Author Topic: Is Hillary Hiding Something  (Read 120871 times)

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #450 on: April 08, 2016, 03:30:24 PM »
She is incredibly cocky about this whole thing.

Hillary: GOP in World of 'Fantasy and Hope' Dreaming of Her Indictment

Image: Hillary: GOP in World of 'Fantasy and Hope' Dreaming of Her Indictment
Friday, 08 Apr 2016
Democratic presidential candidates tried to shift attention back to Republicans Friday, calling for renewed focus on issues rather than on their dispute over qualifications to become president.

Hillary Clinton said Republicans are living in a world of "fantasy and hope" if they think she'll be indicted over her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state.

Legal experts agree charges are unlikely. But Matt Lauer of NBC's "Today" said in Friday's interview that Republicans tell him they hope Clinton will be taken out of the election equation in coming months because of criminal charges.

Clinton laughed at the suggestion, saying it shows how desperate the GOP has become and that their "fondest wishes" won't come true.

Her rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, backed away from an earlier suggestion that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified to be president, saying he has kept his promise of focusing his fire on policy and was simply responding to Clinton's own attacks.

"They're going after us very big time and in a very negative way," Sanders said Friday in an interview with The Associated Press. "And I wanted to make very clear that we will not be a doormat, we will not be attacked without responding. And my point was to focus on the issues where I thought she was lacking."


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #451 on: April 08, 2016, 03:37:14 PM »
I really am starting to wish they would indict her though.

Just her attitude about it.

Seriously though. Did this bitch commit a crime or not?


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #452 on: April 08, 2016, 03:39:14 PM »
It certainly looks like she broke the law.  Her arrogance is pretty astounding.  But she knows her supporters eat that up.  They are turning a blind eye to this stuff. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #453 on: April 08, 2016, 03:42:47 PM »
I agree with you and hh6 on the premise that if it was anyone else, we would already be in court.
She thinks she's above the law and I HATE that.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #454 on: April 08, 2016, 03:43:39 PM »
I agree.  She probably is above the law.   :-\

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #455 on: April 11, 2016, 09:37:53 AM »
There he goes giving his opinion about an ongoing investigation, again.  Blowing his dog whistle, again. 

Obama on Hillary’s Email Intent
The President offers a public defense with legal implications.
April 10, 2016

President Obama chooses his words carefully, so it was startling on Sunday when he chose to opine on the Justice Department’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. All the more so in the way that he phrased his defense of the Democrat he wants to succeed him as President in January.

On Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace rolled a clip from October of Mr. Obama saying that “I can tell you this is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.” Mr. Wallace then cited the 2,000 or so emails we have since learned contained classified information, including 22 that included “top secret” information, and he asked: “Can you still say flatly that she did not jeopardize America’s secrets?”

Mr. Obama replied: “I’ve got to be careful because, as you know, there have been investigations, there are hearings, Congress is looking at this. And I haven’t been sorting through each and every aspect of this. Here’s what I know: Hillary Clinton was an outstanding Secretary of State. She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.”

Mr. Wallace pressed further on the jeopardy angle, and Mr. Obama responded again: “I continue to believe that she has not jeopardized America’s national security. Now what I’ve also said is that—and she has acknowledged—that there’s a carelessness, in terms of managing emails, that she has owned, and she recognizes.”

Hold on there, big fella. That is one loaded apologia. A more scrupulous President would have begged off the question by claiming that he can’t comment on an ongoing investigation in a department he supervises. So saying anything was bad enough.

But even more notable was Mr. Obama’s use of the word “intentionally” regarding Mrs. Clinton’s actions. As a lawyer, the President knows that intent is often crucial to determining criminal liability. And he went out of his way—twice—to suggest that what Mrs. Clinton did wasn’t intentional but was mere “carelessness, in terms of managing emails.”

Why would Mr. Obama discuss the emails in those terms? He certainly isn’t helping Attorney General Loretta Lynch or FBI Director James Comey, who must decide how to assess Mrs. Clinton’s actions. If they now decide not to prosecute based on a judgment that Mrs. Clinton was merely careless, President Obama has opened them up to reasonable criticism that they were publicly steered by his comments.

Mr. Obama was at pains to “guarantee” to Fox’s Mr. Wallace that there will be “no political influence” from the White House over the email probe. But if you’re trying to send a message to the FBI or Justice, it’s probably shrewder to do it publicly by apologizing for Mrs. Clinton’s “carelessness” than it is to say something specific in a private meeting that could leak to the press. Mr. Obama can say he never said a word to either one, while those two take the heat if they give Mrs. Clinton a legal pass.

Our own view of the public email evidence is that Mrs. Clinton’s actions go far beyond mere “carelessness.” She knew she was setting up a private server in violation of State Department policy, she did it deliberately to prevent her emails from becoming public if she ran for President, and she knew classified information was bound to travel over that server.

As former Attorney General Michael Mukasey has written on these pages, “gross negligence” in handling classified information related to national defense is enough for criminal liability. That Mr. Obama would issue such a public defense, and use such legally potent words, suggests that there’s more culpability than he cares to admit.

Hillary is only accomplished if you consider her profiteering from the Clinton Foundation. The server was to hide the communications regarding her requests for government intervention to help her "donors".

If she is elected and that Pay for Play CF is not shut down we will have elected a full time crook and a part time POTUS.

