Author Topic: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..  (Read 16006 times)


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2011, 11:07:47 AM »
ever heard of the 10 commandments?
and roman catholicism is also a christianic religion, am i wrong?
first there was judism... which has led christianity to be born and also the islam....
so really all the same...
funny that even islam has it's roots with the same religion than christianity...
shows you how stupid it all really is!

Christianity = Triune God (One God in 3 persons - Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit)
Judaism = does not accept Jesus as God
Islam = does not accept Jesus as God
RC = the last Pope (I think) made Mary a "co-redeemer" w/Christ

These are just a few of the major differences.

And yes, I've heard of the Ten Commandments  ;D

And no one (but Christ) has kept them all.

Romans 3:19-24:
Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.

Righteousness Through Faith
But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #51 on: May 19, 2011, 12:08:23 PM »
Christianity = Triune God (One God in 3 persons - Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit)
Judaism = does not accept Jesus as God
Islam = does not accept Jesus as God
RC = the last Pope (I think) made Mary a "co-redeemer" w/Christ

These are just a few of the major differences.

And yes, I've heard of the Ten Commandments 

And no one (but Christ) has kept them all.

Romans 3:19-24:
Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.

Righteousness Through Faith
But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
first you are right about the 3 unit in christianity.
and jesus is indeed not considered within judism.
really was not my point, there are diffirences in all these releigions.
i was just saying that, christianity as well as islam have there roots in judism..
judism is one if not the oldest monotheistic religion.

and back to my point, i see it as blindly following a book written by men....
religion is and was always used to surpress and in a way steer people in some direction.
be it judism, islam, christianity whatever....
all do have rules and commandments.... if you do not live by them... you are fucked...
and indeed you can ask for forgiveness....
so hitler asked for forgiveness , before he died... he is in heaven now...
religion to me is bullshit, again i say to opinion
you seem like you do believe in some religion, or am i wrong?
i do believe, but have my own ideas about live.... no religion can tell me what is true and what not....

Be Happy,


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #52 on: May 19, 2011, 03:39:39 PM »
Christianity = Triune God (One God in 3 persons - Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit)
Judaism = does not accept Jesus as God
Islam = does not accept Jesus as God
RC = the last Pope (I think) made Mary a "co-redeemer" w/Christ

These are just a few of the major differences.

And yes, I've heard of the Ten Commandments  ;D

And no one (but Christ) has kept them all.

Romans 3:19-24:
Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.

Righteousness Through Faith
But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,  and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Here we go THE Truth -

Christianity:  When he walked the earth, Jesus of Nazareth was God in the flesh.  He is the son, foretold in the Old Testament long before he came to be.  God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and of course, the Holy Spirit who was mentioned prominently in Acts, I believe.

Judaism -  Still waiting for Messiah.

islam -  The utter ravings of a bedouin pedophile that was really pissed at the Jews because they refused to accept him as a prophet as they thought (and rightly so) that the age of prophets was over.  Being  the moral equivalent of today's televangelist sans access to a broadcasting booth, ol' mo decide (much like Joseph Smith) to compose his own tome of turds, i.e., the queeron...errrrrr...Quor an.  Only a faggoty misogynist would accept the dross that is the queeron.  Fuck that noise.

Roman Catholicism -  A touch of the truth (if you accept Jesus as Messiah) mixed with a generous helping of man made bullshit dogman, e.g. Mary is queen of the universe and saints can actually help you, especially since they finally won a Super Bowl.  Fuck that noise.

Fuck islam and that's the truth about the heat.  If, and it is a BIG if, I were to accept and believe in anything it would most definitely be in the goodness of Jesus of Nazareth.  Not islam, not Joseph (I wanna fuck other men's wives) Smith, not the Poop, errrr, Pope.  Not a lot of anything else. 

