Author Topic: Cruz 2016  (Read 91749 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #525 on: April 07, 2016, 09:57:01 AM »
ALL THOSE repubs that say hilary let benghazi happen...

they're just as bad as the 911 troofers?

"I dont' have the info."

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #526 on: April 07, 2016, 09:59:23 AM »

No name calling and then sticking your head in the sand.

Was Cruz' wife in the CFR or not? Let's start there. You tried to say she was not as a knee jerk reaction.

Cruz was talking shit about the CFR when he knew his wife was a former member. No?

Based on his platform this is a huge inconsistency at the least. No?

I don't know you or if you actually believe Cruz, but if you are trying to say you don't care what he does or why then fine. I'll just assume you vote GOP and whomever they put in front of you will be gladly voted for without thought or question.

You take the time to attack my credibility based on a good bit of nuanced sarcasm you frankly just don't get....but then won't seriously address the above. It's strange to me why that would be.

I didn't try to say anything.  I looked at their membership roster and didn't see her name.  You called her a current member.  Are you now saying she is a former member?

In any event, I don't care if Heidi Cruz is or was a member of the CFR.

Your embracement of loony conspiracy theories is "nuanced sarcasm"?  lol  Ok.  Whatever. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #527 on: April 07, 2016, 10:40:37 AM »
G.O.P. Donors, Eager to Defeat Donald Trump, Learn to Love Ted Cruz
APRIL 7, 2016

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, flanked by State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., outside Sabrosura 2 in the Bronx on Wednesday while campaigning ahead of New York’s presidential primary. Credit Todd Heisler/The New York Times

Nestled in the neo-Georgian sanctuary of the Knickerbocker Club, one of New York’s oldest and fustiest social establishments, a select group of Republican donors gathered late last month to take up an unexpected task: reconsidering Ted Cruz.

Eager to defeat Donald J. Trump, they seemed willing to overlook a few things: Mr. Cruz’s fiery attacks on Wall Street and “special-interest billionaires,” and his swipes at eminent party leaders and lawmakers. But one wealthy financial executive had a question: What did you mean when you attacked Mr. Trump for having “New York values”?

“I didn’t mean to attack people in New York,” said Mr. Cruz, a senator from Texas, explaining that he had been criticizing the state’s policies, not its populace. “I love New York.”

Of all the teeth-gritting alliances being forged over opposition to Mr. Trump’s rampaging bid for the Republican presidential nomination, few are as unlikely as the emerging bond between Mr. Cruz and his party’s elite donor establishment.

Since Mr. Cruz’s election to the Senate in 2012, many traditional Republican donors have spurned him, viewing him as a hopeless ideologue whose antics — particularly his leading role in the 2013 government shutdown — damaged the party in service of his ambitions.

But in recent weeks, at small events from the Upper East Side of Manhattan to the Republican precincts of Newport Beach, Calif., they are learning to love Mr. Cruz.

Mr. Cruz addressing a crowd at the Hyatt Regency Green Bay on Sunday. He won the Republican primary in Wisconsin on Tuesday. Credit Hilary Swift for The New York Times

“That was then,” said Anthony H. Gioia, a Buffalo businessman and ambassador to Malta under President George W. Bush who expects to meet with Mr. Cruz in the coming weeks. “And now is now.”

Bolstered by Mr. Cruz’s overwhelming win in Wisconsin on Tuesday, his campaign is moving aggressively to take advantage of the thaw, reaching out to some of the party’s most prominent donors to seek a hearing. Many — though not all — said they were now far more inclined to take the senator’s calls. Former backers of Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have hosted fund-raising events or meet-and-greets for Mr. Cruz, even while some privately concede that they have their doubts about his temperament.

“Lots of people are giving him a second look,” said John A. Catsimatidis, a New York investor and grocery store magnate who attended the event at the Knickerbocker Club. “People are scared of Donald Trump, that’s why.”

Starting on Friday in Las Vegas, Trusted Leadership, the chief “super PAC” supporting Mr. Cruz, will host a gathering intended to draw new donors to the group, until now financed by a handful of wealthy families. Not coincidentally, the event will be held at the Venetian, the casino hotel owned by the Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson, perhaps the most sought-after contributor of all.

