Author Topic: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!  (Read 83822 times)


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #150 on: March 19, 2012, 05:49:52 PM »
Regarding heavy lifting
kamali squats a lot...heavy! ,,did it help him? see curent condition

thomas prince used to squat a lot....heavyyyyyy...did it ummm help him? see current condition lol

mikelango fransuia... squated a lottttttt....heavvvvy,, did it ummm help him? see current condition

list go onnnn and onnnnn and onnnnnn

now look at those fellas..

denis wolfe...doesnt squat much,, work hacks and even that he can find ways around it,, top 5 bodybuild in the world

dexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxar jaxson,, doesnt squat much,,prefer hacks and even that he can find ways around it,, number 1 bodybuild in the world..yes still!

philsulina heath,, doesnt do shit lol just pump muscles lol ,,top 5 bodybuild in the world

list go on and on and on and on ,,

im surporized you fellas havent learned yet that reality of the matter is that if a girl can get her leg to look nice thick and developed with 25lb paltes acros a bar.. or many times on machines... lol you as bodybuild can do exact same thing,,

this is so wrong whats going on in the cult for so many years,, you see ron colman ass to the ground severe mutation of outstanding development that came from respond to hormone and genetic respond to hormones and over all respond to training,, you see him sqwuating heavy for video and you think oh ill go do that ,, and same for the othr...dont you understand we do it for videos mainly? after all this time dont youget it?

yes you can work with 4 plates each side of a bar and squat,,will you do it relegiously and grow better and bigger for long time ,,NO,, will you kill yourself on the way ? YES YOU WILL ,, WILL IT RESULT IN BIGGER MUSCLE WITH OUT HORMONES AND ENOUGH OF THEM ? N E V E R

work smart fellas dont work with the balonie you read on muscular devlop or flex,, those are liars ,,they work on you round and round like the song goes ,,and you always fall for this ,,

this bible index truly hit home for me and saved me a lot of knee pain. I rarely squat ever! and my legs are bigger now than they ever have been, i hit them with high reps, high volume and pump them so full of blood it feels like my quads are going to tear away from my knees, but i have zero joint pain when i do this, my knee only kills me when i go retarded heavy on an excersise. thanks gh15 for saving my knees and allowing to me to do this cult sport for a few more years to come.
team b-boy


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #151 on: March 19, 2012, 05:54:22 PM »

Nah, I think I could've gained a few more lbs of muscle. The natural limit for 6 foot is 180 lbs at 6%. Considering I was 8-9%, dieted down I would've probably been 165 - 170 lbs TOPS.


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #152 on: March 19, 2012, 05:56:15 PM »
I'm considering giving the no squats thing a try. I have been getting knee pain over the last year with them. It's just I can't help but not start at the squat rack every leg workout


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #153 on: March 19, 2012, 06:01:30 PM »
i stick to front squats. no more back squats. legs have responded well. lower back has no pain for the first time in years.


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #154 on: March 19, 2012, 06:23:42 PM »
Nah, I think I could've gained a few more lbs of muscle. The natural limit for 6 foot is 180 lbs at 6%. Considering I was 8-9%, dieted down I would've probably been 165 - 170 lbs TOPS.

Ok cool.

I hate squats tbh and agree.
Trans Milkshake.


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #155 on: March 19, 2012, 09:28:49 PM »
i love bboy ,, he risk so much for gh15,, you dont have to do it bboy you ok in my book,, get your contract and pro card and get on o stage or win some shows because you can
thank yo u

gh15 approved
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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #156 on: March 25, 2012, 07:38:31 PM »
How to incorporate growth hormone into your arsenal

friends,, i get quetions asking how to incorperate gh into bodybuild arsenal,,i answered it already many times before,, once again

the way YOU INCORPORATE HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE TO A CYCLE...there is no such a thing as cycle,, but we can clal it cycle eventhough it is one long all year cycle ,, but the way you incorperate hgh is as follow

all through your so call offseason you are on gh this is somethign that has to be there HAS TO BE THERE ALL THE TIME,, it is base remember mutatition will not happen with out it!!! it has to be there in the blood,,

now when do you take it out and have the window of opportunity i talk about all the time?

