Author Topic: wife wants me to get a sperm count am nervous cause of steroids should i be?  (Read 13117 times)

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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What do you say if I live alone my entire life yet not feeling lonely, only shareing my goods with my friends at times but still getting a deceant living?
Also the fact that I believe in love but won't search it because I believe that no matter how extinct the white race may be, I'm not going to make babys just because god intended humans to do so. That I believe true love between a man anda woman comes as a sorprise and then there you are life upside down happy like a child in christmas? But even if it never happends I would be the most satisfied guy when it comes to lifestyle and personal needs.

Would you consider me a waste of space and vain for those reasons? And if so, why?
Did your father abandon you and your mother?

Also you re still young judging by the pics you posted. But at some point, you ll feel alone, this is mathematical, you re just like everyone else, nothing more, nothing less. It's very common in kids abandonned by their fathers to think they re "special", "different", "better", "unique". But as they age, they understand they re just like everyone else.  I guess you think you re a rebel not "being like everyone" not "following the same path as the aberage joe".
I'm not an animal like you all, I'm more than this! right?
Then deal ultimately with the results of your "pride". Dont build a family; and as result spend the rest of your life once you ve reached your 40s and nobody is interested in you anymore, completely alone, and immature.

Look at the lonely men in their 40s, their 50s, 60s. Talk to them. You ll understand. Look at guys or women like wes, runningmom, who need to go on an internetmessageboard to still have some kind of relationships with others humans because they dont have enough in their daily life at such an advantage age. That's because they have nobody to talk to, because they didnt care enough of others, so others finally decided to ignore them. That's for those who actually built and destroyed a family. Those who didnt even build a family have absolutely nobody to talk to anymore when they reach the 40s. Their parents, grand parents, are dead, and if they have no brothers, sisters, they re completely, totally alone. "Friends" and "coworkers" arent family.

Now on a side note if you "choose" not to reproduce, why should I care? I dont, it's your life, not mine.


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  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Lmfao!!!! ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
Did your father abandon you and your mother?

Let me see are you really wise or jus a mechanical fraud preacher. Lets see here.

No, my mom and dad were together all their life for 30 years untill my dad died in canser. They had their storms ofcourse but they survived by the power of love. And they were god fearing people, true christians. My mom can't phantom to have another guy even my dad has passed away because she said that she allready shared her life with the right one and that there can be noone else and now she enjoyes life in her own peacefull way, decorating her house, helping her mother sometimes who's 80 and who is going to go in the hands of god soon I think..
My dad was also a very strong person, a true business man who allways put family first and allways had time for us. He was very ambitious, very. He is the greatest man I have ever known to be honest, my dad that is. Wisest and truest. My mom is also like his mirror image, but as a woman and is wise beyond your comprehension.

SO uberman, with that said, I still want to live alone, without my own family, smoke weed, spend my money on fancy clothes and technology, train in the gym and fuck whores. What do you have to say to that?


  • Getbig II
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The only way you're going to increase sperm count while on AAS is taking HCG and HMG for at least 90 days. A typical protocol is HCG 2,000-5,000 IU 3 times/week and HMG 75 IU EOD or ED. It will probably cost you $200-$300/week, as most insurance companies don't cover fertility treatment. The other option is to get off AAS completely and go on clomid/nolva, but both treatments will take a minimum of 90 days before you reach normal sperm levels.

normal sperm levels are 20 - 200 million/ml. Yours are probably less than 5 million/ml.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11164
Let me see are you really wise or jus a mechanical fraud preacher. Lets see here.

No, my mom and dad were together all their life for 30 years untill my dad died in canser. They had their storms ofcourse but they survived by the power of love. And they were god fearing people, true christians. My mom can't phantom to have another guy even my dad has passed away because she said that she allready shared her life with the right one and that there can be noone else and now she enjoyes life in her own peacefull way, decorating her house, helping her mother sometimes who's 80 and who is going to go in the hands of god soon I think..
My dad was also a very strong person, a true business man who allways put family first and allways had time for us. He was very ambitious, very. He is the greatest man I have ever known to be honest, my dad that is. Wisest and truest. My mom is also like his mirror image, but as a woman and is wise beyond your comprehension.

SO uberman, with that said, I still want to live alone, without my own family, smoke weed, spend my money on fancy clothes and technology, train in the gym and fuck whores. What do you have to say to that?
You re the one asking me stuff in the first place, let's make it clear.

