Author Topic: Dealing with depression  (Read 38793 times)

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #175 on: November 21, 2013, 03:30:50 AM »
Also good stuff from Falcon. Keep the mind busy.
keep it busy but then go back to simpler familiar fun times/daily routines that you like man, give the advanced theories a rest for a few days


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #176 on: November 21, 2013, 03:35:02 AM »
falcon blowing the mind in this thread

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #177 on: November 21, 2013, 03:39:04 AM »
keeping the mind busy is like trying to ignore that you are in a tiny boat in the middle of the angry ocean without a paddle. Learn to still the mind and clear it so you can look bellow the surface into the uncoscious part of yourself to identify the cause

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #178 on: November 21, 2013, 04:03:29 AM »
Depression is a part of life IMO.  One doesn't need do anything when depressed, just continue living is all.  Nothing remains constant, you may even become more depressed and wish you were only as depressed as you were yesterday.  If your depression bothers you that much, learn more about the subject.  A deep understanding of a subject can bring great calm and relief.  There are literally tons of books on the matter. If it is a spiritual outlook on the matter you are after, read "The art of happiness"  or the more recent 'The Happiness Hypothesis.'  There are no guarantees in life, no full proof way to become happy.  Anyway, happiness isn't a necessary ingredient to live a fulfilling life, there are greater things than happiness in life I believe.  There is nothing to say that a fulfilling life won't be filled with difficulty, sadness and tragedy.



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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #179 on: November 21, 2013, 04:14:26 AM »
the art of sucking cock was a good book indeed


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #180 on: November 21, 2013, 06:56:51 AM »

To those suffering from depression, seek professional help.  Find a church near you that offers free counseling if you can't afford professional help.  Give reading the Bible daily and prayer a try.  It changed my life.  Seek Jesus Christ.  He changed my life.  Also:

The Keys to Happiness (From Scientific Studies)

• Make lists of things for which you're grateful in your life

• Practice random acts of kindness

• Forgive your enemies

• Notice life's small pleasures

• Take care of your health

• Practice positive thinking

• Invest time and energy into friendships and family.

And the award for the most useless and cliche advice goes to!

I was thinking the same. Prayer, yep, that should help.

"Health benefits, such as lower blood pressure, increased longevity, and reduced risk for depression, may occur in people who regularly practice their spiritual faith or who are part of a religious community."

Natural Man

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #181 on: November 21, 2013, 07:02:05 AM »
Wolfox, i hope you realize most people "ambitions", is only to last one more day at work, dealing with people in family etc, hoping they ll be able to hold on until they can watch their favorite soap on tv, jerk off to internet porn, eat a bag of chips... If you knew the "life goals" most people have and stick to daily cause it simply keeps them going... Sorry but that's the truth. We re all that way. Not everyone can be a nobel prize in physics or brad pitt, and even them have nasty skeletons in their closets they re just better at hiding them than most people.

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #182 on: November 21, 2013, 07:04:32 AM »
To those suffering from depression, seek professional help.  Find a church near you that offers free counseling if you can't afford professional help.  Give reading the Bible daily and prayer a try.  It changed my life.  Seek Jesus Christ.  He changed my life.  Also:

The Keys to Happiness (From Scientific Studies)

• Make lists of things for which you're grateful in your life

• Practice random acts of kindness

• Forgive your enemies

• Notice life's small pleasures

• Take care of your health

• Practice positive thinking

• Invest time and energy into friendships and family.
Falcon principles.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #183 on: November 21, 2013, 07:10:18 AM »
Take cold showers

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #184 on: November 21, 2013, 07:52:16 AM »
I know I will get bashed..I don't care. But maybe God is convicting u. Ask him to forgive u
.yes I m being serious

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #185 on: November 21, 2013, 07:54:08 AM »
To those suffering from depression, seek professional help.  Find a church near you that offers free counseling if you can't afford professional help.  Give reading the Bible daily and prayer a try.  It changed my life.  Seek Jesus Christ.  He changed my life.  Also:

The Keys to Happiness (From Scientific Studies)

• Make lists of things for which you're grateful in your life

• Practice random acts of kindness

• Forgive your enemies

• Notice life's small pleasures

• Take care of your health

• Practice positive thinking

• Invest time and energy into friendships and family.

