Author Topic: only atheists are allowed to post in this thread.  (Read 107788 times)


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #100 on: May 18, 2015, 01:53:49 PM »
well, we know that he had bareback sex, got fucked raw by many men, did meth ... but maybe he never masturbated!!   :D   ;D

Yet, he doesn't write about that stuff on his own facebook, instead he points out how bad masturbation and adultery is and will point fingers toward others who do it. Why doesn't he write a "mini-autobiography" about his experience and post it on facebook?  :D :D I guess its easier to point out other peoples transgressions (adultery and masturbation) then one's own.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #101 on: May 18, 2015, 01:57:15 PM »
Yet, he doesn't write about that stuff on his own facebook, instead he points out how bad masturbation and adultery is and will point fingers toward others who do it. Why doesn't he write a "mini-autobiography" about his experience and post it on facebook?  :D :D I guess its easier to point out other peoples transgressions (adultery and masturbation) then one's own.

Josh or Joon could create a few gimmick accounts and send his old pictures to all of his 588 facebook friends. Taylor can not seriously think that he can just leave his old life behind. Just think of the police officer that he bit while being fucked up on crystal meth. Maybe tbombz infected him. It was because of this violent arrest that the police forced him to take a HIV test. And to use tbombz' own phrase... "and so voila"

AND this is still online:

Dave D

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #102 on: May 18, 2015, 02:06:24 PM »
haha well i guess i can give you credit for being the first theist ever to ask for a statement to be backed up with fact. As i'm sure you're aware though, the burden of proof is on you guys as "exceptional claims require exceptional evidence". You're seriously saying that Jesus has came in to Tbombz life, as well as yours?
Can you ask Jesus then, why he would choose to ignore the prayers of millions, why he'd allow things like the holocaust to happen or mass genocide in Rwanda for instance, and instead choose to show himself to a mentally ill guy with HIV?
If he's a part of your life, and he's helping Tbombs, then he's a personal god who cares about you individually, and created the world with you in mind, so not only does he intentionally ignore the pain and suffering of millions, but he also invented the HIV that has infected Tbombz. You also said:

"Only through Jesus Christ can we be cleansed of our sins and aligned with him.  All we must do is believe.

If you have no comprehension of God then you would have no comprehension of sin (an offense against God) and you would find my comments asinine, but that doesn't in anyway whatsoever prevent me from wanting to share Christ with you. "

Seeing as you're on good terms with him, please also ask him why if he wanted us all to be free from sin, then why not just take more care to have designed us better in the first place? why condemn everyone to be born into "original sin", create us sick and then order us to be well or face the punishment of eternal torture? where's the morality in that? lol. Seems a bit extreme to have himself sent down to earth in the form of his son, to have himself tortured...whilst knowing full well that he'll be resurrected anyway, and all to show us that he cares for us and all we have to do is shed the sin that he created us in to begin with!

The bible is quite clearly an antiquated and contradictory piece of fantasy, written by fools, which at best is used to give the illiterate, brainwashed and desperate a poor understanding of the universe, which has since been answered much more thoroughly by science, and at it's worst (and most common) is a divisive and oppressive ideology that's used as a form of power by controlling the minds of the stupid.

I appreciate your question and I know you're addressing MOS but I'll chime in.  You're obviously a smart dude and have a good understanding of right and wrong and equity.  Your bigger question, and correct me if I'm wrong, is why is God so unjust with so much evil going on and at the same time we have sports stars saying God helped them win an athletic contest, while maintaining that the Bible is a book of fables.....

The truth is if you read the Bible you will see an equal amount of horrific crimes and acts happening while God "remains silent and does nothing".  Ultimately life is unfair and there are many questions we don't have the answer to; the Christian perspective is that God is ultimately in control no matter the circumstances, whether good/bad/evil/horrible.

This life is for but a moment,  with many ups, downs, joys and disappointments. The Christian idea is to live with an eternal perspective,  we are passing through trying to encourage others and further establish Gods kingdom along the way.

*All that said you guys are 100% correct to doubt Tbombs.

