Author Topic: Suckmymuscle vs OneMoreRep - challenge with SuckMyMuscle being owned to oblivion  (Read 892633 times)


  • Getbig V
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As a suggestion guys...instead of just copying and pasting the a screen shot.  All the twat has to do is delete a post and then claim you wrote something.  Screen capping it is so much better.  Free one : PrintScreen Free....use the 'select rectangular area' and it will only capture the part of the screen you want.

Soul Crusher

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You guys should post the link to this thread in every other forum where SMM has been posting. I'd gladly help but I'm using a phone

Iam running across sites and stuff beyond belief.  SMM is a PEDO gay psychotic freak.

Hey SMM - go f yourself you pedo freak.  

Soul Crusher

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As a suggestion guys...instead of just copying and pasting the a screen shot.  All the twat has to do is delete a post and then claim you wrote something.  Screen capping it is so much better.  Free one : PrintScreen Free....use the 'select rectangular area' and it will only capture the part of the screen you want.

Can't do from iPad.   :(.


  • Getbig V
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You guys should post the link to this thread in every other forum where SMM has been posting. I'd gladly help but I'm using a phone
they should at least warm him before taking the war past the getbig borders. As despicable as the guy is, it would be hard to watch to see him completely destroyed... that's bordering on savagery. Let him stay out of this board, that is enough.
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A Professional

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This keeps getting weirder...

"Praetor Fenix" didn't last very long, but he spent most of his post arguing almost exclusively with SMM in the same aggressive style, saying F.AGGOT and going on giant diatribes over mundane topics. Is this guy arguing with himself here??? Split Personalities is right.  :-\

Praetor Fenix writes to SMM:

...and I'm not going to. This isn't some sort of controversial contention that is currently debated in academia. It is a clear fact and it has been established for centuries.

You are out of your f*cking mind! I'm supposed to ask my professors, years after I have graduated, to remove their diplomas from the frame in order to scan them, post them as evidence for some f*cking anonymous loser on the internet who needs confirmation that a centuries-old fact is actually true? Go f*ck yourself.

If this was a recent discovery, or something that was still under formulation, then I would feel obliged to provide references and documentation. In this case, the answer is old and clear and doesn't require further documentation.

Who do you think you are? Seriously? You are a nobody!
On what grounds will you get them dismissed? Tell the dean that the rhomboids are visible??
You might as well write the physics department too and tell them that gravity is a myth.
After all, I'm sure your father, who is a quantum physicist, has achieved the gift of levitation.

First off, even if you had a valid point in the first place, you aren't an authority in academia.
Any complaint you would file would be readily dismissed, particularly concerning something this stupid and erroneous. Millions of human dissections have taken place over the course of centuries. The results are filed in countless journals, periodicals, logs, and archives around the world.

Nope. The rhomboids are not visible.

...and you haven't posted shit for evidence. You put up a picture of the back-double biceps.
Circle in red where you see the rhomboids dumb-ass. Merely posting a picture doesn't prove shit, and you know it doesn't.

As I've said before, and I'll say it again, you have mistaken the infraspinatus for the rhomboids.
... or you are just arguing against the obvious for the sheer sake of remaining an ignorant prick.

You just can't grasp the fact that I have worked on a cadaver, received instruction from 2 nationally - reknowned Ph.D.'s in laboratory and lecture, and reviewed an extensive archive of photographs, illustrations, and depictions in textbooks and periodicals written by a collaboration of the world's leading authorities in anatomy & physiology, can you?

There is nothing to debate here suckmymuscle. Give it up. You're a liar and you have no ethos.

Bodybuilders are Homo sapiens, no?

Bodybuilders have larger muscles with better definition. Thats it.
It still doesn't change the fact that the trapezius covers the rhomboids.
Bodybuilders have highly developed rhomboids of course.
They are merely hidden under an even more massive muscle - the trapezius.
Case closed.

If anything, the rhomboids would be more difficult to locate on a professional bodybuilder (if the skin was removed) since the trapezius, infraspinatus, and latissimus dorsi are so insanely massive that they would obscure it entirely, even with the skin completely removed.

You've lost my respect entirely.
You aren't intelligent, you merely use a thesaurus under the pretense that you have a vocabulary. You refuse to admit when you are wrong, even when at first I politely informed you that you were mistaken. You are racist, stubborn, delusional, & two-faced.
You have no redeeming qualities or social graces whatsoever. You're a waste of life. Seriously.

Initially, you criticized me for playing Starcraft. No problem.
Then out of the blue, you now think I'm black, or I quote, a "wigger" since I support Coleman and I recognize that bodybuilding is marketed to a primarily white audience.

You PM members with violent threats, you wish terminal illness on productive members of society who you don't even know, and in my case, write a two-faced request for a truce that you set no terms for and violated in a matter of hours.

