Author Topic: only atheists are allowed to post in this thread.  (Read 107470 times)


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #500 on: June 10, 2015, 05:57:59 AM »
Alot of the sayings attributed to him could only have come from an enlightened mind and the similarity between them and the sayings of Yoga and Buddhism are striking.

Any examples of this otherworldly insight Jesus had, was it love thy neighbour? or was it turn the other cheek?

Just to point out, he was a man, there is no such thing as divine inspiration or enlightenment etc. It may be a brain state but it's not transcendent, humans cannot do this, like we cannot read minds or move objects with it. Everything you think you know about the afterlife, existence is coming from ordinary plain old humans, all trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Like you kundalini shit, it's kindling, it's been figured out, it's not energy or chakra's or anything of that nature. We know what it is, just like I know human's will lie, deceive and make up shit, we are after all just apes.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #501 on: June 10, 2015, 07:45:50 AM »
Holy cow... that was a long post, even by my standards! :o

Wow! I see you responded, but admittedly I haven't read through it just yet.....I will, I will LOL!

And yes, you did write a bunch!  It's like homework.  ;)

Like I said, I'll read today and respond where I'm able to and/or it is appropriate.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #502 on: June 10, 2015, 10:16:39 AM »
Any examples of this otherworldly insight Jesus had, was it love thy neighbour? or was it turn the other cheek?

Just to point out, he was a man, there is no such thing as divine inspiration or enlightenment etc. It may be a brain state but it's not transcendent, humans cannot do this, like we cannot read minds or move objects with it. Everything you think you know about the afterlife, existence is coming from ordinary plain old humans, all trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

Like you kundalini shit, it's kindling, it's been figured out, it's not energy or chakra's or anything of that nature. We know what it is, just like I know human's will lie, deceive and make up shit, we are after all just apes.

Glad I didnt spend time with those examples then. You are indeed a very stubborn ape.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #503 on: June 10, 2015, 10:40:16 AM »
Holy cow... that was a long post, even by my standards! :o

That was a work of art !! Bravo !!  :o  :o


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #504 on: June 10, 2015, 12:21:10 PM »
Glad I didnt spend time with those examples then. You are indeed a very stubborn ape.

We are apes, great apes! nothing magical or different about us, we aren't special, just like an ant is not special.

So if kindling completely describes the kundalini non-sense, we have imaging of the brain during these "states" it's seizure like, some areas turn on, some off, one area called the OAA which basically informs us of our boundaries, ie internal from external, is deactivated strongly, when it does you will hear "Everything feels like one, we are all the same, no boundaries blah blah. Our bodies are material, they work materially like a robot, we can give drugs and cause certain reactions, like a robot.

The Ugly

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #505 on: June 10, 2015, 12:30:36 PM »
Lets say you work at a business.

The Boss, who no one has ever met, has put signs out that say=

 "everyone who comes to my office, waits there till I arrive, and then agrees to my terms of employment, all those people will receive a promotion and a job forever...

 ...but anyone who does not seek me, or anyone who seeks me but gives up and leaves before they find me, or anyone who refuses my terms of employment; all such person will be fired at the end of the week"

Now, one day a man comes up to you and says: "hey, i sought out the boss, and eventually he showed up, and i met the guy, and hes great, and i agreed to his terms, and now im getting a promotion and a job forever! the signs he put up are true! you had better go look for him, or else youll get fired!"

But you say....   "BULL CRAP!!!!!!! no one has ever met the guy! theres no such thing as a Boss! this business was the result of random processes! and now you have the arrogance to tell me that if i dont agree to this imaginary persons terms, that im going to get fired! Get a life, MORON!



but thats not even all of it.

not only does that happen... but several other people come up and testify to the same thing! the boss is real! the signs are true! they all agreed to the terms and are getting a promotion and a job forever!

and guess what else? nearly everyone who tells you this testimony, they all have a supernatural change of heart towards their job, towards their coworkers, towards their salary, all of it!  its amazing! nothing else in the history of the company has ever effected people in this way!

but you still say.....    BULL CRAP!!! It's all a big lie.

But why do you say that?

I think I know why.

