Author Topic: Happy Sunday  (Read 58353 times)

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #150 on: March 02, 2015, 04:45:47 PM »
tbombz is just showing his love for Christ and his love for others.  

Like me, he just desires for everyone to understand the reality of Christ in their lives.

Most of y'all love the entertainment factor that came with the man tbombz used to be and have no concept of what it means to become a changed man by and for Christ.

The mocking, the ridicule, the claims of mental illness are all things I can handle with no issue.  I don't prefer it but I expect it, I live it, it's scriptural......believer s will be ridiculed, some cast out and some will face worse.

Y'all have a blessed day.

in scientific terms taylor is going thru a maniacal, psychotic phase but because it s portrayed as a spiritual thingy it is somewhat accepted -but will less and less be in the future as science debunks the phenomenons at work in the brain-. Fact is there is no god, god is  man invention, a delirium coming from an animal brain and none of what he says makes sense. We are animals and the strong survives preying on the weak. It s pretty binary and simple to understand.

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #151 on: March 02, 2015, 05:02:03 PM »
I've shed the same tears as tbombz.  He's a man possessed by Christ now and he's literally shouting for others to not make the same mistakes as he did, to turn from their sin, reconcile with God and be brought into righteousness.

dude. Please. WTF.

He probably been abused by family members, became completely fucked up, got ill and now is trying to create a meaning to a sad existence that has intrinsically none. The only moral of the stroy is that dude is weak and has been buttfucked -no pun intended- by everyone surrounding him since he s born. He s a sucker. He didnt choose any of it. There is no justice, no explanation, no meaning to any of this. He might convince himslf, brainwash himself thru religion to give a meaning to what has none; life is innerently absurd, cruel, and there are only two main forces at work; RANDOMNESS, and the law of nature, the jungle, the strongest, IE evolution and darwinism.
Randomness and brutal law of nature are the only things that dictates the way vegetal and animal lifeforms survive. There is no need for a god or gods.

He will suffer, regret, then die and there wont be any miracle happening. He might make himself feel better reading the bible and propagating its bullshits , but in the end it doesnt change anything to what happened to him or what is waiting for him, he also probably doesnt help anyone, and there will still be poor suckers going the path he went. It will keep going on, life is just like that, it constantly creates randomly inequalities and suffering. Spirituality is just doing mental gymnastic to convince yourself that life isnt as absurd and random it intriscially is. IT s pure bullshit tho, but it is reasuring. It is highly hypocritical too, because it creates a completely artificial meaning , reason as to why you have to kill someone else -who is different, acts differents, think different- to access limited ressources. Religions, spirituality, are a defense mecahnism developed by our brains, to cope with the intrinsical random absurdity of life, of death. All human animals developed the same kind of belief system everywhere in the world and copied each others to create their own thing. But all of them are bullshit. All religions are false, wrong. At best they help people to unite FIGHT other people with different beliefs secure the access to limited ressources. We are animals first and foremost, this is the ultimate nature of reality, and religions, spirituality are just a byproduct of our animality. Whatever the way you sugarcoat it, life was, is and will always be about killing instead of being killed until one day you cant fight anymore and..die. All adaptations at some point fail and become a burden that hinders a lifeform's survival, become counterproductive. Everything that lives is doomed to fail, die,  disapear. Truth is, there is no reincarnation, and no heaven, or hell. People, animals, plants just reproduce, struggle for survival, fight, adapt, evolve, until at some point they cant anymore and disapear.

Buddha; God, allah, krishna; Zeus, jesus; philosophies etc, its all bullshit and none of them existed and there is no valhala, heaven, but only hell on earth for all living being who were randomly and blindly spwaned into life without choosing it and have no other choice but to kill instead of being killed to insure their survival until they can reproduce. If you re lucky to be born strong and dominant or access that status after steping on others people heads, surviving at the expense of their own survival, then maybe life can be bearable. Yet, everything you build, gain, conquer, will decay , everything you win, you will lose anyway.

We are machines, animals generated by a blind evolution where every life form develops based on how it interacts with other lifeforms that threaten its survival or exploit its weaknesses; we are programmed to fight, kill, eat fuck and die and we are all convinced our own survival is more important than the other assholes survival. Life is a giant cruel butchery that goes nowhere and constantly repeats itself. To say it like it is, life is constant suffering and the only way to end this suffering is to end life. The only pleasure we get from life is when we re able to kill, dominate, others. Life is only worth living when you can dominate others. Hope is envisionning yourself dominating others in the future or seeing your kids being able to do so in the future.  Life is all about domination, hapiness is all about being able to dominate or envisioning yourself dominating in the future. When one s realize he cannot dominate in the future, he has no will to live anymore.
We re just animals, this is the ultimate truth, the sum of all truths.

