Author Topic: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama  (Read 58377 times)

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #275 on: March 08, 2012, 07:40:46 AM »
don't you have to copy and paste some shit from  :D

look at the blacken calling the pot the kettle.......or something like that.


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #276 on: March 08, 2012, 07:45:59 AM »
I'm a birther, but still, I have to ask...

Why isn't this on the conspiracy board?

While it was on drudge I figured it should stay here because it's current news.  I will probably move it soon.  It's almost completely a non issue.  Especially when yu consider some of these questions.  I believe this is another reason why the story has been dropped.   Unless of course you believe FOX news, drudge, and others are really kneepadders in conservative clothing.   

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #277 on: March 08, 2012, 07:50:13 AM »
While it was on drudge I figured it should stay here because it's current news.  I will probably move it soon.  It's almost completely a non issue.  Especially when yu consider some of these questions.  I believe this is another reason why the story has been dropped.   Unless of course you believe FOX news, drudge, and others are really kneepadders in conservative clothing.   

LOL ! ! ! ! 

So your questions are valid and completely dismiss any validity to the claims and ends the debate.

Yet people who have questions about the documents are not valid at all and there should be no further questions whatsoever? 



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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #278 on: March 08, 2012, 08:01:53 AM »

LOL ! ! ! ! 

So your questions are valid and completely dismiss any validity to the claims and ends the debate.

Yet people who have questions about the documents are not valid at all and there should be no further questions whatsoever? 


No I didn't say it ended the debate.  But its pretty much a slam dunk here.  The SS card thing is pretty much debunked, the BC thing doesn't mean much unless those questions are answered directly. It looks like a good book selling promo more than anything else now that's losing all it's steam as the story is fading. FOXnews, drudge etc unless they arent really conservative leaning media outlets have dropped it, in fact they. All dropped it in like 2 days. 

Who's still beating this drum?  Fringe bias Birther  sites.

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #279 on: March 08, 2012, 08:03:14 AM »
No I didn't say it ended the debate.  But its pretty much a slam dunk here.  The SS card thing is pretty much debunked, the BC thing doesn't mean much unless those questions are answered directly. It looks like a good book selling promo more than anything else now that's losing all it's steam as the story is fading. FOXnews, drudge etc unless they arent really conservative leaning media outlets have dropped it, in fact they. All dropped it in like 2 days. 

Who's still beating this drum?  Fringe bias Birther  sites.

Why?   Because you say so?  You offered a possible alternative to explain what appears obvious fraud, ND NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE SHOWING ANYONE EVER HAD A TWO DIGIT STAMP OUT OF HONULULU.

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #280 on: March 08, 2012, 08:06:47 AM »

they prove there are QUESTIONS.   But they don't ANSWER any of them. 

Just showing things are fishy isn't good enought.  911, anthrax, JFK, they're all fishy.  Hell, the underwear bomber was fishy.

But unless you have a smoking gun - and you dont here - it's just a theory.


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #281 on: March 08, 2012, 08:09:36 AM »
Why?   Because you say so?  You offered a possible alternative to explain what appears obvious fraud, ND NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE SHOWING ANYONE EVER HAD A TWO DIGIT STAMP OUT OF HONULULU.

Might hold up if it's 2010.  But 1980?  32 years ago?  Likely 99.999999% of those stamps are gone.  

And not because I say so, because of the things I listed.  Tell you what I will keep it here for a while, but you need to, or the Birther group needs to come up with something new and relevant.  As with the all Birther CT issues, I think a good rule of thumb is that if they are in the main stream news then they are relavent here.  


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #282 on: March 08, 2012, 09:16:56 AM »
Did threats silence media on Obama probe?

Stunner! Sources say warnings were to not report on Sheriff Joe's results

by Bob Unruh

The lead investigator in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s review of the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate today unloaded a bombshell about the case: that he was told by sources members of the media were threatened with federal investigations should they continue to report on the birth certificate issue.
Lead investigator Mike Zullo told WND that as he was preparing information to be presented to the public “it was clear that the mainstream media was not going to be in attendance” at the sheriff’s scheduled new conference, where he revealed facts suggesting both fraud and forgery in the image of a Hawaiian birth certificate that the White House released as “proof positive” of Obama’s eligibility for office last year.

