Author Topic: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread  (Read 597003 times)

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1875 on: October 12, 2015, 10:00:21 AM »
Kudos on the not representing animal cruelty Harley. I despise it. Except porch monkey cruelty, they deserve it


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1876 on: October 12, 2015, 10:39:42 AM »
Kudos on the not representing animal cruelty Harley. I despise it. Except porch monkey cruelty, they deserve it
I despise the IRA. was their justice always correct?

The Ugly

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1877 on: October 12, 2015, 01:00:05 PM »
We have seen the alternatives.  Saudi Arabia has already killed over 130 people this year as punishment for crimes.  Some, after having given
what is publicly acknowledged as "coerced confessions."  Nazi Germany had a "court system."  That didn't work out too well either.

Alternatives to what? Think you quoted the wrong poster.

Ronnie Rep

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1878 on: October 12, 2015, 01:06:13 PM »
1961 Chevrolet Corvair Custom Sideload Pickup.

Never saw one of those before. My father used to collect Corvairs. I had 2 of them way back.

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1879 on: October 12, 2015, 01:22:19 PM »
I despise the IRA. was their justice always correct?
I don't know anything about them sorry


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1880 on: October 12, 2015, 04:16:17 PM »
Harley, there's nothing more disgusting to me than a man who harms animals or kids, I can't even remain calm when i read about it, and given that you have expressed your hatred for those who prey on the weak, i'm sure you feel the same. I don't understand though, how you are able to make the distinction between those who may be guilty of every other evil and utterly reprehensible crime, and those who are charged with animal cruelty?
You rationalise the difficult cases you have taken on as a defence attorney by the need to remain impartial, to make certain that each case is handled with appropriate attention to procedure in order to ensure that the state does not operate in a totalitarian manner, which i understand and agree with. But how can you then refuse the cases of alleged animal abusers, but agree to represent paedophiles and those who have harmed children?

Dear CaptainFreedom,
  Your point and question are very well framed and deserve a response.  You may not like it, but here it is:
  I do believe that even those who are charged with animal abuse need to be protected from any abuse of the criminal justice system.
  However,  I can't bring myself to ensure that I can do what a defense attorney is supposed to do, and to the best of my ability in order to ensure there is no abuse of the system.
  If I can't give that to the client, I should not have the client.
  Now you ask, "Well how do you bring yourself to that level for pedophiles and rapists but not animal abusers?"
  The answer:  I don't know.  I can't explain it.  The animal abuser hits me viscerally.  It's not that I want children harmed in any way at all.  Perhaps because I don't have children
of my own but I don't honestly believe that is the real answer.  It is just something internally that allows me to shut it all off and deal with the pedophiles whereas, the animal abusers,
I can't even look at them without wanting to thigh kick them and then put my fingers through their eye sockets. 
  No, it doesn't make any sense.
  BUT, why does someone's moral platform have to make sense?  Why must it conform to the rest of society's?  Why must it be approved by everyone else?
  It can't and that is why some attorneys do what I do and some do what I can't.  I had big money (ok, "big money" is a relative term, but 5 figures) thrown at me on more
than one occasion from a person charged with animal abuse and because I knew or felt they did it, I kicked it right back and denied the case. 
  Everyone's moral barometer is charged a bit differently.  I understand why Army of One attacks me on this issue (and maybe others too) and I don't say he is wrong.
  I just know what happens when the government wrongfully charges and illegally prosecutes a person, a family, a group of people, a race, a religion, a sexual proclivity, etc.
  I do want someone to represent the animal abuser to make sure he gets a fair shake but it doesn't have to be me.  I don't even like the attorneys who take those dog fighting
cases which are common where I work.  I didn't like them before and I liked them less when I found out about it.  But, I do still think their clients have a right to a lawyer.

Army of One

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1881 on: October 12, 2015, 04:25:40 PM »
Harley, I didn't attack you on the issue, there are so few people on earth who will not pick money over anything that isn't family, I simply wondered if you were one of the few.Its just means you have a normal mindset.How many doctors are turning down 50 million dollars if it means they can't ever work in a hospital saving lives?Very few, if any.