Pray she fails.

I don't think it was carelessness or even an intention to deceive. It was simply the attitude that rules only apply to us "little people". And because of that, it was fine to take steps that would minimize the possibility of the retention of inconvenient information. I can't decide what is worse, that she is willing to break the law for her own convenience or that she sees herself as not subject to the laws that bind the rest of us. Neither are characteristics that I would look for in a president.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #456 on: April 11, 2016, 03:47:56 PM »
Past cases suggest Hillary won’t be indicted
A POLITICO review shows marked differences between her case and those that led to charges.
By Josh Gerstein

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #457 on: May 04, 2016, 03:36:34 PM »
Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy'
By  Catherine Herridge,  Pamela K. Browne 
Published May 04, 2016

Jan. 22, 2014: Marcel Lazar Lehel, 40, is escorted by masked policemen in Bucharest, after being arrested in Arad, 337 miles west of Bucharest. (Reuters) (REUTERS/Mediafax/Silviu Matei)

EXCLUSIVE: The infamous Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer,” speaking exclusively with Fox News, claimed he easily – and repeatedly – breached former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal email server in early 2013.   

"For me, it was easy ... easy for me, for everybody," Marcel Lehel Lazar, who goes by the moniker "Guccifer," told Fox News from a Virginia jail where he is being held.

Guccifer’s potential role in the Clinton email investigation was first reported by Fox News last month. The hacker subsequently claimed he was able to access the server – and provided extensive details about how he did it and what he found – over the course of a half-hour jailhouse interview and a series of recorded phone calls with Fox News. Fox News could not independently confirm Lazar’s claims.

The former secretary of state’s server held nearly 2,200 emails containing information now deemed classified, and another 22 at the “Top Secret” level.

The 44-year-old Lazar said he first compromised Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's AOL account, in March 2013, and used that as a stepping stone to the Clinton server. He said he accessed Clinton’s server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

“I was not paying attention. For me, it was not like the Hillary Clinton server, it was like an email server she and others were using with political voting stuff," Guccifer said.

The hacker spoke freely with Fox News from the detention center in Alexandria, Va., where he’s been held since his extradition to the U.S. on federal charges relating to other alleged cyber-crimes. Wearing a green jumpsuit, Lazar was relaxed and polite in the monitored secure visitor center, separated by thick security glass.

In describing the process, Lazar said he did extensive research on the web and then guessed Blumenthal’s security question. Once inside Blumenthal's account, Lazar said he saw dozens of messages from the Clinton email address.

Asked if he was curious about the address, Lazar merely smiled. Asked if he used the same security question approach to access the Clinton emails, he said no – then described how he allegedly got inside.

“For example, when Sidney Blumenthal got an email, I checked the email pattern from Hillary Clinton, from Colin Powell from anyone else to find out the originating IP. … When they send a letter, the email header is the originating IP usually,” Lazar explained.

He said, “then I scanned with an IP scanner."

Lazar  emphasized that he used readily available web programs to see if the server was “alive” and which ports were open. Lazar identified programs like netscan, Netmap, Wireshark and Angry IP, though it was not possible to confirm independently which, if any, he used.

In the process of mining data from the Blumenthal account, Lazar said he came across evidence that others were on the Clinton server.

"As far as I remember, yes, there were … up to 10, like, IPs from other parts of the world,” he said.

With no formal computer training, he did most of his hacking from a small Romanian village.

Lazar said he chose to use "proxy servers in Russia," describing them as the best, providing anonymity.

Cyber experts who spoke with Fox News said the process Lazar described is plausible. The federal indictment Lazar faces in the U.S. for cyber-crimes specifically alleges he used "a proxy server located in Russia" for the Blumenthal compromise.

Each Internet Protocol (IP) address has a unique numeric code, like a phone number or home address.  The Democratic presidential front-runner’s home-brew private server was reportedly installed in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., and used for all U.S. government business during her term as secretary of state. 

Former State Department IT staffer Bryan Pagliano, who installed and maintained the server, has been granted immunity by the Department of Justice and is cooperating with the FBI in its ongoing criminal investigation into Clinton’s use of the private server. An intelligence source told Fox News last month that Lazar also could help the FBI make the case that Clinton’s email server may have been compromised by a third party.

Asked what he would say to those skeptical of his claims, Lazar cited “the evidence you can find in the Guccifer archives as far as I can remember."

Writing under his alias Guccifer, Lazar released to media outlets in March 2013 multiple exchanges between Blumenthal and Clinton. They were first reported by the Smoking Gun.

It was through the Blumenthal compromise that the accounts were first publicly revealed.

As recently as this week, Clinton said neither she nor her aides had been contacted by the FBI about the criminal investigation. Asked whether the server had been compromised by foreign hackers, she told MSNBC on Tuesday, “No, not at all.”

Recently extradited, Lazar faces trial Sept. 12 in the Eastern District of Virginia. He has pleaded not guilty to a nine-count federal indictment for his alleged hacking crimes in the U.S. Victims are not named in the indictment but reportedly include Colin Powell, a member of the Bush family and others including Blumenthal.

Lazar spoke extensively about Blumenthal’s account, noting his emails were “interesting” and had information about “the Middle East and what they were doing there.”

