Author Topic: Suckmymuscle vs OneMoreRep - challenge with SuckMyMuscle being owned to oblivion  (Read 868307 times)


  • Getbig IV
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The utter destruction of SMM occured just before, during, and just after Mother's Day 2012. Shall this memorable event in Getbig lore go down as "The Mother's Day Massacre of '12?"

Soul Crusher

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Watching: Guinho 2008b automated trading forex by hindemburg ... - Translate this page

http://www.saturn estimentos/161-satur no-67-com-video . http://www.saturn ..... By: PCoderch. on 14 Jul 09, 03:58:20. Um burro. Apenas ...

is there any way to see when this was taken down?


Soul Crusher

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Soul Crusher

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Updated 5/25/2008

To watch the videos, you may need to install the "K Lite Mega Codec", which can be downloaded from these sites: Internet *, Superdownloads, INFO-Online, this also will be useful for many other videos that you will download from Sigma and other sites.

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My name is Hindemburg Melão Jr., was born in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. My mother called my father called Linai and Hindemburg Melão.

I have always been a person concerned with ethics and logic, which are the two pillars that determine a large part of my personality and my conduct. My interests change considerably over time and currently involves the following subjects: Existence, life, health, education, social problems and assistance activities, automatic systems for Investments in Forex, BM & F Bovespa and NYSE CHX, measure theory, astronomical observation, dialectic and Oratory, Psychometrics, cognition, heuristics, Mind and epistemology, Business Intelligence, information theory and knowledge management, statisticsAutomated systems for Complex decision-making processes, magic and Illusionism, Shooting and editing videos, Chocolate, Puzzles and Quizzes, chess, astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology, literature, music, philosophy, psychology, physics, mathematics, martial arts, swimming and dancing.

Chess is a field in which I have had the opportunity to meet very interesting people, people of great character, with which I made friendships that last more than half of my life. Chess also helped me get an idea about my strengths and weaknesses, as well as my level of performance in activities that require different sets of mental faculties. In blindfold chess, for example, I was fortunate enough to beat a world record of longest announced mate, an event that was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, pages 110-111 of 1998 Edition. Friends and family who accompanied me during this conquest had a very important role, always encouraging me and often setting aside their personal commitments to devote time to my project. When I see people who have hit record highs, but failed to be recorded in Guinness, as is the case of talented Milene Domingues, fico thinking on the importance of having a team of developers that works by disinterested friendship, contributors who although not professionals in their respective roles, the extreme action to fulfill their tasks, and thanks to these people is that it was possible to reach the end of this journey and reap the sweet fruits of success. The names of friends who have helped me in this difficult endeavor are on the page on the record, in the section "Thanks", why not play here.

Among my other Chess-related activities, I can highlight my analyses, some of whom received distinctions of some importance, as a TOP-10 in the world, in the evaluation conducted by 10 Grandmasters that constitute the jury Sahovski Informator (main international journal on chess), being the world champion, one of the jurors. Also had distinguished work as TOP-19 and TOP-26 of the world. I had the honor of being the first Brazilian to achieve a TOP-10, incidentally, at the same time, the FIFA World Youth Championship runner-up Giovanni Portilho Vescovi, 10 largest Brazilian FIDE rating of all time (2648), had a new TOP-15. This was in 2000. A few months later, I was finally by the talented John Naevius, Brazil's second largest ICCF rating of all time (2617), who won a TOP-5.

My results as an analyst and competitor in ICCF led some friends, and even some people I didn't know, believe I know something of this sport, which is why I received a few invitations and some indications very lisonjeiros, among which I would highlight these:

In 2004, was nominated by the International Grandmaster Of ICCF Salvador Homce Grows to represent Brazil at the chess Olympiad of ICCF.

In 2002, I was invited by Marius Ceteras – "Captain" of the Team Potaissa Turda, Romania – to play in the first team's Board, representing Romania in theEuropean League of the Champions-2002".

At that time, I've found myself away from competitions, so I felt compelled to decline the two invitations, since it would not be able to provide a performance that abide by the trust placed in me.

