Author Topic: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............  (Read 16959 times)


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #100 on: November 25, 2011, 04:18:29 AM »
Untermensch (German for under man, sub-man, sub-human; plural: Untermenschen) is a term that became infamous when the Nazi racial ideology used it to describe "inferior people"[/b]  especially "the masses from the East," that is Jews, Gypsies, Poles along with other Slavic people like the Russians, Serbs, Belarussians and Ukrainians

So did Eugenics, but it was not invented by the Nazis & is still in common usage today.
Does the use of that word bear any relation to this topic?? It is still part of the German language. Was before the Nazi party & is now.

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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #101 on: November 25, 2011, 09:19:17 AM »
Any fucker who talks shit about the events of 70+ years ago, combined with having people put in jail/bankrupting them for daring to ask questions regarding those events.

Who then goes on to treat the citizens of their mother-land (Israel) like this ^^^^ well, you tell me.................

I have got no time for the fucking Arabs either, they should all be dropped in the ocean (very high rate of untermenschen, per capita) but I am pointing out the hypocrisy here.
jews are not untermenschen per say, they have some very good IQ's in their gene-pool, but DO NOT take a shit on the fellow members of my race for printing books that ask legitimate questions, & then call it incitement to racial hatred, you fucking parasites.

Come on Andre talk about this issue, fucking hypocrite.


I'm not you want me to talk about this issue so we can have a legit give and take conversation about it or do you want an excuse to call me names???...just as you ask me to weigh the evidence and be neutral, I ask you to do the same...IQ is not the end-all be-all in terms of who is "worthy" as a all depends on access to education to bring out the potential that you have within yourself....if you as a race have been denied that access then of course the IQ of your race, religion, gender, etc is going to suffer.....

you talk about the Jews complaining about their treatment...but its their right to do so....just as it was your right to come on here a few years ago and talk about how you and your family were treated at the hands of the Zimbabweans and how you (and a bunch of other whites) were forced to leave your country and having your stuff confiscated.....I'm sure that still hurts you after all these years doesn't it???

So if you continue to complain about doesn't make you a whiner or a bad simply want that injustice that was done to you to be remembered.....

I'm sure you still think about what happened to you every single day even if its for 5 seconds and I am sure you are still bitter about it


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #102 on: November 25, 2011, 12:08:42 PM »

So did Eugenics, but it was not invented by the Nazis & is still in common usage today.
Does the use of that word bear any relation to this topic?? It is still part of the German language. Was before the Nazi party & is now.


Don't make a big deal out of my posting a definition for untermensch. Although I have German family, I had not heard or seen the word before, so I looked it up for myself and posted what I found for others who also may not have known what it meant. Granted I did not get this definition of the word from a dictionary, but rather Wikipedia. When I locate my German dictionary, if the word is in it, I will post that definition also.

If you don't believe the word is relevant to the topic in this thread, why did you employ it?

Update: untermenschlich (the German spelling) is defined as meaning subhuman in the German/English dictionary.


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #103 on: November 26, 2011, 03:17:51 AM »
I'm not you want me to talk about this issue so we can have a legit give and take conversation about it or do you want an excuse to call me names???...just as you ask me to weigh the evidence and be neutral, I ask you to do the same...IQ is not the end-all be-all in terms of who is "worthy" as a all depends on access to education to bring out the potential that you have within yourself....if you as a race have been denied that access then of course the IQ of your race, religion, gender, etc is going to suffer.....

you talk about the Jews complaining about their treatment...but its their right to do so....just as it was your right to come on here a few years ago and talk about how you and your family were treated at the hands of the Zimbabweans and how you (and a bunch of other whites) were forced to leave your country and having your stuff confiscated.....I'm sure that still hurts you after all these years doesn't it???

So if you continue to complain about doesn't make you a whiner or a bad simply want that injustice that was done to you to be remembered.....

