Author Topic: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?  (Read 8066 times)


  • Getbig III
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what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:28:38 PM »
Want to see what you guys think would be the best...

12 weeks of test e alone ? or with 4-6 weeks dbol at the start .. ? 400 mg or 500 mg ? ect

wanna see what some of you guys think

also do you think a serm/ai is needed on cycle ? or jsut to sue it when your nips are getting itchy/sore or if you're getting bloated as fuk ?


  • Getbig V
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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 12:57:37 AM »
Even test alone would be a great cycle for a newbie.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 03:22:42 AM »
Even test alone would be a great cycle for a newbie.

That's what i'm thinking bro.. why risk assing stuff like dbol in .. when i can just test out how i react to test alone and how I recover, If i have trouble gaining and recovering fro 12 weeks of test alone, i will know this isn't for me..


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 04:09:26 AM »
I'm still a newbie in a sense. My first run was with test C only. Great way to pop your cherry. Really put all the media hype and bullshit to rest that you hear about testosterone. I like the feeling it gives you. More daring/confident. Muscles heal fast as hell. Worst sides were bacne, loss of appetite?(weird one, don't ask me why), and this weird kind of anxiety/exhilaration feeling. I'm assuming because it was such a new thing to my system. As time passed I threw in a couple of other things down the road and that's when I realized how certain types of gear work synergistically with eachother. With the combo I'm running now my appetite is through the roof, I crave that anxiety/exhilaration feeling that I get now. All I can think about is my next workout(and vagina). And the way I have spread out my injections I might get one zit on my back once a week. Not to beat a dead horse but if I only had the $ and connect for legit GH my dear lord the possibilities. The only thing I hate is trying to keep your estrogen under control. Ai's play hell on my libido. I am adding masteron and trying a few supplements recommended by one of the getbiggers. So we will see. Oh, and my favorite. If you've ever seen office space, gear has turned me into Peter at work. I just don't give a fuck. Especially with the inner office politics and drama. When anyone that I cant stand starts to talk to me at work its like they're talking to a blank wall. And then in the middle of their rant I just sigh and walk away. Don't even say a word. Now I'm just left completely alone. And I took it a step further and grew a full beard. No one will say shit now. Now I look like the transition period from caveman to modern man lol.

Back on point. My buddy is wanting to dabble and I told him to just start with test first. Like a test drive(no pun). He's the typical guy who heard or read something negative from the media about roid rage, the same media that demonizes weed, but drink yourself to death cuz that's legal media. It was like trying to tell a chick that if they lift weights they're not going to get huge overnight(god I'm sick of that conversation).

I went from pinning twice a week to everyday, sometimes twice a day. But remember like the Vets on here say: 'once you start down the path of the darkside, it sucks you in deeper and deeper and you will never want to come off'. I can see why now. Esp when people(mainly females) start commenting on the fact you look in shape, that shit is intoxicating. Actually I enjoy coming off and becoming a normal human again. It's just hell waiting for your body to regain homeostasis. I can't do clomid/pct. I lasted a week on that shit. It takes awhile to get back to being you. I'm way more laid back and mellow. Alot more social at work. Just hate going around big crowds socially. Driving around assholes is easier. Juicing? The only thing that gets me is driving. That's where I'm gonna get into trouble. I road rage bad. Outside of my vehicle I'm totally fine.  I'm possibly thinking of the Superman/Clark Kent cycling. 6 months on, 6 months off. Staying on for life is tempting though. But 15-20 yrs straight? Maybe moderate dose test and hgh if it becomes more abundant and affordable, then maybe. But full on blast and cruising forever? IDK man.

Oh P.S. this is a trensomnia post. I woke up wide awake at 330am AZ time in a pool of sweat, did my A.M. inject, took my ECA, Gagged down a shake, Now I'm gonna train legs. How sick is that?