I was a precocious child in many respects intellectual, physical and emotional, but after just moving in the wrong direction at all. adult ;-) To 6 months of life I talked with good fluency. The 370 days, started walking. To 2 years, drew and bulk modelava school figures of people and animals, and were appropriate proportions, with figures with above average quality of drawings made by adults. To 11 years, wrote aphorisms on various topics. To 13, developed a method to calculate logarithms and taught my first lecture on astronomy. At 16, I participated for the first time an international chess tournament (the first phase of the International REFRIPAR), and had a satisfactory performance, with 4.5 points out of possible 7, same score of some international masters (got a draw with reigning South American Zonal Aron Antunes Corrêa and won the Brazilian champion Luiz Tavares da Silva, among others). The following year, played for the first time with an International Grandmaster, Russian Alexei Alexey Suetin, who visited Brazil before a delegation of Soviet athletes brought by the PC do B Was an interesting game ... in which I took on a violent attack on the roque, upon two sacrifices of parts, and got a winning position, as we confirm post mortem analysisbut his experience and talent beat my immaturity and he ended up winning me.

Tournaments of the ICCF, I had the good fortune to back-to-back undefeated champion in the first two international events I attended, I think I'm the only Brazilian retains unbeaten in tournament play of ICCF, not because I am a strong, but because I stopped playing J soon after these two events. My performance in these events I qualified for the semi-final of the World Cup finals of the ICCF, but this was in 2000, and abandoned the Chess shortly thereafter, without reaching the world participate.

I have never been a dedicated student. Just read about topics that interested me and attending school activities only to the extent necessary in order to not be disapproved. Conduct today realize how immature, but at the time I thought was correct, by explaining my aversion to the methodology adopted by the educational system, a system that prioritizes memorize and reproduce mechanically irrelevant information, rather than exercising discernment, critical thinking and creator.

My training is predominantly self-taught and with many shortcomings, even so I can use this little knowledge to achieve some interesting results. I am the author of some innovative work in several different fields, some of which are available here in Sigma (see selection of articles). Some of my works were awarded by, by, by IBECC SBPC, STEP magazine's TRIP and by other entities reasonably well known, but until 2007 nothing comparable to my performance in blindfold chess (TOP-1 in mate announced longer version) or as an analyst of chess (TOP-world TOP-10 world and 19 TOP-26 worldwide). In 2007 hit my first world record in investments, with 79 operations (manuals) in gold, which resulted in 91% of profit and the end was +1041% gain in 4 days. Still in 2007 hit another world record, with the highest monthly performance: an automatic system in 26 days, 4740% and in 2008 another world record: 3 days with 1609% in automatic system. There are some limitations on brokers, on the number of lots traded, which prevents it from achieving much greater than these performances. For the type of strategy, it is possible these are theoretical records near the ceiling that can be achieved, although with other strategies you can get significantly higher earnings.

Until 2004 my main focus were Psychometrics and cognition. In these two areas, I am the author of a mental structure model innovative and new techniques for Standardization of testing, and dozens of enhancements on techniques used in TRI and TCT.

I stopped participating in chess competitions in March 2000, because I never got to be a player as good as I would like to be, because chess is not provided me with a monetary reward to justify the time I devoted to the subject, because at the time I had me stressed out with accumulated work (courses, private lessons, simultaneous chess thinking material trading, analysis of newsletters, competitions etc.) and for reasons that I don't know exactly what they were, but as a whole decided it should me away, and I am satisfied with this decision. At first, it was as if he had removed a mountain on the shoulders, but a few months later there was an intense sense of loss and an overwhelming desire to get back to playing. But I managed to resist the temptation.

Between 2002 and 2004, my only activity was to give private lessons to the chess Group Chairman Catho, Dr. Thomas Case, in the range of 12:00 at lunch, 02:00 pm (he preferred to take advantage of this interim to feed the mind and the soul). Since 2004 I have had practically no contact with chess, except a talk at the Secretariat of education of my city, some friendly matches with the staff of the city, a match via email with the GM Alexandr Fier, some friendly matches with a professor at Unicamp that we hired to develop our platform for investments and some contacts with the GMs Alexandr Fier and Giovanni Vescovi on patrocinarei concurrent in 2008.