It's because the Boss actually posted a list of his terms of employment on that letter.
And you hate his terms. He wants you to agree to surrender your entire life to Him.
He wants you to give up pornography, fornication, adultery, selfishness, self-righteousness, pride, ambition, and all of your hopes and dreams.
He wants you to die to yourself.

And thats something you absolutely refuse to do.

So you prefer to just tell yourself the guy doesnt exist.
The business is a product of random chance.
or maybe there is a Boss, and this guy is just a fraud and a phony.

either way, you aint accepting those terms of employment.

Typical pyramid scheme: all promise, no paycheck.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #506 on: June 10, 2015, 12:31:02 PM »
We are apes, great apes! nothing magical or different about us, we aren't special, just like an ant is not special.

So if kindling completely describes the kundalini non-sense, we have imaging of the brain during these "states" it's seizure like, some areas turn on, some off, one area called the OAA which basically informs us of our boundaries, ie internal from external, is deactivated strongly, when it does you will hear "Everything feels like one, we are all the same, no boundaries blah blah. Our bodies are material, they work materially like a robot, we can give drugs and cause certain reactions, like a robot.

well then dose up with some magic mushrooms and enjoy the reactions.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #507 on: June 11, 2015, 12:07:39 PM »
From the outset, I wanted to note that I engage in this discussion with Christian faith and love.  Although, I understand my responses might be frustrating I’m not trying to frustrate or be difficult or insulting.

"I think one thing to consider is that God does have some limitations." We're told he has no limits. No problem - vigorous handwaving and tada... he has limits.

His is limited by that which is inconsistent with his nature.  

vigorous handwaving.  

Handwaving implies a sense of dishonesty.  That a person uses flowery or colorful language coupled with emotion appeals to make a point that actually can’t be made.  Essentially that a position (or point) isn’t truly grounded in anything else.

Now, although that notion certainly can be true, it can also be a subjectively applied.     A claim of handwaving can also be assigned capriciously in a discussion…..a debate tactic to throw someone off their game.  

"God can’t be anything other than himself…." Proof? That's right, by vigorous handwaving.  

Immutability - Malachi 3:6  “1 am the Lord, I change not."

"he can’t not be divine in nature." Even if had an inkling of what "divine in nature" meant, where's the proof? It's there - just behind the vigorous handwaving.  

Now, I’m fairly certain you know what “divine” means, but just in case it means “to have the quality of God or to be God.”  His nature is divine…..His nature is to be God.  

Divinity -  Exodus 3:14-15  God replied to Moses, “I am who I am.  Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.” God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh,  the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.  This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations.

"God can’t not exist." Why not? Because vigorous handwaving.

Eternality -  Psalm 102:24-27  "I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are throughout all generations. Of old thou hast laid the foundations of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure; yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end."

Isaiah 40:28   Do you not know? Have you not heard?  The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth  Does not become weary or tired.  His understanding is inscrutable.

“God can’t create another being that is equal to or greater than himself." How do you know this? By vigorous handwaving, of course. Also how are "equal to or greater than" to be interpreted when God is outside the realm of nature and quantification?
Unique -  Isaiah 45:5 “ I am the Lord; there is no other God.”    
Within scripture we have revealed to us the quantification of God and that quantity is one.  
Deuteronomy 6:4  “Hear, “O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.”  
If God could create another being equal to or greater than himself then there would either be multiple Gods or he would no longer be God as the greater creation would replace him.   That’s neither possible or logical.

"God is incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future." Why? Because you say so while vigorously waving your hands around, that's why.  

Omniscience - Job 37:1 “Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge?”

"God also can’t create beings who are given free will and that will only choose him." Why not, if he knows what those being will choose before they know it? Because that narrative fits with what you want to say in this sentence. No problem, just liberally sprinkle some handwaving.

Free Will for humanity - Joshua 24:15  “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live”

As I indicated before, the Lord is collecting his church (those whom have freely chosen him) and will then eliminate sin in his future creative efforts; although, first choices must be made.

You told us what God isn't: anything other than himself, not divine in nature, and non-existing.  You told us what God can't not know: all things past, present and future. And you told us what he can't do: create another being that is equal to or greater than himself, or any beings who are given free will and that will only choose him. In other words, you've told us nothing.

