Author Topic: Cruz 2016  (Read 91748 times)


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #450 on: February 24, 2016, 08:41:00 PM »


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #451 on: February 24, 2016, 09:41:55 PM »
Fundies are pretty damn stupid when it comes to common sense usage. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #452 on: February 25, 2016, 09:06:58 AM »
James Dobson Urges SC Voters to Back Ted Cruz Over Trump

dobson sounds like a pedo.

why did you post pedo propaganda here, dos equis?

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #453 on: February 25, 2016, 09:10:30 AM »
dobson sounds like a pedo.

why did you post pedo propaganda here, dos equis?

Why did you threatened to murder your wife and kid on this board 240 is back? 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #454 on: February 25, 2016, 09:13:54 AM »
Why did you threatened to murder your wife and kid on this board 240 is back?  

scott peterson approved.  lol!  Did they execute his ass yet?

you think my joke from ten years ago is the same as you posing pedo propaganda in 2016?  

Lots of spouses joke about sending their significant other to belize.  None of us here (almost none of us) think it's cool to spread pedo propaganda.  It doesn't belong here.  If he dude is talking about showering with minors, then his name doesn't belong on getbig.  Please remove that.  Thanks in advance.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #455 on: February 25, 2016, 09:17:01 AM »
scott peterson approved.  lol!  Did they execute his ass yet?

you think my joke from ten years ago is the same as you posing pedo propaganda in 2016?  

Lots of spouses joke about sending their significant other to belize.  None of us here (almost none of us) think it's cool to spread pedo propaganda.  It doesn't belong here.  If he dude is talking about showering with minors, then his name doesn't belong on getbig.  Please remove that.  Thanks in advance.

my woman already knows. if i ever make a fortune, i'll always make sure she and the babies are covered if we split.

but if we ever split and she tries to screw me in court, well, hello scott peterson.

Scott Lee Peterson (born 24 October 1972 in San Diego, California) is a former agriculture chemical salesman convicted of the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson. His case dominated the American media for many weeks. On March 16, 2005, Peterson was sentenced to death and currently resides on death row in San Quentin State Prison.

On April 14, the body of a male fetus, with umbilical cord still attached, washed ashore at the San Francisco Bay. The next day, a partial female torso missing its hands, feet, and head washed ashore in the same area. The bodies were later identified as Laci and Conner Peterson. Autopsies were performed, but due to decomposition the specific cause of death was never determined. Prosecutors theorized that Laci may have been suffocated or strangled in the couple's home. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and Modesto Police Department performed forensic searches of the couple's home, Scott's truck, the tool box in the back of his truck, his warehouse and his boat. They found only one piece of forensic evidence, a single hair.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #456 on: February 25, 2016, 10:22:16 AM »
scott peterson approved.  lol!  Did they execute his ass yet?

you think my joke from ten years ago is the same as you posing pedo propaganda in 2016?  

Lots of spouses joke about sending their significant other to belize.  None of us here (almost none of us) think it's cool to spread pedo propaganda.  It doesn't belong here.  If he dude is talking about showering with minors, then his name doesn't belong on getbig.  Please remove that.  Thanks in advance.

come on 240

Bum is not posting Pedo propaganda

He didn't post Dobson advice on showering with your son so that he can see your adult penis, thus rendering him immune (or cured ?  not quite sure if it still works if the kid is already gay) from gayness

all he did was say that he read the entire article and it "makes sense" to him

I've never understood it and asked Bum at least a few times to explain how it works but so far he hasn't been willing to do so.

maybe it's a secret as in ......Shhhshh - don't tell anyone about our secret shower time

Among other reasons:

1.  I find it amusing that people who probably don't have a son (a straight one anyway) or kids at all criticize a child rearing expert.  

2.  I read the entire article and it is a great read.  Makes sense to me.

3.  I've read Dr. Dobson's books and I think he is a wonderful psychologist.  

4.  I particularly like this expert, which is a real eye opener IMO:

What do we know about this disorder? Well first, it is a disorder, despite the denials of the American Psychiatric Association. Great political pressure was exerted on this professional organization by gays and lesbians (some of whom are psychiatrists) to declare homosexuality to be "normal." The debate went on for years. Finally, a decision was made in 1973 to remove this condition from their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). It was made not on the basis of science, but was strongly influenced by a poll of APA members, which was initiated and financed by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The vote was 5,834 to 3,810.2.  The American Psychological Association soon followed suit.3 Today, psychologists or psychiatrists who disagree with this politically correct interpretation, or even those who try to help homosexuals change, are subjected to continual harassment and accusations of malpractice.