I'm sure you still think about what happened to you every single day even if its for 5 seconds and I am sure you are still bitter about it
I have never been south of the Sahara & my wife is as fair as they come (for Indian women).
Yet you seem to think I am married to a black woman & I lived in Zimbabwe, WTF  ??? where do you get these delusions from??

I have put a lot of evidence on the table regarding the holohoax, you have just given us your opinion so far.
If this were a debating society, guess who would be winning right now, how about you dig deep & address some of the points that have been raised in the 1'st x3 pages.

Don't make a big deal out of my posting a definition for untermensch. Although I have German family, I had not heard or seen the word before, so I looked it up for myself and posted what I found for others who also may not have known what it meant. Granted I did not get this definition of the word from a dictionary, but rather Wikipedia. When I locate my German dictionary, if the word is in it, I will post that definition also.

If you don't believe the word is relevant to the topic in this thread, why did you employ it?

Update: untermenschlich (the German spelling) is defined as meaning subhuman in the German/English dictionary.

I did not make a big deal, it's just not relevant to the thread. I have used that word for years.
What difference it makes that the Nazi party used it also (they are German after all) is lost on me.

Growth/noob loves me


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #104 on: November 26, 2011, 01:49:05 PM »
I did not make a big deal, it's just not relevant to the thread. I have used that word for years.
What difference it makes that the Nazi party used it also (they are German after all) is lost on me.


Perhaps you are right that it is an overstatement for Wikipedia (and me, in this case) to include the fact that the Nazi party used the (derogatory) term untermensch in reference to certain folks they appeared to dislike. As you say, Nazi's were German and it is a German word.

Not to belabor this, but you introduced the word to this tread. While I get that it may be a word you've used frequently, one would naturally assume that you employ this word when it has some relevance, otherwise why not use a different word.

Yeah I know, I can be incredibly anal sometimes!  ;D

Carry on.

Radical Plato

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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #105 on: November 26, 2011, 02:58:19 PM »
I'm not  hypocrite...
Every human being is a hypocrite


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #106 on: November 26, 2011, 04:24:20 PM »
Every human being is a hypocrite
true but I think we use it to mean being overtly and openly so


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #107 on: November 26, 2011, 08:50:01 PM »
starbucks treats their employees very well. much better than the market would determine. they are a good corporation.

Yet again we see the PS3 generation (represented here by Andre & Tay-tay) can put fuck all on the table when it comes to counter arguments. Adhominem & weak rhetoric is about all they can muster.
They are even going as far as to call a thread racist for daring to seek the truth on a matter.

This brings their pathetic, delusional, stumbling, to an ultimate crescendo, the magnitude of which only they (in their uneducated, arrogance) could muster.

Well done children (screaming applause) you have had x5 pages to step up to the plate.
& in GetBIG terms that = FAIL

Perhaps you are right that it is an overstatement for Wikipedia (and me, in this case) to include the fact that the Nazi party used the (derogatory) term untermensch in reference to certain folks they appeared to dislike. As you say, Nazi's were German and it is a German word.

Not to belabor this, but you introduced the word to this tread. While I get that it may be a word you've used frequently, one would naturally assume that you employ this word when it has some relevance, otherwise why not use a different word.

I have been using that word since I started posting here x5 years ago. Ask Will Grant, how long ago he had to look it up in the dictionary after seeing me use it & comment on how much he liked the word. We do not have a single word in the English language, that conveys the same meaning so effortlessly, hence my use.

Growth/noob loves me


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #108 on: December 08, 2011, 12:02:06 AM »
Oh, what tangled webs we weave. Even Oprah & her mighty book club got taken in by the jewish snake oil selling charlatans.