HEaven doenst exist, neither does hell. We are animals who created these concepts. We create meaning, where there is none.  They ve been created in all religions btw.  And there is nothing after death. We re just animals randomly killing each others for limited ressources until our species disapear because it destroys itslef or cant adapt anymore.

Go to a fucking hospital, retirement home, looney bin or jail ; you will understand there is no fucking god. Just strong, lucky, people who prey on weaker, unlucky, people and exploit their weaknesses to insure their own survival. Every single life forms has to exploit other life forms to insure its own survival. For every winner, there has to be a loser. No one is innocent, purity, perfection, dont exist. There are just lifeforms that spawn, replicate, adapt and fight each others randomly. Many lifeforms, vegetal, or animal, many blind and random creations of evolution, species, failed at some point to survive. At some point the human species itself will disapear COMPLETELY. Nothing has a purpose or meaning, other than the one humans create with their brains. But this meaning is always false, an illusion, that tries to avoid, hide, the reality; we re just animals killing each others randomly and indefinitly until we disapear. And the same shit probably goes on and on in the universe everywhere there s some sun, some water and bacterias. There is no meaning or purpose to it, it just is.

Buy, kill, fuck, die. Life.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #152 on: March 02, 2015, 05:24:54 PM »
in scientific terms taylor is going thru a maniacal, psychotic phase but because it s portrayed as a spiritual thingy it is somewhat accepted -but will less and less be in the future as science debunks the phenomenons at work in the brain-. Fact is there is no god, god is  man invention, a delirium coming from an animal brain and none of what he says makes sense. We are animals and the strong survives preying on the weak. It s pretty binary and simple to understand.

A schizophrenic talks to an imaginary person = Crazy
A person talks to an imaginary God = religious

A religious parent prays for their child's diabetes to go away, but the child dies = parents are deeply religious and love God
A parent prays for their child's diabetes to go away, but the child dies = the parent is crazy

As you can see, you can justify any erratic behavior with religion.  :-\


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #153 on: March 02, 2015, 05:34:21 PM »
The 'Happy Sunday' feeling is strong in this thread..

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #154 on: March 02, 2015, 05:41:04 PM »
A schizophrenic talks to an imaginary person = Crazy
A person talks to an imaginary God = religious

A religious parent prays for their child's diabetes to go away, but the child dies = parents are deeply religious and love God
A parent prays for their child's diabetes to go away, but the child dies = the parent is crazy

As you can see, you can justify any erratic behavior with religion.  :-\
We are all "mentally ill" as we all built subconsciously systems of beliefs that are intrinsically wrong, magical, biased, wicked, twisted, cynical, hypocrits...We are all the product of our environment, we have all been conditionned , and we all think we deserve the best odds of survival at the expense of others. We re all spwaned into a race , struggle for survival without choosing it. We in fact are all animals who pretends they arent animals and who constantly try to hide their bestiality and will to dominate others. We are all looking after fame, success, domination, power, because it means better odds of survival. And we all spend an awful lot of time pretending we are not, trying to dissimulate our will to dominate.

The rich , lucky and strong are psychologically violent, while the weak, unlucky is often physically violent. Violence is everywhere, all relaitonships between all lifeforms are based on dominating and dominated individuals. Everything in life is about sex, reproduction, domination, and death, failure, slavery. Everything is fucking binary.

Some are just luckier than others, some just have a stronger will to kill than others. Really, there are only two kinds of lifeforms both in the vegetal and animal kingdoms; weak, and strong ones. The strong ones just happen to live longer at the expense of the weak. The only purpose of every single lifeform that has a brain is to calculate how to survive, access the limited ressources at the expense of other lifeforms which are randomly spawned into the vicinity. "Life" is a constant battle, struggle, competition between lifeforms that blindly try to adapt and dominate fearing to be defeated by the opponents that were randomly spawned in their surrouding.  We ally with those who think or look like us automatically, subconsciously, and we fight those who are wired, conditionned differently automatically.