During my period of absence in 2004, his friend David Udbjørg flattered me with an invitation to be tutor to the Bulgarian champion sub-14 Ivailo Enchev. I didn't know if I was able, but I accepted, perhaps for vanity, but not arrived to begin training, and might not start, because whereas my removal (and maybe even if you weren't away), I probably would have more to learn from him than to teach.

Until 2005 I was also working with the creation and standardization of intelligence tests, personality and specific skills in the home of psychologist. It was a very fun and rewarding activity, in which I learned a lot of interesting thing, focusing on a statistical tool little widespread in Brazil, called "Item response theory (IRT). My first contact with TRI was in September 2003, the group L ' Countries, the Prometheus Society, in a conversation with our friend Fred Vaughan, President of the psychometric field of Prometheus, a Ph.d. in Experimental Psychology and has worked for more than 40 years with tests. He told me about his work item analysis of Mega Test, but only got to know a little better the subject by Frank Baker's book "The Basics of Item Response Theory" and the book "Psychometrics" Luiz Pasquali. I believe that the books could have been written with a bit more technical and scientific rigor care nevertheless serve as well to provide a first contact with the topic and arouse interest in the study of TRI. On the other hand, I'm finding the TRI itself much more interesting than I had tried at first (as compared to when Vaughan told me about the subject). In my article about "weaknesses in entrance exam of Sumbawa Island", I briefly my opinion about these books and about the TRI. Also aboard this question in "historical summary on tests" and "new standard of Sigma Test". After a few months of study of this tool, I have about a dozen improvements and innovations, most of which were implemented in 2006 and 2005 standards of Sigma Test.

Another place where I have known several people fascinating is Sigma Society, people of different cultures, of different parts of the world, with whom I have learned so much and at the same time exercised the English language. Continue dragging with difficulty that language, but much less difficulty than they had before Sigma exists. In Sigma, met people notable in altruism and in good character, they develop or have developed assistive work over several years, contributing to improve the quality of life of many people in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Also met bright people, who have many distinctions of the highest level in sports and artistic activities, intellectuals, and met a bunch of weirdos and egocentric, Craig biggio, prepotentes like me, which is always nice to talk about subjects useful or useless.

Sigma Society was founded in November 1999, and, as I ditched the Chess in March 2000, Sigma ended up getting most of the attention that before I devoted to chess, became for me a "daughter", which is rapidly growing and emancipating. The name "Sigma" is from a letter of the Greek alphabet, corresponding to our "s" ' and represented by "s" (or "S"-uppercase). This symbol is used by statisticians to represent the "standard deviation" (standard deviation or sd). In Gaussian distribution representing the percentages of the population found in each track of QI, when you use the Stanford-Binet scale, it turns out that the standard deviation is 16, so this organization has the name "Sigma", to represent the number of standard deviations above the mean, corresponding to the score obtained on a standardized test of intellectual performance. Sigma III is the segment of the Sigma society aimed at people whose IQ is at least 3 standard deviations above the mean (148), Sigma IV is the thread for people whose IQ is at least 4 standard deviations above average (164) and so on. If instead of using the Stanford-Binet scale, we used the Cattell scale, with 24, the standard deviation IQ of hack to Sigma III would continue being at least 3 standard deviations above average, but in this case 3 standard deviations above average would correspond to a 172 IQ, because 24 x 3 + 100 = 172. Sigma IV would be cut in 4 standard deviations above average (196) and so on. For more details, see this article.

Our Organization has more than 200 members from 40 countries. It's still a small number to think in large enterprises, but it is enough to be comfortably the first steps in this direction.

Our goals proposed in the date of the Foundation remain in force and are now significantly expanded. Our current proposal consists of:

Meet the needs and interests of intellectuals from all areas, promoting cultural activities, leisure, educational, charitable, sporting, artistic, scientific, literary, and every genre of event that will help to elevate the human spirit.

