Author Topic: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs  (Read 9998 times)

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #100 on: February 17, 2015, 01:12:49 PM »
Great observation!!!!

The Labour party in the UK did exactly the same thing from 1997 onwards. Under the freedom of information act, there was a document released of a Labour party meeting the actually discussed and confirmed the concept of implementing mass immigration to secure votes for the part.
Much like the Republicans/Democrats in the US, we have Conservatives (REPS) and Labour (Dems). Ethnic minorities, benefit claimants, scroungers, left wingerss always vote labour and the rich and middle classed usually vote Conservatives.

Repubs that support amnesty are batshit crazy lol.

jeb, romney, rand, rubio - they all back it. 

Lord Chronos

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #101 on: February 17, 2015, 01:15:03 PM »
Except white people dont want to have children since they abandonned judeo christianism and embraced fully the extremistic capitalist/atheist way of life. Again the only ones who reproduce on this planet are believers; indus, chinese, muslims etc because in their backward system of beliefs there is a constant hope of one day they ll dominate and the whole world a peaceful, perfect place , theirs. White atheists have gone way past that since they killed God(s). Some white people even felt the need to flirt with asian or muslim system of belief, finding no sense of community  in their white atheist country. They try to find spirituality in other system of beliefs and when they fail to do so they massively rely on big pharma and drugs. Most atheists only goals in life past 30 nowadays are to buy more stuff to impress the neighbour , feel good temporarly , between reading books written by the dalai lama, some random asian guru and poping antidepressants pills. We re all trying to feel better, to be dominant, to be "more alive" than the competitor, who can be our neighbour, our colleague, or even our own brother or sister. That.s what life is about.

We re not going back in time and re-christianize ourselves, we re not going to suddenly outbreed the third worlders, or revert immigration back into their countries. We re simply going to slowly disapear WILLINGLY while popping pills to make it less painful. We re simply lacking the will to live anymore after figuring it was all bullshits.

There are billions of people in the current rhid world who ve been waiting for decades to become just like us, white occidentals. They ll get there, actually we re giving them a poisoned gift, but they ll end just like us ultimately, losing faith and seeing themselves for the vain animals they are.

Make no mistake, once the thrid worlders are done replacing us, live in our cities, use our technologies, read the books written by our "thinkers", and then slowly abandon their religions too, they ll follow the same path we are. The end of the white race announces the end of mankind as a whole. We reached the limits, and realized there s nothing past them.

Some good points there, particularly your last statement.

However a couple of points I would say

White people are not dying off due to lack of breeding per se, white people are dying off because of the capitalist system we created. The system as is stands today says we need loads of people. We actually dont, but thats what has been accepted as the norm, on that basis white people are not having enough kids, so we need to bring in vast numbers from other countries to support this system. These people breed faster than white so whites get outbred.
If we could move away from the model for cheap labour, and in the absences of third world people, white peoples birth rates would be perfectly fine.
You have to remember at a fundamental level, the european man ensured his progenies survival through environmental adaptation. In the cold of northern europe, where food was scarce, the most important ability was environmental manipulation ie:

Adapt surroundings, constuct buildings, farm land, create technologies. It also required to have a "relatively" small number of offspring. Have a small number of offspring, adapt the evironment and ensure safety for your children via these mechanisms. Over time these mechanisms have developed at an exponential scale, where things like tools and traps were the first technology, to hospitals, transport systems, nuclear reactors. These are all extensions of this mechanism to adapt the surroundings to ensure survival. Social welfare, justice systems and public health care are all extensions of this.

In Africa, where wild food is abundant, but dangers are rife, physical superiority and the need to have many children are required to ensure survival. In due course many of those offspring would die off, leaving a similar amount of offspring in both regions.

The problem that we now face, is when you take people from Africa and put them into Europe. They continue their natural behaviour of having many children, but the dangers that would remove many of the offspring no longer exist. Thus 90% of the offspring successfully grow up and reproduce. They then reproduce in higher numbers and so on and so on. The systems supports their survival so over time they outbreed the Europeans.
Now if you take away those support structures, the healthcare, social benefits and a weak justice system "taking off the gloves" so to speak. You would see a rapid decline in the African populations in Europe and America. Over time they would fail to compete with the indigenous populations and would not enjoy the sucess they have, as without free housing, benefits and education they would fall by the wayside.