I’ve defined who God is on several occasions in the past (matter of fact in replies to you)….please refer to that material.  

Now I did state in my previous reply that I don’t often speak of God’s limits unless doing so is germane to the conversation.   I don’t like to define things by what they aren’t.  

You're right - the toast example, tasty as it might be is confusing. Allow me to elucidate by introducing a pink unicorn. Its name is Chuck and it lives in my back yard. It shares all the exact same characteristics you cited above. Specifically: "I think one thing to consider is that the Pink Unicorn does have some limitations. The Pink Unicorn can’t be anything other than itself….it can’t not be divine in nature. The Pink Unicorn can’t not exist. The Pink Unicorn can’t create another being that is equal to or greater than itself. The Pink Unicorn is incapable of not knowing all things past, present and future. The Pink Unicorn also can’t create beings who are given free will and that will only choose it."

Does that help?

Not really.   Toast, pink unicorns…..sorry.   No correlation with God there that I see, just a substitution of words.   I suppose “chimichanga” would work as well?

Of course it is - you claim that it's possible for something to inerrantly know every decision that everyone will ever make, before those decisions are made - or before the people that will be making them are even born - while still allowing those people to freely choose. If a decision is freely made, then it's impossible to inerrantly know the outcome beforehand.

As I explained, knowledge or foreknowledge is simply knowledge….it’s benign.    People tend to confuse the “fore” in foreknowledge with “force”…’s not “forceknowledge” in that we are forced to do something.

Define God and specifically explain how his omniscience and knowledge aren't incompatible with free will. Back up all your claims rationally.

Again, I’ve defined God for you repeatedly in the past, but my answers aren’t changing.   Again, please refer to previous posts.

Rationality is subjective based upon our presuppositions and worldviews (which in this discussion are diametrically opposed).   My faith and God doesn’t comport with your worldview so my explanation won’t be deemed rational by you…’s an act of futility.   I know this because we’ve gone down this path repeatedly.

Because if God inerrantly knows what I will choose when faced with a choice, for every choice, the question is raised: do I really have a choice to begin with? Again, if God's knowledge is inerrant, then I can't choose anything other than what God knows I'll choose. At best I have the illusion of choice.

Here’s the crux: “then I can't choose anything other than what God knows”.   That is correct, but that doesn’t change the fact that the knowledge is benign in regards to your choice.  You’re inventing a notion of control within the idea of perfect, complete knowledge.  

God’s will is that we choose him, enter into fellowship with him, accept Christ and turn from sin.  

You firmly reject his will and you aren’t a Christian.   Choice made and choice upheld.

And red M&Ms are red. This is known as a tautology and adds nothing to the conversation.

I understand tautology, but not exactly sure what you’re suggesting.  If this is just about repetition of ideas then ok.    We’re both doing that.

You haven't answered: what's total knowledge and how is total knowledge compatible with freedom of choice?

Again LOL?  I have stated my answer.    I think Prof. Einstein has a suggestion for this type of activity.

What we both know, is that from me, there is not a sufficient, cogent answer for you.  No offense, but satisfying you in particular isn’t my purpose.   My answers are directed at the readers not replying that haven’t made a choice about Christ.

I already understand your choices (and they’re firm).  You’re just one of the few voices presenting objections and willing to engage in discussion (which I appreciate).

So many words and you manage to say nothing. You add: "God’s knowledge is part of his nature which is divine.  His knowledge is already complete." This is nonsense.

I recognize that you keep repeating that (and you can continue to do so if you want), but it doesn’t make it true.  

Not only do we have no idea what it means for God's nature to be divine (or what God is), but we don't know what it means for his knowledge to be complete. If he doesn't learn any new information based on our choices that, inexorably, means that he'd knew what we'd choose before we chose it. If that knowledge is inerrant - which you suggest it is - then no choice was possible to us, except the one God knew we'd make. Which again means that free will is reduced to, at best, an illusion.

Again you’re replacing “foreknowledge” with  “forceknowledge”.    

“It seems smart at first, but this method has a bigger problem:”  it invents a forced control burdening a benign attribute.  

But it's not incompatible if God knows what we'll choose and we only go through a game where we think we're actually freely choosing when we are, in fact, not. Right?

