Author Topic: only atheists are allowed to post in this thread.  (Read 107124 times)


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #475 on: June 08, 2015, 07:04:21 AM »
you should stop taking your scientifically based HIV medicine. God will cure you!


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #477 on: June 08, 2015, 01:28:59 PM »
not that simple, really.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #478 on: June 08, 2015, 07:40:31 PM »
Evidently there is some void that longs to be filled in am atheists heart if he spends hour upon your defending his lack of faith... Why would anyone ever feel so compelled to explain the reason they do not believe in something. I dont believe in Islam and can't imagine ever wasting one second explaining why.. I dont believe in snowmen either but if someone else does then good for them. Never would I feel a need to defend my reason for not believing - unless I had something missing something in my soul that I refused to accept could be filled by that belief...
I am sure MOS or other of faith could do a much better job of illustrating the point I am attempting to make..
Atheists just speak of logic and it seems so illogical to even address an issue if you truly feel it is nonsensical. One thing is ABSOLUTE... if every soul on earth was as MOS - things would be pretty damn peaceful on earth.. Are there bad Christians ? Of course.. But a TRUE Christian is as good a human as there possibly can be. They are loving and kind and while they may hate sin they judge only sin never the sinner... There is NOTHING that anyone can say a TRUE Christian does that harms humanity.. And no - although I wish I were I am not in that category. I hope one day I am

Dave D

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #479 on: June 08, 2015, 09:31:26 PM »


Evidently there is some void that longs to be filled in am atheists heart if he spends hour upon your defending his lack of faith... Why would anyone ever feel so compelled to explain the reason they do not believe in something. I dont believe in Islam and can't imagine ever wasting one second explaining why.. I dont believe in snowmen either but if someone else does then good for them. Never would I feel a need to defend my reason for not believing - unless I had something missing something in my soul that I refused to accept could be filled by that belief...
I am sure MOS or other of faith could do a much better job of illustrating the point I am attempting to make..
Atheists just speak of logic and it seems so illogical to even address an issue if you truly feel it is nonsensical. One thing is ABSOLUTE... if every soul on earth was as MOS - things would be pretty damn peaceful on earth.. Are there bad Christians ? Of course.. But a TRUE Christian is as good a human as there possibly can be. They are loving and kind and while they may hate sin they judge only sin never the sinner... There is NOTHING that anyone can say a TRUE Christian does that harms humanity.. And no - although I wish I were I am not in that category. I hope one day I am

Well said.


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #480 on: June 08, 2015, 11:02:30 PM »
But a TRUE Christian is as good a human as there possibly can be. They are loving and kind and while they may hate sin they judge only sin never the sinner... There is NOTHING that anyone can say a TRUE Christian does that harms humanity.. And no - although I wish I were I am not in that category. I hope one day I am

Yes... stroke harder... faster... with both hands.... that's it.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #481 on: June 08, 2015, 11:33:30 PM »
Evidently there is some void that longs to be filled in am atheists heart if he spends hour upon your defending his lack of faith... Why would anyone ever feel so compelled to explain the reason they do not believe in something. I dont believe in Islam and can't imagine ever wasting one second explaining why.. I dont believe in snowmen either but if someone else does then good for them. Never would I feel a need to defend my reason for not believing - unless I had something missing something in my soul that I refused to accept could be filled by that belief...
I am sure MOS or other of faith could do a much better job of illustrating the point I am attempting to make..
Atheists just speak of logic and it seems so illogical to even address an issue if you truly feel it is nonsensical. One thing is ABSOLUTE... if every soul on earth was as MOS - things would be pretty damn peaceful on earth.. Are there bad Christians ? Of course.. But a TRUE Christian is as good a human as there possibly can be. They are loving and kind and while they may hate sin they judge only sin never the sinner... There is NOTHING that anyone can say a TRUE Christian does that harms humanity.. And no - although I wish I were I am not in that category. I hope one day I am

How about promoting the abdication of logical thought and the belief in ancient fairy stories?

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #482 on: June 09, 2015, 11:38:27 AM »
I've seen this line of reasoning before: define God by listing what attributes he doesn't have. It seems smart at first, but besides involving vigorous handwaving,

If you would, show me the handwaving in those few statements.  I’m truly interested in what you’re defining as handwaving.      

this method has a bigger problem: how is a deity defined only in terms of negatives different from nothingness?

You already know this isn’t the case (at least from me).   Very rarely are the limits of God even mentioned by me unless they are relevant to the topic.   This is a red herring.

I have a piece a piece of toast. The piece of toast can't be anything other than a piece of toast. It can't be non-bread in nature. It can't not exist. It can't create another piece of toast that is equal to or greater than itself. It's incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future. The piece of toast also can't create beings who are giving free will that will only choose him.

And it's so good too!

I’m sorry, but the toast example is lost on me honestly.   The nature of toast and the nature of God are not one and the same.   Don’t see any correlation here.  

No. You cannot have your cake and eat it too: either we have free will, in which case God is not omniscient because he can't know what we will choose before we choose it, or God is omniscient in which case we don't have free will.  

If they have a choice yes, but that choice is incompatible with one of the major, defining characteristics of God: omniscience. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

“have your cake and eat it too”.  That’s just not happening here.  

God’s omniscience and foreknowledge at its core is just knowledge.  It’s an awareness of events not the execution of his predetermined will via a display of his power.   Our ability to freely choose does not invalidate God’s knowledge.   God is still sovereign yet allows for our free will.  

Your argument is that in order for us to have free will God can have no knowledge of our future choices because it’s incompatible with a state of total knowledge.   Well, I have to ask.  Where are you getting that from?  

Total knowledge is total knowledge.   It’s not total knowledge less knowledge of our free choices…..that isn’t total knowledge.  

Further, free will is an act of volition while knowledge (from a perspective of humanity) could be a by product of the exercising of that free will.   Yet it isn’t one and the same.  God’s knowledge is part of his nature which is divine.  His knowledge is already complete….he doesn’t learn new information based on our choices….that is incompatible with his nature.  