I would disagree with the statement that the Chinese people are backward looking. The Chinese had roads, structure, organistion, governments, when the Europeans were living in Mud huts. There are examples of medical literature going back close to 5000 years. Whilst I agree they cannot match the europeans in terms of engineering and innovation, they have had a culturally advanced society for many years.
Prior to the influence of Communism, their three primary faiths were Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Confucianism certainly played a part in the stagnation of Chinese economic development, as at its core it is essentialy anti-capitalist, anti-consumerism, anti-greed, against material wealth. Its is all about being good to your fellow man and throwing off the chains of desire and ego. You will hear nothing of Confucius today on Chinese media as he is consisted a threat to the modern day capitalist style communism they favour today. All three of their faiths are closer to philosophies and dont revolve around the worship of an all powerful diety in the same way Christianity and Islam do, again another sign of a people that are not backward.
I would agree they will inherit the earth, the question will be wheter they will have a change in their mindset and move to the immigration model opening their doors to the world. They have a huge population so its unlikely but who knows. Over time, their middle classes will grow to a sufficient size that they can make money off their own people and not be reliant on the US and Europe, as they will have 300/400 million middle class to sell to.
So far China have been smart enough to "take the best from the west and leave the rest" declining to accept western concepts of democracy, human rights, egalitarian liberal ideals etc.


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #102 on: February 17, 2015, 01:19:23 PM »
Getbig heavy hitters are out in this thread.

Navy Mike does not even know the difference between "their, "they're," and "there," yet he is discussing the complexity of economics and race relations.

Glad to see I'm not the only one picking up on the dyslexic vibe.

Is that why he collects a disability check?


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #103 on: February 17, 2015, 01:30:29 PM »
Our Third World president is creating a Third World country where laws don't matter...

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #104 on: February 17, 2015, 01:42:46 PM »
If the goal is to make usa superior we need immagrants to hurry to build more an more infrastructure big fucking office buildings all sizes of commercial buildings this help rich become richer supporting the poor welfare, more job opportunitys for middle class and all classes

Middle class only move up rank if they innovate shit , not by putting in more hours at a job there is a finite work capability

The poor are enjoying life they have all the utilities but may live 5 to a 1 bedroom house


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #105 on: February 17, 2015, 01:44:26 PM »
5 million, lol! USCIS has ordered 34 million blank greencards for the New Citizens

and we'll need to replace those ones with new illegals if they actually do become tax payers, otherwise the elite exploiters can't keep their economic shell game going

It's hilarious how broken the immigration system is - it took me 10 years (and having to prove I generated millions in profit for my employer) to get a green card.


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #106 on: February 17, 2015, 01:45:54 PM »
Imagine how we feel in the UK

ANY ONE in the EU can come over.

go on the dole get £70.00 a week, free housing, free health care!

absolutely rinsing out counrty dry.

and then the lazy cnts that live here having 9 kids to get free housing and some of them are getting around 2k a month £. some alot more. its a fukin joke.

Funny is that Camreon is always blaming Eastern Europeans to sit on benefits, but never heard that hes talking about african immigrants who are far worse. Even if they work, they are lazy AF. I think Camreon even said that UK wont let anymore ppl from Eastern Europe, so good luck with your country turning to African ass.
Ppl from Eastern Europe go to UK to work, not to get free benefits.

Lord Chronos

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #107 on: February 17, 2015, 01:53:55 PM »
Funny is that Camreon is always blaming Eastern Europeans to sit on benefits, but never heard that hes talking about african immigrants who are far worse. Even if they work, they are lazy AF. I think Camreon even said that UK wont let anymore ppl from Eastern Europe, so good luck with your country turning to African ass.
Ppl from Eastern Europe go to UK to work, not to get free benefits.

Spot on!!

Also shows how much a total hypocrite he is. Lets look at the facts.

A core policy of the EU is freedom of the movement among member states. Britain signed up for this.

Any country joining the EU has to sign up to this as well, its citizens get freedom of movement to move to any country and vice versa from all other EU countries. Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc all signed up.

So as their right as EU citizens, they have chosen to come ot the UK to work. Yet Cameron wants to block them from coming, this is a breach of the EU policy that the UK is signed up.

Is Nigeria an EU member, is pakistan and EU member, is India an EU member, no, none of them are, are we going to block them Mr Cameron, no we are not.

Right lets get this straight, you are going to block immigrants from a country that is legally entitled to emmigrate to the UK, but not block immigrants from countries that have no rights at all???


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #108 on: February 17, 2015, 02:00:43 PM »
Five million?  LOL!   There's a minimum of 20,000,000 illegals in the US.  I would gladly wager the real number of people living in the USA illegally is between 22-30 million people.   Are they all worthless "Browns" ?  No. Are most of them worthless thieving "browns"?  Yes


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #109 on: February 17, 2015, 02:08:02 PM »

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #110 on: February 17, 2015, 02:10:07 PM »
You just know an industry is being built this minute, that streamlines people right into the mix.  

No one committed to funding any investigations to minimize any number.  No one committed to any number, period.

It's all a big blank slate, just as it was meant to be.


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #111 on: February 17, 2015, 02:17:41 PM »
Not bad. Better get used to it.


