Author Topic: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy  (Read 461017 times)


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1025 on: June 11, 2013, 02:20:45 PM »
actually it was a constructive suggestion
No obnoxiousness intended.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1026 on: June 11, 2013, 02:24:08 PM »
actually it was a constructive suggestion
No obnoxiousness intended.

I withdraw my earlier comment (post edited). No ill-will intended. Thought you were poking fun, so I was poking back. All good.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1027 on: June 11, 2013, 02:50:32 PM »
Currently feeling small in a t-shirt  ;D


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1028 on: June 11, 2013, 03:08:38 PM »
I know it's buried somewhere in the thread. But for the guys following page by page (me) who don't remember where it's posted, what are the "No One/Gal" principles. Just brief bullet points. I wouldn't mind giving this a serious "go" and seeing what happens. Have an adventure.

Thanks guys. This is a seriously great thread. Should be sticky, but I'll let OMR decide that.

Here's what I went back and found from Gal:

-3 meals,6 meals, 1 meal, it doesnt matter, do what you like best.never eat when not hungry.

-when hunger comes(dont confuse hunger with apetite, hunger is when stomach is empty and feels like itll implode,apetite is when a disgusting fatso swine feels like eating again).wait out the next meal as long as possible.fight the hunger attacks with water, diet coke, brushing teeth, chewing on coffee beans(very disgusting but great apetite anihilator),cigaretes,whatever.

then eat .then wait again.

-if you have a meltdown and several 1000calories binge, dont worry, shit happens, do a full body workout on that day, each bodypart 2 sets of 50 reps, to make that glycogen go away somewhat.and wait before the next meal until you have shit out every last calorie of that binge.this can take way over strong,wait it out.then return to normal meals.

-train hard, none of this high rep bullshit.hard doesnt mean heavy.train smart.

-now how much protein.if youre about 200 lbs bodyweight total, have 200-300gramms proetien sources are tuna, chicken breast, turkey. it dont matter if its 2 or 3oo you will be hungry as hell anyway all day.

-i hope i dont need to mention that you shouldnt ever drink sugary drinks,drink water, diet coke, put aspartame into water if you like,i do that.helps alot.spare me comments about aspartame being unhealthy, fuck yourself if you just felt an urge to say so.

-how many carbs?what carbs?well,have all carbs from veggies, bread, no pasta,no rice.if you have 100-150gramms carbs from veggies, thatll be good enough to get down to 8% failry quick.if you have 50-10gramms carb from vegiess youll get there faster,to go under 8%, easiest way is to reduce carbs to 0-50gramms a day.

-fats?how many fats?traces.have a whole egg here and there, 1or 2 nuts(not the whole fucking package, not 20 nuts,1 or 2), salmon fish fat.dont do this balonie a spoon of need to load up on extra fats.just have traces,the body needs them.

So to summarize, here's what I would eat on a daily basis (I weigh 250):

about 300 to 375 grams of protein
As many fibrous veggies as I want
Very little fat (maybe 50g/day, tops - probably will all come from the meat I eat)
That's it. Eat it all in one meal, probably, at the end of the day.
Works out to about 1950 cal/day for me, which is a bit more than I thought, but is that ok?

Just keep that up until I hit 8%? I thought I read somewhere in this thread about a re-feed meal, but I don't want to assume. If no re-feed, that's fine...just suffer thru it. If there's a re-feed, how often do you do it? And for a guy like me who loves eating, is just a hog-wild trip? Or are there limits? I can eat a Galeniko cheat meal no problem...just saying. 


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1029 on: June 11, 2013, 03:34:31 PM »
the sloteye kid


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1030 on: June 11, 2013, 03:37:15 PM »
ok this wasnt the original intent, but noone and me have decided we will write this all down in a consolidated booklet or book and make it available for everyone.

infact i have already started to write.ill give my best,and ill post here the chapters of it, we will make sure that everything, really everything is there.

with no agenda, no intent of selling drugs like others, or lying about natural this or that, just something which will work for people if they follow through.

the interest is there, we will see if its same for the demand ;D

we have found something that works and decided to go forward with it, we feel its superior to everything else out there.we are also modest :D

all the bullshit from lay nortern, the sloteye kid who say hes natural, they all look like shit most of the year, is time for something new, we both been shredded year in year out.

if for nothing else, it should atleast be a hillarious read based on all my typos and use of english language.

galeniko bible index

it has begun

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1031 on: June 11, 2013, 04:00:30 PM »
The two features of the plan that have helped me:

1. No cheat days.  Makes perfect sense. If you're gonna diet, diet. Why continually set yourself back?

2. No white carbs. I've found getting all my carbs from veggies to be nothing but positive. My sinuses are clearer. My dumps are cleaner. The excess fat has been melting away. Energy levels have not suffered.