you can take it out prior to competition about 8 week before you want to get to the condition of your life pull out the gh ,,this is when NO DIURETIC INVOLVED with diuretic you can wait even longer sometime very few dsays before show,, but this is more comlicated and it is more levrone approach and philsulina approach of growing into a show whee you abuse human growth hormone to enormoous levels,, this is why they get so big and grow into a show...abuse of the growth,,

so you are on gh all the time,, you prime body prime body ,, it is cooking under the skin in the blood it create fibers,, it keep you leaner and leaner it grow fibricious fibers around your bones making everything fuller form the inside out  suddenly nothing is pointy anymore,, no pointy bones aroud everything is full round and sculpted cut to the bone...push water into muscle and add fibers as i say ...all that happen in offseason when you are lookign fatter but you are not only hold what we call the gh water...and at times some fat due to very high doses of testosterona but its not the case if you know your body well,, so as i said you have gh in the blood all the time offseason all year...then BOOM 2 months before you need to be CONDITIONED DRY ...AND READY TO LOOK IMPRESSIVE AS IN PULL ILLUSION BECAUSE IT IS ILLUSION AFTER ALL BODYBUILD...then! you pull out the gh so reduction of water can occure and continue with higher doses of trenbolona ,,masterona and other productst that wil harden you and dry you even more...this is also when lean face smaller head bigger body illusion come into play ,, this is also when all the female want to sleep with you etc,,

now,, to the repetetive questions...what if yo dont use hgh ,, what then? what wil hapen is that you will be smaller bodybuider ,, evrything will go into 2 dimentions and you may have same condition after hard diet but you wil be smaller a good dose of lower lean muscle mass type of smaller,,you will also wont be able to get as conditioned so you will have to reduce even more weight to get into same conditon the gh fella is ,,in other words expect to be a good 10-20 lb smaller on stage in the same condition IF YOU ONLY USE 5-6 IU!,, yes yes this is how important gh is

remember,, you will NEVER LOOK the smae if no gh in blood,, the only reason you hear bodybuild say they are not on gh is because they TWIST the truth and tell you they are not on gh a month before a show...they dont tell that they just finished 5 months gh priming not too long ago

dont ever let anyone fool you ,, gh is the most important factor in moden bodybuild

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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #157 on: March 25, 2012, 07:40:08 PM »
Lethargy on hormones

well,, when your life evolve around hormones,,when this is your bread and butter,, and ask any bodybuild even intermediate level...this IS their bread and butter the hormones moment 48 hour pass with no injection they start going kookoo if they pull another 24 hour with no injection and i mean injectionS they really start mentaly felling smaller and out oof condition by the MINUTE,, trust me on that i describe you exact mentality of bodybuild ,,

now! when you take so many hormones,, ESPECIALY when you involve ORALS in the equation ,, but also with injects,, you get specific sides that i have not talked about in detail yet in bible i will on webpage or even here right now

the main sides you get from exessive usage of hormones is not high blood pressure,, not this balonie redness,, all this balonie hapen from shit product and nto knowing what to do with what and how to do what,,

the real side effect os hormones taken consistantly and in higher and higher doses are


letargy is a sign that your body either grow! or! that your liver is tired and fighting and healing itself ,, this is why you fella all like to sleep when on orals like anadrola ,,

now... how do we fight this sides.... the first way a bodybuild figght letargy from orals is more food,,  we eat and eat and stay active ,, if you notice when you are on anadrola if you do nothing sit in house all day ...and dont feel like will go to sleep you wil fal aslessp on your computer or just fall asleep every few hours and sometime for good 5-6 hours sleep,, the way to right it and win is with eating! with being more active ,, but mainly with making sure yum yum get in and TASTY not boring yum yum,, not junk food but good interstgin meals like sushi and the such many other options,,

but as i said the way to fight those things is with food intake and with ....beiugn active,,

now! there is a time and point where no matter what you eat or what you do you wil be fucked,, this is when doses are higher than gymasium rat zones,, and gymnsium rat zones is the 5-10 iu gh ,, 500 mg trenbolona ,, etc..those are ! gymnasium rat zones! moment you go over those start getting letargy that last no mater what...

how do you fight this?

n a r c o t i c s

many kind of narcotics,, from pain killers to xanax to many hypers ,, this gives a high ! this high last and get you through letargy... it also kill you from the inside....