See previous answers

I don't despise God

I’m glad about that.

I have no feelings towards your imaginary deity.

You’re awfully passionate about something you have no feelings towards.

All I'm saying is that you claim that he loves us all so very very much and wants to be in fellowship with us, but he won't come out and say it to us. It's almost like watching a teenager struggling to ask a girl on a date for the first time - except, you know, it's not as funny.

Scripture attests to it.
Our Lord Jesus Christ attests to it.
The Holy Spirit that indwells believers attests to it.

No - he didn't allow the creation. He, if the Bible is to be believed - allowed Adam and Eve to decide that question for all their offspring and only much later offer this "escape" - which is still unfulfilled and which, for all you know, will remain unfulfilled.

Yes, he pronounced judgment upon them and through them the proclivity to sin is passed to humanity (we’ve already discussed that though).

The promises of scripture continue to be fulfilled in me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the process of sanctification, the process of becoming a new creature in Christ, the complete change of perception, the joy of fellowship and worship experienced by believers.   Man, I’ve experienced the love and goodness and God in my life.   Because of these things I faith that his promises for the future will also be fulfilled.  

If God knows, inerrantly, which humans will choose him and which won't, they why not only create those humans to begin with (surely that isn't beyond his amazing powers) and have a perfect creation to begin with, without any need for all this other nonsense? In the words of James T. Kirk, what does God need with a starship?

I would say that for God to step in and only allow certain folks to be born because he knows they would choose him would violate the free choices of those folks that desired to have families even if some of those children would mature into adults that would reject God.

God entrusted the Earth to man and also encouraged his will by telling man to go forth and multiply.   He made it possible for man to do so, but he didn’t force his will.  He gave people the ability to choose whether or not to have make families.

We also note in scripture that having children is a gift from God.   The adults they might decide to turn into…..not so much.
The notion that we're responsible for our actions and only our actions is nonsense - if that was the case then the "Original Sin" wouldn't be a scarlet letter carved upon our flesh. Your statement that some remain in a state of innocence and inherent righteousness finds no support in the Bible.

Yes it does.  

I remember when I first read the OT I had so many questions.  When I read about King David’s child with Bathsheba passing away and David suggesting that as a believer he would he see his child again in God’s kingdom it affirmed for me the innocence of children and others with disabilities that prevent them from making an honest choice about sin and Christ in their lives.  They don’t need salvation because being saved by grace through Christ means we are saved from the wrath/judgment of God.  The innocents need not fear God’s wrath for they are without blame or need for judgment.  

“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.’”

Christ also indicated how severely those that cause the children (the little ones) to fall into sin would be judged.  The children are lead into sin and out of innocence.   Further, the primary attributes of God (justice, love, grace and mercy) don’t jive together if the innocents are separated eternally from him after their death.      

As believers in Christ we are saved by grace through faith and thereby justified and deemed righteous….like the innocents who are inherently righteous we become like the them through Christ.

Why did he do that? Why does God need fellowship? And why is fellowship defined as "worship"?

The moment we entertain the notion of what “God needs” we’re in error.  

God doesn’t need us to appease him, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t taken great pleasure in his creation.

Fellowship isn’t worship.   Talked about worship in my last reply.  

If your God loves me enough to send his only son to die for me, why doesn't he love me enough to personally reveal himself to me right now?

That’s exactly why I share my faith so that I can help lead others to that revelation.   I can’t force them to follow scripture or me.

Unfortunately, all those qualities are providing meaningless when you're faced with the simplest of questions: "what is God and can you prove he's real not a figment of your imagination?"

Yes, I can and it begins with a faithful journey to him as outlined in scripture.   You come to God on his terms and not your own.   Refuse to do so and you remain in ignorance of him.


Non sequitur: Your conclusion doesn't follow from the premises.

So essentially you’re generalizing my entire argument and labeling it a “non sequitor” because it doesn’t agree with your worldview and presuppositions.   That isn’t a non sequitor……that’s what I call “fallacy shopping”.  Don’t like a premise so you go shopping for a logical fallacy that can be forced upon it.  

“We’re out of peanut butter because I wanted a sandwich today.”   That’s a non sequitor.

Loaded question: You assume God exists.