Our free will would be incompatible (and completely false) if God exercised his power in a such a way that his will overrode our choices.    

If the inescapable result of me being created is that I will suffer for an eternity - and the Biblical hell is certainly described as eternal torment - and he knows that then yes, not being created would certainly be better.

Yes, I know that people despise that God punished mankind by allowing the proclivity for sin to pass from first man to all mankind.  Still mankind wasn’t created to suffer for an eternity.   Mankind was created to come into fellowship with the creator; yet he allowed the creation to determine whether or not they want to remain in their sin or instead return to righteousness.   How do we return to righteousness and escape that eternal suffering?  Through Jesus Christ.    

“Why didn’t God create a better ‘creation’?  Why all this absurdity?”  

He can and will, but first he’s collecting those that want to be rid of their sin….his body of believers….his church.  God’s “good creation” can’t become a “perfect creation” because of free will that results in sinful behavior.   How would God overcome man’s free will?   Once a person willfully understands and makes a choice to defy God they’re responsible for their actions (even with a sinful desire in them it doesn’t force them to act as such).   Children and those unable to make those distinctions remain in a state of innocence and inherent righteousness.    Through Christ we can return to that state of innocence.

Boy, you sure know a lot about this God that you say you do not comprehend.

No I said I can’t comprehend his nature and abilities completely.   Doesn’t mean a believer can’t comprehend some aspects of the nature of God at all.

The same applies if his law boils down to "I will punish you for your nature, which  you cannot fundamentally alter." My birth was a matter outside of my choice, as is my nature. I am, in essence, forced to play a game with loaded dice and held accountable for the losses.

Yet as I’ve explained God didn’t create humanity so that he could punish it.   He created it to come into fellowship with it.  No we can’t change our nature, but we can come into righteousness through Jesus Christ and become new creatures that work to suppress that desire for sin.

God’s law isn’t a game…’s law.   You make it a  “game of loaded dice” when you take chances with your eternal soul.   You grasp sin and you grasp the consequences of that sin, but you remain defiant before God.    I’m here pleading with folks to reconsider their own lives as it pertains to God and heed my testimony and millions of other testimonies.

This is meanigless... but something does strike me. For something you describe as "beyond our ability to comprehend" you certainly seem to have no problem comprehending it.

As I said before, I can’t comprehend every facet of God’s nature or abilities completely, but a believer can certainly comprehend some qualities of God….and I do.  

Interesting bit of reasoning. There's a few logical fallacies here,

What are the logical fallacies?   Walk me through them.

but I want to focus on one: you're making a deductive jump from the finite to the infinite and from an actual slap to a figurative slap.

I did for the sake of the example, but the continuity is found in the offense committed.   Although, you fully grasp this.   You just need to present a some form of an objection because I’m a theist LOL.

Make the backdrop biblical Jerusalem and then have the final perpetrator slap the incarnate son in Jesus Christ who was a flesh and blood man (yet fully God) in the face.  The example still holds, but it’s unnecessary to go to these lengths because the concept was already understood.

"If you pay me $5 today, I'll pay you $50 in 5 days!"

Sorry, don’t follow… me understand.

[First, one small sidenote about the "God also designed his creation so that life is in the blood" bit: you are aware that artificial blood products are now available and it's possible to survice with such products. Right?]

You’ve mentioned that before.   It’s certainly cool what medical science has achieved, but it’s essentially irrelevant for this topic.

Today we are under a new covenant and it’s Jesus Christ’s blood that matters.    Good on medical science though!

You cannot an informed choice about something you do not comprehend.

You’ve already criticized me twice for comprehending God pretty thoroughly LOL.  

If God expects worship, then I demand proof that God exists and this particular law is just and moral.

Well, God is actually worthy of worship.  

God created us in his divine image (a generous act on his part) and defined for us two important roles within his creation: one, a kingly role in which we govern over his creation; two, a priest type role in which we walk in faithful service with God and surrender to his will for our lives so that others may draw close to him as well.   The goodness of God flows to his creation and thereby becomes an extension of his church…..we are equipped with his attributes.

To worship God means to be included in his existence and to acknowledge his position in the order of all things and to also understand our role within his creation.   We are creatures that literally overflow with worship for things we love and admire and cherish most……worship and praise pours out of us.  God doesn’t need our worship though….his existence is not contingent upon it, but he created us so that we may enter into fellowship with him and engage in praise in worship for which is absolutely worthy.   As part of the created order we give praise for those things we value the most in life.  Believers enjoy the very presence of God and he enjoys ours as well….it’s a relationship.  Given his exalted status when we are given his approval it elicits our praise and worship….we almost can’t help it at times LOL.

As C.S. Lewis notes in reference to praise and worship:

“But the most obvious fact about praise – whether of God or anything – strangely escaped me. I thought of it in terms of compliment, approval, or the giving of honour. I had never noticed that all enjoyment spontaneously overflows into praise unless . . . shyness or the fear of boring others is deliberately brought in to check it. The world rings with praise – lovers praising their mistresses [Romeo praising Juliet and vice versa], readers their favourite poet, walkers praising the countryside, players praising their favourite game – praise of weather, wines, dishes, actors, motors, horses, colleges, countries, historical personages, children, flowers, mountains, rare stamps, rare beetles, even sometimes politicians or scholars. . . . Except where intolerably adverse circumstances interfere, praise almost seems to be inner health made audible. . . . I had not noticed either that just as men spontaneously praise whatever they value, so they spontaneously urge us to join them in praising it: 'Isn't she lovely? Wasn't it glorious? Don't you think that magnificent?' The Psalmists in telling everyone to praise God are doing what all men do when they speak of what they care about. My whole, more general, difficulty about the praise of God depended on my absurdly denying to us, as regards the supremely Valuable, what we delight to do, what indeed we can't help doing, about everything else we value.”

