Author Topic: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the  (Read 42674 times)

The Scott

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #150 on: December 29, 2012, 07:55:29 PM »
There are millions living shitty lives and in poverty with barely enough to eat and are suffering tremendously that still give thanks to the Lord.

My Mother is diagnosed with schizophrenia and literally can not leave her house, also has arthritis and migraines, just a wreck. Her life everyday is wake up, do nothing all day, sit on a couch and just literally do nothing. She is the happiest person ever when we visit her, for me it`s about twice a week. Anyway she praises God everyday and is the happiest person I ever known. I asked her why she is not sad or anything and she replies, Nothing matters cause God loves her.

I would say that for such as  your mother and many, many others like her (and worse) they are content as they have hope.  This hope is born of the promise of Jesus of Nazareth.  This hope cannot be taken from them.  It may be that even such as these being only human, could one day lose that hope.   But salvation through Him is never lost.  Given freely, but never taken back.  

I fail to see how anyone would make fun of such a gift.  Even were it false, the gift of hope for a better eternity does no one any harm.  

Having said that I know many atheists that hold no ill will for those that truly follow the Christ.  They do not wish to convert anyone to their line of thinking.  They do not want to force women to be subject to the whim of mindless men.  They are not compelled by fear and ritual to bow and scrape several times a day in endless, droning prayers.  They have never held an inquisition nor have they cut off anyone's head with a dull butter knife in a mindless jihad.  Neither do they bugger their young boys or bury their women up to their necks in the ground prior to stoning them to death while conveniently forgetting that adultery takes two...

They do not desire that everyone on the planet submit to their way of thinking.  Or die.

Those that do are following the orders of men and not any God or god.  Men would take hope and make it less.  Hopeless.  If any choose not to believe that Christ is the Messiah that is their choice.  They should never be offended that those that follow Him believe that punishment awaits those that deny Jesus, for if they truly believe that Christ was nothing and that God is false, well, then they have nothing to fear in that regard.  Ever.

Like a vampire that somehow rises in the night and walks unharmed through a graveyard of crosses, some choose to be offended at their convenience.  Get over it.  Unless the long awaited (and I am tired of waiting  ;D) rapture of the Church occurs, we are not going away anytime soon.   ;D

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #151 on: December 30, 2012, 11:37:35 AM »
You are a big strong, good looking fella (no homo) but do you think you would feel that way if you were cursed with a broken down body?  It's easy to believe that a higher power is looking out for you when things are going your way but what if you were born to a crack whore and your father was an abusive drunk who like to use you as a soccer ball every day?  Would you still feel the same?  There is a young girl who lives near me and she has been in a wheel chair from the day she was born.  She is a young teenager now, I see her from time to time in her wheel chair with a friend, She is all bandaged up except her face, she is quite beatiful, But I literally have to bite my tongue so as to not break out in tears when I see her.  She will never be able to have that first dance or probably even a first kiss.  All that is around the corner for her is pain and misery.  What did she do to deserve such a fate?  Whe didn't god smile upon her like he did you?

Hey Orion,
First off, a-thank you!  I do feel particularly handsome today LOL!!

I’d like to share with you some wonderful men of God that I’ve had the pleasure of hearing speak a few times in the recent years.  

The first is Nick Vujicic:

The second is Ken Freeman:

Again, both are wonderful men of God that have had tremendous obstacles set before them by the very God they serve.  These men live and breathe to spread the message of salvation through  Jesus Christ and love others.