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1882 on: October 12, 2015, 06:01:14 PM »
Never saw one of those before. My father used to collect Corvairs. I had 2 of them way back.

What do you remember about them, RR?

Las Vegas

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1883 on: October 12, 2015, 06:21:28 PM »
All Corvair


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1884 on: October 12, 2015, 08:01:57 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  Might you agree that comparing the job of a defense attorney is a far cry from a Nazi concentration camp soldier walking people into an oven as per his "orders"?
  When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a wretched physical being, a partially defeated dreamer and a terribly flawed human being who aspired to live a better moral standard
and not let his "id" get so much the better of him.
  But I also see someone who hasn't hurt another with malice, unless deserved.  I see someone who has actually helped a few people in his day and most of them, without any
publicity.  I see someone who stood up to bullies, be it in the courtroom, the gym, the street or anywhere else where the weak and disadvantaged were preyed upon by
"the more fortunate" and "the pretty people."
  I don't believe in God so I need only answer to myself, those whom I love and those whom I respect.
  My job is just that.  A job that this government has condoned and permitted and has actually been shown to help more persons than it hurts.  The guy tearing down trees in order
for us to have more Starbucks or The Pope going to Africa and telling them not to practice birth control seem to me to do much more damage than me perhaps getting more lenient
deals for those who transgress the law. 
  I can live with myself and the internal struggles I face each and every day have nothing to do with some client who may or may not become a recidivist after I am done with my job.
  I don't control the free will of others.  Let the State do their job correctly and we will have much less to worry about.

I was hoping you weren't going to imply that I was making a moral equivalence with Nazis to what you do. That's why I left out the qualification since I though it was obvious that nobody would do that. I was making the point that just because something is your job and/or you are under orders it doesn't relieve one of the personal responsibilities of that act.

And that is one of the main difference between one who believes they have to answer to a value system outside of themselves with one who only answers and is accountable only to themselves. When a person only has to answer to himself they can always do a little hand waving and justifying as to why they are the exception. I don't trust human nature. And why I don't want people to make their own rules for themselves. One's value system simply becomes situational ethics with a lot of exceptions so that one can feel good about one's self. One may not trust other's nature but they themselves are different. We are always the exception to the rule.

Should that be the goal in one's life? To feel good about yourself? What if you ask did I do a good thing? Did I make the world a better place? Was justice done? If you get a person off for a crime that you just know in your heart he did. If you kill an innocent person because it was your job. Did you do a good thing? Is the world just a little bit better because of it?

It doesn't matter whether or not there is any "malice" in hurting or not hurting anyone. Bertrand Russell remarked in his book, "Unpopular Essays,  “Most of the greatest evils that man has inflicted upon man have come through people feeling quite certain about something which, in fact, was false.”

I truly doubt that Pol Pot or Stalin got up every morning and said to themselves, "OK, so how can I make the world an even more miserable place? How can I increase the suffering of people throughout the world?" (And I'm not...sigh, comparing you to Pol Pot or Stalin).

How one feels about what they do is less important than the results and consequences of what they do.

I don't mean to imply in any way that you don't do good in this world. We've all experience injustice and, at least for me, it drives me nuts and I don't want to stand for it, I never forget it and stews in me constantly. I just want to know that when one is called upon to defend the indefensible does one put their humanity on the shelf or compartmentalize. I don't doubt you are at peace with what you do. When one essentially makes their own moral rules and answers only to themselves it's practically inevitable. But is that necessarily a good thing? To always be sure that when all is said and done and the smoke clears that one is positive in their righteousness. Does a bodybuilder after winning the Mr. O look at himself and say that it's done. He's the best. He's perfect. There is nothing more to do. Does a fighter, once he wins the belt; now can stop learning, refining, polishing, advancing? Is one, or should one, ever really be completely at peace?