You demand proof, but the reality is you’re replying back and forth with proof of God’s existence.    The problem I have with your demand is that I can lead you to God, but you refuse to follow.   You will not engage in faith, you will not surrender to God on his terms…’s about your terms……what you demand.      Again, I can lead a horse to a water, but I can’t make it drink.  

Again, you seem to find no issue with the fact that God instituted a "law" that he knew nobody could follow, then set a penalty for violating this "law." That's bad enough in itself, but there's something even bigger: you say that God can't change that law; it's set and we must all live with the consequences. But you're OK when God develops a workaound, whereby he sent himself-as-his-son, to die to satisfy the requirements of the "law" by proxy.
Do you not see the absurdity?!

I don't understand it - I can't understand how a law that punishes me for something that it outside of my control. I consider such a thing unjust and immoral.

No. In my eyes, if your God is real, he should not punish people for having the nature he gave them. That he does speaks volumes.

Our sinful natures don’t prevent us from following God’s laws, but his standards are divine and righteous and we can’t meet them on our own.  I’m sorry, but none of us can.  

Our sinful natures create a proclivity in us for sin, but we aren’t forced to act upon that desire.  

Although the law doesn’t act as a slave master, it functions as a light so that we can illuminate our shortcomings and need for Christ.   What we can’t do individually is achieve righteousness so that we can enter into eternal communion and fellowship with God.  Ultimately the most important choice we have to make is whether or not we accept or reject God.   A lifetime of sin can be overcome if we affirm God and surrender to his will for our lives.  

God doesn’t punish you for your sinful nature or your humanity.  We certainly have a desire to sin, but yet we aren’t forced to act on that desire… freely choose to engage in it.   I used to watch pornography and lust after women, but today I don’t watch pornography and really work to suppress all lustful desires with the help of Holy Spirit that is within me.  

What I find interesting about God’s law is how dismissive some folks are of it.  Most review the 10 commandments or Christ’s teaching in the NT and say, “there’s nothing of significance there…..just a bunch of common sense.  You don’t need a God to tell you not to murder, not to steal, etc…..”  

I’d expect if I left my wallet somewhere and you saw me do that you’d quickly return it to me.   I’d also expect if you saw my child about to step into oncoming traffic and knew that I wasn’t paying attention you’d intervene and yank her out of harm’s way.    I sincerely believe you would.

People downplay God’s law and emphasize our sinful desires, but clearly our sinful natures can be suppressed.   We just can’t be deemed righteous by our own merits, but we are fallible and fall prey to our free will and engage in our sinful desires.

I might find it absurd, but my sticking point is that I’ve personally experienced a revelation of the Holy Spirit that changed me forever.  In that moment I felt his goodness and grace overwhelm me.  The Lord’s presence was so thick in that room I felt like I was moving through water.  That revelation of his goodness and righteousness and grace and the fulfillment of scripture in my life thereafter left me no doubt of who God is…..and I just experienced a little taste LOL.  I’m sorry man, but it just fills me up and makes me happy….want others to know the same in their lives.

Yes, I refuse to accept something that cannot be proven logically or rationally and is based on nothing but ancient superstition and stories of burning bushes and talking snakes.

Yep, you got “superstition”, “burning bushes” and “talking snakes”, but you left out a reference to “Noah’s ark”, “6000 years old”, “bronze age goatherder grimoire” and  “flying spaghetti monster”.  As always I here to help!   ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #483 on: June 09, 2015, 11:43:11 AM »

Yep, you got “superstition”, “burning bushes” and “talking snakes”, but you left out a reference to “Noah’s ark”, “6000 years old”, “bronze age goatherder grimoire” and  “flying spaghetti monster”.  As always I here to help!  

Is there not a talking snake in the book? is there not burning bushes?  it's not a cop out to point out the absurd nature of what you believe.

it's just a book written by humans, that's all it is.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #484 on: June 09, 2015, 11:48:47 AM »
Is there not a talking snake in the book? is there not burning bushes?  it's not a cop out to point out the absurd nature of what you believe.

it's just a book written by humans, that's all it is.

There's also a talking donkey.   


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #485 on: June 09, 2015, 11:58:44 AM »
God created us in his divine image (a generous act on his part)


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #486 on: June 09, 2015, 04:14:26 PM »
If you would, show me the handwaving in those few statements.  I’m truly interested in what you’re defining as handwaving.

"I think one thing to consider is that God does have some limitations." We're told he has no limits. No problem - vigorous handwaving and tada... he has limits.

"God can’t be anything other than himself…." Proof? That's right, by vigorous handwaving.

"he can’t not be divine in nature." Even if had an inkling of what "divine in nature" meant, where's the proof? It's there - just behind the vigorous handwaving.

"God can’t not exist." Why not? Because vigorous handwaving.

"God can’t create another being that is equal to or greater than himself." How do you know this? By vigorous handwaving, of course. Also how are "equal to or greater than" to be interpreted when God is outside the realm of nature and quantification?

"God is incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future." Why? Because you say so while vigorously waving your hands around, that's why.

"God also can’t create beings who are given free will and that will only choose him." Why not, if he knows what those being will choose before they know it? Because that narrative fits with what you want to say in this sentence. No problem, just liberally sprinkle some handwaving.

You already know this isn’t the case (at least from me).   Very rarely are the limits of God even mentioned by me unless they are relevant to the topic.   This is a red herring.

You told us what God isn't: anything other than himself, not divine in nature, and non-existing.  You told us what God can't not know: all things past, present and future. And you told us what he can't do: create another being that is equal to or greater than himself, or any beings who are given free will and that will only choose him. In other words, you've told us nothing.

I’m sorry, but the toast example is lost on me honestly.   The nature of toast and the nature of God are not one and the same.   Don’t see any correlation here.