I know a number of you simply batted loco's post aside as meaningless, but to me that speaks volumes.  

The keys presented here appear so simple, but are completely profound.  These "meaningless, cliche" practices are ignored by so many it's ridiculous and yet are so crucial to helping alleviate so many of the stresses of life.  

There's a significant difference between "down in the dumps" depression and "chemically imbalanced" depression.  With a physically healthy brain these keys are an absolute cure-all, but some are sick and need medical attention and medication....nothing to be ashamed of either!!  

Happiness is not about "just do 1-2-3" and suddenly rainbows and skittles start flyin outta your butthole.  The principles are about a shift in your total perception.  They're about how you operate and approach every facet of every day.  

And what comes before the "keys"?  The rock, the foundation, the cornerstone....that my friends is big JC!!  He is the core and source of my personal strength and I love him for it.  The day I surrendered to Christ's will for my life is the day my mind was healed.  Anxiety and depression or being "down in the dumps" are things of the past for me and my life stressors have only increased since that time LOL!!  

How I approach each day and every person in it is different now that it was before.  I desire to the become the "salt and light" for the world.  In the past, I clung to those that were positive and searched them out amidst my depression and stress repeatedly.  It wasn't until Christ did a mighty work in me that I both realized and desired to become exactly what I sought in others in the past.

Those "cliche keys", they are an overflowing fountain of happiness and I can personally attest to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!      

Man of Steel

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #186 on: November 21, 2013, 07:57:13 AM »
I know I will get bashed..I don't care. But maybe God is convicting u. Ask him to forgive u
.yes I m being serious


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #187 on: November 21, 2013, 08:00:17 AM »
Also alot of ppl get seasonal depression .cold .weather.less sun.short days cause
However he said he is thinking about his past and what he has done..feeling guilty which leads me to my above post ...ask God to forgive u of all your sins

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #188 on: November 21, 2013, 08:15:08 AM »
Depression is a part of life IMO.  One doesn't need do anything when depressed, just continue living is all.  Nothing remains constant, you may even become more depressed and wish you were only as depressed as you were yesterday.  If your depression bothers you that much, learn more about the subject.  A deep understanding of a subject can bring great calm and relief.  There are literally tons of books on the matter. If it is a spiritual outlook on the matter you are after, read "The art of happiness"  or the more recent 'The Happiness Hypothesis.'  There are no guarantees in life, no full proof way to become happy.  Anyway, happiness isn't a necessary ingredient to live a fulfilling life, there are greater things than happiness in life I believe.  There is nothing to say that a fulfilling life won't be filled with difficulty, sadness and tragedy.

well buddhism principles were great and helping me a lot, until i figured someone who wants to hurt, kill you doesnt care about it, which makes it invalid; sometimes in life nice words and all that crap cannot sustain, protect your own life. I dont know if christianism comes up with the same kind of stuff "love you enemy, be nice even when people arent nice to you; nothing matters, nothing makes sense, just enjoy life as much as you can without hurting others" and so on.
 Also the dalai lama who promotes buddhism, has been cared for by tons of people since birth; wasnt able to defend his country, admited he regreted he didnt have an ary to defend it... in the end he is just sitting in a comfy chair in his palace with people providing him with everything cause "he's holy"... fact is buddhism has only become a new kind of tool for psychologists in the west, ask tibetan monks in annexed tibet , who are getting replaced by waves of chinese immigrants on purpose, what they think, what they think about their friends who believed in buddhism and in the end set themselves on fire with nobody on the whole planet giving a single fuck...Buddhism is flawed, as simple as that, as it cannot even defend itself, so is doomed to disapear. It is also a very nihilistic view of life if you really look deep into it, like indian religion/philosophy. At least in christianism and islam you re taught to defend and attack to survive, buddhism just tells you to sit there, enjoy everything under the sun, subtly advise you to not reproduce and just enjoy life manipulating others with your nice words. Whatever the way you look at it, it 's a suicidal belief; it doesnt promote or encourage life and its perpetuation, it's for hypocrit parasites.

