Author Topic: Dealing with depression  (Read 39128 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #275 on: November 25, 2013, 09:54:39 PM »
I wouldn't get started on any medications especially SSRI's. selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors are all horrible drugs. If you do get on any medication try a benzo before a SSRI. If you can stay off all medications that would be best. What you need to do is get a hobby and stick with it or if you already have a hobby like weight lifting try to spend alot of time in the gym and train real seriously. Make a goal sheet for yourself and achieve them all. Also go get laid. getting some good sex always makes a man or women happy. You need a good women in your life. Money also seems to bring lot of people joy so work hard as well and make alot of money. But for a quick depression fix workout alot, go get laid and get some good rest and eat foods you like to eat. I don;t know what is going on in your life but avoid any prescription drugs. I went that route and benzos worked great but now I am stuck on them and SSRI's were garbage,those might make things worse.

LOL epic poor advice.

SSRI work very well, it's just a matter of finding the one that work best for you. Benzo are addictive and for term use only. LOL look at you hooked up on Xanax. Epic fail @self medicating. Why would we take any advice from you?


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #276 on: November 26, 2013, 12:40:57 AM »
LOL epic poor advice.

SSRI work very well, it's just a matter of finding the one that work best for you. Benzo are addictive and for term use only. LOL look at you hooked up on Xanax. Epic fail @self medicating. Why would we take any advice from you?

I totally was pushing for staying off all medications.If you read carefully I said to stay off all medications if possible.first thing I said is" I wouldn't get started on any medications"
SSRI's are addictive as well not as addictive as benzos but a patient still must be tapered off of them. You are the first person I know who says SSRI's work great. It is best to not get started on any medication and I def emphasized that in my post. There is really know reason to start on medications. I honestly wish I didn't try any medications myself but I will say the SSRI's treated me way worse then benzos and don't try to say SSRI's are not addictive not as bad as benzos but yes addictive and tapering is needed to get off them.

 I think xanax is the best drug ever made and it blows away any SSRI ever made. You can use it long term. why not?It all really comes down to what kind of problems you are having.getting a mental health evaluation is your best bet then they can tell you if you need a SSRI or a Benzo or maybe both.
Alex23 you probably started this thread because you are still sad your boyfriend nasser died.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #277 on: November 26, 2013, 11:00:10 AM »
I used to think depression was something for weak people, something that didn't exist, it is all in the mind. Therefore people who have depressions were just weak and couldn't  handle life.

My "depression/problems" started about 8 months ago, i had 2 jobs was working hard, last year university had a girlfriend for over 3 years and felt semi happy i guess.

Then one night i just woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep any more, i woke up with thoughts in my head of all the things i had to do the next day. The next night was the same and so on. I was caught in a viscous circle of insomnia, i knew i had to sleep to function the next day, but that mere thought would keep me awake.  I would cry to go to sleep, but i couldn't sleep. This went on for a month until i was committed in an hospital/asylum(?) because i hadn't slept in 4 days and i began to lose touch with reality.

Then the medication started, my next life i would say. First lorazepam and some anti depressant called remeron to help me fall asleep. I slept for a few days but that slowly started to pass, the medication would not help me sleep any more, i would wake up and be in the same viscous circle again.

This went on for months with different therapists and incresing doses of medication. I became really down because of the no sleep, i could not function any more. At that moment i still thought it would be a temporary thing everybody told me so. haha.  :D

Every day i would feel like i was not asleep nor awake, my girlfriend could not cope with this for the half year it had been going on, she left me. Who could blame her? stuck with a down depressed guy in your twenties. I lost both of my jobs and have been failing most of my classes this past semester. (i never failed anything before this)

I am still prescribed remeron (30mg) and clonazepam 4mg for sleep, i feel nothing of the benzos any more, but if i don't take them i will feel it, i begin to shake and crave it.

Now i am here, almost a year later. Lost almost everything i had. And still no decent sleep! I Wake up after an hour or 2 or 3  and doze in and out of light sleep, even though i am tired as shit every day!

Everyday i "wake up" feeling like i am dead, i do not know any more how i felt before the medication. I cannot concentrate or get anything done. Everyday and night i would feel i would die, and now I've come to the moment where if dead comes i will welcome it, i will finally sleep.

Live without sleep is nothing, there is no life without sleep. Only depression.