You're right - the toast example, tasty as it might be is confusing. Allow me to elucidate by introducing a pink unicorn. Its name is Chuck and it lives in my back yard. It shares all the exact same characteristics you cited above. Specifically: "I think one thing to consider is that the Pink Unicorn does have some limitations. The Pink Unicorn can’t be anything other than itself….it can’t not be divine in nature. The Pink Unicorn can’t not exist. The Pink Unicorn can’t create another being that is equal to or greater than itself. The Pink Unicorn is incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future. The Pink Unicorn also can’t create beings who are given free will and that will only choose it."

Does that help?

“have your cake and eat it too”.  That’s just not happening here.

Of course it is - you claim that it's possible for something to inerrantly know every decision that everyone will ever make, before those decisions are made - or before the people that will be making them are even born - while still allowing those people to freely choose. If a decision is freely made, then it's impossible to inerrantly know the outcome beforehand.

God’s omniscience and foreknowledge at its core is just knowledge.  It’s an awareness of events not the execution of his predetermined will via a display of his power.   Our ability to freely choose does not invalidate God’s knowledge.   God is still sovereign yet allows for our free will.

Define God and specifically explain how his omniscience and knowledge aren't incompatible with free will. Back up all your claims rationally.

Your argument is that in order for us to have free will God can have no knowledge of our future choices because it’s incompatible with a state of total knowledge.   Well, I have to ask.  Where are you getting that from?

Because if God inerrantly knows what I will choose when faced with a choice, for every choice, the question is raised: do I really have a choice to begin with? Again, if God's knowledge is inerrant, then I can't choose anything other than what God knows I'll choose. At best I have the illusion of choice.
Total knowledge is total knowledge.

And red M&Ms are red. This is known as a tautology and adds nothing to the conversation.

It’s not total knowledge less knowledge of our free choices…..that isn’t total knowledge.

You haven't answered: what's total knowledge and how is total knowledge compatible with freedom of choice?

Further, free will is an act of volition while knowledge (from a perspective of humanity) could be a by product of the exercising of that free will.   Yet it isn’t one and the same.  God’s knowledge is part of his nature which is divine.  His knowledge is already complete….he doesn’t learn new information based on our choices….that is incompatible with his nature.

So many words and you manage to say nothing. You add: "God’s knowledge is part of his nature which is divine.  His knowledge is already complete." This is nonsense. Not only do we have no idea what it means for God's nature to be divine (or what God is), but we don't know what it means for his knowledge to be complete. If he doesn't learn any new information based on our choices that, inexorably, means that he'd knew what we'd choose before we chose it. If that knowledge is inerrant - which you suggest it is - then no choice was possible to us, except the one God knew we'd make. Which again means that free will is reduced to, at best, an illusion.

Our free will would be incompatible (and completely false) if God exercised his power in a such a way that his will overrode our choices.

But it's not incompatible if God knows what we'll choose and we only go through a game where we think we're actually freely choosing when we are, in fact, not. Right?

Yes, I know that people despise that God punished mankind by allowing the proclivity for sin to pass from first man to all mankind.

I don't despise God - I have no feelings towards your imaginary deity. All I'm saying is that you claim that he loves us all so very very much and wants to be in fellowship with us, but he won't come out and say it to us. It's almost like watching a teenager struggling to ask a girl on a date for the first time - except, you know, it's not as funny.

Still mankind wasn’t created to suffer for an eternity.   Mankind was created to come into fellowship with the creator; yet he allowed the creation to determine whether or not they want to remain in their sin or instead return to righteousness.   How do we return to righteousness and escape that eternal suffering?  Through Jesus Christ.

No - he didn't allow the creation. He, if the Bible is to be believed - allowed Adam and Eve to decide that question for all their offspring and only much later offer this "escape" - which is still unfulfilled and which, for all you know, will remain unfulfilled.

“Why didn’t God create a better ‘creation’?  Why all this absurdity?”  

He can and will, but first he’s collecting those that want to be rid of their sin….his body of believers….his church.  God’s “good creation” can’t become a “perfect creation” because of free will that results in sinful behavior.   How would God overcome man’s free will?   Once a person willfully understands and makes a choice to defy God they’re responsible for their actions (even with a sinful desire in them it doesn’t force them to act as such).   Children and those unable to make those distinctions remain in a state of innocence and inherent righteousness.    Through Christ we can return to that state of innocence.

If God knows, inerrantly, which humans will choose him and which won't, they why not only create those humans to begin with (surely that isn't beyond his amazing powers) and have a perfect creation to begin with, without any need for all this other nonsense? In the words of James T. Kirk, what does God need with a starship?

The notion that we're responsible for our actions and only our actions is nonsense - if that was the case then the "Original Sin" wouldn't be a scarlet letter carved upon our flesh. Your statement that some remain in a state of innocence and inherent righteousness finds no support in the Bible.

No I said I can’t comprehend his nature and abilities completely.   Doesn’t mean a believer can’t comprehend some aspects of the nature of God at all.

Except, conveninently, those aspects that you do understand are the aspects which don't explain what God is.

Yet as I’ve explained God didn’t create humanity so that he could punish it.   He created it to come into fellowship with it.

Why did he do that? Why does God need fellowship? And why is fellowship defined as "worship"?

No we can’t change our nature, but we can come into righteousness through Jesus Christ and become new creatures that work to suppress that desire for sin.

If I am paralyzed from the waist down, then for a Judge to punish me for failing to stand up when he entered the Court is a mockery of justice. Does it change anything if he punishes someone else on my behalf?

God’s law isn’t a game…’s law.

Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.

You make it a  “game of loaded dice” when you take chances with your eternal soul.

I've objected! You can't keep going. Now you're assuming I have an eternal soul.

You grasp sin and you grasp the consequences of that sin, but you remain defiant before God.

If your God loves me enough to send his only son to die for me, why doesn't he love me enough to personally reveal himself to me right now?

I’m here pleading with folks to reconsider their own lives as it pertains to God and heed my testimony and millions of other testimonies.

Argumentum ad populum.

As I said before, I can’t comprehend every facet of God’s nature or abilities completely, but a believer can certainly comprehend some qualities of God….and I do.

