Author Topic: My "attempting to still compete in march despite having only fake GH stack"  (Read 4145 times)


  • Getbig II
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Bboy is 5'6, while you on the other hand, are a monster of a man sir  8)
I had no idea I would actually get compliments on getbig ;D

Schmoe Buster

  • Getbig V
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If you get your kits by the 5th you will be able to run them for 5 weeks and thats the time you want them the most.  Iran mine last year for the last 6 weeks befor my contest and it made a huge difference.

Do you run the GH all the way to the day of the contest?
Thunderdome approved


  • Getbig III
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LOL @ a gram of tren acetate /week!!!

I could not imagine that -- I'd want to bust outta my skin and do something ridiculous and impulsive hahah on top of being a carb depleted zombie pre-contest -- WOW.

Hey I know a friend that could tolerate it -- more power to ya....I bet it will be incinerating BF% from the inside out.

75mg ED --->then maybe 100mg ED last 3 weeks is somewhat normal....

Winny 100 ED ---> ECA......Pshhh you'll be inside out ripped if you put effort into dieting.

Go get it man!


tren doesn't bother me like it bothers most folks... even @ 150 mg ED. it makes me feel really, really focused, and since i am naturally a very quiet person, i never take any anger out on anyone.

people have asked me if something is wrong before (often actually) while i am on high dose tren, and a teacher even told me it looked like i needed a nap, but i have never had an outburst even on a gram a week... never yelled at anyone, etc'.


  • Getbig III
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If you get your kits by the 5th you will be able to run them for 5 weeks and thats the time you want them the most.  Iran mine last year for the last 6 weeks befor my contest and it made a huge difference.

how tall are you queefer? you are 300 lbs in that picture of the one arm triceps push down? you must be a giant.


  • Guest
smotthcat I was talking about 75,000 to 100,000$ just from  the steroid forum on getbig. geez peoplke really blew there funds on these bunk kigs I will say get your rep;acements everbody and stay away from this outfit! If they can make pharma GH better than humatrope once and then try to sell bunk the second batch they did it intentionally or didnt want to wait for certain materials because they wanted money. everybody get your replce,ents and go another way to get your HGH these people do not deserve a second chance.  I have seen this scenario before when anapharm got busted and people had HGH orders and gear as well all never to be seen due to the police busting anapharm and the  had the balls to get their passwrod for their email and scam more people that one was 94,000$ alot of people needed that gear and HGH for competitions but were fucked.

 you have two choices wait and do the next show by that time you will have more muscle muturity and you will have more of that cartoon look from the HGH. thats one option. the second option is to just use AAS and workout like a animal and have a nutritionist show you how to safely use diuretics. dont you have any money you can buy a few kits from a diffrent source? or is it the chinese new year fucking it all up? maybe somebody domestic will help you out. if not you just have to work extra hard and come in super rippped and vascular. you have some top shelf gear that will work great for you it's just a matter of knowing when to incorporate them. Your going to want to use a small amount of test, high amount of primo and masteron, and also your tren but switch to tren acetate and maybe lower the dose a little bit. you are going to have to do some serious cardio. alwatch your diet. they didn't use HGH in the 70's and they had some great bodybuilders that didn't use HGH just AAS and alot of hard work! if you really want HGH try DL he had real kigs. not sure he ever had the fake ones. and he has them domestic. bck in the day when there were closer members this wouldnt be a problem somebody would have a kit they would send you for their cost. it was a tight community and everybody had each others back. somebody should be able to help you out. you will be ok.


  • Getbig V
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well i am. gh15 can attest to how lean i am and how big i am. he is one of three people on these boards who have seen my pictures... frankly i want to remain anonymous until i win something. then i will come back and brag a bit.

I believe you.

I was just saying that you shouldn't worry too much about it if you are already in the 6% range this far out.