So in 1973 3,810 members of the American Psychiatric Association believed homosexuality was a disorder?  As they say in Hawaii, "I nevah know."  Very interesting.  

In summary:


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #457 on: February 26, 2016, 08:28:40 AM »
that's disgusting.

how in the world does that 'make sense' to you, dos equis?

dos equis, i've given you lots of praise and props here for your common sense approach to hating on trump.

please take this moment to correct the record, and tell us that "showering away the gay" is some horrible sh*t and you don't agree with it. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #458 on: February 26, 2016, 08:50:24 AM »
that's disgusting.

how in the world does that 'make sense' to you, dos equis?

dos equis, i've given you lots of praise and props here for your common sense approach to hating on trump.

please take this moment to correct the record, and tell us that "showering away the gay" is some horrible sh*t and you don't agree with it. 

240 is back how often do you have homicidal thoughts about your wife and child? 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #459 on: February 26, 2016, 09:20:53 AM »
that's disgusting.

how in the world does that 'make sense' to you, dos equis?

dos equis, i've given you lots of praise and props here for your common sense approach to hating on trump.

please take this moment to correct the record, and tell us that "showering away the gay" is some horrible sh*t and you don't agree with it.  

In all these years I don't recall Bum ever explaing how this "makes sense" to him or correcting the record.  

I would have thought that maybe he didn't actually read the article and was just giving blind allegiance to a famous fundie leader but then you see he wrote "I read the entire article and it is a great read.  Makes sense to me."

There's just no where to go with that other than to take him at his word that "he read the entire article" and that it "makes sense" to him to expose himself to a his son (doe the anti gay magic only work from father to son or will any adult penis to the trick?) to treat and prevent gayness.

It's interesting that the original link to Dobson's newsletter no longer works but you can easily find it on the web because many people were shocked and commented on it at the time

Keep in mind the title of the article   Dr. Dobson's Newsletter in June, 2002 was "Can Homosexuality Be Treated and Prevented?"

So apparenly seeing an adult penis is can somehow both Treat (aka - cure?) and Prevent gayness

I'm not sure if this has to be done in conjunction with the other things (rough and tumble games and then off ot the basement for some pounding of square pegs into square hole and then off the shower to see the adult penis) or if any of these are stand alone cures/preventative measures against gayness.  I have so many other questions.  Why square pegs and what's the purpose of teaching him to "pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard"? Will round pegs in round holes also work?

Bum - would you care to finally clear this for up for us?  

How exactly does this work?

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #460 on: March 02, 2016, 07:14:31 PM »
Lindsey Graham May Back Ted Cruz as ‘Only Way to Stop Donald Trump’

The senator from South Carolina said the Republican Party might have to rally around Senator Ted Cruz to keep the nomination from going to Donald Trump. By REUTERS on Publish Date March 2, 2016. Photo by Gabriella Demczuk for The New York Times.

Senator Lindsey Graham, watching Donald J. Trump’s rise in Tuesday’s voting contests, now sees a colleague he reviles, Senator Ted Cruz, as the lesser of two evils to save the Republican Party.

“Ted Cruz is not my favorite by any means,” Mr. Graham told CBS News late Tuesday, as Mr. Trump was on course to win seven states. But he added, “We may be in a position where we have to rally around Ted Cruz as the only way to stop Donald Trump.”

For Mr. Graham, the South Carolina Republican who dropped out of the presidential race in December, the comment is a sea change. Mr. Cruz, the Texas senator, is far from beloved among most of his colleagues. Many of them still resent that he called the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, a “liar” in a speech on the Senate floor.

Mr. Graham has said, at least half jokingly, that if someone killed Mr. Cruz “on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” That sentiment has been part of why a number of Republicans have moved toward another senator, Marco Rubio of Florida, as their best option for defeating Mr. Trump.

But late Tuesday, Mr. Graham suggested that the situation has become so dire that, at this point, the party should get behind Mr. Cruz.

