Author Topic: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread  (Read 599254 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1800 on: October 11, 2015, 06:23:05 PM »
The idea of race and culture is one the subjects Mark and I would debate. I like the idea of just differentiating people just by their behavior. If you're a good guy, you're a good guy; and if you're a bad guy, you're a bad guy. It doesn't matter what the race. But often, given the circumstance you don't have that luxury. I do believe there are behaviors that are unique to certain races and cultures. Rap music and blasting it in your in car with your windows rolled down didn't start with Whites or Asians or Mexicans. Sure they do it now but gangsta culture has become more mainstream. But it started with Blacks. There is a reason that young adult males commit disproportionately commit the amount of violent crime in our society. It endemic in their culture. A culture that just happens to be Black. A culture that has arose because of their unique circumstances. It's not their skin color per se that causes their behavior anymore than being Asian makes you eat with chop sticks. But it is something that is encourage in the culture. Doing bad in school is not treated the same in a Japanese family then it is in a Black family. But it is their race that allows us to make this value judgement as it is associated with their culture. You can just look at a Black by the way they dress and the way they speak to determine what part of the Black culture they are from. Just like you can look at a White, Asian, Mexican... whatever and also make some very accurate value judgements.

When I was working with at risk kids I noticed that first and second generation Mexicans were great. Hard workers, very humble and polite. Always stays out of trouble. By the third generation they start to go bad. You can tell by the way they dress, talk and carry themselves.

When I moved from Hawaii to Cali I had no preconceived notions whatsoever of Blacks. I lived on the part of the island where there were no military bases so I had zero experience with Blacks. When I saw them in Cali I just associated them with Hawaiians, Tongans, Samoans. Just dark skinned people with kinky hair.

Being 18 and on my own I looked for the cheapest place I could find. I was told later that I was in a Black neighborhood. It was in Inglewood about 3 miles east of Crenshaw Bl. I was unaware how on the mainland people naturally segregated themselves by race. In Hawaii everyone is mixed so there was no Hawaiian, Oriental (as we called it), Filipino..., areas. The only real segregation (and racism) was with Whites (Haoles). They tended to live in the rich areas and are the ones that get beat up in school. There's actually a "Kill Haole" day just before Christmas vacation where Haoles are targeted.

So I had no preconceived notions of Blacks when I moved to Inglewood. I do now. With inner city Blacks all of life is seen through the prism of skin color and racism. Much like the Palestinians, they are taught from birth this idea of Victimology and entitlement. How society is against them and how White people are always keeping them down and the White man owes them for past transgressions. I was especially taken at the keep seated hostility and anger towards Whites in general. It's always about how they will one rise and destroy the White authoritarianism. It's how they justify a lot of their crime. Taking back what was taken from them.

Sometimes one does not have the luxury to make a detailed assessment of the situation at hand and only has to go by previous knowledge and personal experience as well as the experience of others. If having a choice between petting an Alaskan Malamute or a Timber Wolf the choice would be obvious. And I've never yet met a Timber Wolf.

We can't give special attention to everyone going through an airport check out so we have to, or should, discriminate. A six year old child or a Swedish grandmother should garner less suspicion than a young adult Muslim wh9o just bought his ticket an hour ago. During the Cold War we had an Iron curtain in which no one from the Soviet Union and other Communist countries were allowed free entry into the U.S. Maybe we should have an Iron Veil and a similar policy  against Muslim from the Middle East.

I don't think these police had a bias towards Blacks because they were Blacks per se. Just like I had no bias towards Blacks because they were Blacks per se. But it was through first hand experience and the experience of others that developed this bias in me and a lot of police and a lot of everybody who they are too afraid to admit it. That's why when living in Inglewood I wouldn't go into a fast food place, or any place, that were filled with Blacks. Even if there was no trouble they were always loud, boisterous, profane and utterly, just utterly, oblivious to the effect they were having on people around them. Not to mention I was afraid. I had to drive to Torrance (White/Asian) or Rancho Palos Verdes (White/Asian/Jews) to watch a movie in a theatre in peace.