After first writing to the accused hacker on April 19, Fox News accepted two collect calls from him, over a seven-day period, before meeting with him in person at the jail. During these early phone calls, Lazar was more guarded.

After the detention center meeting, Fox News conducted additional interviews by phone and, with Lazar's permission, recorded them for broadcast. 

While Lazar's claims cannot be independently verified, three computer security specialists, including two former senior intelligence officials, said the process described is plausible and the Clinton server, now in FBI custody, may have an electronic record that would confirm or disprove Guccifer’s claims.

"This sounds like the classic attack of the late 1990s. A smart individual who knows the tools and the technology and is looking for glaring weaknesses in Internet-connected devices," Bob Gourley, a former chief technology officer (CTO) for the Defense Intelligence Agency, said.   

Gourley, who has worked in cybersecurity for more than two decades, said the programs cited to access the server can be dual purpose. "These programs are used by security professionals to make sure systems are configured appropriately. Hackers will look and see what the gaps are, and focus their energies on penetrating a system," he said.

Cybersecurity expert Morgan Wright observed, "The Blumenthal account gave [Lazar] a road map to get to the Clinton server. ... You get a foothold in one system. You get intelligence from that system, and then you start to move."

In March, the New York Times reported the Clinton server security logs showed no evidence of a breach.  On whether the Clinton security logs would show a compromise, Wright made the comparison to a bank heist: "Let’s say only one camera was on in the bank. If you don‘t have them all on, or the right one in the right locations, you won’t see what you are looking for.”

Gourley said the logs may not tell the whole story and the hard drives, three years after the fact, may not have a lot of related data left. He also warned: "Unfortunately, in this community, a lot people make up stories and it's hard to tell what's really true until you get into the forensics information and get hard facts.”

For Lazar, a plea agreement where he cooperates in exchange for a reduced sentence would be advantageous. He told Fox News he has nothing to hide and wants to cooperate with the U.S. government, adding that he has hidden two gigabytes of data that is “too hot” and “it is a matter of national security.” 

In early April, at the time of Lazar’s extradition from a Romanian prison where he already was serving a seven-year sentence for cyber-crimes, a former senior FBI official said the timing was striking.

“Because of the proximity to Sidney Blumenthal and the activity involving Hillary’s emails, [the timing] seems to be something beyond curious,” said Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division from 2012-2014.

There was no immediate response from the FBI or Clinton campaign.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #458 on: May 04, 2016, 04:13:55 PM »
Past cases suggest Hillary won’t be indicted
A POLITICO review shows marked differences between her case and those that led to charges.
By Josh Gerstein

Pretty bad.

As for Berger, he apparently was pressed for time when reviewing “Top Secret” information being considered by the 9/11 Commission, and walked out of National Archives headquarters in Washington with classified documents and notes stuffed in his clothing. He eventually admitted to the FBI sticking some of the documents under a construction trailer on the street before returning to the Archives and slipping out with more. Berger, who died earlier this year, took the papers to his office and destroyed some of them, but eventually returned others.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #459 on: May 04, 2016, 07:23:47 PM »
He was "pressed for time."   ???  Where does this softball stuff come from?

He removed and destroyed multiple secret documents, most likely on each of his multiple visits.  He finally got busted on his forth time there.  

So he was taking the papers outside to other locations and cutting them up with scissors, but the Justice Department accepted his explanation of "innocent and accidental removal of documents" and let him off without any time and no loss of license.

We can plan on more of the same if Hillary gets in.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #460 on: May 10, 2016, 09:53:04 AM »
Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing
By JUSTIN FISHEL  May 9, 2016

 PHOTO: Bryan Pagliano, a former State Department employee who helped set up and maintain a private email server used by Hillary Rodham Clinton, departs Capitol Hill, Sept. 10, 2015, in Washington.

The State Department said today it can’t find Bryan Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there.

Pagliano would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. State Department officials say he had an official email account, but that they can't find any of those records he would have turned over and continue to search for them.

“The Department has searched for Mr. Pagliano’s email pst file and has not located one that covers the time period of Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” State Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau said today, referencing a file format that holds email.

“To be clear, the Department does have records related to Mr. Pagliano and we are working with Congress and [Freedom of Information Act] requesters to provide relevant material. The Department has located a pst from Mr. Pagliano’s recent work at the Department as a contractor, but the files are from after Secretary Clinton left the Department," Trudeau added.

After this story was posted, Trudeau reached out to ABC News, amending her previous statement to say that despite the absence of his original pst file, some small amount of Pagliano’s email has been recovered, suggesting they were gleaned from other email accounts.

This statement about Pagliano’s email comes in response to a FOIA request-turned-lawsuit by the Republican National Committee, which wants the State Department to turn over all his emails as well as Clinton’s text and Blackberry Messenger communications. In a court filing today, the RNC said the State Department has told them there are no documents responsive to either of those requests.

Pagliano was responsible for setting up the now-infamous private server in the basement of the Clinton's home in Chappaqua, New York. He has since become a key witness in the FBI inquiry into the handling of sensitive material on that server and has been granted immunity by the Justice Department in exchange for his cooperation.

“It’s hard to believe that an IT staffer who set up Hillary Clinton’s reckless email server never sent or received a single work-related email in the four years he worked at the State Department," the RNC's Deputy Communications Director, Raj Shah, said in a statement to ABC News. "Such records might shed light on his role in setting up Clinton’s server, and why he was granted immunity by the FBI. But it seems that his emails were either destroyed or never turned over, adding yet another layer to the secrecy surrounding his role.”