Find me one f*cking science-fiction fan who plays a 10year-old real-time-strategy computer game who is African-American or a "wigger"!? You're so f*cking clueless. I never came off with pretense or pretended to be something I'm not (as you frequently do). You try to shift reality so that it complies with your argument, and its a f*cking joke.

then from SMM...

Quote from: chaos on November 03, 2007, 05:35:30 PM

:o That's alot of geeks!!!

  Ha ha ha ha...keep the hate coming. I love it. Now seriously, I'm not a fanatic. I usually don't care about games unless they're really, really great, like Warcraft III and now Starcraft II. Starcraft II has to be mentioned because it is the game of games. I only play a few hours of games a week at the most.


Quote from: grab an umbrella on November 03, 2007, 05:38:28 PM

I never got into those type games, but apparently starcraft was much better than warcraft...

  Warcraft is about micro management and using your resources to the highest efficiency, while Starcraft is more about strategy and getting the most resources and troops possible and overwhelming your opponent. Different philosophies. Both games are awesome and very hard in their respective areas, although I'd say that Starcraft allows for more strategies and tactics as well as greater battles.


 Was he bored and trying to give clues?



  • Getbig V
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    PCoderch says:
January 11, 2011 at 5:53 am
Would I date a female MMA fighter? Yes, but only if she wanted to beat me up during sex. I would not and could not have it any other way. Lmao. But now seriously, a relationship between a weak nerdy guy and a female fighter wouldn’t work, because npt pnly are women not attracted to weak nerdy men, but also because, no matter what they say, women deep down always want the man to be the dominant one in the relationship which is why female fighters usually have fighters as boyfriends.


the sucky character was everything pedro can only dream of being, just goes to show he was compensating for major insecurities with every post around here



  • Getbig V
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A Professional, Praetor Fenix was a somewhat well known getbigger who had another account he posted under previously (I forget the name). He had some very heated battles with SMM and a different posting style. Definitely not SMM.

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A Professional

  • Getbig IV
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A Professional, Praetor Fenix was a somewhat well known getbigger who had another account he posted under previously (I forget the name). He had some very heated battles with SMM and a different posting style. Definitely not SMM.

I'll take you're word for it.
Either way there's a Starcraft connection now to SMM/Pedro/CigMan/ It is another admittance of being a nerdy shut in.
Considering the sheer volume of his rants across the net, I wouldn't be surprised if he was on Desoxyn constantly--hence his skinny physique.
How else could someone type so much bullshit?


  • Getbig V
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I'll take you're word for it.
Either way there's a Starcraft connection now to SMM/Pedro/CigMan/
Those connections are solid, no question about it. This guy is all over the internet, if you just do a "Pcoderch" search on google. Many of the links show up empty, probably because he's on a deleting frenzy.

I'm becoming a bit iffy about this at this point, honestly. We don't need to ruin his life.

SMM, in the 1 in million chance you're reading this: Stop putting on a tough face and simply quit posting about this at all. Leave the board. It's in your best interest.
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  • Getbig V
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Looks like am altar boy.

Indeed - he probably spent a long time kneeling in front of Catholic Priests in the orphanage he grew up in.

Gotta mess with your head, that.

A Professional

  • Getbig IV
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Those connections are solid, no question about it. This guy is all over the internet, if you just do a "Pcoderch" search on google. Many of the links show up empty, probably because he's on a deleting frenzy.

I'm becoming a bit iffy about this at this point, honestly. We don't need to ruin his life.

SMM, in the 1 in million chance you're reading this: Stop putting on a tough face and simply quit posting about this at all. Leave the board. It's in your best interest.

SMM to Zeratul-Dark Templar :

Ok, the fact that you've chosen, as your username, the name of a character from "Starcraft" speaks eons about you. You don't know shit about genetics, geek-boy. So, pro bodybuilders have only average genetics? Oh, really? Then how do you explain that there are tons of guys wishing to turn pro, yet only a few succeed? Money for drugs cannot possibly be an explanation, because they're all originally on a leveled playing field and only those with the best genetics would even get the endorsements, which would allow them to purchase the drugs in the first place. Go back to jercking-off to drawings of naked elve-girls, nerd boy.


Dude is making fun of himself  :-X Split personalities.


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Leave the board. It's in your best interest.
Aplogize to OMR, log off and never return.


  • Getbig V
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SMM to Zeratul-Dark Templar :

Dude is making fun of himself  :-X Split personalities.
thats a bit weird.. I thought he may have split personalities when he started posting under Cigman until... he started praising SMM and vice versa LMAO  ;D

Aplogize to OMR, log off and never return.
We've been waiting for this for a while.. could have happened several months ago, and SMM could still have been posting about being a 300 lb ex-special forces trained commando.
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bike nut

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 My attorney refered to me an internet libel and defamation expert, but he's in Florida. I have decided to get one in California, so that I can sue Ron directly in the state where he lives. Entering in the Florida legal system would protract the process for a long time, and I want to dish out pain as fast as possible.