We are left with confucianism, indhouism, judaism, christianity islam and for atheists; pills, books written by cynical "scientists" as depressed as the people they pretend to want to help and who make a living out of these very same books and pills.
We all have to deal with the reality at some point tho; life is unfair, the fittest, strongest willed survives, and it's a free for all. Losers make winners feel better, and winners sometimes encourage losers to evolve. Nobody cares for losers, only people who can make a living out of helping them or who have interests doing so. We all have to submit to various forms of authority thru life, and not all of them are benevolent. Nothing is never easy and black or white, it's always a mix of shared interests that constantly evolve. Life is war, struggle, adaptation, and those who are the best at playing the game, are the "happiest". Yes, assholes who make tons of money whatever the way they make the money, can have decent families, be in shape, have it all, and they re perfectly fine with it.
Whatever the meaning you give to things, events, how you justify others behaviors and yours, we re all hoping we will be able to do what we like as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else, and that people will leave us alone. Problem's easier said than done.
We are definitely funny animals, cause we know we re all bullshiting each others daily, we know we all want to control, dominate, submit each others. And we all pretend we re nice disinterested genuine individuals. We also all know we are doomed to extinction at some point, but we all want to have as much fun as possible in the meanwhile. We re probably as significant as ants or dinosaurs tho.

If Gods exists, how do you explain some assholes, politics, mafia leaders etc live long fulfilled lives , have big familes that their sons grandsons keep at it, even if they murder people etc. How do you explain a rich man who gets caught can redeem himself, dump the old fat wife and get a new younger one etc. There is no morality, just animals who are sneakier than others. You only feel guilty when you get caught. People who dont get caught just think "haha, im the smarterst/strongest". Intrinsically there is no morality just animals doing what they can to survive, some are better at it than others, as simple as that.  You ll tell me yeah but, a man or woman 's sins will be their kids or grandkids burden tho, cause it's true that sometimes it's not in one's life things get worse, it's in his, her kids or grandkids lives, scenarios repeat themselves etc.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #189 on: November 21, 2013, 08:49:02 AM »
watch comedies, workout, read self help books, don't watch the news or anything negative. Never dwell or worry, it wont change the circumstance, be proactive and make things happen.

im assuming the depression is not related to a family member dying, that's different, I have been through that, but I wouldn't call it depression, just sad and in mourning. I always think of ways to get better in life or put myself in a position where I can never be depressed, I believe im blessed, im not wheelchair bound, not diseased, im grateful for my life. I know many wheelchair bound people that are happy they are still alive, they don't keep thinking "I cant fucking walk"

its not normal to be happy all the time, but its not normal to be depressed all the time either, today with the net, there a heaps of youtube videos that can inspire you and lift you, as Rambo said in Part 2 "I believe the mind is the most valuable weapon" this is true.

IF you can find what your mind likes and someone positive that you can connect to whether in real life or a reading the bible, or whether its a public figure, whatever it is and no matter what anyone says just reach out to it.

someone said maybe God is making you depressed for something you did, I tend to believe that too, but then pray and ask to be forgiven, give to charity, help out someone you know that needs help, it should alleviate the depression.

I have helped out many people, broke people, that were unappreciative, its all good, im happy to help anyone move forward in life, I don't care if they appreciate my help anyway, its a issue they must deal with.

I agree with Tom cruise also, don't need drugs to be happy. its all in the mind. (im going to back a few years when he ranted on about brooke shields taken anti depressants, its none of his business and his cult programmed him to be insensitive to lash out on air about her, but I do understand what he meant.

I know some getbiggers take depression tablets to level out there serotonin levels etc, if that makes life bearable and you happy, I support you, I'm not knocking you.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #190 on: November 21, 2013, 09:34:29 AM »
Falcon principles.

You forgot to add the key Falcon Principle:  Avoid dat damn heme-iron at all costs!!!


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #191 on: November 21, 2013, 09:44:42 AM »
I know a number of you simply batted loco's post aside as meaningless, but to me that speaks volumes.  

The keys presented here appear so simple, but are completely profound.  These "meaningless, cliche" practices are ignored by so many it's ridiculous and yet are so crucial to helping alleviate so many of the stresses of life.  

There's a significant difference between "down in the dumps" depression and "chemically imbalanced" depression.  With a physically healthy brain these keys are an absolute cure-all, but some are sick and need medical attention and medication....nothing to be ashamed of either!!  

Happiness is not about "just do 1-2-3" and suddenly rainbows and skittles start flyin outta your butthole.  The principles are about a shift in your total perception.  They're about how you operate and approach every facet of every day.  

