From my experience the only people i have known to cheat were married women in their mid 30's. The second something goes wrong in a relationship they go seek someone else. I also hear the "my husband just let himself go and i am no longer attracted to him anymore" line a lot.
The love couples have for each other is temporary, and it fluctuates constantly. Thats why people get divorced. If people didn't use 'love' to be in a relationship then divorce rates would be lower. In this generation people are looking for this 'chemical high. Your job as a man is to attract a woman, and keep her attracted. Is that not tiring? You build comfort , you get to know her blah blah. Everything is going well.. and then one day she turns around and says 'I don't love you anymore.' Honestly I blame hollywood movies lol, and just society in general. From a young age girls are sold the idea 'love.' Whereas in older generations a lady was taught that when you marry somebody you stick with them through thick and thin, through health and sickness etc etc. 'Till death do us part' actually meant something. Now, you have to worry about keeping her 'attraction ' levels high
I'd rather follow my morals, not my feelings.Instead I do the logical. Relationships take WORK, it shouldn't be based on chemical reactions. And sadly, that's the type of society we live in now. Marriages that last 50yrs, is becoming a rarity, if not extinct. That's because in our generation we live by our feelings. We're so bratty in the sense that if we don't feel good, we just exit.