The State Department also pointed out that the Politico newspaper has previously reported that Pagliano’s emails were unavailable.

It's unclear why the State Department does not have his email records for the time her served as her IT director or whether or not he purposefully withheld them.

When Clinton's emails were published on the State Department's public reading room, only one email of his surfaced. It was a happy birthday message from his private email account to hers. She forwarded it to another staffer instructing him to "pls respond."

The Clinton campaign did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #461 on: May 10, 2016, 10:48:55 AM »
Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing

It can happen.  The media shrugged it off, the last time it happened.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #462 on: May 10, 2016, 04:58:15 PM »
Judge Nap: New Development Moves Hillary Closer to 'Perfect Storm'
May 09, 2016    
As seen on The Kelly File

The State Department now says it can't find any emails from the staffer who set up Hillary Clinton's private email server that is the center of an FBI investigation.

"The Department has searched for (IT Specialist Bryan Pagliano's) email .pst file and has not located one that covers the time period of Secretary Clinton's tenure," State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said in U.S. District Court in Washington today.

The Republican National Committee has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit requesting all work-related emails sent to or received by Pagliano between 2009 and 2013, the years of Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

Pagliano is a key witness in the FBI's investigation into the handling of classified information on Clinton's private email server and was granted immunity by the Justice Department.

Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted on The Kelly File, saying that the development moves things "closer and closer to a perfect storm for Mrs. Clinton."

Napolitano said that recent leaks suggesting Clinton showed no intent to mishandle classified information do nothing to vindicate her, because the government is not required to prove intent for espionage.

"It's the rare federal crime that the government can prove by gross negligence," he said.

Napolitano also said that they could prove intent if they wanted to, because there's an email where Clinton asked a staffer to white-out the word "Secret" on a document and fax it to her.

"Now, if that's not an intention to move a state secret from a secure place to a non-secure place, you tell me what it is," he said.

Watch the full analysis above.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #463 on: May 10, 2016, 05:58:04 PM »
Repubs should be praying that Hilary isn't indicted.

She's the best thing for republicans (because bernie voters stay home, and many repubs vote against her).

Bernie runs, and repubs are in real trobule.  Dems actually LIKE him.  moderates and kids love him.  Many trump supporters, CTers all over the place, love Bernie too. 

If hilary is indicted and bernie steps in with all his votes and infrastructure, there's no way repubs win the white house.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #464 on: May 23, 2016, 12:51:49 PM »
Romanian hacker who says he breached Clinton server finalizing plea deal
By  Catherine Herridge,  Pamela K. Browne 
Published May 23, 2016
The Romanian hacker who claimed he easily breached Hillary Clinton’s personal email server is finalizing a plea deal with the FBI and U.S. attorney, Fox News has learned.

Marcel Lehel Lazar, the 44-year-old hacker also known as “Guccifer,” first gave indications he wanted to cooperate with the U.S. government in mid-April, during an interview with Fox News. Lazar, in a subsequent discussion, said he was working on a plea deal – he then suspended media contact earlier this month.

On Monday, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia confirmed that a change of plea hearing is now scheduled for Lazar on Wednesday morning. He originally had pleaded not guilty to the nine-count indictment when he was extradited to the U.S.

He is now expected to plead guilty to some charges. 

It is not publicly known whether the deal being worked out has a provision for cooperating with federal authorities – and whether that has anything to do with the investigation into Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server for government business while secretary of state.

But an intelligence source familiar with the FBI probe said if Guccifer pleads guilty to compromising Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal’s AOL account – which is one of the nine charges – it will show that Clinton’s use of a personal server put sensitive information outside secure government channels and made it accessible to foreign hackers.

“[Clinton’s] gross negligence allowed this material to get out to an adversary,” the source said. “Through her communications with Blumenthal, [Clinton] contributed exposure and risk.”

Fox News was first to report about Lazar’s claims that he breached former secretary of state Clinton’s server. Lazar said he breached Blumenthal's AOL account by correctly guessing his security questions, and then using it as a stepping stone to the Clinton server.

While his claims could not be independently verified and he offered no hard evidence, he made similar statements during another interview in Romania with NBC News which aired after Fox’s reporting. Further, it was through Lazar’s hack of Blumenthal’s account that Clinton’s personal account was first revealed.

During an April 29 phone call with Fox News, Lazar said he wanted to work with the U.S. government. 

"I was always showing that I want to cooperate … like two years [ago] when I met with the American authorities,” he said, adding that he showed he wanted to “cooperate and talk to the FBI agents” during the plane journey to the U.S. when he was extradited.

Though Lazar had agreed to meet again with Fox News the week of May 16, an official at the detention center in Alexandria, Va., where he’s being held, later informed Fox News Lazar was no longer taking visitors at this time.

A former Justice Department official, who declined to speak on the record due to the sensitivity of the FBI investigation, said it is not usual for defense attorneys to advise their clients to cut contact with the media as a plea agreement is finalized – as any discrepancies between the agreement and comments to the media can diminish the value of a client’s statement.

National security defense attorney Edward MacMahon Jr., agreed.