Look at kids "playing" -play in all animals species is learning how to dominate, kill, competition when adults- in any kindergarten; the strongest, smartest, wise kids always ally together and make fun of the weaker ones. You see the same happening in other animal species. Morality , spirituality, are bullshit. Our inner, deep nature is to exploit , enslave, play with the weak. Ever noticed that all jokes, all laughs, are always made AT THE EXPENSE of someone's idea, or someone weaknesses?
 Only the strong survives, but even he, at some point, even if he "lasts" longer than the weak, will die. It is also interesting to notice the strong needs to constantly cultivate, produce, weak ones in order to survive at their expense. Basically humans are animals who produce weak animals in order to survive at their expense.

We only exist to kill instead of being killed. Being succesful at killing makes one feel good and confident, failing to do so makes one depressed and desperate. Strong people can smell fear and weakness in others, and will either eliminate them or dominate them if they have any interest in keeping them alive for their own benefit.

No "god" "created" this, it just is. There is no need for a creator to create something for this something to exist. If any intelligent lifeform created this, he, it, actually would be a complete sadistic asshole. Just because we humans/animals create things to better our odds of survival doesnt mean there has to be something that created life. Life , this monstruosity when you really think about it, just happen where there s sunlight and water. Then the cruel butchery starts, "evolves" until it implodes. The more time i spend on this planet, the more i believe life is actually exactly the oposite of what it is portrayed to the strong ones who dominate this planet and who need the weak, the suckers to believe in to keep exploiting them. Life is all about strong ones having fun at the expense of the weaker ones. And the weak ones always want, "hope" to become stronger in order to have its share of fun too. Except many wont have any chance of accessing it and were just randomly spawned to suffer and make stronger lifeforms feel better when they re looking at them.

We all finally understand the true nature of existence at some point, some just understand it sooner than others.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #155 on: March 02, 2015, 06:14:29 PM »
The Sermon of the Mounted.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #156 on: March 02, 2015, 06:21:39 PM »
If only sf1900 had some other area in his life to channel all this anti religion energy. :D

King Shizzo

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #157 on: March 02, 2015, 06:41:16 PM »
I old you guys it would be 10 pages easy  :D


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #158 on: March 02, 2015, 06:41:56 PM »
If only sf1900 had some other area in his life to channel all this anti religion energy. :D

Where else would I channel it to? There is no other place. You can't do it at a job. My friends don't give enough shit about religion to discuss it. Family either. Getbig is the only place you can truly let loose. Perhaps the gym, but thats only for about an hour per day.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #159 on: March 02, 2015, 06:43:01 PM »
I old you guys it would be 10 pages easy  :D

Anything related to tbombz, goodrum, or uncle junior reaches close, if not more than 10 pages.

King Shizzo

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #160 on: March 02, 2015, 06:51:27 PM »
Anything related to tbombz, goodrum, or uncle junior reaches close, if not more than 10 pages.
Nah, Goodrum doesn't even come close these days.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #161 on: March 02, 2015, 06:55:56 PM »
Nah, Goodrum doesn't even come close these days.

I guess people have become used to his shenanigans!


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #162 on: March 02, 2015, 06:56:27 PM »
We are all "mentally ill" as we all built subconsciously systems of beliefs that are intrinsically wrong, magical, biased, wicked, twisted, cynical, hypocrits...We are all the product of our environment, we have all been conditionned , and we all think we deserve the best odds of survival at the expense of others. We re all spwaned into a race , struggle for survival without choosing it. We in fact are all animals who pretends they arent animals and who constantly try to hide their bestiality and will to dominate others. We are all looking after fame, success, domination, power, because it means better odds of survival. And we all spend an awful lot of time pretending we are not, trying to dissimulate our will to dominate.

The rich , lucky and strong are psychologically violent, while the weak, unlucky is often physically violent. Violence is everywhere, all relaitonships between all lifeforms are based on dominating and dominated individuals. Everything in life is about sex, reproduction, domination, and death, failure, slavery. Everything is fucking binary.

Some are just luckier than others, some just have a stronger will to kill than others. Really, there are only two kinds of lifeforms both in the vegetal and animal kingdoms; weak, and strong ones. The strong ones just happen to live longer at the expense of the weak. The only purpose of every single lifeform that has a brain is to calculate how to survive, access the limited ressources at the expense of other lifeforms which are randomly spawned into the vicinity. "Life" is a constant battle, struggle, competition between lifeforms that blindly try to adapt and dominate fearing to be defeated by the opponents that were randomly spawned in their surrouding.  We ally with those who think or look like us automatically, subconsciously, and we fight those who are wired, conditionned differently automatically.