When in trouble, head for Auschwitz, preferably in the company of E-lieWiesel. It's as foolproof a character reference as is available today, at least within the Judeo-Christian sphere of moral influence. One can easily see why Oprah Winfrey & her advisers saw an Auschwitz excursion in the company of Wiesel as a sure-fire antidote to salve the wounds sustained by Oprah's Book Club when it turned out that James Frey, had faked significant slabs of his own supposedly autobiographical saga of moral regeneration "A Million Little Pieces".
  Published in 2003, Frey's irksome book swiftly became a cult classic. Winfrey picked it for her Book Club in September 2005, and it rocketed to the top of the bestseller lists.
For Frey the sky fell in when, on January 7, 2006, the Smoking Gun website, published documents showing that Frey had fabricated many facts about himself, including a criminal record. There were later charges of plagiarism. Frey ran through a benign gauntlet of trial-by-Larry King on January 11, & Oprah called in to stand by her Pick of the Month. She said that what mattered was not whether Frey's book was true (the Fundamentalist claim for the Holy Bible) but its value as a therapeutic tool (the modern Anglican position on the Good Book).
But by now every columnist & books page editor in America was wrestling the truth-or-fiction issue to the ground. Oprah turned on Frey. On her show on January 26, he clung to the ropes, offering the excuse that the "demons" that had driven him to drink & drugs had also driven him into claiming that everything he wrote about himself was true. Publishers including Random House, which has made millions off him, had rejected the book when he'd initially offered it as a "fiction novel". Oprah brushed this aside. got the message quickly enough. The site had been categorizing the new edition of Night under "fiction and literature" but, under the categorical imperative of Kakutani's "memory as a sacred act" or a phone call from Wiesel's publisher, hastily switched it to "biography and memoir". Within hours it had reached number 3 on Amazon's bestseller list. That same evening, January 17, Night topped both the "biography" and "fiction" bestseller lists on

Joshua Cohen reminded Forward readers that in 1996, Naomi Seidman, a Jewish Studies professor at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, had compared the original 1956 Yiddish version of the book with the subsequent, drastically edited translation of "night".
"According to Seidman's account, published in the scholarly journal Jewish Social Studies", Cohen wrote, "Wiesel substantially rewrote the work between editions - suggesting that the strident & vengeful tone of the Yiddish original was converted into a continental, angst-ridden existentialism, more fitting to Wiesel's emerging role as an ambassador of culture/conscience. Most important, Seidman wrote that Wiesel, altered several facts in the later edition, in some cases offering accounts of pivotal moments that conflicted with the earlier version.

Growth/noob loves me


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #109 on: December 08, 2011, 12:17:58 AM »
Oh, what tangled webs we weave. Even Oprah & her mighty book club got taken in by the jewish snake oil selling charlatans.

When in trouble, head for Auschwitz, preferably in the company of E-lieWiesel. It's as foolproof a character reference as is available today, at least within the Judeo-Christian sphere of moral influence. One can easily see why Oprah Winfrey & her advisers saw an Auschwitz excursion in the company of Wiesel as a sure-fire antidote to salve the wounds sustained by Oprah's Book Club when it turned out that James Frey, had faked significant slabs of his own supposedly autobiographical saga of moral regeneration "A Million Little Pieces".
  Published in 2003, Frey's irksome book swiftly became a cult classic. Winfrey picked it for her Book Club in September 2005, and it rocketed to the top of the bestseller lists.
For Frey the sky fell in when, on January 7, 2006, the Smoking Gun website, published documents showing that Frey had fabricated many facts about himself, including a criminal record. There were later charges of plagiarism. Frey ran through a benign gauntlet of trial-by-Larry King on January 11, & Oprah called in to stand by her Pick of the Month. She said that what mattered was not whether Frey's book was true (the Fundamentalist claim for the Holy Bible) but its value as a therapeutic tool (the modern Anglican position on the Good Book).
But by now every columnist & books page editor in America was wrestling the truth-or-fiction issue to the ground. Oprah turned on Frey. On her show on January 26, he clung to the ropes, offering the excuse that the "demons" that had driven him to drink & drugs had also driven him into claiming that everything he wrote about himself was true. Publishers including Random House, which has made millions off him, had rejected the book when he'd initially offered it as a "fiction novel". Oprah brushed this aside. got the message quickly enough. The site had been categorizing the new edition of Night under "fiction and literature" but, under the categorical imperative of Kakutani's "memory as a sacred act" or a phone call from Wiesel's publisher, hastily switched it to "biography and memoir". Within hours it had reached number 3 on Amazon's bestseller list. That same evening, January 17, Night topped both the "biography" and "fiction" bestseller lists on

