Author Topic: I personally will NOT be using the "delete post function" on any of my threads  (Read 30854 times)


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 89
Read the rules Junior. You don't need permission from Ron to post up Josh's messages. He's given you permission.

Although we all know you are putting it off with that excuse because you have nothing. LOL.

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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  • I'm back still cant say a-v-e-s--h-e-r on this board, fucking epic hilarity of peace


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time still cant say a-v-e-s--h-e-r on this board, fucking epic hilarity of peace

Oh wow look i just got owned again. Oh the humanity. Yourr pathetic :-\


  • Getbig II
  • **
  • Posts: 89 still cant say a-v-e-s--h-e-r on this board, fucking epic hilarity of peace
Why don't you answer my questions


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
For the 10000th time....please use your avenues to put me in jail.  Post anything you want i have said.

Im really not seeing this big owning. are quite pathetic


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4800
  • Hello Hunior
Im waiting for the next wall of text. My dog demands i sleep

Text Tsunami

Kim Jong Bob

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 7593
In the end of the day, you paid josh to be your friend..from that moment you are and always will be josh little bitch


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
In the end of the day, you paid josh to be your friend..from that moment you are and always will be josh little bitch

My brother from korean mother...i hope u are well

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21286
I don't care what you say about me on here.
I don't care what you post about me on my threads
I don't care who it is that posts in my threads.

I guarantee NOT to delete any posts from anyone in any of the threads I make....and you can hold me to that 100%

Only people like the Vagina from Regina who have something to hide and don't want to be exposed for their bullshit and lies need to do that.

Also Ron, I know it is an experiment anyway which is totally cool.....but don't you think it kinda takes the fun out of the place?

I mean I think this board now has potential to be great and that's what mods are for.

And I for one totally fucking 100% respect Ron's judgement anyway.

If anyone else wants to agree to do the same voluntarily, post and make it be known in this thread


And how does this work again? I mean, say you fall short, how exactly do we hold it to you? Lose our respect and maybe question your word in the future? Ha! Similar to putting stuff on your sister's life, correct?

Bitch'd have been killed a thousand times already. Kill yourself, terrorist.

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2290
  • I'm back
Don't worry not a single post will be deleted in this thread by me no matter what.....that's guaranteed

Call me "mahyar", say my dads name is "jafarrrrrrr" .......say I am a trust fund kid ......say whatever the fuck you want to say.....or whatever lies you wanna make one believes you or gives two fucks......and people that need to know about me already do and laugh at your bullshit behind your backs........... I will take you all on and own you into oblivion like I always do in this thread like always.

Please please don't hold back on my bunch of retards I play you like a kid has a field day in ToysRUs  ;)

I will reply to every single post and do what I say I am gonna do like I always do.

Just bear in mind when u all make 70 posts in a row it takes me a bit of time to respond back.

Its 10.00am here and I haven't slept since like night.

We will resume this bit later after I watch some porn, jack off and get some sleep ...

When I wake up make sure there is good shit on here for me to own you with some more...

Oh and Joshi boy I spent about 3 times more than 1400 dollars on drinks last night my friend.

Giving you 1400 is like me giving some bum on the street 14 cent in change.

The amusement value to watch you be my personal clown was worth it to me.

Now who is the sucker here..... ;D

Kim Jong Bob

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 7593
My brother from korean mother...i hope u are well
dude im more then well....been the best and crazyest week in a long time for me


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
Yes i got horribly played getting 1400 dollars to do nothing .... wow i will need therapy to recover

But hey least this thread is going well for you....everyone is on your side and respects you  :-[ ??? :-\


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
dude im more then well....been the best and crazyest week in a long time for me

Im getting owned here by junior...feel pity for me :-X

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 21286
No actually only like 3-4 people like Josh, he has like whole of 20 friends on his FB half of which are

The dum fuckwit fucked up and left his friends and Alex's friends open on his FB, that's the real reason he had to pull down his site.

All on screenshot.

He is a dum fuck wit with delusions of self importance and a money grabbing beggar who would sell his mum out for money....but is actually an insignificant little knat in life.
That is a statement of fact, he even told me so himself on email about him asking money from his I am not kidding either.

I wish he would give me permission to post all his whatsapp's and emails on here so he can get owned harder.

He can only ever fuck with women.

The second anyone gives him a dose of his medicine back he cry's like the little vagina that he is and runs like a girl.

His whole tough guy bullshit is just a persona ......he is actually just a scammer and a big wet pussy


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
Apparently...according to junior....a persons importance level is dictated by how many friends they have on facebook

Just wow

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21286

At first I just felt sorry for the dum fuck, thought maybe it was possible for him to reform himself etc like my x fiance Sarah did with a bit of help and support.
I genuinely thought he has mental problems and wanted to help him with his issues.
That was before I realized he is just a con artist.

It's like when I would Skype with him he would be like a totally different person, polite & pleasant etc, just not like an animal the way he pretends to be on the board etc

After BS told me he was trying to fuck with her I thought to myself "how do I make sure this cock sucker doesn't bother her or anyone else again" so I formulated a plan.

I decided the best tactic was to befriend him and have him close to me so I knew what he was up too.
I would throw him a bit of money here or know like how you throw a dog a bone etc to make him keep his guard down, cos I knew it was only a matter of time before he fucked up.
Which he did royally.

Thing with me is I got no fucking time or patience for any wanker that tries to fuck with my girl or anyone else by trying to stalk them or cause them harassment, alarm or distress
Same shit he pulled on Booty by posting pics of her underage daughter with cock in her mouth on Photoshop and ringing her work place.
Same shit he pulled when he tried to fuck with Groink's daughters.
Same shit he pulled when he started calling Shizzo parents and work place trying to get him sacked etc.
Same smack he talked about Bigmc's kids etc.
So much other shit etc.

