Author Topic: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way  (Read 27331 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #200 on: December 29, 2013, 03:19:41 PM »
Yup. And I climbed out of that hell, put myself to school, and have a promising career (where I started out making more than double what she makes at McDonalds), a healthy one year old son, and a beautiful wife.

Hence the zero sympathy part. I'm sorry, but I have no feelings for someone who just sits on their ass and bitches... if I can turn my life around from the shitstorm I was in, anyone can. They just have to get of their ass and actually make a change.

It's easy to sit around, bitch, and ask for handouts. It's not so easy to actually make a change. People that really, really, try and make a better life, and they run into roadblocks... thats one thing. But someone that works the same fucking dead end minimum wage burger flipping job is either lazy as fuck, stupid as fuck, or a combination thereof.

No sympathy.

Or stuck in a vicious cycle she has difficulty escaping due to obligations to her family.

Perhaps maybe if her employers were to pay a decent wage that fairly compensated her for her work...

Nah, that would be too easy. Much easier to blame the person who is actually working and trying to make ends meet, ...not her employer. My God, the idea that someone could even think of putting a dent in the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars in profits her employer make annually, to give her a few extra measley buck an hour...

And I suppose it's really easy to walk away from a job in a horrible economy when you have 3 mouths to feed.

As an aside, it is interesting to note the levels of hostility that can be directed at an innocent person, when what we see about their lives scares us. I wonder where that fear comes from? What does it mean? Do we see too much of ourselves in them, ...and it scares the poop out of us? Hmmm...


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #201 on: December 29, 2013, 03:50:53 PM »
Or stuck in a vicious cycle she has difficulty escaping due to obligations to her family.

Perhaps maybe if her employers were to pay a decent wage that fairly compensated her for her work...

Nah, that would be too easy. Much easier to blame the person who is actually working and trying to make ends meet, ...not her employer. My God, the idea that someone could even think of putting a dent in the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars in profits her employer make annually, to give her a few extra measley buck an hour...

And I suppose it's really easy to walk away from a job in a horrible economy when you have 3 mouths to feed.

As an aside, it is interesting to note the levels of hostility that can be directed at an innocent person, when what we see about their lives scares us. I wonder where that fear comes from? What does it mean? Do we see too much of ourselves in them, ...and it scares the poop out of us? Hmmm...
her shitty decisions to have a family while making the wage she does is not my nor anyone elses problem.

I think minimum wage for working at McDonalds is more than fair, so mission fucking accomplished.....



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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #202 on: December 29, 2013, 03:54:44 PM »
Like what? ...staying home collecting welfare, taxpayers expense?
you act like its either be total social drag or work at mcdonalds and be a social drag are her only options.

Maybe she has limited choices now as a result of her MORONIC decision to have 3 fucking kids on mcdonalds pay but why should that be our problem?


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #203 on: December 29, 2013, 04:04:20 PM »
Like what? ...staying home collecting welfare, taxpayers expense?
How about finding a better job THAN FUCKING MCDONALDS.

youre bullshit about fair pay is just that... bullshit. Mcdonalds is a job for teenagers and college kids. Scratch that, not even college kids. If shes too shitty of ab employee to get promoted to manager in 10 years and too lazy to find another job then shes probably getting paid exactly what she deserves.

newsflash - shes not owed a living just for existing and having a vagina. Therebis nothing.. LITERALLY NOTHING stopping someone from applying to other places. If they wont hire her because she fucking sucks, well thats her issue. Mcdonalds shouldnt be required to pay someone more money because she was irresponsible, had kids, and isnt a good enough employee to rise through the ranks in TEN YEARSof the LOWEST LEVEL JOB in the US. Seriously.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #204 on: December 29, 2013, 04:08:05 PM »
you act like its either be total social drag or work at mcdonalds and be a social drag are her only options.

Maybe she has limited choices now as a result of her MORONIC decision to have 3 fucking kids on mcdonalds pay but why should that be our problem?

LOL, I'm going to give you a minute to sit back, calm yourself down, ...and think of how stupid a statement you just made, ...considering your position in this.


Ok, are you done laughing at yourself now? 'Cause I'm done laughing at you...