So, how old were you when your dad died?

No need to continue this on here btw, this could be done in private.


  • Getbig V
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  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
You re the one asking me stuff in the first place, let's make it clear.

How old were you when your dad died?

No need to continue this on here btw, this could be done in private.

I asked because you have very wise posts, but this time the "single mom..." stuff doesn't apply.

He died 6 years ago. Yeah, you could say that "OOOh he could've helped you in so many ways now that you're in your twenties". Don't try to go around it because I've allways had mom&dad, allways.

So what's your excuse now. I hardly feel lonely, I have fun with friends. I have friends who I can rely on 100%.

So what would you think is the problem causing me to be this vain now?


  • Guest

and if sperm count is low she'll leave you bro', because "of al the drug you took"


she will put it in your face every fucking time you will have a  discussion about whatever subject that pisses her off  8)

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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I asked because you have very wise posts, but this time the "single mom..." stuff doesn't apply.

He died 6 years ago. Yeah, you could say that "OOOh he could've helped you in so many ways now that you're in your twenties". Don't try to go around it because I've allways had mom&dad, allways.

So what's your excuse now. I hardly feel lonely, I have fun with friends. I have friends who I can rely on 100%.

So what would you think is the problem causing me to be this vain now?

I never said you had a problem, you re the one  asking me questions, again just a reminder, and I never said I saw this as a "problem" if you dont want reproduce right now - and i wouldnt even care if you wouldnt want to reproduce later in your life either; it would be your choice, and you would be the only one to reap what you sow, even if as a white man myself Im programmed to worry about people of my own race not wanting to reproduce anymore-.

The only thing that I can tell you is that you re still immature. It's not a criticism or anything, it just means you re young and have the Thought's developement of someone your age, as simple as that.

Still the path is the same for everyone, the steps are the same, the order they follow each others is the same, and everyone is at different step in this unique path of the human development. The steps you reach depend of your education, your upbringings, your genes, the love your received or didnt recieve, and of your Faith. Someone who has no faith -an atheist- see no problem evolving in society fucking other people in the ass and even feel good about evolving that way, while someone who has Faith takes care to evolve following rules, principles, that will make him help others if he/she can instead of walking on their faces with a smile while aiming at the top of the pyramid. Atheists dont care about the way they live, what matters are the direct results, benefits they can get for themselves. They dont feel like theyr re part of something bigger -often coming from something that exploded originally, ie their own family's structure- they are humans who cannot feel emotions anymore. These people cannot build families and create life as a result. As more and more people abandon religion and become atheists, as more and more of these atheists give birth to even deeper, bigger atheists, human relationships become colder, mechanical, animalistic. This is also a very deep concern because, nowadays kids get access to many knowledges, infos at the same time. Which means they are very smart, but coming from atheist families, increasingly emotionless and more and more egocentrical.

About humans psychological development;
There are virgin guys in their 40 s who never learned to seduce women -often raised by single mothers-, who are or arent homosexuals, who have or dont have a job, who have one or several "hobbies", and who understand things other people understood way younger just because they were told about it by their caregivers, parents, family, while they, didnt. Adults who just aged living in a bubble, stuck in time. I.m not talking about physically, biologically damaged individuals, severe cases of autism or trisomic people here, I'm talking about people who have all the biological equipment to fulfil their natural needs but dont. That's because their psychological development has been harmed by their caregivers.

Anyway, i your case, as you ll age the biological need to reproduce will slowly develop, but it might happen in 5, 10 or 15 years from now if you re only 20. It is pre embeded, programmed in us all. Your genes determine when you re going to feel the need to reproduce, when it will kick in. It might also be conditionned by your direct environment. For example in times of great despair, men and women reproduce sooner, younger. In times of peace, the biological need kicks in later.
We re totally dependant of the conditionnings that surround us as mich as we re dependant of the inner, embeded conditionnings we inherited from our genitors. All these pre programmations cross each others constantly and shape what we call human life.

The three main conditionnings that determine our "choices" (or more precisely, the limited options we re going to have to choose from) are our genes, our upbringing/education/faith/spirituality, and our direct physical environment.