“I can’t believe I would say yes. But yes,” he told the interviewer Charlie Rose.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #461 on: March 07, 2016, 03:03:18 PM »
AP: Republican Leaders Starting to See Ted Cruz as Best Anti-Trump Alternative

March 3, 2016 in Detroit, Michigan.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
by Breitbart News
6 Mar 2016
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders on Sunday grappled with the prospect that the best hope for stopping Donald Trump’s march to the nomination may be Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) – the only candidate who causes as much heartburn among party elites as the billionaire businessman, if not more.

The Texas senator split contests with Trump in Saturday’s voting, bolstering his argument that only he can defeat the real estate mogul. Trump and Cruz are now significantly outpacing Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
in the delegate count, further shrinking the Florida senator’s already narrow path to the nomination.

If Rubio’s slide continues, he would be the latest establishment candidate to fall victim to an angry, frustrated electorate that cares little about endorsements from party leaders or newspaper editorial boards. Rubio has rolled out both at warp speed in recent weeks, but his appeal with voters is not keeping pace.

Rubio did pick up a victory Sunday in Puerto Rico’s primary, his second win of the 2016 cycle. Democrats were holding a caucus Sunday in Maine.

The wary interest in Cruz from more mainstream Republicans is the latest unexpected twist in a GOP race where talk of a contested convention or third-party candidate is becoming commonplace.

“If Ted’s the alternative to Trump, he’s at least a Republican and conservative,” South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said. While Graham made sure to note that it’s “not like I prefer Ted Cruz,” he encouraged Rubio and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to “decide among themselves” whether they can be a realistic alternative to Trump.

Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, said Cruz is indeed “emerging” as the chief anti-Trump candidate.

“I think a lot of people were surprised by how well Ted Cruz did,” said Romney, who has thrust himself back into the political discussion with a searing takedown of Trump in a speech last week.

Romney has stepped back into the spotlight at a moment of crisis and chaos for the Republican Party. Leaders in Washington who assumed hard-liners such as Cruz represented a minority view have been left wondering if they’re the ones out of step with voters.

For months, GOP elites have lumped Trump and Cruz together, arguing that neither could win in November’s general election. Cruz is an uncompromising conservative who has publicly criticized party leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), R-Ky., for what he sees as a pattern of giving in too easily to President Barack Obama.

To many in the Senate, Cruz is seen as a colleague focused more on raising his own profile that achieving policy wins that benefit the party. He particularly angered Senate leaders when he helped orchestrate the 2013 government shutdown, which failed in achieving the senator’s stated goal of defunding Obama’s health care law.

But Cruz has built a loyal following among conservatives and evangelical Christians, and has proved to be a fundraising powerhouse during the 2016 campaign. After winning the leadoff Iowa caucuses, he’s also beaten Trump in five more states, more than any other candidate.

Trump still leads the field with at least 378 delegates, while Cruz has at least 295. Rubio and Kasich lag far behind in the race to reach the 1,237 delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination.

Rubio and Kasich desperately need to win in their home states of Florida and Ohio on March 15 to have any credible case for staying in the race.

Trump’s lead has sparked a flurry of discussions among Republicans about complicated long-shot options to stop him. Rival campaigns are exploring ways to prevent Trump from getting the delegates he needs to win the nomination outright, then defeat him at the GOP convention in July. A small, but influential, group of Republicans has raised the idea of backing a yet-to-be-determined third-party candidate.

Trump has warned Republicans that they’ll lose his voters if they try to take the nomination away from him.

“We have a tremendous number of people coming in and a tremendous number of people showing up to vote,” he said Sunday. “The lines in all of the states that I’ve won have been, you know, record setting.”

The tumult in the Republican race is a sharp contrast to the Democratic primary, where Clinton appears to be steadily marching toward the nomination. Sanders has struggled to broaden his appeal beyond the loyal liberals and young voters attracted to his campaign.

Sanders insists he has a path to victory, particularly when voter turnout is high. “When large numbers of people come – working people, young people who have not been involved in the political process – we will do well,” Sanders said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Overall, Clinton had at least 1,123 delegates to Sanders’ 484, including superdelegates – members of Congress, governors and party officials who can support the candidate of their choice. It takes 2,383 delegates to win the Democratic nomination.

Graham and Romney spoke on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” Trump appeared on CBS’ “Face The Nation.”