 SF1900 nailed his actions perfectly,  he's no different than many who convert to Christianity, once they discover the love and acceptance of Jesus they become "sin fixated" and like a recovering alcoholic talking to others drinking, they become overbearing and critical.

BTW I'm not trying to convince or persuade you just offering a perspective.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #103 on: May 18, 2015, 02:06:32 PM »
Yet, he doesn't write about that stuff on his own facebook, instead he points out how bad masturbation and adultery is and will point fingers toward others who do it. Why doesn't he write a "mini-autobiography" about his experience and post it on facebook?  :D :D I guess its easier to point out other peoples transgressions (adultery and masturbation) then one's own.
because chances are he won't get hired for a job---it shows his recklessness. And he doesn't want focus on his very shameful and seedy past. Sometimes it works for people.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #104 on: May 18, 2015, 02:09:40 PM »
fuuck is that what happened? the fed that he bit must have been shitting himself when he found out that Tbombz had the big one lol. He'd have sweated off those doughnuts that day. My brother got his ear bitten off years ago by some weirdo who had HIV. He was absolutely bricking it waiting to find out if he caught it. (he didn't).

yes, that is what happened.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #105 on: May 18, 2015, 02:32:22 PM »
haha well i guess i can give you credit for being the first theist ever to ask for a statement to be backed up with fact.

Yes, I realized long ago that atheists haven’t cornered the market on asking questions and that the theist brain can formulate questions.

As i'm sure you're aware though, the burden of proof is on you guys as "exceptional claims require exceptional evidence".

Understanding of course that the term “exceptional” is completely subjective and easily rejected at the whim of the reviewer.

You're seriously saying that Jesus has came in to Tbombz life, as well as yours?

Absolutely that’s what I’m saying.  And because of that change in me I care about you and desire for you to know Christ in your life.

Can you ask Jesus then, why he would choose to ignore the prayers of millions, why he'd allow things like the holocaust to happen or mass genocide in Rwanda for instance, and instead choose to show himself to a mentally ill guy with HIV?

How is it you know he didn’t reveal himself to victims of the Holocaust or in Rwanda?   The God of this world is divine and infinite and transcends it and the universe that contains it.  To enter into infinity with God means to exit this life in death.   Sin has brought about death and decay upon the world and the free will given to men to engage in whatever acts of evil they choose gives way to an incalculable list of potential threats.  

I’d assume he’d tell you that he entrusted the whole of creation to humanity and he wonders why humanity has made such a mess of things.    God deemed his creation good and created man without sin.  Man chose to defy that relationship with God and thereby corrupt the goodness God established and incur his wrath.   Begs the question: given we know the potential for evil and outright engagement of evil within ourselves why we continue to allow it?  We have every God given resource at our fingertips to prevent all sorts of atrocities, but we don’t eradicate such horrible things.  We hide behind politics and rhetoric and do nothing…..or we casually blame God…..shameful.
If he's a part of your life, and he's helping Tbombs, then he's a personal god who cares about you individually, and created the world with you in mind, so not only does he intentionally ignore the pain and suffering of millions, but he also invented the HIV that has infected Tbombz.

How is it you know he ignores the pain and suffering of millions?   He abhors it.  The problem of evil is resolved through Jesus Christ.

The reality is, it’s God’s good creation which is the platform for resolving the problem of evil.  Jesus left eternity and entered his finite creation as the incarnate Son of God who came to collect his church – those folks that reject sin and accept his standards and desire to be with him.  He didn’t preprogram our choices into us, but yet he still knows the outcome….omniscience can’t be helped….it just is.   “But God’s also all powerful.  Couldn’t he have created a better world?   Living in this existence while facing the problem of evil now isn’t just.”   How so?  Would you rather he create us as automatons with a fully scripted existence that negates our choices?  God wants folks to come unto him that truly want to be with him.  It’s our choice to accept or reject him that provides the purest pathway to eliminating evil.  Notice also that this creation we exist in today was deemed “good” not “perfect”.  The new creation is coming once the church - that has willfully chosen Christ - has been collected.  Jesus Christ overcame our sin on Calvary’s cross and it’s up to us to make a choice to align ourselves with him or not based on what he did for us.