Once again the “fallacy shopping” because my worldview and presuppositions don’t agree with yours you call “logical fallacy”.   Not the case.

Equivocation and extended analogy: Literally slapping the President isn't the same as figuratively slapping God.

There is nothing unclear about what I presented because you fully grasp it.   As I explained the “slap” is an example of an offense or a breaking of a law.   Law breaking can occur by humanity in the finite and infinite.

Intuition pump: Slapping is bad and we punish people for it. Therefore God punishes people.

I had never heard of this fallacy before and then I found out it was an invention of Daniel Dennett.    You and I both know that simplistic rationale you indicate to coincide with the “Dennett Fallacy” was not at all my point.

Reification: Textbook definition of reification.

Once again the “fallacy shopping” because my worldview and presuppositions don’t agree with yours you call “logical fallacy”.   Not the case.

No, there's no continuity. You cannot extrapolate from the finite to the infinite and from the natural to the supernatural.

Scripture relates to God in anthropomorphic language whereby we humanize him.   We can adjust our examples to include God as he relates to our situation in a similar manner.  

Christianity promises you something great tomorrow, in exchange for something little today: believe now and achieve eternal salvation. Even if you don't see this as extortion ("believe in God or else you'll burn in hell") there's no proof that there's any gains to be had: there's no proof your God exists, there's no proof of an afterlife, there's no proof of heaven, there's no proof of hell. It's a scam.

That’s a lot of absolute statements about God from a man that has absolutely no personal experience or relationship with God.

But why should blood matter at all?

That was God’s chosen vehicle to cover sin.   Sin leads to death and life is found in the blood.   Life trumps death.  Wondering about “why blood” is just a curiousity.   I have no problem with that.  

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #508 on: June 11, 2015, 12:09:08 PM »
Which attributes of God are we equipped with specifically? Please enumerate them and explain how do you know this.

Image of God -  2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

Romans 1:18-24  - 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.  24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.

1 John 3:2 - Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.

Genesis 1:26 – “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

I'll quote Ayn Rand: "Do not hide behind the cowardly evasion that man is born with free will, but with a “tendency” to evil. A free will saddled with a tendency is like a game with loaded dice. It forces man to struggle through the effort of playing, to bear responsibility and pay for the game, but the decision is weighted in favor of a tendency that he had no power to escape. If the tendency is of his choice, he cannot possess it at birth; if it is not of his choice, his will is not free."

I responded to this a couple years ago.

I understand why she doesn’t like that notion as it doesn’t help solidify her argument.  It’s an annoyance that pokes a hole.  Given that it is “a response” she at least acknowledges it, but she does so in manner that simply flicks it away meaninglessly as if it was never there….like swatting a fly.  It’s akin to Dawkin’s typical, dismissive statements concerning religion when he makes a statement such as, “Science flew aircraft to the moon.  Religion flew aircraft into buildings.” These “KO” statements are engineered to elicit an explosive audience uproar or swat away a theist response carelessly via distraction or uproar; still, it does nothing to address the topic at hand.  These kinds of KO statements leave me thinking nothing but “OK”, but I digress.   Ayn defining the notion as cowardly simply doesn’t make it so.   Now, if sin existed as she stated she puts forth a great argument, but she dismisses the crux of the theist response completely and simply rests on her own conclusions.    

Ayn’s work begins with the notions that man is born damned and that the divine standard of good imposed upon him is impossible to meet.  These conclusions are also rooted in the presupposition that “God” or “the divine” is completely absurd.  What troubles me from the get go is that her perspective is void of any form of prior belief or a proactive engagement in that which she stands firmly opposed.   Her writing although scathing is still elegant and far superior to my own, but her position is rooted in ignorance because she has no genuine comparative.  She just dives right into the side of the argument she feels comfortable defending or justifying; yet hasn’t walked even 10 steps in the pursuit of genuine belief (that I am aware of).  She’s fully reasoned away a concept she doesn’t fully grasp.  

The big problem with the 10 Commandments is that it's presented as the arbitrary will of God - not a consistent theory of morality. Why is murdering someone bad? Because God says so. What if he said otherwise? Would that make murder ok then?

Ok, you define it as arbitrary and I do not.

How do subjective individuals with varying opinions create a consistent theory of morality?   What is that grounded upon?