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1032 on: June 11, 2013, 05:28:40 PM »
ok this wasnt the original intent, but noone and me have decided we will write this all down in a consolidated booklet or book and make it available for everyone.

infact i have already started to write.ill give my best,and ill post here the chapters of it, we will make sure that everything, really everything is there.

with no agenda, no intent of selling drugs like others, or lying about natural this or that, just something which will work for people if they follow through.

the interest is there, we will see if its same for the demand ;D

we have found something that works and decided to go forward with it, we feel its superior to everything else out there.we are also modest :D

all the bullshit from lay nortern, the sloteye kid who say hes natural, they all look like shit most of the year, is time for something new, we both been shredded year in year out.

if for nothing else, it should atleast be a hillarious read based on all my typos and use of english language.

ya were going to lay it all out. this thread is a combobulation of confusion and misdirection that veered away from the original intent for a while and is leaving people confused.

its 49 pages long now. to start at the beginning and try to glean everything out of it we have put down is a daunting task.

Gal and i have been pm'ing about our diets going back like over a year now. turns out we had basically the same ideas. what we've done is cleaned it all up- as in learned from our mistakes- and the created the most effective, rapid fat loss method out here, that spares lean tissue and gives you an abundance of energy.

we tell you our theories on why we feel this diet works so well- we are not science guys. are are 'do it guys' -everything you'll read in this book is based on first hand knowledge and trial and error. not what is 'supposed' to happen. ffs is we had relied on what is 'supposed' to happen or what you are 'supposed' to do when dieting we'd still be like everyone else- busting our ass for week after week getting minimal results and never reaching our full potentials.  and we'll tell you why other fat loss systems and diets fall short.

between the two of us i'd say we have close to 4 years in our own personal time learning from our mistakes in this system. thats 4 years of experience and knowledge perfecting the perfect fat loss system.

there is no stimulant usage, no cardio, no bullshit and lies- in fact in this book we are going to debunk all the bullshit brosceince that guys have believed for so long. the same bullshit and lies that have kept everyone from achieving their true potential.

since Galeniko and i are two different guys genetically like i said before, we've taken two paths within the same system to the exact same result. this means there will be something that everyone can use in this book to reach ultimate shreds as quickly and as simply as possible. no carb rotations and gimmick dieting. just a compressed, results driven protocol.

the tips and trick we use will work for everyone. in fact this will be the most comprehensive dieting system ever laid out in terms of knowledge, yet bare bones easy to use in terms of execution.

comprehensive in that you've got two guys chronicling exactly what they did to get to where they are. comprehensive as in each of us telling you what we do for our training. we hold nothing back like the 'gurus' do so you keep coming back for more, so they can line their pockets with your money with systems that require you 'listen only to them'. we tell you what we do and why. every secret we have learned you'll also get to employ. so this is will be the last fat loss system you'll ever use. and it'll the last you use cause if you follow it you will be lean year round. no 'rebound', no stagnation.

a chapter on what we havent spoke about much in this thread- how to go from 6% down to 4% in 2-3 weeks, not months. the system can be sued by virtually anyone to go from where they are now to around 6%. but at 6% we found the game changes. the basic premise of the system is so fool proof that if you follow it there is NO WAY you cant get to 6%. but getting to 6% for some of you isnt enough. you'll want more, but it is not easy- anyone who has tried it will tell you. and gal and i have figured out how to get from 6 to 4 in weeks not months, and we tell you every tip and trick we learned to do so.