  • Getbig V
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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 06:16:57 AM »
I'm still a newbie in a sense. My first run was with test C only. Great way to pop your cherry. Really put all the media hype and bullshit to rest that you hear about testosterone. I like the feeling it gives you. More daring/confident. Muscles heal fast as hell. Worst sides were bacne, loss of appetite?(weird one, don't ask me why), and this weird kind of anxiety/exhilaration feeling. I'm assuming because it was such a new thing to my system. As time passed I threw in a couple of other things down the road and that's when I realized how certain types of gear work synergistically with eachother. With the combo I'm running now my appetite is through the roof, I crave that anxiety/exhilaration feeling that I get now. All I can think about is my next workout(and vagina). And the way I have spread out my injections I might get one zit on my back once a week. Not to beat a dead horse but if I only had the $ and connect for legit GH my dear lord the possibilities. The only thing I hate is trying to keep your estrogen under control. Ai's play hell on my libido. I am adding masteron and trying a few supplements recommended by one of the getbiggers. So we will see. Oh, and my favorite. If you've ever seen office space, gear has turned me into Peter at work. I just don't give a fuck. Especially with the inner office politics and drama. When anyone that I cant stand starts to talk to me at work its like they're talking to a blank wall. And then in the middle of their rant I just sigh and walk away. Don't even say a word. Now I'm just left completely alone. And I took it a step further and grew a full beard. No one will say shit now. Now I look like the transition period from caveman to modern man lol.

Back on point. My buddy is wanting to dabble and I told him to just start with test first. Like a test drive(no pun). He's the typical guy who heard or read something negative from the media about roid rage, the same media that demonizes weed, but drink yourself to death cuz that's legal media. It was like trying to tell a chick that if they lift weights they're not going to get huge overnight(god I'm sick of that conversation).

I went from pinning twice a week to everyday, sometimes twice a day. But remember like the Vets on here say: 'once you start down the path of the darkside, it sucks you in deeper and deeper and you will never want to come off'. I can see why now. Esp when people(mainly females) start commenting on the fact you look in shape, that shit is intoxicating. Actually I enjoy coming off and becoming a normal human again. It's just hell waiting for your body to regain homeostasis. I can't do clomid/pct. I lasted a week on that shit. It takes awhile to get back to being you. I'm way more laid back and mellow. Alot more social at work. Just hate going around big crowds socially. Driving around assholes is easier. Juicing? The only thing that gets me is driving. That's where I'm gonna get into trouble. I road rage bad. Outside of my vehicle I'm totally fine.  I'm possibly thinking of the Superman/Clark Kent cycling. 6 months on, 6 months off. Staying on for life is tempting though. But 15-20 yrs straight? Maybe moderate dose test and hgh if it becomes more abundant and affordable, then maybe. But full on blast and cruising forever? IDK man.

Oh P.S. this is a trensomnia post. I woke up wide awake at 330am AZ time in a pool of sweat, did my A.M. inject, took my ECA, Gagged down a shake, Now I'm gonna train legs. How sick is that?

Enjoyed reading this post!

lol @ Peter from Office Space.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2012, 06:35:12 AM »
Want to see what you guys think would be the best...

12 weeks of test e alone ? or with 4-6 weeks dbol at the start .. ? 400 mg or 500 mg ? ect

wanna see what some of you guys think

also do you think a serm/ai is needed on cycle ? or jsut to sue it when your nips are getting itchy/sore or if you're getting bloated as fuk ?

I think its a little hard to suggest to someone what a good "first cycle" would be. Personally, I think its best to look at certain steroids and see what potential side effects you are not willing to put up with and go from there. Also, look at what you're trying to accomplish. All steroids will help you put on weight but what kind of gains are you looking to get?

Sure you can be more strict with diet or run ai's  to help with bloat but do you really wanna be running more drugs when you could just start off with something that won't bloat you to begin with.

I know its been done to death lately wrt to hair loss but I am predisposed to it so it would be hard for me to suggest that someone to run test as their first cycle. Sure you can run finasteride but there you go adding more drugs you'll more likely be adding an anti e due to the lack of dht.

