Author Topic: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?  (Read 18982 times)

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #150 on: May 20, 2013, 09:22:39 AM »
More Bullshit from the drug dealers who call themselves Doctors! Life has its ups and downs and your suppose to feel life not shut your mind and sould down with drugs!

Dumbest thing ive ever read.

hipolito mejia

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #151 on: May 20, 2013, 09:33:02 AM »
My nephew has gotten into the habit of smoking cannabis daily (he calls it a night time sleep aid). What long term effects did you notice from chronic marijuana use?


My only concern with cannabis is when your woman uses regularly and goes clubbing ladies night....

And like someone said somewhere in this thread, most bipolar women's are potheads. 


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #152 on: May 20, 2013, 10:00:35 AM »
Definitely during the long term use, short term memory was a problem. And of course, feeling lethargic can be a problem, it really depends on the strain and the volume of consumption.  But for me, it wasn't such a problem, as a younger man, I had so much nervous energy, marijuana actually helped calm me to what others would call a manageable level.  I actually had no problem performing physical work when younger while under the influence, of course I learned to moderate consumption depending on what I was doing.  As for now that I have stopped, I don't think it has had a long term affect on my memory when compared to those who have never smoked, I have even received compliments on my ability to retain certain information and some people have suggested I have a photographic memory (which I don't believe I have, but the compliment did surprise me) and as for my intellectual ability, it maybe knocked off a few IQ points, but I still get complimented on my mind and my ability to create a reasonable argument.  

I have actually experienced psychosis once from amphetamines and another time from heavy cannabis use, but as for any long term affect on mental functioning, it is hard to say (although I am sure many a getbigger will refute this, lol).  As for physically, it definitely had a damaging affect on my lungs, nothing I can confirm medically, but it took me many years to achieve a cardiovascular level of health I felt comfortable with. (many years after stopping I completed the OXFAM Trailwalker - a 100KM hike through the Mountains.).  If I was to do it again, I would definitely choose another method of ingestion, like eating it or using a vaporiser at the very least.

It certainly had a negative financial cost and it severely strained relations with my parents and some of my siblings, who were very strict conservatives who disowned me because of my Free Spirited ways.  Their is still a modicum of a relationship there, but there isn't much love lost.  I have never liked alcohol and only briefly experimented with it.  The reason I liked marijuana so much was that it really did open up my mind, it forced it to break out of rigid ways of thinking and to look at the world in new and different ways.  I compare myself to some of my siblings who have taken a very sober and traditional path in their lives, and we are remarkably different people, but I wouldn't trade my experience for anything.  I feel like those younger years was me venturing down the rabbit hole, it opened up my mind to really scary stuff but also a beauty or profoundness, a certain indescribable depth that I don't think I would have discovered otherwise.

Thank you very much for your elaborate feedback.

I am not completely opposed to my nephew using marijuana, as all of the studies I have read surrounding its use (studies after the 1990's), suggest that it's relatively benign. Even so, the idea of inhaling smoke into his lungs, at least in my mind, leads me to believe that long term damage to his lungs could occur, so I like to keep a pulse on his frequency of use.

Because all of my knowledge regarding cannabis stems mostly from studies, I like to speak to people with firsthand experience regarding its use and what they might have noticed over the long term.

Thank you once more,


Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #153 on: May 20, 2013, 10:03:12 AM »
i dated a woman with precisely this bipolar thing.

shed turn batshit insane from  one minute to the other.

and by insane , i mean literaly insane, making jack nicholson in shining look like a rank amateur.

even dangerous, i always avoided falling asleep while she was anywhere near.

the girl has in a hissy fit and insanity attack done the following:

-cut her inner thighs,and the maxiumum was when she has cut open her damn own joke, she did that,right before my eyes.

lol@ekul thinking no such thing exists.

meanwhile hes an advocate for rec drug legalisation, but is afraid of sober muslims and dogs.

step out of the house once in a while, crazy things and people do exist.

one friend is in a clsed psychiatry facility since many years, and rightfuly so, hes an absolute danger to society,i best not even list what kind of studff he has done.and the docs havent even gotten as far and diagnosed him as bipolar, they say hes kinda on the verge.

but the most severe change in mood i ever seen myself was from a heroin junkie who had no access to more of these things one never forgets.

yes, psychiatry is poking in the dark, but theyre the best experts we got and thats that.there are many absolute insane people out there.
You seem to misunderstand me, I have been out with the craziest of women, trust me, bathsit crazy,  The memory of some ex-girllfriends still haunt me.  I can recount countless tales of absolute psycho behaviour of women.  I have been out with women diagnosed with bi-polar, I have known so called schizophrenics, one of my best friends growing up was diagnosed schizophrenic and I used to work in the addiction field, so I have met many people who have been labelled psychiatriclly comorbid. 