Kellyanne Conway, the president of Trusted Leadership, summed up how prominent donors’ view of the Cruz-Trump fight had evolved. “It’s not just, ‘Would you rather be shot or poisoned?’ ” she said. “Now it’s, ‘This isn’t so bad.’ ”

One goal is to pry loose some of the large-scale money that went to candidates like Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush earlier in the campaign. In recent months, as Mr. Cruz rose, some of the party’s wealthiest donors, such as the billionaire New York investor Paul Singer and the Ricketts family, chose to pour money into super PACs that are directly attacking Mr. Trump, rather than openly backing Mr. Cruz.

But the courtship is a delicate one. Some donors said that if Mr. Cruz was perhaps not their ideal choice for president — or even their third or fourth choice — he now seemed to be the only candidate with enough delegates to force a contested convention and deny Mr. Trump the nomination.

“It’s never really been a part of his brand, to be the unifying figure who could bring together the party, and it certainly was never part of his pitch,” said Chris DeRose, an Arizona lawyer who raised money for Mr. Rubio. “But the specter of Trump has done wonders to show us the downsides of losing this primary.”

For Mr. Cruz, help from establishment donors could dilute his outsider message and provide a new cudgel for Mr. Trump, who has denounced rivals for their dependence on contributions from the wealthy and powerful.

But as Mr. Cruz prepares for a long march to the Republican convention in July in Cleveland, he would not mind those donors’ help: His campaign, long powered by a loyal cadre of small contributors, spent far more money than it raised in January and February — burning through about $10 million more than it took in. (At his Wisconsin victory speech, Mr. Cruz said that the campaign had raised more than $2 million on Tuesday alone.)

Forty percent of his overall cash has come from small donors, many in Texas, and only about a fifth of his money for the primary has come from donors giving the maximum $2,700 contributions. At the end of February, according to the most recent financial disclosures, the campaign reported about $8 million cash on hand.

Mr. Cruz’s challenge is to broaden his reach in the world of midlevel Republican fund-raisers — those who can raise tens or hundreds or thousands of dollars for his campaign — and among the elite group of billionaires who could write larger checks to the super PACs supporting him.

But doubts remain. Mr. Catsimatidis, one of about 30 people who attended the event at the Knickerbocker Club, pronounced Mr. Cruz “very, very smart,” but he said he wondered why “out of 100 people in the Senate, 99 don’t like him.”

Mr. Cruz is not always good at asking for help, sometimes giving the impression that he could as easily do without it. Even in private, donors said, he can be prone to sanctimony, disinclined to adjust his television-ready populism. Allies view Mr. Cruz’s uncompromising style as a virtue, but they concede it can make life difficult on the donor circuit.

Asked what was the biggest worry of prospective supporters, Doug Deason, a major Cruz donor in Dallas, did not hesitate.

“I think his personality, mostly,” Mr. Deason said, before defending him as likable to those who get to know him.

A wider embrace by donors has also been hampered in some quarters by genuine political disagreement between more middle-of-the-road potential donors and Mr. Cruz, a professed conservative purist on economic and social issues.

Andy Sabin, a former Bush supporter who runs a Long Island precious metals company, said that when a fund-raiser from Mr. Cruz’s campaign reached out recently, he insisted on one condition.

“I told him, ‘For me to have any interest in Ted, I need him to accept that the earth has warmed, and that we can solve the problem and create plenty of jobs,’ ” Mr. Sabin recalled. Mr. Sabin said that he was offered a spot on one of Mr. Cruz’s policy advisory committees, but that when he still asked that Mr. Cruz publicly voice a belief in climate change, he never heard back. Even a signal in the right direction would have been enough for him, Mr. Sabin said.

“All he had to do was say, we think it’s an issue for the general election, and maybe put Ted on the phone,” Mr. Sabin said, adding, “I felt I was being hustled for a donation.”

Mr. Cruz has reported raising only a few thousand dollars from registered lobbyists — a mainstay of fund-raising for Mr. Rubio and Mr. Bush — suggesting that he is still a tough sell among those he continues to deride as the “Washington cartel.”

Instead, Mr. Cruz and his surrogates are leaning heavily on his credentials as a supporter of Israel, now the most robust of any candidate. Many pro-Israel Republican donors had already backed him, and while in Washington recently to speak before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or Aipac, Mr. Cruz attended a fund-raiser tied to the event. Last month, he also gained the support of Fred Zeidman — a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition who previously backed Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mr. Bush — and his son, Jay.

“There is no more staunch and vocal supporter of the state of Israel than Ted Cruz has been,” the elder Mr. Zeidman said. “And it is the primary reason I felt I had to support him.”

