Author Topic: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy  (Read 461389 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1250 on: June 18, 2013, 11:31:54 PM »
to dj's defense he is 100 pct bigger,leaner,conditioned over this,,him talking smack in this pic yeah he took a beating,but he has backed up his words to get better and he did,he's not trying to hang with you cswol size wise.

thanks nj


my physique is on the way to another level ;)

and the funny thing is, after i work on the bench a few more months i'll be able to outbench fattycakes cdull while weighing 100 pounds less than him HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

and i'm talking an IPF rules style bench which means super strict and LEGIT

i predict that if cdull entered an IPF meet and had to have a passed bench he could maybe do 250 or so


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1251 on: June 19, 2013, 02:43:08 AM »
I have been following this thread and have experimented wuth the principles and it is working fairly well.
I reckon i am sub 6% right now and i am trying really hard to losebthebremaining fat on my glutes.
Definitely will be buying the book, can u share a little on how to get to 4%. I am on minimum drugs btw.
Not a mass monster but i am trying to push my conditioning to another level.

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1252 on: June 19, 2013, 05:19:41 AM »

for example, someone comes up with a method, say, like galeniko and no ones.  the scientific way of proceeding about things would then be to design an experiment and conduct countless trials with as many people as possible, then record and analyze the results, and finally see if they match the expected outcome.  if they dont, the method needs to be adjusted.

the "broscience" way is: claim you've found the ultimate fat loss method, tell everyone to go try it, and then, when people report back, if the results aren't what you expected (i.e. resounding success) tell them they screwed up, they are wrong, or invent some other excuse which allows you to continue on believing in your method.

when people forget this and go around preaching their dogma as gospel... things get ugly.  just look at the sorry end of the gh15 saga... everyone thought the guy gave great advice, then he starts acting like an infallible "god of hormones" and the next thing you know he's completely alienated everyone.

listen kid. if you have something to say to me say it, instead of beating around the bush like a fucking pansy. i dont deal well with passive/ aggressive as your about to find out. throw bipolar in there too for good measure im thinking. anyway, if you have something to say just say it. its easy- watch and learn:

to your first point. you got hurt feelings cause i called you a retard for thinking that your losing muscle on 1500 cals a day, and pointed out that mayyyyyybe, just maybe you didnt really have all that much muscle to begin with. you see, sunshine, people hold fat in different ways. some hold it where its highly visible. others hold it so that it marbles and gives the appearance of muscle when it is in fact not. thats why when they start losing fat they think they are losing 'muscle'. thats why a lot of permabulkers stay premabulkers. they cannot the simple truth that the reason they deflate so rapidly on any kind of calorie restrictive diet is because the 'muscle' they are carrying is actually fat. and you dont have to be 15-20%bf to have this happen. it can happen at even 8-10%. it doesnt happen much past then cause by the time your 7% you have a pretty good idea what you really look like under all that.

have you stopped to consider that you are too mentally weak to do this diet? or any diet for that matter? you think dieting is easy? if it was everyone would look like gal. but it isnt . its hard work. 'oh nooo i have headaches wah wah wah' lol fucking please. ever stop to think why you've never been in shape in your life is because a) the 'diets' you follow suck, and b) you lack the discipline to stay on them long enough to see any real results?

to your second point. you want to see 'resoundingly' successful results in one week. you lose 10 pounds in 10 days or whatever it is but you think its not enough cause you didnt magically wake up with an 8 pack the day after going on the diet, and holy shit you weight 5 pounds more! your a fucking retard.

to your third point that you dont have the balls to say right out. you think i give a FUCK what you or anyone else on this board thinks of me? think i do this for praise and acclaim? kind gives an insight into the way your mind works when you project stupidity like this onto others. i do this to help people who want help. end of story. not too hold the hand of a little girl like you whos going to get all butthurt when i tell him the straight goods. you come here, tell me bullshit in support of your 'claims' (hahah im loooosing muscle on 1500ca) and get a prolapsed colon when i rebuttal it with the truth. you had a lot of balls implying in your post before this one directed at me (thats what you do-imply- cause you dont have the balls to speak your mind) your doing me a favour by following this diet. here let me help you out with another tip- feel free to take this diet and shove it directly up your ass. see arent i a nice guy- look at all the time i saved you at failing at it.

and a good day to you, sir.