Same reason why a Taxi Driver, White or Black, won't pick up a Black passenger late at night. It is the behavior of the group or culture that developed the bias.

Right now I'm sitting in a food court in Kahaluu on the North East side of Oahu. It's a mostly local area on the other side of the more touristy Waikiki area so everybody here is pretty much dark/Black skin with kinky hair. I really have no feelings one way or the other. This is normal. I figure some are good and some are bad but everyone just pretty much behaves themselves. I feel in my element here. Two people here stand out like a full moon on a cloudless night. They are Mormons. Short cropped blonde hair and pale as a bleached white t-shirt. There they stand in line waiting for their order literally shinning in their white dress shirt, bow tie, and black dress pants. I know nothing about them but the economic cost of determining detailed information about them is not worth it. I just go by past experience and the preconceived notions and bias I have regarding Mormons. It is exceeding positive. They have just got their order and are heading my way. I will do what I always do when I cross paths with Mormons. I tip them a nod and greet them with a "How's it going Elders." Even though I think they're theology is a bit wacky seeing young Mormons on their mission always brings a smile to my face. Not many 18-19 years are willing to be sent all over the world to spread their faith. These are the lucky one. Drawing the Hawaii gig. Must suck seeing "Angola" on your plane ticket.  

Here they come...... "How's it going, Elders?"

Dear Pellius,
  I owed you a response to your above copied premise and needed some rest and more coffee in order to give it it's proper time and energy with which to respond.
  First, I think all rational persons would agree that when judged solely on behavior, race and culture are properly left in the corner.  We are a better civilization when we
judge others by behavior as opposed to skin color or race.
  However, you make a valid point in that there are behaviors that are "unique to certain races and cultures."  We see that exemplified more in the orthodoxy of a culture but
we can at least start with that premise.  Given the proliferation of social media, technology and the new need to know everyone else's business, there has been an inevitable
"exposure" of certain acts, behaviors and even rituals previously unknown to others outside that group's culture.  When these are shared with others, there is a certain amount
of sharing, copying and assimilation between races and cultures.  Rap music certainly didn't start in Madison, Wisconsin but you can surely bet that virtually every white 15 year old
there is aware of Chris Brown, Naz or whoever is the new rap king.  
  You wrote "There is a reason that young adult males commit disproportionately [commit] the amount of violent crime in our society.   It endemic in their culture."  
  Here, I disagree.  Violent crime by males is not as much a cultural phenomena as it is a biological, psychological and to some degree, sociological product.  On this topic, may I
recommend a book that seriously changed my life:  Robert Wright "The Moral Animal."  It's tenet is that Evolutionary Biology is not only the best explanation for each gender's behavior,
predilections and flaws, but also its best predictor.  I use that book ALL THE TIME in attempt to explain to women why they ARE different than men, why they NEED to be different than
men and why they NEED TO ACT AND BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY than men.  The book fused traditional Darwinian principles with incredibly poignant research in sociology along with the hard
  I agree with your point in that any race that promulgates detrimental behavior (your example that Black culture treats education differently than does Japanese culture-- although I would've
cited Chinese culture given their over-representation at schools such as MIT and Harvard) merely perpetuates a culture that is doomed for failure and also sentenced to be despised by other
cultures and races who may have to not only support such tragic consequences but find themselves harmed by it as well.
 As far as being able to "make some very accurate value judgments" by the way one dresses (and I understand you mean it as what I call an "Identity Badge" as to what part of the culture
they wish to ascribe) we would all be wise to exercise judicious cautiousness before making such conclusions in haste.  I myself, dress in the polar opposite when I am not in court and have
been often accused of not having a job.  I was once approached when filling my Ferrari with gas by someone who said, "you must have a great boss to let you drive his car."   I replied, "the
guy is an asshole but he has abs, a 12 inch dick and fucks strippers by the dozens."  The moron to whom I was speaking smiled and said, "Wow!!!"  
  I can't tell you how often the cops pull me over in any of my cars especially when I am with my friends, most of whom are Spanish or Black.
  If anyone has interest, I can relate a true story involving me, a Dominican stripper with implants, the cops and Washington Heights (the most populated Dominican site outside of the DR itself).
  But oh, how I agree with you on how some cultures are nurtured from the bottle of "Entitlement" and "Victim Status."  My grandfather, when being hunted by Nazis, did nothing to stop any minority
living in America from attending public, free high school.  Today's urban public libraries are empty.  There is one on the corner by my office and it is used by bums to smoke cigarettes and ask me
for money when I walk by.  
  As far as which breed to pet, I concur in that our life's experiences must sometimes lead us to make quick and less than completely informed decisions.  Those decision can sometimes mean
the difference between life and death and incorporating certain stereotypes must just prove useful in such situations.  Perhaps there is an element of untrustworthiness when we make
those decisions but how often do you see someone rely on their "instincts" and avoid a potentially horrendous situation?  The answer is, far too often.
  As far as the issue of screening Muslims at airports, as far as I recall, there have never been any Blacks or Puerto Ricans who decided to fly airplanes into buildings thus killing thousands of
people.  A certain amount of profiling is understandable under certain conditions.  What the U.S. government did to the American Japanese after Pearl Harbor was reprehensible.  Just read
U.S. vs. Karamatsu and you will be disgusted as to how the government put honest, decent Japanese Americans into camps.  Truly another disgraceful chapter in American history.
  As always, I appreciate your comments as they stimulate my brain and cause me to ponder on just how I examine life and in what manner.  
  Please send my regards to the next Elder, even if he is on his way to Angola (they speak Portuguese there so for me, it wouldn't be hard to read the news)