“During our investigation, we actually were told [that media] had been threatened with FTC investigations. Commentators [had been] threatened with their jobs,” Zullo said. The threats were so intimidating that some individuals quit their positions over safety concerns for their families, he said.
So the problem became to get the information to the American public in spite of an intentional media blackout, since citizens still must make critical leadership decisions about their government through the election process.

And the result was an ebook that includes the details from the investigation, the evidence that was accumulated, and the questions that remain for Arpaio and his investigators to continue pursuing.

Zullo has been blasted in recent days for coordinating that book project with longtime political writer Dr. Jerome Corsi. Much of the online criticism stems from a single AP article that links Zullo to “well-known political conspiracy writer” Jerome Corsi and includes a statement that Corsi “denied using Sheriff Joe Arpaio … as a promotional tool to sell his books and theories.”

It cites Zullo’s being listed “as the co-author” of the ebook. But it fails to mention the evidence cited by the investigation suggesting those alleged fraud and forgery crimes.

Zullo told WND that he had no interest in working on an ebook, but was faced with the question about how to get the information to the American people absent national media coverage. There were interests outside of Arizona, he was convinced, making obvious efforts to have the information closed down and never allowed to move beyond the borders of the state of Arizona.
Zullo told WND that as an investigator he sought transparency in the information released to the media and the people and he just wanted the information made available to everyone who wished a closer look. Zullo said it was not an easy decision. He knew he would be ridiculed by the media if the information was released, but the alternative of allowing the information to be squelched and people kept in the dark was just too much of an injustice. He decided to allow the ebook project in order to disseminate the facts of the case: that there is probable cause to believe Obama’s birth certificate document is a forgery – and the implications that has for the American system of government.

Corsi confirmed that Zullo was very reluctant to be in a position where he found himself. The prospect of being reimbursed financially from his investigation never was Zullo’s intention. But Corsi pointed out that Zullo contributed six months of his time to the investigation. Corsi also said he was acutely aware of the financial sacrifice Zullo made over the last six months, having to devote much of his time to the investigation. The posse investigate was not, in fact, subsidized by taxpayers.

The bigger question, Zullo said, is just exactly how would an investigator or a law enforcement officer ignore findings that suggest a deception at the highest levels of politics in the nation. And how does the national media willfully ignore it. Zullo said this is a very serious and alarming concern. It brings into question the transparent objective vetting of presidential candidates.

“If the evidence took us the other way, and the sheriff proclaimed this thing to be authentic, the news would have traveled from Arizona to New Jersey to Hawaii in milliseconds,” he said. “If I wrote a book about it I would have been hailed a hero.

“All we’re trying to do here is get this information out there and keep it out there. Had the mainstream media done their job, we wouldn’t have done [this book].”

He said now media members have started calling him a “kook” and an “old geezer” for reporting on the facts that resulted from the investigation.

“The media just wants to come destroy people’s credibility,” he said. “They’re trying to vet [investigators] when they should be vetting the next presidential candidate of the United States.”

He said that many people didn’t come forward with their knowledge about Obama “out of fear.”

“The information that we got, which these people refused to step forward with out of fear, but shared afterward, came independently – they don’t even know each other – from distance parts of the country, that investigations of major media outlets [were planned] if they continued reporting,” he said.

“Our system is broken because the vetting process used to rely on the free press. We don’t have a free press any more,” he said.

Although the numbers may have been small, there was support for Zullo’s perspective, even in the media.

In a column at American Thinker, Cindy Simpson quoted Ronald Reagan in support of Zullo’s work.

“Ronald Reagan was fond of saying, ‘Trust, but verify,’” she wrote. “President Obama told us he released his official long-form birth certificate on April 27, 2011. Can we trust him, and should we verify?

“Most of the reporters’ questions at the end of [Arpaio's] press conference were statements in defense of Obama, and the subsequent coverage by major news outlets asserted that rumors about the president’s birth certificate were ‘debunked’ and ‘discredited,’ but gave no details of the debunking or discrediting,” she marveled.

“As the sheriff also noted at the conference, no specific or official investigation has ever been reported, unless we can count Savannah Guthrie, apparently the only reporter allowed to touch and photograph the original long-form certificate after it was released, or the two representatives of Factcheck (neither noted as having an relevant professional experience in document examination) who photographed the short-form certification posted in 2008,” she wrote.

“To paraphrase another favorite Reagan quotation, ‘It isn’t so much that the mainstream media are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so,’” she added.