It could be said that while I think there is much in Christendom that Christ would not approve of, it is just that.  In Christendom, not of Christendom.  For the few that may not like what I have to say I have this to add.  Get used to disappointment.  I am much better equipped to know this stuff than the  majority of you, but I will not belittle you your beliefs or disbeliefs unless you are a fucktard muslim.  Thus endeth today's lesson on religion.

Fuck That Noise, my children.   ;D


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #53 on: May 19, 2011, 06:49:45 PM »
do what?
think with their own mind?
no actually i don't !
christianity has it's bible....
islam has it's koran
etc etc, every religion has it's book.... of rules...
you either live by them, or you will be punished. ie: go to hell... or will not reach a higher level of consciousness like with budism.
it is really all the same, religion has been invented to surpress people.
it's all about power and money, always was always will be.
look at the vatican, alot of money there!!! look at islam, alot of money there!
etc etc etc.... billion dollar industry we call religion.
and really if you want answers... just look around you, you can see it.... it is life itself!
because , in the worst situations, in the worst times, someone will do the right thing...a good deed without caring for him or herself....
it does not happen often, because this generation is fuc#$ed, but it does happen still.
and als don't know if you have kids.... when my baby girl smiles at me, i know why i am here.... there is my answer, to me that is magic....

i respect people who believe.... but i do not think they use their own mind.
but it's just my opinion really.

LOL so b/c ppl believe in a certain thing or follow certain rules means they have never critically thought about them?

you ever think about the law or do you just blindly follow it?

chances are youve thought about at least some laws...

just b.c a person is religious doesnt mean they dont think critically about it.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #54 on: May 20, 2011, 01:19:11 AM »
LOL so b/c ppl believe in a certain thing or follow certain rules means they have never critically thought about them?

you ever think about the law or do you just blindly follow it?

chances are youve thought about at least some laws...

just b.c a person is religious doesnt mean they dont think critically about it.
lol! you guys just do not seem to understans my point.
the law is mostly just common sense anyway.. do not steal, do not kill , etc etc...
i do not 'believe' in the law.... and certainly do not agree with every law, but that is a whole other point.
my point is, and i was brought up with christianity.... that these people do not use their own mind...
they believe in fairytales.
and no they do not think about it very criticly, if they did they would see it is all bullshit really.
as i said, both christianity and islam have their roots in judism.... fact!
now why are there wars all over the world?? because of the great religions... (mostly) also fact!
middle east.... religion
former yugoslavia religion
war on terror religion
and i can go on , and on
if it all comes from the same roots, why are they at war with each other?
religion i think..... and again i think... is just a tool to surpress people and engage in war...
really stupid if you think criticly about.

the bible, the koran, the tora... just books with guidelines to achieve a goal... ie getting in heaven..
or achieving a higher consciousness....
so they live a 'good' life not because of common sense , because wanting to be a good person.. but just because they are afraid to go to hell..... ie not achieve their goal...

ofcourse there are people who believe genuinly and are good people... but they are the exception.
a lot of them do not go to church, because they see the bullshit.
but we can go on and on about this....

it is my opinion.... based on experience and ofcourse the thoughts in my mind...
if you think otherwise, no problem!
free world, free mind..... ;D

Be Happy,


  • Getbig V
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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #55 on: May 20, 2011, 06:24:36 PM »
lol! you guys just do not seem to understans my point.
the law is mostly just common sense anyway.. do not steal, do not kill , etc etc...
i do not 'believe' in the law.... and certainly do not agree with every law, but that is a whole other point.
my point is, and i was brought up with christianity.... that these people do not use their own mind...
they believe in fairytales.
and no they do not think about it very criticly, if they did they would see it is all bullshit really.
as i said, both christianity and islam have their roots in judism.... fact!
now why are there wars all over the world?? because of the great religions... (mostly) also fact!
middle east.... religion
former yugoslavia religion
war on terror religion
and i can go on , and on
if it all comes from the same roots, why are they at war with each other?
religion i think..... and again i think... is just a tool to surpress people and engage in war...
really stupid if you think criticly about.