Joshua Cohen reminded Forward readers that in 1996, Naomi Seidman, a Jewish Studies professor at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, had compared the original 1956 Yiddish version of the book with the subsequent, drastically edited translation of "night".
"According to Seidman's account, published in the scholarly journal Jewish Social Studies", Cohen wrote, "Wiesel substantially rewrote the work between editions - suggesting that the strident & vengeful tone of the Yiddish original was converted into a continental, angst-ridden existentialism, more fitting to Wiesel's emerging role as an ambassador of culture/conscience. Most important, Seidman wrote that Wiesel, altered several facts in the later edition, in some cases offering accounts of pivotal moments that conflicted with the earlier version.


Clearly in this age when it seems many folks have no modesty at all and many are clammering to tell all via whatever medium is available to them, be it; books, television or the long as there might be a pay check involved, it should come a no surprise that some biographies are either outright fabrications or at the least enhanced to make them more marketable.The problem with this is, one never really knows what to believe anymore. That's what I hate about lies. Once someone lies, everything they say afterwards is naturally suspect.


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #110 on: December 08, 2011, 01:10:11 AM »
Clearly in this age when it seems many folks have no modesty at all and many are clammering to tell all via whatever medium is available to them, be it; books, television or the long as there might be a pay check involved, it should come a no surprise that some biographies are either outright fabrications or at the least enhanced to make them more marketable.The problem with this is, one never really knows what to believe anymore. That's what I hate about lies. Once someone lies, everything they say afterwards is naturally suspect.

Personally, I think that allegations of embellishment regarding a 1'st person account, pale into insignificance when the same individual has been proven not to have been present at the location that the alleged account took place. Not only was the number that E-lie is claiming to be his allocated to another prisoner (confirmed by official German records from the period). But there is NO record of his father, who is alleged to have died at Birkenwald, being present at all.

E-lie indeed  ::)

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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #111 on: December 08, 2011, 05:49:04 AM »
Below is a copy of the front page of Britain's Daily Express, March 24, 1933.  Bear in mind that this was some x6 years before the start of WWII (1939-1945)!!

The text states:
  Hitherto the cry has gone up: "Germany is persecuting the Jews."
  If the present plans are carried out, the Hitlerite cry will be:
  "The Jews are persecuting Germany."

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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #112 on: December 08, 2011, 11:25:21 PM »

My suggestion is to go to the film I posted (#67) & click on 30mins in, then watch the next 15 mins. You will never think the same way about WWII again!! The narrator looks at the transcripts using the Yale site also, & outlines a few things that I GRANTEE you are NOT aware of.


Watched, or rather listened to the part of the video you recommended. It is interesting the way the narrator dissects the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. It didn't change any of my thoughts about WWII or the Holocaust, however.


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #113 on: December 08, 2011, 11:45:12 PM »
6 million + jews were murdered in holocost,, inocent lifs been murdered by putting them into big overns aka gas chamber and press the on button ,, there is no IFS NO BUTS AND NO MAYBE,,

it is so disturbing what you say here and such outraging,, and so incorect it is beyond fucked,, im nto one to stand aside when the chosen people been murdered and it is forever to be told soi t never repeat itself EVER again,,

2 year old 3 year old lead to gas chamber with carnaval soothing music ,, only to not be able to breath and choke to their death ,, 2 year fucking old!

never forget it ,, and im surprize administraotr of site let this go ,, this trread should be deleted and bombarded with lot of timeout and permenent banns

gh15 approved
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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #114 on: December 08, 2011, 11:49:28 PM »
6 million + jews were murdered in holocost,, inocent lifs been murdered by putting them into big overns aka gas chamber and press the on button ,, there is no IFS NO BUTS AND NO MAYBE,,

it is so disturbing what you say here and such outraging,, and so incorect it is beyond fucked,, im nto one to stand aside when the chosen people been murdered and it is forever to be told soi t never repeat itself EVER again,,

2 year old 3 year old lead to gas chamber with carnaval soothing music ,, only to not be able to breath and choke to their death ,, 2 year fucking old!

never forget it ,, and im surprize administraotr of site let this go ,, this trread should be deleted and bombarded with lot of timeout and permenent banns

gh15 approved
jews are good people for the most part. they allow alot of shit to be thrown their way in the name of freedom. very good people.