She noted that after they attacked the message, then the reporters at the news conference “questioned the motives of the sheriff and even the political affiliation of the posse’s lead detective, Mike Zullo.”

She said the focal point for a true reporter would be the issue at hand – the validity of Obama’s documents.

“Was the document posted by the White House a scan of an original certified document? Based on the analysis of the posse’s experts, it was not. In fact, the posse has traced the image to a specific computer where it resided a mere 20 minutes before it was uploaded, and has identified a ‘person of interest.’”

She suggest three possible answers: purely innocent anomalies to “touch up” an image and someone purposely tinkering to create the appearance of suspicion.

“Third, if the certificate is indeed an intentional forgery, we have witnessed the greatest fraud of the century,” she said.

“In my local paper, there was not even a single line devoted to the posse’s stunning assertions. What happened to ‘Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The posted birth certificate of a sitting president a possible forgery!’”

Nick Martin at TPM editorialized that the book sale “gives Zullo a financial motive to continue stoking the flames of a conspiracy theory that has been debunked numerous times by an array of independent investigations.”

But the details of those investigations were absent.

The sheriff himself also noted the single side of the issue that was being reported.

In a commentary in the Arizona Republican, he wrote of reporters, “They were practically salivating at the opportunity to embarrass me, my highly capable group of volunteer investigators and literally anyone else who would dare show in interest in the possibility that this investigation would lead to any real credible evidence into what they claim has already been ‘looked into’ or ‘widely debunked.’”

Arpaio also has defended the book.

“We needed a book precisely because we knew in advance the mainstream media would impose a blackout on any serious law enforcement investigation into Obama’s identification documents and his eligibility to be president,” Arpaio told WND.

He explained that the book is intended to bypass the filter the establishment media tries to impose on news. WND provided a live-stream Internet broadcast of the Arpaio press conference last Thursday for the same reason.

Martin wrote that the sheriff also failed to mention that much of the evidence concerned questions about the digital scan “that was already investigated and proven to be false” by another investigative agency, “National Review Online.”

There were signs, however, that the national media’s silence was creating concerns.

Wrote Jeff Crouere at the St. Tammany Slidell Sentry: “Despite a mountain of evidence and new allegations of fraud, the national news media refuses to cover the Obama birth certificate scandal.”

He cited the discoveries from the Arpaio investigation.

“Such a bombshell should have led the national news coverage throughout the country. Instead, it was completely ignored by a corrupt network of media elites who are decidedly liberal and wholeheartedly support Obama’s re-election,” he wrote. “The vast majority of the American people have been denied the truth by a media who want to shield Obama.”

He called reporters nationally “liberal sycophants” and said, “If these allegations had been made about a Republican president there would have been a media firestorm greater than Watergate and Iran/Contra combined.

“Not surprisingly, the media acted like partisan Democrats in the news conference after Arpaio’s team announced their findings. Instead of asking questions about the Obama documents, the reporters were more interested in asking Sheriff Arpaio about his political affiliation, his relationship with the tea party and his motives for the investigation.

“What the media conveniently overlooked was the expert testimony and the evidence presented by Arpaio’s group of investigators. Potentially, a major crime has been committed at the highest levels of our government, and the media attacked the messengers.”


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #283 on: March 08, 2012, 11:22:15 AM »
the  media isn't covering it because there is nothing legitimate to cover.

A question to add to these:

Is it just hearsay about the threats or does anyone have any evidence?

Just some questions:   ;D

What are the names the credentials of the “computer graphics experts” who validated the Cold Case Posse’s (CCP) methodology.

Have any of them ever testified in court about the authenticity of a document? 

Why were these not disclosed at the press conference for reporters to interview?

What are the names the credentials of the “forensic document examiners” who validated the Cold Case Posse’s methodology.

Have any of them ever testified in court about the authenticity of a document?

Why were these not disclosed at the press conference for reporters to interview?

What computer software and settings were used for the optimization comparisons between the “control” document and the White House document?

Was it the same software used by the White House, and if not why not?

Why was this essential question glossed over in the lengthy presentation?

Was Jerome Corsi deputized by Maricopa County, or did he sign an affidavit under oath and penalty of perjury as to his examination of files at the National Archives? If not, why not?

Has WorldNetDaily agreed to sign Joe Arpaio on as a commentator for WND?