My greatest objection to the field is involuntary admission and involuntary treatment, this is cruel and unusual treatment.  And what you call mental illness, I prefer to label as existential angst, a more severe case of what we all face when asking the big questions in life.  I seriously question the mindset of people who regularly pray, to me I don't understand it, I have never heard a rational explanation for it, and yet because enough people do it is is considered sane.  This is the problem with psychiatry, they are not diagnosing real illness, they are voting on objectionable behaviour that they don't understand and isn't necessarily in the best interest of other people or society at large,

It has eerily similar connection to religion and forced conversions.  You have to question any field of endeavour that labelled slaves as mentally ill for wanting to run away and homosexuals as mentally ill.  I don't think there could be any greater evidence for what Psychiatry is really about.  Like I said, imagine if I was given the power to lock up anybody I deemed mentally ill, half of getbig would be recovering from a recent lobotomy, being force fed mashed potato while restrained by a straight jacket.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #154 on: May 20, 2013, 10:04:57 AM »
Thank you very much for your elaborate feedback.

I am not completely opposed to my nephew using marijuana, as all of the studies I have read surrounding its use (studies after the 1990's), suggest that it's relatively benign. Even so, the idea of inhaling smoke into his lungs, at least in my mind, leads me to believe that long term damage to his lungs could occur, so I like to keep a pulse on his frequency of use.

Because all of my knowledge regarding cannabis stems mostly from studies, I like to speak to people with firsthand experience regarding its use and what they might have noticed over the long term.

Thank you once more,


i can tell you from experience in the police

that long term heavy regular users slowly change over time

in terms of their sociability and a creeping sense of paranoia that invades their lives

they tend to lose their enthusiasm for life and their get up and go

its a subtle effect that creeps up on you

i would wean him off it if you can

i am being serious


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #155 on: May 20, 2013, 10:08:02 AM »
i can tell you from experience in the police

that long term heavy regular users slowly change over time

in terms of their sociability and a creeping sense of paranoia that invades their lives

they tend to lose their enthusiasm for life and their get up and go

its a subtle effect that creeps up on you

i would wean him off it if you can

i am being serious

My brother and I tried that once, but he did not budge.

We are happy that he hasn't tried any other drugs and absolutely hates alcohol and regular cigarettes.

What I am hoping will happen is that he will meet a good girl in his university, get into a casual relationship with her and hopefully she is not a fan of cannabis and pushes him to quit. Sometimes, we inadvertently side with our partners and try our best to change for the better.



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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #156 on: May 20, 2013, 10:13:18 AM »
My brother and I tried that once, but he did not budge.

We are happy that he hasn't tried any other drugs and absolutely hates alcohol and regular cigarettes.

What I am hoping will happen is that he will meet a good girl in his university, get into a casual relationship with her and hopefully she is not a fan of cannabis and pushes him to quit. Sometimes, we inadvertently side with our partners and try our best to change for the better.


it depends on his level of dependence which will be a mental thing with canabis

problem is as you know the more you try and push stuff like this the more they rebel against you

if he is smart he will probably grow out of it when it doesnt suit his lifestyle any more

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #157 on: May 20, 2013, 10:15:41 AM »
Thank you very much for your elaborate feedback.

I am not completely opposed to my nephew using marijuana, as all of the studies I have read surrounding its use (studies after the 1990's), suggest that it's relatively benign. Even so, the idea of inhaling smoke into his lungs, at least in my mind, leads me to believe that long term damage to his lungs could occur, so I like to keep a pulse on his frequency of use.

Because all of my knowledge regarding cannabis stems mostly from studies, I like to speak to people with firsthand experience regarding its use and what they might have noticed over the long term.

Thank you once more,

It is good you take an interest in your nephew.  Be careful not to be too preachy or judgemental, imagine if I started questioning all the things you enjoyed and put a moral slant on it, it doesn't bode well for harmonious relations.  If you do have a moral objection to cannabis use, I believe you should simply avoid those who do it.  Personally, I can't stand drunks, so I  avoid Pubs, Clubs and people with what I consider serious drinking issues, I was never a party type of guy.  If a friend or family member became an alcoholic, I would simply discontinue the relationship.  Don't get me wrong, I have worked in the field and have a diploma in alcohol and other drugs, it's just that I simply can't tolerate people under the influence of alcohol, but those under the influence of cannabis rarely bother me.  I learned long ago it's not my job to save others from themselves.

