Author Topic: George Zimmerman - Discussion - Guilty or Innocent?  (Read 147741 times)

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1300 on: July 13, 2013, 11:00:39 AM »
It does, in this case, if there's no evidence to the contrary.

I dunno... I can grab my gun, chase you 2 blocks into a dark alley, BOOM cap you, and emerge with a smirk and a bloody nose, shrugging "The dead guy started it!"

I'd say I can do that 7 nights a week... Just keep chasing these punk a-holes into alleys and getting that pesky bloody nose.  AND, to make things even more sweet, I continuously lie with statements like "He punched me 75 times in the nose" and "He said he was going to kill me, kill my dog, burn my house to the ground, piss on the ashes..."

Then, I'll smirk because, hey, you can't PROVE this is what happened, because I chased that punk bitch into an alley!


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1301 on: July 13, 2013, 11:03:42 AM »
One of the best posts on this thread.  My thoughts exactly!

Finally MCWAY and I have common ground!

And you say there are no such things are miracles!


Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it. The proverbial elephant in the room is that we have race-hucksters (or as l like to call them, delusionally vengeful black folk) who think they have the right to adminster injustice on other people, especially white people, based on the injustices metted on black people for centuries in America. That mindset has been enabled TENFOLD, since Obama became president and by guilty white liberals.

But, as a certain book (of which you aren't that fond, Adonis) says, you don't repay evil for evil. If it's wrong to assert that, in a crime, somebody black is automatically guilty and somebody white is automatically innocent, then it's wrong to do the reverse.

If it's wrong for white mobs to demand a conviction on something or they're going to act and fool and riot, then it's wrong for black people to do the same should the outcome not be to their liking.

If it's wrong for white people to bully jurors and threaten their families, if they don't rule the "right" way, it's wrong for black people to do the same.

The Civil Rights movement has become a joke, focusing on excusing Negroes' stupidity and self-inflicted wounds rather than uplifting black people and helping them be all they can be. Look at all the excuses made for the prosecution's "star witness" in the Zimmerman case. This She-neh-neh-meets-Precious clone got ripped apart and the first thing the blubbers do is whine about the public school system, to excuse her lying about a letter she can't read that she allegedly wrote to Martin's family.

As Rush said, when reading someone's wailing about public schools and Jeantel, "Well, then QUIT VOTING DEMOCRAT!! Who runs the schools? Who runs the teachers' unions?".


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1302 on: July 13, 2013, 11:12:50 AM »

I dunno... I can grab my gun, chase you 2 blocks into a dark alley, BOOM cap you, and emerge with a smirk and a bloody nose, shrugging "The dead guy started it!"

I'd say I can do that 7 nights a week... Just keep chasing these punk a-holes into alleys and getting that pesky bloody nose.  AND, to make things even more sweet, I continuously lie with statements like "He punched me 75 times in the nose" and "He said he was going to kill me, kill my dog, burn my house to the ground, piss on the ashes..."

Then, I'll smirk because, hey, you can't PROVE this is what happened, because I chased that punk bitch into an alley!

Nice try. But the foresnic expert stated that the gunshot was at extremely close range, backing Zimmerman's story. Are you a member of the prosecution? As goofy as your stories are, the sad part is they're better than what those prosecutors put up in this case.

race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race

blah blah blah.   This should be about self-defense and FL law.   Prosecutor said it wasn't about race.  Zimmerman said it wasn't about race.

Why is it about race for so many people NOT RELATED TO THE CASE?   LOL

Telll that to Sharpton, Jackson, Brown, Harris-Perry, Jealous, Crump, Jackson-Lee, the AP, the NY Times, virtually all of MSNBC, and the rest of the lefty delusionally vengeful blacks and guilty whites.

Straw Man

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1303 on: July 13, 2013, 11:28:50 AM »
It does, in this case, if there's no evidence to the contrary.

I'm not dealing with hypothetical scenarios. I'm deaing with the evidence as it currently stands.

NOBODY has been able to prove that Zimmerman attacked Martin. All we've heard is, "He should have stayed in his truck"; "He shouldn't be profiling him". etc.

But to quote Chris Rock, "When I go to the money machine tonight, I'm not looking over my back for the media; I'm lookin for N-----As!!"