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #115 on: December 08, 2011, 11:52:53 PM »
6 million + jews were murdered in holocost,, inocent lifs been murdered by putting them into big overns aka gas chamber and press the on button ,, there is no IFS NO BUTS AND NO MAYBE,,

it is so disturbing what you say here and such outraging,, and so incorect it is beyond fucked,, im nto one to stand aside when the chosen people been murdered and it is forever to be told soi t never repeat itself EVER again,,

2 year old 3 year old lead to gas chamber with carnaval soothing music ,, only to not be able to breath and choke to their death ,, 2 year fucking old!

never forget it ,, and im surprize administraotr of site let this go ,, this trread should be deleted and bombarded with lot of timeout and permenent banns

gh15 approved

To whom are you responding to in this post?


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #116 on: December 09, 2011, 12:43:48 AM »
Watched, or rather listened to the part of the video you recommended. It is interesting the way the narrator dissects the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. It didn't change any of my thoughts about WWII or the Holocaust, however.

That was the wrong phraseology. Allow me to be more specific. The section dealing with analysis of the transcripts from the Nuremberg trials, should make you discount the whiteness testimony (to the point where you can not say "beyond reasonable doubt"). Treblinka, Belzec & Sobibor. is a total of x1.5 Million jews that were alleged to have been killed (One Third of the holocaust).

Main questions: Where did the bodies go?? This is one good example. For those uneducated on this subject, no one has EVER offered a satisfactory explanation for what happened to the Millions of bodies.
& before you post, NO they were NOT burnt or put into mass graves, as you will see in the film (if you manage to watch all of it). So where did they go?? Outer-space

Why was it interesting. What did you make of the dissection of the transcripts.
So, let's be clear here. You watched 15 mins (from 30 mins in) & you concluded what from that  ???

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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #117 on: December 09, 2011, 05:28:19 AM »
6 million + jews were murdered in holocost,, inocent lifs been murdered by putting them into big overns aka gas chamber and press the on button ,, there is no IFS NO BUTS AND NO MAYBE,,

it is so disturbing what you say here and such outraging,, and so incorect it is beyond fucked,, im nto one to stand aside when the chosen people been murdered and it is forever to be told soi t never repeat itself EVER again,,

2 year old 3 year old lead to gas chamber with carnaval soothing music ,, only to not be able to breath and choke to their death ,, 2 year fucking old!

never forget it ,, and im surprize administraotr of site let this go ,, this trread should be deleted and bombarded with lot of timeout and permenent banns

gh15 approved

The extent to which you love and stick up for the Jews despite claiming to not be Jewish is really suspect about your identity GH15. Are you sure you're not Sagi Kalev?

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #118 on: December 09, 2011, 08:46:20 AM »
Fresh evidence clearly states that E-lie, was never at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
So his book (an alleged testimony of a holocaust survivor) "night" is proven to be fictional. Quell surprise  :o

NO. A7713 was NEVER tattooed on the arm of E-lie, & was assigned to another inmate who's identity E-lie, stole . So the open pits with fire that jewish babies were being thrown into was also fictional, as was every other detail in his book. Gee, I never saw that coming  ::)

E-lie the lying yidster, fucking fraud. For all the people who have served jail time (from Ernst Zundel, onward) for trying to expose the lies of the beast from the East  :'(