I don't really have any regrets about my cannabis use, I always tried to remain vigilant about other aspects of my mental health, exercising regularly, eating well, avoiding using harder drugs for any period of time, getting enough sleep, not pushing myself too hard, I always continued reading and learning and if anything I think for me personally, I benefited from using cannabis, it kept me from seriously going of the rails after helped with the fallout from what I considered to be a pretty abusive childhood.  Fortunately for me, I began weight training for three solid years as well as a childhood full of physical activity before I tried cannabis at 19 years old.  So whenever I felt I was using too much, I would sometimes have short bouts of abstinence and some intense weight training thrown in.  When I eventually kicked it full time, i weight trained pretty seriously for a good two years and did lots of cardio.

Perhaps you could suggest alternative methods of ingestion for your nephew to use, there are many good cannabis butter recipes around that can be used in cooking and produce a far longer lasting and satisfying high, or even he could try a a vaporiser, they are common now and reduce the damage produced by the heavy smoke quite a lot.  This shows you are concerned about his actual health and not just being a moral crusader.  Treat it in the same way you would advising someone on how to train shoulders, steer them away from say upright rows to alternative exercises that are just as productive but potentially less damaging in the long run.  But remember, if someone likes upright rows, you are unlikely to change their mind.  Quite often, friends or family of cannabis users are almost always more concerned about someone else's pot use than the individual who is using pot. (Quite often these people have never tried the drug and have brought into the propaganda and fear surrounding it).  You could explore the reasons why you find his cannabis use distressing?

Imagine I acted all annoyed and upset if you told me you drank 4 cups of coffee a day and as a result of a decades long propaganda campaign I hysterically warned you against it, that you were seriously compromising your health, would you stop drinking coffee knowing how benign it is and how ridiculous I sound.  Cannabis has proven to be one of the most benign and beneficial drugs known to man.  It is far less dangerous than the majority of prescription drugs on the market, one could even argue it is safer than aspirin, which when used long term causes serious physical compilations.  There are many reason that pot has been banned and stigmatised, none of them have to do with health, and more do do with politics, economics and even racism.

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #158 on: May 20, 2013, 10:32:50 AM »
it depends on his level of dependence which will be a mental thing with canabis

problem is as you know the more you try and push stuff like this the more they rebel against you

if he is smart he will probably grow out of it when it doesnt suit his lifestyle any more
This is exactly the type of judgemental attitude I would steer clear of.  Imagine I started questioning your use of bodybuilding supplements like creatine or caffeine and told you I thought your lifestyle was wrong and you needed to stop.  What makes you think you know better than other people?  What actual real life experience do you have with cannabis other than your judgemental attitude to other people who do it.  This is why you and I don't get along, you are the type to believe you know what is best for other people, while more than likely ignoring all your own failings.  

And as for dependence, marijuana withdrawal is mild, I have found it less problematic than caffeine withdrawal.  I have known friends who are addicted to body-building and the intake of certain supplements that would have a far harder time stopping that than going without cannabis.  Alcohol and benzo withdrawal are far more dangerous, and nicotine withdrawal is definitely way more uncomfortable.  Like any activity, a lot of these people are taking substances because they simply enjoy them.  If they do decide to stop, it is probably their usage has run it's course, the benefits are becoming less and the benefits not so often,  But this can happen with any behaviour, good relationships go sour, excessive consumption of sugar leads to diabetes, many years of weight and fitness training can contribute to chronic injuries etc etc..  

I often hear the regular propaganda coming from moral crusaders about cannabis use, they rarely have even tried the drug and almost always just regurgitate propaganda circulated by the mainstream.  You have the typical self righteous moralistic attitude towards cannabis users, it probably helps you to believe you are some beacon of morality, they just see you as a wanker.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #159 on: May 20, 2013, 10:47:14 AM »
This is exactly the type of judgemental attitude I would steer clear of.  Imagine I started questioning your use of bodybuilding supplements like creatine or caffeine and told you I thought your lifestyle was wrong and you needed to stop.  What makes you think you know better than other people?  What actual real life experience do you have with cannabis other than your judgemental attitude to other people who do it.  This is why you and I don't get along, you are the type to believe you know what is best for other people, while more than likely ignoring all your own failings.  