the bible, the koran, the tora... just books with guidelines to achieve a goal... ie getting in heaven..
or achieving a higher consciousness....
so they live a 'good' life not because of common sense , because wanting to be a good person.. but just because they are afraid to go to hell..... ie not achieve their goal...

ofcourse there are people who believe genuinly and are good people... but they are the exception.
a lot of them do not go to church, because they see the bullshit.
but we can go on and on about this....

it is my opinion.... based on experience and ofcourse the thoughts in my mind...
if you think otherwise, no problem!
free world, free mind..... ;D
I totally disagree with you, any person I know who is Christian has thought about it critically. The fact is sometimes its very hard to believe, its very hard to act like you feel you should in accordance with your values. ppl dont just blindly follow its in these hard times that you look at what you believe and why you believe it.

simply b/c ppl dont come to the same conclusion as you when they think critically about it doesnt mean they arent thinking critically...

you should try to open expand views and not lump everyone together.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2011, 04:42:32 AM »
I totally disagree with you, any person I know who is Christian has thought about it critically. The fact is sometimes its very hard to believe, its very hard to act like you feel you should in accordance with your values. ppl dont just blindly follow its in these hard times that you look at what you believe and why you believe it.

simply b/c ppl dont come to the same conclusion as you when they think critically about it doesnt mean they arent thinking critically...

you should try to open expand views and not lump everyone together.
i am open... i said i respect your thoughts on the matter....
please do not say i am not open.
i just do not agree with you.
and to say most of the christian people you met have actually thought about their believe i think is a bit easy.
most people do not choose their religion , but are brought up with it.... are born in it.... not exactly a free and well thought of choice , is it?

fact is religion killed more people than any bomb or weapon ever did.
fact is religion is based on what??? books... written by who??? nobody knows...
also a new fact is that a lot of the books of the new testament are fals.... Bart Ehrman did research for his book, on the matter.
we can go on and on..... you obviously believe in these books... more power to you!
the way i see religion is as a tool, to surpress people , to steer them....
i do not believe in this type of a religion, i think it is all bullshit, so let's agree to disagree....

Be Happy,


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2011, 02:39:11 PM »
i am open... i said i respect your thoughts on the matter....
please do not say i am not open.
i just do not agree with you.
and to say most of the christian people you met have actually thought about their believe i think is a bit easy.
most people do not choose their religion , but are brought up with it.... are born in it.... not exactly a free and well thought of choice , is it?

fact is religion killed more people than any bomb or weapon ever did.
fact is religion is based on what??? books... written by who??? nobody knows...
also a new fact is that a lot of the books of the new testament are fals.... Bart Ehrman did research for his book, on the matter.
we can go on and on..... you obviously believe in these books... more power to you!
the way i see religion is as a tool, to surpress people , to steer them....
i do not believe in this type of a religion, i think it is all bullshit, so let's agree to disagree....
agree most ppl are shown their religion early on but that again doesnt mean they do not think critically about their religion. This makes it even more so seeing as they mature they must rectify what happens in their lives with what theyve been taught which isnt always what were taught should happen. Trust me bud its alot easier to not believe than it is to believe, so for you to say that ppl dont think critically about a decision that they will at times struggle with is simply wrong.

LOL and religion has helped more ppl than non religous organizations will ever help, whats your point?

sooner or later if it hasnt already the tolls from wars fought having nothing to do with religion will grow larger than that of wars fought thousands of years ago. So you may want to do away with that talking point of yours.

I agree to disagree on the religion aspect of it bro, but again to think that ppl who believe in religion do not think critically about it is so ignorant that it must be called out.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #58 on: May 23, 2011, 03:16:45 AM »
agree most ppl are shown their religion early on but that again doesnt mean they do not think critically about their religion. This makes it even more so seeing as they mature they must rectify what happens in their lives with what theyve been taught which isnt always what were taught should happen. Trust me bud its alot easier to not believe than it is to believe, so for you to say that ppl dont think critically about a decision that they will at times struggle with is simply wrong.