Unfortunately, all those qualities are providing meaningless when you're faced with the simplest of questions: "what is God and can you prove he's real not a figment of your imagination?"

What are the logical fallacies?   Walk me through them.


Non sequitur: Your conclusion doesn't follow from the premises.
Loaded question: You assume God exists.
Equivocation and extended analogy: Literally slapping the President isn't the same as figuratively slapping God.
Intuition pump: Slapping is bad and we punish people for it. Therefore God punishes people.
Reification: Textbook definition of reification.

I did for the sake of the example, but the continuity is found in the offense committed.   Although, you fully grasp this.   You just need to present a some form of an objection because I’m a theist LOL.

No, there's no continuity. You cannot extrapolate from the finite to the infinite and from the natural to the supernatural.

Make the backdrop biblical Jerusalem and then have the final perpetrator slap the incarnate son in Jesus Christ who was a flesh and blood man (yet fully God) in the face.  The example still holds, but it’s unnecessary to go to these lengths because the concept was already understood.

No, there's no example. There's only an incoherent mess of logical fallacies.

Sorry, don’t follow… me understand.

Christianity promises you something great tomorrow, in exchange for something little today: believe now and achieve eternal salvation. Even if you don't see this as extortion ("believe in God or else you'll burn in hell") there's no proof that there's any gains to be had: there's no proof your God exists, there's no proof of an afterlife, there's no proof of heaven, there's no proof of hell. It's a scam.

You’ve mentioned that before.   It’s certainly cool what medical science has achieved, but it’s essentially irrelevant for this topic.

Today we are under a new covenant and it’s Jesus Christ’s blood that matters.    Good on medical science though!

But why should blood matter at all?

Well, God is actually worthy of worship.


The goodness of God flows to his creation and thereby becomes an extension of his church…..we are equipped with his attributes.

Which attributes of God are we equipped with specifically? Please enumerate them and explain how do you know this.

To worship God means to be included in his existence and to acknowledge his position in the order of all things and to also understand our role within his creation.   We are creatures that literally overflow with worship for things we love and admire and cherish most……worship and praise pours out of us.  God doesn’t need our worship though….his existence is not contingent upon it, but he created us so that we may enter into fellowship with him and engage in praise in worship for which is absolutely worthy.   As part of the created order we give praise for those things we value the most in life.  Believers enjoy the very presence of God and he enjoys ours as well….it’s a relationship.  Given his exalted status when we are given his approval it elicits our praise and worship….we almost can’t help it at times LOL.

If he doesn't need worship, why did he create being for the sole purpose of having them worship him?

You demand proof, but the reality is you’re replying back and forth with proof of God’s existence.    The problem I have with your demand is that I can lead you to God, but you refuse to follow.   You will not engage in faith, you will not surrender to God on his terms…’s about your terms……what you demand.      Again, I can lead a horse to a water, but I can’t make it drink.

Yes, I demand proof. You are claiming that after I believe, then you can prove it. But what good is proof after I already believe? No proof is required then!

Our sinful natures don’t prevent us from following God’s laws, but his standards are divine and righteous and we can’t meet them on our own.  I’m sorry, but none of us can.

Of course our sinful natures prevent us from following God's laws - that's cornerstone upon which your religion is built.

Our sinful natures create a proclivity in us for sin, but we aren’t forced to act upon that desire.

I'll quote Ayn Rand: "Do not hide behind the cowardly evasion that man is born with free will, but with a “tendency” to evil. A free will saddled with a tendency is like a game with loaded dice. It forces man to struggle through the effort of playing, to bear responsibility and pay for the game, but the decision is weighted in favor of a tendency that he had no power to escape. If the tendency is of his choice, he cannot possess it at birth; if it is not of his choice, his will is not free."

Although the law doesn’t act as a slave master, it functions as a light so that we can illuminate our shortcomings and need for Christ.

Yes, a light. A light shined upon you while a megaphone blares "OVER THERE! A SINNER! TO HELL WITH HIM!"

God doesn’t punish you for your sinful nature or your humanity.  We certainly have a desire to sin, but yet we aren’t forced to act on that desire… freely choose to engage in it.   I used to watch pornography and lust after women, but today I don’t watch pornography and really work to suppress all lustful desires with the help of Holy Spirit that is within me.

He doesn't? That's funny... He sets a standard that is impossible for us to follow  

What I find interesting about God’s law is how dismissive some folks are of it.  Most review the 10 commandments or Christ’s teaching in the NT and say, “there’s nothing of significance there…..just a bunch of common sense.  You don’t need a God to tell you not to murder, not to steal, etc…..”

The big problem with the 10 Commandments is that it's presented as the arbitrary will of God - not a consistent theory of morality. Why is murdering someone bad? Because God says so. What if he said otherwise? Would that make murder ok then?

I’d expect if I left my wallet somewhere and you saw me do that you’d quickly return it to me.   I’d also expect if you saw my child about to step into oncoming traffic and knew that I wasn’t paying attention you’d intervene and yank her out of harm’s way.    I sincerely believe you would.

I would - but not because an ancient book told me to.

People downplay God’s law and emphasize our sinful desires, but clearly our sinful natures can be suppressed.   We just can’t be deemed righteous by our own merits, but we are fallible and fall prey to our free will and engage in our sinful desires.

Again: we're held up to a standard that the Judge knows we can't meet. That's a travesty of justice.

Yep, you got “superstition”, “burning bushes” and “talking snakes”, but you left out a reference to “Noah’s ark”, “6000 years old”, “bronze age goatherder grimoire” and  “flying spaghetti monster”.  As always I here to help!   ;D

I'll do better next time! ;D


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #487 on: June 09, 2015, 04:17:15 PM »
Holy cow... that was a long post, even by my standards! :o


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #488 on: June 09, 2015, 06:21:02 PM »
Good luck Taylor. I won't  debate someone who's mind is made up.
I sincerely hope you make it thru seminary. 100% serious

God created Adam and Eve in His image.