“If he was my client, I would strongly advise against talking to press,” he said. MacMahon recently represented former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling, who was convicted of leaking classified information. “You want to be in control of the process as best you can, having different people interact with your client does not serve your purpose.”

Lazar, who was extradited to the U.S. before his Romanian jail term was complete, currently faces a September trial for separate hacking charges. The charges, made public in June 2014, include alleged hacking of accounts belonging to a member of George W. Bush’s family, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and longtime Clinton confidant Blumenthal. 

A review of recent federal cases by Fox News found that Guccifer’s extradition appears to be an outlier. Hackers typically are extradited once their prison terms are over in their native countries -- and typically for major financial theft.

The former Justice Department official said the U.S. government would not go to such extremes, “unless [Guccifer] has something they want.” Guccifer was effectively neutralized in a Romanian jail, when he was extradited to the U.S.

Lazar, speaking with Fox News, said he accessed the former secretary of state’s private server “like twice,” though he described the contents as “not interest[ing]” to him at the time.

Throughout the interviews, Lazar stressed that he used Russian proxy servers for his hacking because “they are the best” and claimed he could determine who else was inside by the looking at the IP addresses. Lazar said this included IP addresses from other countries.

"As far as I remember, yes, there were … up to 10, like, IPs from other parts of the world,” he said.

After Lazar was flown to the U.S. on March 31, U.S. government officials confirmed that federal agents from three agencies previously met with Lazar in Romania where he was serving a seven-year sentence for breaching the accounts of Romanian officials.

Two independent sources also confirmed in recent weeks that Lazar spoke at length to an FBI agent during his extradition flight from Romanian to Virginia.

Asked why he agreed to be extradited when he faces the possibility of more than five decades in an American prison, Lazar said, "It was not my call." Then Lazar claimed that his extradition agreement contains conditions that block further charges.

While the claim cannot be independently verified, the statement could help explain why Lazar felt comfortable discussing his supposed hacking of the Clinton server – which was not mentioned in the nine-count federal indictment.

During an interview Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Clinton was not asked about the FBI investigation or claims the server was hacked, but her campaign said in early May: "There is absolutely no basis to believe the claims made by this criminal from his prison cell. … We have received no indication from any government agency to support these claims, nor are they reflected in the range of charges that Guccifer already faces and that prompted his extradition in the first place.”

A review of her emails found more than 2,100 containing classified information – though she claims nothing was considered classified at the time.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #465 on: May 23, 2016, 12:57:34 PM »
Romanian hacker who says he breached Clinton server finalizing plea deal

this is why bernie is staying in it, even though he's mathematically out of it.

hilary gets indicted, and he's right there to take the nomination.  WIth trump polling so much better against hilary than bernie - and so many bernie voters that will actually choose trump - repubs would be complete morons to cheer for a hilary indictment.

Their immature short-sighted thinking, however, will let them do it anyway ;)

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #466 on: May 25, 2016, 09:24:54 AM »
State Department audit faults Clinton on emails, says she broke records rules
Published May 25, 2016

The State Department watchdog, in an extensive and detailed report, accused Hillary Clinton of flouting federal records rules and cybersecurity guidelines while secretary of state by exclusively using personal email for government business.

The forthcoming audit, a copy of which was obtained by, faults Clinton and her predecessors for poorly managing email and other computer information.

The report says the department and its secretaries were "slow to recognize and to manage effectively the legal requirements and cybersecurity risks associated with electronic data communications." It cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to communications that started before Clinton's appointment as secretary of state.

But the report singles out Clinton’s failures as more serious.

It specifically accuses her of violating department policy by not giving over emails when she left office.

The report says: "Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary. At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department's policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

The report said while there were many examples of staff using personal accounts for official business, they could only find three cases where officials used non-department accounts “on an exclusive basis for day-to-day operations”: former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Ambassador to Kenya Jonathan Scott Gration and Clinton.

In the case of Gration, the department initiated disciplinary action against him, though he resigned before that materialized. The IG report said of Gration, “the Department’s response to his actions demonstrates how such usage is normally handled when Department cybersecurity officials become aware of it.”

The report noted that by the time Clinton took the helm of the department, internal guidance was “considerably more detailed and more sophisticated.”

Yet, the report said, “Secretary Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business using the personal email account on her private server extensively, as illustrated by the 55,000 pages of material making up the approximately 30,000 emails she provided to the Department in December 2014.” The report said investigators found “no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server.”

While some officials said they were unaware of the extent of Clinton’s personal email use, the report said they found evidence “that various staff and senior officials throughout the Department had discussions related to the Secretary’s use of non-Departmental systems, suggesting there was some awareness of Secretary Clinton’s practices.”

The review came after revelations Clinton exclusively used a private email account and server while in office. Clinton is now the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

The audit comes as the FBI is thought to be nearing the final phases of its own investigation into Clinton’s email use as secretary of state.

State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the agency is "already working" to improve its email and records management system.

Toner said "it is clear that the department could have done a better job preserving emails and records of secretaries of state and their senior staff going back several administrations." He said the State Department also agrees that compliance with its rules has been "inconsistent across several administrations."

On another front, Romanian hacker Guccifer – who recently claimed he breached Clinton’s server – pleaded guilty in federal court on Wednesday to separate hacking charges.