So that is my depression story, how i cope with it? Obviously not good.

I am on my own authority now going to quit the anti depressant and benzos, i want to know how i was again before the medication. Yes the anti depressant takes some of the sadness away. But also the feeling of joy. I feel nothing any more.

I wish i could go back and know that feeling again, the feeling of sleep and waking rested.

So yeah tl;dr version, i'm pretty fucked in the head seeing as am in some insane insomnia based depression.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #278 on: November 26, 2013, 11:59:08 AM »

I totally was pushing for staying off all medications.If you read carefully I said to stay off all medications if possible.first thing I said is" I wouldn't get started on any medications"
SSRI's are addictive as well not as addictive as benzos but a patient still must be tapered off of them. You are the first person I know who says SSRI's work great. It is best to not get started on any medication and I def emphasized that in my post. There is really know reason to start on medications. I honestly wish I didn't try any medications myself but I will say the SSRI's treated me way worse then benzos and don't try to say SSRI's are not addictive not as bad as benzos but yes addictive and tapering is needed to get off them.

 I think xanax is the best drug ever made and it blows away any SSRI ever made. You can use it long term. why not?It all really comes down to what kind of problems you are having.getting a mental health evaluation is your best bet then they can tell you if you need a SSRI or a Benzo or maybe both.
Alex23 you probably started this thread because you are still sad your boyfriend nasser died.

Xanax is a good drug, I agree, however, I think it's best not to use it day-in-day out, because my experience is that it is addictive.  I had a spell at work a few years ago where my anxiety was so high that I felt like I was having heart symptoms at work (heart was fine, I was just whacked out with anxiety).  Xanax calmed me down and saved me.  I took a mild dose every morning for like 6 to 8 months.  I don't regret doing this; however, coming off it was an ugly withdrawal for me.  My body went way out of control when I stopped, and I could never figure out what was withdrawal versus what was my underlying pathology.  Little by little I got back to normal, but I avoid Xanax like the plague now, other than a once in a while on a one time basis if I have a major anxiety causing event.  I have never taken the SSRIs but my read on them is that they are built for day-in-day out use without being addictive (except you have to pyramid up and down at beginning and end kind of like with AAS).

But, even though I am into spirituality more than anything as best cure, I would recommend SSRIs more than any other drug for persons suffering from serious depression.  Get with the right doctor (get psychiatry referral from primary care doctor), and go with drugs like Paxil, Lexapro, etc. before barbituates or other type medications which are addictive.   

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #279 on: November 26, 2013, 12:05:36 PM »
I used to think depression was something for weak people, something that didn't exist, it is all in the mind. Therefore people who have depressions were just weak and couldn't  handle life.

My "depression/problems" started about 8 months ago, i had 2 jobs was working hard, last year university had a girlfriend for over 3 years and felt semi happy i guess.

Then one night i just woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep any more, i woke up with thoughts in my head of all the things i had to do the next day. The next night was the same and so on. I was caught in a viscous circle of insomnia, i knew i had to sleep to function the next day, but that mere thought would keep me awake.  I would cry to go to sleep, but i couldn't sleep. This went on for a month until i was committed in an hospital/asylum(?) because i hadn't slept in 4 days and i began to lose touch with reality.

Then the medication started, my next life i would say. First lorazepam and some anti depressant called remeron to help me fall asleep. I slept for a few days but that slowly started to pass, the medication would not help me sleep any more, i would wake up and be in the same viscous circle again.

This went on for months with different therapists and incresing doses of medication. I became really down because of the no sleep, i could not function any more. At that moment i still thought it would be a temporary thing everybody told me so. haha.  :D

Every day i would feel like i was not asleep nor awake, my girlfriend could not cope with this for the half year it had been going on, she left me. Who could blame her? stuck with a down depressed guy in your twenties. I lost both of my jobs and have been failing most of my classes this past semester. (i never failed anything before this)

I am still prescribed remeron (30mg) and clonazepam 4mg for sleep, i feel nothing of the benzos any more, but if i don't take them i will feel it, i begin to shake and crave it.

Now i am here, almost a year later. Lost almost everything i had. And still no decent sleep! I Wake up after an hour or 2 or 3  and doze in and out of light sleep, even though i am tired as shit every day!

Everyday i "wake up" feeling like i am dead, i do not know any more how i felt before the medication. I cannot concentrate or get anything done. Everyday and night i would feel i would die, and now I've come to the moment where if dead comes i will welcome it, i will finally sleep.

