Layne Norton Is JACKED
the basis of IIFYM is to eat a traditional whole food source diet but if you crave some baked chips or something, have a few without going overboard...its just portion control. yes it works, no your whole diet shouldnt be random processed shit
layne norton looks like utter garbage,unless hes at 5% bodyfat, once every couple years for a dead serious about this.yeah you can eat whatver to fit your macros, if your goal is to look like layne off season.hahahahahah.he freaking looks like he never lifted a weight in his life if not extremly lean.i look better than that,and im not even joking, if i entirely stop training and eat whatever i want.for fucking fuck sake, theres no easy way around dieting hard, ppl, how naive and freaking dumb and gullible can you be.dieting is no like offseason layne and youll look like him.but alternatively you might also stop training altogether aswell, the result will be the at ppl thinking theres easy ways a clean diet and be sub 10% year round, fuck layne norton and all those "experts".i dont care if he backs up something with "science", he LOOKS LIKE DIARRHEAhope this settles the matter
Its not so black and white!!! Lanye never said you should go eat whatever the hell you want! Nor does he himself eat whatever the hell crap food he wants!!! Shouldn't you guys read his articles before you come and criticize him?
a testament to the uselesness of heavy lifting for bb
Dont know if you being serious or ur trolling
very serioushe sqauts with what, 600lbs or moreand he looks like shit compared to a lot of bbers who have never gone over 400
I see what ur saying....but yes his squat can be more deeper to induce more fiber activation to create more muscle mass...but I guess he got stuck on the mindset that his structure is preventing him from doing a full squat. But his deadlift is perfect hence his crazy back! But yea his 90 degree squats is preventing him from achieving better legs in my opinion