Author Topic: found this quote on a roid board regarding training  (Read 55502 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #401 on: July 17, 2013, 02:25:12 PM »
haah tell that to paul dillet,the heart warming castle story

Genetic freak :D  He may not have been as methodical about it as Dorian to write it all down but he would have been prgressively overloading in one way or another.   Keep going to the gym and doing the same thing and the weight you are using is gonna get light to the point where you need to add weight, reps, sets whatever to actualy work the muscle hard enough to force new growth...and you can only add so much volume before it becomes detrimental. His weights when he begun training would have looked a whole lot different to when he was at his biggest, no doubt about that.

I think the problem a lot of guys make when it comes to progressiv overload they try to add weight too quickly (usually an ego thing i think where everyone wants to look the most badass in the gym) form goes to shit, end up using every muscle but the one they are trying to train, reps too low, get injured etc..  As was already state you cant just add 5lbs to your bench each time, but you do need to find a way to expose it to a stress it hasnt already grown/adapted to handle.    I know a few guys like to state 'but bro im using 200lbs less on my bench and now my pecs are far bigger and more muscular than when i used to train shit heavy'  If you actually analyze whats going on there when he was lifting 'shit heavy' he used momentum,bounce, tris instead of pecs and whatever else to get the weight from A to B his pecs hardly got worked at all so ofc you are gonna look better now. Its about progressive overload in a way where you allways have good form get a good pump in the area that you train...  This is why the advice 'up the dosage' often does work (to an extent) your on 50mg dbol now, take it to 100 and what happens over the next few weeks... you're using more weight for the same amount of reps with the same good form on all your're curling dumbells 20lbs hevier stict and your biceps are gonna be bigger for sure.

Also its important to actually pick fucking lifts that work for you to progressively overload to attain the look you want..i mean its great building up to a huge deadlift but thats not gonna do shit for your lats..likewise with squats for many its a better glute builder than it is quad builder.. pick lifts where when you are done the target muscle has a huge pump/burn and is all swolen the next day and progressively overload those bitches.


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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #402 on: July 17, 2013, 05:27:36 PM »

RE progressive overload, anyone that says it doesnt matter doesnt even understand the basics when it comes to muscle growth.  

Yes and no one even really believes it doesn't matter, no matter what they say. Almot every single bodybuilder trains so heavy they can't even perform proper reps. If load didn't matter, if we really believed it, we would all stay home and curl a broomstick. On a few grams of anabolics even a broomstick would be enough for a pump.

As far as making gains, the fact of the matter is that we all stay the same or regress most of the time. Me, you, the pros... we spend most of our time in the same fucking place. Take a look at the top pros, most have been sitting at the same muscular size for years and years. Gaining new muscle after those initial gains from a new training stimulus or drug stimulus is HARD.

It's hilarious to hear some pro say "all that matters is stimulating the muscle, the weight doesn't matter at all". Meanwhile the guy hasn't gained a single pound of muscle in a decade. "But, but, what about Serge Nubret (insert any pro known for training 'light')?" Well, how much muscle did these guys gain in the last 10 years of their careers when they continued to train using the same load and volume (assuming they didn't start a new drug such as GH or insulin)? Jack shit is usually the answer.

Like anabolic says, you can clean up your style of execution, increase volume etc and make some gains but the main stimulus for growth is still the load (within a certain rep range, everything else being equal).


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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #403 on: July 17, 2013, 05:46:13 PM »
Progressive overload is important whether it be more weight less rest more sets what ever, but you can only do that for so long. Yes you are correct when you speak about the pros most haven't gained any real size in years and they never will again barring some type of new drug or upping the dose, but if upping the dose was all that was needed then Jay would come in much bigger this year and he won't. You can speak of Serge Nubret or Branch Warren, bottom line is both of those guys reached their size limit years before they have or will retire.


  • Getbig V
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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #404 on: July 17, 2013, 05:51:42 PM »
Progressive overload is important whether it be more weight less rest more sets what ever, but you can only do that for so long. Yes you are correct when you speak about the pros most haven't gained any real size in years and they never will again barring some type of new drug or upping the dose, but if upping the dose was all that was needed then Jay would come in much bigger this year and he won't. You can speak of Serge Nubret or Branch Warren, bottom line is both of those guys reached their size limit years before they have or will retire.

True. Most pros are merely maintaining.

no one

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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #405 on: July 17, 2013, 08:30:42 PM »
haah tell that to paul dillet,the heart warming castle story



  • Getbig V
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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #406 on: July 18, 2013, 02:33:31 AM »
very good stuff from van, disgusted, and anabolic here

also, this thing about regaining previous size takes more time than most folks say it will, at least that has been my experience


  • Getbig V
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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #407 on: July 18, 2013, 08:45:29 AM »
very good stuff from van, disgusted, and anabolic here

also, this thing about regaining previous size takes more time than most folks say it will, at least that has been my experience

I've found I bounce back fairly quickly, even now that I am an old man. The trick for me is to ease back into training and not overdo it at first. Of course I am not speaking of supersized anything just fit and bigger than the average Joe.


  • Getbig V
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Re: found this quote on a roid board regarding training
« Reply #408 on: July 18, 2013, 10:22:21 AM »
My son tried to button his shirt the other day, and got upset that he couldn't get them all straight. I told him "Son, don't cry there's no such thing as failure, you just have to try again until you get it right!"

Later that night I was browsing the G&O and saw a picture of dj181. I felt like I had lied to my son, so I woke him up from his bed, and said "Son, you know what I said earlier, well it's not always true - look at this 'guy'!!!!" My son said his first "oh brother" and we had a great midnight laugh together at dj's expense.