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #462 on: March 07, 2016, 03:41:35 PM »
Some of Marco's folks are trying to get him to drop out before the 15th. All I want is Cruz vs Hil..our idea's vs their's. If the voting public reject it then fuck em, atleast we tried. Trump is a goddam disaster and he might actually win a general...


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #463 on: March 07, 2016, 04:01:21 PM »
It's like Cruz is saying "poor little Marco, you just don't have what it takes"

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #464 on: March 07, 2016, 04:36:25 PM »
If you look at the polls and projections for the upcoming states, they are all over the place. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #465 on: March 07, 2016, 07:40:57 PM »
Gov. Bryant endorses Cruz
Geoff Pender, The Clarion-Ledger
March 7, 2016

(Photo: Justin Sellers/The Clarion-Ledger)

Gov. Phil Bryant, on the eve of Mississippi's presidential primary vote, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz, after meeting with him during a Cruz stop in Mississippi.

"I'm not going to get out and make a big show about it, but Sen. Cruz was in town today, and I met with him and gave him my endorsement," Bryant said. "It was a hard choice -- I know so many of them, Chris Christie, I know Jeb Bush, I know the ones still running now. They are good people ... But I am also looking toward November and I think if Ted Cruz is nominated, he has a good opportunity to defeat the Democratic nominee."

Bryant is close friends with former Texas governor and presidential hopeful Rick Perry, and said Perry's support of Cruz, "and that has played into my decision," Bryant said. He said he spent time with Cruz a couple of months ago at a Heritage Foundation function and was impressed by him.

"I like Marco Rubio," Bryant said. "I think he's true at heart. I just had to make the decision on who I think has the best chance to win in November and who I liked best as a candidate and as a person. Ted Cruz has gone to Washington and showed courage and grit to stand up to things he disagrees with."

Bryant said if requested, he would help campaign for Cruz in coming days and weeks across the country.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #466 on: March 07, 2016, 08:44:59 PM »
Some of Marco's folks are trying to get him to drop out before the 15th.

he cannot wait any longer.   he's killing trump in early voting but losing by 16 points for those who go on election day (much more). 

rubio leaves the race tmorrow, and he still gets 15% of the vote, at this point. 

there's a small chance he wins FL, but it's very very small, and he's still toast in the delegate count.

Plus, all the shady shit coming out about him now on the underground right-wing sites... it'll be a disaster if he wins the nomination, folks.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #467 on: March 09, 2016, 09:16:00 AM »
Carly Fiorina Endorses Ted Cruz: I Am 'Horrified' By Donald Trump
She made a surprise appearance at his rally in Miami.
Amanda Terkel
Senior Political Reporter, The Huffington Post

Carly Fiorina threw her support behind Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) Wednesday, saying it is time to have a "real constitutional conservative in the White House."

Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who dropped her own presidential bid in early February, made a surprise appearance at Cruz's rally in Miami Wednesday morning. She applauded him for defying the establishment and fighting for Americans' liberties "over and over again."

"Ted Cruz has stood up and fought for our right to bear arms. He has fought for our religious liberty. He has fought for our sovereignty. And he has won over and over and over," she said to cheers.

Fiorina was upfront about her distaste for Donald Trump, the current GOP front-runner, saying conservatives need to band together to stop him.

"There are other people in our party who are actually kind of horrified by Donald Trump. I'm one of them," she said. "But here's the thing: We're not going to beat Donald Trump by having leaders in our party tsk tsk over voters. We're going to have to beat Donald Trump at the ballot box. And the only guy who can beat Donald Trump is Ted Cruz."

She also compared Trump to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, saying they are both part of the system and therefore won't do anything to reform it.

Despite his dislike for the establishment, Cruz is increasingly trying to encourage the establishment wing of his party that he is the best alternative to Trump. Cruz picked up a win in Idaho Tuesday night, while Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) failed to win any states. They are largely banking on winning their delegate-rich home states in upcoming contests.

Cruz still has not received any endorsements from his fellow senators.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #468 on: March 09, 2016, 10:10:09 AM »
Dear Republicans, It's Ted Cruz
By Chris Stirewalt 
Published March 09, 2016


What is the rationale for Marco Rubio’s candidacy?

The latest poll out from the classiest and most reliable Florida pollster, Quinnipiac University, says there is none.