  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 561
smotthcat I was talking about 75,000 to 100,000$ just from  the steroid forum on getbig. geez peoplke really blew there funds on these bunk kigs I will say get your rep;acements everbody and stay away from this outfit! If they can make pharma GH better than humatrope once and then try to sell bunk the second batch they did it intentionally or didnt want to wait for certain materials because they wanted money. everybody get your replce,ents and go another way to get your HGH these people do not deserve a second chance.  I have seen this scenario before when anapharm got busted and people had HGH orders and gear as well all never to be seen due to the police busting anapharm and the  had the balls to get their passwrod for their email and scam more people that one was 94,000$ alot of people needed that gear and HGH for competitions but were fucked.

 you have two choices wait and do the next show by that time you will have more muscle muturity and you will have more of that cartoon look from the HGH. thats one option. the second option is to just use AAS and workout like a animal and have a nutritionist show you how to safely use diuretics. dont you have any money you can buy a few kits from a diffrent source? or is it the chinese new year fucking it all up? maybe somebody domestic will help you out. if not you just have to work extra hard and come in super rippped and vascular. you have some top shelf gear that will work great for you it's just a matter of knowing when to incorporate them. Your going to want to use a small amount of test, high amount of primo and masteron, and also your tren but switch to tren acetate and maybe lower the dose a little bit. you are going to have to do some serious cardio. alwatch your diet. they didn't use HGH in the 70's and they had some great bodybuilders that didn't use HGH just AAS and alot of hard work! if you really want HGH try DL he had real kigs. not sure he ever had the fake ones. and he has them domestic. bck in the day when there were closer members this wouldnt be a problem somebody would have a kit they would send you for their cost. it was a tight community and everybody had each others back. somebody should be able to help you out. you will be ok.

i do have money but i am a phd student and i work part time at the university. my salary is not fucking good. i fortunately have some money saved, but i am already spending considerable amounts on aas from the best source you can get it basically (you would probably disagree, but i love him).

i just don't want to plop down another grand for novos right now, and yeah i do have the option to buy serostim off a clinic patient also, but it would run me 400 bucks for the kit, and that is only 126 iu. i know a lot of you would say "450 for a kit of serostim!! do it now!!" but it is still 450 dollars. at this point of my life (early 20s) i am not in a position to be spending thousands every month on gh.

having said all of that, i will probably make a move and either order novos from a reshipper or buy a serostim off a clinic patient i know today lol. because i am a


  • Getbig II
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Do you run the GH all the way to the day of the contest?
My show was on Saturday and I ran 10iu up til wednesday morning.  This year I plan to stop a week out, just to make sure.  I actually think the best way to do it would be to cut your dose in half for a week, and then stop 7 full days out.


  • Getbig II
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how tall are you queefer? you are 300 lbs in that picture of the one arm triceps push down? you must be a giant.
I'm 6'2 but carry most of my weight in my legs, so in person I'm don't look that big.

El Diablo Blanco

  • Getbig V
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Smoof, serious question.  Are you black or white?  Just curious if you are behind the 8 ball genetic wise for bodybuilding.  Look at Jay and Dorian.  Those guys are and would be shit without GH and Slin.  Guys like Coleman wasn't dependant so much on it, but it was what brought him from a top 10 Olympian to the champion.

Just go back and google 1980's NPC photos.  Lots of great physiques built on Test, Deca, Equi, Winnie and Clen.


  • Getbig III
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Smoof, serious question.  Are you black or white?  Just curious if you are behind the 8 ball genetic wise for bodybuilding.  Look at Jay and Dorian.  Those guys are and would be shit without GH and Slin.  Guys like Coleman wasn't dependant so much on it, but it was what brought him from a top 10 Olympian to the champion.

Just go back and google 1980's NPC photos.  Lots of great physiques built on Test, Deca, Equi, Winnie and Clen.

i'm white but i am eastern european...

and i agree. coleman looked fantastic before he ever touched gh. although the point is somewhat moot because i consider dorian one of the top 3 of all time (yes yes he was built of slin and gh, specifically slin lol).

El Diablo Blanco

  • Getbig V
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i'm white but i am eastern european...

and i agree. coleman looked fantastic before he ever touched gh. although the point is somewhat moot because i consider dorian one of the top 3 of all time (yes yes he was built of slin and gh, specifically slin lol).

Are you dabling with slin?  Hope not.  But yeah, genetic response to gear is key.  GH will make you look good but like GH15 said, you need a base, good base is from anabolics.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 37
bro you def DO NOT need the GH to do your show. yes there will be a lot of big dudes at the NYC metro, but as long as your other shit is accurately dosed and legit you should be fine.

the most important thing you need to worry about is your diet, water, sodium, cardio 10 days out. those are the only things you should concern yourself w/. if you fuck those things up you wont be able to dial in properly. dont sweat the G though, its beyond your control at this point anyway, so focus on the things you still have control over and make something positive happen.