Our autonomy ends when we enter eternity.   You’re a finite creation with finite choices to freely make in this finite existence, but those choices are still subject to infinite ramifications based upon his infinite terms (because God is infinite in nature).  The finite existence we live in is merely staging for what is yet to come and what we choose to do now determines the outcome of our eternal existence.  The realm of eternity – the infinite – is the final setting in which justice will be dealt out based upon our free choices in the finite.  Again, we are autonomous in the finite (our realm), but not in the infinite (God’s realm).  Yet, when each of us exits this life the problem of evil is one step closer to achieving full resolution because the problem of evil is reconciled individually (despite the fact we typically only acknowledge it collectively).  It’s individuals that freely choose to assemble together to form the body of Christ and it’s individuals that freely choose to reject Christ.  In this life we’re meant to go through the fire, but that fire is cleansing if you’re aligned with Christ.

please also ask him why if he wanted us all to be free from sin, then why not just take more care to have designed us better in the first place?

As I stated above, he created man free from sin, but with the ability to choose to engage in sin.   Man chose to defy God and in doing so incurred his judgment.

why condemn everyone to be born into "original sin", create us sick and then order us to be well or face the punishment of eternal torture? where's the morality in that? lol.

Everyone is born with the proclivity to sin, but not born with sin or immediate condemnation to hell.   How do we know this?  Children.

When I read about King David’s child with Bathsheba passing away and David suggesting that as a believer he would he see his child again in God’s kingdom it affirmed for me the innocence of children and others with disabilities that prevent them from making an honest choice about sin and Christ in their lives.  They don’t need salvation because being saved by grace through faith in Christ means we are saved from the wrath/judgment of God.  The innocents need not fear God’s wrath for they are without blame or need for judgment.  

“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.’”

Christ also indicated how severely those that cause the children (the little ones) to fall into sin would be judged.  The children are lead into sin and out of innocence.  

As believers in Christ we are saved by grace through faith and thereby justified and deemed righteous….like the innocents who are inherently righteous we become like the them through Christ.

Seems a bit extreme to have himself sent down to earth in the form of his son, to have himself tortured...whilst knowing full well that he'll be resurrected anyway, and all to show us that he cares for us and all we have to do is shed the sin that he created us in to begin with!

Christ’s act of salvation on the cross was very extreme, but in essence what he did was simply sweeten the deal for us…..not for him, for us…..everything is about us.   Again, as believers we acknowledge and accept blame for our sins.  Jesus Christ left the divine and came as a man on earth as the perfect sacrifice for us.   The act on Calvary’s cross is about love….love for us.   He took upon himself all the pain that we deserve and in one mighty act forever bridged the gap between the finite and infinite if only we make the choice to accept him.  Life is in the blood and because of the perfect, blameless, sinless shed blood on the cross that sin debt was extinguished permanently.   It’s then up to us to again choose to accept or reject this act of love.  

Sin has a powerful impact upon our lives.   It’s an infection of sorts that spread from first man to current man.   God’s law is based upon his righteous, divine nature; yet, he allows his creation to exist in a state where the potential for sin is there.  As we choose to engage in sin it creates a divide between us and God.  Yet, we aren’t forced to sin….we make the choice.  Still he already knows that man in his state of finite autonomy will opt for sin…that we have a “sinful nature”.  He also knows that man is capable of choosing righteousness instead.  If we exist in that state of potential sin yet choose God’s righteousness and allow him to work in us to overcome our sin the gulf between our unrighteousness and his righteousness is bridged.  Giving folks the option for both ends of the spectrum and everything in between makes our decision for God pure because we seek righteousness.   That’s why Jesus Christ came.

The bible is quite clearly an antiquated and contradictory piece of fantasy, written by fools, which at best is used to give the illiterate, brainwashed and desperate a poor understanding of the universe, which has since been answered much more thoroughly by science, and at it's worst (and most common) is a divisive and oppressive ideology that's used as a form of power by controlling the minds of the stupid.

Yes, “a bronze age book written by sheepherders in an age of blood and ignorance to control the weak-willed and stupid”…..yes, yes I’ve heard it repeatedly.   And yet it still holds today despite the rampant attempts at ridicule and mockery.  That behavior is expected, outlined in scripture and I’m unphased by it.  So hit me with your best shot……I’m still gonna share Christ with you and tell you that I do care about you.