You and me? We are far from it.


Hello again, Howard.
If you have any "scientific" questions regarding the bible...
I would point you in the direction of
That website is filled with scientists with Master's and PHd's
I am sure they can answer any of your questions.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #489 on: June 09, 2015, 09:30:09 PM »
"I think one thing to consider is that God does have some limitations." We're told he has no limits. No problem - vigorous handwaving and tada... he has limits.

"God can’t be anything other than himself…." Proof? That's right, by vigorous handwaving.

"he can’t not be divine in nature." Even if had an inkling of what "divine in nature" meant, where's the proof? It's there - just behind the vigorous handwaving.

"God can’t not exist." Why not? Because vigorous handwaving.

"God can’t create another being that is equal to or greater than himself." How do you know this? By vigorous handwaving, of course. Also how are "equal to or greater than" to be interpreted when God is outside the realm of nature and quantification?

"God is incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future." Why? Because you say so while vigorously waving your hands around, that's why.

"God also can’t create beings who are given free will and that will only choose him." Why not, if he knows what those being will choose before they know it? Because that narrative fits with what you want to say in this sentence. No problem, just liberally sprinkle some handwaving.

You told us what God isn't: anything other than himself, not divine in nature, and non-existing.  You told us what God can't not know: all things past, present and future. And you told us what he can't do: create another being that is equal to or greater than himself, or any beings who are given free will and that will only choose him. In other words, you've told us nothing.

You're right - the toast example, tasty as it might be is confusing. Allow me to elucidate by introducing a pink unicorn. Its name is Chuck and it lives in my back yard. It shares all the exact same characteristics you cited above. Specifically: "I think one thing to consider is that the Pink Unicorn does have some limitations. The Pink Unicorn can’t be anything other than itself….it can’t not be divine in nature. The Pink Unicorn can’t not exist. The Pink Unicorn can’t create another being that is equal to or greater than itself. The Pink Unicorn is incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future. The Pink Unicorn also can’t create beings who are given free will and that will only choose it."

Does that help?

Of course it is - you claim that it's possible for something to inerrantly know every decision that everyone will ever make, before those decisions are made - or before the people that will be making them are even born - while still allowing those people to freely choose. If a decision is freely made, then it's impossible to inerrantly know the outcome beforehand.

Define God and specifically explain how his omniscience and knowledge aren't incompatible with free will. Back up all your claims rationally.

Because if God inerrantly knows what I will choose when faced with a choice, for every choice, the question is raised: do I really have a choice to begin with? Again, if God's knowledge is inerrant, then I can't choose anything other than what God knows I'll choose. At best I have the illusion of choice.
And red M&Ms are red. This is known as a tautology and adds nothing to the conversation.

You haven't answered: what's total knowledge and how is total knowledge compatible with freedom of choice?

So many words and you manage to say nothing. You add: "God’s knowledge is part of his nature which is divine.  His knowledge is already complete." This is nonsense. Not only do we have no idea what it means for God's nature to be divine (or what God is), but we don't know what it means for his knowledge to be complete. If he doesn't learn any new information based on our choices that, inexorably, means that he'd knew what we'd choose before we chose it. If that knowledge is inerrant - which you suggest it is - then no choice was possible to us, except the one God knew we'd make. Which again means that free will is reduced to, at best, an illusion.

But it's not incompatible if God knows what we'll choose and we only go through a game where we think we're actually freely choosing when we are, in fact, not. Right?

I don't despise God - I have no feelings towards your imaginary deity. All I'm saying is that you claim that he loves us all so very very much and wants to be in fellowship with us, but he won't come out and say it to us. It's almost like watching a teenager struggling to ask a girl on a date for the first time - except, you know, it's not as funny.

No - he didn't allow the creation. He, if the Bible is to be believed - allowed Adam and Eve to decide that question for all their offspring and only much later offer this "escape" - which is still unfulfilled and which, for all you know, will remain unfulfilled.

If God knows, inerrantly, which humans will choose him and which won't, they why not only create those humans to begin with (surely that isn't beyond his amazing powers) and have a perfect creation to begin with, without any need for all this other nonsense? In the words of James T. Kirk, what does God need with a starship?

The notion that we're responsible for our actions and only our actions is nonsense - if that was the case then the "Original Sin" wouldn't be a scarlet letter carved upon our flesh. Your statement that some remain in a state of innocence and inherent righteousness finds no support in the Bible.

Except, conveninently, those aspects that you do understand are the aspects which don't explain what God is.

Why did he do that? Why does God need fellowship? And why is fellowship defined as "worship"?

If I am paralyzed from the waist down, then for a Judge to punish me for failing to stand up when he entered the Court is a mockery of justice. Does it change anything if he punishes someone else on my behalf?

Objection! Assumes facts not in evidence.

I've objected! You can't keep going. Now you're assuming I have an eternal soul.

If your God loves me enough to send his only son to die for me, why doesn't he love me enough to personally reveal himself to me right now?

Argumentum ad populum.

Unfortunately, all those qualities are providing meaningless when you're faced with the simplest of questions: "what is God and can you prove he's real not a figment of your imagination?"


Non sequitur: Your conclusion doesn't follow from the premises.
Loaded question: You assume God exists.
Equivocation and extended analogy: Literally slapping the President isn't the same as figuratively slapping God.
Intuition pump: Slapping is bad and we punish people for it. Therefore God punishes people.
Reification: Textbook definition of reification.

No, there's no continuity. You cannot extrapolate from the finite to the infinite and from the natural to the supernatural.

No, there's no example. There's only an incoherent mess of logical fallacies.

Christianity promises you something great tomorrow, in exchange for something little today: believe now and achieve eternal salvation. Even if you don't see this as extortion ("believe in God or else you'll burn in hell") there's no proof that there's any gains to be had: there's no proof your God exists, there's no proof of an afterlife, there's no proof of heaven, there's no proof of hell. It's a scam.

But why should blood matter at all?