Look at kids "playing" -play in all animals species is learning how to dominate, kill, competition when adults- in any kindergarten; the strongest, smartest, wise kids always ally together and make fun of the weaker ones. You see the same happening in other animal species. Morality , spirituality, are bullshit. Our inner, deep nature is to exploit , enslave, play with the weak. Ever noticed that all jokes, all laughs, are always made AT THE EXPENSE of someone's idea, or someone weaknesses?
 Only the strong survives, but even he, at some point, even if he "lasts" longer than the weak, will die. It is also interesting to notice the strong needs to constantly cultivate, produce, weak ones in order to survive at their expense. Basically humans are animals who produce weak animals in order to survive at their expense.

We only exist to kill instead of being killed. Being succesful at killing makes one feel good and confident, failing to do so makes one depressed and desperate. Strong people can smell fear and weakness in others, and will either eliminate them or dominate them if they have any interest in keeping them alive for their own benefit.

No "god" "created" this, it just is. There is no need for a creator to create something for this something to exist. If any intelligent lifeform created this, he, it, actually would be a complete sadistic asshole. Just because we humans/animals create things to better our odds of survival doesnt mean there has to be something that created life. Life , this monstruosity when you really think about it, just happen where there s sunlight and water. Then the cruel butchery starts, "evolves" until it implodes. The more time i spend on this planet, the more i believe life is actually exactly the oposite of what it is portrayed to the strong ones who dominate this planet and who need the weak, the suckers to believe in to keep exploiting them. Life is all about strong ones having fun at the expense of the weaker ones. And the weak ones always want, "hope" to become stronger in order to have its share of fun too. Except many wont have any chance of accessing it and were just randomly spawned to suffer and make stronger lifeforms feel better when they re looking at them.

We all finally understand the true nature of existence at some point, some just understand it sooner than others.
Can you list your favorite authors? I see some Freud touch, a bit of Nietzsche nihilism and thus ideas that roams around Darwin evolution theory. Your last messages are brutal and I agree with some parts of them.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #163 on: March 02, 2015, 07:13:07 PM »
Where else would I channel it to? There is no other place. You can't do it at a job. My friends don't give enough shit about religion to discuss it. Family either. Getbig is the only place you can truly let loose. Perhaps the gym, but thats only for about an hour per day.
You seem overly obsessed with religion, it's unhealthy that it has that effect on you.

Obvious Gimmick

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #164 on: March 02, 2015, 07:22:23 PM »
A robust conversation about religion going on here

tbagz = winning


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #165 on: March 02, 2015, 07:23:16 PM »
You seem overly obsessed with religion, it's unhealthy that it has that effect on you.



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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #166 on: March 02, 2015, 07:25:12 PM »
Imams in my country cries while reading the Koran or talking about religion so t-bombz behaviour is fully understood.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #167 on: March 02, 2015, 07:28:07 PM »
This true lol

A robust conversation about religion going on here

tbagz = winning

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #168 on: March 02, 2015, 07:39:32 PM »
Same FALSE GOSPEL that tbombz is teaching.  You do not turn from sin to be saved.  Turning from sin = works.

All one must do to be saved is put all of their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  You do not turn from sin, give up sin, forsake sin, or anything related to it.  You simply believe.  Anything other than faith for salvation is a works based salvation that will land you in hell when you die.

John 3:18
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

GymTime I can assure you that the few words you've bolded and pulled from the greater context do not represent my false theology.

I would suggest you consult my thousands of other posts and even a few within this same thread that affirm salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.

Man of Steel

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #169 on: March 02, 2015, 07:50:08 PM »
dude. Please. WTF.

He probably been abused by family members, became completely fucked up, got ill and now is trying to create a meaning to a sad existence that has intrinsically none. The only moral of the stroy is that dude is weak and has been buttfucked -no pun intended- by everyone surrounding him since he s born. He s a sucker. He didnt choose any of it. There is no justice, no explanation, no meaning to any of this. He might convince himslf, brainwash himself thru religion to give a meaning to what has none; life is innerently absurd, cruel, and there are only two main forces at work; RANDOMNESS, and the law of nature, the jungle, the strongest, IE evolution and darwinism.
Randomness and brutal law of nature are the only things that dictates the way vegetal and animal lifeforms survive. There is no need for a god or gods.