I d also like to mention the fact that we human get bored of everything that is extreme at some point. And that focusing only on yourself, living in complete constant hedonism, also gets old. It's just a step. But some people stay stuck at that step forever, until it's too late to evolve to the next step.
It's not "my" opinion , it's just the way it works and has been explained by studies in the 60s and 70s. At some point all humans get sick of doing the same shit over and over again; like being unemployed, taking drugs, fleeing reality in virtual worlds etc. It will get old even to you as sure as 1+1 = 2.

Considering you come from a stable family, chances are high that once the biological need to reproduce kicks in, if you evolve to the next steps of human development in the next decade, you will reproduce with ease the way your father built his couple and family.
Let's just hope you know everything he did, good, or bad, in order to be sure what to reproduce to create life, and in order not to reproduce what he might have done that destroyed life. You need to know your past, your genitors respective pasts, in order to not reproduce their failures, to overcome them reported in your own existence if they didnt overcome them in theirs, and to continue, develop their positive strenghts you also inherited.

We are the sum of what precedes us, physically, and psychically. And when we reach full consciousness around the age of 20/25 , we then have the possibility to modify to some extent our past acquired or inherited conditionnings. For this we need an education though. And to make good use of our education and of our inherited, learned, acquired strenghts, to fight our weaknesses, we need Faith. How many people have strenghts they use badly simply because they didnt have Faith.

Without control, power is worthless.
Without Faith and love, hope that build a healthy confidence in humans, intelligence is worthless, even worse, it might end serving destruction.

Men who dont reproduce and build a healthy family end alone with noone to talk to for the last decades of their existence. Their brain biologically stops developing, as it has been proved constant -healthy- relationships maintain the constant development of the brain. Unhealthy relationships also deteriorates biologically the development of the brain and lead to what are called by science "mental illnesses". What keeps -less and less- people from seeing their brain biologically melt and at the same time/as a result their psychism collapse under its own weight are Faith and healthy significant relationships with loyal loved ones.
Faith is linked of the biological development of our limbic system and prefrontal lobes. When you dont have any faith anymore, the hypocampe and various others parts of the brain start shutting themselves down as the most recent studies reveal, just like it happens when you have nobody to talk to anymore.

el numero uno

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 9405
  • Clean your room, bucko.

One day a study will prove steroid use harms the quality of sperm just as much as alchohol, tobaco and other drugs.
You re tainting your genes, and if you ever have kids, you re going to taint their genes as a result.

Just for vanity, just because you re a fucking insecure loser.

It's all fun until one day something goes wrong with your offspring's health, something "that cant be explained right now" by docs who will ignorant of your steroid use. But you -and your woman- somehow, deep inside, will have that fear; is this because of this moron past steroid use?

We all reap what we sow.

You re woman is actually wondering if she s not with a vain loser. Let's hope she s ignorant about the possible results of her man steroid use on the genes of her potential offspring with him.


  • Getbig V
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  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
I never said you had a problem, you re the one  asking me questions, again just a reminder, and I never said I saw this as a "problem" if you dont want reproduce right now - and i wouldnt even care if you wouldnt want to reproduce later in your life either; it would be your choice, and you would be the only one to reap what you sow, even if as a white man myself Im programmed to worry about people of my own race not wanting to reproduce anymore-.

The only thing that I can tell you is that you re still immature. It's not a criticism or anything, it just means you re young and have the Thought's developement of someone your age, as simple as that.

Still the path is the same for everyone, the steps are the same, the order they follow each others is the same, and everyone is at different step in this unique path of the human development. The steps you reach depend of your education, your upbringings, your genes, the love your received or didnt recieve, and of your Faith. Someone who has no faith -an atheist- see no problem evolving in society fucking other people in the ass and even feel good about evolving that way, while someone who has Faith takes care to evolve following rules, principles, that will make him help others if he/she can instead of walking on their faces with a smile while aiming at the top of the pyramid.

About humans psychological development;
There are virgin guys in their 40 s who never learned to seduce women -often raised by single mothers-, who are or arent homosexuals, who have or dont have a job, who have one or several "hobbies", and who understand things other people understood way younger just because they were told about it by their caregivers, parents, family, while they, didnt. Adults who just aged living in a bubble, stuck in time. I.m not talking about physically, biologically damaged individuals, severe cases of autism or trisomic people here, I'm talking about people who have all the biological equipment to fulfil their natural needs but dont. That's because their psychological development has been harmed by their caregivers.