Elsewhere, support for Mr. Cruz has required fewer caveats. He is regarded warmly among Republicans in his home state, Texas, where he has deeper personal relations with a wider portion of the donor class. For longtime Cruz fund-raisers there who seek to expand Mr. Cruz’s fund-raising footprint in other corners of the country, it has been a heady few weeks. There are new calls to make and pitches to massage, given many audiences’ deep reservations.

“We weren’t their No. 1 draft pick,” Mica Mosbacher, a Cruz fund-raiser based in Houston and New York, said of her discussions with new prospects. Ms. Mosbacher is among the supporters assigned to attest to Mr. Cruz’s charms.

“I call him a steady Eddie,” she said, before paraphrasing a Cruz answer from a past debate. “He might not be the most fun to have a drink at the bar with, but America needs a designated driver.”

Mr. Cruz has taken to making light of his détente with former critics and opponents, donors and otherwise. When Mr. Cruz appeared recently on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” the late-night host took note of his patience in winning new friends.

“What you did is, you kind of held out until they found someone that they liked less than you,” Mr. Kimmel said.

“There you go,” Mr. Cruz replied. “Listen, it is a powerful strategy.”


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #528 on: April 07, 2016, 11:20:22 AM »
Here's Why Cruz is likely to Sweep Colorado This Week

Colorado has been allocated 37 delegates to the Republican National Convention. They select 34 of those delegates through a multi-step district and state convention process. The Colorado Republican Party calls these conventions “Assemblies”. There are seven congressional assemblies, each awarding three delegates. In addition, a state assembly will award 13 delegates. Two of the assemblies took place last weekend and the remaining take place between tonight and Saturday April 9, 2015.

The delegates that are selected at these assemblies can choose to be bound and can also run as unbound delegates. The process by which the delegates are selected benefits a well-organized campaign. If a campaign had not been organizing since February to get its people elected at precinct caucuses — as explained below — it is too late now to start the process.

The available pool of delegates for each assembly were picked in a series of 2,917 precinct caucuses on March 1, 2016. To be eligible to participate in the caucus you needed to be registered as a Republican by January 4, 2016. If you were not, you could not participate in the caucus. Each caucus selected delegates to county assemblies. There was no presidential preference poll at these caucuses.

Between March 1, 2016 and March 26, 2016 county assemblies met to select delegates to the state and district committees.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #529 on: April 07, 2016, 09:13:57 PM »
I didn't try to say anything.  I looked at their membership roster and didn't see her name.  You called her a current member.  Are you now saying she is a former member?

In any event, I don't care if Heidi Cruz is or was a member of the CFR.

Your embracement of loony conspiracy theories is "nuanced sarcasm"?  lol  Ok.  Whatever. 

Well, there you go then. You don't care what your candidate says or stands for or what his wife is associated with then...just what party he is in. My point is complete and now I know what I'm dealing with.

And yes, when I said that I've seen things about the moon landing that would make your head spin it was more about your black and white thinking process than my belief in it. I said lost on you.

I listened to some Levin tonight, seems you get your talking points from his show being that he also believes if you see a flaw of any kind in Cruz that you are a "kook" or "conspiracy nut". I like Levin but I think he's going to get burned on this one.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #530 on: April 07, 2016, 09:20:44 PM »
I listened to some Levin tonight, seems you get your talking points from his show being that he also believes if you see a flaw of any kind in Cruz that you are a "kook" or "conspiracy nut". I like Levin but I think he's going to get burned on this one.

Dos Excuses has been like this for a decade.   He once said that oil, profit, region and bases had nothing to do with Iraq invasion... we only invaded for democracy lol.  He cannot sleep without a moral clarity which is only achieved thru delusion.

I listened to some Levin tonight, seems you get your talking points from his show being that he also believes if you see a flaw of any kind in Cruz that you are a "kook" or "conspiracy nut". I like Levin but I think he's going to get burned on this one.

I love Levin... by FAR, he's my favorite FOX host... by a mile... but he's so attached to Cruz at this point, he CANNOT accept any of this affair talk.  


Levin quietly steered back a bit toward trump today, saying we shouldn't hate on trump, just because we like Cruz.   Levin has said more bad things about Trump than any Dem I know lol!  BUt he's hedging his bets - and he started TODAY - and I think it's because of the looming Cruz sex scandal(s).