His law was established for all of humanity.  Seems pretty consistent.  

We can “what if” all day about various curiousities.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #509 on: June 11, 2015, 12:22:44 PM »
Thanks for the reply; I'll go through it later today.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #510 on: June 11, 2015, 12:29:08 PM »
There's also a talking donkey.   

So, there must be a donkey show?

LOL, someone please shop TBombz in the bunny suit on the rump of a holy donkey  ;D

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #511 on: June 11, 2015, 12:33:44 PM »
Thanks for the reply; I'll go through it later today.

No problem.  And please know that my intention in my replies isn't to be insulting.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #512 on: June 11, 2015, 12:46:37 PM »
No problem.  And please know that my intention in my replies isn't to be insulting.

I nominate TBombz's anus as the real holy of Holes.
Talk about going down the rabbit hole  :o


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #513 on: June 11, 2015, 02:23:52 PM »
Doesn't it ever make you think when you consider how massive our universe really is?
nearest star ( besides the sun) = 4.3 light years or aprox 25 trillion miles from earth.
nearest galaxy ( besides our Milky Way) = 2.5 million lights yrs from earth or 15 million-trillion miles from earth

Those are the NEAREST  celestial objects ( besides comets) outside our solar system!

How do you deal with the proof from the Hubble deep space images that the Universe is at least 14 billion yrs old?
FYI, this data is based on the light images collected on the Hubble lens.
It's basically like measuring how bright a light source is. It really is that clear and simple.

Oh, I've never seen the "creationists" come up with any proof that the Hubble universe dating is wrong.

ok.. here is an article from a secular source (

While peer review can prevent the publication of unimportant or poorly researched manuscripts, some scholars are concerned that it protects the status quo and suppresses innovation.

To evaluate this claim, Siler and his team studied a dataset of manuscripts submitted to Annals of Internal Medicine, British Medical Journal and The Lancet in 2003 and 2004. These journals rejected 946 of the 1,008 manuscripts in the dataset. 722 of the rejected journals never made it past the editor's desk and therefore, never even reached the peer review stage, at one or more of these three publications.

Other journals subsequently published 757 of the rejected manuscripts. The researchers looked at the number of citations these manuscripts went on to receive. They used the number of citations as a measure of quality, reasoning that when performing their own research, scientists usually choose to build on work they consider of good quality.

Siler's team found that, for the most part, editors and peer reviewers at the three elite journals did a good job of predicting the popularity of particular research papers among scientists. When the researchers assigned numerical scores to evaluations by peer reviewers, they found that, among both accepted and rejected papers, those with lower scores tended to receive fewer citations. Rejected manuscripts tended to receive fewer citations than accepted ones, and desk rejected manuscripts tended to receive fewer citations than those not rejected until the peer review stage.

However, the team discovered that some of the desk rejected manuscripts went on to receive many citations. The elite journals had rejected 14 of the most highly cited manuscripts and had desk rejected 12 of those.

The researchers acknowledge that the three journals may have rejected some of the manuscripts because they were more suited to specialist journals. Nevertheless, previous research suggests that peer review can incorporate bias, with reviewers basing decisions on the social characteristics of the authors or the intellectual content of the work. Gatekeepers tend to prefer work closer to their own and to favor the scientific status quo.

Read more at:


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #514 on: June 11, 2015, 02:29:33 PM »
No problem.  And please know that my intention in my replies isn't to be insulting.

That is not what you said in the PM to me. You stated that you were going to destroy AVXO in the debate and send his soul straight to hell.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #515 on: June 11, 2015, 02:32:32 PM »
That is not what you said in the PM to me. You stated that you were going to destroy AVXO in the debate and send his soul straight to hell.

Hell = the one and ONLY getbig reunion most will actually show up at. ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #516 on: June 11, 2015, 02:34:01 PM »
Hell = the one and ONLY getbig reunion most will actually show up at. ;)

I would not mind spending an eternity in hell with some getbiggers.

Imagine Johnny Falcon in hell. Falcon would be educating everyone on electricity. Falcon could invent a machine that keeps hell consistently hot via electricity.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #517 on: June 11, 2015, 02:50:55 PM »
That is not what you said in the PM to me. You stated that you were going to destroy AVXO in the debate and send his soul straight to hell.