Which attributes of God are we equipped with specifically? Please enumerate them and explain how do you know this.

If he doesn't need worship, why did he create being for the sole purpose of having them worship him?

Yes, I demand proof. You are claiming that after I believe, then you can prove it. But what good is proof after I already believe? No proof is required then!

Of course our sinful natures prevent us from following God's laws - that's cornerstone upon which your religion is built.

I'll quote Ayn Rand: "Do not hide behind the cowardly evasion that man is born with free will, but with a “tendency” to evil. A free will saddled with a tendency is like a game with loaded dice. It forces man to struggle through the effort of playing, to bear responsibility and pay for the game, but the decision is weighted in favor of a tendency that he had no power to escape. If the tendency is of his choice, he cannot possess it at birth; if it is not of his choice, his will is not free."

Yes, a light. A light shined upon you while a megaphone blares "OVER THERE! A SINNER! TO HELL WITH HIM!"

He doesn't? That's funny... He sets a standard that is impossible for us to follow  

The big problem with the 10 Commandments is that it's presented as the arbitrary will of God - not a consistent theory of morality. Why is murdering someone bad? Because God says so. What if he said otherwise? Would that make murder ok then?

I would - but not because an ancient book told me to.

Again: we're held up to a standard that the Judge knows we can't meet. That's a travesty of justice.

I'll do better next time! ;D

I’m here pleading with folks to reconsider their own lives as it pertains to God and heed my testimony and millions of other testimonies.

There is nothing more arrogant and condescending than this statement. As if MOS can tell us how to live our lives the proper way :-\ :-\ The arrogance of theists.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #490 on: June 09, 2015, 09:36:39 PM »
Tbombz wrote:

The message of the Bible mends lives broken by sin, which separates us from our holy Creator. In contrast, agnosticism and atheism, like all anti-God philosophies, destroy.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #491 on: June 10, 2015, 12:28:53 AM »
I’m here pleading with folks to reconsider their own lives as it pertains to God and heed my testimony and millions of other testimonies.

There is nothing more arrogant and condescending than this statement. As if MOS can tell us how to live our lives the proper way :-\ :-\ The arrogance of theists.
Lets say you work at a business.

The Boss, who no one has ever met, has put signs out that say=

 "everyone who comes to my office, waits there till I arrive, and then agrees to my terms of employment, all those people will receive a promotion and a job forever...

 ...but anyone who does not seek me, or anyone who seeks me but gives up and leaves before they find me, or anyone who refuses my terms of employment; all such person will be fired at the end of the week"

Now, one day a man comes up to you and says: "hey, i sought out the boss, and eventually he showed up, and i met the guy, and hes great, and i agreed to his terms, and now im getting a promotion and a job forever! the signs he put up are true! you had better go look for him, or else youll get fired!"

But you say....   "BULL CRAP!!!!!!! no one has ever met the guy! theres no such thing as a Boss! this business was the result of random processes! and now you have the arrogance to tell me that if i dont agree to this imaginary persons terms, that im going to get fired! Get a life, MORON!



but thats not even all of it.

not only does that happen... but several other people come up and testify to the same thing! the boss is real! the signs are true! they all agreed to the terms and are getting a promotion and a job forever!

and guess what else? nearly everyone who tells you this testimony, they all have a supernatural change of heart towards their job, towards their coworkers, towards their salary, all of it!  its amazing! nothing else in the history of the company has ever effected people in this way!

but you still say.....    BULL CRAP!!! It's all a big lie.

But why do you say that?

I think I know why.

It's because the Boss actually posted a list of his terms of employment on that letter.
And you hate his terms. He wants you to agree to surrender your entire life to Him.
He wants you to give up pornography, fornication, adultery, selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, ambition, and all of your hopes and dreams.
He wants you to die to yourself.

And thats something you absolutely refuse to do.

So you prefer to just tell yourself the guy doesnt exist.
The business is a product of random chance.
or maybe there is a Boss, and this guy is just a fraud and a phony.

either way, you aint accepting those terms of employment.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #492 on: June 10, 2015, 12:37:23 AM »
Lets say you work at a business.

The Boss, who no one has ever met, has put signs out that say=

 "everyone who comes to my office, waits there till I arrive, and then agrees to my terms of employment, all those people will receive a promotion and a job forever...

 ...but anyone who does not seek me, or anyone who seeks me but gives up and leaves before they find me, or anyone who refuses my terms of employment; all such person will be fired at the end of the week"

Now, one day a man comes up to you and says: "hey, i sought out the boss, and eventually he showed up, and i met the guy, and hes great, and i agreed to his terms, and now im getting a promotion and a job forever! the signs he put up are true! you had better go look for him, or else youll get fired!"

But you say....   "BULL CRAP!!!!!!! no one has ever met the guy! theres no such thing as a Boss! this business was the result of random processes! and now you have the arrogance to tell me that if i dont agree to this imaginary persons terms, that im going to get fired! Get a life, MORON!



So, you're basically using an outlandish, improbable scenario to try and prove your argument? Lol. Good job.

Your argument still demonstrates absolutely nothing.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #493 on: June 10, 2015, 01:14:59 AM »
God is a guy you can make a deal with?

In a million years will we all have to pleb before the one and only Jesus Christ to live a meaningful life? How stale to have God come only once in all of human history.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #494 on: June 10, 2015, 01:26:09 AM »
Lets say you work at a business.

The Boss, who no one has ever met, has put signs out that say=

 "everyone who comes to my office, waits there till I arrive, and then agrees to my terms of employment, all those people will receive a promotion and a job forever...

 ...but anyone who does not seek me, or anyone who seeks me but gives up and leaves before they find me, or anyone who refuses my terms of employment; all such person will be fired at the end of the week"

Now, one day a man comes up to you and says: "hey, i sought out the boss, and eventually he showed up, and i met the guy, and hes great, and i agreed to his terms, and now im getting a promotion and a job forever! the signs he put up are true! you had better go look for him, or else youll get fired!"

