Author Topic: Reverse Dieting: a solution for you low cal keto dieters with sloth-like metabol  (Read 14551 times)


  • Getbig V
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You chronic lowcal dieters who aren't seeing the results you want need to wake up and smell the coffee.

And for you guys who want to stay under 8% and don't naturally have those lean genetics... well, good luck with your health and have fun. And if you don't compete and yet want to stay so lean year around... you need to go talk to a Shrink.



  • Getbig V
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1. I don't think he "lies" about using drugs I just think he wins "Natural" shows...I've never heard him talk about drugs. He passes some form of drug test for the shows, if you want to compete against him, and pass the same tests, feel free. He is definitely not on tons of shit, judging by that stringy shredded look..

2. He has documented his entire life for years on Youtube. Hasn't even made any drastic progress...Still benches like 250 for maybe 10 reps..easily natural numbers -

3. He is popular and famous in the scene...He does not lie about his diet rofl the kid regularly films himself eating like 5+ full plates of food at Chinese Buffets post workout etc..

I believe he eats all of that. I also believe he just pukes everything out again shortly afterward.


  • Guest
You chronic lowcal dieters who aren't seeing the results you want need to wake up and smell the coffee.

And for you guys who want to stay under 8% and don't naturally have those lean genetics... well, good luck with your health and have fun. And if you don't compete and yet want to stay so lean year around... you need to go talk to a Shrink.

staying @ sub-8 ain't so hard, but staying @ sub-6 is a whole different story

Natural Beast

  • Getbig III
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Naturals look so much better than juicers.  Less size and more angular look to the muscles is the best look.
that devon guy isnt natural


  • Getbig V
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You chronic lowcal dieters who aren't seeing the results you want need to wake up and smell the coffee.

man you havent been at those leans yet, alas , cant talk about it.

if the low calorie approach doesnt work, what make syou think more calories will do it?

everybody is gonna lose weight on low calories everybody.

the only ones who are jstified to run knda medium range calories are ppl with big muscle amounts, huge guys, who are very active in general and on plenty of drugs.

we talking about getting shredded, but losing weight at 20% fat ,is all the same.

but a bodybuilder who knows what hes doing as long he has a feeling for true hunger cna eat whatever he wants and will be 10% year round, but thats easy.

nobody is made and born to be 6% year round.6% is just the border where health will be borderline fine.lower than that for too long is no good.

heres my calories throughout the week on maintainance.

1000-1500day for 6 days, and then 5000 for one or 2 days.

thats an average of just under 2000 or so,with perfectly timed reffed,not like thats hard.
see nothing special realy.the high cals days are pure trash foods.i keep the protein to minimum on those days.
thats that.

to get the last bits fat off,the refeed is smaller, or non existant,then i cycle the carbs a bit throughout the week.

ask any competitor, for the last bit fat to come off, you have to either go extremly low on cals and will suffer epic hunger, or youll have to be extremly active.
that is the reality, dont try to tell otherwise,this is the real life how it goes.

all this balonie talk about this and that diet, on steroids, for experienced lifter, doesnt matter, everyone can be 10% year round easily,if they ever been comp shape, its a joke to them.almost effortless.

for fatties who never been there, well, good luck, gotta earn their dues first, me im just saying hoqw its done the fastest way.

al this metablic damage bullfuckingshit talk  is tiresome, heres how it goes, as you lose bodyweight, and fat, the metabloism slows down, why, well first  bc bodyfat is a very metabolicaly active when thats gone, that means slowdown.
and the body cariees lets say 20lbs weight less around 247, this adds up,less cals burned in general.


the fat came slowly, took time to build up, what makes you think itll go fast unless theres radical measures?

its very simple, can lose 2lbs of pure lard weekly until in single digits, after that, due to slowdown, it becomes diametricaly harder and takes more time, will be happy if can lose 1lbs fat weekly when very lean.thats how it goes for everyone.

you are overthinking this, nobody gets peeled without suffering, nobody.

do you realize the eyesockets get the fat sucked out of them, the dead mans look when shredded, this doesnt happen without sufferage.

metabolic damage my balls.

yah the body is not meant to be 6%,so what.the body isnt meant to be muscular at all by nature, and its not meant to be injected with all kinds of hormones, fatburners, uppers downers and god knows what.

to get an extreme look, takes extreme measures.