Investigate scientific problems, political, economic, educational and other, through discussions, writing articles and reviews various, always with the purpose to present efficient solutions, or offer guidance on subjects of general interest, or disseminate knowledge that can be useful to people.

Since mid-2005, my activities boil down to investment, and since October 2006 I focus almost exclusively on the development of automated systems for investment. Currently I am a holder of some world records in the financial area.

The "miracle" compound interest makes an unparalleled rate of growth and, through this activity in the financial market, it will be possible to carry out several projects that would otherwise be impossible to construct, some of which are mentioned in my interview with cutting edge TV, in addition to other projects more selfish, as investment in nano-robots, stem cells, cloning, and other technologies that allow me to prolong healthy life for a few million years, maybe more.



Associations, affiliations and representations:

Founder of Unicorn High IQ Society. Theoretical cutting: 1: 3,500,000 (1:0 pm each 3.5 million people)
 Founder of Sigma VI (IQ 196 >). Theoretical cutting: 1: 1,000,000,000
Founder of Sigma V (QI > 180). Theoretical cutting: 1: 3,500,000
Founder of Platinum Society (IQ > 164.3). Theoretical cutting: 1: 35,000
Founder of Sigma IV (IQ 164 >). Theoretical cutting: 1: 32,000
Founder of Sigma III (QI > 148). Theoretical cutting: 1: 740
Founder of Sigma Society (IQ > 132). Theoretical cutting: 1: 44
Founder of World Association for Highly Intelligent People

Honorary Member of the High IQ Society for Humanity (invited by President David Udbjørg)
Honorary Member of Pars Society (invited by President Baran Yönter). Theoretical cutting: 1: 3,500,000
Honorary Member of ISI-S (invited by the co-Chairman Lloyd King). Theoretical cutting: 1: 1,400

He became a partner of the International High IQ Society (invited by President Nathan Haselbauer).
Member of Ludomind (invited by President Albert Frank). Theoretical cutting: 1: ~ 10,000
Ex-member of foreign countries (denoted by Albert Frank)
 Affiliated to the Fédération Internationale Des Échecs (FIDE) since March 1996
 Affiliated to the International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF) since March 2000
 Affiliated to the Brazilian Chess Confederation (CBX), between 1987 and 2000
 Affiliated to the Brazilian Epistolary Chess Club (CXEB), since March 1999
 Affiliated to Federação Paulista de chess (FPX), between 1987 and 2000
 Affiliated to Federação Paulista de Taekwondô, between May 1992 and March 1993
 Indicated by International Grandmaster Of ICCF Salvador Homce Grows, to represent Brazil at the chess Olympiad of the ICCF, in 2004.

Invited by Marius Ceteras _ captain of the "team", Potaissa Turda, Romania _ to play in the first team's Board, representing Romania in the European League of the Champions-2002 ". See the full invitation sent by Marius Ceteras's in

Athlete of the municipality of Piraju, between August 1999 and March 2000
 Alumni athlete chess Bethlehem, between greater than 1998 and August 1999
 Chess League athlete of São Bernardo do Campo, between September 1997 and May 1998
 Alumni athlete chess Bethlehem between March 1995 and September 1997
 Athlete of Pirituba Chess Club, between May 1992 and March 1994
 Athlete of Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras, between January 1992 and May 1992
 Athlete of Clube Desportivo e Recreativo São José, in 1991
 Athlete and member of the Club Athletico Paulistano, campaigner in 1989
 Athlete of São Paulo Chess Club in 1988

Link suggestion: What is it for? If you need to access the contents of a page that you saw a few years ago, but now no longer exists or the link is temporarily inaccessible, it is likely that you can find the content of this page stored on this site. For example, you try to access, but the website is not available. Then just get in and enter in the field "Enter Web Address" and click the button "Take Me Back". A list appears displaying archived dates (some of which may not work).