And what comes before the "keys"?  The rock, the foundation, the cornerstone....that my friends is big JC!!  He is the core and source of my personal strength and I love him for it.  The day I surrendered to Christ's will for my life is the day my mind was healed.  Anxiety and depression or being "down in the dumps" are things of the past for me and my life stressors have only increased since that time LOL!!  

How I approach each day and every person in it is different now that it was before.  I desire to the become the "salt and light" for the world.  In the past, I clung to those that were positive and searched them out amidst my depression and stress repeatedly.  It wasn't until Christ did a mighty work in me that I both realized and desired to become exactly what I sought in others in the past.

Those "cliche keys", they are an overflowing fountain of happiness and I can personally attest to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!      

MOS has helped me a lot these past few days.  Until very recently I had lost my faith and that was not God's fault it was mine.  I was in the worst condition spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically that i have ever been in.  I prayed for help and went to church for the first time since childhood.  Mock me all you want, but I saw the light finally.  There is hope for the most wretched and tormented of us all.  You just need to stop closing your heart and accept that God WILL guide you and make you stronger.  It is not some psychological trick, it is real.  If you are truly clinically depressed, get medical help like MOS said, but if it is a spiritual depression you are in ask God for help.  I am not instantly cured or suddenly better than anyone else, but I am better than the guy I used to be.  I finally woke up and saw that God does not hate me, He does not want me to suffer, He wants me to live in the light and the only way is through his Grace.  I finally get it.  It took me 35 years, but I get it.  To anyone who is in chaos and torment, God is closest to you at that exact moment.  Ask Him to give you strength.

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #192 on: November 21, 2013, 09:50:28 AM »
MOS has helped me a lot these past few days.  Until very recently I had lost my faith and that was not God's fault it was mine.  I was in the worst condition spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically that i have ever been in.  I prayed for help and went to church for the first time since childhood.  Mock me all you want, but I saw the light finally.  There is hope for the most wretched and tormented of us all.  You just need to stop closing your heart and accept that God WILL guide you and make you stronger.  It is not some psychological trick, it is real.  If you are truly clinically depressed, get medical help like MOS said, but if it is a spiritual depression you are in ask God for help.  I am not instantly cured or suddenly better than anyone else, but I am better than the guy I used to be.  I finally woke up and saw that God does not hate me, He does not want me to suffer, He wants me to live in the light and the only way is through his Grace.  I finally get it.  It took me 35 years, but I get it.  To anyone who is in chaos and torment, God is closest to you at that exact moment.  Ask Him to give you strength.

Praise God for you my friend!!   Awesome.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #193 on: November 21, 2013, 09:52:37 AM »
MOS has helped me a lot these past few days.  Until very recently I had lost my faith and that was not God's fault it was mine.  I was in the worst condition spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically that i have ever been in.  I prayed for help and went to church for the first time since childhood.  Mock me all you want, but I saw the light finally.  There is hope for the most wretched and tormented of us all.  You just need to stop closing your heart and accept that God WILL guide you and make you stronger.  It is not some psychological trick, it is real.  If you are truly clinically depressed, get medical help like MOS said, but if it is a spiritual depression you are in ask God for help.  I am not instantly cured or suddenly better than anyone else, but I am better than the guy I used to be.  I finally woke up and saw that God does not hate me, He does not want me to suffer, He wants me to live in the light and the only way is through his Grace.  I finally get it.  It took me 35 years, but I get it.  To anyone who is in chaos and torment, God is closest to you at that exact moment.  Ask Him to give you strength.

not crazy at all, I totally agree. It works. Just pray.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #194 on: November 21, 2013, 09:58:57 AM »
U sound batshit crazy.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Thanks MOS and Quickerblade, especially MOS.  Your messages helped me a lot these past days. 
Cholo:  I thought just like you did up until I found my way.  I thought it was all bullshit and religious types were con artists.  I thought that any good that came from religion was all psychological trickery to make you think God helped you when you had in fact helped yourself. I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG!!!   

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #195 on: November 21, 2013, 10:00:50 AM »
Girls with PMS do not know how to control their selves, they get mad and start lashing out.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #196 on: November 21, 2013, 10:07:09 AM »
Sounds like an emotional reply.  Can't argue with someone crying.

