Author Topic: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy  (Read 461538 times)

The True Adonis

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #325 on: May 31, 2013, 06:53:09 PM »
of course it doesnt 'have' be that way my friend. all roads lead to rome in a deficit. i prefer to get to rome in weeks instead of months.

i like this diet because for the very fact it is extreme. thats a huge part of my personality. perhaps a disorder of some nature maybe. but i have always done things in extremes. i find challenges in extremes. for example im at exactly 600 cals today. i have had two scoops of protein powder in coffees and a fistfull of almonds. i'll have another coffee protein tonite and go to bed. all this after training chest and back today not taking more than 10 seconds rest between any sets. just to catch my breath. this is how i function most optimally. and i love it. cause it is hard.

is it healthy. no. prolly not. then again maybe it is. cavemen lived like this for 10's of thousands of years. we've evolved (de evolved>?) into a society that wants things easy. this isnt easy. its hard. 800 cals a day over 3 days at 240 pounds is hard. i dont have the patience to diet for 8 weeks or 12 weeks or 16 weeks. theres no challenge in it. its boring. regimented. mundane. irritating.

i could get the same results over time. i dont want over time. i want weeks. now. tomorrow. and tomorrow i'll look in the mirror and see what it takes a guy in a standard cal deficit diet do in 3 times the time it took me. thats my challenge. thats what keeps me focused. then to train deflated. depleted. flat. with no energy and to still only rest 10 seconds between sets when i could just lean on this a bit longer, whats 10 more seconds. and then go home and have a coffee with a scoop of protein and some almonds and go to bed. and maybe eat that big meal tomorrow. but prolly not. see if i can squeeze out one more day.

i have been training and dieting for what? almost 2 decades? this is my niche. where i excel and it took me this long to realise i can harness my personality to the point where i could apply it to my workouts. i floated around aimlessly for years routine to routine, diet to diet wasting my time. im finally where i need to be. it just fits.

this isnt a universal or animal ad. im not hardcore. im not trying to be hardcore. i dont even know what that is or means. to me this is what i do cause i love the challenge. its not about a way of living a lifestyle. i just train. and diet. and push. and thats that area where i excel.

is it for everyone? no probably not. but thats not whats its about. it doent have to be for everyone. the only person it has to be for is me. if someone whos like me can read this and take away from it great. im glad i helped you. if not thats great too. tomorrow we'll both be in the gym, doing our thing. heading to rome.

This is a very good post and I think Galeniko alluded to something similar and I agree it does work and it will get you there in a short amount of time and if you can stick with it, its perfect.  Its something I could do as well as I have that kind of will power as well.  I have dieted on ultra low calories, but my strength took hits and I could never really get that feeling of having a good workout as I would fail quickly in mid set with weight that should have been easy for the allotted reps.  I also think I had a much softer appearance.

With that said, I think if one is using roids, the strength will probably be there and the hardness as well as one could probably preserve everything on next to nothing provided they know what they are doing "pharmacologicaly". So that approach would be as optimal as any other in that respect for the enhanced.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #326 on: May 31, 2013, 06:56:14 PM »
This is a very good post and I think Galeniko alluded to something similar and I agree it does work and it will get you there in a short amount of time and if you can stick with it, its perfect.  Its something I could do as well as I have that kind of will power as well.  I have dieted on ultra low calories, but my strength took hits and I could never really get that feeling of having a good workout as I would fail quickly in mid set with weight that should have been easy for the allotted reps.  I also think I had a much softer appearance.

With that said, I think if one is using roids, the strength will probably be there and the hardness as well as one could probably preserve everything on next to nothing provided they know what they are doing "pharmacologicaly". So that approach would be as optimal as any other in that respect for the enhanced.

last part u wrote,,thats the advantage ,,looking hard and still strong and lean ,and getting away with less training,time,diet ,and still looking great..


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #327 on: May 31, 2013, 07:49:42 PM »
Just be patient.  That low is not necessary.  This girl eats 1800 calories to 2500, does only 2-3 days weight training in the gym and no cardio.

1800-2000 calories on off-days and up to 2500 calories on training-days. I needed some time to get my metabolism fast, but now I feel fine with keeping my bodyfat and eat lots of calories (in my dimensions).

