Author Topic: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread  (Read 599235 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #950 on: September 07, 2015, 06:34:29 PM »
Interesting stories about Dillett, i remember he always thanked his jamaican mother for the calves, not his white father... Dear mr Breite, any inside stories regarding fixed matches in MMA? UFC or Pride... I'm friend with a known Renzo's student, nothing but good and nice things for him, seems really a great guy...

Actually, I was talking about Benny.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #951 on: September 07, 2015, 06:53:51 PM »
  Just when I thought my admiration of Pellius had reached its height, we get this.
  Pellius is exactly correct about the fights that were made on those Indian Reservations back in the early days.  You were lucky to be
paid $300 for the fight and the rules, or should I say, lack thereof, were rarely enforced.  That was for guys who really wanted to test themselves.
  Uriah Faber talks about that scene in his book which is part Joel Osteen, part Tony Robbins and part really kool.
  I keep telling you guys, Pellius is no joke.  And to compete in the BJJ Pan Ams?  Many say those are even more difficult than the Mundials.

I'm in my fifties now and hardly a beast on the mat these days. I can literally start from my big toe and work my way up to my head and practically every part of me has been injured in some way: ankles, knees, torn quad, broken ribs (about four to five times each side)....
It's the knees, lower back, and shoulders that give me the most and constant problems.

I once had my shoulder come completely out of my socket with my hand hanging down to past my knee. Shockingly, Rickson knew exactly what to do and popped it right back in. With the surgery and rehab I was out for about a year. I also used that time to fixed a torn menicus that I've been putting off. I figure if you are going to do the shoulder might as well do the knee.  :)

And thanks for the compliments but you are just putting a target on my back. This board is great in that you get to talk about anything but there is a lot of negativity here. Most people are not living the lives they had imagine and it makes them resentful and deal with it by bringing others done. They really resent other people's success. Believe me, there are people on this thread right now just waiting and hoping to see you fall. Then they will all come out of the wood work. Notice many of chaos remarks ("no one is dissing you (yet)). He's just waiting and hoping to pounce He's one of those that literally lives on this board, really does nothing else in his life, and just takes pot shots at people.

He'll leave you alone until he feels the tide is turning against you. Then he'll hop on the band wagon. Meanwhile, you'll just a lot of these:   ::)


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #952 on: September 07, 2015, 06:59:09 PM »
real life accomplishments hold little weight on here in comparison to 'owning' someone from a keyboard.

That was actually funny as hell.  ;D


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #953 on: September 07, 2015, 07:03:27 PM »
Dear Old School Lifter,
   I came across a response I wrote to you in regard to you asking me about Nasser.  I must have typed it first as a file and then copied and pasted it
onto GetBig during my first tour. 
  My throat is a damn mess and it's my fault for practicing guillotine escapes last night.
  Oh, the legendary Bruce Lee T-Shirt?  Big bucks when I find it.  It was purple with his image and nothing is kooler than purple and Bruce Lee.
  T Michael clothes represent a by gone era when bodybuilders had their own look and you dressed like that if you trained seriously.  It was comfortable too.
  I am working on a Motion on behalf of my Juvenile Special Needs client as a result of some Prosecutor being a rude bitch to me.  I told her I would do this and
I am keeping my word.
  Your question will soon be addressed, I promise.

Dear Harley

greatly appreciate your input on getbig.

I know you are a very busy guy so wait patiently for your valued replies.
and yes, your insights into Nasser were very interesting!


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #954 on: September 07, 2015, 07:14:51 PM »
I'm in my fifties now and hardly a beast on the mat these days. I can literally start from my big toe and work my way up to my head and practically every part of me has been injured in some way: ankles, knees, torn quad, broken ribs (about four to five times each side)....
It's the knees, lower back, and shoulders that give me the most and constant problems.

I once had my shoulder come completely out of my socket with my hand hanging down to past my knee. Shockingly, Rickson knew exactly what to do and popped it right back in. With the surgery and rehab I was out for about a year. I also used that time to fixed a torn menicus that I've been putting off. I figure if you are going to do the shoulder might as well do the knee.  :)

And thanks for the compliments but you are just putting a target on my back. This board is great in that you get to talk about anything but there is a lot of negativity here. Most people are not living the lives they had imagine and it makes them resentful and deal with it by bringing others done. They really resent other people's success. Believe me, there are people on this thread right now just waiting and hoping to see you fall. Then they will all come out of the wood work. Notice many of chaos remarks ("no one is dissing you (yet)). He's just waiting and hoping to pounce He's one of those that literally lives on this board, really does nothing else in his life, and just takes pot shots at people.