I think one of the most disgusting aspects of religion is the idea of being forgiven for your sins, to cast your sins onto an imaginary scapegoat won't help you take responsibility.  Vicarious redemption  sets up a belief system that gives one permission to harm others based on the belief they won't have to pay for it if they only seek divine forgiveness.  One should suffer after harming another (unless harming the other was justified), they should feel the wrath of such action, this is where the lesson is learned.  If one is too simply cast aside one's sins and forget about them because they believe they have been forgiven, they will remain wretched and unconsciously tortured by their deeds.  

If you have wronged someone, it is their forgiveness you need, if they won't forgive you then redeem yourself in their eyes.  If none of that is possible at least try and not behave like that again.  Hold onto the pangs of guilt and shame, it is these feelings that will potentially prevent you from repeating the same sins over and over again.

Oh, and I just hate self centred arseholes who have no self awareness.  Personally, I hope you kill yourself.  ;D

Well said.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #197 on: November 21, 2013, 10:20:59 AM »
Sounds like an emotional reply.  Can't argue with someone crying.

I think one of the most disgusting aspects of religion is the idea of being forgiven for your sins, to cast your sins onto an imaginary scapegoat won't help you take responsibility.  Vicarious redemption  sets up a belief system that gives one permission to harm others based on the belief they won't have to pay for it if they only seek divine forgiveness.  One should suffer after harming another (unless harming the other was justified), they should feel the wrath of such action, this is where the lesson is learned.  If one is too simply cast aside one's sins and forget about them because they believe they have been forgiven, they will remain wretched and unconsciously tortured by their deeds.  

If you have wronged someone, it is their forgiveness you need, if they won't forgive you then redeem yourself in their eyes.  If none of that is possible at least try and not behave like that again.  Hold onto the pangs of guilt and shame, it is these feelings that will potentially prevent you from repeating the same sins over and over again.

Oh, and I just hate self centred arseholes who have no self awareness.  Personally, I hope you kill yourself.  ;D

Oh wow, I would have been cheering you on a while ago and I would have been as wrong as you are.  Forgiveness has nothing to do with shrugging off your responsibility in the matter, quite the opposite.  It is owning up to what you did and proclaiming that you are sorry.  You don't just pass off the blame onto God, you ask Him to help you make things right.  You still have to do it, you just ask for help.  There is a lot of bitterness and resentment in your words.  I was just like you and I hated myself.  I lost the only person I ever loved because of my anger and resentment.  I am in agony over it, but I know that i can get through it now.  I tried for so long alone and I only fell further into darkness. Holding onto feelings of guilt and shame like you say are exactly what held me in the state of perpetual torture I was in.  There is absolutely nothing worthwhile to staying like that.  I say all these things because I see my old hate-filled, sad, lonely self in your words.  I truly hope you find your way out of the darkness you are in.  It may take time, I know it took me a while, but I finally see it.  And your last statement was truly wrong in the most hateful way.  I will not judge you but you should think about what you just said there.  Good luck E-kul.

Mr Nobody

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #198 on: November 21, 2013, 10:25:53 AM »
Patty Duke went crazy once.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #199 on: November 21, 2013, 11:12:02 AM »
Oh wow, I would have been cheering you on a while ago and I would have been as wrong as you are.  Forgiveness has nothing to do with shrugging off your responsibility in the matter, quite the opposite.  It is owning up to what you did and proclaiming that you are sorry.  You don't just pass off the blame onto God, you ask Him to help you make things right.  You still have to do it, you just ask for help.  There is a lot of bitterness and resentment in your words.  I was just like you and I hated myself.  I lost the only person I ever loved because of my anger and resentment.  I am in agony over it, but I know that i can get through it now.  I tried for so long alone and I only fell further into darkness. Holding onto feelings of guilt and shame like you say are exactly what held me in the state of perpetual torture I was in.  There is absolutely nothing worthwhile to staying like that.  I say all these things because I see my old hate-filled, sad, lonely self in your words.  I truly hope you find your way out of the darkness you are in.  It may take time, I know it took me a while, but I finally see it.  And your last statement was truly wrong in the most hateful way.  I will not judge you but you should think about what you just said there.  Good luck E-kul.

how long ago did this happen Dago?

i'm going through the same thing right now, and the worst part is the only one u can blame is yourself which is utter torture.