Author Topic: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?  (Read 6407 times)


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2013, 12:27:39 PM »
I would like to see an honest study done on the adopted children of gay couples...I wonder how many of the children "become" gay/bi later on in life...Would be interesting. But no doubt the numbers would be fudge packed by the Hierarchy's media. no pun...


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2013, 01:02:17 PM »
I would like to see an honest study done on the adopted children of gay couples...I wonder how many of the children "become" gay/bi later on in life...Would be interesting. But no doubt the numbers would be fudged by the Hierarchy's media. no pun...I could see the Rosie O'Donnell's of the world pressuring her kids into being gay...

I've wondered about this too. A lot of homophobes bring this up as a concern, but how many straight parents have forced heterosexuality on their gay kids? Probably an enormous amount. And how many straight parents have shamed their children into hiding, drugs and alcohol abuse or even suicide?

I always think about my best friend when I hear about these debates. My best friend, P, moved out East to Montreal for work, which surprised a lot of us as most kids move out to Alberta to make ridiculous oil money. And then we found out he moved there because he's gay.

He comes from the most hardcore Christian family I've ever met, and looking back on things he was always fighting with his brothers and always called people gay, homo, homo, etc. My heart aches to think about the secret he kept from everyone and how alone he must have felt, and still feels. I actually spoke to OMR and sent a heartfelt plea to ask how I should approach my friend about it, but I still haven't been able to bring it up because it's not a discussion I'd want to have over the phone.

The last I heard he has found a partner but there's a lot of conflict and struggles for them. I think they both haven't told their family and they fight about it a lot. I found this all out when his brother and also a best friend of mine, D, came to me high on ecstasy and told me everything. He was turning to alcohol and drugs because of all the worrying he was doing over his brother who came out. He's had a few substance abuse issues and did great for a while until he became concerned with his brother. He's deeply concerned and conflicted because there's nothing we can really do to help other than to be there for him.

I asked D what his parents would think if we all sat down and had a talk, and he said his parents would never talk to him again, end of story.... their sister and a couple other brothers know. I talked to them too and they all said the same thing and how they felt so terrible for P. So their family dynamic is fucked up, all because of someone else's stupid opinion which shouldn't mean anything. It's not fair for homosexuals to have to deal with that shit when everyone could just wipe off their pussies and stop holding a bias against gay people. I'm angry at his stupid Christian parents because despite being otherwise good people, they let their shitty religion dictate how they view gay people and they're convinced that they'll all burn in hell as a punishment for their "sins". And they will even say goodbye to their very own child and let him burn in hell... fucking pieces of shit. ::)

Didn't put the names down here in case they're reading this post. If you're reading this P, gimme a call any time, bro. Love you.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2013, 01:05:03 PM »
i think they could be allowed to adopt girls

not boys

for obvious reasons


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2013, 01:10:21 PM »
i think they could be allowed to adopt girls

not boys

for obvious reasons

Why? Are you scared they might catch a case of "teh gay"?

Lesbians don't fuck dudes either, and most lesbian porn is just straight chicks doing it for the money.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2013, 01:11:18 PM »
Why? Are you scared they might catch a case of "teh gay"?

Lesbians don't fuck dudes either, and most lesbian porn is just straight chicks doing it for the money.

i think he is saying gay men.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2013, 01:12:40 PM »
Why are you and your partner looking?

This.  Damn getbig is slippin. 


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2013, 01:18:43 PM »
Oh Holy God
who begets these depraved homosexuals?


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2013, 01:24:47 PM »
i think he is saying gay men.

Ah yeah, just re-read it. Ridiculous either way. There are way bigger problems in this world. Homosexuality isn't a problem either, it's just a thing that some people have a hard time accepting.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2013, 01:25:53 PM »
Ah yeah, just re-read it. Ridiculous either way. There are way bigger problems in this world. Homosexuality isn't a problem either, it's just a thing that some people have a hard time accepting.

They most likely need more anal lube.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2013, 01:31:10 PM »
They most likely need more anal lube.

presunably somebody has bent to your super knowledge?

The True Adonis

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2013, 01:34:01 PM »
Of course they should be able to adopt.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2013, 01:40:38 PM »
Mother nature designed us for a reason. As with anything in life, if you try to fuck with mother nature's rules you will fail. Forget about God and the bible.

Anyone who has been around gay couples know they really dont get along. they never will either. 2 men cannot have a good loving relationship. Anyone who has been around gay couples know that gay women hate men, All men, gay or strait. Gay men hate women, all women, gay or strait.