(holy this is some of my best work to date right here :D)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1253 on: June 19, 2013, 05:26:08 AM »
cesiphus, thats many logical fallcys there.

only suckers believed gh15.

only an idiot will believe someone who hasnt posted a pic.

he could have sold his drugs through a "frend he knows", directing ppl there.

It may be OK for someone like you to post his druggy "water" physique pics, but some of us have jobs and "corporate" reps to maintain.

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1254 on: June 19, 2013, 05:27:00 AM »

haha, might want to review no one's posting history, in that case.  but i don't mean to insult no one.  

holy fuck your really passive agressive eh? you get this from an overbearing mom?  ^ for example. dont think your so much smarter than everyone else that you can get away with it because your not. not by a long shot.

but keep trying anyway. im having fun pointing it out. hey, does this mean since your so smart, that im smarter than you? trust me i dont take much comfort in that fact, not to be insulting.

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1255 on: June 19, 2013, 05:28:02 AM »
As mentioned before clean for 5 months now due to hospital visit where I lost around 50 to 60 pounds of muscle and fat. Been doing the GAL and TA diet, once again all natural, fucked up rotator cuff, so pretty much pull ups and pushups with a few varations. 1500 cals a day and 1 day 24 fast. Exactly 30 days from first pic to second.... nothing to brag home about still have a long way to go and flame about pic in reflections but hate on, its get big :) But these men do speak the truth fuck the "bodybuilding propganda"

much props dude. thats a very impressive transformation in 30 days regardless of what you are doing. cheers to that. keep pushing. it gets better.

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1256 on: June 19, 2013, 05:29:08 AM »
And before... shrunk a lot but shit happens and licking my chops thinking about eating clen and trening hard again....

you dont need the tren or the clen right now bro. keep doing what you are doing. get down to 6% then pm me or gal then we'll grow you as you drop down.

no one

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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1257 on: June 19, 2013, 05:42:15 AM »
I have been following this thread and have experimented wuth the principles and it is working fairly well.
I reckon i am sub 6% right now and i am trying really hard to losebthebremaining fat on my glutes.
Definitely will be buying the book, can u share a little on how to get to 4%. I am on minimum drugs btw.
Not a mass monster but i am trying to push my conditioning to another level.

i'll let gal field this since hes right there now. i dont know how much he'll say on here, but your going to have to make adaptations to the system. and to be truthful drugs dont have a lot to do with it. but we discovered, quite by accident actually, one that keeps you pretty full at 5 and lower and you dont need a lot of it, and its one that i doubt anyone including the 'gurus' would have thought of. totally took me by surprise. and again, mostly cause well, it 'shouldnt' work or be used in this manner. lol just like everything we do. :D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1258 on: June 19, 2013, 06:07:53 AM »
cesiphus, thats many logical fallcys there.

only suckers believed gh15.

only an idiot will believe someone who hasnt posted a pic.

he could have sold his drugs through a "frend he knows", directing ppl there.

besides that neither noone nor i did claim scientific proof or anything, we actualy said were the opposite of scientists, hell, science hasnt fugured out why muscle even grow and how, so we know our place.

but we do have results to show, the results speak for themselves.

the speed of results and the conditioning are extremly rare sights.

man, do you believe me that i speak to pros on almost daily basis?
do you know who the guy is who thought me all this?
do you realize they themselves come to me and ask me how this was done?
they agree on every single detail that is discussed.

this is people who train and eat right since 20 years, not some internet jokers.

there is no sciene(beyond couple testosterone studies) in bodybuilding.only knowledge.

just because the mags who brainwashed everyone have biggest exposure odesnt mean theyre right.

i metaphoricaly shit on layne nortern and all the others who cant back up their words.


Great poster is great poster


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1259 on: June 19, 2013, 06:19:18 AM »
Have you ever looked into Trazodone as a sleep aid? Without a very small dose of Trazodone, I constantly wake up during the night. 75 mg and I am down for the night with no grogginess the next morning, just the good feeling of being refreshed by a great night's sleep. Trazodone is also prescribed for depression as well as a sleep aid. I think the dosage for depression is much higher. The only side is that some people will experience a day or so of flu like symptoms if the stop taking it cold turkey. I am one of those folks.