Did WorldNetDaily, Jerome Corsi, or Joseph Farah contribute funds to the CCP?

John Woodman, the author of a book analyzing claims about Obama birth certificate images, offered on two occasions to assist the CCP. Why was he ignored?

What is the name, and what is the investigative report into the truthfulness of the person who claimed Obama was a foreign student playing in Bill Ayers yard?

Why was Jerome Corsi, a nationally-known anti-Obama partisan, invited to speak at the Press Conference?

Why did the CCP use a computer-generated birth certificate simulation as their “control” document rather than a real birth certificate on real security paper?
Did the CCP contact the US Postal service regarding the date stamp on the Selective Service application? If so what was their response, and if not, why not?
Did the CCP contact Selective Service regarding the Obama Selective Service application?If so what was their response, and if not, why not?

Did the CCP contact the White House and request physical access to the President’s long-form birth certificate? If so what was their response, and if not, why not?
Did the CCP consult with Arizona’s own Vital Records agency on matters of document generation? If so what was their response, and if not, why not?
Why were the CCP results delayed until after the Arizona Primary, and why were they leaked to Republican Candidate Rick Santorum in advance unless they were politically motivated?
What exactly was the role of Mara Zebest in the production of the CCP report?

What exactly was the role of Jerome Corsi in the production of the CCP report?
Why was Mark Gillar, a well-known anti-Obama partisan, chosen to narrate the six short videos that constituted most of the posse’s presentation?

Why were the videos posted to Gillar’s “TeaPartyPowerHour” YouTube account, the links to which were included in the sheriff’s press release? And did Gillar help make the videos as well?
Was CCP leader Mark Zullo one of the Surprise, Arizona Tea Party signers of the petition that started the investigation?

Why was the page (linked to by WND) on the Surprise Tea Party web site describing the event scrubbed?
Did all CCP members agree to the findings? Why were none of the others introduced at the Press Conference?


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #284 on: March 08, 2012, 02:29:40 PM »
Just some questions:   ;D

What are the names the credentials of the “computer graphics experts” who validated the Cold Case Posse’s (CCP) methodology.

Have any of them ever testified in court about the authenticity of a document?  

Why were these not disclosed at the press conference for reporters to interview?

What are the names the credentials of the “forensic document examiners” who validated the Cold Case Posse’s methodology.

Have any of them ever testified in court about the authenticity of a document?

Why were these not disclosed at the press conference for reporters to interview?

What computer software and settings were used for the optimization comparisons between the “control” document and the White House document?

Was it the same software used by the White House, and if not why not?

Why was this essential question glossed over in the lengthy presentation?

Was Jerome Corsi deputized by Maricopa County, or did he sign an affidavit under oath and penalty of perjury as to his examination of files at the National Archives? If not, why not?

Has WorldNetDaily agreed to sign Joe Arpaio on as a commentator for WND?

Did WorldNetDaily, Jerome Corsi, or Joseph Farah contribute funds to the CCP?

John Woodman, the author of a book analyzing claims about Obama birth certificate images, offered on two occasions to assist the CCP. Why was he ignored?

What is the name, and what is the investigative report into the truthfulness of the person who claimed Obama was a foreign student playing in Bill Ayers yard?

Why was Jerome Corsi, a nationally-known anti-Obama partisan, invited to speak at the Press Conference?

Why did the CCP use a computer-generated birth certificate simulation as their “control” document rather than a real birth certificate on real security paper?
Did the CCP contact the US Postal service regarding the date stamp on the Selective Service application? If so what was their response, and if not, why not?
Did the CCP contact Selective Service regarding the Obama Selective Service application?If so what was their response, and if not, why not?

Did the CCP contact the White House and request physical access to the President’s long-form birth certificate? If so what was their response, and if not, why not?
Did the CCP consult with Arizona’s own Vital Records agency on matters of document generation? If so what was their response, and if not, why not?
Why were the CCP results delayed until after the Arizona Primary, and why were they leaked to Republican Candidate Rick Santorum in advance unless they were politically motivated?
What exactly was the role of Mara Zebest in the production of the CCP report?

What exactly was the role of Jerome Corsi in the production of the CCP report?
Why was Mark Gillar, a well-known anti-Obama partisan, chosen to narrate the six short videos that constituted most of the posse’s presentation?

