the hospital on election day.  Sounds like the fastest way to send a message and really suppress some voters.  Smack them with a sock full of "change"... that'd be a hoot, huh?

33, any criteria you can recommend I follow when picking random obama voters out of a crowd?

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #260 on: October 07, 2011, 09:42:51 AM »
I have been for Cain from Day 1 .   I was the first to post on this site about Cain and think he is our best best to oust obama at this point.   

I am already in a few facebook wars w some of my lib friends over Cain.   they have nothing at all on Cain and are terrified of him. 


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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #261 on: October 07, 2011, 09:45:10 AM »
I have been for Cain from Day 1 .   I was the first to post on this site about Cain and think he is our best best to oust obama at this point.   

I'm talking about the "Me too!" getbiggers who see the polls and say "I'm starting to like this cain guy".

They ignored him making hugely correct points in the debates, completely startstruck with Perry's liberal douchebag ass.

Then, when Sean Hannity and others realized Perry was a rambling 90-Iq moron, then jumped on the CainTrain.

It's like these "repub" getbiggers want to be on the winning team so much - they just do what hannity tells them.

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #262 on: October 07, 2011, 09:45:59 AM »
props to you, 33... you never got on the perry bandwagon and you've been 100% Cain since the beginning. 

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #263 on: October 07, 2011, 09:47:41 AM »

I'm talking about the "Me too!" getbiggers who see the polls and say "I'm starting to like this cain guy".

They ignored him making hugely correct points in the debates, completely startstruck with Perry's liberal douchebag ass.

Then, when Sean Hannity and others realized Perry was a rambling 90-Iq moron, then jumped on the CainTrain.

It's like these "repub" getbiggers want to be on the winning team so much - they just do what hannity tells them.

Well, go ask them about it.   

Cain is a math guy, a business man, self starter, proven track record of success, worked for the navy for 4 years in ballistics, is very likable, is mature, and is the perfect guy to get away from the teflon bs of romney and perry. 

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #264 on: October 07, 2011, 09:48:34 AM »
props to you, 33... you never got on the perry bandwagon and you've been 100% Cain since the beginning. 

Perry, even more than romney, scares the shit out of me. 

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #265 on: October 07, 2011, 09:51:35 AM »

Perry, even more than romney, scares the shit out of me. 

agreed.  romney will be vanilla and predictable and will see some progress, will be bush1, awkward and lame but a safe president.

Perry?  Loose cannon.  Lots of cases of him taking the $.  That whole HPV thing got his chief of staff rich, and that dude is running Perry's PAC now. 

Perry might just open the border - with the dems blessing - knowing the repubs will NOT vote against it and lose the hispanic base.  It's possible.  he defends DREAM, staring at tea party voters in the eye. 

you know the best thing about cain, 33?

He's NOT one of those guys that will be exposed as a moron when he has to think on his feet.  Perry was.  bachmann was.  Trump definitely was.  The minute they leave script, they turn into 90 IQ babbling fools.

Not Cain.  Not him.  He's a brilliant man.

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #266 on: October 07, 2011, 09:53:54 AM »
After seeing Cain slice and dice Bubba like a fillet in 94' - Cain is no ones fool at all. 

Right now as of today - he is my top pick, Paul No. 2.   Biggest difference is actual private sector experience.   

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #267 on: October 07, 2011, 09:55:52 AM »
Right now as of today - he is my top pick, Paul No. 2.   Biggest difference is actual private sector experience.   

BUT Ron paul is very good at telling the govt ot get the hell outta the way and let business be business.

Even if he doesn't have that expeirnece, he's spent 3 decades being the top voice on business right/deregulation.

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #268 on: October 07, 2011, 09:59:35 AM »

BUT Ron paul is very good at telling the govt ot get the hell outta the way and let business be business.

Even if he doesn't have that expeirnece, he's spent 3 decades being the top voice on business right/deregulation.

not disagreeing at all - but being POTUS - especially after reading Confidence Men, requires someone w mangerial expertise. 