Army of One

  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1801 on: October 11, 2015, 06:26:52 PM »
To say nothing of the fact that a killing would defeat the entire purpose of the note.

Meant to add the killing would have to be accidental in this scenario.Maybe she was too noisy, the killer couldn't control his urges etc.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1802 on: October 11, 2015, 06:28:09 PM »
But as to an intruder coming across the girl and killing her: Who would have the incentive to write the note?

Dear Las Vegas,
  It is merely possible that after breaking in, he came across the child, she screamed, frightened him, he killed her and went upstairs to see if anyone else was there.
  He could've come across the pad and hastily concluded to write a note as to throw off suspicion.
  This is, admittedly, ludicrous, but crime is not rational and criminals have done some very stupid things in the midst of killing, especially if it wasn't planned.
  Again, I have no idea who did this and the neighbors saying the wife changed her handwriting sounds a bit like sour grapes or a desire to be heard but it could
all be true.
  But then you have to ask, how does the husband decide to save his wife from all that.
  In the end, I have no answers just speculation.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1803 on: October 11, 2015, 06:31:26 PM »
Are you saying no one should defend them?  What are you saying?

That's a good question. When there is undeniable evidence that a person molested a child (DNA proof or confession), I say skip the trial, lock them up and throw away the key.

On matters that are more "grey,"(he said, she said) it would make sense that they would need a lawyer.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1804 on: October 11, 2015, 06:34:09 PM »
Dear Harley,

But your job is to help criminals get the lowest possible jail time. Therefore, you're partly responsible for the many child molesters who get minimal sentences and are released, then abuse more children. Harley, do you agree with this? I mean, you are advocating for them to get minimal sentences. Why would you want to see a child molester let out of jail early or only serve a minimal sentence?

Dear SF1900,
  Surely you don't believe I am responsible for the actions of any other human being, especially with one who possesses a sick drive for which neither I nor he can control.
  I don't devise the penal system.  I didn't create the sentencing guidelines.  Look to your brilliant legislators and lazy prosecutors and inept detectives before looking at me as
I am the devise that cleans up the mess and exposed their inability to do the jobs for which they were chosen and ALL PAID BY THE PUBLIC.  Some of them are actually elected!!!
  Do you really believe that I "want to see a child molester let out of jail early or only serve a minimal sentence" for any other reason than to ensure a fair criminal process?  If you did,
you must not think very highly of me.
  I tell you all that you will ALL be thankful for the Defense Attorney should you yourself or a loved one be falsely charged with a crime, especially a heinous crime.  Do you honestly think
that EVERYONE in jail and prison is actually guilty and there is not a single person serving a sentence for a crime he didn't commit?  
  I just hope this is never what is needed for you to see my side of it.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1805 on: October 11, 2015, 06:37:58 PM »
That's a good question. When there is undeniable evidence that a person molested a child (DNA proof or confession), I say skip the trial, lock them up and throw away the key.