LOL and religion has helped more ppl than non religous organizations will ever help, whats your point?

sooner or later if it hasnt already the tolls from wars fought having nothing to do with religion will grow larger than that of wars fought thousands of years ago. So you may want to do away with that talking point of yours.

I agree to disagree on the religion aspect of it bro, but again to think that ppl who believe in religion do not think critically about it is so ignorant that it must be called out.
The majority of the people who i have met in church, school and whatever.... friends of mine who are muslim, others catholic, and others christian.... Orthodox , Prothestant... whatever.....
They do not critically about religion, if you think critically and open about religion you WILL see it is all bullshit...
And your point that not believing is easier then believing.... well where did i say i did not believe??
i just do not believe in these stupid religions based on books, written by???????  by whom? nobody knowes....
i rather think for myself , and not believe in a certain religion with guidelines how you should believe written in a book....
does not make sense...
so again, i do believe , just in my own way... as all people should do, think for themselfs....
that was my whole point.
you are welcome to not agree with me..... but the need to call me out..... why??
thatbis usually the problem with religion , they do not accept that other people have other ideas!
again a lot of wars started this way, because of peacefull 'religion'
i do enjoy this discussion however.....
have a good day
Be Happy,


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #59 on: May 23, 2011, 04:48:25 PM »
The majority of the people who i have met in church, school and whatever.... friends of mine who are muslim, others catholic, and others christian.... Orthodox , Prothestant... whatever.....
They do not critically about religion, if you think critically and open about religion you WILL see it is all bullshit...
And your point that not believing is easier then believing.... well where did i say i did not believe??
i just do not believe in these stupid religions based on books, written by???????  by whom? nobody knowes....
i rather think for myself , and not believe in a certain religion with guidelines how you should believe written in a book....
does not make sense...
so again, i do believe , just in my own way... as all people should do, think for themselfs....
that was my whole point.
you are welcome to not agree with me..... but the need to call me out..... why??
thatbis usually the problem with religion , they do not accept that other people have other ideas!
again a lot of wars started this way, because of peacefull 'religion'
i do enjoy this discussion however.....
have a good day
The bold is exactly what ive been saying and you denied earlier but is actually exactly what i thought...

you think that anybody that thinks critically yet comes out with a conclusion opposite yours isnt thinking critically...this is ignorant beyond belief...

simply b/c someone doesnt come to the same conclusion as you doesnt mean they arent thinking critically about it.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #60 on: May 23, 2011, 05:35:38 PM »
some people spend hours everyday of their live searching everything, studying everything imaginable, asking a billion question and for decades and at the end come to the conclusion that there is a God. To assess someones depth of analysis cause his conclusion does not match yours is wrong completely, wether their conclusion is right or wrong


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #61 on: May 23, 2011, 05:43:29 PM »
some people spend hours everyday of their live searching everything, studying everything imaginable, asking a billion question and for decades and at the end come to the conclusion that there is a God. To assess someones depth of analysis cause his conclusion does not match yours is wrong completely, wether their conclusion is right or wrong


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #62 on: May 24, 2011, 01:18:29 AM »
religion is based on books and stories...
written and told by whom? only god knows.. lol! ironic..
so..... just a bunch of stories and fairytales...
and people use these stories and fairytales as a reason to kill other people, to judge other people , etc etc..
what is so hard to understand ? think about it critically and you will see that it is all bullshit...
or i should say, i think it's all bullshit, and i think that you guys do not think critically and logical...
it is indeed my opinion, and i should not have generalised.
but to believe in these so called religion, and to say one has thought critically to me is really bullshit.... again i say, to me..
religion kills people , surpresses people, judges people, i could go on and on...
and why???? because of witten books... fairytales...  written by unknown writers and proven to be false.

i do not question the fact if there is a higher being....
i question the man made religions! it is man made... a tool... and unfortunately a lot of people still do not see this.