we want to help people get in the best shape of their lives and stay there. no more yo-yo dieting. no more dieting to 6 % then ballooning back up in 2 weeks- and having to start the process all over again 3 months later when you've put back on 20 pounds. no more fucking 8 to 10 weeks of brocolli and chicken and the rest of the bullshit we've been taught was 'the way'. no more struggling to get thru the day cause you have no energy from your diets. no more depriving yourself of the foods you love for months on end. no more binges as a result. no more cardio. just results in the shortest time frame possible.

guess thats it. feel free to add anything gal. were trying to figure out how to market this thing best. things like that. but this diet is doing to set the online community upside down. throw away every pre existing notion about dieting that you have ever believed. we have changed everything.


no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1033 on: June 11, 2013, 05:32:09 PM »

Works out to about 1950 cal/day for me, which is a bit more than I thought, but is that ok?

no. its all wrong. its not even close to what we are telling you. we are telling you 800-1200 cals (bigger guys i'd say can use 200 more cals maybe. but im 236 and very lean and i can do it on 800-1000cal. i feel like im cheating at 1200 cals after you get the mindset and start seeing reulst you wont want the 200cal extra to be truthful) a day for 3 days the 4th day a meal to maintenance in your case of 3k cal. whatever you want right before bed. you get up in the am and train fasted. you then start another cycle of 800-1000 cals a day until the next re-feed 4 days later.

this will get you to 6% without a hiccup. its impossible to fuck up. it works the same way every time, all the time in the shortest time frame possible. from 6 and lower everything kinda changes.

now you know why we got to write the book. lol

how to go thru your low days and the tricks and tips will be in there. dont worry about your energy we'll explain why in the book this diet gives you more energy than they typical 1800-2400 cal diet. then we'll tell you how and what to do to go from 6 to the sub 5's and keep that condition year round, or remain within 2 weeks striking distance of 4-5 from 6% year round. the whole time eating ice cream pizza and burgers.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1034 on: June 11, 2013, 05:45:12 PM »

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1035 on: June 11, 2013, 05:49:44 PM »

haha you know me che im as straight as arrow. im the first to call bullshit and the first to give props. this is everything we say it is.  :)

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1036 on: June 11, 2013, 05:54:23 PM »
the most hilarious thing in all this is, haha,noone and me introduced eachother back in the day with quite the fallout ;D

seems we misunderstood eachother at first glance ;D

and yes, neither him nor me is some genetic prodigy or wonderkid, we just knew how to make the best out of what weve been given geneticaly with maintainable everyday effort.

yes, getting shredded, been done, staying like that, not done by many.

arguably zyzz, yeah but it wouldnt be soooo smart to follow his ways,would it :D

he was lean cause he relied on diuretics and chemicals. drugs like cocaine and x killed his appetite. i wouldnt put his name in the same sentence as yours. hes was nowhere near your density, muscularity, and would never look that lean without all the drugs and diuretics he was on. the guys bf levels were more from partying and the chems associated with it than anything.

zyzz? c'mon man! :D


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1037 on: June 11, 2013, 05:54:41 PM »

haha you know me che im as straight as arrow. im the first to call bullshit and the first to give props. this is everything we say it is.  :)

Settle down stud , I  know you are  straight shooter but that kid  Galeniko is a shady character IWNT . 8)

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1038 on: June 11, 2013, 05:55:29 PM »
Settle down stud , I  know you are  straight shooter but that kid  Galeniko is a shady character IWNT . 8)



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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1039 on: June 11, 2013, 08:39:06 PM »
no. its all wrong. its not even close to what we are telling you. we are telling you 800-1200 cals (bigger guys i'd say can use 200 more cals maybe. but im 236 and very lean and i can do it on 800-1000cal. i feel like im cheating at 1200 cals after you get the mindset and start seeing reulst you wont want the 200cal extra to be truthful) a day for 3 days the 4th day a meal to maintenance in your case of 3k cal. whatever you want right before bed. you get up in the am and train fasted. you then start another cycle of 800-1000 cals a day until the next re-feed 4 days later.

this will get you to 6% without a hiccup. its impossible to fuck up. it works the same way every time, all the time in the shortest time frame possible. from 6 and lower everything kinda changes.

now you know why we got to write the book. lol

how to go thru your low days and the tricks and tips will be in there. dont worry about your energy we'll explain why in the book this diet gives you more energy than they typical 1800-2400 cal diet. then we'll tell you how and what to do to go from 6 to the sub 5's and keep that condition year round, or remain within 2 weeks striking distance of 4-5 from 6% year round. the whole time eating ice cream pizza and burgers.