The fact is, low wages at places like McDonalds & Walmart already ARE your problem.

As taxpayers, you are supplementing their meagre hourly wages to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars per year.

IF, however, their employers were to pay them decent liveable wages, you wouldn't have to pay to feed & clothes her kids. No point in arguing about her kids. She got them, ...they're not crawling back up in her uterus, and it's way too late for the vasectomy.

Sheesh, you rant as if her raise would be coming out of YOUR pocket.  ::)


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #205 on: December 29, 2013, 04:10:23 PM »
LOL, I'm going to give you a minute to sit back, calm yourself down, ...and think of how stupid a statement you just made, ...considering your position in this.


Ok, are you done laughing at yourself now? 'Cause I'm done laughing at you...

The fact is, low wages at places like McDonalds & Walmart already ARE your problem.

As taxpayers, you are supplementing their meagre hourly wages to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars per year.

IF, however, their employers were to pay them decent liveable wages, you wouldn't have to pay to feed & clothes her kids. No point in arguing about her kids. She got them, ...they're not crawling back up in her uterus, and it's way too late for the vasectomy.

Sheesh, you rant as if her raise would be coming out of YOUR pocket.  ::)
that has zero to di with the argument.  She is not owed anything just because she exists and was dumb enough to pump out 3 kids with no financial way to support them. Thats not Mcdonalds problem. And shes asking them to make it their problem.


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #206 on: December 29, 2013, 04:21:17 PM »
LOL, I'm going to give you a minute to sit back, calm yourself down, ...and think of how stupid a statement you just made, ...considering your position in this.


Ok, are you done laughing at yourself now? 'Cause I'm done laughing at you...

The fact is, low wages at places like McDonalds & Walmart already ARE your problem.

As taxpayers, you are supplementing their meagre hourly wages to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars per year.

IF, however, their employers were to pay them decent liveable wages, you wouldn't have to pay to feed & clothes her kids. No point in arguing about her kids. She got them, ...they're not crawling back up in her uterus, and it's way too late for the vasectomy.

Sheesh, you rant as if her raise would be coming out of YOUR pocket.  ::)
I agree, so youre argument is to kick her of the tax payer tit and make a lesson so future dumb asses know not to do that?

I agree whole heartedly.

PS you didnt answer my question con woman, I asked WHY is should be our problem...

so your general thesis is that a person should be able to be as big a fuck up as they want, make shitty life decisions and have no adverse it


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #207 on: December 29, 2013, 04:25:13 PM »
I agree, so youre argument is to kick her of the tax payer tit and make a lesson so future dumb asses know not to do that?

I agree whole heartedly.

PS you didnt answer my question con woman, I asked WHY is should be our problem...

so your general thesis is that a person should be able to be as big a fuck up as they want, make shitty life decisions and have no adverse it
yes, and their employer should be the one to pick up the slack for her fuck ups, because, well 'they make too much profit anyway'.

Epic. A job is a contract between employee and employer... if she goes to negotiate for higher pay and they say no, she can always go find someone else to do business with


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #208 on: December 29, 2013, 04:35:58 PM »
How about finding a better job THAN FUCKING MCDONALDS.

youre bullshit about fair pay is just that... bullshit. Mcdonalds is a job for teenagers and college kids. Scratch that, not even college kids. If shes too shitty of ab employee to get promoted to manager in 10 years and too lazy to find another job then shes probably getting paid exactly what she deserves.

Actually most of the daytime shift, if not ALL of the daytime shift at my local McDonalds are adults.  :-\

newsflash - shes not owed a living just for existing and having a vagina.

She's not owed a living for existing and having a vagina. She owed a living for getting and busting her hump everyday for an ungrateful & exploitative employer

Therebis nothing.. LITERALLY NOTHING stopping someone from applying to other places. If they wont hire her because she fucking sucks, well thats her issue. Mcdonalds shouldnt be required to pay someone more money because she was irresponsible, had kids, and isnt a good enough employee to rise through the ranks in TEN YEARSof the LOWEST LEVEL JOB in the US. Seriously.

And you know for a fact that she was irresponsible in having kids? You know for a fact she sucks?