Be Happy,


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #63 on: May 24, 2011, 03:38:58 AM »
religion is based on books and stories...
written and told by whom? only god knows.. lol! ironic..
so..... just a bunch of stories and fairytales...
and people use these stories and fairytales as a reason to kill other people, to judge other people , etc etc..
what is so hard to understand ? think about it critically and you will see that it is all bullshit...
or i should say, i think it's all bullshit, and i think that you guys do not think critically and logical...
it is indeed my opinion, and i should not have generalised.
but to believe in these so called religion, and to say one has thought critically to me is really bullshit.... again i say, to me..
religion kills people , surpresses people, judges people, i could go on and on...
and why???? because of witten books... fairytales...  written by unknown writers and proven to be false.

i do not question the fact if there is a higher being....
i question the man made religions! it is man made... a tool... and unfortunately a lot of people still do not see this.

this is extremely close-minded thinking. The reality is 90% of Christians probably think that who ever doesn't understand the Bible has not thought about it critically. What is the difference in saying that the stories of Alexander the great are fairytale cause written in a book, the Trojan wars are bs cause homer wrote them, the alchemed dynasty didn't occur. Sennacherib didn't rule Assyria cause it is written in a book Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barkus and the Punic wars, Socrates and all ancient Greek philosophers.

Actually the jokes on you cause you haven't read the Bible, you couldn't tell me one story probably, so you are the one that hasn't had enough critical thinking...if you did then you would come up with the following.
     The Bibles accounts of the Assyrian Empire. Tiglath piliser, Sargon, Sennacherib, and essarhadon are extremely accurate..infact the way Sennacherib was killed by his 2 sons was later backed up by information found in the Ashurbanipal library
     The Babylonion exile...Again proved fact, the Persian invasion, Greek rule followed by the powerful roman Empire. Archaeological finds like Jericho and the Davidic Empire also prove....Infact the tower of Babel was backed up by the historian Josephus who claims he saw the ruined foundation of it first hand. The list is endless. The Bible is a historical document that so far has not been proved wrong. So long for it being a fairy tale. Clearly you haven't put critical thinking into it.

Please shed light on who has poved the Bible false and in what regard, thank you


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #64 on: May 24, 2011, 07:25:51 AM »
this is extremely close-minded thinking. The reality is 90% of Christians probably think that who ever doesn't understand the Bible has not thought about it critically. What is the difference in saying that the stories of Alexander the great are fairytale cause written in a book, the Trojan wars are bs cause homer wrote them, the alchemed dynasty didn't occur. Sennacherib didn't rule Assyria cause it is written in a book Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barkus and the Punic wars, Socrates and all ancient Greek philosophers.

WHile I agree that people can believe what they want, and many intelligent, well respected people say they believe in the biblical god I have to take issue with your comparing writings of homer to the bible. Historically accepted works generally do not call upon us to suspend logic and natural laws in order to accept them at face value.

A common ploy by a christian apologist is to say "Prove Lincoln existed". I never met lincoln, so therefore all I know about Lincoln is what other people wrote about him. Same with the bible.. However for me to believe Lincoln existed does not require me to also accept that the sun stopped in the sky so a battle could be fought and won or a sea parted so Moses and his crew could escape Egypt or dead saints rose from their graves and walked through the city when Jesus was crucified or a man walked on water or raised the dead...

I hope you can see the difference. 


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #65 on: May 24, 2011, 08:39:01 AM »
this is extremely close-minded thinking. The reality is 90% of Christians probably think that who ever doesn't understand the Bible has not thought about it critically. What is the difference in saying that the stories of Alexander the great are fairytale cause written in a book, the Trojan wars are bs cause homer wrote them, the alchemed dynasty didn't occur. Sennacherib didn't rule Assyria cause it is written in a book Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barkus and the Punic wars, Socrates and all ancient Greek philosophers.

