Author Topic: Why do the Obama supporters on this board...  (Read 2474 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why do the Obama supporters on this board...
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2011, 08:23:08 AM »
It has had the opposite effect of what was intended. 

Didn't read the prior thread about credit card effect but I was pissed about it when it was passed. here was the problem...

The bill gave the credit card companies months to prepare for it. So prior to the bill coming into effect the credit card companies changed agreements, raised rates and put into place all that they wished to do in order to maximize their profits and reduce the impact the bill would have when it came into effect.

Then the cool thing was, once the bill came into effect, the credit card companies used it against the consumer by claiming they could not review or lower their interest rate for a 6 month period due to the new law.

So, all the bill did was force the credit card companies to screw us faster and harder than they were... You just can't give them so much advance notice and expect them not to take advantage of it.   


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why do the Obama supporters on this board...
« Reply #51 on: May 31, 2011, 03:58:23 AM »
Andre, I will give you the drone killings, the Bin Laden assassination, and the pirate killings. But all the other accomplishments you have listed are only political accomplishments that have caused far more harm than good, or just caused much harm.

By the way, conservatives gave him credit on those foriegn policy accomplishments. 3333 gave him credit on the Bin Laden killing. Probably more credit than he deserved. There were more people on the right that gave Obama credit for the Bin Laden killing than there were people on the left who gave Bush credit.

Andre, My big problem with Obama and the liberals who support him is this: Liberals acted like the country went to hell under Bush and that Bush was the worst president ever. Well, the unemployment rate under Bush never got much higher than 6%, maybe 7% at the most (for most of the time it was closer to 5%, and was knocking at the door of the high 4% range.) Its been 2.5 years of OBama, and things have gotten much worse, and dont appear to be getting better. We are still close to 10% unemployement. Gas prices are $4.00 a gallon. Food prices are going up. Andre, those high prices are simply unacceptable at a 10% unemployement rate. When gas prices were $4.00 a gallon under Bush, we had 5% unemployement. When we had close to 7% unemployment under Bush, gas prices were at $2.00 a gallon. Democrats would be going insane if we had a 10% unemployement rate under Bush and $4.00 gas.

Almost every foreign policy matter that Bush was criticised for has been vindicated. Obama signed an executive order to have Guantonimo Bay closed in one year, and it has been 2.5 years since that happened. It is not closed. Andre, arent you embarassed by that? Dont you think that is completley unprofessional and unpresidential? I think its pathetic. OBama was trying to embarass Bush and Cheney with that exectuve order, and it turns out that he has embarassed himself.
Jan. Jobs: 36,000!!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Why do the Obama supporters on this board...
« Reply #52 on: May 31, 2011, 04:20:39 AM »
What the past 2.5 years of OBama has shown me is this: Around the time that Bush became president, reality simply bit the country in the ass. THe tech bubble popped after the unsustainable and massive stock market returns of the late 90s. The 9/11 terrorist attacks occured. Vastly increase demand of oil from China and India caused a tightening of world oil supply. The baby boomers started demanding more health care with thier increased age. It should now be clear to a reasonable person that Bush was at worst a mixed bag when overseeing the country during this time.

Yes, the man had his faults and made his share of mistakes. He allowed the Federal Reserve to print too much money. The federal government spent too much money. The Iraq War was mismanaged for the first 3 years and he was too slow to change strategy and fire people quickly enough to get that strategy changed. But so far it looks like Bush's presidency is far more of a success than Obama's. Anything on the economy that Bush did bad, Obama has done far worse. Anything that Obama has done good on foreign policy is basically an extention or continuation of what Bush did.
Jan. Jobs: 36,000!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why do the Obama supporters on this board...
« Reply #53 on: May 31, 2011, 08:12:41 AM »
Andre, I will give you the drone killings, the Bin Laden assassination, and the pirate killings. But all the other accomplishments you have listed are only political accomplishments that have caused far more harm than good, or just caused much harm.

By the way, conservatives gave him credit on those foriegn policy accomplishments. 3333 gave him credit on the Bin Laden killing. Probably more credit than he deserved. There were more people on the right that gave Obama credit for the Bin Laden killing than there were people on the left who gave Bush credit.

Andre, My big problem with Obama and the liberals who support him is this: Liberals acted like the country went to hell under Bush and that Bush was the worst president ever. Well, the unemployment rate under Bush never got much higher than 6%, maybe 7% at the most (for most of the time it was closer to 5%, and was knocking at the door of the high 4% range.) Its been 2.5 years of OBama, and things have gotten much worse, and dont appear to be getting better. We are still close to 10% unemployement. Gas prices are $4.00 a gallon. Food prices are going up. Andre, those high prices are simply unacceptable at a 10% unemployement rate. When gas prices were $4.00 a gallon under Bush, we had 5% unemployement. When we had close to 7% unemployment under Bush, gas prices were at $2.00 a gallon. Democrats would be going insane if we had a 10% unemployement rate under Bush and $4.00 gas.

Almost every foreign policy matter that Bush was criticised for has been vindicated. Obama signed an executive order to have Guantonimo Bay closed in one year, and it has been 2.5 years since that happened. It is not closed. Andre, arent you embarassed by that? Dont you think that is completley unprofessional and unpresidential? I think its pathetic. OBama was trying to embarass Bush and Cheney with that exectuve order, and it turns out that he has embarassed himself.

first off, this is a very good post and you make a good point....I agree 100% with you that the Democrats were really harsh on Bush and I was really upset about that as well.....I think they went overboard..people on here try to paint me as an extreme liberal and an Obama apologist but I assure you I'm not...I was a Bush supporter..I just think its dumb to blame the President for everything that happens and to tear him down...its very infantile to do this....Bush was a great president until the final two years....

I still believe that everything I listed as an Obama accomplishment is for the economy I agree with you that after two years, Obama has to take responsibility for it but you also have to look at where we were two years ago..

Unemployment was high then..worse now I will admit
Banking system and Wall street on verge of collapse
Auto industry on the verge of collapse as well

on the Guantanomo Bay thing, Obama's intentions were good....but then NO COUNTRIES WOULD ACCEPT THEIR TERRORIST NATIONALS so we were stuck with them..however you are right that Obama promised to close Guantanomo and failed to do so


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why do the Obama supporters on this board...
« Reply #54 on: May 31, 2011, 08:15:34 AM »
What the past 2.5 years of OBama has shown me is this: Around the time that Bush became president, reality simply bit the country in the ass. THe tech bubble popped after the unsustainable and massive stock market returns of the late 90s. The 9/11 terrorist attacks occured. Vastly increase demand of oil from China and India caused a tightening of world oil supply. The baby boomers started demanding more health care with thier increased age. It should now be clear to a reasonable person that Bush was at worst a mixed bag when overseeing the country during this time.

Yes, the man had his faults and made his share of mistakes. He allowed the Federal Reserve to print too much money. The federal government spent too much money. The Iraq War was mismanaged for the first 3 years and he was too slow to change strategy and fire people quickly enough to get that strategy changed. But so far it looks like Bush's presidency is far more of a success than Obama's. Anything on the economy that Bush did bad, Obama has done far worse. Anything that Obama has done good on foreign policy is basically an extention or continuation of what Bush did.

another good post....and yes reality did bite us in the ass....I will accept your argument somewhat of Obama's failings but he has done a lot of good as I have already listed..and he has gotten more done in two years than most presidents accomplish in two terms