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #112 on: February 17, 2015, 02:30:35 PM »
I heard on the radio today that you can tell the Phoenix economy is getting better because there are a shit load of day laborers standing on the corners by Home Depot again

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #113 on: February 17, 2015, 02:35:03 PM »
It's a really stupid idea.

Allowing someone to regularise their status by migrating illegally will only encourage more people to do so.

Sustainable immigration involves economic analysis on the needs of the nation and what that migrant can bring in terms of skill shortages in areas of desperate need for the local industry. Obviously, they also need to allow certain family migration and a much smaller slice of humanitarian aid to appease the UN as many never work a day in their life after they migrate.

Allowing 5 million (probably very unskilled) people to remain will only exacerbate any lower skilled unemployment concerns, which will affect youth unemployment and those who are dangling near the poverty line. The effect will only be mitigated by the relative size of the entire population.
these unskilled people will face poverty , racism, and will become delinquants ...and give jobs to cops and prison wards. More prisons, more jobs, more cops, more social workers, more judges , more shrinks and so on. Everything is a business. One's misfortune is the salary of someone else.
Cops , judges, social workers shrinks dont want a perfect peaceful world where everyone is happy has a great family and situation, otherwise they wouldnt have a fucking job. Thats the absurdity of life. Everyone somehow prey on others weaknesses to make a living. We all exploit each others weaknesses.

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #114 on: February 17, 2015, 02:55:42 PM »
these unskilled people will face poverty , racism, and will become delinquants ...and give jobs to cops and prison wards. More prisons, more jobs, more cops, more social workers, more judges , more shrinks and so on. Everything is a business. One's misfortune is the salary of someone else.
Cops , judges, social workers shrinks dont want a perfect peaceful world where everyone is happy has a great family and situation, otherwise they wouldnt have a fucking job. Thats the absurdity of life. Everyone somehow prey on others weaknesses to make a living. We all exploit each others weaknesses.
Thers always a construction job for them

Immagrents allow 4 shit 2 be built faster more job opps for everyone

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #115 on: February 17, 2015, 03:12:13 PM »
Reagan's and Obama's amnesty plans were almost identical.

required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;

made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;

legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;

legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language.

See that bold one...If you were above to "prove" that you had broken US immigration law for at least 4 years... HEY, YOU GET TO STAY!   Reward them for daily lawbreaking.  Obama's plan was almost identical. 

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #116 on: February 17, 2015, 03:18:21 PM »
made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;

how did this one work out??

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #117 on: February 17, 2015, 03:55:16 PM »
Glad to see I'm not the only one picking up on the dyslexic vibe.

Is that why he collects a disability check?

I am dyslexic. Stated it a few times

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #118 on: February 17, 2015, 04:07:50 PM »
I am dyslexic. Stated it a few times

So you misspell some words or what?  What are you saying?


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #119 on: February 17, 2015, 04:11:46 PM »
The UK and the US are in serious financial trouble currently.

And this free for all mentality just isnt working.

after world war 2 - when alot of italians came over, they fucking worked, in cotton mills, factories ect.
they felt blessed to get a chance and embraced the country worked there arse off..

now its this generation nothing mentality lazy, want everything handed on a plate. pathetic
id take a mexican over a paki any day

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #120 on: February 17, 2015, 04:14:20 PM »
So you misspell some words or what?  What are you saying?

It's hard to explain i see words back words, a lot of the time I can't put my thoughts to paper like there in a block between my brain and fingers. Spelling  is extremely difficult. It's different


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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #121 on: February 17, 2015, 04:14:57 PM »
BB-related: Jose Raymond is probably an illegal

True.   Hispanics are usually of small stature.

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #122 on: February 17, 2015, 04:24:15 PM »
It's hard to explain i see words back words, a lot of the time I can't put my thoughts to paper like there in a block between my brain and fingers. Spelling  is extremely difficult. It's different

What happens when you write something and double-check it?  Doesn't that work?  You know how stuff is supposed to be written...i've seen you do it.  So double-check every time if you need to.  What's the big deal?  You expect people to take you seriously, so you can do it.

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #123 on: February 17, 2015, 04:40:41 PM »
What happens when you write something and double-check it?  Doesn't that work?  You know how stuff is supposed to be written...i've seen you do it.  So double-check every time if you need to.  What's the big deal?  You expect people to take you seriously, so you can do it.

I go over, over and over it. If I get in a hurry it comes out a mess. Sometimes I won't even see the mistake no matter how many times I look over it

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Re: 5 million illegals to be made legal. Getbig thoughs
« Reply #124 on: February 17, 2015, 04:43:40 PM »
I go over, over and over it. If I get in a hurry it comes out a mess. Sometimes I won't even see the mistake no matter how many times I look over it

That's your problem right there.

This "dyslexic" business sounds like a liberal con used to make excuses.  Don't let them BS you.