But you say....   "BULL CRAP!!!!!!! no one has ever met the guy! theres no such thing as a Boss! this business was the result of random processes! and now you have the arrogance to tell me that if i dont agree to this imaginary persons terms, that im going to get fired! Get a life, MORON!

Your contrived example has a number of fatal flaws. But one important one is that the end of the week we'll all know whether the signs were put up by the boss by seeing whether those who don't go get fired or not. And this is where things break down when you try to apply this to your God. You see, we all die - the equivalent of getting fired in your retarded example, and there's no way for you to prove that the boss gave you any rewards.

not only does that happen... but several other people come up and testify to the same thing! the boss is real! the signs are true! they all agreed to the terms and are getting a promotion and a job forever!

Argumentum ad populum. And since you started down that path, let's make your stupid example more realistic. You see, there's also some other signs up there that say: "The boss is Mr. A. L. Lah, and his office is on the third floor, in room 301." So some people do go three floors up and ask for a meeting and they too come back and they tell me that the person that you went to isn't really the boss, because they met the real boss. They also claim tto have gotten a promotion and a job forever, and on top of that, they also each got executive assistants and unlimited snacks.

and guess what else? nearly everyone who tells you this testimony, they all have a supernatural change of heart towards their job, towards their coworkers, towards their salary, all of it!  its amazing! nothing else in the history of the company has ever effected people in this way!

Except, you know, all those who went to room 301 and come back muttering about the infidels that go and sit in the office of the false boss and wait for a promotion.

but you still say.....    BULL CRAP!!! It's all a big lie.

But why do you say that?

Because the office is always empty. Because the people that have gone there have come back and they haven't gotten a promotion, while the people who haven't gone still aren't fired.

It's because the Boss actually posted a list of his terms of employment on that letter.
And you hate his terms. He wants you to agree to surrender your entire life to Him.

That's not employment. That's servitude or slavery.

He wants you to give up pornography, fornication, adultery, selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, ambition, and all of your hopes and dreams.

You're making it sound better by the second. Give up my prime, give my ambition, give up my hopes, give up my dreams. I mean, why would anyone ever decline such terms?!

He wants you to die to yourself. And thats something you absolutely refuse to do.

Yes, I absolute refuse to give up my hopes, my dreams, my ambition and my pride. I don't want to end up like you.

So you prefer to just tell yourself the guy doesnt exist.

Perhaps if he parked his Jaguar in the "RESERVED" parking spot up front, I'd be more inclined to think he exists and that he was great taste in cars to boot.

The business is a product of random chance.

Your analogy is breaking down again...

Now, with all that out of the way, I feel compelled to tell you a few things. And it's difficult because I'm not a mean person, and as much as I want to think that you deserved everything that happened to you, I can't bring myself to think that and genuinely feel sorry for you.

But don't come here, pretending to be all changed and in possession of a higher truth, because you aren't. The only thing you're in possession of that's higher is HIV virion counts. Yes we get it: you replaced one infatuation with another. You moved from cock to religion and replaced the Nobel-prize-winning-astronaut-computer-engineer-millionaire-playboy with Jesus, and the bunny suit with vestments. But hey, if you find some solace in that, that's great - because you'll need it.

But cut this pious bullshit out, because it's revolting. In fact, it's even more revolting than all of those pictures of your disease-riddled asshole that get posted on here.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #495 on: June 10, 2015, 01:49:06 AM »
Well, to me that pic is showing that all they are doing is praying for the cure...Now, i believe that a person just praying for something and not exhausting all options, is not helping the situation. That is not "blind faith", that is just plain stupidity. Docotors could be considered modern day shaman/medicine men. The same people our ancestors took their sick to, when things wnet sour   And utilizing a doctor, could be an answer to one's prayers. And yes, one can also pray for the doctor to their best.

 "God, I am praying for you to help this sick child, and to cure him!!!"

God would be like: "There is a doctor, fool, take the child to the doctor!"

There was one radio show host/author who spoke on Domestic Violence, "Don't just pray for it to end, you can pray and pack at the same time."


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #496 on: June 10, 2015, 01:56:55 AM »
Well, to me that pic is showing that all they are doing is praying for the cure...Now, i believe that a person just praying for something and not exhausting all options, is not helping the situation. That is not "blind faith", that is just plain stupidity. Docotors could be considered modern day shaman/medicine men. The same people our ancestors took their sick to, when things wnet sour   And utilizing a doctor, could be an answer to one's prayers. And yes, one can also pray for the doctor to their best.

 "God, I am praying for you to help this sick child, and to cure him!!!"

God would be like: "There is a doctor, fool, take the child to the doctor!"

There was one radio show host/author who spoke on Domestic Violence, "Don't just pray for it to end, you can pray and pack at the same time."

That's certainly reasonable and I would expect most believers would do the same. But, to me anyways, the picture isn't meant to signify what people do, but rather to highlight the difference between a mindset that says: "we live in a Universe that's rational and can be explained" and one that says: "we live in a Universe that's mystical and which we cannot comprehend."


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #497 on: June 10, 2015, 03:57:49 AM »
When Jesus talked about the kindgom of god, the kingdom of heaven, he did not mean a post mortem realm but the essence of who you are in the present moment. He wanted people to wake up to the Divine in the here and now, to the transcendent and experience unity with the Father like he did. Church men bent on control over people changed things to a heaven after death of the body to which one can gain entry only if they accept Jesus the one and only saviour. Jesus and his teachings were hijacked by ignorant men.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #498 on: June 10, 2015, 04:20:23 AM »
Alot of the sayings attributed to him could only have come from an enlightened mind and the similarity between them and the sayings of Yoga and Buddhism are striking.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #499 on: June 10, 2015, 05:28:31 AM »
Alot of the sayings attributed to him could only have come from an enlightened mind and the similarity between them and the sayings of Yoga and Buddhism are striking.

Very wise are you.  Forget not Master Yoda should you... Enlightened mind was his