As for MOS, my testimony certainly isn’t nearly as powerful or moving as theirs, but I do understand what it means to be broken down.  Back in July 2010 I took my 6 month old daughter upstairs in our home and placed her in her crib for a nap.  While coming back down the stairs I had some sort of misstep and fell down the stairs.  I fell in such a way that my left knee smashed the edge of the bottom stair and I tore my leg quad off my knee and tore the muscles around the knee as well.  Spent two weeks at home completely torn up before I was able to be diagnosed for surgery, but by the grace of God was surgically repaired shortly thereafter.  Two weeks after surgery I was rushed to the ER at our local hospital because I felt like life was leaving me.  All strength had left me, all color had left me, I was not eating and barely using the bathroom.  I had become sad, despondent and suicidal…I was a mess.  Turns out the docs discovered an enormous pulmonary embollism (a saddle type) and blood clots in my legs due to my surgical immobility.  The doctors prepared my family for the worst and told them I was dying, but that they would do all they can to treat me quickly.  The docs and nurses on staff had not seen an embolism that large or severe in their careers.  Prayers from friends and family went up and my outlook was bleak, but I spent only 2.5 days in intensive care and by the grace of God the staff of doctors and nurses got me outta the hospital in a week.  Then it was months of physical therapy, 2 a day blood thinner shots in the stomach for months and tons of doctor follow-ups.  

Today I have a clean bill of health, but my left leg will never be the same.  Praise God I can walk and serve him though!!  That was a brutal personal journey, but was exactly what I needed.  I needed to be broken to the ground and have one foot (or maybe both feet) placed in the grave before I fully surrendered to the Lord and allow him to work in my life.  During my stay in the progressive care unit of the hospital, in the solitude of my hospital room, I lifted arms and hands to the Lord and surrendered to him completely.  In that instant the presence of the Lord filled that hospital room and from the tips of my toes in my left leg to the top of my surgical incision began a tingling sensation.  I knew at that point I would be healed and my life was both saved and changed.  It was a small miracle in my life, but it changed and shaped me.  I give all glory and praise to my Lord and Savior because it is all about it him!

My heart breaks for the girl you mentioned and I hear and read about tragedy after tragedy befalling men, women and children all around me today in this country and countries around the world due to the evil choices of people.  That’s why the power of the Holy Spirit is so important because it transforms lives in powerful, positive, loving ways.  I always claimed to be a believer as a young kid, but only as a young man have a I truly began to understand surrender to the love of God in my life that I try and express to others.  No matter what we’ve done in our lives, we can be forgiven the Holy Spirit can indwell us and transform us in powerful ways.  This life is not about our works or rituals.  It is about the redemptive love of Jesus Christ and his will for our lives!!  Today I have nothing but full assurance in the heart.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #152 on: December 30, 2012, 12:32:31 PM »
You know the irony of this thread?

You are wishing 'god' (or so you say) happy birthday. Which means god was 'born'.

Ironic indeed.

The funnier thing is, Jesus was not even born on December 25th. It was a day chosen to compete with the pagan romans who worshipped Saturn, celebrated Saturnalia, etc... The winter solstice.

Jesus according to Muslim and Christian scholars was born in the summer months perhaps somewhere in August.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #153 on: December 30, 2012, 12:36:15 PM »

This is Saturn the 'main god' of the pagan romans. He used to eat children, ride a sled, have his lil throne, etc... etc...

Notice also his symbol a cross S

Shocked huh?


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #154 on: December 30, 2012, 12:40:38 PM »
The renewal of light and the coming of the new year was celebrated in the later Roman Empire at the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus, the "Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun," on December 25.

^ Robert A. Kaster, Macrobius: Saturnalia, Books 1–2 (Loeb Classical Library, 2011), note on p. 16.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #155 on: December 30, 2012, 12:48:30 PM »

This is Saturn the 'main god' of the pagan romans. He used to eat children, ride a sled, have his lil throne, etc... etc...

Notice also his symbol a cross S

Shocked huh?

spine chilling! even more so when you think people have thier kids sit on the lap of the who is suppose to EAT THEM! it all blows my mind!


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #156 on: December 30, 2012, 12:50:01 PM »
When I first saw this it kind of blew me away more than the other facts:


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #157 on: December 30, 2012, 05:51:36 PM »
It's also quite interesting how saint nicholas is viewed in germany as eating children and it was one of the tales to scare misbehaving children. Aka the original 'santa clause'.. aka really.... saturn the roman pagan god who also had a sled, who ate children, etc... etc...


