Author Topic: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???  (Read 23457 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2014, 02:43:44 PM »

Sure people have upped the dose, they double the dose but they dont get double the benefit, remember that.

This is true. But sides aren't doubled either.

Either way, TS will be back to agree with me like others have. Remember that.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2014, 02:46:01 PM »

250mgs of test for a year is better than 2x 12 weeks of 3gms a week.

No one here recommended 3grams a week for a beginner. Not even close.

Shut the fuck up with your scientific studies.

This subforum is different than the G&O... don't bring garbage here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but leave this kind of garbage and name calling in the g&o.


Simple Simon

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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #52 on: February 21, 2014, 02:46:45 PM »
This is true. But sides aren't doubled either.

Either way, TS will be back to agree with me like others have. Remember that.


How the fuck do you know?
I take 250mgs of test and Im fine, if I take 500mgs I feel shitty, sounds like double the sides to me.

Simple Simon

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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #53 on: February 21, 2014, 02:47:43 PM »
No one here recommended 3grams a week for a beginner. Not even close.

This subforum is different than the G&O... don't bring garbage here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but leave this kind of garbage and name calling in the g&o.

I'm talking about anyone, not just a beginner.
Long term use with a small does is better than blasting.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #54 on: February 21, 2014, 02:51:20 PM »
How the fuck do you know?
I take 250mgs of test and Im fine, if I take 500mgs  I feel shitty,sounds like double the sides to me.

Your anecdote sounds quantifiable and correct.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #55 on: February 21, 2014, 02:52:39 PM »
I'm talking about anyone, not just a beginner.
Long term use with a small does is better than blasting.

Depends on goals.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #56 on: February 21, 2014, 03:12:49 PM »
Dont listen to this fuckwit, he talks about stories hes heard rather than experiences he's had
Listen to Gal, he has walked the walk.

So have I by the way.   ;)

250mgs of test for a year is better than 2x 12 weeks of 3gms a week.

Do what you want to do, as Gal says people seldom listen, you have to learn for yourself.
thanks mate, very nice endorsement :D

always always keep the dose as small as possible and thats that.but run it non stop.

all the science is well, not meaningless, but flawed, im the kind of person who actualy have looked into the scientific studies, have access to great info bc girl is,uhm, working in that field, and i seen the flaws and how someone who hasnt been there could confuse it with reality.

for example, 250test administration into males vs 500test.lean mass gains were pretty much exactly the double in the 500mg group.
sounds nice on paper, but it doesnt transfrom as such into reality.
first, lean gains doesnt mean pure muscle in the mirror, its just more water and nothing else, water doesnt show up as fat when bodyfat is measured.
second, how long can ppl run 500mg of (real,pharmaceutical)test vefore running into problems?the answer is in that above study itself,ironicaly.they have double the water retention than the 250mg group, every ex gearhead will know its not muscle,its water(it might translate into bit more muscle later on indirectly,through lifting heavuer etc).
this means, already consequences on bloodpressure,htey are already quite bloated.and this means side effects already.immedieate, long term too.

and what happens if they go off or reduce?both will feel like coming off entirely.gains come to a halt or regress even.mind you,they made no more muscle gains realy than the 250mg group.
things like that become only obvious when you been there.
not many will be able to run 500mg real test year round wo roblems.ok sure can add adex and whatever to fight the sides, but thats bit going for the alleged goal,isnt it.

wolfox also repetedly said dbol is the ultimate mass bringer.its not, first its a very liver toxic oral, second can be run for what 2 months before the liver says nah no more, and before tolerance build the meanwhile, all one will build is bloat only.
if one had cuts before the dbol, he can kiss them good bye within few weeks of dbol use,they will just fade away one after the other.
it has etremly terrible estrogen conversion ratio,its terrible.
and then you go off, feel like shit from lowered dosager and literaly piss out all the bloat gained in 1 week.the bloat has helped to hold some water and thus lift heavier but it wont translate to good gains bc youll be off it before th body does the major adaptions.

oral are useful as training booster maybe, and last 2 weeks or so before contest,where gymrats never ever go anyway mostly.

and yes on 500mg test,i repeat, something like bayer test fro,m pharmacy,even on clean dieting no cheat day, will be a bloated mes even in caloric deficit.

some ppl might say yeah but gal isnt too big, well come see me in person if you think thats small, and i used to be an easy 50lbs heavier when young and megadosing, but im actualy too embarassed to talk about that time, it looked no good, wasnt fat, but that was no good look.been there,no worries.the stretchmarks everywhere are testimony to that time.


do you think dose should be higher when cutting e.g. 1.5 amps test a week when dieting vs 1 amp when eating more?
nah bro, maybe 1 while maintaining, and for the cutting, same test dose or even less and can add either tren or mast 200orso weekly and thats it.
can be done on same only test dose, only change being little bit more frequent inection.