He'll leave you alone until he feels the tide is turning against you. Then he'll hop on the band wagon. Meanwhile, you'll just a lot of these:   ::)

Dear Pellius,
  The injuries and pain of which you speak are shared here too.  Age is no one's friend, especially if you've taken your body to its respective limit either in the gym, mat or cage.  My feet are perhaps the ugliest
on the planet after breaking all my toes so many times, I don't even count anymore.  All of my ribs, both sides have been broken and I proudly display my hospital wrist band after barely surviving my
Kick-Boxing Black Belt Test.  My right hand has been broken twice, once on a guy's elbow and once on someone's shin.  My knees ache and my back feels as if it has been run over.
  BUT!!!  You did it!!!!  You lived part of your dream!!!  You took the road less traveled and you can't deny the pride you have in that.  
  I don't mean to "put a target" on your back.  Why don't people embrace what you've done and ask about it?  It's not a failure on their part that you have done what you've done.  Not everyone is given
that opportunity or put in the right place at the right time.  It's not an indictment against those who did NOT do what you've done but merely recognizing what you DID accomplish.
  Very few of us live the lives to which we aspired and that does cause some internal resentment but the resentment should remain just that, internal.  It shouldn't be directed at others who have nothing to do
with your own circumstances.  Also, they shouldn't let that resentment eat them up.  Life is too short, too fragile.  There are just too many things to accomplish.  Also, accomplishments are relative to those
achieving them.  Me getting on stage in a hot body contest on Spring Break when I was 23 is for me, like having won Mr. Olympia.  I am just thrilled with that and I don't resent Phil Heath for his titles.
  If anyone really is "waiting and hoping to see me fall" then they need not wait any longer.  I fall everyday.  I hurt everyday.  I lost my Dad, 3 dogs, I stress to make money, I hate my current physical condition, etc.
  But falling is also relative.  I go spend an afternoon with one of my "Harley's Kids" and I can't help but again realize that my worst fall is nothing compared to the unfair hardships life deals out to so many who
are so much less fortunate than myself.
  We are all fighting our own demons and battles especially when we leave the house and have to deal with idiotic bosses, bitches, etc.  I would like to think that we can better recognize our shared fight
and have a bit more empathy for one another.  That is one reason it's so kool to have this site and come and interact with people who love bodybuilding, wished they looked like Flex Wheeler. love cars, love
motorcycle and do kool things that make me smile by posting pictures of chicks so hot they could melt the sun.
  Just my random thought.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #955 on: September 07, 2015, 07:23:57 PM »
two quotes I wish I heard  before I turned 50

Failure is a bruise, not a tattoo

Regret for things you have done are tempered with time, regrets for things we did not do are inconsolable.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #956 on: September 07, 2015, 07:25:27 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  The injuries and pain of which you speak are shared here too.  Age is no one's friend, especially if you've taken your body to its respective limit either in the gym, mat or cage.  My feet are perhaps the ugliest
on the planet after breaking all my toes so many times, I don't even count anymore.  All of my ribs, both sides have been broken and I proudly display my hospital wrist band after barely surviving my
Kick-Boxing Black Belt Test.  My right hand has been broken twice, once on a guy's elbow and once on someone's shin.  My knees ache and my back feels as if it has been run over.
  BUT!!!  You did it!!!!  You lived part of your dream!!!  You took the road less traveled and you can't deny the pride you have in that.  
  I don't mean to "put a target" on your back.  Why don't people embrace what you've done and ask about it?  It's not a failure on their part that you have done what you've done.  Not everyone is given
that opportunity or put in the right place at the right time.  It's not an indictment against those who did NOT do what you've done but merely recognizing what you DID accomplish.
  Very few of us live the lives to which we aspired and that does cause some internal resentment but the resentment should remain just that, internal.  It shouldn't be directed at others who have nothing to do
with your own circumstances.  Also, they shouldn't let that resentment eat them up.  Life is too short, too fragile.  There are just too many things to accomplish.  Also, accomplishments are relative to those
achieving them.  Me getting on stage in a hot body contest on Spring Break when I was 23 is for me, like having won Mr. Olympia.  I am just thrilled with that and I don't resent Phil Heath for his titles.
  If anyone really is "waiting and hoping to see me fall" then they need not wait any longer.  I fall everyday.  I hurt everyday.  I lost my Dad, 3 dogs, I stress to make money, I hate my current physical condition, etc.
  But falling is also relative.  I go spend an afternoon with one of my "Harley's Kids" and I can't help but again realize that my worst fall is nothing compared to the unfair hardships life deals out to so many who
are so much less fortunate than myself.
  We are all fighting our own demons and battles especially when we leave the house and have to deal with idiotic bosses, bitches, etc.  I would like to think that we can better recognize our shared fight
and have a bit more empathy for one another.  That is one reason it's so kool to have this site and come and interact with people who love bodybuilding, wished they looked like Flex Wheeler. love cars, love
motorcycle and do kool things that make me smile by posting pictures of chicks so hot they could melt the sun.
  Just my random thought.