Live without sleep is nothing, there is no life without sleep. Only depression.

So that is my depression story, how i cope with it? Obviously not good.

I am on my own authority now going to quit the anti depressant and benzos, i want to know how i was again before the medication. Yes the anti depressant takes some of the sadness away. But also the feeling of joy. I feel nothing any more.

I wish i could go back and know that feeling again, the feeling of sleep and waking rested.

So yeah tl;dr version, i'm pretty fucked in the head seeing as am in some insane insomnia based depression.

Sorry about your situation, friend. Maybe it's just a temporary thing. Hang in there, you're young.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #280 on: November 26, 2013, 12:19:10 PM »
Just my 2 cents- The cause and cure for depression in most is the same thing, Pussy. I reccomend you plug you're nose and dive deep into as much vag as you can. Once you start busting nuts on a consistent basis your mind will start to function more clearly.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #281 on: November 26, 2013, 12:20:03 PM »
how did people survive in the past when there werent drugs? easy, family, human support. Oh it was all about being dominated or dominating, it will never change. But people s natural anti depressant was ... other people. Still people killed themselves, so called mental ilness -when your brain dont calculate how to kill others but instead focuses on killing yourself- always existed. It s when people are too weak to deal with psychological warfare. It can have biological origins, it can be genetics; you can be genetically weak to sustain daily psychological fights. Some people have physical illnesseses, can be genetic too, that's just the way it is. Others are strong, better prepared. You can be destroyed psychologically too, by many things. Fact is we have no control over anyhting , we re just struggling to survive with what we were spwaned with. That's what all animals do. And the weak die, one way or another, you can last longer if you find something to do that allows you to dominate others and feel some pleasure in life as a result.

My father did drugs before conceivin me, getting my mom pregnant. My mom SMOKED while being pregnant of me while they were both constantly fighting each others and hesitating to break, until when i was 6 y o they finally broke up. Then i was exposed to a shity step father who didnt like me and a feminist single mother who focused on her career. Bigger bro kept ties with father while father completely ignored me.
You know what is funny? even if now i understand everything that happened, i m still not happier. Cause im still hurt, wounded, weaker, less prespared than many other men and women, and nobody gives a fuck anyways, cause it s a giant free for all. If you die, more ressources for survivors.
This is the true nature of life. Absurd cruelty and only the one that adapts whatever the way he, she adapts, survives -until one day he she dies anyways, leaving or not leaving an offspring behind. An offspring who will have the exact same automatically assignated goal in life the moment his fetus develops; adapt to survive.

I am soooo sick of that shit. So sick. I feel like i ve always been lied to. Noone , nothing can reassure me anymore, only someone who would have a personal interest -dominating me- in helping me would want to help me. And i know it. When you leave a dependecy, it s always for another dependency cause in life it s binary, life, death, wiinning, losing, dominating, or being dominated. Old people know this, they live dmany decades, killed lots of people, psychologically, physically, the strongest, luckiest survived, and they all only care about their next meal and hobbies, and watching tv, that s what keeps them alive, addictions.
Humans will disapear because they re just another mistake of life , a branch of the tree that s going nowhere. Whatever path mankind chooses, it will fail and disapear anyway. Because we are our own enemy, life itself is its own enemy and life can only destroys itself at some point.
You might be well conditionned prepared during youth by caregivers to be "strong" kill instead of being killed, dominate, you can cruise thru life with all these strenghts steping on other weaker , "dumber" people 's heads , you can do your best to raise animals who will be stronger than you -offspring- , at the end of the day and of your life, you re just an animal whose only pleasure is found in dominating the time he has to spent of this stupid rock called earth.

In the past there were shamans, the ancestors of religious people. These people survived giving advises to others about how to stay balanced etc, nowadays we have psys and pills, and we can still use religions, philosophies and so on, all of this are tools to take care of the brain, the mind. These people were fed, kept alive, because of what they brought to others in return, nothing is ever free. This is the real truth. For one shaman there were many other men who died, and they might have slowly killed one way or another. Noone is innocent.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #282 on: November 26, 2013, 12:34:42 PM »
Just my 2 cents- The cause and cure for depression in most is the same thing, Pussy. I reccomend you plug you're nose and dive deep into as much vag as you can. Once you start busting nuts on a consistent basis your mind will start to function more clearly. s just another addiction but just like all addictions at some point it doesnt work anymore; you have to face the sheer absurdity, cruelty and randomness of life. Again; all old people come that state of mind, some people just come to it sooner, younger, cause they re smarter, faster thinking , but in the end there is nothing to understand about life but that we re animals adapting to survive until we cant adapt anymore, following alternatively only 4 basic rules /main strategies of survival ; dominate, submit, cooperate, or flee.