  I will sue Ron for allowing my account to be hacked, for not deleting private info, for not banning Adonis from the board and for refusing to give me Adonis full name and address. If he had done these things, I wouldn't bother.

  I contacted the attorney in California Saturday evening, and gave him the case to review. Today, he contacted me and said that I definitely have grounds for suing. In the case of the pedophilia charge with identity disclosed, he said that this is not merely a misdemeanor but a felony, and that serious libel can result "almost certainly" in incarceration time.

  I am going to fuck Ron up for having allowed my privacy to be idly violated, for not banning Adonis and disclosing his identity.

  In the case of Adonis, I want him to suffer really badly. I want him to get fucked up really badly. I want and I will cause him an amount of pain that will cause all the laughter to become regret and fear. Lots and lots of fear. I know he will feel it. I would much rather Adonis spend even a single year in prison rather than receive a million bucks in reparations. And I want to look at his face and see despair. And all of his attitude in this thread being made redundant by the quivering little shit that I wil reduce him to..



Dear Chickenfucker:

I don't think this lawsuit idea is working out well for you.

You are welcome.


Bike Nut

Army of One

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Can't do from iPad.   :(.

You can print full screen on an ipad by holding down the ipad circle button then pressing the power button


  • Getbig III
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8 years crafting an internet persona, destroyed in just over a week. I can just picture the skinny pedo chicken fucker pounding his keyboard in frustration, writing and rewriting his next tome of a reply as he lurks in this thread.

Not even Mubarak must have felt this shocked when he was driven out of power during the Arab Spring.


  • Getbig V
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Recap for our UK viewers.

Pedro Coderich is deleting any and all Internet comments he has made on various sites that link him to SMM. This is an admission that he is SMM.

SMM sent Adonis the following message just before pictures of Hindemburg Melao Jr were leaked...

  Ok, Adonis, I have unblocked you. Post the pictures already and let's see it.

  I find it extremely unlikely that you have found my pictures since I have never posted pictures of myself online. However, it is possible that someone I know has posted my pictures and you found them.

  Here is the deal: if the pictures you post are not of me, I will just laugh it off. However, if they are truly mine, I will sue you for libel and defamation of character in a court of law. Not only that, I will sue Ron as well for having allowed, as the board administrator, for my personal information to leak in his board, as I gave this information to him on the trust that it would be only available to him and no one else. And don't worry about sending this to Ron, because I have already send him an email telling him that.

  You want this shit to get serious, as in "real World" serious? I can make it happen, and I promise you won't be laughing. And I know you will post this PM in that thread, which is fine by me. Let's see the pictures.


Once the pics were leaked of Melao, SMM followed through with his threats to call in the lawyers thereby confirming that SMM is Hindemburg Melao Jr.


  • Getbig V
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Once the pics were leaked of Melao, SMM followed through with his threats to call in the lawyers thereby confirming that SMM is Hindemburg Melao Jr.

The True Adonis

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True Adonis: where is this "bombshell" that you have been promising? Or are you just trying to get attention?
I don`t really care for you so please do not address me ever again.  Good day.

Marlo Stanfield

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  • You want it to be one way,but it's the other way.
He is currently deleting his YouTube comments as fast as possible. I'm seeing it almost in real time. 

just google "pcorderch" and YouTube and see what happens. 

We are coming for you PEDO freak!   

is anyone screencapping them ? this mothercuker is deleting his trail... someone should report him to youtupe and lock doiwn his youtube account


  • Getbig V
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If that dude Ricardo is a lawyer - it makes sense if smm=melao

Think about it - Melao knows the profiles of the members and see everything , he probably emails these people etc.  

So he can create this fake person who went to law school, is huge and muscluar, posed in a pic w arnold, etc.  

I'll bet someone else in his membership actually was spec ops as well as other members doing all the bullshit SMM claims to.  

SMM/Melao probably took all the best stuff from each member and created this mystical charachter out of thin air that he posed as.

SMM/Melao is probably so afraid of it getting out since he is probably like a cult leader to these people and if they knew he was adopting their charachter traits and accomplishments as his own his entire world he created would collapse like a house of cards instantly.  

thats some wild fucking connections you made there.


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Marlo Stanfield

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  • You want it to be one way,but it's the other way.
but wouldnt his coents then be deleted too?

if his comments remain in the case of youtube blocking him, he cant delete anymore.

that would be very good.

Youtube can BLOCK/FREEZE  his account , nothing can be posted, nothing can be deleted.... They have this capability to assist Law Enforcement Agencies...


  • Getbig III
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I don`t really care for you so please do not address me ever again.  Good day.

I know you are having a field day with this because people aren't focusing on how much of a douche you are. No worries, this will blow over soon. http://