After a week of disappointing elections for Rubio, the Florida Q Poll is the dagger to the heart of his presidential aspirations. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush can be happy that while his own bid failed, at least he killed the one his campaign staff called "Judas." Enjoy Fisher Island.

The poll shows frontrunner Donald Trump doubling up Florida freshman Rubio with less than a week to go before the winner-take-all contest for 99 delegates. Coming after a disastrous election night it should be enough to send Rubio packing.

The only argument for Rubio’s continued candidacy was the “Romney Plan” in which voters should support any candidate in any race that can beat Donald Trump or deny him delegates. It worked pretty well in Michigan where Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas and Ohio Gov. John Kasich soaked up the majority of delegates with their tie for second place behind Trump.

But there is no hope that Rubio can be the guy to stop Trump in Florida anymore. While Republicans have resisted Cruz, despite his repeated successes, it may be time for the party to admit that Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is quite right: Cruz is the only candidate who has any shot of denying Trump the nomination.

While there was a wintertime flirtation with Trump as the more establishment-friendly and malleable candidate for the GOP, springtime has brought a new realization that Trump could mean not just a general election wipeout, but also generational damage to the party’s brand. Cruz has never been the GOP’s dream date, but if he can beat Trump it may be enough.

As the latest WSJ/NBC News poll shows, Cruz runs best in a head-to-head matchup with Trump. It may be unthinkable for many country club Republicans that Cruz would be their best choice, but Rubio’s demise means that it is so.

Just two weeks ago, there were calls for Cruz to fall in behind Rubio for a unity ticket. Now, it seems very clear that unity will work in the other directions and that if the Republicans have a chance to stop Trump from taking over their party it will be Cruz at the top and Rubio as the junior partner.

The sincerity of Rubio’s attacks on Trump as a “con man” who is unfit for the presidency will be revealed by whether he not only drops out, but if he enthusiastically campaigns for Cruz in Florida for the next five days.

[GOP delegate count: Trump 458; Cruz 359; Rubio 151; Kasich 54 (1,237 needed to win)]

. . . .

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #469 on: March 10, 2016, 10:03:00 AM »
Mark Levin Endorses Cruz for President

Image: Mark Levin Endorses Cruz for President 
By Greg Richter   |   Wednesday, 09 Mar 2016

Talk radio and TV host Mark Levin on Wednesday endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president.

"If you're a conservative, if you're a constitutionalist, if you've been a tea party activist, if you're a Reaganite or a Reagan Democrat, it really is in the end a simple decision," Levin said on his newly launched Levin TV.

Levin said his endorsement was not an attack on the three other remaining candidates, businessman Donald Trump, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio or Ohio Gov. John Kasich, but rather an acknowledgement that Cruz "understands where this country has been and where it needs to go."

No candidate is perfect, he said, including his hero Ronald Reagan, but when looking at the whole picture, Cruz is the natural choice for conservatives.

He also said Cruz would "wipe the floor" with Democrat Hillary Clinton on the debate stage.

"We have said so many times, this is the kind of nominee we need to have," Levin said. "And it doesn't just happen. You have to vote for him."

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #470 on: March 10, 2016, 10:51:35 AM »
Mark Levin Endorses Cruz for President

LOL!  He's been doing that on his show, nightly, for months now haha.

I didn't know he had to 'make it official'.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #471 on: March 10, 2016, 01:35:51 PM »
Cruz Snares First Senate Endorsement from Mike Lee

Image: Cruz Snares First Senate Endorsement from Mike Lee
Thursday, 10 Mar 2016

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz snared his first endorsement from a U.S. Senate colleague on Thursday when Senator Mike Lee of Utah backed him for the party's nomination.

"Ted doesn't believe you have to settle, Ted doesn't believe you should settle," Lee said at a Florida news conference ahead of Thursday's Republican debate in Miami.