Last time I checked, getting out of your truck/following someone on foot (especially if you're neighborhood watch) is NOT a crime; neither is "profiling" that someone, especially when your neighborhood has been hit 7 times in a year by young black males. Punching someone in the nose and whacking his head on the concrete ARE crimes.

Martin wasn't the sweet cuddly black boy Sharpton, Jackson, that goof congresswoman with the cowboy hat (Brown), and others made him out to be. He was with his daddy because he got kicked out of school (again), and his momma shipped him to Sanford.

Instead, he was a "No Limit N-----A", with a history of getting into fights and robbing folks. Zimmerman reported that Martin looked to be on drugs; he was right. Weed was found in Martin's system.

And now there's word that "the iced tea and bag of Skittles" may not have really been for his brother (which is really the son of his father's girlfrend) but a part of a recipe to make some "purple drank".

It appears he crossed the wrong "creepy @$$ cracker" (who's really Hispanic) and got pumped full of lead, for his efforts. For some reason, I don't think that the race-baiting ignorant Negroes are going to head to the barrios and mess with the Latins, if Zimmerman walks.

there is the statement by Rachel Jeantel that Zimmerman was the aggressor

Regardless of that, "no evidence to the contrary" is in no way evidence that Martin started the altercation

All the character assassination of Martin is not justification to use deadly force

Zimmerman created this entire situation and followed through on false assumptions and eventually shot and killed an unarmed person

There are a lot of ways that the jury can arrive a a manslaughter conviction and if that happens I'm sure Zimmerman will be at peace with the decision and just assume that it's all part of gods plan

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1304 on: July 13, 2013, 11:34:53 AM »
there is the statement by Rachel Jeantel that Zimmerman was the aggressor

Regardless of that, "no evidence to the contrary" is in no way evidence that Martin started the altercation

All the character assassination of Martin is not justification to use deadly force

Zimmerman created this entire situation and followed through on false assumptions and eventually shot and killed an unarmed person

There are a lot of ways that the jury can arrive a a manslaughter conviction and if that happens I'm sure Zimmerman will be at peace with the decision and just assume that it's all part of gods plan


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1305 on: July 13, 2013, 11:36:09 AM »
there is the statement by Rachel Jeantel that Zimmerman was the aggressor

Based on what? She didn't see it. The eyewitness that did said Martin was on top of Zimmerman. The forensics back Zimmerman. The medical reports back Zimmerman.

Being the "aggressor" doesn't mean squat if the alleged aggression wasn't physical. Did she see or hear Zimmerman strike or assault Martin? NO!!

Regardless of that, "no evidence to the contrary" is in no way evidence that Martin started the altercation

Zimmerman's broken nose and busted head ARE such evidence. Plus, per Florida laws, injuries ARE NOT NECESSARY to justify use of deadly force.

All the character assassination of Martin is not justification to use deadly force

Was he a dopehead? YES! *
Was he a thief? YES
Was he repeatedly suspended from school? YES!
Was he notorious for getting into fights? YES!

That ain't character assasination; that's the truth.

And the justification for deadly force is reasonable fear for your life or great bodily harm. I'd say a broken nose and bashed skull meets the criteria.

*: Weed in his system when he died; and allegedly jacked up liver and brain damage from "purple drank", the components for which he was likely buying at that store, not buying it for his "little brother" (his father's girlfriend's son).

Zimmerman created this entire situation and followed through on false assumptions and eventually shot and killed an unarmed person

If that unarmed person attacks you or commits a forcible felony and you reasonably fear for your life (or great bodily harm), you can blast him to kingdom come per Florida law.

There are a lot of ways that the jury can arrive a a manslaughter conviction and if that happens I'm sure Zimmerman will be at peace with the decision and just assume that it's all part of gods plan

The evidence (thus far) shows that this punk crossed the wrong guy and got SHOT. Why do you think the prosecution wants the jury (all women, which was by, no means, an accident) to "listen to your heart"?

It's because the prosecution ain't got JACK to prove Murder 2 and maybe not even enough for manslaughter (hence the Hail-Mary attempt at Murder 3 w/ child abuse). But for the fact that manslaughter is automatically included in any Florida Murder 2 charge, the prosecution would be TOAST.