Its your body and if you run into side effects you're the one that's gonna have to deal with them...insomnia, acne, hair loss, gyno,etc. Not that you are guaranteed to experience them but some steroids are more likely to cause them if you are predisposed.

Having said all that at some point you may say fuck it and just deal with side effects as they come. I am a noob to all this stuff myself and what t-rex said is so true in that "the darkside" sucks you deeper and deeper.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2012, 07:27:12 AM »
what is your guys view on keepablegains ?

I want to cut down to 10% bf and then do it, my plan is to just hit my genetic limit faster for now, now there is some people that say you will lsoe gainz, but wouldnt i keep most gains as long as i am under my natty limit and keep training and dieting properly ?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2012, 07:51:15 AM »
what is your guys view on keepablegains ?

I want to cut down to 10% bf and then do it, my plan is to just hit my genetic limit faster for now, now there is some people that say you will lsoe gainz, but wouldnt i keep most gains as long as i am under my natty limit and keep training and dieting properly ?



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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 09:51:25 AM »
what is your guys view on keepablegains ?

I want to cut down to 10% bf and then do it, my plan is to just hit my genetic limit faster for now, now there is some people that say you will lsoe gainz, but wouldnt i keep most gains as long as i am under my natty limit and keep training and dieting properly ?

Your plan of reaching your genetic limit faster makes sense. However, you gotta keep in mind that after a cycle your natural hormone levels will be very low and you may end up smaller than your natural limit if your body is unable to recover well.

I think if you go ahead and do a cycle you're just wanna keep on doing it anyway but who knows.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 05:41:42 PM »
Your plan of reaching your genetic limit faster makes sense. However, you gotta keep in mind that after a cycle your natural hormone levels will be very low and you may end up smaller than your natural limit if your body is unable to recover well.

I think if you go ahead and do a cycle you're just wanna keep on doing it anyway but who knows.

so you're saying its very hard to actually recover properly from it ? and even if it just testosterone cycle my levels will never be the same ?

I see what you're saying man, and you're most likely right, and tbh i def wouldn't want to go down that road( no offence at all to those who would/are)


  • Getbig III
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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 05:54:55 PM »
Just remebwr when test was made all steroids after were made to be better more anabolic with less sides. They noticed tons of sides with test like prostate problems hairloss gyno. And they did just what the intended to made better anabolics.

Even gh15 says dbol only cycles are great cycles and said its probably the best for mass all on its own and many agree to just how anabolic dbol is. Not to mention if Ur so qorries about sides test takes weeks to clear by next day on dbol it will clear and u can stop your cycle. Duno why people suggest test only first cycles still with gh15 who opened our eyes. Gh says many times test isn't needed and really the pros only cycle test in and our whole on high dose gh. Many better options I think. Even deca dbol u will be leaner than test only cycle I legit hate test now finally using cycles without it. no more hairloss no more ugly test bloated look lean and round always now.
Even back in the old days arnolds days they all saw test as the big scary monster of side effects.

Dbol quick easy to cycle first time with great gains. People who lose most there gains off oral only cycles are generally because its the people who arnt that serious in the first place about bodybuilding and won't inject so they are nor that serious in there training or diet. Some of my beat gains were on orals myself. Stuff like SD dbol even anadrol alone was better than test alone. Only diff was the test made me lose hair and way to horny. Also ugly squared bloated look.