Under a deal struck with the federal government, he has agreed to cooperate with federal authorities in the future. The plea agreement does not mention the FBI investigation of Clinton's email practices or his claims that he accessed her private server in March 2013. Such agreements typically do not stipulate how a defendant will aid the government.

Fox News’ Chad Pergram and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #467 on: May 26, 2016, 04:26:12 AM »
Hillary is hiding an appendage. 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #468 on: May 26, 2016, 04:29:04 AM »

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #469 on: May 31, 2016, 10:35:05 AM »
Former State Dept. watchdog debunks central Clinton email claim
By Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne 
Published May 31, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: The State Department’s former top watchdog, in an interview with Fox News, rejected Hillary Clinton’s repeated claims that her personal email use was in line with her predecessors’ – while saying he would have immediately opened an investigation if he caught wind of a secretary of state using such an account.

Howard Krongard, a George W. Bush administration appointee who served as the State Department inspector general from April 2005 to January 2008, cited his own experience in challenging Clinton’s insistence that her practices were nothing out of the ordinary.

“Certainly to my knowledge at least, Secretary [Condoleezza] Rice did not have a personal server. I certainly never either sent an email to one or received an email from one,” said Krongard, who served during Rice’s tenure.

Further, he said, “I would have been stunned had I been asked to send an email to her at a personal server, private address. I would have declined to do so on security grounds and if she had sent one to me, I probably would have started an investigation.”

Krongard noted that during Clinton’s four-year term, from January 2009 to January 2013, there was no Senate-confirmed inspector general in place. Suggesting the Clintons show a pattern of avoiding oversight, Krongard indicated that Hillary Clinton benefited from the fact there was no IG during her term.

"I would’ve been the most unpopular person in that building [had I been there]," Krongard said, emphasizing that the inspector general has broad powers and the ability to rein in even the most senior political appointees. "They are the people who enforce the rules, and there was no one enforcing the rules during that time."

Krongard spoke with Fox News before the current State Department inspector general’s office, led by Steve A. Linick, issued an extensive report on email practices of previous secretaries of state.

The day that report was issued, Clinton said in an interview that her use of personal email was consistent with predecessors Colin Powell and Rice. 

"Just like previous secretaries of state, I used a personal email. Many people did. It was not at all unprecedented," she said.

But, as Krongard indicated, the May 25 IG report clearly stated that Rice did not use personal email for government business. It said Powell used personal email on a limited basis to connect with people outside the department, and he worked with the State Department to secure the system. The report found Clinton did neither.

The report concluded Clinton’s use of a private server and account was not approved, and broke agency rules. The report said by the time she became secretary, the rules had repeatedly been updated, and were “considerably more detailed and more sophisticated.”

Krongard resigned from the IG position in December 2007 after accusations he blocked Iraq-related investigations, charges he denied.

Regarding the 2,100 emails on Clinton’s server found to have contained classified information -- and another 22 “Top Secret” messages containing intelligence deemed too damaging to national security to make public – Krongard questioned how that material got there. He said it would take a deliberate act for the intelligence to "jump the gap" between the classified computer networks and Clinton's personal server.

"It could be done by taking a screen shot with … a camera of a classified email, take a screen shot and send it to an unclassified network. It could be copied, but there are restrictions in the State Department and elsewhere as to what copiers can work from a classified network and it can only be a secure copier. So that may not have been easy," Krongard said.

Asked if it could happen by accident, Krongard simply said, "No."

He also challenged Clinton and State Department claims that the emails in question were “retroactively classified.”

"I don't understand it, because it was either classified by the creator or it was classified by reason of where it came from or what network it was on,” Krongard said.

Clinton consistently has claimed nothing she sent or received was marked classified at the time. While technically correct, this distinction also appears misleading. A January 2009 non-disclosure agreement signed by Clinton confirms her understanding that "classified information is marked or unmarked.”

Rather, it is the content and source that determine classification. Former intelligence officials say the emails were improperly handled by Clinton and her team and, once reviewed by the authority that originated the information, the emails were given proper classification markings.

While there is no public confirmation the Clinton server was breached, former senior military and intelligence officials -- including Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Mike Flynn – have said they believe foreign intelligence services targeted Clinton's email system.

In a recent interview with Fox News, the Romanian hacker who goes by the name Guccifer said he accessed the Clinton server with ease in March 2013. Anonymous government officials were quick to dismiss the hacker's claims, while admitting he was very skilled and breached the accounts of 100 Americans, including Powell.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #470 on: June 08, 2016, 02:00:51 PM »
Clinton tech aide asks court to withhold details of FBI immunity deal
By  Alana Goodman 
Published June 08, 2016
Washington Free Beacon
The State Department aide who helped set up Hillary Clinton’s private email server asked a federal court to withhold details about his immunity deal with the FBI on Tuesday afternoon.

A federal judge had ordered Bryan Pagliano, Clinton’s personal IT aide, to turn over information about an immunity deal he reached with the FBI in connection to the investigation of Clinton’s private email server.

Pagliano filed a motion to seal the document on Tuesday afternoon, which could keep details of the agreement shielded from the public if approved by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan.

Pagliano filed the motion in response to an ongoing lawsuit against the State Department by the watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Judge Sullivan recently ruled that Judicial Watch’s attorneys could depose Pagliano in the case, but the former IT aide indicated he would exercise his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent during the questioning. Pagliano’s attorneys are also fighting to prevent the deposition from being videotaped.