Cruz, who represents Texas, is known for antagonizing senators from his party. In 2013, he spent more than 20 hours speaking on the Senate floor to protest the Affordable Care Act. Lee was among a handful of senators who helped Cruz during the protest.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #472 on: March 11, 2016, 01:29:19 PM »
Ted Cruz for President

(Andrew Burton/Getty)
by The Editors March 11, 2016

Conservatives have had difficulty choosing a champion in the presidential race in part because it has featured so many candidates with very good claims on our support. As their number has dwindled, the right choice has become clear: Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

We supported Cruz’s campaign in 2012 because we saw in him what conservatives nationwide have come to see as well. Cruz is a brilliant and articulate exponent of our views on the full spectrum of issues. Other Republicans say we should protect the Constitution. Cruz has actually done it; indeed, it has been the animating passion of his career. He is a strong believer in the liberating power of free markets, including free trade (notwithstanding the usual rhetorical hedges). His skepticism about “comprehensive immigration reform” is leading him to a realism about the impact of immigration that has been missing from our policymaking and debate. He favors a foreign policy based on a hard-headed assessment of American interests, one that seeks to strengthen our power but is mindful of its limits. He forthrightly defends religious liberty, the right to life of unborn children, and the role of marriage in connecting children to their parents — causes that reduce too many other Republicans to mumbling.

That forthrightness is worth emphasizing. Conservatism should not be merely combative; but especially in our political culture, it must be willing to be controversial. Too many Republicans shrink from this implication of our creed. Not Cruz. And this virtue is connected to others that primary voters should keep in mind. Conservatives need not worry that Cruz will be tripped up by an interview question, or answer it with mindless conventional wisdom when a better answer is available. We need rarely worry, either, that his stumbling words will have to be recast by aides and supporters later. Neither of those things could be said about a lot of Republican nominees over the years.

We are well aware that a lot of Republicans, and even some conservatives, dislike the senator and even find him unlikable. So far, conservative voters seem to like him just fine. We do not wish to adjudicate all the conflicts between Cruz’s Senate colleagues and him. He has sometimes made tactical errors, in our judgment; but conflicts have also arisen because his colleagues have lacked direction, clarity, and urgency. In any case, these conflicts pale into insignificance in light of Republicans’ shared interest in winning in November and governing successfully thereafter.

No politician is perfect, and Senator Cruz will find that our endorsement comes with friendly and ongoing criticism. His tax plan is admirably growth-oriented but contains too much indirect taxation of employees. He has done little to lay out a plausible replacement for Obamacare, and especially to counter the idea that replacing it would involve stripping insurance from millions of Americans. His occasional remarks to the effect that the general election can be won by mobilizing conservatives who have been heretofore quiescent politically seems fanciful. As the nominee he will have to adopt a more empirically grounded strategy, just as he has done in the primaries.

What matters now is that Cruz is a talented and committed conservative. He is also Republicans’ best chance for keeping their presidential nomination from going to someone with low character and worse principles. We support Ted Cruz for president.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #473 on: March 13, 2016, 07:39:47 PM »
Neither Cabana Boy Rubio or Booger Eater Cruz has what it takes to beat Hillz.  It will be another wash out.  Oh....  I mean toss up.

Trump may can beat her.  I would actually consider voting for him just for the entertainment factor alone.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #474 on: March 17, 2016, 09:47:14 AM »
SC Gov. Nikki Haley Backs Cruz After Rubio Drops Out

Image: SC Gov. Nikki Haley Backs Cruz After Rubio Drops Out Gov. Nikki Haley (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
By Todd Beamon   |   Wednesday, 16 Mar 2016

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Wednesday that she is backing Ted Cruz's run for the Republican presidential nomination — though not formally endorsing the Texas senator — now that Marco Rubio has quit the race.

"My hope and my prayer is that Sen. Cruz can come through so that he can push through and really get to where he needs to go," Haley told reporters in Columbia, The State reports. "Because we do want a strong leader.

"We do want somebody that's conservative," she added. "We do want somebody that's action-minded."

When asked specifically whether she endorsed Cruz, Haley said, "I very much want to see Sen. Cruz now be able to move through the ranks and get that top position."

Haley, 44, endorsed Rubio last month and campaigned throughout South Carolina with the Florida senator leading up to the state's March 1 primary. Rubio lost the race by 10 points to Donald Trump, finishing second.

He suspended his campaign after another bruising loss to the front-runner in Tuesday's Sunshine State primary. He also placed second.

Haley also congratulated John Kasich for his win in Ohio, adding that she would support the eventual nominee — even if it was Trump.

"Ask me when the time comes again, but as of now I strongly believe I will support the Republican nominee," she said.