On matters that are more "grey,"(he said, she said) it would make sense that they would need a lawyer.

Dear SF1900,
  You walk such a tragically dangerous line of demarcation when you say "undeniable evidence."
  The point is HOW DID THAT EVIDENCE come to be?  Was the "confession" coerced?  You surely wont' deny that throughout history there have been thousands of coerced confessions.
  What about the corrupt lab technician or the one who simply makes a mistake and mislabels the beaker?  All of that has actually happened!!!!
  The true molester is still a molester even if the case is just "he said, she said" so why does he get a break and receive a lawyer? 
  No my friend, we are all in need of protection from the government.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1806 on: October 11, 2015, 06:42:26 PM »
Dear SF1900,
  You walk such a tragically dangerous line of demarcation when you say "undeniable evidence."
  The point is HOW DID THAT EVIDENCE come to be?  Was the "confession" coerced?  You surely wont' deny that throughout history there have been thousands of coerced confessions.
  What about the corrupt lab technician or the one who simply makes a mistake and mislabels the beaker?  All of that has actually happened!!!!
  The true molester is still a molester even if the case is just "he said, she said" so why does he get a break and receive a lawyer? 
  No my friend, we are all in need of protection from the government.

That may be all well true, but there are still thousands and thousands of child molesters walking the street due to lawyers getting them off.

Sorry, but I could never do that. Id feel too guilty.

Las Vegas

  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1807 on: October 11, 2015, 06:50:36 PM »
Meant to add the killing would have to be accidental in this scenario.Maybe she was too noisy, the killer couldn't control his urges etc.

Yes, but you have to figure that leaving both the note and the body would defy all logic.  Not to say that it couldn't happen,  but then it requires adding the belief that a man couldn't control a tiny girl without smashing her head in such a way to kill her, and don't forget you must now add the belief that his handwriting also just happens to indicate as though it's Patsy's handwriting (as the Colorado Bureau of Investigation said:  "This handwriting showed indications that the writer was Patsy Ramsey"), etc, etc, etc, etc.

But I can't say that it isn't possible.

Army of One

  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1808 on: October 11, 2015, 06:53:46 PM »
Yes, but you have to figure that leaving both the note and the body would defy all logic.  Not to say that it couldn't happen,  but then it requires adding the belief that a man couldn't control a tiny girl without smashing her head in such a way to kill her, and don't forget you must now add the belief that his handwriting also just happens to indicate as though it's Patsy's handwriting (as the Colorado Bureau of Investigation said:  "This handwriting showed indications that the writer was Patsy Ramsey"), etc, etc, etc, etc.

But I can't say that it isn't possible.

Sure its possible, just incredibly unlikely.Like I said, neither parent fits the profile to be an abuser or child killer, more likely covering up for someone who didn't know any better at that age.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1809 on: October 11, 2015, 06:54:09 PM »
That may be all well true, but there are still thousands and thousands of child molesters walking the street due to lawyers getting them off.

Sorry, but I could never do that. Id feel too guilty.

Dear SF1900,
  It's what makes the world go around; different people are suited for different things, neither better nor worse.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1810 on: October 11, 2015, 06:54:50 PM »
Dear SF1900,
  It's what makes the world go around; different people are suited for different things, neither better nor worse.