Thanks No One. Much appreciated. I'll give this a rip and let you and Gal know how I do.

And yes, I'll buy the book when you guys come out with it. It's the least a billionaire mogul like me can do for a fellow team of billionaire model slaying studs! Getbigger illuminatis support each other. :-)


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1040 on: June 12, 2013, 01:28:56 AM »
ok this wasnt the original intent, but noone and me have decided we will write this all down in a consolidated booklet or book and make it available for everyone.

infact i have already started to write.ill give my best,and ill post here the chapters of it, we will make sure that everything, really everything is there.

with no agenda, no intent of selling drugs like others, or lying about natural this or that, just something which will work for people if they follow through.

the interest is there, we will see if its same for the demand ;D

we have found something that works and decided to go forward with it, we feel its superior to everything else out there.we are also modest :D

all the bullshit from lay nortern, the sloteye kid who say hes natural, they all look like shit most of the year, is time for something new, we both been shredded year in year out.

if for nothing else, it should atleast be a hillarious read based on all my typos and use of english language.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1041 on: June 12, 2013, 01:36:06 AM »
ya were going to lay it all out. this thread is a combobulation of confusion and misdirection that veered away from the original intent for a while and is leaving people confused.

its 49 pages long now. to start at the beginning and try to glean everything out of it we have put down is a daunting task.

Gal and i have been pm'ing about our diets going back like over a year now. turns out we had basically the same ideas. what we've done is cleaned it all up- as in learned from our mistakes- and the created the most effective, rapid fat loss method out here, that spares lean tissue and gives you an abundance of energy.

we tell you our theories on why we feel this diet works so well- we are not science guys. are are 'do it guys' -everything you'll read in this book is based on first hand knowledge and trial and error. not what is 'supposed' to happen. ffs is we had relied on what is 'supposed' to happen or what you are 'supposed' to do when dieting we'd still be like everyone else- busting our ass for week after week getting minimal results and never reaching our full potentials.  and we'll tell you why other fat loss systems and diets fall short.

between the two of us i'd say we have close to 4 years in our own personal time learning from our mistakes in this system. thats 4 years of experience and knowledge perfecting the perfect fat loss system.

there is no stimulant usage, no cardio, no bullshit and lies- in fact in this book we are going to debunk all the bullshit brosceince that guys have believed for so long. the same bullshit and lies that have kept everyone from achieving their true potential.

since Galeniko and i are two different guys genetically like i said before, we've taken two paths within the same system to the exact same result. this means there will be something that everyone can use in this book to reach ultimate shreds as quickly and as simply as possible. no carb rotations and gimmick dieting. just a compressed, results driven protocol.

the tips and trick we use will work for everyone. in fact this will be the most comprehensive dieting system ever laid out in terms of knowledge, yet bare bones easy to use in terms of execution.

comprehensive in that you've got two guys chronicling exactly what they did to get to where they are. comprehensive as in each of us telling you what we do for our training. we hold nothing back like the 'gurus' do so you keep coming back for more, so they can line their pockets with your money with systems that require you 'listen only to them'. we tell you what we do and why. every secret we have learned you'll also get to employ. so this is will be the last fat loss system you'll ever use. and it'll the last you use cause if you follow it you will be lean year round. no 'rebound', no stagnation.

a chapter on what we havent spoke about much in this thread- how to go from 6% down to 4% in 2-3 weeks, not months. the system can be sued by virtually anyone to go from where they are now to around 6%. but at 6% we found the game changes. the basic premise of the system is so fool proof that if you follow it there is NO WAY you cant get to 6%. but getting to 6% for some of you isnt enough. you'll want more, but it is not easy- anyone who has tried it will tell you. and gal and i have figured out how to get from 6 to 4 in weeks not months, and we tell you every tip and trick we learned to do so.

we want to help people get in the best shape of their lives and stay there. no more yo-yo dieting. no more dieting to 6 % then ballooning back up in 2 weeks- and having to start the process all over again 3 months later when you've put back on 20 pounds. no more fucking 8 to 10 weeks of brocolli and chicken and the rest of the bullshit we've been taught was 'the way'. no more struggling to get thru the day cause you have no energy from your diets. no more depriving yourself of the foods you love for months on end. no more binges as a result. no more cardio. just results in the shortest time frame possible.

guess thats it. feel free to add anything gal. were trying to figure out how to market this thing best. things like that. but this diet is doing to set the online community upside down. throw away every pre existing notion about dieting that you have ever believed. we have changed everything.