He started trying to blackmail me and trying to extort money out of me, making up fake bullshit stories and fake profiles on his fuck wit site.
I mean if I had permission to post his messages on here it would become crystal clear for the world to see.

Basically the only thing he cares about is money, will do anything for money, so when I told him to fuck off and die and that I wouldn't ever give him any cash he started melting and trying even harder to fuck with me etc.

I was gathering all the evidence the whole time to use against him.

Then when he stupidly left his and Alex's Facebook friends profile open and started getting a dose of his own medicine back he started crying like a girl and pulled down his site.
Changed his phone number, email.....fucking everything....I wouldn't be surprised if he even is gonna move place.

The shit I have on Josh would land him in Jail within 3-4 weeks especially with his track record. Not to mention shit he talked about some gang members in Canada disclosing their info and shit who would have no fucking hesitation destroying whats left of his sad pathetic existence  (but I am not gonna talk about that here) for the dum fucks own safety. As much of a prick he is I don't want to see him get hurt beyond the point of no repair.

That's why I know and he KNOWS he can never fuck with me or anyone else here, especial women.

He KNOWS what I am like

He fucked up and got caught.

He just didn't think anyone would fuck with him and give 100 times more potent doses of his own medicine back.
He was wrong. He fucked with the wrong guy and paid the price.

Pussies like him, I have seen 100 times in real, he is like a joke to me compared to the people I have actually had to deal with in real life

I have to say though the fuckwit as retarded as he is does amuse me, sorta like my own personal clown, so its not so bad to keep him around.

But the second he fucks up, he knows I will be all over him like a rash

Translation: I tried to buy a friend totally for sale, and I still got rejected (but I won't talk about that here).

Kill yourself.


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 2351
  • That'll do pig, that'll do
Apparently...according to junior....a persons importance level is dictated by how many friends they have on facebook

Just wow

The word 'friend' has lost its meaning somewhere along when social media entered the fray. I have 1k+ "friends" on facebook, yet only 5 of them I would truly call friends, and my dog ofc. A 10 year old pug I might add :D


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
The word 'friend' has lost its meaning somewhere along when social media entered the fray. I have 1k+ "friends" on facebook, yet only 5 of them I would truly call friends, and my dog ofc. A 10 year old pug I might add :D

I have a 9 year old pug named potato


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 2351
  • That'll do pig, that'll do
I have a 9 year old pug named potato

They are tiny ball of energy and happiness. He's getting stiff from age, but still sparkly and like a puppy when I get up in the morning. Life would be empty and boring without animals. They love you unconditionally.

Uncle Joon

  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2290
  • I'm back
Last post before bed and sleep, I am so fucking hungover, chat later.

This is what a pussy Josh is.

Send me pm, then before I get chance to even reply blocks me.

There you have it guys, the big tough guy internet keyboard warrior.

Put your hands together ladies and gentleman.....

Please be upstanding......

The one and only......

Vagina from Regina "aka" Joshua Retardick.....lmao

What a fucking pussy this guy really is......just a joke...lolololol

Ok sleep time

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21286

For the simple fact that this cock sucker has his spent his whole life talking shit and trying to fuck peoples lives up in order to get money from them and cause them issues, alarm and distress and even causing problem with their employers etc. Fuck he even made a site dedicated to this purposes, made tons of fake fucking profiles, edited shit and tried to misrepresent everything to suit his own fucking agenda.
If the fat fuck was in the UK someone would have knocked on his door a long time ago and that's not me saying that, its moderators on this board saying that to me.

When he gets a little dose of his own medicine back, he back tracks like a little bitch and crys like the same women he tries to stalk and harass in the first place.

Like most bullies he is really weak IRL, just another internet hero and warrior, he is not used to people giving it back to him
That is why he is almost in a state of shock right now........KO'd on the floor thinking to himself.......WTF just happened.

Everyone hates me and wants me to kill myself..

Ah, second time. Our new phrase. This mean we're giving "literally" and "fundamentally" a break?


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
They are tiny ball of energy and happiness. He's getting stiff from age, but still sparkly and like a puppy when I get up in the morning. Life would be empty and boring without animals. They love you unconditionally.

I try to post pic but i get database error

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 21286
Why are you so obsessed with what Ron thinks of you Junior?

Why didn't you work him over in Vegas like you promised? Your word's as good as his.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21286
Relax internet warrior, this is the lounge, this board ain't that heavily moderated so long as u don't break rules dimwit you can post as many fucking times as you want.
We all know it's just a matter of time before you fuck up anyway.

Look how the mighty ripped has fallen from grace, not so cocky anymore are you son, now that you can't fake profiles and make shit up on your board, you retard.
Look how the scales have balanced.

You couldn't fool anyone, especially not Ron you wet Vagina.....

I will get clarification from Ron before I own you into oblivion with your whats app messages and emails of peace begging me for months to "out" the UK crowd after I told you to fuck off.
Sending UK crowd racist messages under gimmicks and trying to pin it on me.

And trust me if I wanted to land you in Jail you would be eating your morning dry oats in blue uniform by now already.

Oh, yeah. Another favorite.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2657
  • Oh Potato, Sleepy Time
Last post before bed and sleep, I am so fucking hungover, chat later.

This is what a pussy Josh is.

Send me pm, then before I get chance to even reply blocks me.

There you have it guys, the big tough guy internet keyboard warrior.

Put your hands together ladies and gentleman.....

Please be upstanding......

The one and only......

Vagina from Regina "aka" Joshua Retardick.....lmao

What a fucking pussy this guy really is......just a joke...lolololol

Ok sleep time

Good work owning me more into i post hete from jail u put me in...i wont recover

Must be quite a thing knowing me and the entire board are laughing at you