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1306 on: July 13, 2013, 11:43:27 AM »
Telll that to Sharpton, Jackson, Brown, Harris-Perry, Jealous, Crump, Jackson-Lee, the AP, the NY Times, virtually all of MSNBC, and the rest of the lefty delusionally vengeful blacks and guilty whites.

I agree that race matters to the media whores - and I'm surprised you left rush and hannity off this list - they talk about race nonstop, talk about race riots all week, etc.

You'll notice (as I said a few days ago) - everyone on this list is profiting from FEAR and DIVISION.   This shit doesn't matter to joe sixpack trying to feed his family or Bob toolbox trying to get laid at the club.  The only people screaming race - really, the only people keeping race alive as an issue that even fcking matters anymore - is the whore media on both sides, selling ad revenue for it.

globalization pretty much ended racism.  It still only exists for people with microphones, and those who listen to them daily ;)

no longer are we scared of the unknown, no longer do we need ABC news to tell us what this or that race is thinking.  We can connect and realize they're just tring to get laid/paid just like us.  The ONLY people screaming race are profiting from it.  think about that.


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1307 on: July 13, 2013, 11:45:21 AM »
It does, in this case, if there's no evidence to the contrary.

I'm not dealing with hypothetical scenarios. I'm deaing with the evidence as it currently stands.

NOBODY has been able to prove that Zimmerman attacked Martin. All we've heard is, "He should have stayed in his truck"; "He shouldn't be profiling him". etc.

But to quote Chris Rock, "When I go to the money machine tonight, I'm not looking over my back for the media; I'm lookin for N-----As!!"

Last time I checked, getting out of your truck/following someone on foot (especially if you're neighborhood watch) is NOT a crime; neither is "profiling" that someone, especially when your neighborhood has been hit 7 times in a year by young black males. Punching someone in the nose and whacking his head on the concrete ARE crimes.

Martin wasn't the sweet cuddly black boy Sharpton, Jackson, that goof congresswoman with the cowboy hat (Brown), and others made him out to be. He was with his daddy because he got kicked out of school (again), and his momma shipped him to Sanford.

Instead, he was a "No Limit N-----A", with a history of getting into fights and robbing folks. Zimmerman reported that Martin looked to be on drugs; he was right. Weed was found in Martin's system.

And now there's word that "the iced tea and bag of Skittles" may not have really been for his brother (which is really the son of his father's girlfrend) but a part of a recipe to make some "purple drank".

It appears he crossed the wrong "creepy @$$ cracker" (who's really Hispanic) and got pumped full of lead, for his efforts. For some reason, I don't think that the race-baiting ignorant Negroes are going to head to the barrios and mess with the Latins, if Zimmerman walks.

Very solid post right there.


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1308 on: July 13, 2013, 11:50:18 AM »
I agree that race matters to the media whores - and I'm surprised you left rush and hannity off this list - they talk about race nonstop, talk about race riots all week, etc.

You'll notice (as I said a few days ago) - everyone on this list is profiting from FEAR and DIVISION.   This shit doesn't matter to joe sixpack trying to feed his family or Bob toolbox trying to get laid at the club.  The only people screaming race - really, the only people keeping race alive as an issue that even fcking matters anymore - is the whore media on both sides, selling ad revenue for it.

globalization pretty much ended racism.  It still only exists for people with microphones, and those who listen to them daily ;)

no longer are we scared of the unknown, no longer do we need ABC news to tell us what this or that race is thinking.  We can connect and realize they're just tring to get laid/paid just like us.  The ONLY people screaming race are profiting from it.  think about that.

Limbaugh and Hannity react the the left's race-baiting, though Rush is better at making the left look stupid by skewering them with it. They reported the truth, about all the ignorant folks that are threatining to riot and destroy property if Zimmerman walks. But for the race hucksters, this case goes no further than Seminole County.

Had Zimmerman been black (which you could say he is, as his maternal grandfather is such), it's crickets and tumbleweeds.

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1309 on: July 13, 2013, 11:59:59 AM »
Limbaugh and Hannity react the the left's race-baiting,

shaking my head.

if you're right, then rush/hannity are fucking suckers that work as pawns of al sharpton?  Ah, no, they're way smarter than that.  When Maddow wnats to talk about mccain's calling his wife the C-word, rush can ignore.  When someone brings up race, he can't help himself?  ;)

lol... sorry man, rush is the smartest mofo in the game, bar none.  the fact that he's "drawn in" is silly.