I'm gonna look into this one thanks.

just keep a pic of your fav physique artist plastered to your wall, that'll keep you motivated to stay on course

I have a pic of you on my fridge for motivation to diet but instead it only makes me wanna eat more.  :D

Nah I actually have an old fat pic of me as a kid blowing out some candles on a birthday cake.  ;D


  • Getbig II
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1260 on: June 19, 2013, 06:33:37 AM »
Thanks for kind words. As Gal mentioned, your muscles will not wither away.... stop being lazy :) it does suck but how bad do you want it? whats more satisfaction eating those extra cookies after dinner or having panties drop everywhere you go???


  • Getbig V
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1261 on: June 19, 2013, 06:36:36 AM »
Thanks for kind words. As Gal mentioned, your muscles will not wither away.... stop being lazy :) it does suck but how bad do you want it? whats more satisfaction eating those extra cookies after dinner or having panties drop everywhere you go???

Right now I'm thinking the cookies...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1262 on: June 19, 2013, 06:37:47 AM »

I have a pic of you on my fridge for motivation to diet but instead it only makes me wanna eat more.  :D

pecs, delts and arms baby!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1263 on: June 19, 2013, 06:38:42 AM »
pecs, delts and arms baby!

yes, those are body parts.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1264 on: June 19, 2013, 07:22:55 AM »
listen kid. if you have something to say to me say it, instead of beating around the bush like a fucking pansy. i dont deal well with passive/ aggressive as your about to find out. throw bipolar in there too for good measure im thinking. anyway, if you have something to say just say it. its easy- watch and learn:

to your first point. you got hurt feelings cause i called you a retard for thinking that your losing muscle on 1500 cals a day, and pointed out that mayyyyyybe, just maybe you didnt really have all that much muscle to begin with. you see, sunshine, people hold fat in different ways. some hold it where its highly visible. others hold it so that it marbles and gives the appearance of muscle when it is in fact not. thats why when they start losing fat they think they are losing 'muscle'. thats why a lot of permabulkers stay premabulkers. they cannot the simple truth that the reason they deflate so rapidly on any kind of calorie restrictive diet is because the 'muscle' they are carrying is actually fat. and you dont have to be 15-20%bf to have this happen. it can happen at even 8-10%. it doesnt happen much past then cause by the time your 7% you have a pretty good idea what you really look like under all that.

have you stopped to consider that you are too mentally weak to do this diet? or any diet for that matter? you think dieting is easy? if it was everyone would look like gal. but it isnt . its hard work. 'oh nooo i have headaches wah wah wah' lol fucking please. ever stop to think why you've never been in shape in your life is because a) the 'diets' you follow suck, and b) you lack the discipline to stay on them long enough to see any real results?

to your second point. you want to see 'resoundingly' successful results in one week. you lose 10 pounds in 10 days or whatever it is but you think its not enough cause you didnt magically wake up with an 8 pack the day after going on the diet, and holy shit you weight 5 pounds more! your a fucking retard.

to your third point that you dont have the balls to say right out. you think i give a FUCK what you or anyone else on this board thinks of me? think i do this for praise and acclaim? kind gives an insight into the way your mind works when you project stupidity like this onto others. i do this to help people who want help. end of story. not too hold the hand of a little girl like you whos going to get all butthurt when i tell him the straight goods. you come here, tell me bullshit in support of your 'claims' (hahah im loooosing muscle on 1500ca) and get a prolapsed colon when i rebuttal it with the truth. you had a lot of balls implying in your post before this one directed at me (thats what you do-imply- cause you dont have the balls to speak your mind) your doing me a favour by following this diet. here let me help you out with another tip- feel free to take this diet and shove it directly up your ass. see arent i a nice guy- look at all the time i saved you at failing at it.

and a good day to you, sir.

(holy this is some of my best work to date right here :D)

I like it!