  • Getbig III
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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 06:02:09 PM »
I'm still a newbie in a sense. My first run was with test C only. Great way to pop your cherry. Really put all the media hype and bullshit to rest that you hear about testosterone. I like the feeling it gives you. More daring/confident. Muscles heal fast as hell. Worst sides were bacne, loss of appetite?(weird one, don't ask me why), and this weird kind of anxiety/exhilaration feeling. I'm assuming because it was such a new thing to my system. As time passed I threw in a couple of other things down the road and that's when I realized how certain types of gear work synergistically with eachother. With the combo I'm running now my appetite is through the roof, I crave that anxiety/exhilaration feeling that I get now. All I can think about is my next workout(and vagina). And the way I have spread out my injections I might get one zit on my back once a week. Not to beat a dead horse but if I only had the $ and connect for legit GH my dear lord the possibilities. The only thing I hate is trying to keep your estrogen under control. Ai's play hell on my libido. I am adding masteron and trying a few supplements recommended by one of the getbiggers. So we will see. Oh, and my favorite. If you've ever seen office space, gear has turned me into Peter at work. I just don't give a fuck. Especially with the inner office politics and drama. When anyone that I cant stand starts to talk to me at work its like they're talking to a blank wall. And then in the middle of their rant I just sigh and walk away. Don't even say a word. Now I'm just left completely alone. And I took it a step further and grew a full beard. No one will say shit now. Now I look like the transition period from caveman to modern man lol.

Back on point. My buddy is wanting to dabble and I told him to just start with test first. Like a test drive(no pun). He's the typical guy who heard or read something negative from the media about roid rage, the same media that demonizes weed, but drink yourself to death cuz that's legal media. It was like trying to tell a chick that if they lift weights they're not going to get huge overnight(god I'm sick of that conversation).

I went from pinning twice a week to everyday, sometimes twice a day. But remember like the Vets on here say: 'once you start down the path of the darkside, it sucks you in deeper and deeper and you will never want to come off'. I can see why now. Esp when people(mainly females) start commenting on the fact you look in shape, that shit is intoxicating. Actually I enjoy coming off and becoming a normal human again. It's just hell waiting for your body to regain homeostasis. I can't do clomid/pct. I lasted a week on that shit. It takes awhile to get back to being you. I'm way more laid back and mellow. Alot more social at work. Just hate going around big crowds socially. Driving around assholes is easier. Juicing? The only thing that gets me is driving. That's where I'm gonna get into trouble. I road rage bad. Outside of my vehicle I'm totally fine.  I'm possibly thinking of the Superman/Clark Kent cycling. 6 months on, 6 months off. Staying on for life is tempting though. But 15-20 yrs straight? Maybe moderate dose test and hgh if it becomes more abundant and affordable, then maybe. But full on blast and cruising forever? IDK man.

Oh P.S. this is a trensomnia post. I woke up wide awake at 330am AZ time in a pool of sweat, did my A.M. inject, took my ECA, Gagged down a shake, Now I'm gonna train legs. How sick is that?

Great post.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 06:30:55 PM »
so you're saying its very hard to actually recover properly from it ? and even if it just testosterone cycle my levels will never be the same ?

I see what you're saying man, and you're most likely right, and tbh i def wouldn't want to go down that road( no offence at all to those who would/are)

Its hard to say how a particular person would recover but since that sounds like the most important thing for you I would do short cycles of orals. That way you're in and out quick without causing too much shut down.

No offence taken btw  ;D ...I totally get it. If you're just looking to reach your natural limit you're better off training hard and having a good diet. Your body will thank you.

But if you're like me that "natural limit" sucks and you'll wanna surpass it. It became really depressing going to the gym knowing I wasn't gonna add any more became solely bodyfat manipulation at that point. Lost all motivation to train.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 06:34:09 PM »
what oral would you guys reccomend ?

my mate is on dbol for last 5 or so weeks and got huge tbh, huge shoulders and traps and aeverything, it cant all be bloat an it ?


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 06:41:04 PM »
what oral would you guys reccomend ?

my mate is on dbol for last 5 or so weeks and got huge tbh, huge shoulders and traps and aeverything, it cant all be bloat an it ?

Most of it can be bloat if his diet isn't good and if he's predisposed to retaining a lot of water. See if he has any definition or if it looks like his skin is about to explode.

And as to which oral to run ...there are lots of good ones. Lyquid mentioned a few..I would add tbol to those.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2012, 06:45:48 PM »
Most of it can be bloat if his diet isn't good and if he's predisposed to retaining a lot of water. See if he has any definition or if it looks like his skin is about to explode.