Why were the videos posted to Gillar’s “TeaPartyPowerHour” YouTube account, the links to which were included in the sheriff’s press release? And did Gillar help make the videos as well?
Was CCP leader Mark Zullo one of the Surprise, Arizona Tea Party signers of the petition that started the investigation?

Why was the page (linked to by WND) on the Surprise Tea Party web site describing the event scrubbed?
Did all CCP members agree to the findings? Why were none of the others introduced at the Press Conference?

Do you really think that some delusional sycophant may have even considered any of the above?

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #285 on: March 09, 2012, 04:20:37 AM »
Records that could document status mysteriously missing
Published: 9 hours ago

Among the records missing for Barack Obama that would be available for an ordinary president are passport records, school records such as those from Punahou, Occidental, Columbia and Harvard, Harvard Law Review writings, scholarly articles for the University of Chicago, state bar association records from Illinois, Illinois state senate records, the marriage and divorce documents for his mother, his adoption records and others.

Now it has been revealed that the Cold Case Posse assembled by Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Ariz., cannot confirm yet that Obama was not born in Kenya and brought to the United States as a days-old infant for his birth to be registered in Hawaii.

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The reason? Missing records.

Speculation has held that Obama actually was born in Kenya, and as the son of an American woman and Kenyan father, probably would not have been considered under any circumstances to be a “natural born citizen” of America, as the Constitution demands for presidents.

It’s been revealed that the Kenyan government actually investigated that possibility earlier, without conclusive results.

Now Arpaio’s team, which was assembled to work on a volunteer basis after hundreds of constituents expressed fear that Obama was having his name put on the 2012 election ballot in Arizona using a fraudulent document, has reported that it checked to determine whether a young mother arrived in the United States from Kenya in the days after Obama’s reported Aug. 4, 1961, birth date.

The investigation report said that the records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service cards, which were filled out by passengers of that era arriving on international flights originating outside of the United States, cannot be found.

The investigation sought the records from part of the month of August 1961, and took a researcher to the National Archives in Washington, D.C., where other records of that time and from that time frame are stored.

NOTE: In case you missed the news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” you can view it here.

It is the records from the week of Obama’s birth that cannot be tracked, investigators confirm.

The Arpaio report said the hunt for airline passenger flight manifests for 1961 for foreign flights landing in Honolulu was an attempt to see if Obama’s mother returned at that time.

“The idea was that if Barack Obama had been born in Kenya, or any other location outside the United States, there should be a passenger record of the airline flight on which she, a new mother, returned to Hawaii with her newly born infant son,” the report said.

But “to date, investigators have not been able to locate the relevant airline passenger flight manifests for 1961.”

What was found were records of cards the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service required all passengers – including both U.S. citizens and foreign citizens – to fill out and file with passport control when arriving in Honolulu from a foreign city of origin.

The report said, “Microfilm records of INS cards for passengers arriving in New York on foreign files in 1961 have been found in the National Archives only recently; consequently these records have not yet been examined. Microfilm records of INS cards for passengers arriving in Honolulu on foreign files originating around the Pacific rim in 1961 have been examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.”

The microfilms that were found for the time period include “NARA Record Group A3573, Reel 184, INA records from July 28, 1961 through Aug. 7, 1961″ and “NARA Record Group A3573, Reel 185, INA records from Aug. 8, 1961 through Aug. 12, 1961.”

However, “Remarkably, all INS records for the week of Obama’s birth, Aug. 1 – Aug. 7, 1961, were missing from the end of Reel 184 and were not discovered anywhere on Reel 185, or any other microfilm reel in the record group,” the report said.

“The National Archives confirmed in a letter written on National Archives stationary that the INS records for foreign flights arriving in Hawaii during the week of Obama’s birth were missing, not only on the microfilm reels examined, but also in the primary database itself,” the report said.

That leaves open the door that Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was, as others have reported, visiting her husband’s family in Kenya shortly before the birth. Airlines at that time likely would not have allowed a woman expecting to give birth any day to board an extended international flight, thus creating the circumstances for Obama’s birth in Kenya.

WND reported earlier that internal Kenyan government documents reveal Obama’s step-grandmother was interviewed by agents of the National Security Intelligence Service about reports she said Obama was born in the East African nation.