Actually the jokes on you cause you haven't read the Bible, you couldn't tell me one story probably, so you are the one that hasn't had enough critical thinking...if you did then you would come up with the following.
     The Bibles accounts of the Assyrian Empire. Tiglath piliser, Sargon, Sennacherib, and essarhadon are extremely accurate..infact the way Sennacherib was killed by his 2 sons was later backed up by information found in the Ashurbanipal library
     The Babylonion exile...Again proved fact, the Persian invasion, Greek rule followed by the powerful roman Empire. Archaeological finds like Jericho and the Davidic Empire also prove....Infact the tower of Babel was backed up by the historian Josephus who claims he saw the ruined foundation of it first hand. The list is endless. The Bible is a historical document that so far has not been proved wrong. So long for it being a fairy tale. Clearly you haven't put critical thinking into it.

Please shed light on who has poved the Bible false and in what regard, thank you
lol!! the bible a historical document???
it is a book of symbolic stories! not meant to be taken as factual.
Bart Ehrman did research on the subject, and found a lot of conflicting facts.
it seems that a lot of the stories of the new testament are in fact false. google it if you wish.
you can call me close minded , no problem.
but calling the bible a historical document? no man, that was even one of the first things they tought us in church....
that it should be thought of as symbolic.... not factual.

Be Happy,


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #66 on: May 24, 2011, 12:26:08 PM »
lol!! the bible a historical document???
it is a book of symbolic stories! not meant to be taken as factual.
Bart Ehrman did research on the subject, and found a lot of conflicting facts.
it seems that a lot of the stories of the new testament are in fact false. google it if you wish.
you can call me close minded , no problem.
but calling the bible a historical document? no man, that was even one of the first things they tought us in church....
that it should be thought of as symbolic.... not factual.

Thank you for keeping this civilized, I appreciate it considering I was expecting name calling, lol.... Yes I understand that you may weigh the evidence in favour, and I have no problem accepting that, but my problem is when you claim that not looking at it your way isn't critically thinking when in fact many smart people and university scholars have come up with a different conclusion having spent thousands of hours weighing all the options. Clearly a book with nearly a million words will yield different points of view. Also some of the best philosophers have used the proverbs in the bible. A historical book?...A fraction of the narrative is historical ( factual and literal) and events that can be backed up through other historical references and archaeology' This is why I think you never read it cause you would know that.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #67 on: May 24, 2011, 12:40:10 PM »
Thank you for keeping this civilized, I appreciate it considering I was expecting name calling, lol.... Yes I understand that you may weigh the evidence in favour, and I have no problem accepting that, but my problem is when you claim that not looking at it your way isn't critically thinking when in fact many smart people and university scholars have come up with a different conclusion having spent thousands of hours weighing all the options. Clearly a book with nearly a million words will yield different points of view. Also some of the best philosophers have used the proverbs in the bible. A historical book?...A fraction of the narrative is historical ( factual and literal) and events that can be backed up through other historical references and archaeology' This is why I think you never read it cause you would know that.
namecalling?? no man why.... ? lol!
i do not mind a discussion, when talking to people with different opinions one can only learn.
i have my opinions , you have yours... no need for namecalling!

i spend my childhood reading the bible, and at school being read the stories.
of course some of the worlds historical facts are also evident in the bible..
but the religion part, in which many people believe, that is pure fiction.
jesus walks on water, divides a bread which ever keeps on dividing, makes people walk.. etc etc..
moses and his spreading see, the plagues.. which were also explaned by science.
samson and his hair, and many many stories.... nothing factual about these stories...

i will give it to you, that my opinion was a bit onesided perhaps. and indeed some people may think critically....
i just can not believe if one really does think critically about religion, why someone still does not see the bullshit...
all the wars, are usually about religion.
and it is, and was very much used as a tool to surpress people, here in europe in the middleages with catholicsm ( i know i misspelled that lol) they killed everybody that was considered a herretic.
nowadays with the islam, all the troubles.
also the bible/koran/tora.... all of them are full of racism, woman are being put down. homosexuality is judged. etc etc....