And as to which oral to run ...there are lots of good ones. Lyquid mentioned a few..I would add tbol to those.

yes I was thinking of doing tbol too, since it doesn't convert to estrogen and gives more of a dry gains which is what im looking for, Its like hdrol yes ? so its got low androgenic activity which would mean it has less chance of giving side effects ?

what would a good tbol cycle look like in your opinion ? 6 weeks of 60 mg a day ? 8 weeks of 40 mg per week ? some people say it doesnt require pct, would you reccomend it ?


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2012, 06:52:58 PM »
yes I was thinking of doing tbol too, since it doesn't convert to estrogen and gives more of a dry gains which is what im looking for, Its like hdrol yes ? so its got low androgenic activity which would mean it has less chance of giving side effects ?

Yeah tbol will give you dry gains compared to dbol. Tbol on paper is very mild on the side effects but you really have to try it for yourself to really know with any of these things. I experienced more aggression(not bad) and a little increase in shedding. Doesn't mean you may get acne or something like that but I only got sides my body is predisposed to. Side effects will be very minimal.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2012, 07:07:55 PM »
Yeah tbol will give you dry gains compared to dbol. Tbol on paper is very mild on the side effects but you really have to try it for yourself to really know with any of these things. I experienced more aggression(not bad) and a little increase in shedding. Doesn't mean you may get acne or something like that but I only got sides my body is predisposed to. Side effects will be very minimal.

from your experience what would a tbol only and a dbol only cycle look like ?

appreciate the help btw guys!


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #18 on: February 20, 2012, 07:11:12 PM »
from your experience what would a tbol only and a dbol only cycle look like ?

appreciate the help btw guys!

I've ran both tbol and dbol while being on deca so on their own I couldn't say from experience.

But what do you mean by look like anyway?


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2012, 07:14:44 PM »

But what do you mean by look like anyway?

dosage, duration to be run, pct ect


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2012, 05:06:20 AM »
dosage, duration to be run, pct ect

most people run them for 4-6 weeks.

dbol 30-50
tbol 50mgs

you could always bump those numbers up a little higher gradually...

PCT....nolva would probably be enough

40 mgs for the first week
20 mgs for 2 weeks after that


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2012, 05:48:00 AM »
tren + d-bol would have been my first cycle if i could have a redo in life. npp + d-bol is also pretty good. i'm not a huge fan of test but i guess if you don't care about losing your hair then test is a good solo steroid to run.


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2012, 06:27:50 AM »
tren + d-bol would have been my first cycle if i could have a redo in life. npp + d-bol is also pretty good. i'm not a huge fan of test but i guess if you don't care about losing your hair then test is a good solo steroid to run.

is test really that bad for the hair line ?i would have thought it's a "safe" steroid but you guys are saying other wise.. hmm

also my goal is to just gain size and keep it, stay at my natural limit, i'd think that tren in a cycle would take way to long for your body to recover ?


  • Getbig III
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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2012, 07:19:54 AM »
is test really that bad for the hair line ?i would have thought it's a "safe" steroid but you guys are saying other wise.. hmm

also my goal is to just gain size and keep it, stay at my natural limit, i'd think that tren in a cycle would take way to long for your body to recover ?

That's why they made steroids after test. To make one as little androgenix side effect free but more anabolic to than test. I always say look at arnolds bbing days. Hairloss super rare and gyno. Look not just at todays bbers but atleast in my gums where everyone runs test is fully bald or balding and half have gyno and there alll bloated and red. Pure test fiends. Test only with gh low dose test fine. Gh fifteen will say.

Keep Ur hair and skin healthy with the ones that increase collgan. That's why old bbers look thatvway. And not fifty yrs older like Dennis wolf and branch warren. If there not bald today they r starting to bald lol. Aka Dennis wolf. Kai Greene all balding pretty bad now to


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Re: what would you reccomend as the best cycle for a newbie ?
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2012, 07:27:28 AM »
true bro, i'll go with dbol only then ?