As WND reported that while there’s no proof to date placing Obama’s mother in Kenya for the birth, a disputed taped telephone conversation in which step-grandmother Sarah Hussein Obama purportedly claimed he was born in the coastal city of Mombasa became an Internet sensation after its submission in a lawsuit challenging the president’s eligibility.

Philip J. Berg, a former Pennsylvania deputy attorney general, included a transcript of the taped Oct. 16, 2008, telephone interview and sworn affidavits in a filing with the U.S. Supreme Court after lower courts dismissed as frivolous his Aug. 21, 2008, complaint alleging Obama was born in Mombasa.

Critics challenge statements on the telephone call, which was conducted through an interpreter. But two members of the Obamas’ Luo tribe who are fluent in the local Luo dialect, Swahili and English, have told WND that after carefully listening to the tape they believe she declared Barack Obama Jr. was born in Kenya and that she was present at the birth.

Kenya’s NSIS later investigated those statements, according to official government letters. WND also confirmed two letters purportedly written by Kenya’s immigration secretary during the 2008 U.S. presidential election campaign stated that officials in Nairobi could not find evidence Obama was born in Kenya. But the official said the government had “information” that relevant birth records may have been removed or were missing.

An “interim report” by the NSIS issued in September 2008 “concludes that a birth certificate in the name of Barack Hussein Obama may have been issued” in Kenya “but to confirm this would require a further thorough joint investigation” by the NSIS and Kenya’s Central Intelligence Department, or CID.

The report said that none of several investigations by various officers has been conclusive and that some leads require further investigation “because it appears some powerful forces as it were are hell bent in defeating this investigation.”

The government reported some hospital records appeared to be missing.

Further, a 2009 internal NSIS report (page 1 and page 2) said conflicting stories suggest the “the Obama family is trying to hide something but are not doing a very good job of it.”

The report said, “We have also investigated Mama Sarah to find out if she is speaking the truth but she had come out as vague and incongruent. In one interview with Mama Sarah Obama our officers recorded that Mama Sarah says she cannot remember if she attended the birth of Barack Obama or visited his parents at the Coast Provincial General Hospital around the official birthday of Barack Obama. But she confessed to have had part of her family there at around the same time. Some of her brothers were already working in Mombasa. In a second interview done much later, she says that she is sure Barack Obama was born in Mombasa because she was visiting her family there when he was born, and they were called to the CPGH (Coast Provincial General Hospital) where she met Barack Obama’s mother for the first time.”

The report said she later was hostile and gave conflicting testimony about the issue.

The NSIS also reported that there were multiple alterations and insertions in the hospital records, suggesting that someone was trying “keep off track any investigations into this case.”

There also was official correspondence involving Emmanuel Kisombe, the permanent secretary in the Ministry for Immigration and Registration of Persons, who in July 2008 told the U.S. ambassador about the possibility that Obama was born in their country.

He suggested an investigation. He wrote, “We have instructions from the Head of Civil Service and Secretary to the Cabinet carrying out directions of the Cabinet sub-committee on Security and Foreign Relations to investigate and report on efficacy of reports that Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic Party aspirant in the United States could be Kenyan-born.”

He cited “numerous intelligence reports that [Obama] might have been born in Mombasa at the Lady Grigg Maternity Wing of the Coast Provincial Hospital.”

Harvard-educated Dr. Jerome Corsi, who has written several books about Obama, wrote a year ago about the theories involving a Kenyan birth for Obama.

He cited the documentation that the Immigration and Naturalization Service suspected the marriage between Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and Barack Obama Sr. to be a sham.

And there is the fact that within weeks of the birth, Dunham moved to Seattle to take night classes at the University of Washington.

Because of the absence of information, the reasons for some of those events remain unclear. But he noted in a column, “That Ann Dunham did not return to Honolulu until after Obama Sr. left in September 1962 to begin his graduate studies at Harvard suggests the possibility an estrangement between the conception of the baby and the birth had eliminated or eroded whatever bond might have existed between the two.

“Perhaps Ann hoped that she could persuade senior members of the Obama family in Kenya that she was a well-chosen daughter-in-law and her son was a desirable grandson,” he continued. “With her leftist ideological vision and the many comments she made to friends after arriving in Seattle with her infant son, Ann Dunham may well have harbored the hope of becoming the Eva Peron of Kenya.