For more details, search for "Hindemburg Bemba COLORA lyrics" or "Bemba COLORA lyrics Jr." or "Bemba COLORA lyrics Junior" or "Bemba COLORA lyrics + Chess" or "Bemba COLORA lyrics + Chess" or "Hindemburg Bemba COLORA lyrics" or "Bemba COLORA lyrics + QI" or "Bemba Colora Lyrics + IQ" in any search engine (Google, Alta Vista, Teoma, Yahoo etc.). In some cases, my name appears written incorrectly. The most common case is to use two LL in "Melon", as in It is also frequently write "hindenburg" (with an "n" instead of "m", which in fact would be the correct form; the mistake was committed on my birth certificate:-)). Often appears "Bemba COLORA lyrics Hindemburg" instead of "Hindemburg Bemba COLORA lyrics". There are also other variations, such as "hidenbug", "hidenburg", "hildenburg" etc. But the sum of all these bad cases should not pass a few dozen.



Army of One

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confirms it is Hindemberg behind the SMM name.

Watching: Guinho 2008b automated trading forex by hindemburg ... - Translate this page

http://www.saturn estimentos/161-satur no-67-com-video . http://www.saturn ..... By: PCoderch. on 14 Jul 09, 03:58:20. Um burro. Apenas ...

is there any way to see when this was taken down?



  • Moderator
  • Getbig V
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The utter destruction of SMM occured just before, during, and just after Mother's Day 2012. Shall this memorable event in Getbig lore go down as "The Mother's Day Massacre of '12?"

Does have a nice ring to it..



  • Getbig III
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someone needing translation lay down the texts, i can't open most of the stuff


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  • Getbig V
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confirms it is Hindemberg behind the SMM name.

just lol

Soul Crusher

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Pay attention, idiot. The fact that it;s a computer doesen't change the fact that is a Human saying that. Why? Because someone programmed the computer to say that. Why can't you understand this very simple concept, shit for brains? For fuck sake, Americans are so fucking dumb.

PCoderch in reply to r00tcause 3 years ago

Soul Crusher

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Ugh, so guys who studied psychometrics their whole life are not entitled to say how IQ affects academic and financial outcomes in life? What is wrong with appealing to authority? This is like saying that a guy who claims that smoking is bad for your health, and cites as evidence the research of medical doctors, is wrong because he is a "appealing to authority". Do you have any idea just how retarded you sound?

PCoderch in reply to rohimbo(Show the comment) 4 years ago

Kasparov scored an IQ of 135 on the Eysenck test and 123 on the Raven Progressive Matrices. Fischer, however, does have an IQ of 187. You can debate all you want who was the better player, but when it comes to IQ, Fischer shits all over Kasparov.

PCoderch in reply to 2young2die2drunk2liV(Show the comment) 4 years ago

You are a moron. Fischer's IQ was tested in high school, while Kasparov tested an IQ of 135 on the Eysenck test and 123 on the Raven advanced progressive matices. I am giving actual numbers and the names of the test, and you can google it if you think that I'm lying. You are a moron if you think Kassparov has an IQ od 190. This estimate was done by converting his Elo rating into IQ, and that is not valid as a legitinate IQ.

PCoderch in reply to 2young2die2drunk2liV(Show the comment) 4 years ago

IQ correlates with wealth, educatonal achievement and professional success. Please, don't embarass yourself more than you already have. Go read the books, "The Bell Curve", written by Harvard professors, and "IQ And The Wealth Of Nations" which shows that GNP per capita also correlates with IQ. You are truly a moron if you believe that everyone is equally intelligent. For instance, I'm more intelligent than you - as an example.

PCoderch in reply to ZettaiBaka(Show the comment) 4 years ago

No, IQ is highly genetic, so I doubt that you're more intelligent than my mom considering that I'm more intelligent than you. And nice to see that you're resorting to insulting mothers now. It only goes to show that I've truly won the argument. And considering how stupid and low class you are, I bet your mom is a crack whore.

PCoderch in reply to ZettaiBaka(Show the comment) 4 years ago

Yeah, I stretched your asshole a few inches after the anal poundage I gave you in this debate.

PCoderch in reply to ZettaiBaka(Show the comment) 4 years ago

________________________ ________________________ __

Melao talks about psychometrics in his bio no?