Anyway, i your case, as you ll age the biological need to reproduce will slowly develop, but it might happen in 5, 10 or 15 years from now if you re only 20. It is pre embeded, programmed in us all. Your genes determine when you re going to feel the need to reproduce, when it will kick in. It might also be conditionned by your direct environment. For example in times of great despair, men and women reproduce sooner, younger. In times of peace, the biological need kicks in later.
We re totally dependant of the conditionnings that surround us as mich as we re dependant of the inner, embeded conditionnings we inherited from our genitors. All these pre programmations cross each others constantly and shape what we call human life.

The three main conditionnings that determine our "choices" (or more precisely, the limited options we re going to have to choose from) are our genes, our upbringing/education/faith/spirituality, and our direct physical environment.

I d also like to mention the fact that we human get bored of everything that is extreme at some point. And that focusing only on yourself, living in complete constant hedonism, also gets old. It's just a step. But some people stay stuck at that step forever, until it's too late to evolve to the next step.
It's not "my" opinion , it's just the way it works and has been explained by studies in the 60s and 70s. At some point all humans get sick of doing the same shit over and over again; like being unemployed, taking drugs, fleeing reality in virtual worlds etc. It will get old even to you as sure as 1+1 = 2.

Considering you come from a stable family, chances are high that once the biological need to reproduce kicks in, if you evolve to the next steps of human development in the next decade, you will reproduce with ease the way your father built his couple and family.
Let's just hope you know everything he did, good, or bad, in order to be sure what to reproduce to create life, and in order not to reproduce what he might have done that destroyed life. You need to know your past, your genitors respective pasts, in order to not reproduce their failures, to overcome them reported in your own existence if they didnt overcome them in theirs, and to continue, develop their positive strenghts you also inherited.

We are the sum of what precedes us, physically, and psychically. And when we reach full consciousness around the age of 20/25 years of age, we then have the possibility to modify to some extent our past acquired or inherited conditionnings. For this we need an education though. And to make good use of our education and of our inherited, learned, acquired strenght, we need Faith. How many people have strenghts they use badly simply because they didnt have Faith.

Without control, power is worthless.
Without Faith and love, hope that build a healthy confidence in humans, intelligence is worthless, even worse, it might end serving destruction.

Men who dont reproduce and build a healthy family end alone with noone to talk to for the last decades of their existence. Their brain biologically stops developing, as it has been proved constant -healthy- relationships maintain the constant development of the brain. Unhealthy relationships also deteriorates biologically the development of the brain and lead to what are called by science "mental illnesses". What keeps -less and less- people from seeing their brain biologically melt and at the same time/as a result their psychism collapse under its own weight are Faith and healthy significant relationships with loyal loved ones.
Faith is linked of the biological development of our limbic system and prefrontal lobes. When you dont have any faith anymore, the hypocampe and various others parts of the brain start shutting themselves down as the most recent studies reveal, just like it happens when you have nobody to talk to anymore.

Great post uberman, really. But as much as I'm awere about the world surrounding me and as much as I am awere of my past and my parents past I do enjoy my own company.

I don't denie the fact that someday I may feel like I need to make babys just like now I have the feeling to be succesfull and complete as a person which is more important to me than anything at this moment.
However I'm not an animal and I will not search for my partner like an animal. God works in mysterious ways and I may only "reproduce" with a woman that I truly love. I was raised better than that. I believe that the one will appear in my life as a sign, but at that moment I don't know for sure is it a sign but it will be something I've never fealt before.
With a person like that I'm willing to grow roots together, build together, crash together, create together.

I don't think about these things so mechanicly as you do, allthough it helps to shape reality but people are much more than mechanical thought procecess and genes. Love and god are the greatest in the end, even I have a vain lifestyle from time to time I do have love in my heart and only through that I would ever make a child.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11164
Great post uberman, really. But as much as I'm awere about the world surrounding me and as much as I am awere of my past and my parents past I do enjoy my own company.

I don't denie the fact that someday I may feel like I need to make babys just like now I have the feeling to be succesfull and complete as a person which is more important to me than anything at this moment.
However I'm not an animal and I will not search for my partner like an animal. God works in mysterious ways and I may only "reproduce" with a woman that I truly love. I was raised better than that. I believe that the one will appear in my life as a sign, but at that moment I don't know for sure is it a sign but it will be something I've never fealt before.
With a person like that I'm willing to grow roots together, build together, crash together, create together.