Sullivan asked Pagliano’s attorneys last week to submit a legal memo explaining the basis for his Fifth Amendment plea, “including requisite details pertaining to the scope of Mr. Pagliano’s reported immunity agreement with the Government.”

The Clinton aide’s lawyers turned over the information and motion to seal hours before the Tuesday evening deadline. The motion must still be approved by Judge Sullivan.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #471 on: June 08, 2016, 05:09:49 PM »
The amount of dishonesty and arrogance by Clinton, along with the enormous blind eye by her supporters, makes my head spin.

Clinton says email scandal, FBI probe 'absolutely' won't be general election problems
Published June 08, 2016

Hillary Clinton doubled down Wednesday on claims that her personal email scandal will not hurt her presidential bid or result in an indictment, in an interview with Fox News in which she made only a passing reference to another more immediate hurdle -- Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont senator continues to stay in the Democratic primary race despite Clinton securing enough delegates earlier this week to become the party’s presumptive presidential nominee.

“I applaud Sen. Sanders' vigorous determined campaign,” Clinton told Fox News' Bret Baier one day after her big win over Sanders in California. “I think that our primary contest was good for the Democratic Party and good for America.”

Clinton said the probe into the Clinton Foundation -- in addition to the  controversy about her use of a private email server when secretary of state and the related FBI investigation -- will not impact her general election bid, though such issues did create problems in her primary campaign.

“That's what I'm saying. That happens to be the truth,” Clinton said in the interview.

Clinton also reiterated what she told 1070 Radio on Friday about the FBI probe into the email scandal not resulting in an indictment. 

“That is not going to happen,” she said. “There is no basis for it. And I'm looking forward to this being wrapped up as soon as possible.”

However, Clinton declined to say whether anybody inside the department told her or any associates how the investigation will conclude, saying only that she knows the department has spoken to “a number of people” close her and that she’s willing to talk to federal investigators.

Clinton said she previously declined to talk to investigators about the email issue because “what they wanted to ask, we'd already talked about … in the public arena.

She pointed out her 11 hours of Capitol Hill testimony on the matter and concluded the exchange by saying she wasn’t going to comment on ongoing litigation “or make any legal points.”

Clinton also repeated her arguments that she never sent or received classified information by the server system and that previous secretaries of state had similar setups.

Clinton also waived off a question about whether her husband President Bill Clinton understands the modern-day economy well enough to be an economic adviser if she becomes president.

“I think there are lessons to learn from what my husband did during his eight years,” she said. “I'm going to be looking for good advice, and one of my best advisers about what we can do to really help people who feel left out and left behind will be my husband.

Sanders said after losing in California said that he will compete in the primary in Washington, D.C., next week. However, it's unclear whether he will continue to take his campaign into the party's July nominating convention, trying along the way to get superdelegates committed to Clinton to instead vote for him.

Sanders is scheduled to talk Thurdsay with President Obama in a meeting in which they will liklely speak about Sanders staying in the race or dropping out to help create party unity.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #472 on: June 10, 2016, 01:30:47 PM »
White House confirms 'criminal' probe over Clinton emails, 'shreds' campaign claim
Published June 10, 2016

Perhaps it was an unguarded moment, but the White House has seemingly confirmed that the Justice Department is conducting a “criminal investigation” regarding Hillary Clinton’s personal email use – despite persistent claims from the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee that investigators are pursuing a mere “security inquiry.”

Press Secretary Josh Earnest used the term at Thursday’s briefing, after being asked by Fox News about whether President Obama’s newly unveiled endorsement of Clinton might apply pressure to investigators assigned to the Clinton case.

Earnest rejected the premise, saying the job of career prosecutors is to follow the evidence to its logical conclusion.

“That's why the president, when discussing this issue in each stage, has reiterated his commitment to this principle that any criminal investigation should be conducted independent of any sort of political interference,” Earnest said.

The Republican National Committee seized on the use of the term “criminal investigation.”

“The White House’s admission that the FBI is investigating Hillary Clinton’s email server as a ‘criminal’ matter shreds her dishonest claim that it is a routine ‘security inquiry,’” RNC spokesman Michael Short said in a statement.

Asked Friday to clarify his comments, Earnest said he hasn’t been “briefed” by the Justice Department and had no particular “insight” to give.

In fact, FBI Director James Comey had already shot down the Clinton campaign’s terminology last month. Asked at the time by Fox News about Clinton's characterization of the bureau's probe, Comey said he doesn’t know what "security inquiry" means -- adding, “We’re conducting an investigation. … That’s what we do.”

Yet days earlier, Clinton in an interview had downplayed the probe as a “security inquiry.”

And her campaign website still asserts there is no criminal investigation.

On a campaign ‘factsheet’ about the email controversy, the website includes this Q&A:

“Is Department of Justice conducting a criminal inquiry into Clinton’s email use?

No. As the Department of Justice and Inspectors General made clear, the IGs made a security referral. This was not criminal in nature as misreported by some in the press. The Department of Justice is now seeking assurances about the storage of materials related to Clinton’s email account.”

Clinton has voiced confidence all along that, no matter what it’s called, the probe will not result in an indictment.

She said so again on Wednesday during an interview with Fox News.