He will suffer, regret, then die and there wont be any miracle happening. He might make himself feel better reading the bible and propagating its bullshits , but in the end it doesnt change anything to what happened to him or what is waiting for him, he also probably doesnt help anyone, and there will still be poor suckers going the path he went. It will keep going on, life is just like that, it constantly creates randomly inequalities and suffering. Spirituality is just doing mental gymnastic to convince yourself that life isnt as absurd and random it intriscially is. IT s pure bullshit tho, but it is reasuring. It is highly hypocritical too, because it creates a completely artificial meaning , reason as to why you have to kill someone else -who is different, acts differents, think different- to access limited ressources. Religions, spirituality, are a defense mecahnism developed by our brains, to cope with the intrinsical random absurdity of life, of death. All human animals developed the same kind of belief system everywhere in the world and copied each others to create their own thing. But all of them are bullshit. All religions are false, wrong. At best they help people to unite FIGHT other people with different beliefs secure the access to limited ressources. We are animals first and foremost, this is the ultimate nature of reality, and religions, spirituality are just a byproduct of our animality. Whatever the way you sugarcoat it, life was, is and will always be about killing instead of being killed until one day you cant fight anymore and..die. All adaptations at some point fail and become a burden that hinders a lifeform's survival, become counterproductive. Everything that lives is doomed to fail, die,  disapear. Truth is, there is no reincarnation, and no heaven, or hell. People, animals, plants just reproduce, struggle for survival, fight, adapt, evolve, until at some point they cant anymore and disapear.

Buddha; God, allah, krishna; Zeus, jesus; philosophies etc, its all bullshit and none of them existed and there is no valhala, heaven, but only hell on earth for all living being who were randomly and blindly spwaned into life without choosing it and have no other choice but to kill instead of being killed to insure their survival until they can reproduce. If you re lucky to be born strong and dominant or access that status after steping on others people heads, surviving at the expense of their own survival, then maybe life can be bearable. Yet, everything you build, gain, conquer, will decay , everything you win, you will lose anyway.

We are machines, animals generated by a blind evolution where every life form develops based on how it interacts with other lifeforms that threaten its survival or exploit its weaknesses; we are programmed to fight, kill, eat fuck and die and we are all convinced our own survival is more important than the other assholes survival. Life is a giant cruel butchery that goes nowhere and constantly repeats itself. To say it like it is, life is constant suffering and the only way to end this suffering is to end life. The only pleasure we get from life is when we re able to kill, dominate, others. Life is only worth living when you can dominate others. Hope is envisionning yourself dominating others in the future or seeing your kids being able to do so in the future.  Life is all about domination, hapiness is all about being able to dominate or envisioning yourself dominating in the future. When one s realize he cannot dominate in the future, he has no will to live anymore.
We re just animals, this is the ultimate truth, the sum of all truths.

HEaven doenst exist, neither does hell. We are animals who created these concepts. We create meaning, where there is none.  They ve been created in all religions btw.  And there is nothing after death. We re just animals randomly killing each others for limited ressources until our species disapear because it destroys itslef or cant adapt anymore.

Go to a fucking hospital, retirement home, looney bin or jail ; you will understand there is no fucking god. Just strong, lucky, people who prey on weaker, unlucky, people and exploit their weaknesses to insure their own survival. Every single life forms has to exploit other life forms to insure its own survival. For every winner, there has to be a loser. No one is innocent, purity, perfection, dont exist. There are just lifeforms that spawn, replicate, adapt and fight each others randomly. Many lifeforms, vegetal, or animal, many blind and random creations of evolution, species, failed at some point to survive. At some point the human species itself will disapear COMPLETELY. Nothing has a purpose or meaning, other than the one humans create with their brains. But this meaning is always false, an illusion, that tries to avoid, hide, the reality; we re just animals killing each others randomly and indefinitly until we disapear. And the same shit probably goes on and on in the universe everywhere there s some sun, some water and bacterias. There is no meaning or purpose to it, it just is.

Buy, kill, fuck, die. Life.

Read your post and I can assure you of something. matter how religion or religious people hurt you and yours or how much you've unfortunately lost in life God still loves you.  This will probably get an eyeroll but it's still true.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #170 on: March 02, 2015, 08:00:26 PM »
This is a dead end discussion.


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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #171 on: March 02, 2015, 08:06:08 PM »
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. - Matthew 28:19-20

The Ugly

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #172 on: March 02, 2015, 08:13:41 PM »
All due respect to believers, how did this whole deal evolve into a big ol' Hide 'n' Seek?