And as for dependence, marijuana withdrawal is mild, I have found it less problematic than caffeine withdrawal.  I have known friends who are addicted to body-building and the intake of certain supplements that would have a far harder time stopping that than going without cannabis.  Alcohol and benzo withdrawal are far more dangerous, and nicotine withdrawal is definitely way more uncomfortable.  Like any activity, a lot of these people are taking substances because they simply enjoy them.  If they do decide to stop, it is probably their usage has run it's course, the benefits are becoming less and the benefits not so often,  But this can happen with any behaviour, good relationships go sour, excessive consumption of sugar leads to diabetes, many years of weight and fitness training can contribute to chronic injuries etc etc..  

I often hear the regular propaganda coming from moral crusaders about cannabis use, they rarely have even tried the drug and almost always just regurgitate propaganda circulated by the mainstream.  You have the typical self righteous moralistic attitude towards cannabis users, it probably helps you to believe you are some beacon of morality, they just see you as a wanker.

judgemental how

by telling him it will run its course

you have wasted 500 words basically saying you are a clown


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #160 on: May 20, 2013, 10:48:26 AM »
Admin should cap the amount of words E-kul can post. Good lord man.

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #161 on: May 20, 2013, 10:56:46 AM »
judgemental how

by telling him it will run its course

you have wasted 500 words basically saying you are a clown
You suggested to wean him off it, like you are some moral crusader who knows what's best for other people based on your mighty wisdom.  Imagine I came interfering in your life attempting to wean you of all the behaviours I considered detrimental to your health, I couldn't see you tolerating that for too long.  Joe Rogan is a massive pothead and functions at a far higher level than the majority of people, he is a Black belt jujitsu practitioner, a successful comedian, tv personality and part time actor, and has an outrageously successful career as a color commentator for the biggest martial arts organisation in the world and is very active in the online world with regular podcasts.  Some people are just losers with or without pot, forcing someone who would likely never amount to anything anyway, to stop something they more than likely enjoy a lot is a douchebag act and more than likely to create more problems,  It is no different than forced religious conversions, it smacks of the self righteous bullshit.  You want other people to stop because you have a moral objection to it, nothing to do with some altruistic motive, that's just Bullshit.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #162 on: May 20, 2013, 10:58:25 AM »
You suggested to wean him off it, like you are some moral crusader who knows what's best for other people based on your mighty wisdom.  Imagine I came interfering in your life attempting to wean you of all the behaviours I considered detrimental to your health, I couldn't see you tolerating that for too long.  Joe Rogan is a massive pothead and functions at a far higher level than the majority of people, he is a Black belt jujitsu practitioner, a successful comedian, tv personality and part time actor, and has an outrageously successful career as a color commentator for the biggest martial arts organisation in the world and is very active in the online world with regular podcasts.  Some people are just losers with or without pot, forcing someone who would likely never amount to anything anyway, to stop something they more than likely enjoy a lot is a douchebag act and more than likely to create more problems,  It is no different than forced religious conversions, it smacks of the self righteous bullshit.  You want other people to stop because you have a moral objection to it, nothing to do with some altruistic motive, that's just Bullshit.

you have a huge chip on your shoulder i read the first sentence and got bored

chill out and have a doobie  :-*

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #163 on: May 20, 2013, 11:02:33 AM »
Admin should cap the amount of words E-kul can post. Good lord man.
How long did it take you to type that wordy post.  I suppose if you have a one finger approach to typing, a WPM speed of 5 and a poor vocabulary, it might be a little hard to express yourself on an online forum.  I suppose we could keep limit it to several word responses, like MELTDOWN, WYHI, YES, NO, DO YOU EVEN LIFT, LIGHT WEIGHT BABY, POLE SMOKER and the posting of titties and men in thongs.  I imagine that would appeal to the average computer illiterate dumbbell lifting meathead, heaven forbid a conversation of any relevance might break out.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #164 on: May 20, 2013, 11:12:50 AM »
yes omr, get him off the drug, even if its just marijuana.

ffs the jewish ppl should know better than that.

every jewish family i know this would have grave consequences for the son.

even if it was legal amnd every moron out there consumed it, smart person would stay clear away from any rec drugs.

if he has to escape reality to have fun or relax, then its safe to say his brain is fucked over.

if one cant enjoy life while sober, how much is this life worth anymore?

same for alcohol.

alc and all drugs lead all to the same path.consistently.

Galeniko your posts have been amongst the most valuable on this site.