 Except grammatically you are (you're) RETARDED! ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1265 on: June 19, 2013, 07:37:54 AM »
As mentioned before clean for 5 months now due to hospital visit where I lost around 50 to 60 pounds of muscle and fat. Been doing the GAL and TA diet, once again all natural, fucked up rotator cuff, so pretty much pull ups and pushups with a few varations. 1500 cals a day and 1 day 24 fast. Exactly 30 days from first pic to second.... nothing to brag home about still have a long way to go and flame about pic in reflections but hate on, its get big :) But these men do speak the truth fuck the "bodybuilding propganda"

Health issues which take one out of the game are difficult and sometimes also a real eye opener. Looking fit in both your photos. Despite the distortion in the reflection photo, you clearly are a guy who works out. Stay healthy!



  • Getbig III
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1266 on: June 19, 2013, 07:38:04 AM »
As mentioned before clean for 5 months now due to hospital visit where I lost around 50 to 60 pounds of muscle and fat. Been doing the GAL and TA diet, once again all natural, fucked up rotator cuff, so pretty much pull ups and pushups with a few varations. 1500 cals a day and 1 day 24 fast. Exactly 30 days from first pic to second.... nothing to brag home about still have a long way to go and flame about pic in reflections but hate on, its get big :) But these men do speak the truth fuck the "bodybuilding propganda"

Great results.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1267 on: June 19, 2013, 08:01:11 AM »
Also I have been fat without lifting, looked like an AIDS patient skinny, been a giant mess of blubber with muscle aka Permabulker, a fat bloated mess on fear, a lean bloated mess on gear, lean/mean with size on gear, and now natural again.

For whoever cares but just to prove GAL's and TA'S methods I will post up some pics if anyone is interested. I was on a 2 streak of being on non stop and sitting around 240-250 bloated with water but visible abs maybe 13%. I planned on gaining 10 or so more pounds before I started my summer diet, next thing I know..... I wake up in a hospital bed hooked to all kinds of machines, tubes going out my mouth and nose, could not talk, had no clue wtf happened, my memory was gone and they had me strapped down so I could move my arms. That was in late March remained in the hospital until mid April. So my "summer plan" went to shit. I lost over 50 pounds. It was a wake up call, I had a 10% chance of living which I didn't know. After I was released I was not allowed nor could I even barely walk. So I ate an abundance of calories trying to save whatever muscle I had left and ended up looking like a mess. It sucks to see your body wither away so quick but shit happens. On May 11, I got the okay to start working out. I got the urge at home to try some pushups, barely got 1, pullup no way, lunges or bodyweight squat was too much. So from going full blast on tren, test, winny at hefty doses to absolute nothing, no PCT, and losing all this weight and strength from my hospital adventure. I am scared to get back on especially after such an event, and realized I looked like absolute shit, the only time I looked worse was before I started lifting. So my main goal was and now is to achieve an ultimate leans and maintain year round. I have only been on my diet and half ass "home workout" now for a little over 30 days, no point in going to the gym, all I can do is push ups and pullups with different varations and some squats with weight in a backpack or lunges. My shoulder is toast for some reason, noticed it when I woke up in the hospital and think its a rotator cuff prob so cannot really do shoulders right now and hurts even when doing certain types of pushups.

Long story short, I have been scared to lose my "precious" muscle with fasting, figured WHAT HAVE I GOT TO LOSE? so I have been eating 1500 calories daily, fasting 24 hours once a week if I cheat any, and eating only 3 to 4 meals a day otherwise. I am natural at this point and have been for 4 months, but have shredded fat like never before just using TA's strategy and actually call me a liar on this restricted calorie diet maintained my weight. I don't believe in the scale only mirror but I weight within 3 pounds of when I started this natural getting ripped journey. I have lost bodyfat of course but just a simple few brief exercises has kept and built muscle more than I even thought it would.

Step out of your comfort zone, eating 6-8 meals a day, 400,000 grams of protein a day, if you don't eat every 3 hours your body will eat all its muscle, and if you don't eat breakfast you whither away-it's the most important meal of the day I have read so many places....It means BREAK your FASTING.....bullshit. Eating a juicy big breakfast will make you tired again or skip breakfast and take fat burners for mental focus and insane energy then eat your lunch.

I've been bitching and moaning because I had a prostate cancer and a prostatectomy last summer. Now I apparently have a torn meniscus in my right knee. These little setbacks are nothing compared to whatever hospitalized you.