True, we need those without a conscience to be lawyers.  ;D ;D


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1811 on: October 11, 2015, 06:55:50 PM »
tommy, will you say the nature of the trouble?  don't feel like you need to, though, if you don't want to say (just ignore this if u want)

Totally fine.  Drugs and guns. Nothing special.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1812 on: October 11, 2015, 06:56:16 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  I owed you a response to your above copied premise and needed some rest and more coffee in order to give it it's proper time and energy with which to respond.
  First, I think all rational persons would agree that when judged solely on behavior, race and culture are properly left in the corner.  We are a better civilization when we
judge others by behavior as opposed to skin color or race.
  However, you make a valid point in that there are behaviors that are "unique to certain races and cultures."  We see that exemplified more in the orthodoxy of a culture but
we can at least start with that premise.  Given the proliferation of social media, technology and the new need to know everyone else's business, there has been an inevitable
"exposure" of certain acts, behaviors and even rituals previously unknown to others outside that group's culture.  When these are shared with others, there is a certain amount
of sharing, copying and assimilation between races and cultures.  Rap music certainly didn't start in Madison, Wisconsin but you can surely bet that virtually every white 15 year old
there is aware of Chris Brown, Naz or whoever is the new rap king.  
  You wrote "There is a reason that young adult males commit disproportionately [commit] the amount of violent crime in our society.   It endemic in their culture."  
  Here, I disagree.  Violent crime by males is not as much a cultural phenomena as it is a biological, psychological and to some degree, sociological product.  On this topic, may I
recommend a book that seriously changed my life:  Robert Wright "The Moral Animal."  It's tenet is that Evolutionary Biology is not only the best explanation for each gender's behavior,
predilections and flaws, but also its best predictor.  I use that book ALL THE TIME in attempt to explain to women why they ARE different than men, why they NEED to be different than
men and why they NEED TO ACT AND BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY than men.  The book fused traditional Darwinian principles with incredibly poignant research in sociology along with the hard
  I agree with your point in that any race that promulgates detrimental behavior (your example that Black culture treats education differently than does Japanese culture-- although I would've
cited Chinese culture given their over-representation at schools such as MIT and Harvard) merely perpetuates a culture that is doomed for failure and also sentenced to be despised by other
cultures and races who may have to not only support such tragic consequences but find themselves harmed by it as well.
 As far as being able to "make some very accurate value judgments" by the way one dresses (and I understand you mean it as what I call an "Identity Badge" as to what part of the culture
they wish to ascribe) we would all be wise to exercise judicious cautiousness before making such conclusions in haste.  I myself, dress in the polar opposite when I am not in court and have
been often accused of not having a job.  I was once approached when filling my Ferrari with gas by someone who said, "you must have a great boss to let you drive his car."   I replied, "the
guy is an asshole but he has abs, a 12 inch dick and fucks strippers by the dozens."  The moron to whom I was speaking smiled and said, "Wow!!!"  
  I can't tell you how often the cops pull me over in any of my cars especially when I am with my friends, most of whom are Spanish or Black.
  If anyone has interest, I can relate a true story involving me, a Dominican stripper with implants, the cops and Washington Heights (the most populated Dominican site outside of the DR itself).
  But oh, how I agree with you on how some cultures are nurtured from the bottle of "Entitlement" and "Victim Status."  My grandfather, when being hunted by Nazis, did nothing to stop any minority
living in America from attending public, free high school.  Today's urban public libraries are empty.  There is one on the corner by my office and it is used by bums to smoke cigarettes and ask me
for money when I walk by.  
  As far as which breed to pet, I concur in that our life's experiences must sometimes lead us to make quick and less than completely informed decisions.  Those decision can sometimes mean
the difference between life and death and incorporating certain stereotypes must just prove useful in such situations.  Perhaps there is an element of untrustworthiness when we make
those decisions but how often do you see someone rely on their "instincts" and avoid a potentially horrendous situation?  The answer is, far too often.
  As far as the issue of screening Muslims at airports, as far as I recall, there have never been any Blacks or Puerto Ricans who decided to fly airplanes into buildings thus killing thousands of
people.  A certain amount of profiling is understandable under certain conditions.  What the U.S. government did to the American Japanese after Pearl Harbor was reprehensible.  Just read
U.S. vs. Karamatsu and you will be disgusted as to how the government put honest, decent Japanese Americans into camps.  Truly another disgraceful chapter in American history.
  As always, I appreciate your comments as they stimulate my brain and cause me to ponder on just how I examine life and in what manner.  
  Please send my regards to the next Elder, even if he is on his way to Angola (they speak Portuguese there so for me, it wouldn't be hard to read the news)

You are a very sharp individual. When I make it to your part of town, I'll buy you a drink. Thanks for posting here.