Just admit the media is loving this ratings blitz, and playing up race as much as they can because it divides people - and people who support or hate a message (depending on which station you watch) stay glued to tv.

MCWAY, you still think hermann cain never lied or did anything inappropriate for 43 years of marriage, right?  All 14 of those accusers were lying, right?  I think we've spent way too much time arguing silly things dude haha.

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1310 on: July 13, 2013, 12:05:55 PM »
WTF you babbling about?

there is the statement by Rachel Jeantel that Zimmerman was the aggressor

Regardless of that, "no evidence to the contrary" is in no way evidence that Martin started the altercation

All the character assassination of Martin is not justification to use deadly force

Zimmerman created this entire situation and followed through on false assumptions and eventually shot and killed an unarmed person

There are a lot of ways that the jury can arrive a a manslaughter conviction and if that happens I'm sure Zimmerman will be at peace with the decision and just assume that it's all part of gods plan


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1311 on: July 13, 2013, 12:08:25 PM »
shaking my head.

if you're right, then rush/hannity are fucking suckers that work as pawns of al sharpton?  Ah, no, they're way smarter than that.  When Maddow wnats to talk about mccain's calling his wife the C-word, rush can ignore.  When someone brings up race, he can't help himself?  ;)

lol... sorry man, rush is the smartest mofo in the game, bar none.  the fact that he's "drawn in" is silly.

Just admit the media is loving this ratings blitz, and playing up race as much as they can because it divides people - and people who support or hate a message (depending on which station you watch) stay glued to tv.

MCWAY, you still think hermann cain never lied or did anything inappropriate for 43 years of marriage, right?  All 14 of those accusers were lying, right?  I think we've spent way too much time arguing silly things dude haha.

Rush is hardly "drawn in" to anything. That narrative has been out here, long before it hits his show. What? He's NOT supposed to talk about it? Why don't you get on the network that signs Sharpton's paycheck?

And why you keep bringing up Herman Cain I'll never know. You should be tired of arguing why NONE of Cain's accusers have the proof. 14? I counted four, two of which TO THIS DAY have yet to say what Cain supposedly did (even after being cleared by the National Restaruant Association). Nevermind that the investigation into that case CLEARED Cain of any wrongdoing, admitted by one of the accuser's lawyers.

The other two.....were BOTH cited as pathological liars, especially the one who claimed to be screwing Cain for 11 years. She got sued for libel and slander and LOST IN COURT. Gee, I wonder why I believe Cain over her  ::) .

Again, farting in an elevator is inappropriate. Supposedly sexually harrassing employees, offering re-employment in exchange for a blowjob, and creeping on your wife are whole different matters. Of course, none of Cain's accusers have proven their cases to be fact.

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1312 on: July 13, 2013, 12:13:13 PM »
'the narrative'.


it's a fcking plotline written by media talking heads.  that's it.  it's not what's "on the street" - it's a divisive issue.  Just like any of the other social WEDGE issues that plup up the airwaves.

I'm surprised people who are smart are drawn into it.  it's a silly narrative by people selling tv and radio commercials. 


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1313 on: July 13, 2013, 12:15:56 PM »
'the narrative'.


it's a fcking plotline written by media talking heads.  that's it.  it's not what's "on the street" - it's a divisive issue.  Just like any of the other social WEDGE issues that plup up the airwaves.

I'm surprised people who are smart are drawn into it.  it's a silly narrative by people selling tv and radio commercials. 

It is what's on the street.  The narrative wouldn't sell if people werent buying it. 


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1314 on: July 13, 2013, 12:17:57 PM »
Still think he should be aquitted on all counts, but will be found guilty of manslaughter thanks to womens hormones.


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1315 on: July 13, 2013, 12:18:21 PM »
It is what's on the street.  The narrative wouldn't sell if people werent buying it. 


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1316 on: July 13, 2013, 12:22:33 PM »
Based on what? She didn't see it. The eyewitness that did said Martin was on top of Zimmerman. The forensics back Zimmerman. The medical reports back Zimmerman.