Say you're God. You created man because you were lonely and wanted to experience unforced, reciprocal love. This explains the impetus for creation, if I'm not mistaken (Judeo-Christian God, I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Adam and Eve, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah - ALL the Biblical heroes, these folks never needed faith in God's existence, right? They were simply required to carry out His will. Fair enough, but difficult task in itself. Yet God communicated with them directly; they never had to question whether or not He was really there. And some STILL failed.

Now here we are thousands of years later. On top of the behavior commandments and fulfilling God's will, we're also deligated the task of having faith in His existence, when He's completely excused Himself from further direct communication. Considering how far we've come with the various branches of science (which He certainly knew would happen), that ALL cast suspicion and/or doubt on His existence and explanation for ours; why on earth would He add this extra hurdle?

Yes, I know you can't see or hear Me in this age of science, reason, skepticism, and whatnot, but you BETTER believe I'm here.

So, again, say you're God. Modern day God. More than anything you still want to experience reciprocal love and obedience from your free-willed creation: WHAT F'N SENSE DOES IT MAKE TO ADD FAITH IN EXISTENCE TO AN ALREADY DIFFICULT EQUATION?

The ultimate deal-breaker for me, yet Christians accept the task like it's not particularly unnecessary and/or unreasonable.

We are likewise expected to love and obey our parents - again, difficult in itself at times, and we often fall short. But we are never expected to suspend disbelief and play some childish Hide 'n' Seek bullshit, trying to reassure ourselves that they're really there. We KNOW they're there.

As God then, when/why did you decide that highly improbable riddles were more important than your original need for love and obedience?

And, of course, the penalty for not excelling at Hide 'n' Seek: eternal torture.

(TLDR, I know. Had to get it off my thick, striated chest, though. I'll probably delete this bullshit in the morning.)

Natural Man

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Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #173 on: March 02, 2015, 08:20:10 PM »
ever wondered why god is suposed to be an old because anthropomorphism.  God is basically a fantasmed, ideal almighty ...father, husband coming from the brain

God is an invention of man. Other animals dont believe in gods. Men worship strenght, fame power, and are universally repulsed by weakness -except if they can make a living exploiting it- because it means better odds of survival. This, is an ANIMAL and completely subconscious, automated behavior.

God(s) dont grant us hapiness or pain just like a father gifts or punishes his sons or daughters based on their actions, the feelings of hapiness and pain are byproducts of being able to survive, dominate, or not.

Natural selection and the elusiveness of hapiness


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  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Re: Happy Sunday
« Reply #174 on: March 02, 2015, 08:22:29 PM »
All due respect to believers, how did this whole deal evolve into a big ol' Hide 'n' Seek?

Say you're God. You created man because you were lonely and wanted to experience unforced, reciprocal love. This explains the impetus for creation, if I'm not mistaken (Judeo-Christian God, I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Adam and Eve, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah - ALL the Biblical heroes, these folks never needed faith in God's existence, right? They were simply required to carry out His will. Fair enough, but difficult task in itself. Yet God communicated with them directly; they never had to question whether or not He was really there. And some STILL failed.

Now here we are thousands of years later. On top of the behavior commandments and fulfilling God's will, we're also deligated the task of having faith in His existence, when He's completely excused Himself from further direct communication. Considering how far we've come with the various branches of science (which He certainly knew we would) that ALL cast suspicion and/or doubt on His existence, and explanation for ours, why on earth would He add this extra hurdle?

Yes, I know you can't see or hear Me in this age of science, reason, skepticism, and whatnot, but you BETTER believe I'm here.

So, again, say you're God. Modern day God. More than anything you still want to experience reciprocal love and obedience from your free-willed creation: WHAT F'N SENSE DOES IT MAKE TO ADD FAITH IN EXISTENCE TO AN ALREADY DIFFICULT EQUATION?

The ultimate deal-breaker for me, yet Christians accept the task like it's not so unnecessary or unreasonable.

We are likewise expected to love and obey our parents - again, difficult in itself at times, and we often fall short. But we are never expected to suspend disbelief and play some childish Hide 'n' Seek bullshit, trying to reassure ourselves that they're really there. We KNOW they're there.

As God then, when/why did you decide that highly improbable riddles were more important than your original need for love and obedience?

And, of course, the penalty for not excelling at Hide 'n' Seek: eternal torture.

(TLDR, I know. Had to get it off my thick, striated chest, though. I'll probably delete this bullshit in the morning.)

Quoted in case he deletes it when he sobers up.