Las Vegas

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1813 on: October 11, 2015, 06:56:56 PM »
Sure its possible, just incredibly unlikely.Like I said, neither parent fits the profile to be an abuser or child killer, more likely covering up for someone who didn't know any better at that age.

I agree one-hundred percent.  That's what everything leads to, all the way.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1814 on: October 11, 2015, 06:57:13 PM »
True, we need those without a conscience to be lawyers.  ;D ;D

Dear SF1900,
  You made me laugh aloud.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1815 on: October 11, 2015, 07:00:26 PM »
Totally fine.  Drugs and guns. Nothing special.
  Send lawyers, guns and money.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1816 on: October 11, 2015, 07:00:47 PM »
Dear Las Vegas,
  It is merely possible that after breaking in, he came across the child, she screamed, frightened him, he killed her and went upstairs to see if anyone else was there.
  He could've come across the pad and hastily concluded to write a note as to throw off suspicion.
  This is, admittedly, ludicrous, but crime is not rational and criminals have done some very stupid things in the midst of killing, especially if it wasn't planned.
  Again, I have no idea who did this and the neighbors saying the wife changed her handwriting sounds a bit like sour grapes or a desire to be heard but it could
all be true.
  But then you have to ask, how does the husband decide to save his wife from all that.
  In the end, I have no answers just speculation.
The notion that a burglar would break into an extravagant home surely protected by security devices, happen across a little girl wandering around the house in the middle of the night, murder her, and then rather than fleeing with her body or without her, would look around the home to find a pen and two fresh pieces of paper and sit down and craft a two page letter while a dead or dying girl lies at one's feet isn't ludicrous. It's preposterous. Not even remotely plausible. To suggest otherwise in an insult to reason and a birthing of the growing notion that we should replace common sense with tin foil hat conspiracies.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1817 on: October 11, 2015, 07:04:59 PM »
The notion that a burglar would break into an extravagant home surely protected by security devices, happen across a little girl wandering around the house in the middle of the night, murder her, and then rather than fleeing with her body or without her, would look around the home to find a pen and two fresh pieces of paper and sit down and craft a two page letter while a dead or dying girl lies at one's feet isn't ludicrous. It's preposterous. Not even remotely plausible. To suggest otherwise in an insult to reason and a birthing of the growing notion that we should replace common sense with tin foil hat conspiracies.

Dear SquidVicious,
  While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I did write that the scenario was "ludicrous" but you must have skipped that, I can tell you one thing with certainty.
  Had I represented ANYONE indicted for that murder and spent time honing that above argument, I would MOST CERTAINLY have created at least 1 reasonable doubt in at
least 1 juror and then--GAME OVER- I WIN!!!
  If that person accused had been you and you had the intelligence and money to hire me, you would have a bit more respect for my argument, especially after it saved your guilty ass. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1818 on: October 11, 2015, 07:06:04 PM »
Training MMA today

Army of One

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1819 on: October 11, 2015, 07:07:36 PM »
Harley, what is your IQ measured at?

Las Vegas

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1820 on: October 11, 2015, 07:12:02 PM »
Dear Las Vegas,
  It is merely possible that after breaking in, he came across the child, she screamed, frightened him, he killed her and went upstairs to see if anyone else was there.
  He could've come across the pad and hastily concluded to write a note as to throw off suspicion.
  This is, admittedly, ludicrous, but crime is not rational and criminals have done some very stupid things in the midst of killing, especially if it wasn't planned.
  Again, I have no idea who did this and the neighbors saying the wife changed her handwriting sounds a bit like sour grapes or a desire to be heard but it could
all be true.
  But then you have to ask, how does the husband decide to save his wife from all that.
  In the end, I have no answers just speculation.