to look the very best, when already shredded, go off everything.the next 2-3 weeks youll look your very best.if enanthate was used.from day 10 the water will prety much all be gone.

but too much test isnt good for dieting i swear it holds back fatburning.not even adex will stop all the estrogen when theres too much test.

but yeah little bit tren or mast for that time are the best choices and wont really hurt.

sure, this isnt a recipe to become a monster, becoming a mass monster is much much harder than many think, its not-unlike some say-a matter of only enough steroids and or gh, it just is not, but im standing there with enough mass any time of the year, shredded.
if i go off, i hardly lose anything, bit glycogen volume goes down, vascularity goes bit down, and slightly bit more bodyfat.

much preferable to totaly crashing down from gramms,or coming down from 1 gramm to 250weekly(Terrible feeling too).
blood pressure 120-80, heart resting rate 50, good cholesterol too high bad too low.perfect liver paramters, hell even kidneys good.

preference i guess, i wont to lok exact this way year round, more mass,despite some wanting to make it sound easy, is of no interest to me.

irl, only the heavyweight competitors dwarf me,and its not even so bad, not that id care anyway.

and lol i mean amateurs ,not mr o competitors.

must be realistic before saying things like want be bigger than gal, first get to this level and then see.itll take longer than many think.

How the fuck do you know?
I take 250mgs of test and Im fine, if I take 500mgs I feel shitty, sounds like double the sides to me.
actualy the sides are 10fold.i get none form 250, and all kinds from 500.all kinds.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #57 on: February 21, 2014, 03:14:33 PM »
I'm talking about anyone, not just a beginner.
Long term use with a small does is better than blasting.
and the worst thing a newcomer could do,imo, is to start at too high a dose.

esp something liek 500mg test+dbol or deca for 12 weeks and then"smartly" come off for 2 months and then do a cutting compounds cycle.

such stuff never ends well.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #58 on: February 21, 2014, 03:23:48 PM »
for example, 250test administration into males vs 500test.lean mass gains were pretty much exactly the double in the 500mg group.
sounds nice on paper, but it doesnt transfrom as such into reality.
first, lean gains doesnt mean pure muscle in the mirror, its just more water and nothing else, water doesnt show up as fat when bodyfat is measured.
second, how long can ppl run 500mg of (real,pharmaceutical)test vefore running into problems?the answer is in that above study itself,ironicaly.they have double the water retention than the 250mg group, every ex gearhead will know its not muscle,its water(it might translate into bit more muscle later on indirectly,through lifting heavuer etc).

Incorrect. Please reread the study again especially the part I already quoted.

Now of course there is gonna be more water because you're gaining new muscle and muscle consists of about 70% water. But the ratio of water to lbm did NOT increase with the increased dosage of 300mg vs 600.

To determine whether the apparent changes in fat-free mass by DEXA scan and underwater weighing represented water retention, we measured total body water and compared the ratios of total body water to fat-free mass before and after treatment in each group. The ratios of total body water to fat-free mass by underwater weighing did not significantly change with treatment in any treatment group (Table 3), indicating that the apparent increase in fat-free mass measured by underwater weighing did not represent water retention in excess of that associated with protein accretion.

But thats not to say that there aren't some test/estro sensitive people out there.

If you think you're sensitive then start off at 250, assess, then bump it up if you want to maximize gains. Or just run some arimidex.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #59 on: February 21, 2014, 03:25:11 PM »
Shut the fuck up with your scientific studies.
Get some real life experience, science says what 'should' happen, some people take 5 gms of gear and look like shit and some take 250mgs and look great, science says they should both look the same.
They dont because we are all different, stop spouting stories and get some real life experience.
Sure people have upped the dose, they double the dose but they dont get double the benefit, remember that.

Agreed.. Sometimes it's double the side effects


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #60 on: February 21, 2014, 03:31:15 PM »
nah it doesnt translate to that irl, the water retention gonna be massive.

and you cant "Just run arimidex" all year,lol, read about the cancer patients who prefer to go off of it bc of the sides.

and adex weakens the effects of gear.

in other words, on 250 you been dry and crsip, and then do 500, no changes in diet and within weeks theres water everywhere.

theresa reason why competitors go off test or reduce dramaticaly before contest.

its quite bad, can even fuck up a mere beach look physique.even if its just 1 liter of subcutane water evenly spread under the skin, thats quite gonna blur things.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #61 on: February 21, 2014, 03:33:51 PM »
nah it doesnt translate to that irl, the water retention gonna be massive.

"its just more water and nothing else" - galeniko

Naw, bro. Real peer reviewed science using scientific methods and tools dont work the way of bro science.

Incorrect bro. Sorry, you're wrong.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #62 on: February 21, 2014, 03:37:47 PM »
They used DEXA scan and underwater weighing. It doesn't get any better than that.