Lately ;)

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #165 on: May 20, 2013, 11:14:41 AM »
Lots of people self medicating with Marijuana these days,if it works for you and doesn't effect your day to day routine more power to you! What ever gets you through the day! When I was in my late teens up to about 21,I smoked almost everyday! When I started getting into bodybuilding heavily, I found it counterproductive! Same with working and getting high!

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #166 on: May 20, 2013, 01:03:58 PM »
yes omr, get him off the drug, even if its just marijuana.

ffs the jewish ppl should know better than that.

every jewish family i know this would have grave consequences for the son.

even if it was legal amnd every moron out there consumed it, smart person would stay clear away from any rec drugs.

if he has to escape reality to have fun or relax, then its safe to say his brain is fucked over.

if one cant enjoy life while sober, how much is this life worth anymore?

same for alcohol.

alc and all drugs lead all to the same path.consistently.
Don't you regularly partake in ped use as well as regularly use dangerous erection medication? You didn't strike me as a natural living type of guy.  And you could say the same about any behaviour you find objectionable, imagine someone saying to you that if you couldn't enjoy life without weight training there must be something wrong with you.  If you need to lift weights to enjoy life, why bother right, you are probably only wearing out your joints and just putting unnecessary strain on your body and potentially causing needless injuries.  And from what I have read from your gigolo lifestyle it is all about avoiding reality and genuine relationships.  I hardly think the majority of getbiggers are in a position to get all righteous about how people live their lives.  It's sad and sickening to watch.  It never ceases to amaze me how much pot smoking bothers other people.  For a guy who uses steroids and erection meds, drugs far more dangerous than pot, it does seem hypocritical to be advising people to stop using marijuana.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #167 on: May 20, 2013, 03:44:23 PM »
I smoked marijuana a few times when in school, the feeling you get differed quite greatly for me on the type of plant and its strength.
I've tried them rolled up, in a bottle neck, in a pipe and in a bong.

The bong hits you the hardest.
If if I was chilling out with friends, it would just make me sleepy and I would eventually pass out, but this was usually after a good night of boozing as well.

Though, I found it much easier to smoke than a cigarette which made me cough.

My observations of even teenagers who smoked a lot were this:
It does permanently affect them and make them seem slower even when not smoking, it also prematurely ages their skin and makes them look older or more dried up.

Personally, I didn't like the feeling it gave me when if I was out in town. Made me feel really paranoid and my vision was exactly how its shown in the movies, slightly stutter framed with everything in the background all burring out while everything near you is super sharp. Also you feel everything in your body so much more, for some reason I could feel liquid in my ears this one time and they started to ache.

Time goes realllly slowly and you space out every now and then and yes, you do find stuff hilarious and it can be a fun time.

But depending on the type of plant, the feeling can be mild or really really strong.
Personally, I liked the cheapest quality as it was the mildest, much milder and put you in a more upbeat mood without the paranoia.

Bear in mind that these were the types grown locally, all natural and will probably be different to whats in the rest of the world.

It wasn't really my thing though and preferred to just have a few drinks instead.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #168 on: May 20, 2013, 08:35:28 PM »
was she a paranoid, catatonic, or disorganized schizophrenic?

My guess would be paranoid schizophrenic based on stuff I witnessed her doing and saying. She didn't have memory issues other then distorting them somewhat. What is interesting about my aunt is that she had a relatively normal life until her late 30's when he husband deserted her taking all six of their kids with him. Although my cousin said there were signs when was growing up, like delusional behavior, I think the trauma of my aunts husband leaving in the way he did triggered a psychotic break from which she never recovered.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #169 on: May 20, 2013, 09:16:18 PM »
I need cliff notes for E-Kul's posts


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #170 on: May 20, 2013, 09:29:42 PM »
There was an interesting article in today's Oregonian regarding this subject.

Shrinks, critics face off over psychiatric manual

May 15, 2013, 11:37 a.m. PDT

Says a former leader of the group: "Normal needs to be saved from powerful forces trying to convince us that we are all sick."

For more:

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #171 on: May 21, 2013, 01:59:14 AM »
They just need to start lifting and it will be ok.