There are definite things to glean from scripture about our universe, but the bible from beginning to end is about Jesus Christ.    

Now, that wasn’t too hard to answer.


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #106 on: May 18, 2015, 02:35:49 PM »
Captain Freedom, I told you MOSs answer would be stepped in "Free Will."  ;D ;D


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #107 on: May 18, 2015, 02:38:58 PM »
Well, MOS has to get a star on his jacket for effort, whether we agree with him or not.  :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #108 on: May 18, 2015, 02:52:35 PM »
I just can't see a guy like Taylor holding back for very long. I think he will be all about sending an extremely powerful message going forward through his online ministry.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #109 on: May 18, 2015, 02:56:26 PM »
I just can't see a guy like Taylor holding back for very long. I think he will be all about sending an extremely powerful message going forward through his online ministry.

can you rephrase? I don't understand what you are trying to say.

and also, since nobody likes his facebook posts, his online ministry is quite simply non-existant.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #110 on: May 18, 2015, 02:58:16 PM »
;D ;D i can't even begin to argue with all that haha. It will go on to be a 100 page thread of endless, crazy assertions that don't even tie in with what the bible says. MOS i appreciate the fact that you wrote such a detailed response and are a clearly passionate guy. If you're getting something positive from it all then i'm glad. Just don't use your faith to fear monger or corrupt the minds of "jesus's little ones" into thinking they're going to hell for acting on perfectly natural, human instincts.

Primarily copied and pasted from my previous posts.....I have a ton at my fingertips today.   ;)


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #111 on: May 18, 2015, 02:58:26 PM »

I’d assume he’d tell you that he entrusted the whole of creation to humanity and he wonders why humanity has made such a mess of things.    God deemed his creation good and created man without sin.  Man chose to defy that relationship with God and thereby corrupt the goodness God established and incur his wrath.   Begs the question: given we know the potential for evil and outright engagement of evil within ourselves why we continue to allow it?  We have every God given resource at our fingertips to prevent all sorts of atrocities, but we don’t eradicate such horrible things.  We hide behind politics and rhetoric and do nothing…..or we casually blame God…..shameful.

Ahh dinosaurs were here long before us and were wiped out by a fucking asteroid, how perfect is that? You can't on one hand say god's creation was perfect only later adulterated while at the same time ignoring every shred of evidence that dictates it in not perfect, but chaotic.

On one hand you claim god is logical, then when his "creation", reasoning or otherwise is scrutinized revert back to your magical talk, he is infinite (a mathematical concept that is purely abstract) and eternal (without time, outside of temporality).

God can change things with a flick of a wrist and you question why humans haven't fixed it? where was god when people were dying by the boatloads of 1000's of years before christ, oh wait,  you are young earth creationist are you not?

When reality doesn't jive with your book you stick with the book, makes sense, books have never contained fiction.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #112 on: May 18, 2015, 02:59:21 PM »
Captain Freedom, I told you MOSs answer would be stepped in "Free Will."  ;D ;D

LOL....I could write all your posts for you today.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #113 on: May 18, 2015, 03:04:30 PM »
Ahh dinosaurs were here long before us and were wiped out by a fucking asteroid, how perfect is that? You can't on one hand say god's creation was perfect only later adulterated while at the same time ignoring every shred of evidence that dictates it in not perfect, but chaotic.

On one hand you claim god is logical, then when his "creation", reasoning or otherwise is scrutinized revert back to your magical talk, he is infinite (a mathematical concept that is purely abstract) and eternal (without time, outside of temporality).

God can change things with a flick of a wrist and you question why humans haven't fixed it? where was god when people were dying by the boatloads of 1000's of years before christ, oh wait,  you are young earth creationist are you not?

When reality doesn't jive with your book you stick with the book, makes sense, books have never contained fiction.

I said God deemed his creation good, not perfect.

Genesis 1:31
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

The new, perfect creation unencumbered by sin is yet to come after his church is collected.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #114 on: May 18, 2015, 03:04:34 PM »
LOL....I could write all your posts for you today.