“If Ann Dunham had been successful in persuading Obama Sr. and his family in Africa to accept her, she might have ended up in the desirable position of being the U.S.-born wife of a U.S.-educated Kenyan husband, who faced bright political prospects after he returned to Kenya with an advanced graduate degree obtained from a prestigious U.S. university,” his analysis said. “With the last six months of her pregnancy missing in her documentable chronology, it’s possible she was not in Hawaii during that time. Air travel from Honolulu was becoming increasingly more accessible to the average person by 1961.”

He said, “That Ann Dunham was rejected both by the Obama family in Kenya and by Obama Sr. in Honolulu also provides an explanation for her precipitous decision to leave Honolulu as quickly after the baby’s birth as possible. Hope followed by rejection would then define the emotions that explain Dunham’s behavior during her 1961 pregnancy.”

He said, “Moreover, if the baby was born in Kenya, the actual date of birth might have been earlier than Aug. 4, 1961. Very possibly, the grandparents decided to register the baby’s birth with the Hawaii Department of Health when they knew their daughter was returning to Honolulu from Africa.

“That Ann Dunham as an 18-year-old took an infant baby to Seattle by herself to rent an apartment and begin night courses would make more sense if the baby had been born in Kenya earlier than Aug. 4, 1961, the date of birth consistently advanced in the official Obama nativity story.”

The Cold Case Posse dismissed so-called evidence of two newspaper announcements in Honolulu citing Obama’s birth, explaining that those same announcements also listed foreign infants as Hawaii-born, as well as listing 3-year-olds as newborns.

Under Chapter 57 of the 1955 Revised Law of the Territory of Hawaii, a family in 1961 could report a birth as Hawaiian with merely the word of a family member or witness.

That there was reason for members of his family to claim a Hawaiian birth was documented by the state of Hawaii. In a 1955 paper by Robert Bennett, the chief of the Bureau of Health Statistics of the Hawaii Department of Health, he explained the vital records system he was then implementing for the Hawaiian Islands, which soon would be a state.

In an article entitled “Vital Records in Hawaii,” published in the Hawaii Medical Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, November-December 1955, Bennett and his co-author, George Tokuyama, chief of the Registration and Records Section, wrote:

“The requirement of a birth certificate throughout the country to show citizenship, during World War II, gave a great impetus to the completeness of registration. This and other factors have made a birth certificate the principal document an American citizen uses to prove legal facts about himself. Almost every parent knows that a baby must be registered soon after birth, not only to meet requirements of the law, but to protect the child later in life.”

There also have been conflicting reports from Obama family members about which Hawaii hospital was his birth location, and neither has been able to provide any documentation confirming it.

There also have been discrepancies reported in the image of Obama’s birth certificate that the White House purported was “proof positive” of a Hawaiian birth, including an out-of-sequence number.

Even Obama speculated about missing records. On page 345 of his autobiography “Dreams from My Father,” Obama seems to indicate proof of his ancestry was lacking in a reference to his father’s third wife, Ruth Nidesand, and his half brother, Mark Obama Nidesand.

“Unlike my mum, Ruth has all the documents needed to prove who Mark’s father was,” he writes. “So of all the Old Man’s kids, Mark’s claim is the only one that’s uncontested.”

Further, research has revealed that on his INS paperwork filled out the same month Barack Obama Jr. was born, Barack Obama, Sr. incorrectly lists his wife’s name as “Ann S. Dunham” instead of “Stanley Ann Dunham,” and he neglected to mention that he had any children.

Obama Sr. also listed his address at 1482 Alencastre St. in Honolulu, a bachelor apartment he never shared with his wife or child.

And passport documents released for Barack Obama Jr.’s mother by the State Department on July 29, 2010, did not include any birth certificate documentation for him, despite one hand-written memo to the file claiming he was born in Honolulu.

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #286 on: March 09, 2012, 07:56:01 AM »

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #287 on: March 09, 2012, 08:21:23 AM »
is this sheriff retired?  or is he using AZ tax dollars to conduct his own partisan witch hunt?

why the hell isn't ISSA or some other national person doing this?  Some local podunk sheriff doing it?  Let me guess - is the sheriff selling a book?

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #288 on: March 09, 2012, 08:23:47 AM »
is this sheriff retired?  or is he using AZ tax dollars to conduct his own partisan witch hunt?

why the hell isn't ISSA or some other national person doing this?  Some local podunk sheriff doing it?  Let me guess - is the sheriff selling a book?