Thank you for your very thoughtful response.

Most people aren't living their ideal life -- living their dream. But I learned early on that this world isn't about keeping me happy and fulfilled. Coming from a big family and being religiously grounded helps a lot. In a big family you learn that from the get go that you're nothing special and it's not all about you. With religion you believe that most of things that you think are so important in life mean little or nothing on your death bed. Your judgment day.

“God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.”

― Elbert Hubbard


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #957 on: September 07, 2015, 07:34:14 PM »
Thank you for your very thoughtful response.

Most people aren't living their ideal life -- living their dream. But I learned early on that this world isn't about keeping me happy and fulfilled. Coming from a big family and being religiously grounded helps a lot. In a big family you learn that from the get go that you're nothing special and it's not all about you. With religion you believe that most of things that you think are so important in life mean little or nothing on your death bed. Your judgment day.

“God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.”

― Elbert Hubbard

Dear Pellius,
  Yours is quite an insightful perspective.  I am glad that your religious beliefs have given you both strength and comfort.
  I cannot derive those benefits from the same source as you, as I am an atheist but that doesn't mean I can't agree on some of the basic tenets.
  I will respectfully differ on the notion that we ourselves are nothing special.  The concept of "special" can denote different ideals and some of them are
admittedly, self aggrandizing and self centered but it can also serve to inspire thought, question, progress and individuality in some who think that they
are, in some way, "special."  Special need not mean better, but rather, different.
  As far as the quote from Hubbard, as long as he is correct about the presence of God and God's concern for any of us when this all ends, I seem to have
all of what he mentioned covered for better or worse.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #958 on: September 07, 2015, 07:35:23 PM »

Regret for things you have done are tempered with time, regrets for things we did not do are inconsolable.

That is the best thing I have read in a very long time.

Las Vegas

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #959 on: September 07, 2015, 07:41:04 PM »
^Yes, great quote.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #960 on: September 07, 2015, 07:54:22 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  Yours is quite an insightful perspective.  I am glad that your religious beliefs have given you both strength and comfort.
  I cannot derive those benefits from the same source as you, as I am an atheist but that doesn't mean I can't agree on some of the basic tenets.
  I will respectfully differ on the notion that we ourselves are nothing special.  The concept of "special" can denote different ideals and some of them are
admittedly, self aggrandizing and self centered but it can also serve to inspire thought, question, progress and individuality in some who think that they
are, in some way, "special."  Special need not mean better, but rather, different.
  As far as the quote from Hubbard, as long as he is correct about the presence of God and God's concern for any of us when this all ends, I seem to have
all of what he mentioned covered for better or worse.

I don't mean special in the sense that you are better than others. That you are entitled to be treated as special. And I want to be emphasized the word "entitled". There are some out there for various reason should be treated as special. I mean, when they carted Reagan into the hospital after being shot I'm sure everyone was on high alert. I showed Rickson more reverence (for lack of a better word) as my instructor and how he has distinguished himself in his field more than I would a classmate. I always made sure that I stood up when I greeted him.

But that would be different if Rickson walked around like he was some god and that people should bow down to him. That he felt entitled to be treated special.

I have a feeling life has embittered him somewhat and he has grown distrustful of people. With you, I am very surprised because you are a friend of the family and a friend to one that is closest to Rickson -- his brother, Royler.

We are all unique and special in a sense that there is nobody else like you or me. But when you step on the mat for some free training you're just like everybody else and if you think that just because you were this or that colored belt is going to get you special treatment, well it reminds me of a friend when he got his Black Belt from Rickson. After the ceremony and the hugs, high fives and back slapping he whispered to me, "Now I have a target on my back."