You either find a way to play the game, find a strenght, a path, or you let other people dictate you that path and submit to them, or you refuse to play the game anymore. The problem is when you know nobody wants you, needs you, when you know there are younger people, when you know it s too late, that you re only left with regrets, anger, when there is nothing to develop anymore, when you dont want to submit to other people, when you re trying your best just wont happen, you wont cut it, you re toast. Period. So you re left with accepting it or not accepting it. 99.9% of humans are broken people. Now do they all suddenly become wise paceful helpful people etc? No, they just fight even harder to keep the insignificant crap they still have, their own life included.
We are animal who arent conscious of being animals, until one day they become conscious of it, then it s the end. Look at people around you, who play the game and are good at it whatever the level they re at; they are not conscious they are animals, in that sense they are perfect animals and...happy, doing what animals do without caring; kill instead of being killed. You re happier when you re dumber and simply play the game following rules put in your head by other people, as simple as that. And they all think they re right, and that the other one is wrong; life constantly randomly generates suffering inegalities struggle and death, and more life and so on. Life has no other purpose but to replicate itself indefinitely and everything that threatens life is avoided by those who survived and learned from their ancestors mistakes. People always told me stop thinking, you re thinking too much, the game, kill if you can kill, work to kill more and more easily, dominate, and dont think too much. Well; problem is i didnt choose to be who i am , to have  the ability to see what i see, so im stuck with being who i am  just like everyone else. Does it make me have more compassion for others?
NO. I still dont give a fuck about them mostly, and it s all about me me me. And I now know we re all the same, saying we care about others is always lying, we only care about them if our own quality of life, odds of survival, are linked to their survival.

You can jump from one hobby to another as much and as long as you can, it wont prevent you from realizing the truth; we re animals.

The joke is, you re going to avoid a lot of stuf that might kill you in your life, but in the end there will still be something that will kill you anyway.

I dont believe in searching for hapinness anymore... hapinness happen when you have a stable reassuring predictable life routine that allow you to feel pleasures one after another; many pleasures constantly = being in a state of hapiness. How to have pleassure in life, often enough to call it a happy life? by finding many of them and avoiding problems the best you can. You also have to make sure you wont abuse these pleasures and make a smart use of them, and vary them. That's probably the only realistic thing we can do.


Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #283 on: November 26, 2013, 12:44:50 PM »
I used to think depression was something for weak people, something that didn't exist, it is all in the mind. Therefore people who have depressions were just weak and couldn't  handle life.

My "depression/problems" started about 8 months ago, i had 2 jobs was working hard, last year university had a girlfriend for over 3 years and felt semi happy i guess.

Then one night i just woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep any more, i woke up with thoughts in my head of all the things i had to do the next day. The next night was the same and so on. I was caught in a viscous circle of insomnia, i knew i had to sleep to function the next day, but that mere thought would keep me awake.  I would cry to go to sleep, but i couldn't sleep. This went on for a month until i was committed in an hospital/asylum(?) because i hadn't slept in 4 days and i began to lose touch with reality.

Then the medication started, my next life i would say. First lorazepam and some anti depressant called remeron to help me fall asleep. I slept for a few days but that slowly started to pass, the medication would not help me sleep any more, i would wake up and be in the same viscous circle again.

This went on for months with different therapists and incresing doses of medication. I became really down because of the no sleep, i could not function any more. At that moment i still thought it would be a temporary thing everybody told me so. haha.  :D

Every day i would feel like i was not asleep nor awake, my girlfriend could not cope with this for the half year it had been going on, she left me. Who could blame her? stuck with a down depressed guy in your twenties. I lost both of my jobs and have been failing most of my classes this past semester. (i never failed anything before this)

I am still prescribed remeron (30mg) and clonazepam 4mg for sleep, i feel nothing of the benzos any more, but if i don't take them i will feel it, i begin to shake and crave it.