  • Getbig V
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staying @ sub-8 ain't so hard, but staying @ sub-6 is a whole different story
yeah god knows i dislike this guy but the above is true.

everything will work, no food is forbidden, can eat chocolate and croisant every day to be bit under 10%.

no need ofr complicated theories, just no food unles not hungry.

sure its hard to get lean on trahs foods, for many many reasons, like bloodsugar up and downs etc.

but after getting shredded, half the cals of ure trash, hell even fizzy drinks and milk shakes, one will stay under 10% if they know diff between hunger and apetite.

problem is 10% on steroids one will look like a bloated whale.

difference for naturals is they dont get the bloat,they simply get bit fatter, diet is less forgiving.

see layne in the videos, hes something like i dont know 10% or so there.

for that look, i dont even have to train at all and can eat whatever i want.but i have been training for almost 2 decades now.

i wont look any worse than that even after shoulder surgery and full recovery.

so, what he talks there,to me is utter tripe.

hm, or lets ask like this, why are all builders when they closing in to competiton shape, very moody and not so aproachable,short fuses etc.
bc they are hungry as hell,thats why.

will my aproach maybe make 1or2 lbs of muscle disapear towards end of diet?compared to a lenghty 2k cals diet with refeeds and tons of cardio?
maybe, maybe not,the difference wont be visible in a picture.



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Galeniko laying the smack down but he's on the money.


  • Getbig V
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Galeniko laying the smack down but he's on the money.
yah thx man.

ppl want to hear an easy solution, but there is none.

everyone whos been to the point of striated everything, sundried, they will know it was no fun to get there.

what macros other than mostly protein doesnt matter, only difference is some aproaches wil take bit longer but thats personal preference.

it comes down to the following, permanent very low blood glucose levels, the longer time glucose levels and serum insulin levels are low, the more fatburning will happen, this is plain and simply science, how the body works and nobody is exempt of that rule.
nobody in the world burns fat while insulin serum levels are high.

yea alright, 10% range is a total joke, its actualy hard to gett fatter than that if one carries some decent size and trains and is on gear non stop.
only seriosu repeated overfeeding will get one fat under those circumstances, serious overfeeding means eating when not hungry, this is a million year old evolutionary tool were given,lol.not sure why some bbuilders think this doesnt count for them.

its an insult when i see such trollings, 20 years of training and very often very lean, i have tried many approaches, and i have seen many ppl trying different things.the one constant thing is calories must be pretty extremly low to get there.

i have to say it again when some joker wants to tell ME of all people how to get lean, and brings some aproaches which will bring the joe schmoe gymrat to 9% range, wow, thanks for the heads up.9% and 4% isnt even the same world.

one constant parameter toward the end is, you basicaly eat only to prevent starving to death, blood sugar is low even straight after a meal, etc.
the calories dont matter, you go as low as possible while having bit energy to train and live left, then you wait out the next unsatisfying meal to the point where you almost go insane, or have a binge breakdown.
can one have a reffed without getting fat while dieting.sure they can, but it stops fatloss for a while.
can on have bad foods every day?sure sure, but theyll linger around 10% or 8, depends a bit.

it can realy be summed up like this:the more time glucagon dominates over insulin in the blood, the faster the fatloss wil be.

its beyond me how anyone can claim eating more food will boost the metabolism.well maybe it does, but with that one gets fatter.
increase cals by 1000 daily for a week and youll be clearly fatter than 1 week ago.
with a boosted metabolism for sure, the boost will be from more metabolicaly active bodymass, in the form of fat.
a bodybuilder doesnt just increase his weight for no reason, fast weight gains will always be mostly water and fat.

if t werent the case everyone would be jacked and shredded to the bone.

when one is shredded,can they eat more?well they kinda have to, at times.this is a very delcate balancing act,though.

in summary, if ones goal is to be 10%, well, spare the toughts about reading too much into dieting, just get there and then can pretty much do adams diet as long you dont eat before hungry, will be 10%.
10% is fat deposits everywhere and barely any muscle separation.on steroids, can count 15lbs of useless water weight to that.

im sick to the maximum of these clowns"hey i have an easy diet solution listen to me".

no shit a metabolism gets bit slower towards the end of a bbuilding diet.a bit, btw its not my experience, mine is very fast all the way until theres no fat nomore anywhere, and it feels like itd carry on and on.
to me it sounds much like an excuse to eat more.oh well.



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