Working at McDonald is the lowest level job in the U.S.A? Really? Worse than the guy who walks up & down, on his feet wearing a sandwich board, and handing out flyers dressed in the chicken suit?

Worse than the guy who personally tests each rectal thermometer before it leaves the factory?

Worse than the industrial pig farmer who has to fist a pig, then climb on her back and diddle her clitoris to make sure the insemination took?

Worse than being a prostitute?

Do you really resent the idea that a corporation already receiving oodles in unnecessary corporate welfare, and paying little to no taxes, might have to fork out a few extra dollars an hour, and cut into it's hundreds of billions of dollars in annual profit? Or is the truth more along the lines that you  consider fast-food workers to be beneath you? And seeing them get an increase in pay just completely upsets the balance of power. You see someone you consider beneath you moving up in the world, ...while you're.... What are you doing?  From that perspective, it may feel like you're not even standing still, but far worse, ...actually getting left behind. Could that be the reason for the hostility? I don't know. I don't know you from Adam, ...and I've never claimed to be a psychologist, ...but I have seen crabs in a barrel before.


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #209 on: December 29, 2013, 04:44:43 PM »
LMFAO yes but the who made the decision to have 3 kids while working at mcdonalds is not greedy at all...LMFAO

you limp wristed libtards are so hypocritical you miss the forest for the trees.

you never answered my question convict, why should her shitty decisions be anyone elses responsibility?


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #210 on: December 29, 2013, 04:46:52 PM »
Maybe she works for Mcd so she doesnt have to burden the society by being on welfare?

And she might be dumb as a pile rocks therefore no advancement to a better job?

I agree about the 3 kids though. Having 3 kids when you cant pay for them is not responsible. But it makes better sense to raise the min wage so she can support them herself. If she "breaks down" the bill to the society will be much greater.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #211 on: December 29, 2013, 04:49:47 PM »
yes, and their employer should be the one to pick up the slack for her fuck ups, because, well 'they make too much profit anyway'.

And what would you categorize as "her fuck ups" Please tell us all exactly how she or any other worker stuck in a dead end job "fucked up"

Epic. A job is a contract between employee and employer... if she goes to negotiate for higher pay and they say no, she can always go find someone else to do business with

So WTF are you and everyone else screaming about then? Isn't that what the fast food workers union is doing?


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #212 on: December 29, 2013, 04:52:49 PM »
And what would you categorize as "her fuck ups" Please tell us all exactly how she or any other worker stuck in a dead end job "fucked up"

So WTF are you and everyone else screaming about then? Isn't that what the fast food workers union is doing?

Nice post woman ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #213 on: December 29, 2013, 04:54:01 PM »
Maybe she works for Mcd so she doesnt have to burden the society by being on welfare?

And she might be dumb as a pile rocks therefore no advancement to a better job?

I agree about the 3 kids though. Having 3 kids when you cant pay for them is not responsible. But it makes better sense to raise the min wage so she can support them herself. If she "breaks down" the bill to the society will be much greater.

so again the libtard thesis is that a person can be as big a fuck up as they want, make shitty life decisions and society is responsible for providing for them?


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #214 on: December 29, 2013, 04:56:09 PM »
so again the libtard thesis is that a person can be as big a fuck up as they want, make shitty life decisions and society is responsible for providing for them?

You are looking at it from a personal perspective.

Try looking at it from a business perspective. Cost benefit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #215 on: December 29, 2013, 04:56:26 PM »
And what would you categorize as "her fuck ups" Please tell us all exactly how she or any other worker stuck in a dead end job "fucked up"

So WTF are you and everyone else screaming about then? Isn't that what the fast food workers union is doing?

nice talking points now lets see the data behind them...

where are the $4000 in corp subsidies broken down?


  • Getbig V
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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #216 on: December 29, 2013, 04:57:20 PM »

You are looking at it from a personal perspective.

Try looking at it from a business perspective. Cost benefit.
easier decision then, cut them off the public tit and others will learn that they cannot make shitty life decisions and expect others to come to the rescue.

much cheaper


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #217 on: December 29, 2013, 05:17:54 PM »

You are looking at it from a personal perspective.