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #158 on: December 30, 2012, 09:57:43 PM »


best part of these vids? THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM!! SO YOU CANT AND SAY "MUSLIM PROPAGANDA". these are Christians themselves saying CHRISTMAS IS IDOLATRY!

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #159 on: December 31, 2012, 01:26:17 PM »
Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th in order to replace the recurring historical pagan rituals occurring at that time...Saturnalia, Winter Solstice celebration, birth of Mithra, etc...  Take these pagan celebrations and replace them with the recognition and celebration of the birth of our God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth (some say it occurred in the Spring others the Fall).   I'm not aware of anyone today celebrating the birth of Mithra, Saturn or the Winter Solstice....most people pay homage to materialism.

The Scott

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #160 on: December 31, 2012, 05:24:07 PM »
It's also quite interesting how saint nicholas is viewed in germany as eating children and it was one of the tales to scare misbehaving children. Aka the original 'santa clause'.. aka really.... saturn the roman pagan god who also had a sled, who ate children, etc... etc...

I could care less as I don't celebrate "Saint Nicolas" nor any other saint.  What is intredasting is that your fearless leader was a liar, misogynist and pedophile.  Yet still you follow his ways.  Isn't it said to be true that your so-called prophet did the following "Santa Claus" type flying moment, albeit not with reindeer nor presents for the kiddies -

In the year 621, at the age of 51 years old, Mohammed flew on the magical Winged-Horse of Fire which he called Burak, which literally means White Horse but seen as "Thunder-Lightning". The full version of this most memorable moment has been preserved in "The Bokhari" (Vol.15, p.3615) one of the made up Islamic Scriptures. 

How comical.  Santa Claus for Muslims, but again minus the gifts and no reindeer just a really cool version of Pegasus.  Mohammed is no better than Joseph Smith of the Latter Day Saints, aka "Mormons".  They were both in for their neighbors wives and for profit.

You follow a vile death dealing maniac.  As bad as any Pope of the time and more than a few since.

Others here are apparently too scared or too PC to call you on this.    For the record, Catholicism sucks almost as much as your filthy middle eastern ways.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #161 on: December 31, 2012, 07:25:45 PM »
Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th in order to replace the recurring historical pagan rituals occurring at that time...Saturnalia, Winter Solstice celebration, birth of Mithra, etc...  Take these pagan celebrations and replace them with the recognition and celebration of the birth of our God, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth (some say it occurred in the Spring others the Fall).   I'm not aware of anyone today celebrating the birth of Mithra, Saturn or the Winter Solstice....most people pay homage to materialism.

So you're not really following Jesus, but invented matters that the pagan Romans did. You just scratched out the labels and relabeled them then claim it's from Jesus.

Kind of like the cross and the pagan saturn god symbol:

The Scott

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #162 on: December 31, 2012, 07:36:33 PM »
So you're not really following Jesus, but invented matters that the pagan Romans did. You just scratched out the labels and relabeled them then claim it's from Jesus.

Kind of like the cross and the pagan saturn god symbol:

Since no others will call you on your garbage... How's that flying Mohammed's My Little Pony story coming along?  Do you bugger other men and boys because women are denied your for sex unless you are married to one?  So many of your fellow Muslims do just that and it is sanctioned by your religious leaders.  Homosexuality is rampant in the middle east.  Just like the Catholic Church, you are turgid with pedophilia and your clergy condone it.

If we are to  believe that morality is from God (not that pile of poo you call "Allah") then it is a certainty that immorality is from men.  Men like your false prophet, Mohammed.  Men like the Popes.  Men who do that which is unseemly and call it good because they claim "God" told them to do so.  What they do is immoral.  You perverse generation!

Here is wisdom for any who will listen -

So many desire immortality and like you and your false prophet, settle for immorality.   

Christ was no ordinary "man".  He is Messiah.

Mohammed?  He is a mess.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #163 on: December 31, 2012, 07:39:41 PM »
Surah 4:171
O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, ...