That's right....that's exactly what I said in my PM!!   ;D

I also said I'm gonna kick his nutsack.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #518 on: June 11, 2015, 03:10:47 PM »
That's right....that's exactly what I said in my PM!!   ;D

I also said I'm gonna kick his nutsack.



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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #519 on: June 11, 2015, 04:05:37 PM »
That's right....that's exactly what I said in my PM!!   ;D

I also said I'm gonna kick his nutsack.

Thank God I only have one nutsack so I don't have to turn and let you kick the other too! ;D

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #520 on: June 12, 2015, 04:35:27 AM »
Thank God I only have one nutsack so I don't have to turn and let you kick the other too! ;D



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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #521 on: June 12, 2015, 06:14:48 AM »

Ok, you define it as arbitrary and I do not.

How do subjective individuals with varying opinions create a consistent theory of morality?   What is that grounded upon?

If you receive a cogent and explanatory explanation to this will you dismiss it?

Morality is based on logic/reason. What you are implying is that without this book or commandments or god you would feel fine killing children, killing people, raping etc? is god the only thing stopping you? why are more humanist societies less violent (they are the most reasonable), why are deeplly religious states violent?

the commandments are sorely lacking as well, the first are about worshipping god etc, absurd. nothing about rape, incest.

We see morality in other species are well, concepts of fairness in monkey's, sharing, social exclusion of thiefs in bird communities it serves a rational purpose. If I work for something, you taking it doesn't make much sense, I would not like this, others would not like this, it's immoral.

There is no universal morality, it's based on reason, this is why we see wholely different standards across the world.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #522 on: June 12, 2015, 08:00:48 AM »
If you receive a cogent and explanatory explanation to this will you dismiss it?

Morality is based on logic/reason. What you are implying is that without this book or commandments or god you would feel fine killing children, killing people, raping etc? is god the only thing stopping you? why are more humanist societies less violent (they are the most reasonable), why are deeplly religious states violent?

the commandments are sorely lacking as well, the first are about worshipping god etc, absurd. nothing about rape, incest.

We see morality in other species are well, concepts of fairness in monkey's, sharing, social exclusion of thiefs in bird communities it serves a rational purpose. If I work for something, you taking it doesn't make much sense, I would not like this, others would not like this, it's immoral.

There is no universal morality, it's based on reason, this is why we see wholely different standards across the world.

Theists ALWAYS go back to the same old argument about morals, despite numerous arguments against it. Nothing will satisfy them. They need to hold onto this argument for some reason.

Human being create a consistent theory of morality via dialogue. Often, what will inform what is moral or not is what research and evidence. It is not a perfect system, but to a GREAT extent, we have come to design a pretty consistent moral system.

For example, from what I know of the bible, it says nothing about abstaining from child abuse. However, via research we have come to a conclusion that child abuse is psychologically and physically bad for the child. We realize that when you consistently beat or sexually abuse a child, there will be short and long-term consequences for the child, the family, the perpetrator (yes, even the perpetrator), the community, and society at large. We began to understand this via dialogue and important research in the field. Psychologists, social workers, neuroscientists, politicians, etc., all got together and decided that this was wrong. We did not need to look toward the bible for an objective standard of morality that it is NOT okay to abuse your child. In fact, the moral system regarding the abuse of children is fairly new. Hell, back in the 50's and 60's, no one really did much about it. Now, there are SO many ways that children are protected. We devised a moral system where if a parent is caught abusing their child, numerous things may occur: jail time for the parent, mandated therapy for parent, child is removed from home, etc. Will people still abuse children? Unfortunately, yes. However, we have devised a sophisticated, moral system where abuse will not be tolerated. To a great extent, we have met a general consensus that abuse will not be tolerated. Via logic and reason, we have been able to hold those accountable who abuse children. We did not need to appeal to the bible to "invent" all that we have done for abused children (social welfare programs, foster homes, care, etc.). There are so MANY moral dilemmas that the bible does not address that humans have worked out. A moral system is grounded upon empathy, justice, fairness, cooperation, and probably many other things. Will some people stray? Of course. But, overall, we have developed a pretty consistent theory of morality. As stated previously, its not perfect, but its pretty damn good.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #523 on: June 12, 2015, 10:18:13 AM »
Theists ALWAYS go back to the same old argument about morals, despite numerous arguments against it. Nothing will satisfy them. They need to hold onto this argument for some reason.