See Levin re-welcome repubs to Donald Trump today ;)

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #531 on: April 08, 2016, 09:58:04 AM »

Well, there you go then. You don't care what your candidate says or stands for or what his wife is associated with then...just what party he is in. My point is complete and now I know what I'm dealing with.

And yes, when I said that I've seen things about the moon landing that would make your head spin it was more about your black and white thinking process than my belief in it. I said lost on you.

I listened to some Levin tonight, seems you get your talking points from his show being that he also believes if you see a flaw of any kind in Cruz that you are a "kook" or "conspiracy nut". I like Levin but I think he's going to get burned on this one.

Actually, all I said was I don't care if Heidi Cruz is or was a member of the CFR. 

I know exactly what I'm dealing with:  a 9/11 Troofer who also believes the government faked the moon landing.  No reasonable person takes that kind of nonsense seriously. 

I don't listen to Levin's show.  You conspiracy theory nuts have wild imaginations. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #532 on: April 08, 2016, 10:05:57 AM »
I don't listen to Levin's show.  You conspiracy theory nuts have wild imaginations. 

Are you calling Mark Levin a conspiracy theorist?

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #533 on: April 08, 2016, 10:07:09 AM »
Are you calling Mark Levin a conspiracy theorist?

 ::)  Troll. 


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #534 on: April 08, 2016, 12:43:52 PM »


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #535 on: April 08, 2016, 09:13:37 PM »
Actually, all I said was I don't care if Heidi Cruz is or was a member of the CFR. 

Which again to my point is a faulty stance if you listen to anything Cruz says about policy. This is like talking to a wall.

I'll bet when Bush said "you're either with us or against us" that was right up your alley.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #536 on: April 11, 2016, 09:26:29 AM »

Which again to my point is a faulty stance if you listen to anything Cruz says about policy. This is like talking to a wall.

I'll bet when Bush said "you're either with us or against us" that was right up your alley.

No.  It simply means I don't care if Heidi Cruz is or was a CFR member. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #537 on: April 11, 2016, 09:31:39 AM »
Ted Cruz Wins Majority of Delegates in Colorado
APRIL 8, 2016

Senator Ted Cruz at an event in Scotia, New York, on Thursday. The candidate hopes to build momentum leading up to the state’s primary on April 19, after gaining ground in Colorado’s caucuses. Credit Nathaniel Brooks for The New York Times

COLORADO SPRINGS — Senator Ted Cruz captured a majority of Colorado’s delegates to the Republican National Convention on Friday, outmaneuvering Donald J. Trump, whose lack of an organized national campaign once again allowed Mr. Cruz to gain at his expense.

As the fight for the Republican campaign moves into a period in which a handful of delegates could decide the nomination, Mr. Trump’s losses here were a troubling sign.

Colorado awards its delegates differently from the way most states do. Instead of holding a statewide primary — the kind of contest Mr. Trump is used to commanding through his dominating and ubiquitous media presence — it is using a series of caucuses.

Before this week, registered voters selected local delegates, who tend to be more conservative party loyalists, ones Mr. Trump has had trouble winning over. Those delegates, in turn, have been voting this week on delegates to the national convention, most of whom are pledging their support to one candidate or another.

By Friday night, Mr. Cruz had taken 21 of the state’s 37 national delegates. Mr. Trump and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio had none. Thirteen others will be decided on Saturday at the state convention. Mr. Cruz, who has built a statewide network of supporters that includes conservative members of Congress, state legislators and grassroots activists, is expected to do well there, too. The remaining three delegates are party leaders who are automatically appointed.

He is the only candidate scheduled to speak to the group. Mr. Trump was invited but is not planning to attend. Mr. Kasich will send a surrogate, John Sununu, the former New Hampshire governor.

Last week, Mr. Trump struggled to pick up support at the North Dakota Republican convention, a process similar to Colorado’s. Mr. Cruz appeared to have at least several backers among the 28 delegates elected there. But because they are not officially committed to any candidate, no one could claim a lock on the state’s delegation.

At one of the Colorado district caucuses on Friday afternoon, the strength of Mr. Cruz’s organization was on full display. The campaign flew in Representative Jim Bridenstine, Republican of Oklahoma, to give the crowd a pep talk.

“Senator Ted Cruz has been in the trenches over and over and over again fighting for the conservative constitutional principles that we hold dear,” he said. Delegate candidates strolled up and down the aisles holding Cruz campaign signs with their names and ballot position written in marker.