You are a birther yourself no?   Don't you want the truth? 

Why not start here.



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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #289 on: March 09, 2012, 08:29:55 AM »
is this sheriff retired?  or is he using AZ tax dollars to conduct his own partisan witch hunt?

why the hell isn't ISSA or some other national person doing this?  Some local podunk sheriff doing it?  Let me guess - is the sheriff selling a book?

the investigator is selling his report as a book

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #290 on: March 09, 2012, 08:36:19 AM »
You are a birther yourself no?   Don't you want the truth?   

youre preaching to the choir, dog.

i'm a birther.  i admitted it before you did ;)

I feel Issa should be introducing an investigation.  They punked Clinton for fibbing about a BJ.  We're talking about an illegal presidency.  yet the repubs are crying about birth control?  playoffs?  lol

Sorry 33, but the GOP are a bunch of coward bitches who won't investigate obama for it.  If this investigator gave a shit, this book would be a free download.


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #291 on: March 09, 2012, 08:40:45 AM »
youre preaching to the choir, dog.

i'm a birther.  i admitted it before you did ;)

I feel Issa should be introducing an investigation.  They punked Clinton for fibbing about a BJ.  We're talking about an illegal presidency.  yet the repubs are crying about birth control?  playoffs?  lol

Sorry 33, but the GOP are a bunch of coward bitches who won't investigate obama for it.  If this investigator gave a shit, this book would be a free download.

It's not they Are cowards, it's that there is nothing Legit to go on.


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #292 on: March 09, 2012, 08:44:03 AM »
Hahahaha....  Keep the attention on the delusional bullshit in hopes that no one will notice the weak ass candidates you got running against Obama.


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #293 on: March 09, 2012, 08:55:55 AM »
Like I said, FOX news must be a liberal media news source.  Hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #294 on: March 09, 2012, 08:58:27 AM »
It's not they Are cowards, it's that there is nothing Legit to go on.

there are some serious questions.  For me, the doctored images/documents, missing files, and timing of his vacations to hawaii (with power out) and kenya after being elected (to do who knows what) are enough smoke to say an investigation is a good idea.

But I also admit this sheriff hasn't proven a thing.  He's shows it's fishy.  No proof of faked though.


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #295 on: March 09, 2012, 09:15:51 AM »
there are some serious questions.  For me, the doctored images/documents, missing files, and timing of his vacations to hawaii (with power out) and kenya after being elected (to do who knows what) are enough smoke to say an investigation is a good idea.

But I also admit this sheriff hasn't proven a thing.  He's shows it's fishy.  No proof of faked though.

I Am favor of more investagation, but until something concrete comes up, NO ONE with any credibility will push it. 

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #296 on: March 09, 2012, 09:17:41 AM »
I Am favor of more investagation, but until something concrete comes up, NO ONE with any credibility will push it. 

How can anything be uncovered when obama himself is hiding everything and not releasing any data?

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #297 on: March 09, 2012, 09:18:34 AM »
I Am favor of more investagation, but until something concrete comes up, NO ONE with any credibility will push it.  

true.  which is wrong too.

people should be able to say "wow, that's fishy.  I'm not going to accuse obama, but that's a lot of photo doctoring, document changes, and shit that smells funny" without being labeled a nut.

Same way about a lot of other things.  It used to be only the CTers on message boards who were pissed the FBI destoryed all their anthrax spores so we couldn't identify which lab delivered the shit that hurt people.   Obviously a coverup, and we found out later the CTers were right - a govt employee sent it.

SO the CTers get a lot of shit right.  But they shouldn't jump to conclusions either.

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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #298 on: March 09, 2012, 09:20:24 AM »
How can anything be uncovered when obama himself is hiding everything and not releasing any data?

you can't make assumptions beacuse he doesn't want to release shit.

Mccain and palin woudln't release detailed medical info.  Was one or both hiding HPV or other disease?  Between mccain's fun days while married or Palin's glen rice and other situations - we can't just assume they have STDs, abortion history, and other shit because of it, right? 

All they gave us was a paragraph on palin "She's in great health" and a quick glance thru mccain's medicines.  But we can't jump to conclusions, right?


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Re: Sheriff Joe to release investigation of Obama
« Reply #299 on: March 09, 2012, 09:29:05 AM »
So where is the released information? I checked CNN this morning and Obama hasn't been impeached.  What gives?
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