Who really gives a shit???  Maybe the records are wrong as the Holocaust was more than 70 years ago.  Its a waste of time to debate no more than the "Nazi Hunters".  There people are old and crusty....just let it die out a peaceful death so they can burn in hell for their actions


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #119 on: December 09, 2011, 09:05:23 AM »
The extent to which you love and stick up for the Jews despite claiming to not be Jewish is really suspect about your identity GH15. Are you sure you're not Sagi Kalev?

i love jews,, they are all my brothers and sister,,we all have jew father name abrham ,, you ,, me,, anyone and everyone,, i love all people but! i have warm place for jews in my heart for they never betray me and with me in time of need
gh15 approved
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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #120 on: December 09, 2011, 09:13:43 AM »
i love jews,, they are all my brothers and sister,,we all have jew father name abrham ,, you ,, me,, anyone and everyone,, i love all people but! i have warm place for jews in my heart for they never betray me and with me in time of need
gh15 approved

I KNEW you were Sagi Kalev!


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #121 on: December 09, 2011, 01:59:34 PM »
I KNEW you were Sagi Kalev!

Sagi is very nice guy...little bit of a homo attitude :D but he is very passionate about his clients unlike these other american bodybuilders druga addicts working as personal trainers just to cover their fucking 5 kits of gh a months, and don't give two flying shits about their clients succeeding. not thtat there is anything wrong with that :) but Sagi pays very close attention to detail, I had a friend who was not even bodybuilder or fitness who work with Sagi and the program was highly specialized for him, not cookie cutter. This is why his reputation is superb in the training industry...cares about his clients. I choose to model my life around Sagi, he is very admirable person. Came to US with nothing,former soldier, made it big time in fitness industry...he is rolemodel for many


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #122 on: December 09, 2011, 02:27:27 PM »
Fuck this Thread.
demented natzi pseudo facts .
but it is on a site owned by a jew. freedom of speech not practiced by others.


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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #123 on: December 09, 2011, 05:51:09 PM »

So, let's be clear here. You watched 15 mins (from 30 mins in) & you concluded what from that  ???


Yes let us be clear here. I watched exactly what you suggested I watch....see below. I assumed you handpicked this because you felt it best supported what you wanted me understand. If this is not the case, then you erred.

I concluded that the people or person putting this video together are pushing an agenda. I generally feel the truth of any matter lies somewhere in the middle between the extremes. The more vehement an argument, the more I find it suspicious.....but, that's just how I am wired.

Personally, picking apart the details of that time in history to either support or deny the Holocaust is not where I choose to spend a lot of energy. I believe I have been very clear that my position is that I feel it is time to move forward by devoting our energy instead to more current issues and problems.

For example, regardless of what may or may not have happened to the Jews during the Hitler's rein, I don't agree with the Israelis military actions against the Palestinians today. I also believe it is time the U.S. government stopped supporting the Israelis in their aggressive assaults against the Palestinians. And what is more, I suspect I am not alone in these beliefs at all. In fact, I've even seen mainstream media broadcasts which question this very thing.

On a more personal level, I don't believe in monetary retributions as a resolution for past or current affronts. There are some things that money just cannot buy. Money cannot buy back ones loss of life or the loss of a loved ones life, example.

My suggestion is to go to the film I posted (#67) & click on 30mins in, then watch the next 15 mins. You will never think the same way about WWII again!! The narrator looks at the transcripts using the Yale site also, & outlines a few things that I GRANTEE you are NOT aware of.



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Re: Is E-lie Wiesel A Fraud?? his story unravles.............
« Reply #124 on: December 09, 2011, 05:56:54 PM »

Who really gives a shit???  Maybe the records are wrong as the Holocaust was more than 70 years ago.  Its a waste of time to debate no more than the "Nazi Hunters".  There people are old and crusty....just let it die out a peaceful death so they can burn in hell for their actions

I agree with you on everything except burning in hell. I don't believe in hell or the Devil. But, if thinking all evil doers burn for an eternity in hell under the Devil's gleeful watch makes someone feel better....I say, go for it.