This is a huge issue with gay communities and activists. Gay men and gay women hate each other. Think about how they would raise their kids. It also raises the question if you were born gay, why would you hate the opposite sex?


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2013, 01:42:53 PM »
Why? Are you scared they might catch a case of "teh gay"?

Lesbians don't fuck dudes either, and most lesbian porn is just straight chicks doing it for the money.
two horny gays with twisted perversions all alone in the house with a little boy

i pitty the fool

The True Adonis

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2013, 01:43:21 PM »
Mother nature designed us for a reason. As with anything in life, if you try to fuck with mother nature's rules you will fail. Forget about God and the bible.

Anyone who has been around gay couples know they really dont get along. they never will either. 2 men cannot have a good loving relationship. Anyone who has been around gay couples know that gay women hate men, All men, gay or strait. Gay men hate women, all women, gay or strait.

This is a huge issue with gay communities and activists. Gay men and gay women hate each other. Think about how they would raise their kids. It also raises the question if you were born gay, why would you hate the opposite sex?

Complete nonsense, including the "mother nature" part.  There are many evolutionary reasons why homosexuality is displayed amongst nearly all animals, humans included.  Do some research.

The True Adonis

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2013, 01:44:53 PM »
Mother nature designed us for a reason. As with anything in life, if you try to fuck with mother nature's rules you will fail. Forget about God and the bible.

Anyone who has been around gay couples know they really dont get along. they never will either. 2 men cannot have a good loving relationship. Anyone who has been around gay couples know that gay women hate men, All men, gay or strait. Gay men hate women, all women, gay or strait.

This is a huge issue with gay communities and activists. Gay men and gay women hate each other. Think about how they would raise their kids. It also raises the question if you were born gay, why would you hate the opposite sex?

Furthermore there is no "design" to any living being.  Life and changes to each organism result from the non-random survival of randomly varying replicators.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2013, 01:49:16 PM »
Complete nonsense, including the "mother nature" part.  There are many evolutionary reasons why homosexuality is displayed amongst nearly all animals, humans included.  Do some research.

Exactly!! Mother nature lol... go eat some fucking granola and enjoy it with your mother nature, kh300.

I'm jealous of gay people. My wife gets me so riled up, but same with all women for that matter. I almost wish I had a fancy for other dudes because women really bother me. They're so fucking annoying. The only thing I like about them is when they shut the fuck up or when we have sex. I really admire the female form and think there's nothing more appetizing than a woman's body, especially her lady bits.

If there was a God, he's taunting us for making women so beautiful and intolerable.

Victor VonDoom

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2013, 02:10:26 PM »
Remember the 1976 movie, Carrie?  Her mom thought virtually everything Carried did was sinful and damned her to hell: combing her hair, wearing make up, having her period, wearing a dress, going to the prom, kissing a boy, breathing . . .  ::)

Margaret White: [Referring to Carrie's prom gown] Red. I might have known it would be red.
Carrie: It's pink, Mama.
[Presenting corsage]
Carrie: Look what Tommy gave me, Mama. Aren't they beautiful?
Margaret White: I can see your dirty pillows. Everyone will.
Carrie: Breasts, Mama. They're called breasts, and every woman has them.



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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2013, 02:11:47 PM »
Exactly!! Mother nature lol... go eat some fucking granola and enjoy it with your mother nature, kh300.

I'm jealous of gay people. My wife gets me so riled up, but same with all women for that matter. I almost wish I had a fancy for other dudes because women really bother me. They're so fucking annoying. The only thing I like about them is when they shut the fuck up or when we have sex. I really admire the female form and think there's nothing more appetizing than a woman's body, especially her lady bits.

If there was a God, he's taunting us for making women so beautiful and intolerable.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #43 on: August 09, 2013, 02:13:51 PM »
Complete nonsense, including the "mother nature" part.  There are many evolutionary reasons why homosexuality is displayed amongst nearly all animals, humans included.  Do some research.

The only credible thing I've ever seen about wild animals being gay are in populations that have a limited food supply, and to show dominance. Its imprinted deep in all animals genes to reproduce.

Anyways I'm sure you've never been around gay couples. Like I said anyone who has will tell you how fucked up their relationships are.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2013, 02:18:23 PM »
Exactly!! Mother nature lol... go eat some fucking granola and enjoy it with your mother nature, kh300.

