thanks for the wisdom, but the way i figure it is there are plenty of qualified candidates out there without compromising shit ... if theres smoke, theres usually fire.
True..but if you google anyones real name, and as an emplpyer look at it with a critical are going to find something you don't like, even.if it's trivial. Stuff like criminal records, within reason, facebook pages, blogs...they keep people from getting shit jobs . If you are an experienced professional with a kick ass resume and work experience, a smart guy doesnt give two shits if you argue with assholes online in your spare time, or got a DUI six years ago. Menial jobs are the ones that say "no felonies or misdemeanors, clean driving record required....NO EXCEPTIONS!!" Felons become mayors, Sheriff Joe Arpaeo is the most powerful law enforcement figure in the state of Arizona...hes a felon and carries a fake bullshit. the higher up you are, the less that shit matters.