Now i am here, almost a year later. Lost almost everything i had. And still no decent sleep! I Wake up after an hour or 2 or 3  and doze in and out of light sleep, even though i am tired as shit every day!

Everyday i "wake up" feeling like i am dead, i do not know any more how i felt before the medication. I cannot concentrate or get anything done. Everyday and night i would feel i would die, and now I've come to the moment where if dead comes i will welcome it, i will finally sleep.

Live without sleep is nothing, there is no life without sleep. Only depression.

So that is my depression story, how i cope with it? Obviously not good.

I am on my own authority now going to quit the anti depressant and benzos, i want to know how i was again before the medication. Yes the anti depressant takes some of the sadness away. But also the feeling of joy. I feel nothing any more.

I wish i could go back and know that feeling again, the feeling of sleep and waking rested.

So yeah tl;dr version, i'm pretty fucked in the head seeing as am in some insane insomnia based depression.

Dude, you ve been conditioned by life to end that way, you didnt choose any of it. It s biological just like me you re the sum of who spwaned you; your parents were probably both headcases too. Noone can help you, sorry that's the truth. .If someone wants to help you, its because they have a vested interest in doing so -getting a salary or feeling better about themselves helping people who have shittier lives- Only you can help yourself, and decide you prefer to kill other people instead of being killed by them. Being smart  means being good at fucking killing dominating people psychologically instead of physically, thats what we call being intelligent.
Other people are your problem, imagine not having to deal with them anymore, well there are two options you re either rich and dominate them and everyone suck your dick to get your power, money or hope they all die or you kill them all.
We all take pleasure in seeing other people fail, and die, it makes us feel better about our own survival, that s how we ve been designed by nature. We re only sad when people we needed to insure our own survival fail or die. Because it diminishes our own odds of survival. In fact we re always only caring about ourselves whatever what we say, do , think, that s what animals, plants, all lifeforms do. They  care about their own survival, calculate how to insure it using their brain, and care about their offpsring and closest ones. In humans tho there are more and more individuals who stop caring about others, themselves, and who kill others or themselves, especially in western countries; and as the depressed white man and woman die, they re replaced by floods of third world family oriented, religious immigrants who will also at some point forget about their religions living in our cities, infrstractures, confort, who will fight each others to death in wars etc etc over and over again. Until this big joke known as life ends just like it started; some meteor or other natural cataclysm will wipe us out.

IT s funny as kids we re told we re all going to become princesses and kings, until one day we find out the truth and we break apart. All these animes, cartoons, with kings, princesses, super heroes and so on, we will all be rich beautiful and intelligent... well thats not the truth, and not everyone can be a princess or king, for one king or princess there has to be millions of "losers" and only the fittest adapt. If you re not the fittest well you re stuck all life long with your weaknesses and will suffer until your dying without being able to do shit about it. Kids in the past were probably happier as adults cause they had rougher childhoods? h wait scientists tell us only happy kids become happy if it was so easy lol. Fact is only fit kids become fit adults. If you want to be happy, dominating, be balanced, be fitand never fall for the extremes. So it s ok to show your kids superheroes and princes and princesses, but dont forget to also teach them how to work, read, fight physically and psychologically etc teach them subtly the reality of our intrinsical animality as soon as possible, or they re going to be in for a  nasty surprise as they age.

Radical Plato

  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #284 on: November 26, 2013, 01:05:14 PM »
I used to think depression was something for weak people, something that didn't exist, it is all in the mind. Therefore people who have depressions were just weak and couldn't  handle life.

My "depression/problems" started about 8 months ago, i had 2 jobs was working hard, last year university had a girlfriend for over 3 years and felt semi happy i guess.

Then one night i just woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep any more, i woke up with thoughts in my head of all the things i had to do the next day. The next night was the same and so on. I was caught in a viscous circle of insomnia, i knew i had to sleep to function the next day, but that mere thought would keep me awake.  I would cry to go to sleep, but i couldn't sleep. This went on for a month until i was committed in an hospital/asylum(?) because i hadn't slept in 4 days and i began to lose touch with reality.

Then the medication started, my next life i would say. First lorazepam and some anti depressant called remeron to help me fall asleep. I slept for a few days but that slowly started to pass, the medication would not help me sleep any more, i would wake up and be in the same viscous circle again.