What is your current routine?
One day is based on Squats, the other on Deadlifts, the rest varies, but I rely strongly on basic movements and 2-3 intense sessions per week. No cardio.

wow 2500 calories and that lean and dry, and all natty too!  ::) despite having the metabolism of a 32 year old woman and a maintenance calorie level of 1500 (not accounting workouts)! man, she must burn a lot of calories with her super intense 160lb for 15 reps deadlifts 3 times a week.  ::) AMAZING.  ::)

The True Adonis

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #328 on: May 31, 2013, 08:06:49 PM »
wow 2500 calories and that lean and dry, and all natty too!  ::) despite having the metabolism of a 32 year old woman and a maintenance calorie level of 1500 (not accounting workouts)! man, she must burn a lot of calories with her super intense 160lb for 15 reps deadlifts 3 times a week.  ::) AMAZING.  ::)


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #329 on: May 31, 2013, 08:20:14 PM »
yeah, talking to you about this, its clear that both went through the same exact things and sensations.

i dont know if the fatsos can value how much worth this info is, bc this knowledge doesnt come for free and by itself, this comes from years of experience.if one does 1 cutting diet a year, thatll be couple months of the year gone, and the first couple times newcomers will absolutely fail, for so many reasons:

-they will wrongly think they NEED refeeds, but this will just halt progress and they wont be able to control themselves.good point omn refeed if its lower than maintenance, this is very very importnat.if the refeed is above maintenance, there will be worse conditioning even if one fasts for a day after, when one spills over, some fat gain will happen, the water will be there to but itll go away anyway.

-lack of experience in general

-thinking they need more carbs than they do, or coming from high dosage bulk to same or lower dosage diet is prone to fail

-and so much more, in general a smart bbuilder will learn to "hear out" his body and how it reacts to what.

yes, conditioning the portion sizes will make the waist tighter , the stomach smaller and the ability to overeat will be more or less gone,cycle is the perfect term youve used, and i agree about the refeed, which btw imo needs to be from the worst fats and sugars, and very little protein, a clean refeed of "long" carbs and protein will do fuck all.

yes during hard diet times, the body will simply store water under the skin, from something like 2 bare chicken breasts with nothing on it, its totally random and nobody in the world can control this, but always goes away.
in this precise moment, where everything seems to make you look like shit and flat, you WILL think your muscle is fading away, but IT IS NOT, its just this moment many think the refeed is necesary, but its not, just stay focussed and carry on.

the only thing about conditioning that seems consistent for me is when i drink a gallon of water today,but none tomorow,on the 3rd day the skin will look transparent if lean enough.those are the days where i take pics and post them there, its all planned ;D ;D
i have sometimes posted pics from the watery and flat day and was suprised how small i looked haha, but then the next day i found that person in the pic looks much bigger than i am, but its me.
and this has nothing to do with carb loading, its clearly a water issue.

ok another thing ive figured out, if i wanna look good the next day, i just have some 100calories of trash food before going to bed and then in the morning i dont drink water, this always leads to than full, lean look.for me atleast, dont know if this is individual or applies to everyone.

the willpower is everything in this, this is why i so deeply hate and despise the lazy fatsos who approach me and ask if theres that magic fatloss pill.
they are in need of so much learning, it leaves me with nothing but facepalms over their naivity and lazyness and wanting an easy way out when there is none.

you know, when i seen hamdi aykutlug the first time, i was young guy, i was soo shocked and amazed how lean he was, but i didnt blow it by asking him which diuretic he uses and how much this or that(everyone would talk about it and put out rumours).i asked him"what in the hell are you eating,whats your diet".he took his valueable time for me and we sat down and he explained stuff to me.

being smart instead of the pretend to be smart attitude"its all drugs", theres a huge difference.

yeah we both said before, if someone takes huge,abuse-level dosages when young and fresh in the training, he will benefit from this many years later still, even if he stops training for years and then comes back.that time when young and absolutly jacked on gear elevates the natural limits, something definitely happens.

this still doesnt make it "all drugs", a real quality physique takes years,years and much knowledge.

the pros might be dumb, but no so dumb to just rely on "its all drugs", they know full well what theyre doing.

the insulin and gh guts come bc they lose their sense for reality, just like cswol.on another level, but same thing.

cheers man, absolute pleasure talking to you 8)

This is a good thread, very constructive/helpful information!


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #330 on: May 31, 2013, 09:20:16 PM »

i know 1 guy who diets on 300gramms carbs daily, and yeah, he comes shredded in the end, but damn, his dieting takes him 16weeks, starting somewhere at just under 10%.