to be continued on webpage,,

gh15 approved


  • Getbig V
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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #158 on: March 25, 2012, 07:44:09 PM »
Nah, I think I could've gained a few more lbs of muscle. The natural limit for 6 foot is 180 lbs at 6%. Considering I was 8-9%, dieted down I would've probably been 165 - 170 lbs TOPS.
The natty limit for 6' is 180lbs? Haha man I am a genetic freak being 6'1" and 210 natty without even training legs. When I was natty that is


  • Getbig IV
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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #159 on: March 25, 2012, 07:53:20 PM »
Swlabr collating very valuable posts here, nice one  8)


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #160 on: March 25, 2012, 07:54:30 PM »
The natty limit for 6' is 180lbs? Haha man I am a genetic freak being 6'1" and 210 natty without even training legs

You can also be 6 foot, 350 lbs naturally. These natural limits are for lean, dry guys.


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #161 on: March 25, 2012, 07:55:20 PM »
Swlabr collating very valuable posts here, nice one  8)

My pleasure, I love reading through gh15's old posts. Lots of gold in there.


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #162 on: March 25, 2012, 07:57:15 PM »
You can also be 6 foot, 350 lbs naturally. These natural limits are for lean, dry guys.
No shit I was fucking shredded was goin out clubbing every weekend popping x.


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Re: GH15- He did help me personally as a bodybuilder!
« Reply #163 on: March 27, 2012, 07:42:52 AM »
The natty limit for 6' is 180lbs? Haha man I am a genetic freak being 6'1" and 210 natty without even training legs. When I was natty that is
somehow i doubt that you are stage ready at 5%....
because the limits talked about by gh15 are all stageready weights.... so 5% and without water retention....
every inch adds 7 pounds... so at 6'1 you would be about 5% (the limit)
you are 210.... get rid of some fat and water .... and where are you at???? exactly.... about 187 pounds...

genetic freaks do not exist.... we are all human you know? ;)
Be Happy,

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Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #164 on: April 12, 2012, 07:47:14 PM »
Over the past couple of years since I discovered Getbig and Gossip & Opinions, I have usually enjoyed reading the postings of GH15.  As a lifetime natural (which may change) and someone who loves to train, I've found his writings to be both insightful and humorous, despite his poor grammar.

But more than that, I have been most stuck by his open willingness to share his knowledge and experience to those "coming up the ladder."  As we all know he often referred to his readers as his "pupils."  It's almost as if he were an esteemed professor of bodybuilding, or some wise old teacher.  I even recall one post where he wrote something like (and sorry I can't exactly recall the quote): "turn these kids into serious bodybuilders."

This attitude and approach of his to give back to others, to young people, I think speaks volumes about his character and love of bodybuilding.  In today's world, so few people are willing to give back, to share their expertise with others, and especially in a ferociously competitive environment like competition bodybuilding, I think is truly remarkable.

I cannot believe that he is a fake, as some on this board allege.  A faker, especially a young faker, would never have the depth to take such an attitude.  This can only come from someone with a long experience, both in bodybuilding and in life.

I have no idea who GH15 is.  I hope I can locate his new website, unfortunately I'm not well connected in  the universe of bodybuilding blogs and sites.   I will surely miss him here, as I respect him as a learned fellow who only has the deepest love for bodybuilding and a sincere desire to help others.


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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #165 on: April 12, 2012, 07:49:46 PM »


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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #166 on: April 12, 2012, 07:52:48 PM »
fuck off


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #167 on: April 12, 2012, 07:53:14 PM »
I still have yet to see him post a complete cycle... Week by week in excel , PDF , or picture of paper with ink on it

bike nut

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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #168 on: April 12, 2012, 07:55:11 PM »
OP.....die in a fire.  ::)

Marlo Stanfield

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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #169 on: April 12, 2012, 08:05:37 PM »
Go Out Fatboy

bike nut

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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #170 on: April 12, 2012, 08:10:50 PM »
Get Out Fatboy

Isn't it "go out fatboy"?

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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #171 on: April 12, 2012, 08:12:09 PM »
I am not fat, or Fatboy.

bike nut

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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #172 on: April 12, 2012, 08:14:44 PM »
I am not fat, or Fatboy.

Go out fatboy....


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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #173 on: April 12, 2012, 08:19:14 PM »


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Re: Why GH15 Is Great
« Reply #174 on: April 12, 2012, 08:21:12 PM »
Geez you been here awhile so I can't say STFU noob. I would reccomend you keep your love letters PM from here out though