  • Getbig V
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Maybe SMM and Pedro are brothers?

Soul Crusher

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This man seen on the video is the greatest fighter who ever walked the surface of planet Earth. He will have to go to other planets to find competitions. In fact, if there is an interplanetary fighting championship, Rickson would be Humanity's champion.

PCoderch 3 years ago

Wittgenstein is a hero to me, even though I'm a physicist and engineer and not an analytical philosopher. I laways had a problem with phiolosophy because the properties of philosophical problems, unlike those in an engineering problem or differential equation, are not properly defined. Only after I read Wittgenstein's Tractatus did I finally understand that philosophical dillemas are poorly constructed verbal statements that result from the eclectic interpretations possible of verbal

PCoderch 2 years ago

Broadcast Yourself. - Youtube
You are presenting anecdotal evidence which of virtually no epistemological value. ...... PCoderch in reply to easternslavic (Show the comment) 3 years ago ...

found some wierd shit here.

Soul Crusher

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Maybe SMM and Pedro are brothers?

Naahhhh - its him.   

I have been going over many many many other comments on youtube that are exactly what Melao Jr. says he is interested in. 

Soul Crusher

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Actually, quantum mechanics allows physicists to make predictions with 99.98% accuracy on the behavior of particles. the laws of physics do not break down at the quantum level. The only discrepancy is integrating quantum mechanics with general relativity, but just because there is no working model now it doesen't mean there never will be. I think you should STFU before you embarass yourself more than you already did in that thread.

  And "this guy" know s athing or two more about than you about what happens on the quantum level even though he is a cosmologist. You are a nobody with a degree in anal plumbing.


 What a dishonest shitbag you are. You argue the same shit that has been addressed and dismissed over and over again ad nauseum simply out of pride. I have already answered the issue of what "caused" the first cause(what a stupid tautology) in this thread but you act like I never answered it.


This goes to show how much you know of cosmological physics. It is actually known almost precisely(down to decimal places) for how long the singularity existed before expanding. And it is known exactly what was it's composition one billionth of a second after it started expanding.


Not true. Mass can be created by quantum fluctuations of the zero-point field according to mathematical models of string theory that make valid predictions that can be tested and verified. And the fact that energy cannot be created in no way means it cannot have an origin explained by laws of pparticle physics that we don't know yet.


  This is the fundamental problem of cosmology, but there are theories that matter is "created" when branes from the timeless quantum field "collide" leading to stability which creates matter and with it the space for the matter to occupy - because one of the conditione sine qua non for matter to exist that there must be space for it to occupy.


where the matter came from or what formed it? And how do they determine how long the singularity existed before it started expanding?

  The matter didn't come "from" anywhere. By asking "from where?" you are assuming a place, which assumes the existence of space. Space and time only exists when matter is.

  As for how physicists know the amount of time the singulairty was compressed, I don't know what is the relevance of this question, but it was instantaneous since time appeared with matter(the singularity) and that amount of mass cannot be constrained within the space of a needle point.

  But the exact amount of time is a very good question, but assuming that all matter in the singularity appeared instantaneously, then it was trillionths of a second. Assuming that matter "gradually" appeared in the singularity, then the time would be variable as more matter would "bend" time and space as it were created.


________________________ ________________________




  • Getbig V
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I'm starting to slowly come around to the possibility of SMM being HMJr. There are just too many coincidences.

To become truly convinced I'd like to see a piece of writing, in English, bearing the name of HMJr, so we could compare writing styles. Someone posted an article a few pages back written in 2005 which is quite different from SMM posts of 2005. That is my main objection regarding the HMJr association.

So, if any of you tenacious detectives could find a (somewhat) recent article of HMJr written in English, it would be very useful for comparison purposes.


  • Competitors II
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 I wonder if SMM will go to the gym today for 600 pound bench presses or if he'll practice his Kung Fu ?  I just wonder. . .


  • Getbig V
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btw, guinho is a nickname for little Guilherme...


  • Getbig V
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I'm starting to slowly come around to the possibility of SMM being HMJr. There are just too many coincidences.

holy shit ya think so?!