Everyone wants a shot at tapping or at least "hanging" with a Black Belt.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #961 on: September 07, 2015, 08:08:41 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  I like to think of competing as "The Great Equalizer" in that, at that very moment when the referee lets you go, nothing external matters.
  The car I drive is irrelevant.  How many languages I speak is irrelevant.  My bank is irrelevant.  The watch I wear is irrelevant.  How many gorgeous woman with whom I have
struck out is irrelevant. 
  All that stuff that gives us comfort, that gives us "respect" from others, all of it just flies out the window.
  I despise all these guys at the gym who HAVE TO walk up to every other guy and shake his hand and ask, "how are you doing"?  What is it about these guys
that makes them so insecure that they need that validation from other guys in the gym to make them feel as if they are kool, accepted or actually accomplishing
something during their time at the gym?  I find it pathetic.
  Strip away all the material things and see how comfortable you (not you, Pellius, I mean "you" in the general sense) feel about yourself.  Do you like yourself?
Are you proud of yourself?  Is it your car or your watch or your big house that makes you proud of yourself and gives you self esteem? If it is,  that is ok, too.
  But that doesn't work for all of us.  It's just not enough for some of us.
  When I compete in Brasil, I'm not a lawyer, I'm not Craig's Training Partner, I'm not wealthy.  I'm nothing but the same potential as my opponent.
  I wish I could better explain just how cathartic that makes me feel.  Color, race, occupation, wealth, possessions, having or not having a hot chick don't matter at all.
  It is so liberating to be cut down to your primordial base and see exactly how you feel and respond to stress. 
  Once I conquered that fear, I was good to go.  I silently laugh at judges and others who yell at me because I feel as if I have already conquered my inner self, or at least
I am further down that road than those who are yelling at me will ever be.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #962 on: September 07, 2015, 08:19:42 PM »

“God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas but for scars.”

― Elbert Hubbard

Cute quote but   how does he know this  ???


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #963 on: September 07, 2015, 08:22:38 PM »
The Harley/pellius novels are going to be epic....if we could just get them to post in purple.

Harley, don't pay no mind to pellius, he's still sore from his days of being raped as a jedi elf wizard thingy. Unlike pellius you've proven your words over and over, gets major kudos to put it out there like you have, pellius on the other hand just talks a mean game and has never proven a single claim.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #964 on: September 07, 2015, 08:36:39 PM »
Dear Chaos,
  I think you are mistaken.  I have great respect for Pellius and all that he has accomplished.
  I appreciate his well-thought and sincere responses and the way he provokes me to think.
  I most appreciate the fact that he doesn't force his religion or any other beliefs upon me in some effort to convince me and others
to think the way he does.  So many other people on the planet feel the need to convince others that their own opinion must be correct.
  Pellius seems to live and let live and he hasn't been antagonistic to any of my claims, ideas, theories, or even my lifestyle.
    I appreciate that in any one.
   I would like to buy him a drink at the Olympia but I am sure he would not attend such a scene in need of utter repair as is that weekend.
   For that matter, I would like to buy any GetBigger a drink at the Olympia Weekend as a sign of friendship and appreciation.
   And yes, I picked up on the GetBig thing that I should write "no homo" when making any such invitation.  Of course, if there were a GetBigger who
looked like my favorite Random Pics chicks, the "no homo" would go without say.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #965 on: September 07, 2015, 08:58:26 PM »
Far too much pellius history to rehash here.

Careful with those random pic chicks, they may come with an extra package if you know what I mean.  ;)

Edit: Favorite cigar and whiskey?


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #966 on: September 07, 2015, 09:24:09 PM »
Far too much pellius history to rehash here.

To each his own.  Live and let live

Careful with those random pic chicks, they may come with an extra package if you know what I mean.  ;)

The ones I like have no package.  Baggage, I'm sure, but package, no.

Edit: Favorite cigar and whiskey?

I don't smoke or drink whiskey which is only sure to draw more of your ire.
I have too many vices to pick up smoking and drinking.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #967 on: September 07, 2015, 09:58:13 PM »

Cute quote but   how does he know this  ???

Faith, my friend, faith. Belief in a God or belief in no God cannot be proven. These are issues of faith.

But I do know that on my death bed I won't be thinking about things I've acquired in life. What kind of car I had, or house, or watch, or shoes, how much money is in my pocket....

It keeps things in perspective for me when I determine what's important in life and the decisions I make.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #968 on: September 07, 2015, 10:06:32 PM »
Harley, this may be an inappropriate and/or awkward question for you
so no problem if you want to give this one a pass but, in your opinion, why do you think Jews are so disproportionately successful and intelligent?