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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #172 on: May 21, 2013, 01:59:53 AM »
You have been very general and vague in your analysis of your so called schizophrenic patients (perhaps because you have little real information yourself).  Things like nailing your windows shut is a lot of places is common place, hardly unusual, and someone burning down their neighbours house is not in any way crazy, perhaps the neighbour really pissed them off, and as for cutting off the power supply, it would be hard to comment on why someone did such a thing without more information.  There is no doubt some people experience trying times in their life,  and what I am saying is that at various times in a individuals life some people experience existential angst usually brought on by some crisis or trauma, I don't know that labelling such temporary states as mentally ill is an accurate assessment of the situation, and quite often the treatment (involuntary commitment, damaging drug regimes)  of these so called mentally ill people is what creates the majority of distress in the person in the first place.

“Contemporary human problems are real enough. It is the labels we give them that concern me, and, having labelled them, what we do about them.” Ideology & Insanity, Szasz

Ofcourse you have to seek logic behind their actions otherwise you would be forced to admit you're wrong on psychiatry.

I would like to hear an explanation from you regarding this;

The standard paranoid type schizofrenic usually has the same standard delusion; Being spied on by the CIA/the neighbours/hari krishna/aliens etc etc. There are camera's in the house, the water has been poisoned everywhere they go etc.

Because of these delusions they start doing dangerous stuff to themselves and others and the cops get involved. In the police cell they notice that the person is talking the craziest stuff imaginable and a psychiatrist gets brought in> diagnosis> psych institute and treatments begins.

There they either accept medication (usually not) or get it forced. In the department the first days/week the talk about the delusions stay but after a week of meds the person becomes more relaxed, trusts things around him again and all of a sudden the worries about camera's the cia etc etc are gone and they continu their life.

Please tell me, how is it possible?

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #173 on: May 21, 2013, 03:46:05 AM »
Ofcourse you have to seek logic behind their actions otherwise you would be forced to admit you're wrong on psychiatry.

I would like to hear an explanation from you regarding this;

The standard paranoid type schizofrenic usually has the same standard delusion; Being spied on by the CIA/the neighbours/hari krishna/aliens etc etc. There are camera's in the house, the water has been poisoned everywhere they go etc.

Because of these delusions they start doing dangerous stuff to themselves and others and the cops get involved. In the police cell they notice that the person is talking the craziest stuff imaginable and a psychiatrist gets brought in> diagnosis> psych institute and treatments begins.

There they either accept medication (usually not) or get it forced. In the department the first days/week the talk about the delusions stay but after a week of meds the person becomes more relaxed, trusts things around him again and all of a sudden the worries about camera's the cia etc etc are gone and they continu their life.

Please tell me, how is it possible?

Once again you are being very vague, to really address the issue you need to maybe cite a specific case.  And delusion doesn't seem to be grounds for Involuntary commitment.  Personally I find those who believe in a god and talk to him regularly are incredibly delusional.  Should those people be locked away, or because this delusion is so commonly shared, is this why it is considered OK.  And as for feelings of paranoia and being watched, their are legitimate concerns for this in our modern society that is now heavily littered with CCTV's, Internet activity being watched and illegal phone taps being regularly used.  Same with the water, it has been fluoridated for a long time, and depending on what research you want to believe, it may not be such a good thing for human health.  This types of issues when they become distressing speak volumes about the patients feeling of having little control over their environment and little to no choice in such matters.  These issues are of great importance in the scheme of existential questioning.   I am not saying those claiming they are being watched or spied on are correct or not delusional, but their thinking is based on some truth.  There are plenty of things that need to be explored deeply to get to the root of it, simply dismissing people as crazy because you don't understand what they are trying to communicate is a big part of the problem.  

And often those who are institutionalised do whatever it takes to get out, so they learn to play the game and tell the Psychiatrist what they want to hear.  If they commit a crime they should be afforded due process like anybody else.  To be locked away for talking nonsense to themselves is a crime.  Like I said, if talking nonsense to ones self was a mental illness, the majority of the worlds religious people would have to be locked up.  It never occurs to the powers that be that the so called mentally ill person is displaying a normal reaction to being overpowered with force, held and drugged against their will and not given due process in regards to their involuntary incarceration.  You attempt this type of display of power with any so called normal person and watch them meltdown dramatically.  Let me judge you mentally unwell and then force-you at gunpoint away from your home, deliver you handcuffed into a psyche ward, strap you to a restraint bed and then drug you up if you don't comply with my diagnosis and then hold you indefinitely.  I guarantee I could have you babbling bullshit to yourself by the end of the day.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Do you really believe in Bipolar as a legit illness?
« Reply #174 on: May 21, 2013, 04:23:30 AM »
The mentally ill are everywhere.  One may be posting in this very thread.  Stay vigilant.