I don't think about these things so mechanicly as you do, allthough it helps to shape reality but people are much more than mechanical thought procecess and genes. Love and god are the greatest in the end, even I have a vain lifestyle from time to time I do have love in my heart and only through that I would ever make a child.
The difference between a human and an animal, is that humans have the capacity to have Faith. Humans without Faith are animals and only care about themselves even if it means at the expense of the interest of mankind as a whole.
 Faith is also innate. We all have it when we re kids, what we cal the child's "innocence".
 It either gets cultivated by our caregivers - if they re believers themselves- and develops , gets stronger as we age, or get destroyed by them as they harm themselves and us the more they abandon God's words believing they are God themselves. When it gets destroyed slowly by those who gave us life and others, it leads to depressive states later in life, something those who have a strong Faith are immune to. They are often the same who enjoy building families.


  • Getbig V
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  • i have a face like a shovel
The difference between a human and an animal, is human s capacity to have Faith. Humans without Faith are animals. Faith is innate. We all have it when we re kids. It either gets cultivated by our caregivers - if they re believers themselves- and develops , gets stronger as we age, or get destroyed by them as they harm themselves and us the more they abandon God's words believing they are God themselves.

shouldn't you be making a pie or something, tubby


  • Getbig V
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  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
The difference between a human and an animal, is human s capacity to have Faith. Humans without Faith are animals. Faith is innate. We all have it when we re kids. It either gets cultivated by our caregivers - if they re believers themselves- and develops , gets stronger as we age, or get destroyed by them as they harm themselves and us the more they abandon God's words believing they are God themselves.

Yes well obviously you didn't read what I said, or if you did, you forgot what I said 2 seconds after that. I have faith. And people without faith are not animals but lost. Don't pass judgement so easily there, friend.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Yes well obviously you didn't read what I said, or if you did, you forgot what I said 2 seconds after that. I have faith. And people without faith are not animals but lost. Don't pass judgement so easily there, friend.

Has nothing to do with passing judgement easily.

When there are too many lost individuals in any given real life threatening situation for you, you d better consider them as animals for your own survival or the survival of your loved ones, "my (younger) friend". There are a lot of people who are lost, and we have a lot of capacities in ourselves to potentially help them, especially when we re still young, but our energy to do so is limited and gradually decreases as we age. And we often have a lot of this limited energy to use to better ourselves first and foremost.
You ll figure that one later.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11229
  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
Has nothing to do with passing judgement easily.

When there are too many lost individuals in any given real life threatening situation for you, you d better consider them as animals for your own survival or the survival of your loved ones, "my (younger) friend". There a lot of people who are lost, and we have a lot of capacities in ourselves to help them, but our energy to do so is LIMITED.
You ll figure that one later.

Now you're talking about life threatning sittuation and that is a completely other topic.

Everyone, if you're following our little conversation here, this is not christianity that you should consider other people as lesser creatures than you just because they don't have faith and are animalistic in nature because they have no clue and haven't had the luxury to have great environment to grow in. They are lost. Jesus was able to forgive judas.  So even though I will difend my love ones with my own life and I will difend my own life to the death if necessary, it does not mean I consider those people I need to difend against as lesser people, I would never abandon my faith like that it's allways with me.

STRONG NOTE; I say this because uberman claims to be a man of god but for a man of god he has very sinister way of looking people down and ridiculing them.


  • Getbig V
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  • baddoggy
Didn't Branch Warren just get his old lady pregnant? Explain that one...

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Now you're talking about life threatning sittuation and that is a completely other topic.

Everyone, if you're following our little conversation here, this is not christianity that you should consider other people as lesser creatures than you just because they don't have faith and are animalistic in nature because they have no clue and haven't had the luxury to have great environment to grow in. They are lost. Jesus was able to forgive judas.  So even though I will difend my love ones with my own life and I will difend my own life to the death if necessary, it does not mean I consider those people I need to difend against as lesser people, I would never abandon my faith like that it's allways with me.

STRONG NOTE; I say this because uberman claims to be a man of god but for a man of god he has very sinister way of looking people down and ridiculing them.

That's just because being older than you I know that being nice (and i also hope you know the difference between genuinely nice people and fake nice people) doesnt always help others, sometimes it requires kicks in the ass too, especially when you elevate in the social ladder (and when you become a father) and get more and more responsabilities as a result.
In fact dealing with people less mature, educated and/or faitfhul than you constantly requires you to use a mix of both strategies, being nice and kicking them in the ass. And in a society full of fatherless kids and "adults", kicks in the ass are even more often required. But this is only the beginning.