22 of those 49 pages are from laugh gifs of Cswol.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1042 on: June 12, 2013, 01:50:38 AM »
If you guys can turn Cswol into a shredded mofo i WILL buy the book! ;D


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1043 on: June 12, 2013, 02:22:18 AM »
If you guys can turn Cswol into a shredded mofo i WILL buy the book! ;D

You're expecting a lot from them...


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1044 on: June 12, 2013, 02:35:16 AM »

Looking forward to the booklet! Some topics that would be good to cover IMO:

- Diet coping strategies for when life fucks over your normal routine. E.g. unexpected business travel to Dubai, India.

- Cardio: For those that do it for health reasons, how would it impact the diet? Eat more to arrive at the same net deficit, or keep calories the same and lose weight quicker?


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1045 on: June 12, 2013, 03:05:33 AM »
ok, seen the vid and pics above?

now look what you can get away with when so lean, and youll see ill maintain this condition for however long i please.

this is what ive eaten yesterday,i could take pics of the empty packagings but i think theres no need(who dont believe will say thats just the packagings etc):

ok here goes:

-500gramms chicken breast, 2lbs veggies total of 800cals

-2 lbs of caramel soft icecream  1300cals

-10 various chocolate bars,each 300cals,thats 3300cals

-those above chocolate bars have been eaten with 2lbsof bread on which ive put extra butter, no idea how many calories that is

-1pizza 1000cals

-sausages(2) with bread and mayo and ketchup. and 2 chinese spring rolls,thatll be at very least 500cals

-10 various icecreams of average 300cal each, thatll be another 3000cals.

thats it , i wonder if the other diets allow such meals, yes that was 1 meal.

thats roughly 10k calories.

and i can do this in some frequency that boggles the mind and stay in this shape ,as long i follow some rules.

i dont need "couple few carbs daily"to feel good blabla.i rather have whatever i want and as much as i want,rather than some carbs or fats, restricting myself for half a year to lose couple lbs of fat and maybe permanenetly damage thyroid with t3, or do mindless hours of cardio.

some people dont seem to know why pros use carbs in their diets, its certainly fuck all to do with feeling better.

hope this helps.

Bro maybe that works for you but that is disgusting! I would never suggest that diet to anybody! Are you serious or are you joking? 10 candy bars-lol. 2lbs of ice cream?? I know people who can eat alot of crap and get away with it. I myself can eat alot of crap and get away with it but mentally it fucks with my mind just knowing I hate such horrible foods. If it works for you much love but no way would I reccomend that diet to anybody. what works for you or me mightnpot work for everybody,actually great chance it will not work for everybody. Is that just a cheat day? Or do you eat like that daily?


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1046 on: June 12, 2013, 03:12:03 AM »
I will buy the book. Maybe a discount since I started the thread?  ;D

Also galeniko needs to sell tshirts with saying like "fatso"  " fat swine" "contest shape 2+ years" "carbs, what carbs?"  And other trademark sayings with his unique version of the English language.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1047 on: June 12, 2013, 06:08:57 AM »
Galeniko the diet intel is great, i am very gratefull.
What kind of anabolics do you use to keep your muscle mass during diet?


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1048 on: June 12, 2013, 11:52:26 AM »
No measly 800-1200 calorie diet here my friends. Even if I was natural or running minimum amount and compound I would not waste away half my muscle tissue following such a program.

Big Chiro Flex

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1049 on: June 12, 2013, 11:55:21 AM »
No measly 800-1200 calorie diet here my friends. Even if I was natural or running minimum amount and compound I would not waste away half my muscle tissue following such a program.

BigRo....possibly the best bodybuilding physique on GetBig currently?