And I surely can write all of yours. That is what happens when you spend the last 7-10 years talking to the same people on the same forum.  ;D ;D

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #115 on: May 18, 2015, 03:08:22 PM »
And I surely can write all of yours. That is what happens when you spend the last 7-10 years talking to the same people on the same forum.  ;D ;D

Well now I can stop rewriting or copying and pasting!!  ;)

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #116 on: May 18, 2015, 03:09:28 PM »
AHAHAHAAHAH!!!  "& free religious sermon by MOS!"

You are all very, very welcome!!


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #117 on: May 18, 2015, 03:09:59 PM »
Well now I can stop rewriting or copying and pasting!!  ;)

I am sure most of us know what another forum member is going to say by now.  ;D ;D Its actually quite impressive that many people have been here for so long that we "know" what the other person will write. Either, impressive or pathetic.  ;D ;D

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #118 on: May 18, 2015, 03:10:49 PM »
I am sure most of us know what another forum member is going to say by now.  ;D ;D Its actually quite impressive that many people have been here for so long that we "know" what the other person will write. Either, impressive or pathetic.  ;D ;D

Honestly, a little of both LOL!


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #119 on: May 18, 2015, 03:12:22 PM »
Honestly, a little of both LOL!

I spend too much time here.  :-\ :'( :D ;D


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today
« Reply #120 on: May 18, 2015, 03:12:48 PM »
Ahh dinosaurs were here long before us and were wiped out by a fucking asteroid, how perfect is that? You can't on one hand say god's creation was perfect only later adulterated while at the same time ignoring every shred of evidence that dictates it in not perfect, but chaotic.

On one hand you claim god is logical, then when his "creation", reasoning or otherwise is scrutinized revert back to your magical talk, he is infinite (a mathematical concept that is purely abstract) and eternal (without time, outside of temporality).

God can change things with a flick of a wrist and you question why humans haven't fixed it? where was god when people were dying by the boatloads of 1000's of years before christ, oh wait,  you are young earth creationist are you not?

When reality doesn't jive with your book you stick with the book, makes sense, books have never contained fiction.

Job 41 - The Destruction of Leviathan

Job 41:19-2 19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.His  breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. In his neck remaineth strength, and sorrow is turned into joy before him.The flakes of his flesh are joined together: they are firm in themselves; they cannot be moved.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #121 on: May 18, 2015, 04:24:11 PM »
Why is it that people who feel they've been saved so often turn into religious fanatics? If you believe you've sinned, why should you feel you can dump this on God or Jesus and be completely absolved of it? Own your sins. Make every effort to not sin again and you should be good to go where ever it is you believe we go when we die.

Looks like once a fanatic, always one in cases like Tbombz. But hey, what ever floats his boat this week.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #122 on: May 18, 2015, 04:29:04 PM »
Why is it that people who feel they've been saved so often turn into religious fanatics? If you believe you've sinned, why should you feel you can dump this on God or Jesus and be completely absolved of it? Own your sins. Make every effort to not sin again and you should be good to go where ever it is you believe we go when we die.

Looks like once a fanatic, always one in cases like Tbombz. But hey, what ever floats his boat this week.

A way to avoid hell. You dont repent and give yourself over to JC, youre on a one-way trip to hang out with Satan for all eternity. Thats a pretty strong motivator to dump your sins on God.

The Ugly

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #123 on: May 18, 2015, 04:39:55 PM »
This guy's chugging along quickly. Bulldozed through repentance/forgiveness/love/salvation and seems likely to exchange preaching/judging for judging/judging any time now. Just ahead, relapse and gloryholes.

But I certainly wish him well.

The Ugly

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #124 on: May 18, 2015, 04:42:59 PM »
Why is it that people who feel they've been saved so often turn into religious fanatics? If you believe you've sinned, why should you feel you can dump this on God or Jesus and be completely absolved of it? Own your sins. Make every effort to not sin again and you should be good to go where ever it is you believe we go when we die.

Looks like once a fanatic, always one in cases like Tbombz. But hey, what ever floats his boat this week.


Saved means dumping it on God. Otherwise, what was the whole cross thing about?