  • Getbig V
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Looks like SMM is trying to shake off suspicion from the "Thoth" account.
from incomplete data

Soul Crusher

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________________________ ________________________ _________________

I will be posting a video of a gorilla baby tearing a truck tire with it's bare hands very soon. The gorilla baby is also rewarded with chocolate and weights roughly the same as this human baby, so this video is like deja vu to me.


All of you guys with this low carb shit makes no sense to me. Carbs are by far the most effective and metabolically clean of the three macronutrients as a source of energy. Getting your energy from protein involves gluconeogenesis which exhausts your liver and creates several metabolic poisons like ammonia and uric acid. Getting it from fat creates increased blood levels of triglycerides and ketones which increase plasma cholesterol level and increase the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the liver leading to artherosclerosis. Glucose is the only energy-bearing molecule that can be utilized by all cells of your body directly - except brain cells which use lactate. Why the hell would anyone live on a low-carb diet is beyond me.


 The semantics of the word "drug" is imprecise and nebulous, thus allowing the concept to be expanded to encompass pretty much everything. But a word that describes everything has no meaning, because words are terms of description of aspects of reality and not of all of it. Because of this the word drug is used to describe substances, other than food and water, that affect your physiology. Caffeine is not needed to sustain life and affects your physiology, thus being best described as a drug and not a food.

  Lithium is included in the food category because it is needed in the diet and I defined drugs as substances other than food and water that affects your physiology, just like Mercury which is also found in certain foods and affects your physiology but is not needed. Besides, using your definition it means nothing, because sugar also affects your mood causing drowsiness by raising serotonin levels,. Should we classify sugar as a drug? What about Magnesium? It makes your sleepy, and is a nutrient. Should we call it a drug too? If we are going to drug as anything that affects your physiology, then we should abolish the word food as it becomes redundant since all foods by definition affect your physiology. We should also abolish the words "Oxygen" and "ulteraviolet rays" since they also affect your physiology and could just be called drugs. A drug is a substance, other than food and water, which affects your physiology. The terms in bold qualify the precision of the definition.


First of all it is not found in food...most of the foods that contain caffeine have close to no calories and nutrients. Secondly, caffeine in itself is a drug and not a food, regardless of it being found in food. Chocolate is a food and contains theobromine, but this doesen't change the fact that theobromine in itself has zero nutritional properties.


  Best ice cream in the World is Haagen Dazs' Chocolate Midnight Cookies. Nothing else comes even close.


  The theobromine in chocolate not only mitigates all the positives, but actually makes chocolate a detrimental food for the heart. Give a single bar of chocolate to a dog and se what happens: it dies. Humans are larger than dogs and our livers are more well equipped to metabolize posions, but it doesen't change the fact that chocolate is not a good food for the heart.


  Nah, it is exactly because chocolate is a semi-poisonous compound that women are so happy after eating it. Understand that, just because it is bad for your health, it does not follow that it is bad for your mood.


Thanks!  I always wondered why chocolate was supposed to be bad for dogs.  What I do not understand is why in Venezuela my dogs, not pure breeds, ate what ever I gave them, chocolate, chicken bones, they even ate a whole box of fabric starch that my dad accidentally dropped on the floor.  They all lived very long, healthy and happy doggy lives.  

  You've got super-dogs. Even 10 ounces of dark chocolate can kill a grown German sheppard.


Theobromine is always toxic. Period. It is a pretty toxic alkaloid. It can kill horses and dogs, and it is far more toxic per miligram tnan caffeine. The LD50 of theobromine is much lower than for caffeine. Just because Human livers are formidable - due to tens of thousands of years of Humans living in several different habitats and eating practically all garbage there is, the Human liver became formidable at metabolizing poisons - it does not follow that it is harmless for Humans. Remember that many of these studies were funded by the cocoa and chocolate refining industry, so they are suspect at best. Go ahead and eat your chocolate, but you're slowly poisoning yourself.