Human being create a consistent theory of morality via dialogue. Often, what will inform what is moral or not is what research and evidence. It is not a perfect system, but to a GREAT extent, we have come to design a pretty consistent moral system.

For example, from what I know of the bible, it says nothing about abstaining from child abuse. However, via research we have come to a conclusion that child abuse is psychologically and physically bad for the child. We realize that when you consistently beat or sexually abuse a child, there will be short and long-term consequences for the child, the family, the perpetrator (yes, even the perpetrator), the community, and society at large. We began to understand this via dialogue and important research in the field. Psychologists, social workers, neuroscientists, politicians, etc., all got together and decided that this was wrong. We did not need to look toward the bible for an objective standard of morality that it is NOT okay to abuse your child. In fact, the moral system regarding the abuse of children is fairly new. Hell, back in the 50's and 60's, no one really did much about it. Now, there are SO many ways that children are protected. We devised a moral system where if a parent is caught abusing their child, numerous things may occur: jail time for the parent, mandated therapy for parent, child is removed from home, etc. Will people still abuse children? Unfortunately, yes. However, we have devised a sophisticated, moral system where abuse will not be tolerated. To a great extent, we have met a general consensus that abuse will not be tolerated. Via logic and reason, we have been able to hold those accountable who abuse children. We did not need to appeal to the bible to "invent" all that we have done for abused children (social welfare programs, foster homes, care, etc.). There are so MANY moral dilemmas that the bible does not address that humans have worked out. A moral system is grounded upon empathy, justice, fairness, cooperation, and probably many other things. Will some people stray? Of course. But, overall, we have developed a pretty consistent theory of morality. As stated previously, its not perfect, but its pretty damn good.

Yes, reason :D

The bible is not reasonable, it is reasonable for the time, but why would a god make sure a stagnant source of information, one ripe with issues? a poor medium as well (no storage, can rip, age etc)... it is reasonable to assume these idiots didn't interact with god on earth but instead, did not.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #524 on: June 12, 2015, 11:49:26 AM »
If you receive a cogent and explanatory explanation to this will you dismiss it?

Who determines whether or not it’s cogent?  Me?  You?  Someone else?

Morality is based on logic/reason.

According to your worldview.

Morals are derived from the character of God per my Christian worldview.

What you are implying is that without this book or commandments or god you would feel fine killing children, killing people, raping etc?

What brought you to that conclusion?

is god the only thing stopping you?

God is the objective standard for morality.   Atheists can still exhibit goodness and morals… the right things.  

why are more humanist societies less violent (they are the most reasonable)

Don’t know anything about that so I don’t have an opinion.  

You’re welcome to share what you know about it with me.

why are deeplly religious states violent?

What are you referring to here?   Specific “religions”?  Religion in general?  Christianity?  Islam?  Hinduism?  Something else?

the commandments are sorely lacking as well, the first are about worshipping god etc, absurd. nothing about rape, incest.

To an atheist, worshipping God would be absurd.  

nothing about rape, incest.

Exodus 20:14 - “You shall not commit adultery."

We see morality in other species are well, concepts of fairness in monkey's, sharing, social exclusion of thiefs in bird communities it serves a rational purpose.

God created some animals with soulish qualities of life… Hebrew they are referred to as “nephesh”.    They can exhibit some moral qualities of humanity.

Despite that I wouldn’t design a system of morality for humanity based upon the code of monkeys or birds.   I would appeal to a higher standard.

If I work for something, you taking it doesn't make much sense, I would not like this, others would not like this, it's immoral.

What if my family needs what you have in order to preserve our lives and the happiness we enjoy?    

You say it’s immoral that I take your stuff.  I say it’s moral that I take your stuff.    Who’s right?

There is no universal morality, it's based on reason, this is why we see wholely different standards across the world.

Correct, morality via humanity is subjective.   Varies from place to place, group to group and person to person.  

What one group deems “good” another might deem “bad”.