As a fair warning, this board is primarily anti-semitic.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #969 on: September 07, 2015, 10:16:29 PM »
More of my ire? No, not at all! I commend you for putting yourself out there 100%, for your patience in answering questions, learning to post pics, sharing your videos and experiences here. I have zero emotion in my posts, so there is no ire. Quite the opposite, Harley. I am only asking questions like all the others. I myself, do enjoy a nice Cuban cigar several nights a week.



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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #970 on: September 07, 2015, 10:25:53 PM »
Harley, this may be an inappropriate and/or awkward question for you
so no problem if you want to give this one a pass but, in your opinion, why do you think Jews are so disproportionately successful and intelligent?

As a fair warning, this board is primarily anti-semitic.

Do you really think this is true?


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #971 on: September 08, 2015, 12:37:17 AM »
Do you really think this is true?

Well, at least they are the most vocal.

As far as I can tell, only Coach and myself has been open about our support of Israel.

The Ugly

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #972 on: September 08, 2015, 01:34:25 AM »
More of my ire? No, not at all! I commend you for putting yourself out there 100%, for your patience in answering questions, learning to post pics, sharing your videos and experiences here. I have zero emotion in my posts, so there is no ire. Quite the opposite, Harley. I am only asking questions like all the others. I myself, do enjoy a nice Cuban cigar several nights a week.

Are these available now without all the sneaky-sneaky?


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #973 on: September 08, 2015, 01:41:19 AM »
More of my ire? No, not at all! I commend you for putting yourself out there 100%, for your patience in answering questions, learning to post pics, sharing your videos and experiences here. I have zero emotion in my posts, so there is no ire. Quite the opposite, Harley. I am only asking questions like all the others. I myself, do enjoy a nice Cuban cigar several nights a week.

ho ho ho ... never any ire or emotion. put you well in your place stud.. :D


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #974 on: September 08, 2015, 05:01:29 AM »
Harley, this may be an inappropriate and/or awkward question for you
so no problem if you want to give this one a pass but, in your opinion, why do you think Jews are so disproportionately successful and intelligent?

As a fair warning, this board is primarily anti-semitic.

Dear Pellius,
  When I returned to GetBig recently, I promised that if I felt I were treated just fairly, I would try to answer almost every question without turning away
from the hard or uncomfortable ones and always answer honestly.  Your question centers on a topic I will not shy from IF asked so here goes;
  My answer is that the reason for the disproportionate amount of success and intelligence from Jewish people stems from a combination of culture and genetics.
  Let's take genetics first as it is the most hostile position of my two part answer.  I do believe there is a genetic component to intelligence and a people who have
been around for over 5,700 years (and again, this is not meant to start a debate with Wiggs as I do respect his beliefs) who have been nothing but a target for total
evisceration from majority to majority must have some element of genetic intelligence in order to continually survive.  Coming to grips with the fact that a certain race,
ethnicity or people from a particular part of the world hold some genetic advantage to others from different parts of the world shouldn't shock the rational mind.  If you lived
in the middle of Africa you had better develop the ability to run faster and longer and go longer distances without water.  If you lived in the Arctic like an Eskimo you had better
develop some trait to help you adapt to the environment quicker than those who live in Aruba.  Every one has different genetic and biological advantages with which they are born
and we need to embrace and maximize them, rather than exploit them as marks of differentiation or even alleged superiority.  Darwin's "Origin of Species" is seminal in explaining
and demonstrating the importance of adaptation in order to survive.  Darwin did not say, "the strongest survive."  He said that those who are best at adaptation (the ability to change
over time to better survive circumstance and environment) will survive as a species.
  As for culture well, that is easy.  Jews for the most part don't encourage or even accept their children having dreams of become professional athletes, rappers, singers, actors, etc.
In my household, it was always said that I would become a doctor, dentist or lawyer and that was the hierarchy of prestige.  My sister would become a teacher like my Mom.  It's a culture
that rewards and promotes a reverence for scholarship, not home runs in little league.  Don't for a moment think that the idea of doing worse than my first cousins on my SAT didn't petrify my poor
mom who was unfortunately caught up in the senseless competition of all that.  Of course there are exceptions within the few million Jews who live in America but that only serves to
prove the rule.  Positive reinforcement and ego development are based upon scholastic achievement and that is the culture.  People are free to argue if it is for the better or for the worse.
  Having said that, I do always like to joke that Christians place their faith in a Jewish "only son" who left his mother to become a carpenter.  Of course,  I kid when I say that but the idea relates
more to what Jewish people have attempted to achieve over the years and where they place their efforts.  Nobel Prizes just mean more to them than Grammy's or Super Bowl rings.  