This went on for months with different therapists and incresing doses of medication. I became really down because of the no sleep, i could not function any more. At that moment i still thought it would be a temporary thing everybody told me so. haha.  :D

Every day i would feel like i was not asleep nor awake, my girlfriend could not cope with this for the half year it had been going on, she left me. Who could blame her? stuck with a down depressed guy in your twenties. I lost both of my jobs and have been failing most of my classes this past semester. (i never failed anything before this)

I am still prescribed remeron (30mg) and clonazepam 4mg for sleep, i feel nothing of the benzos any more, but if i don't take them i will feel it, i begin to shake and crave it.

Now i am here, almost a year later. Lost almost everything i had. And still no decent sleep! I Wake up after an hour or 2 or 3  and doze in and out of light sleep, even though i am tired as shit every day!

Everyday i "wake up" feeling like i am dead, i do not know any more how i felt before the medication. I cannot concentrate or get anything done. Everyday and night i would feel i would die, and now I've come to the moment where if dead comes i will welcome it, i will finally sleep.

Live without sleep is nothing, there is no life without sleep. Only depression.

So that is my depression story, how i cope with it? Obviously not good.

I am on my own authority now going to quit the anti depressant and benzos, i want to know how i was again before the medication. Yes the anti depressant takes some of the sadness away. But also the feeling of joy. I feel nothing any more.

I wish i could go back and know that feeling again, the feeling of sleep and waking rested.

So yeah tl;dr version, i'm pretty fucked in the head seeing as am in some insane insomnia based depression.

Wow Dude, thanks for sharing.  I have sleeping issues also, I can sleep, but my cycle is all fucked up, longer than 24 hrs, so I go to bed later and later each day.  I then have to manipulate my sleep using sleep deprivation or forcing myself to stay awake to get the cycle back to a normal schedule, but essentially my sleep pattern has been fucked up for years.  I hate it !

Good Luck dude, that was a really honest and forthright post. I wish you all the best.

Natural Man

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #285 on: November 26, 2013, 01:13:11 PM »
i also noticed we only feel attachment to people similar to us, not to people who are too different; for example i will have immediate compassion for a white kid abandonned by his parents who look like me, but will completely ignore other kinds of kids or people who suffer. Funny isnt it, even our compassion is selective.

Too much intelligence is bad, it slowly kills you, it is somewhat extremistic, you cant make your "heart" function anymore, you dont feel anything anymore, everything is just cold and calculated. To be happy you need to be dumb, to believe in lies, to not see the future, you need to be smart but not too smart, you need a certain amout of ignorance to be happy.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #286 on: November 26, 2013, 01:55:21 PM »
I used to think depression was something for weak people, something that didn't exist, it is all in the mind. Therefore people who have depressions were just weak and couldn't  handle life.

My "depression/problems" started about 8 months ago, i had 2 jobs was working hard, last year university had a girlfriend for over 3 years and felt semi happy i guess.

Then one night i just woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep any more, i woke up with thoughts in my head of all the things i had to do the next day. The next night was the same and so on. I was caught in a viscous circle of insomnia, i knew i had to sleep to function the next day, but that mere thought would keep me awake.  I would cry to go to sleep, but i couldn't sleep. This went on for a month until i was committed in an hospital/asylum(?) because i hadn't slept in 4 days and i began to lose touch with reality.

Then the medication started, my next life i would say. First lorazepam and some anti depressant called remeron to help me fall asleep. I slept for a few days but that slowly started to pass, the medication would not help me sleep any more, i would wake up and be in the same viscous circle again.

This went on for months with different therapists and incresing doses of medication. I became really down because of the no sleep, i could not function any more. At that moment i still thought it would be a temporary thing everybody told me so. haha.  :D

Every day i would feel like i was not asleep nor awake, my girlfriend could not cope with this for the half year it had been going on, she left me. Who could blame her? stuck with a down depressed guy in your twenties. I lost both of my jobs and have been failing most of my classes this past semester. (i never failed anything before this)

I am still prescribed remeron (30mg) and clonazepam 4mg for sleep, i feel nothing of the benzos any more, but if i don't take them i will feel it, i begin to shake and crave it.

Now i am here, almost a year later. Lost almost everything i had. And still no decent sleep! I Wake up after an hour or 2 or 3  and doze in and out of light sleep, even though i am tired as shit every day!