But again you ll figure that later.

Palpatine Q

  • Getbig V
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  • Disdain/repugnance....Version 3: glare variation B
shouldn't you be making a pie or something, tubby

Are you saying that because he's  really fat johnny ?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 18257
  • i have a face like a shovel
Are you saying that because he's  really fat johnny ?

what are you talking about Groink

he posted a pic of a inshape guy and then posted a pic of him pointing at a piece of paper with his name it

what are you implying?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 18257
  • i have a face like a shovel
btw, check out my results from my heavy training


  • Getbig V
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  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
That's just because being older than you I know that being nice (and i also hope you know the difference between genuinely nice people and fake nice people) doesnt always help others, sometimes it requires kicks in the ass too. A constant mix of both. But again you ll figure that later.

Wrong again, I have figured it out a loooooong ass time ago and what you now said is correct, but I'm not losing my faith in order to allow my self to be evil and get away with whatever sin I may do just to prove a point that they are wrong and need to be kicked in the head, you never get away with it. I am selfish, but not in the name of god, not in the name of my faith, I will do it knowing what I may get from it. My faith and my ego do not go hand in hand.

Palpatine Q

  • Getbig V
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  • Disdain/repugnance....Version 3: glare variation B
what are you talking about Groink

he posted a pic of a inshape guy and then posted a pic of him pointing at a piece of paper with his name it

what are you implying?

Yeah...I hear that's how O.J. beat that murder rap a while back


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 11229
  • Hows life? Please, do tell.
groink, jnn... glad you could join us  8)  :D

sup, brahs!


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 943
Did your father abandon you and your mother?

Also you re still young judging by the pics you posted. But at some point, you ll feel alone, this is mathematical, you re just like everyone else, nothing more, nothing less. It's very common in kids abandonned by their fathers to think they re "special", "different", "better", "unique". But as they age, they understand they re just like everyone else.  I guess you think you re a rebel not "being like everyone" not "following the same path as the aberage joe".
I'm not an animal like you all, I'm more than this! right?
Then deal ultimately with the results of your "pride". Dont build a family; and as result spend the rest of your life once you ve reached your 40s and nobody is interested in you anymore, completely alone, and immature.

Look at the lonely men in their 40s, their 50s, 60s. Talk to them. You ll understand. Look at guys or women like wes, runningmom, who need to go on an internetmessageboard to still have some kind of relationships with others humans because they dont have enough in their daily life at such an advantage age. That's because they have nobody to talk to, because they didnt care enough of others, so others finally decided to ignore them. That's for those who actually built and destroyed a family. Those who didnt even build a family have absolutely nobody to talk to anymore when they reach the 40s. Their parents, grand parents, are dead, and if they have no brothers, sisters, they re completely, totally alone. "Friends" and "coworkers" arent family.

Now on a side note if you "choose" not to reproduce, why should I care? I dont, it's your life, not mine.

wtf lol
Your messed up BLP!


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  • Getbig V
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  • What Dire Mishap Has Befallen Thee
Did your father abandon you and your mother?

Also you re still young judging by the pics you posted. But at some point, you ll feel alone, this is mathematical, you re just like everyone else, nothing more, nothing less. It's very common in kids abandonned by their fathers to think they re "special", "different", "better", "unique". But as they age, they understand they re just like everyone else.  I guess you think you re a rebel not "being like everyone" not "following the same path as the aberage joe".
I'm not an animal like you all, I'm more than this! right?
Then deal ultimately with the results of your "pride". Dont build a family; and as result spend the rest of your life once you ve reached your 40s and nobody is interested in you anymore, completely alone, and immature.

Look at the lonely men in their 40s, their 50s, 60s. Talk to them. You ll understand. Look at guys or women like wes, runningmom, who need to go on an internetmessageboard to still have some kind of relationships with others humans because they dont have enough in their daily life at such an advantage age. That's because they have nobody to talk to, because they didnt care enough of others, so others finally decided to ignore them. That's for those who actually built and destroyed a family. Those who didnt even build a family have absolutely nobody to talk to anymore when they reach the 40s. Their parents, grand parents, are dead, and if they have no brothers, sisters, they re completely, totally alone. "Friends" and "coworkers" arent family.

Now on a side note if you "choose" not to reproduce, why should I care? I dont, it's your life, not mine.