I get the feeling that we are going to cross horns a lot in this board, and that's bad because mods shouldn't argue. You claim caffeine and theobromine are not toxic, and yet they fit classicly the profile of poisons. The body reacts to caffeine and theobronine in the same way it reacts to ingestion of strichnine and other poisons: sympathomimetic activity is boosted, vasoconstriction occurs, and liver enzyme levels also increase to metabolize the poison and the blood levels of aldosterone decrease so as to increase urination to expell the metabolites of the posion. Yes, dude, caffeine and theobromine are poisons. They are alkaloids, and all alkaloids are poisononus nitrgenous compounds synthesized by plants as pesticides so that insects and animals won't eat them. You can protest all you want, but facts are facts. Theobromine is not a hard poison, but it is poisonous, yes, and the body reacts as a poison.


comparing humans to dogs is almost as ridiculous as using yourself as a research subject for a supplement, seriously, if someone posts something with scientific evidence, rebuttals should be done with scietific evidence, otherwise this board will devolve into hear say.

  Again, show me an example of a single alkaloid that causes no sympton of intoxication among vertebrates and will give you a public retraction. Just because the toxic effects of theobromine are less acute in Humans than they are in dogs it does not folow that thebromine is not toxic to Humans. There have been cases of Human infants dying from eating too much chocolate, and the when some of them were rushed into the hospital their symptons were of clear poisoning, such as athaxia and high blood pressure.

  And using me as subject is laughable how? So I should trust a study that says that vitamin E increases the risk of dying if I have been taking vitamin E for 6 years daily and my health is perfect, and that my father has been taking it for 30 years and just ran a marathon at age 65? What is so ridiculous about that? I have evidence that you are wrong, and the evidence is that I have a sexagenarian who takes vitamin E for three decades and, not only hasn't died yet, but is healthy enough to run 26 miles in 4 hours. No, dude, what is ridiculous is you telling me that I should trust your studies intead of what my lying eyes tell me.


Re: pm question answered

« Reply #41 on: July 28, 2007, 05:38:57 AM »



Quote from: pobrecito on July 27, 2007, 03:49:29 PM

Asinine example.

Many things become poisonous when taking is mega-doses.

Nobody is going to run around calling creatine toxic  

  Eating 100 grams of chocolate is not dangerous, or 100 grams of bread, or of steak, or of sugar - unless you're biabetic. My point is that creatine has a much higher level of toxicity than most things you can ingest. Is it as toxic as cyanide? No. Is it as safe as food and other supplments? No. Understand this, you incredible moron? Creatine has a level of toxicity more akin to that of a drug than a food.


________________________ ________________________ ___________________

NEED I CONTINUE ??  ? ? ? ?


Palpatine Q

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I don't know about anyone else, but I can't be bothered reading all these links and shit. I'm really not that interested in finding out the "truth". Its been established for a week that the guy is full of shit on a biblical scale and he's a real fucking weirdo , nothing new has happened here for a while, its just more of the same...are you guys going to post EVERY single post he has ever made? Is this that fascinating ? he seems to be gone and this thread is getting boring

Soul Crusher

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I don't know about anyone else, but I can't be bothered reading all these links and shit. I'm really not that interested in finding out the "truth". Its been established for a week that the guy is full of shit on a biblical scale and he's a real fucking weirdo , nothing new has happened here for a while, its just more of the same...are you guys going to post EVERY single post he has ever made? Is this that fascinating ? he seems to be gone and this thread is getting boring

He is not gone! 

He activated a old gimmick and is already posting under it. 

Soul Crusher

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I agree, I'm really not interested in reading every fucking demented post this sick person has made on the internet. I'm sure he's made plenty. The only thing I'd be interested in is definitive proof of SMM being HMJr. Or SMM's lawyer posting here :)

My "chocolate" post doesnt prove it to you? 



  • Getbig IV
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I have only posted 1% of the crap i have seen from this freak show so far.  I'm actually getting a little disgusted seeing how this pedo freak pollutes so many different places calling people all sorts of nasty things, starting fights with everyone, demeaning evryone. 

is it not a bit late to be so precious after having visited so many queer sites.
You are a consenting adult?