Everyday i "wake up" feeling like i am dead, i do not know any more how i felt before the medication. I cannot concentrate or get anything done. Everyday and night i would feel i would die, and now I've come to the moment where if dead comes i will welcome it, i will finally sleep.

Live without sleep is nothing, there is no life without sleep. Only depression.

So that is my depression story, how i cope with it? Obviously not good.

I am on my own authority now going to quit the anti depressant and benzos, i want to know how i was again before the medication. Yes the anti depressant takes some of the sadness away. But also the feeling of joy. I feel nothing any more.

I wish i could go back and know that feeling again, the feeling of sleep and waking rested.

So yeah tl;dr version, i'm pretty fucked in the head seeing as am in some insane insomnia based depression.

In the states I believe GHB can be prescribed to people who have narcolespy. I don't know how easy or hard it is to be prescribe it but telling your Doctor that you fall asleep at a drop of a hat in strange places may be a start...GHB induces deep REM sleep. So 3 hours of sleep on that shit is really all you will need. Sure it opens up a whole other can of worms but like you said, sleep is EVERYTHING!

99 Bananas

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #287 on: November 26, 2013, 02:12:22 PM »
Im a fuckin champion. You have to be weak to acknowledge such feelings as depression.

Your doctor would say deal with those estrogen levels, fag got.

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #288 on: November 26, 2013, 02:16:28 PM »
Im a fuckin champion. You have to be weak to acknowledge such feelings as depression.

Your doctor would say deal with those estrogen levels, fag got.
it s funny, when we feel good we only feel like making fun of weaker, more depressed people , we think they deserve it, it makes us feel even better and luckier about our own hapiness, we dont want to be contaminated, in fact we dont care, the chemical receipe in our brain works just fine. We only understand them when we feel weak too. And when you feel weak  you despise happier people.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #289 on: November 26, 2013, 02:18:17 PM »
I used to think depression was something for weak people, something that didn't exist, it is all in the mind. Therefore people who have depressions were just weak and couldn't  handle life.

My "depression/problems" started about 8 months ago, i had 2 jobs was working hard, last year university had a girlfriend for over 3 years and felt semi happy i guess.

Then one night i just woke up. I couldn't get back to sleep any more, i woke up with thoughts in my head of all the things i had to do the next day. The next night was the same and so on. I was caught in a viscous circle of insomnia, i knew i had to sleep to function the next day, but that mere thought would keep me awake.  I would cry to go to sleep, but i couldn't sleep. This went on for a month until i was committed in an hospital/asylum(?) because i hadn't slept in 4 days and i began to lose touch with reality.

Then the medication started, my next life i would say. First lorazepam and some anti depressant called remeron to help me fall asleep. I slept for a few days but that slowly started to pass, the medication would not help me sleep any more, i would wake up and be in the same viscous circle again.

This went on for months with different therapists and incresing doses of medication. I became really down because of the no sleep, i could not function any more. At that moment i still thought it would be a temporary thing everybody told me so. haha.  :D

Every day i would feel like i was not asleep nor awake, my girlfriend could not cope with this for the half year it had been going on, she left me. Who could blame her? stuck with a down depressed guy in your twenties. I lost both of my jobs and have been failing most of my classes this past semester. (i never failed anything before this)

I am still prescribed remeron (30mg) and clonazepam 4mg for sleep, i feel nothing of the benzos any more, but if i don't take them i will feel it, i begin to shake and crave it.

Now i am here, almost a year later. Lost almost everything i had. And still no decent sleep! I Wake up after an hour or 2 or 3  and doze in and out of light sleep, even though i am tired as shit every day!

Everyday i "wake up" feeling like i am dead, i do not know any more how i felt before the medication. I cannot concentrate or get anything done. Everyday and night i would feel i would die, and now I've come to the moment where if dead comes i will welcome it, i will finally sleep.

Live without sleep is nothing, there is no life without sleep. Only depression.

So that is my depression story, how i cope with it? Obviously not good.

I am on my own authority now going to quit the anti depressant and benzos, i want to know how i was again before the medication. Yes the anti depressant takes some of the sadness away. But also the feeling of joy. I feel nothing any more.

I wish i could go back and know that feeling again, the feeling of sleep and waking rested.

So yeah tl;dr version, i'm pretty fucked in the head seeing as am in some insane insomnia based depression.