Try looking at it from a business perspective. Cost benefit.

I am. Strictly from an employer/employee relationship.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #218 on: December 29, 2013, 05:20:39 PM »
I am. Strictly from an employer/employee relationship.
he doesnt really want you to look at it from a business perspective b/c that would mean we let these fuck ups deal with the situations they created on their own like they should.

He said that b/c he felt it justified his liberal views that we should be there to take care of people no matter how bad they fuck up or how many shitty decisions they make.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #219 on: December 29, 2013, 05:21:09 PM »
And what would you categorize as "her fuck ups" Please tell us all exactly how she or any other worker stuck in a dead end job "fucked up"

So WTF are you and everyone else screaming about then? Isn't that what the fast food workers union is doing?

theyre not stuck. Please explain to me one reason why a person couldnt look for another job?

Her fuck up is having 3 kids on Mcdonalds salary. I dont even know why im arguing with you, you feel that Mcdonalds has some obligation to pay their employee enough to support 3 kids just because she was dumb enough to get knocked up.

heres the deal - shes not owed shit. If shes busting her rumo and not being compensated, nothing but herself is stopping her from finding another job.

Period, end of sentence.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #220 on: December 29, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
Maybe she works for Mcd so she doesnt have to burden the society by being on welfare?

And she might be dumb as a pile rocks therefore no advancement to a better job?

I agree about the 3 kids though. Having 3 kids when you cant pay for them is not responsible. But it makes better sense to raise the min wage so she can support them herself. If she "breaks down" the bill to the society will be much greater.

again... her only w options are welfare3 or mcdonalds? She not capable of filing papers for any number of places looking for an office assistant? Of getting gov help to get an education? Not capable of doing ANYTHING besides flipping burgers or being on welfare?

She could go out and find another job that pays better. Instead she wants Mcdonalds to increase her pay because she has 3 kids and cant support them, which is not their problem. She is responsible for her wellbeing, for finding a job that will pay what she wants, and for taking care of her kids. If Mcdonalds wont do it, fine, then go find another job in between her 5 hour 4 day weekly shifts.

mcdonalds has no legal obligation to pay anything that they dont deem necessary or fair, and no one, not even this woman, has an obligation to work for them for less pay than they deserve.

if shes there, shez there because she CHOOSES TO BE.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #221 on: December 29, 2013, 05:30:09 PM »
I am. Strictly from an employer/employee relationship.

I was answering another post with that one.

Hard to keep up sometimes :)


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #222 on: December 29, 2013, 05:31:32 PM »
easier decision then, cut them off the public tit and others will learn that they cannot make shitty life decisions and expect others to come to the rescue.

much cheaper

And how much do you think those 3 children would end up costing society? Use your brain


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #223 on: December 29, 2013, 05:35:50 PM »

And how much do you think those 3 children would end up costing society? Use your brain
nope they are a part of that family, shitty situation...Still not mine or anyone elses responsibility.


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Re: $8 Big Macs coming soon if libtards have their way
« Reply #224 on: December 29, 2013, 06:04:18 PM »
again... her only w options are welfare3 or mcdonalds? She not capable of filing papers for any number of places looking for an office assistant? Of getting gov help to get an education? Not capable of doing ANYTHING besides flipping burgers or being on welfare?

She could go out and find another job that pays better. Instead she wants Mcdonalds to increase her pay because she has 3 kids and cant support them, which is not their problem. She is responsible for her wellbeing, for finding a job that will pay what she wants, and for taking care of her kids. If Mcdonalds wont do it, fine, then go find another job in between her 5 hour 4 day weekly shifts.

mcdonalds has no legal obligation to pay anything that they dont deem necessary or fair, and no one, not even this woman, has an obligation to work for them for less pay than they deserve.

if shes there, shez there because she CHOOSES TO BE.

Also, what does corporate greed have to do with this?

Whether or not I think CEOs are paid too much has nothing to do with the fact I don't think McDonald's workers are under paid... They are paid as much as they should be to do that job.

The job of a high school kid.

The job of someone who should not be having 3 fucking kids and trying to support them.