I'm jealous of gay people. My wife gets me so riled up, but same with all women for that matter. I almost wish I had a fancy for other dudes because women really bother me. They're so fucking annoying. The only thing I like about them is when they shut the fuck up or when we have sex. I really admire the female form and think there's nothing more appetizing than a woman's body, especially her lady bits.

If there was a God, he's taunting us for making women so beautiful and intolerable.

When I refer to mother nature I'm not talking about being out in the woods. I'm talking about biology and how and why we are created.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2013, 02:33:31 PM »
Someone just emailed me about this thread and asked me to chime in.  It appears I have come just in time to hear from kh300.  Let me remind you all how he lost his credibility:  He had a big mancrush on Ronnie Coleman but wilted like a flower when his friends called him a fag:

i remember at my old apartment i used to have a poster of ronnie and arnold,, when people looked at the arnold one they were like ''that dudes jacked'' then when they looked at the ronnie one they would call me a fag for having that on my wall.. i had to take ronnie down..

call me a homophobe or whatever you want,,but you wont catch me watching too many bodybuilding shows. dudes twirling around in thongs is not something i want to look at. i like watching them train, but striated glutes is not my thing. with the bigger posing trunks they used to wear, it makes bodybuilding look like an artform.. when you have a thong wedged up your asshole is more like gay porno.

Maybe you just feel this way because your friend told you they think it's gay seeing Ronnie on the wall. Why did you put the poster up in the first place if you thought it was gay?  ;)

You are a hypocrite and a coward to boot.

You obviously had no problem with the Coleman poster when you went to the trouble of obtaining it and hung it on your wall.  Day after day you looked at it and obviously admired it.  Only after your guests called you a fag did you decide that you “had to take Ronnie down.”

I’m sure you will still watch body building shows/videos; you just won’t do it in front of your friends.

I suggest you save up your allowance and go buy a backbone when you have enough money.  Better yet, track down your guests and ask them if you can have your manhood back; they obviously took it with them when they left.  :-[


Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Bay, you are in rare form tonight!

Doom is amused.

Kh300, let's talk once you've recovered from this owning... in other words--never!  ::)


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2013, 02:38:05 PM »
Aw, don't come back now, not like this...
Hell, it needed to be during the Tbombz Bunny Suit Fiasco.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2013, 02:44:04 PM »
Someone just emailed me about this thread and asked me to chime in.  It appears I have come just in time to hear from kh300.  Let me remind you all how he lost his credibility:  He had a big mancrush on Ronnie Coleman but wilted like a flower when his friends called him a fag:

Kh300, let's talk once you've recovered from this owning... in other words--never!  ::)

You have posts saved from over 5 years ago? WTF. I was simply making the point that larger posing trunks that they used to wear were more accepted.

Hey Bay if you want to believe I was 'owned' over 5 years ago then please enjoy at your pleasure.

Besides this isnt a thread about being gay. Its about gays raising children. Go fuck all the dudes you want, thats your right.


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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2013, 02:52:54 PM »
When I refer to mother nature I'm not talking about being out in the woods. I'm talking about biology and how and why we are created.

So we just don't understand "mother nature". Not everything in this universe has a perfect explanation created specifically to satisfy the human race. Accept it. There are gay people. Lets deal with it like rational beings and not shun them because we're scared or uncomfortable. Only retarded animals do that, so I think we should hold ourselves in a bit higher regard and do what's right. Even if homosexuality is bad or wrong, it doesn't give us any right to persecute them and treat them worse than we would someone who's heterosexual.

White, brown, yellow, straight, gay, fudge packer, who cares!? Only fucking pricks with too much time on their hands have the ability to find this level of fear and concern over gays. All they wanna do is live in peace and look fabulous. I have absolutely no quarrel with that. I know and love a lot of homosexuals and none of them have ever persecuted me for loving vagina.

Victor VonDoom

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Re: Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Adopt?
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2013, 03:02:51 PM »
Someone just emailed me about this thread and asked me to chime in.  It appears I have come just in time to hear from kh300.  Let me remind you all how he lost his credibility:  He had a big mancrush on Ronnie Coleman but wilted like a flower when his friends called him a fag:

Kh300, let's talk once you've recovered from this owning... in other words--never!  ::)

Bah ha ha ha ha!  A classic owning has no expiration date: Fat Panda, Billy M., Kh300, and those are just the ones Doom can remember!  Bay, we have missed your eviscerations!  Come back.

Doom approves.