Being the "aggressor" doesn't mean squat if the alleged aggression wasn't physical. Did she see or hear Zimmerman strike or assault Martin? NO!!

Zimmerman's broken nose and busted head ARE such evidence. Plus, per Florida laws, injuries ARE NOT NECESSARY to justify use of deadly force.

Was he a dopehead? YES! *
Was he a thief? YES
Was he repeatedly suspended from school? YES!
Was he notorious for getting into fights? YES!

That ain't character assasination; that's the truth.

And the justification for deadly force is reasonable fear for your life or great bodily harm. I'd say a broken nose and bashed skull meets the criteria.

*: Weed in his system when he died; and allegedly jacked up liver and brain damage from "purple drank", the components for which he was likely buying at that store, not buying it for his "little brother" (his father's girlfriend's son).

If that unarmed person attacks you or commits a forcible felony and you reasonably fear for your life (or great bodily harm), you can blast him to kingdom come per Florida law.

The evidence (thus far) shows that this punk crossed the wrong guy and got SHOT. Why do you think the prosecution wants the jury (all women, which was by, no means, an accident) to "listen to your heart"?

It's because the prosecution ain't got JACK to prove Murder 2 and maybe not even enough for manslaughter (hence the Hail-Mary attempt at Murder 3 w/ child abuse). But for the fact that manslaughter is automatically included in any Florida Murder 2 charge, the prosecution would be TOAST.

You just literally PWNED the shit out of Straw Man.   :o


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1318 on: July 13, 2013, 12:35:34 PM »
'the narrative'.


it's a fcking plotline written by media talking heads.  that's it.  it's not what's "on the street" - it's a divisive issue.  Just like any of the other social WEDGE issues that plup up the airwaves.

I'm surprised people who are smart are drawn into it.  it's a silly narrative by people selling tv and radio commercials.  

The narrative isn't just about race. It's also about the left who HATE Florida's gun laws. They're also trying to exploit Martin's death to impose 4th amendment restrictions in the Sunshine State and attack laws that allow people to defend themselves with deadly force.


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1319 on: July 13, 2013, 12:38:08 PM »
ok so the weirdo playing vigilante with a gun stalks some unarmed dude in the middle of the night, then ends up shooting and killing him, and now claims it was SELF DEFENSE???


I think will bring a gun to all my fights from now on... If I win I win, if I lose I will shot the mofo in the head and get away with "self defense"  ::)


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1320 on: July 13, 2013, 12:41:53 PM »
I thought there are no IQ differences between races   ;D

Are you suggesting there are?  Maybe this is worth thinking about.

Say, what is the difference between your I.Q. and the black man who is president of the USA?


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1321 on: July 13, 2013, 12:43:15 PM »
ok so the weirdo playing vigilante with a gun stalks some unarmed dude in the middle of the night, then ends up shooting and killing him, and now claims it was SELF DEFENSE???


What's weird about being a neighborhood watchman? What's weird about his "profiling" a black teenagers, when his neighborhood had been sacked multiple times by young black males?

And, what's weird about blasting someone when you're attacked by a doped-up, thugged-out, punk kid who reportedly (as he's slamming your head into the ground), "You're gonna die tonight, M-----------R!!".

Zimmerman's response: POW!!!!......... "After you, sir"


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1322 on: July 13, 2013, 12:44:25 PM »
ok so the weirdo playing vigilante with a gun stalks some unarmed dude in the middle of the night, then ends up shooting and killing him, and now claims it was SELF DEFENSE???


I don't think anybody would disagree it was a dumb idea for Zim to follow Martin.  It might not have been illegal but it was certainly stupid. Does that qualify as negligence?  I'm struggling with that question.


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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1323 on: July 13, 2013, 12:47:23 PM »
the only part that could claim self defense was the black dude that was being stalked by an armed nutjob, period.

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Re: George Zimmerman - Guilty or Innocent?
« Reply #1324 on: July 13, 2013, 12:49:28 PM »

race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race race

blah blah blah.   This should be about self-defense and FL law.   Prosecutor said it wasn't about race.  Zimmerman said it wasn't about race.

Why is it about race for so many people NOT RELATED TO THE CASE?   LOL

Obama said it wasn't about race either. But we know how full of shit he is. It's 100% media fueling race.