“That is not going to happen. There is no basis for it, and I'm looking forward to this being wrapped up as soon as possible,” she said.

The Wall Street Journal reported overnight that investigators handling the “criminal probe” are focusing on emails that discussed drone strikes in Pakistan.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #473 on: June 14, 2016, 01:30:10 PM »
The plot sickens. 

WikiLeaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails - Julian Assange
New release likely to fan controversy and provide further ammunition for Republican presidential rival Donald Trump
Julian Assange says it was unlikely the US attorney general would indict Clinton. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA
Mark Tran@marktran
12 June 2016

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said his organisation is preparing to publish more emails Hillary Clinton sent and received while US secretary of state.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is under FBI investigation to determine whether she broke federal law by using her private email in sending classified information. A new WikiLeaks release of Clinton emails is likely to fan a controversy that has bedevilled her campaign and provide further ammunition for Donald Trump, her Republican presidential rival, who has used the issue to attack her.

Assange’s comments came in an interview on ITV’s Peston on Sunday. “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending publication, that is correct,” Assange said.He did not specify when or how many emails would be published.

WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive in March of 30,322 emails and email attachments sent to and from Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state. The 50,547 pages of documents are from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014, and 7,570 of the documents were sent by Clinton, who served as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

Assange, a trenchant Clinton critic, said she was receiving constant personal updates on his situation. The WikiLeaks founder has been confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London since July 2012, when he sought asylum to avoid extradition. Assange is wanted in Sweden over allegations of rape dating from 2010, which he denies, but he has not been charged.

A Stockholm district court upheld an arrest warrant against the Australian last month, saying there was still “probable cause for suspicion” against him.

Assange said it was highly unlikely that the US attorney general, Loretta Lynch, would indict Clinton. “She’s not going to indict Hillary Clinton, that’s not possible. It’s not going to happen. But the FBI can push for concessions from a Clinton government,” he said.

He has attacked Clinton as a “liberal war hawk”, claiming that WikiLeaks had published emails showing her to be the leading champion in office to push for the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, despite Pentagon reluctance.

“They predicted that the postwar outcome would be something like it is … she has a long history of being a liberal war hawk,” he said.

He also accused Google last week of helping Clinton in her presidential campaign, lumping together two of his bugbears.

Google “is intensely aligned with US exceptionalism” and its employees will likely be rewarded if Clinton wins the presidential election come November, Assange told an international media forum in Moscow.

His attacks on Clinton may be dismissed as highly partial, but the email controversy continues to dog her. An internal report last month found she had broken several government rules by using a private server rather than more secure official communication systems.

The 78-page investigation by the inspector general of the state department singled out several previously unknown breaches while Clinton was secretary of state, including the use of mobile devices to conduct official business without checking whether they posed a security risk.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #474 on: June 14, 2016, 01:39:20 PM »
The plot sickens. 

WikiLeaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails - Julian Assange
New release likely to fan controversy and provide further ammunition for Republican presidential rival Donald Trump
Julian Assange says it was unlikely the US attorney general would indict Clinton. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA
Mark Tran@marktran
12 June 2016

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has said his organisation is preparing to publish more emails Hillary Clinton sent and received while US secretary of state.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is under FBI investigation to determine whether she broke federal law by using her private email in sending classified information. A new WikiLeaks release of Clinton emails is likely to fan a controversy that has bedevilled her campaign and provide further ammunition for Donald Trump, her Republican presidential rival, who has used the issue to attack her.

Assange’s comments came in an interview on ITV’s Peston on Sunday. “We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton … We have emails pending publication, that is correct,” Assange said.He did not specify when or how many emails would be published.

WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive in March of 30,322 emails and email attachments sent to and from Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state. The 50,547 pages of documents are from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014, and 7,570 of the documents were sent by Clinton, who served as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

Assange, a trenchant Clinton critic, said she was receiving constant personal updates on his situation. The WikiLeaks founder has been confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London since July 2012, when he sought asylum to avoid extradition. Assange is wanted in Sweden over allegations of rape dating from 2010, which he denies, but he has not been charged.

A Stockholm district court upheld an arrest warrant against the Australian last month, saying there was still “probable cause for suspicion” against him.

Assange said it was highly unlikely that the US attorney general, Loretta Lynch, would indict Clinton. “She’s not going to indict Hillary Clinton, that’s not possible. It’s not going to happen. But the FBI can push for concessions from a Clinton government,” he said.

He has attacked Clinton as a “liberal war hawk”, claiming that WikiLeaks had published emails showing her to be the leading champion in office to push for the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, despite Pentagon reluctance.

“They predicted that the postwar outcome would be something like it is … she has a long history of being a liberal war hawk,” he said.

He also accused Google last week of helping Clinton in her presidential campaign, lumping together two of his bugbears.

Google “is intensely aligned with US exceptionalism” and its employees will likely be rewarded if Clinton wins the presidential election come November, Assange told an international media forum in Moscow.

His attacks on Clinton may be dismissed as highly partial, but the email controversy continues to dog her. An internal report last month found she had broken several government rules by using a private server rather than more secure official communication systems.

The 78-page investigation by the inspector general of the state department singled out several previously unknown breaches while Clinton was secretary of state, including the use of mobile devices to conduct official business without checking whether they posed a security risk.

Is Julian Assange even credible these days?