Thank u for sharing this. I've recently had similar problem but not as extreme as this, its a horrible and destructive pattern.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #290 on: November 26, 2013, 02:19:42 PM »
I've too noticed that insomnia and sleep issues are related to depression.

Natural Man

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #291 on: November 26, 2013, 02:28:17 PM »
I've too noticed that insomnia and sleep issues are related to depression.
... good job captain obvious...

sleep deprivation icnreases stress and depressive what a discovery!

Newsflash any source of stress, constant amount of stress that isnt released, counterbalanced one way or another  leads to depression.

Everyone wants to do what they like , what they re the best at, earn a living out of it, want a perfect man, woman, nice and good looking, wants to eat , drink everything they want, wear the best clothes, be loved by everyone and especially by caring parents, family, yeah the perfect life, no stress, only support, stability , predictability from people you dont have to be scared of.

SLeep deprivation is used as torture so people loose the will to live, cant repair rest their brain, get confused and start doing everything you want them to do cause they cant think by themselves anymore.

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #292 on: November 26, 2013, 02:33:52 PM »
I in 2011 crashed my car, my girlfriend and I broke up after 6 years and my dad died all within 6 months. I am still dealing with the depression from it all and yes have sporatic sleeping, I can sleep about 3-4 hours straight then wake up then I'll be up and down all night I tried Ambien it did nothing. Tired as hell all the time.

Natural Man

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #293 on: November 26, 2013, 02:50:57 PM »
well we all know what we should things that make us feel good, proud, loved... sport, creative endeavours, socializing, watch feel good movies, start new projects, build stuff...we would like to know better people, who would understand us better, we want to know people who wont hurt us like the people we already know etc

the problem is all these things we can do nothing about and that we know will slowly kill us nonetheless. Mostly the problem is...other people.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #294 on: November 26, 2013, 02:55:22 PM »
I in 2011 crashed my car, my girlfriend and I broke up after 6 years and my dad died all within 6 months. I am still dealing with the depression from it all and yes have sporatic sleeping, I can sleep about 3-4 hours straight then wake up then I'll be up and down all night I tried Ambien it did nothing. Tired as hell all the time.

I'm sorry to hear about the struggle, bro!
Sure, I could advice to stay calm, forget the past, accept things as they come, etc... but fuck, who am I to give advice ???

Mr Nobody

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #295 on: November 26, 2013, 02:56:26 PM »
I'm sorry to hear about the struggle, bro!
Sure, I could advice to stay calm, forget the past, accept things as they come, etc... but fuck, who am I to give advice ???
Yea it is not fun.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #296 on: November 26, 2013, 02:58:40 PM »
worth pointing out that there's two kinds of depression: environmental and clinical. if you're depressed because a bunch of awful shit happened to you, that's awful and my heart goes out to you, but at least it's not without justification. the bitch is when depression lands for seemingly no reason. everything is, objectively, going just fine but your brain has decided to go "nah fuck you dude just lie in bed and don't clean yourself for a few days". no way to explain it to people, harder still to get any kind of sympathy or a kind ear.

been a little while since i've had any bad spells, but i've been down in there. best advice? either get on an ssri (lexapro, celexa, something mild just to get the brain chemicals going right) and make sure not to stop going to the gym.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #297 on: November 26, 2013, 03:00:54 PM »
well we all know what we should things that make us feel good, proud, loved... sport, creative endeavours, socializing, watch feel good movies, start new projects, build stuff...we would like to know better people, who would understand us better, we want to know people who wont hurt us like the people we already know etc

the problem is all these things we can do nothing about and that we know will slowly kill us nonetheless. Mostly the problem is...other people.

True, so we need to learn from our mistakes and become more selective. It just takes time, attention and the right questions to learn people.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #298 on: November 26, 2013, 05:35:44 PM »
I've too noticed that insomnia and sleep issues are related to depression.

If anything, I sleep too much. I average 9 or 10 hours a night. Sleeping a lot is also a sign of depression. Unlike some folks, I have no trouble getting to sleep most of the time and once asleep, I sleep through the night.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #299 on: November 26, 2013, 05:38:14 PM »
If anything, I sleep too much. I average 9 or 10 hours a night. Sleeping a lot is also a sign of depression. Unlike some folks, I have no trouble getting to sleep most of the time and once asleep, I sleep through the night.

Not entirely true... only in junction with other symptoms... in you're case Just means you're retired and enjoying life.