I eat 350 grams carbs per day and sit around 8%. have you ever tried high carb low low fat? my total fat intake for the day comes out to less then 50 grams.

when i eat high fat low carb my muscles deflate and i look like shit.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #331 on: June 01, 2013, 01:42:11 AM »
So much good info in this thread, glad I started it. Thanks galeniko and all other contributors. Not sure why cswol had to start a negative galeniko thread when gal is just trying to help people.  >:(


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #332 on: June 01, 2013, 05:58:50 AM »
Lots of thought going into these posts.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #333 on: June 01, 2013, 06:47:54 AM »
Thanks Gal,you always look great also.

I was reading your diet thread and the info that you and no one posted is just about what I do.

When I tell people that at times I`ve done 800 cals for several days in a row they are shocked,they are shocked,but usually also,they are fat!!  LOL  :D

All the best bud,keep keeping it real on here and maybe you can influence some of the permabulkers who only care what the scale says to actually get lean.

I stay lean all year round, and for my age and weight,I am pretty strong,but more importantly I think I base my training around intensity over poundage.

Very little rest and heavy weight for the reps I`m shooting for ................of course taking the short rest periods into consideration,lighter weight gets to feeling very heavy,very fast.

So,if it feels heavy,it IS heavy!!

All the best bro!  ;)
Great advice... saves wrecking your Joints too. Great physique Wes. How are you Training now split ..etc...


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #334 on: June 01, 2013, 06:52:18 AM »

Looking great Wes
What`s up my man?  :D

I love you bro....YES HOMO!!!!

I really do love you Che.........for real bro!  ;)


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #335 on: June 01, 2013, 06:54:40 AM »
What`s up my man?  :D

I love you bro....YES HOMO!!!!

I really do love you Che.........for real bro!  ;)

 ;D I love you too WES


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #336 on: June 01, 2013, 06:58:24 AM »
Just keep training hard bro,you`ll make it.

I`ve been through tons of shit and stopped training completely for years at a time,but I always kept it in my mind to do it again,as it is literally a part of me.....I love training and the lifestyle even though it`s tough,it`s better than just being average looking,that`s too easy, and guys like Jizzo are average or below average looking, and it would be no fun at all to look like that!  ;)

Well, I only have 9 more years to attain it! That said, training is going great.

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #337 on: June 01, 2013, 06:59:49 AM »
Just keep training hard bro,you`ll make it.

I`ve been through tons of shit and stopped training completely for years at a time,but I always kept it in my mind to do it again,as it is literally a part of me.....I love training and the lifestyle even though it`s tough,it`s better than just being average looking,that`s too easy, and guys like Jizzo are average or below average looking, and it would be no fun at all to look like that!  ;)

So now that you have come out on the other side, you feel the need to cast stones from on top of your pedestal?

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #338 on: June 01, 2013, 07:00:48 AM »
oh yes, thats the goal, to make some ppl atleast try to get in shape, encouragement.

but yeah seeing as how clueless many or of diet, the fuel of all this, i dont even bother discussing training, but i do something similiar to you, little rest, high volume and heavy enough training, this is very good sentence" if it feels heavy,it is".
while permafatsos overeat in order to have "stronger" lifts, they miss out on the real training.

who cares what anyone can bench, after 10 days of almost no carbs and low bodyfat, and if done fly chest movements, nobody wil bench much.
besides it s all the ability to flex properly,under just the right load.

training is going fantastic and yea, this is my goal, to still look something like now at your age.not size, hell i could live with 10lbs less size.but no less than that ;D

ha, yeah , it looks kinda light when i train, but i do squats with say 3 plates all the way down very slowly ,then afterwards i run straight to the legpress, then straight hamstring curls, then quad curl machine or what its called.
everyone who would run their mouth and tried to hang would just gass out very quickly.
some strong guys eh ;D

when theres no resting between sets, everything feels heavy, and i got to say,this considered,im kinda strong, and its not like just bc those lifts will be lighter, that you have lost strenght.

its just that strenght is a very vague and relative term.i see you got that down.

Excellent post. Summary do your muscles ever ask you "how much weight do have on the bar"? It's tension on muscle fibers.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #339 on: June 01, 2013, 07:02:07 AM »
oh yes, thats the goal, to make some ppl atleast try to get in shape, encouragement.

but yeah seeing as how clueless many or of diet, the fuel of all this, i dont even bother discussing training, but i do something similiar to you, little rest, high volume and heavy enough training, this is very good sentence" if it feels heavy,it is".
while permafatsos overeat in order to have "stronger" lifts, they miss out on the real training.

who cares what anyone can bench, after 10 days of almost no carbs and low bodyfat, and if done fly chest movements, nobody wil bench much.
besides it s all the ability to flex properly,under just the right load.

training is going fantastic and yea, this is my goal, to still look something like now at your age.not size, hell i could live with 10lbs less size.but no less than that ;D

ha, yeah , it looks kinda light when i train, but i do squats with say 3 plates all the way down very slowly ,then afterwards i run straight to the legpress, then straight hamstring curls, then quad curl machine or what its called.
everyone who would run their mouth and tried to hang would just gass out very quickly.
some strong guys eh ;D

when theres no resting between sets, everything feels heavy, and i got to say,this considered,im kinda strong, and its not like just bc those lifts will be lighter, that you have lost strenght.

its just that strenght is a very vague and relative term.i see you got that down.