To determine whether the apparent changes in fat-free mass by DEXA scan and underwater weighing represented water retention, we measured total body water and compared the ratios of total body water to fat-free mass before and after treatment in each group. The ratios of total body water to fat-free mass by underwater weighing did not significantly change with treatment in any treatment group (Table 3), indicating that the apparent increase in fat-free mass measured by underwater weighing did not represent water retention in excess of that associated with protein accretion.

Lets see, DEXA scan and underwater weighing carried out by scientists and peer reviewed by other scientists...


"its just more water and nothing else" - galeniko


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #63 on: February 21, 2014, 03:44:13 PM »

and you cant "Just run arimidex" all year,lol, read about the cancer patients who prefer to go off of it bc of the sides.

lol never said run arimidex all year. With cycling no need year around. Blast and cruise no need year around.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #64 on: February 21, 2014, 03:51:48 PM »

"its just more water and nothing else" - galeniko

Naw, bro. Real peer reviewed science using scientific methods and tools dont work the way of bro science.

Incorrect bro. Sorry, you're wrong.

Your terribly wrong trusting in your studies.. Take it from someone who has blasted heavy doses for a year straight with gh.. To doing 500mgs of test for 6 months.. Blasting and cruising.. To using all kinda of orals and to using low test cycles and getting multiple blood works done while on and off of the cycles..


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #65 on: February 21, 2014, 03:56:44 PM »
Your terribly wrong trusting in your studies.. Take it from someone who has blasted heavy doses for a year straight with gh.. To doing 500mgs of test for 6 months.. To using all kinda of orals and to using low test cycles and getting multiple blood works done while on and off of the cycles..

Cool story bro. But I'll believe in documented reality carried about by scientists with the scientific method and with scientific tools rather than guesses and estimations carried out by bros with anecdotes.

"its just more water and nothing else" - galeniko

Incorrect. And if you agree with Gal's statement then you're incorrect as well.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #66 on: February 21, 2014, 04:01:22 PM »
Also, keep in mind im talking about beginner(TS has never used) responses as is mostly inline with the study i posted.

The participants were healthy men, 18–35 yr of age, with prior weight-lifting experience and normal testosterone levels. These men had not used any anabolic agents and had not participated in competitive sports events in the preceding year, and they were not planning to participate in competitive events in the following year.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2014, 04:06:18 PM »
jason blaha have some good information regarding the science of ped usage (studies etc). Seeing how shit his physique looks following the studies makes disregard all that bullshit.

Studies don't always correlate with personal experience, there are too many variables between each individual. E.g. the studies show ladies can take 50-100 mg anadrol for months/years with little to no virilisation.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #68 on: February 21, 2014, 04:13:38 PM »
jason blaha have some good information regarding the science of ped usage (studies etc). Seeing how shit his physique looks following the studies makes disregard all that bullshit.

That dude eats like shit and trains like a wannabe powerlifter thats why. The dude is a carb fiend. Also, the dude is on the upper amount of TRT dosages like many here recommend.  ;D  


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #69 on: February 21, 2014, 04:29:43 PM »
That dude eats like shit and trains like a wannabe powerlifter thats why. The dude is a carb fiend. Also, the dude is on the upper amount of TRT dosages like many here recommend.  ;D  

I am sure you will see things differently when you take the plunge if you decide to... Studies do help educate but it's really how each person reacts to each compound and dose


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #70 on: February 21, 2014, 04:37:04 PM »
Studies do help educate but it's really how each person reacts to each compound and dose

The study was carried out on different people bro. 61 different men. All the data was recorded and analyzed.

But yeah. Everyone is different... just like those 61 different men. 61 people...each an individual.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #71 on: February 21, 2014, 05:27:56 PM »
The study was carried out on different people bro. 61 different men. All the data was recorded and analyzed.

But yeah. Everyone is different... just like those 61 different men. 61 people...each an individual.

To each his own bro.. Carry on


  • Getbig V
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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #72 on: February 21, 2014, 05:46:07 PM »
To each his own bro.. Carry on

All respect bro. I understand what you're saying.


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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #73 on: February 21, 2014, 06:19:15 PM »
Man this thread went to shit


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Re: Can You Grow On 250mgs of Test/wk On A First Cycle???
« Reply #74 on: February 21, 2014, 06:20:28 PM »
All respect bro. I understand what you're saying.

I was kind of the same way as you before I took the plunge, basing things on science and how they "should be", but I would never argue with veterans and people that have actually been there and done that, but thats a different topic I guess...

Youll find after your first cycle that science on paper is not how it works IRL. It just isnt.

I also really respect people with a real base, because I did. Thats why I can be "off" for months before really starting to shrivel at all. I tihnk thats where having a base comes in for me. I bet science wouldnt back that up, lol.