Be Happy,


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #68 on: May 24, 2011, 12:43:46 PM »
WHile I agree that people can believe what they want, and many intelligent, well respected people say they believe in the biblical god I have to take issue with your comparing writings of homer to the bible. Historically accepted works generally do not call upon us to suspend logic and natural laws in order to accept them at face value.

A common ploy by a christian apologist is to say "Prove Lincoln existed". I never met lincoln, so therefore all I know about Lincoln is what other people wrote about him. Same with the bible.. However for me to believe Lincoln existed does not require me to also accept that the sun stopped in the sky so a battle could be fought and won or a sea parted so Moses and his crew could escape Egypt or dead saints rose from their graves and walked through the city when Jesus was crucified or a man walked on water or raised the dead...

I hope you can see the difference.  
Again thank you for your intelligent post and yes you are right it shouldn't be classified with more recent history such as Lincoln, but the Odyssey and the Iliad have some crazy and bizarre supernatural stuff in them too, I've read them (awesome read).....A race of mutated cyclops.
    While the majority of the Bible's historical narrative hasn't been discredited as the supernatural has, well ya I'll be the first to admit that the supernatural has to be accepted by faith alone.... I don't think there is a way I can prove to you someone walked on water. But there is a part of the human brain in everyone that wants to accept this, just look at how many TV programs there are on the supernatural, the Nostradamus effect, ghost hunters, UFO phenomenon, quantum mechanics..etc.. surely everyone that submits to these programs are all stupid, of course not


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #69 on: May 24, 2011, 12:46:16 PM »
namecalling?? no man why.... ? lol!
i do not mind a discussion, when talking to people with different opinions one can only learn.
i have my opinions , you have yours... no need for namecalling!

i spend my childhood reading the bible, and at school being read the stories.
of course some of the worlds historical facts are also evident in the bible..
but the religion part, in which many people believe, that is pure fiction.
jesus walks on water, divides a bread which ever keeps on dividing, makes people walk.. etc etc..
moses and his spreading see, the plagues.. which were also explaned by science.
samson and his hair, and many many stories.... nothing factual about these stories...

i will give it to you, that my opinion was a bit onesided perhaps. and indeed some people may think critically....
i just can not believe if one really does think critically about religion, why someone still does not see the bullshit...
all the wars, are usually about religion.
and it is, and was very much used as a tool to surpress people, here in europe in the middleages with catholicsm ( i know i misspelled that lol) they killed everybody that was considered a herretic.
nowadays with the islam, all the troubles.
also the bible/koran/tora.... all of them are full of racism, woman are being put down. homosexuality is judged. etc etc....

I can live with that lol ;D


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #70 on: May 24, 2011, 01:07:08 PM »
I can live with that lol ;D
if everybody was like us..... no more wars...
i always like a good discussion!
Be Happy,


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #71 on: May 24, 2011, 02:03:36 PM »
Again thank you for your intelligent post and yes you are right it shouldn't be classified with more recent history such as Lincoln, but the Odyssey and the Iliad have some crazy and bizarre supernatural stuff in them too, I've read them (awesome read).....A race of mutated cyclops.
    While the majority of the Bible's historical narrative hasn't been discredited as the supernatural has, well ya I'll be the first to admit that the supernatural has to be accepted by faith alone.... I don't think there is a way I can prove to you someone walked on water. But there is a part of the human brain in everyone that wants to accept this, just look at how many TV programs there are on the supernatural, the Nostradamus effect, ghost hunters, UFO phenomenon, quantum mechanics..etc.. surely everyone that submits to these programs are all stupid, of course not

For a non believer who spends any time thinking about it (some don't) it does cause some questions to occur..