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 561
bro you def DO NOT need the GH to do your show. yes there will be a lot of big dudes at the NYC metro, but as long as your other shit is accurately dosed and legit you should be fine.

the most important thing you need to worry about is your diet, water, sodium, cardio 10 days out. those are the only things you should concern yourself w/. if you fuck those things up you wont be able to dial in properly. dont sweat the G though, its beyond your control at this point anyway, so focus on the things you still have control over and make something positive happen.

thank you. that means a lot to me, because sometimes i feel like it is ALL drugs, and then i remember how fucking hard i worked to even get to this point without any gh at all.

and yeah it is nyc metro.. i never said that here, but you guessed right. there are going to be some huge guys i am going against.

the 2 things i need to really focus on at this point are:

1. choosing my weight class correctly.

2. dialing in my cardio and diet at the correct time.

at my last natural show (as stated prior, i was basically a natural- only doing halodrol, and i still beat all of the tren ace abusers) i won, but i went on stage at 184 and I was skin and bones. i mean i was fucking diced up. the pictures of me from that day are going to be with me for my entire lifetime, because even though i was small, i was in the best condition of my life. i used clen and a diuretic before the show to achieve this, and went keto for 3 weeks and did 40 minutes of cardio every day in that time.

i need to nail this condition again, but learn to do it with my new size. when i was "natural" i was walking around at my heaviest around 205, but i was still very conditioned. most people truly thought i was already on tren. but i did around 6 cycles of halodrol in those two years only, because i was not on the boards at that time and i had NO outside knowledge from my little circle of friends, and at the time we all loved halodrol and superdrol, although i had never done superdrol. in high school i did ONE cycle of british dragon tren enanthate, the shit that was $220 dollars a vial at the time. however, steroids were hard to come by in my living situation (extremely sharp parents... father with history of androgen use and knows all the sides..). pill however, i could hide. my dad actually caught me with the tren E, and that was the end of that cycle. he ripped my room apart after asking me to my face if i was injecting gear, and after i lied to him, he told me that he knew i was lying and that nobody gets that big that quickly without androgens.

it was the day after this natural show that i really started injecting hormones regularly. i actually bought some tren ace off of the guy who took 6th place lol.

the irony in that last sentence is exactly my point. It is NOT ALL DRUGS. I beat the dude on tren ace when i was on HALODROL.

 thank you big sport. i needed that reminder.

ps sorry for the life story lol. i just started my tren/masteron/test and i am feeling full of raw energy lol.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 278
1g of tren is just insane.  I'm in shape at 290 and I would never, ever go that high.  You are going to feel like shit.  I agree with ff, you definetely don't need gh for a local show because it's all about being diced up, even though I really believe you will have your legit kigs by feb 10th.  When is the show?
i agree   a gram of tren will fuk u up good....dont need that much for  sure


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 37
1. i am cool on a gram of tren a week. it makes me feel pretty good actually, in a very weird way. i hate that i can't sleep without valium on it, but i like that i am always wired. i am considering lowering the tren and mast to 600 mg each. the problem si i have LONG ESTHER for everything, so a gram of tren E IS NOT A GRAM OF TREN if you know what I'm saying.

2. my show is march 31 i believe, metropolitan npc nyc

3. i will take rear den's advice. i have taken it before on this site and i will take it again.

bro im fairly educated, but i def do not have the ability to read people minds! you did mention it, it wasnt a guess lol...


  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig II
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Listen to FutureFreak, I tried to come in too big this past season and ended up a superheavyweight at a contest where I could have possibly won the heavyweight class had I dropped down. A middleweight ended up winning the whole show by the way (just food for thought).

Just goes to show you at the regional level that condition will trump size. It was a valuable lesson though and I'll be following that same advice for contests this year.

Just get shredded.

tren and low test it out with some bronkaid into the contest honestly should do the trick. GH15 already put it on here. Last 8 weeks. Keep it strict before the contest with the diet and you should be good to go.