Yes, people do crazy things.  Some activity simply cannot be explained, other than to say it's performed in the absence of reason.

The problem comes in when someone must continue stacking one unbelievable conclusion upon the next, because at some point it requires a reality check.  In the case of figuring this scenario, that requirement comes very early and often.

But as you say, we weren't present so we'll probably never know.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1821 on: October 11, 2015, 07:13:33 PM »
Harley, what is your IQ measured at?

Dear Army of One,
  I think the whole IQ thing is over-rated.

Army of One

  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1822 on: October 11, 2015, 07:16:59 PM »
Dear Army of One,
  I think the whole IQ thing is over-rated.

I agree it can be quite narrow, nevertheless I can't see a scenario where yours would not be high. (no homo)

Las Vegas

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1823 on: October 11, 2015, 07:24:31 PM »
Harley, I know you mentioned it, but could you give a few more thoughts on what happened with the grand jury? 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1824 on: October 11, 2015, 07:27:48 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  I owed you a response to your above copied premise and needed some rest and more coffee in order to give it it's proper time and energy with which to respond.
  First, I think all rational persons would agree that when judged solely on behavior, race and culture are properly left in the corner.  We are a better civilization when we
judge others by behavior as opposed to skin color or race.
  However, you make a valid point in that there are behaviors that are "unique to certain races and cultures."  We see that exemplified more in the orthodoxy of a culture but
we can at least start with that premise.  Given the proliferation of social media, technology and the new need to know everyone else's business, there has been an inevitable
"exposure" of certain acts, behaviors and even rituals previously unknown to others outside that group's culture.  When these are shared with others, there is a certain amount
of sharing, copying and assimilation between races and cultures.  Rap music certainly didn't start in Madison, Wisconsin but you can surely bet that virtually every white 15 year old
there is aware of Chris Brown, Naz or whoever is the new rap king.  
  You wrote "There is a reason that young adult males commit disproportionately [commit] the amount of violent crime in our society.   It endemic in their culture."  
  Here, I disagree.  Violent crime by males is not as much a cultural phenomena as it is a biological, psychological and to some degree, sociological product.  On this topic, may I
recommend a book that seriously changed my life:  Robert Wright "The Moral Animal."  It's tenet is that Evolutionary Biology is not only the best explanation for each gender's behavior,
predilections and flaws, but also its best predictor.  I use that book ALL THE TIME in attempt to explain to women why they ARE different than men, why they NEED to be different than
men and why they NEED TO ACT AND BE TREATED DIFFERENTLY than men.  The book fused traditional Darwinian principles with incredibly poignant research in sociology along with the hard
  I agree with your point in that any race that promulgates detrimental behavior (your example that Black culture treats education differently than does Japanese culture-- although I would've
cited Chinese culture given their over-representation at schools such as MIT and Harvard) merely perpetuates a culture that is doomed for failure and also sentenced to be despised by other
cultures and races who may have to not only support such tragic consequences but find themselves harmed by it as well.
 As far as being able to "make some very accurate value judgments" by the way one dresses (and I understand you mean it as what I call an "Identity Badge" as to what part of the culture
they wish to ascribe) we would all be wise to exercise judicious cautiousness before making such conclusions in haste.  I myself, dress in the polar opposite when I am not in court and have
been often accused of not having a job.  I was once approached when filling my Ferrari with gas by someone who said, "you must have a great boss to let you drive his car."   I replied, "the
guy is an asshole but he has abs, a 12 inch dick and fucks strippers by the dozens."  The moron to whom I was speaking smiled and said, "Wow!!!"  
  I can't tell you how often the cops pull me over in any of my cars especially when I am with my friends, most of whom are Spanish or Black.
  If anyone has interest, I can relate a true story involving me, a Dominican stripper with implants, the cops and Washington Heights (the most populated Dominican site outside of the DR itself).
  But oh, how I agree with you on how some cultures are nurtured from the bottle of "Entitlement" and "Victim Status."  My grandfather, when being hunted by Nazis, did nothing to stop any minority
living in America from attending public, free high school.  Today's urban public libraries are empty.  There is one on the corner by my office and it is used by bums to smoke cigarettes and ask me
for money when I walk by.  
  As far as which breed to pet, I concur in that our life's experiences must sometimes lead us to make quick and less than completely informed decisions.  Those decision can sometimes mean
the difference between life and death and incorporating certain stereotypes must just prove useful in such situations.  Perhaps there is an element of untrustworthiness when we make
those decisions but how often do you see someone rely on their "instincts" and avoid a potentially horrendous situation?  The answer is, far too often.
  As far as the issue of screening Muslims at airports, as far as I recall, there have never been any Blacks or Puerto Ricans who decided to fly airplanes into buildings thus killing thousands of
people.  A certain amount of profiling is understandable under certain conditions.  What the U.S. government did to the American Japanese after Pearl Harbor was reprehensible.  Just read
U.S. vs. Karamatsu and you will be disgusted as to how the government put honest, decent Japanese Americans into camps.  Truly another disgraceful chapter in American history.
  As always, I appreciate your comments as they stimulate my brain and cause me to ponder on just how I examine life and in what manner.  
  Please send my regards to the next Elder, even if he is on his way to Angola (they speak Portuguese there so for me, it wouldn't be hard to read the news)