This is not an attack on your character. It's just an opportunity for me, and all of us, to get a perspective from one who has to live with these moral dilemmas in real life with real life and death consequences, if in fact they are even dilemmas at this point.

Correcting an injustice is a great, great thing you do. A great thing. The injustice and unfairness in this world is the number one thing that gnaws and eats away at me about this world. Why I think God, if he truly is omnipotent, did a bad job and makes me question if he truly is good. Even as a kid I remember the phrase I used most often, "It's not fair!" And the reply was always, "Life isn't fair."

But why?

“In the little world in which children have their existence, whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt as injustice.”
― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations  


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1885 on: October 12, 2015, 08:12:03 PM »
I remember a good boxer who i won´t name here told me .. Drink a large glass of water before a meal.

I once came across to diet supplement at Vitmin Shoppe. It was some kind of super high fiber cracker that when you eat and then drink a half of glass of water it swelled to like six times it's original size in about 15 minutes. You took it about, well,  15 minutes before you ate. It essentially shrunk your stomach capacity so that you got full faster.

I never used it since gaining weight is more my problem but I really liked the concept. Instead of those stimulants that rev you up possibly causing heart problems and other health risks this seemed totally harmless and seem to make sense. I mean, most don't get enough fiber anyway and fiber alone can lower the glycemic index of food and fill you up faster. Sort of why juicing three apples and drinking it versus eating three apples are worlds apart. Same calories but one fills you up way more as juicing simply removes the fiber in the fruit so that you are just left with the fructose.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1886 on: October 12, 2015, 08:13:22 PM »
Kudos on the not representing animal cruelty Harley. I despise it. Except porch monkey cruelty, they deserve it

Racist post reported.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1887 on: October 12, 2015, 08:15:54 PM »
I despise the IRA IRS. was their justice always correct?



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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1888 on: October 12, 2015, 08:24:37 PM »
Harley, Does the penal system allow inmates to generate an income by writing about a crime that that inmate committed?

Take SwiFT JUSTICE for instance!


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1889 on: October 13, 2015, 01:49:11 AM »
I once came across to diet supplement at Vitmin Shoppe. It was some kind of super high fiber cracker that when you eat and then drink a half of glass of water it swelled to like six times it's original size in about 15 minutes. You took it about, well,  15 minutes before you ate. It essentially shrunk your stomach capacity so that you got full faster.

I never used it since gaining weight is more my problem but I really liked the concept. Instead of those stimulants that rev you up possibly causing heart problems and other health risks this seemed totally harmless and seem to make sense. I mean, most don't get enough fiber anyway and fiber alone can lower the glycemic index of food and fill you up faster. Sort of why juicing three apples and drinking it versus eating three apples are worlds apart. Same calories but one fills you up way more as juicing simply removes the fiber in the fruit so that you are just left with the fructose.
Good point about the apples. People drink a lot of calories too. I still see ads on the TV here for Diet pills of all sorts mostly like what you mentioned but it can´t be healthy. i think i´ll stick to a glass of water.. ;D