Surah 5:75
The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) had passed away before him. ...

Acs 2:22

"Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.

John 3:2

He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."

“And We gave unto Jesus, son of Mary, clear miracles” (Quran 2:87)

“When the disciples said: O Jesus, son of Mary!  Is your Lord able to send down for us a table spread with food from heaven?  He said: Observe your duty to God, if ye are true believers.  They said: We desire to eat of it and our hearts be at rest, and that We may know that you have spoken truth to us, and that We may be witnesses thereof.  Jesus, son of Mary, said: 'O God, our Lord, send down for us a Table laden with food out of heaven, that shall be for us a recurring festival, the first and last of us, and a miracle from You.  And provide us our sustenance, for You are the best of providers!” (Quran 5:112-114)

“He shall speak to people while still in the cradle, and in manhood, and he shall be from the righteous.” (Quran 3:46)

“I also heal the blind and the leper.” (Quran 3:49)

“…and I bring to life the dead, by the permission of God.” (Quran 3:49)

I can go on.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #164 on: December 31, 2012, 07:42:23 PM »
Also for your information, Jesus did not speak Hebrew, did not speak Latin, did not speak koine-greek as the new testament is written in. Jesus spoke Aramaic in which you say God: Elah

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

So you just called God Almighty poo. You'll answer for that on the day of judgment unless you repent.

Christian Arabs also call God Allah because that's what it means.

You're a sad individual.

The Scott

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #165 on: December 31, 2012, 07:43:28 PM »
Surah 4:171
O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, ...

Surah 5:75
The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) had passed away before him. ...

Acs 2:22

"Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.  You are predictably foolish.

John 3:2

He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."

“And We gave unto Jesus, son of Mary, clear miracles” (Quran 2:87)

“When the disciples said: O Jesus, son of Mary!  Is your Lord able to send down for us a table spread with food from heaven?  He said: Observe your duty to God, if ye are true believers.  They said: We desire to eat of it and our hearts be at rest, and that We may know that you have spoken truth to us, and that We may be witnesses thereof.  Jesus, son of Mary, said: 'O God, our Lord, send down for us a Table laden with food out of heaven, that shall be for us a recurring festival, the first and last of us, and a miracle from You.  And provide us our sustenance, for You are the best of providers!” (Quran 5:112-114)

“He shall speak to people while still in the cradle, and in manhood, and he shall be from the righteous.” (Quran 3:46)

“I also heal the blind and the leper.” (Quran 3:49)

“…and I bring to life the dead, by the permission of God.” (Quran 3:49)

I can go on.

Your book is that of a common, ignorant, Bedouin pervert and is not worthy of being called "holy".  I shake the dust of you and  your filth from my shoes.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #166 on: December 31, 2012, 07:44:06 PM »
Suit yourself and be a lost and ignorant individual who talks too much with anger and listens little.

The Scott

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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #167 on: December 31, 2012, 07:49:23 PM »
Suit yourself and be a lost and ignorant individual who talks too much with anger and listens little.

I have little tolerance for liars and less for stupid liars.  Like you.  Go play with your Mohammed action figgers (e.g., the flying "Mohammed My Little Pony").  You do not know anger.  If you think being chided for the simple minded liar you are is "anger", you are even more naive than I imagined.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #168 on: December 31, 2012, 10:05:21 PM »
spine chilling! even more so when you think people have thier kids sit on the lap of the who is suppose to EAT THEM! it all blows my mind!
Does it blow your mind that Muhammad had sex with a little girl also?



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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #169 on: December 31, 2012, 10:13:27 PM »
No, not at all. As it was common for people to marry young and have families. Unlike today's societies where people chose to 'settle' at 30 after partying it up half their life.

Different time, different environment, different upbringing.

Come to think of it. Fact: Only one hundred years ago the average age of consent (not even marriage but plain ol fornication) was 10 years of age in the United states of America. The lowest age being 7 in delaware.