Personally, I believe we are conditioned from childhood to believe in the supernatural. First there is Santa Clause, who defies laws of physics delivering presents to every child who is good in a 24 hr period.

Then we enter sunday school as children and are taught about the bible. Adults we respect and love back up the teachings as truth. Questioning is frowned upon and generally answered with a caution about the dangers of doubting God, then with "well, god works in mysterious ways" when the answer is either too harsh to understand, or too vague to make sense.

If we look at cultures around the world, it is undeniable that a christian baby born of christian parents in Kansas will more likely be Christian when it grows up than any other religion. A baby born to buddhist in China will more likely be buddhist than any other religion. A baby born to Muslims in...well you get the point. It is a very good indicator that cultures and who we were born to have a great impact on what we believe as adults. ..

As far as other supernatural beliefs like believing some people communicate with the dead, or ghosts etc etc.. I think stems from people having a HUGE survival instinct. It is very primal and basic and goes back millions of years. I think the belief in afterlife ties in with our need to ultimately survive..

But you know, I could be wrong. I do believe that the biblical god doesn't exist based on my own personal research but I don't rule out something exists greater than us. I don't currently believe that, but I probably wouldn't be surprised if I was off on that one.


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #72 on: May 24, 2011, 05:48:30 PM »
religion is based on books and stories...
written and told by whom? only god knows.. lol! ironic..
so..... just a bunch of stories and fairytales...
and people use these stories and fairytales as a reason to kill other people, to judge other people , etc etc..
what is so hard to understand ? think about it critically and you will see that it is all bullshit...
or i should say, i think it's all bullshit, and i think that you guys do not think critically and logical...
it is indeed my opinion, and i should not have generalised.
but to believe in these so called religion, and to say one has thought critically to me is really bullshit.... again i say, to me..
religion kills people , surpresses people, judges people, i could go on and on...
and why???? because of witten books... fairytales...  written by unknown writers and proven to be false.

i do not question the fact if there is a higher being....
i question the man made religions! it is man made... a tool... and unfortunately a lot of people still do not see this.
you can think that others may have the wrong conclusion, but to think that somebody has not thought critically about something simply b/c they didnt come to the same conclusion is AGAIN IGNORANT BEYOND BELIEF!!!!!!!


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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #73 on: May 25, 2011, 12:08:44 AM »
you can think that others may have the wrong conclusion, but to think that somebody has not thought critically about something simply b/c they didnt come to the same conclusion is AGAIN IGNORANT BEYOND BELIEF!!!!!!!

look, i already said , my conclusion was a bit onesided...
you should read ALL of my post before jumping to conclusions.
religion is bullshit to me, believing in something is not... you clearly can not tell the difference..
and indeed i have a hard time thinking if someone had thought critically about religion, and is than unable to see the bullshit, i do not think they have thuoght very critically.
it's a free world anybody is entitled to their opinion.
i never called anybody ignorant or stupid or whatever..
always keep it civilized.
you do not agree with me, well that is fine !

Be Happy,


  • Getbig V
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Re: Unanswered Questions in Christianity!!..
« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2011, 04:04:15 AM »
look, i already said , my conclusion was a bit onesided...
you should read ALL of my post before jumping to conclusions.
religion is bullshit to me, believing in something is not... you clearly can not tell the difference..
and indeed i have a hard time thinking if someone had thought critically about religion, and is than unable to see the bullshit, i do not think they have thuoght very critically.
it's a free world anybody is entitled to their opinion.
i never called anybody ignorant or stupid or whatever..
always keep it civilized.
you do not agree with me, well that is fine !
I did indeed read what youve said...

the part where you said you were open...turned out to be false

the part where you said that you dont think they didnt think critically b/c they came up with a different conclusion...also turned out to be false...

which part should i pay attention to the part where you make an ascertion or the part where you back off of that ascertion?

either way as long as you now can admit that youre being one sided and not open thats what i was getting at.

as far as religion i already agreed to disagree