Hang in there, you'll get your strength back and be back at the gym doing what you like in no time. You are wise to reflect on what's worthwhile and what isn't. Be healthy first and being fit will follow. Sometimes, it takes stepping away from something to really understand how brainwashed some of us become. When all you have  to compare to is other meatheads on roids, you can't make a wise assessment. The abnormal begins looking normal. Look at people out in public, not just guys who devote their entire lives to lifting and who are often willing to sacrifice their health in the process of becoming someone who looks more like a cartoon superhero than a real person.

Bummer about your wife taking a hike on you. She must be a really self-centered person. 


  • Getbig II
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1268 on: June 19, 2013, 10:07:24 AM »

Thanks Prime. I hope your situation is well or getting better also. Dead on what you said..... Often we get so focused on something or just simply doing the motions over and over again we forget about other things in life or the big picture. I never thought I was going to compete, be a pro, thought I was the biggest dude around, but yeah you do get in the mindset of eat, workout, a little of this and that then sleep. Then there is reality... Of course we all know EVERY GETTBIGGER is huge, shredded, pulls a ton of ass, and makes money thousands of dollars a day while posting here  ;D

But seriously, I am not wise mine here to preach nor have I made big money yet. Whatever you define "RICH" as and I'm not talking about Piana, whether it be having boatloads of money fucking foreign broads or having a simple life doing some career that your passionate about.... You can have a body you want and succeed in other parts of your life which I think we often as "bodybuilders" or guys who focus on our body so much forget. It's makes me wonder why some amateur level bodybuilder would spend so many thousands of dollars on gear every year plus live the lifestyle which is a task for what? To step on a stage in a thong full of a bunch of schmoes and his family to flex for a chance at a trophy or couple hundred dollar prize? Not my cup of tea, but to each his own... if that's your main goal in life fuck everyone and keep doing it lol


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1269 on: June 19, 2013, 11:10:27 AM »
I've been bitching and moaning because I had a prostate cancer and a prostatectomy last summer. Now I apparently have a torn meniscus in my right knee. These little setbacks are nothing compared to whatever hospitalized you.

Hang in there, you'll get your strength back and be back at the gym doing what you like in no time. You are wise to reflect on what's worthwhile and what isn't. Be healthy first and being fit will follow. Sometimes, it takes stepping away from something to really understand how brainwashed some of us become. When all you have  to compare to is other meatheads on roids, you can't make a wise assessment. The abnormal begins looking normal. Look at people out in public, not just guys who devote their entire lives to lifting and who are often willing to sacrifice their health in the process of becoming someone who looks more like a cartoon superhero than a real person.

Bummer about your wife taking a hike on you. She must be a really self-centered person. 

Hey Prime, if you don't mind me asking:

Did you have prostatitis before you got diagnosed with cancer?

After the prostatectomy, did you get ED? Did viagra help, or did the docs mess up the nerves when they pulled out the prostate?

It runs in my family, and I'm getting ready for the inevitable and trying to talk to guys who've gone thru what you've gone thru. It's a very strong likelihood for me.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1270 on: June 19, 2013, 11:32:03 AM »
cocaine is a hell of a drug


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1271 on: June 19, 2013, 11:35:30 AM »
is overrated, even as fatburner,is overrated.

zyzz would disagree

cocaine + steroids = no appetite, no muscle loss = ripped to shreds

= 1000 word posts when mind racing

you hear me


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1272 on: June 19, 2013, 11:36:32 AM »
cocaine is a hell of a drug

Ephedrine, although not the same, it's my personal cocaine.


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1273 on: June 19, 2013, 12:02:00 PM »
yeah but the guy is deaded ;D

its also rather expensive.

thats true

but a large percentage of guys with that ripped look are on shit loads of coke

we both know this


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Re: Galeniko please grace us with your nutritional strategy
« Reply #1274 on: June 19, 2013, 01:11:01 PM »
yah works short term, but i stoppe that stuff over 3 years ago.forever.

i know you did

im just putting some facts out there

debunking the myths

lots of people that claim to have will power

have simply swapped food for drugs

not a long term strategy that works