And concerning Aisha (ra), she is actually responsible for passing on much of the knowledge of Islam to Muslims as she was the prophet's wife. She had an excellent memory and was an excellent teacher.

She even commanded armies, from amongst other things.

Even now a days, in the east, you will find that girls who are even 7, know how to cook, clean, take care of themselves, and STILL study, have fun, etc... In contrast to girls and boys in the west that can't take care of themselves and sometimes even wipe their own rear.

My grandmother although originally orthodox christian (she also became Muslim in our family) she was married at 16 years of age. "Shocking"? My great grandmother was 12 when she got married. Even more shocking?


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #170 on: December 31, 2012, 11:12:15 PM »
Does it blow your mind that Muhammad had sex with a little girl also?

ohh come on!!! not this petty arugement! this arugment is older then dirt garebare! your a teacher man! I expected a smarter arugment from you!

well too answer this old tired idea:

1. First off the TRUE age of the Prophets last wife isnt 100% confirmed, some say 7 or 9, some say 18.

2. secondly what Ahmed said. remember this was 1400 years ago. things were MUCH diffrent. even in the US the age to get married was MUCH diffrent.

being and english teacher, have you ever read Mr.tucket books by gary paulsen? well the story is about the wild west, and in that story the main character Francis, gets married and im pretty sure has a kid with a very young there anything worng with that? NO! becuase thats how the culture was at that time!


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #171 on: December 31, 2012, 11:38:59 PM »
ohh come on!!! not this petty arugement! this arugment is older then dirt garebare! your a teacher man! I expected a smarter arugment from you!

well too answer this old tired idea:

1. First off the TRUE age of the Prophets last wife isnt 100% confirmed, some say 7 or 9, some say 18.

2. secondly what Ahmed said. remember this was 1400 years ago. things were MUCH diffrent. even in the US the age to get married was MUCH diffrent.

being and english teacher, have you ever read Mr.tucket books by gary paulsen? well the story is about the wild west, and in that story the main character Francis, gets married and im pretty sure has a kid with a very young there anything worng with that? NO! becuase thats how the culture was at that time!
Oh, what's that you say? Something from 1400 years ago doesn't apply to today because we have advanced since then?



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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #172 on: January 01, 2013, 12:34:21 AM »
Oh, what's that you say? Something from 1400 years ago doesn't apply to today because we have advanced since then?

Your playing with words... That's not what I said. I said don't criticize something just because it's different the today.

People answered the call of nature in the woods and wiped with rocks, someone does that today people will laugh and be disgusted, but did the people of back then do wrong? No! Because that's how they went to the bathroom back in those times.  Get it now?

Religion is forever garebare. Back then people rode horses to the mosque to pray, today we drive cars to the mosque for the same reason as the people of yesterday did: to pray to Allah the one true god. Understand now? Who knows 1000 years from now people might find some new way of transportation to get to the same place the guys on horses did for the same reason as they did.


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #173 on: January 01, 2013, 01:59:55 AM »
Your playing with words... That's not what I said. I said don't criticize something just because it's different the today.

People answered the call of nature in the woods and wiped with rocks, someone does that today people will laugh and be disgusted, but did the people of back then do wrong? No! Because that's how they went to the bathroom back in those times.  Get it now?

Religion is forever garebare. Back then people rode horses to the mosque to pray, today we drive cars to the mosque for the same reason as the people of yesterday did: to pray to Allah the one true god. Understand now? Who knows 1000 years from now people might find some new way of transportation to get to the same place the guys on horses did for the same reason as they did.

Religion is forever?

Who prayed to Zeus today?


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Re: Happy Birthday to the most powerful being to ever and will ever walk the
« Reply #174 on: January 01, 2013, 09:14:51 AM »
So you're not really following Jesus, but invented matters that the pagan Romans did. You just scratched out the labels and relabeled them then claim it's from Jesus.

Kind of like the cross and the pagan saturn god symbol:

Keep R  E  A  C  H  I  N  G ahmed......R      E      A      C      H !!!!