A small group of Trump volunteers wearing blue “Make America Great Again” hats aided his efforts, passing out their preferred delegate slates and cheering from the back of the ballroom.

Alan Cobb, an adviser to the Trump campaign who was in Colorado Springs on Friday to manage the delegate efforts, set expectations low. A pickup of one delegate would be worthwhile, he said, given how little effort the campaign had put into the state.

“We made the conscious decision back in October that Colorado, because of the structure, just didn’t make sense for us to invest a lot of time and resources in,” he said.

“It doesn’t lend itself to the kind of campaign we have and the folks who support us.”

After Colorado, the Trump campaign plans to focus on Wyoming, which will name a slate of delegates next weekend.

The campaign will then turn to larger prizes like Pennsylvania, which has a trove of uncommitted delegates who are likely to be a decisive factor in determining the party’s nominee.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #538 on: April 11, 2016, 10:27:29 PM »
No.  It simply means I don't care if Heidi Cruz is or was a CFR member. 

Which is why the old time neo-con packaged up as an anti-establishment candidate is your guy. You don't care if he carries on the charade or not.

Hard for me to understand how anybody could be fooled by it, but this explains it.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #539 on: April 12, 2016, 08:13:05 AM »

Which is why the old time neo-con packaged up as an anti-establishment candidate is your guy. You don't care if he carries on the charade or not.

Hard for me to understand how anybody could be fooled by it, but this explains it.


Moot issue overall.  Cruz has no chance of winning if he gets the nomination anyway.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #540 on: April 12, 2016, 09:21:23 AM »

Which is why the old time neo-con packaged up as an anti-establishment candidate is your guy. You don't care if he carries on the charade or not.

Hard for me to understand how anybody could be fooled by it, but this explains it.

The mind of a conspiracy theory nut at work.  You people cannot function without making up wild scenarios. 


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #541 on: April 12, 2016, 03:52:57 PM »

Moot issue overall.  Cruz has no chance of winning if he gets the nomination anyway.

Even if he did win he has the same globalist views as Hillary, which guarantees the status quo continues. The social issues are just worked in to divide people.


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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #542 on: April 12, 2016, 03:56:21 PM »
The mind of a conspiracy theory nut at work.  You people cannot function without making up wild scenarios. 

I'll bet you own a book written by Karl Rove, haha.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #543 on: April 12, 2016, 04:05:23 PM »

I'll bet you own a book written by Karl Rove, haha.

I'll bet you also believe the government was behind the 93 WTC bombing.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #544 on: April 12, 2016, 04:48:38 PM »
I'll bet you also believe the government was behind the 93 WTC bombing.

Why don't YOU explain the FBI's exact involvement in the 1993 WTC, if any.

I don't think you know. ;)

Cue an insult or vague dodge. Unless you actually know.  Which I doubt.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #545 on: April 12, 2016, 04:50:09 PM »
Why don't YOU explain the FBI's exact involvement in the 1993 WTC, if any.

I don't think you know. ;)

Cue an insult or vague dodge. Unless you actually know.  Which I doubt.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #546 on: April 12, 2016, 04:52:16 PM »
I'll bet you also believe the government was behind the 93 WTC bombing.

see, only an ignorant person would intro a topic without the ability to explain it himself.

Are you an ignorant person?  YOU brought it up.  Now YOU should explain what actually happened, what the FBI's level of involvement was.  Was it zero? Were they working with terrorists to bust them, but the real bombs were switched from fake ones? 

Explain what really happened.  Or just admit you start things without any actual knowledge of them. 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #547 on: April 12, 2016, 04:55:26 PM »
see, only an ignorant person would intro a topic without the ability to explain it himself.

Are you an ignorant person?  YOU brought it up.  Now YOU should explain what actually happened, what the FBI's level of involvement was.  Was it zero? Were they working with terrorists to bust them, but the real bombs were switched from fake ones? 

Explain what really happened.  Or just admit you start things without any actual knowledge of them. 

LOL!  I really do feel sorry for you.   :-\ 

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #548 on: April 12, 2016, 05:21:38 PM »
LOL!  I really do feel sorry for you.   :-\ 

personal attack instead of responding to a topic you started ;)

haha you're awesome bro.  you people.

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Re: Cruz 2016
« Reply #549 on: April 12, 2016, 05:27:47 PM »
personal attack instead of responding to a topic you started ;)

haha you're awesome bro.  you people.

You conspiracy theory screwballs are some seriously deranged individuals.  

Sorta redundant.