It took me a long time to realize that all that heavy weight I used years ago,didn`t actually do much for my physique.

I trained as heavy as I could all the time and got stronger,but actually gained very little muscle size,not that I`m big now,but you know what I mean,I`m sure.

For example,at a bodyweight of around 165 pounds,I can do seated alternate curls with the 70`s for a decent 5 reps,but I get far better results by using the 30`s or 40 pounders and doing Super-Sets with a triceps movement.

Used to squat 315 rock bottom for sets of 8-10 reps at 160 pounds and got zero leg development from back hurt a lot though!  LOL  :D

Now I`ll do a few exercises in a row,no rest,high reps of 20-50 and my legs are responding well.......still jot huge,but way better than before using the heavy stuff.

It took me ages to realize that nobody really cares what you can bench unless you`re a powerlifter,but when you look good,everyone will comment on your build.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #340 on: June 01, 2013, 07:05:26 AM »
I can do seated alternate curls with the 70`s for a decent 5 reps,but I get far better results by using the 30`s or 40 pounders and doing Super-Sets with a triceps movement.
Exactly, take the muscle to failure as quickly as possible by what ever means.(supersets, giant sets, drop sets)
No point picking up 70s and doing 8 reps and then sitting around until you have recovered enough to do it again.
I watch guys using big weights and they do 4 or 5 sets and walk away to do something else, no pump in the muscle and very little concentration or real effort, what a colossal waste of time.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #341 on: June 01, 2013, 07:14:35 AM »
bb'ing made it acceptable for me to mix tuna fish with rice and ketchup.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmm


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #342 on: June 01, 2013, 07:16:30 AM »
Used to squat 315 rock bottom for sets of 8-10 reps at 160 pounds and got zero leg development from back hurt a lot though!  LOL  

If you were doing low bar or not going ass to grass then no wonder. It's impossible not to grow huge legs from doing heavy high bar ATG squats. It's basic natural movement, if you cannot do it then something is wrong with your flexibility or mobility. These issues must be addressed for your health coz especially at your age they may cause problems.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #343 on: June 01, 2013, 07:19:40 AM »
Nah, his password has always been SELLOUT.

Why do you drink so much? What are you running from?


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #344 on: June 01, 2013, 07:22:09 AM »
Hey Donny,good to see you bro.

In your honor,I`m having my wife sport a pair of white panties this evening!! ;D

I train 5 days a week:

Legs (quads,hams,and calves)

Weekend off,except during contest prep then I may train on Saturday........depends on how I`m looking.
yeah...canīt beat White panties.... ;D


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #345 on: June 01, 2013, 07:36:21 AM »
Get a girlfriend and do shit together.

Lee, is that you?

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #346 on: June 01, 2013, 08:01:49 AM »
ok - i followed Gals advice.

Did mini fast for. 24 hours super low calories - high water intake - ate shit load of vegetbles reens, etc - ate some bs not much in the middle of the night -

Woke up - water excess gone and look tighter than i have in a week or so.   

Dude knows his stuff.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #347 on: June 01, 2013, 08:37:38 AM »
Talking shit about getbig?
Picking sides?
Slinking back?

How old are you FFS?
its a dumb internet forum where people fuck about writing dumb comments and having a laugh.
Grow up you stupid asshole.

Go get some pussy because dude, you're fucking negative.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #348 on: June 01, 2013, 09:39:58 AM »
Here's a little trick I have used to accelerate the fat loss. On rare occasions will have guys eat nothing but tuna for a day or two. You have to know when and how long to do this though. I did NOT do it for the guy who's pics I posted. Trust me it's not for the faint of heart. Best to do it on a day you do not have much going on.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #349 on: June 01, 2013, 10:20:04 AM »
Gal guessing you don't exactly measure but what would the macros roughly look like for you, on a typical day?

150-200 protein, 0 carb other than veggies and how much fat?

Cheers  8)