That's why I wanted to specifically point out the difference between women and men when they go bad (heart ache to their family in the case of women and a menace to society in the case of men). When I said that Black young adult males disproportionately represent the amount of violent crime in our culture it was in the context that not only are they young adult males (the highest percentage of violent crime in all races and culture) but it's more predominate in Black culture not because of their skin color as such but because of their culture. A fatherless culture due in no small part to the role the government played in the creation of the welfare State and assuming the role of the father/provider. I am not sure that everyone is aware that the Black family unit was very close prior to the welfare State going all the way back to slavery.

Of course one may argue that this proves that it is not the skin color per se but the culture. That it has nothing to do with race. But I do think there are behaviors and cultural norms unique to a particular race and there one can make value judgments on that. After all, the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorist but the vast majority of  terrorist are Muslims. Driving a Lambo while dressed as a homeless person does not discount the fact that anyone driving a Lambo represent a small percentage of the population with certain, very unique, traits common to them all. But of course there are always exceptions. But that's why they are called exceptions. You are very unique. Just being a New York Jew and a Defense Attorney would put you in the ultra liberal side of the political spectrum. Your views of government intrusion and gun ownership nixes that right away.

Many years ago I was having work done on my place. The first guy  was White came up and talked with me and my impression was pretty neutral. Seem fine to me. Then I saw his Black partner shuffling up the stairs in casual manner. I was like, "Oh boy. Here we go." Then when he spoke to me everything change. He had an African accent. He was a real Black not an African American (who has more in common with me than he does with any real African). He was from Eritrea. I was totally put at ease. Polite, respectful, spoke perfect English and always a big smile. Of course I had to get his story how he got here from Eritrea and it really humbled me. How lucky and spoiled I am just being born here. A luck of draw that I did nothing to earn or deserve.

But the point being that even though one may have personal biases based on personal experience it doesn't discount the notion that one can also recognize the many exceptions.

Since I started out with a blank slate when I first moved to Inglewood it doesn't bother me when people like Dr. Chimps calls me a racist. He may claim to be just as comfortable going into a Jack in the Box in Inglewood at 2:00 am with his girl friend as he would be in Redondo Beach. But even Jack in the Box knows better from real world experience. Their drive-in in Inglewood has a bullet proof plexiglass barrior between the customer and clerk and you speak through a speaker and your sliding door can't open when their side is open to slide your order into the "neutral zone" and you feel like a dangerous

It's easy to pass judgment in the comfort of your home and safe neighborhood with zero experience as to what life is like in a gang ridden inner city.