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #269 on: October 07, 2011, 07:14:27 PM »
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Why Is Herman Cain Showing Strength? ^ | October 5,2011 | annem040359
Posted on October 5, 2011 1:09:40 PM EDT by Biggirl

In over the last week, I have been taking a close interest in Herman Cain. Since his surprise win in the Florida Straw Poll nearly two weeks ago even the old MSM is taking interest as well.

What is it that makes Mr. Cain tick? Is it that he is a voice not only of REASON, offering ideas on what CAN BE DONE to bring life back into the American economy, but also by being a VOICE OF POSITIVE HOPE AND THINKING.

Which gives CITIZENS IN THE UNITED STATES who have been on the receiving end of a very difficult economy and in turn using what President Barack Hussein Obama, to play on a few words, “having skin in the game.” That would include people who do not pay into income tax at all right now. This would not only produce a much more fair and balanced level for economic growth and freedom for EVERYONE, but be the foundation for an economic renewed America.

But also Mr. Cain serves as a REMINDER that people in the United States is growing FED-UP with the BUSINESS AS USUAL run around in Washington D.C.

Mr. Cain is also a fruitful result of the efforts by members of the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT. A movement that is from the grassroots level since 2009 and because of the behind-the-scenes-efforts which has resulted in the election of the conservative GOP Republicans in November of 2010 and now is working to “make a difference” come November of 2012 USA Presidential elections.

Look for more interviews and information to come out from Mr. Cain in a direct manner and from those who work with him.


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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #270 on: October 07, 2011, 08:19:09 PM »

Perry, even more than romney, scares the shit out of me. 

Perry is a good candidate

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #271 on: October 08, 2011, 10:55:50 AM »
Cain: Move ‘Occupy Wall Street’ to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
CNSNews ^
Posted on October 8, 2011 1:49:18 PM EDT by Sub-Driver

Cain: Move ‘Occupy Wall Street’ to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue By Elizabeth Harrington October 7, 2011

( - Republican presidential nominee candidate Herman Cain called for the Occupy Wall Street protestors to relocate to the White House, in remarks he made Friday at the Family Research Council’s annual Values Voter Summit, in Washington, D.C.

“When a reporter asked me the other day, well, what do you think about those demonstrations up on Wall Street, I said, first of all, Wall Street didn’t write these failed economic policies -- the White House did,” said Cain.

He then added, “Why don’t you move the demonstrations to the White House?”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #272 on: October 08, 2011, 12:48:13 PM »

Zogby Poll: Cain Up 20% on GOP Field, Tops Obama
JIM TURNER'S BLOG | Posted: October 7, 2011

Businessman and author Herman Cain has opened a 20-point lead over the rest of the Republican field and he would be the only GOP candidate to defeat President Obama if the election were held today, according to the latest IBOPE Zogby interactive poll.

The numbers offer a vastly different snapshot from other polls released this week.

A poll by ABC puts Romney ahead of Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Cain, while CBS has Romney in a tie with Cain. A Quinnipiac poll placed Romney at 22 percent, followed by Cain and Perry. Others in the field were in single digits.

“Cain’s share of the GOP primary has jumped 10 percentage points since Sept. 26 and is now at 38 percent,” a release from Zogby stated for its online survey of likely Republican voters taken between Oct. 3-5.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney stood in second at 18 percent. Texas Gov. Rick Perry and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, each had 12 percent.

The poll also asked about individual match-ups between Obama and three of the four atop the poll.

Cain scored 2 percentage points ahead of Obama, while Romney was down 1 point and Perry 5 to the president.

The president's disapproval rating grew from 57 percent to 59 percent, while his approval rating dipped from 42 percent to 41 percent, between Sept. 26 and the October survey.

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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #273 on: October 08, 2011, 02:55:46 PM »

Cain scored 2 percentage points ahead of Obama, while Romney was down 1 point and Perry 5 to the president.


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Re: Herman Cain: "I can beat Obama in 2012" - "Crackers for Cain" !!!!
« Reply #274 on: October 09, 2011, 02:00:39 PM »
Perry is a good candidate
and the pastor of First Babtist Church, Dallas. agrees.
He did, however, call Mitt a 'moral man'....just a part of a cult.
this is what is fun about the GOP - the various groups infighting. :D