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1890 on: October 13, 2015, 03:05:14 AM »
Dear CaptainFreedom,
  Your point and question are very well framed and deserve a response.  You may not like it, but here it is:
  I do believe that even those who are charged with animal abuse need to be protected from any abuse of the criminal justice system.
  However,  I can't bring myself to ensure that I can do what a defense attorney is supposed to do, and to the best of my ability in order to ensure there is no abuse of the system.
  If I can't give that to the client, I should not have the client.
  Now you ask, "Well how do you bring yourself to that level for pedophiles and rapists but not animal abusers?"
  The answer:  I don't know.  I can't explain it.  The animal abuser hits me viscerally.  It's not that I want children harmed in any way at all.  Perhaps because I don't have children
of my own but I don't honestly believe that is the real answer.  It is just something internally that allows me to shut it all off and deal with the pedophiles whereas, the animal abusers,
I can't even look at them without wanting to thigh kick them and then put my fingers through their eye sockets. 
  No, it doesn't make any sense.
  BUT, why does someone's moral platform have to make sense?  Why must it conform to the rest of society's?  Why must it be approved by everyone else?
  It can't and that is why some attorneys do what I do and some do what I can't.  I had big money (ok, "big money" is a relative term, but 5 figures) thrown at me on more
than one occasion from a person charged with animal abuse and because I knew or felt they did it, I kicked it right back and denied the case. 
  Everyone's moral barometer is charged a bit differently.  I understand why Army of One attacks me on this issue (and maybe others too) and I don't say he is wrong.
  I just know what happens when the government wrongfully charges and illegally prosecutes a person, a family, a group of people, a race, a religion, a sexual proclivity, etc.
  I do want someone to represent the animal abuser to make sure he gets a fair shake but it doesn't have to be me.  I don't even like the attorneys who take those dog fighting
cases which are common where I work.  I didn't like them before and I liked them less when I found out about it.  But, I do still think their clients have a right to a lawyer.
in other words you are a profesional


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1891 on: October 13, 2015, 03:22:30 AM »
Hey Guys,
  You all raise wonderfully stated positions which are going to require a bit of time to properly respond.
  This is really causing me to think and you know how lawyers feel about honest thinking.  LOL


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1892 on: October 13, 2015, 05:04:33 AM »
Hey Guys,
  I threw someone out of my office last night and terminated the consult.
  I told him I didn't want his case.
  Don't get too excited, he wasn't a pedophile and I haven't changed my position on that one issue.

Ronnie Rep

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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1893 on: October 13, 2015, 05:31:58 AM »
Harley, how did it go with the Pro Hoc Vice we spoke about. Let me know. PM me or call me.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1894 on: October 13, 2015, 05:32:18 AM »
Hey Guys,
  I threw someone out of my office last night and terminated the consult.
  I told him I didn't want his case.
  Don't get too excited, he wasn't a pedophile and I haven't changed my position on that one issue.
End of the day Harley you are your own man and don´t have to explain anything to people on here. I am sure a lot of people end up in court for the wrong reasons too.. I know a Guy who got the revenge of his ex Girlfriend  and had to defend himself in Court. A hurt woman is a Dangerous thing ! ;D


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1895 on: October 13, 2015, 05:38:35 AM »
Dear Donny,
  I came here on GetBig to engage in discourse (no homo) so these conversations are perfectly acceptable and in fact, quite
though provoking.  Even those whose positions are different have been quite kind and thoughtful in expressing their views without
any personal attacks.  You guys are much smarter and sensitive than the bodybuilding world gives you credit.
  Well, I have 13 cases on today before I hit the gym at 4:30 pm so I am off to court.
  I do have to take some time and respond so hopefully tomorrow, all that will get done.
  I have enjoyed all of this and hope that in some way, I have contributed to a nice experience for some people.
  Maybe one day, I will win over Herne.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1896 on: October 13, 2015, 06:58:28 AM »
Dear Harley,

We all know you are an over achiever and a bit OCD in cramming as much in a day as you can. But don't make this board become work. We are just so fascinated and grateful to have someone like you to bounce ideas and pick your brain. But take your time and don't feel you have to address every issue or even give a reason why you can't. Some are very involved and can't be answered in a couple of sessions.

I just don't want you to feel that you have to start writing essays after a long day at work and gym/dojo.

You're a good man.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1897 on: October 13, 2015, 04:40:16 PM »
Dear Pellius,
  That was very kind of you to write and I am flattered.
  I do think that perhaps sometimes I rush an answer fearing that you guys might think I am ignoring you or not interested.
  On the contrary, I very much enjoy the interaction.  I am going to respond in a timely manner as always but will try to put a bit
more time into the longer responses rather than rush them jus to prove I am still here.
  Perhaps this may ingratiate me to Herne a bit.


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1898 on: October 13, 2015, 07:28:54 PM »
How do u stay so calm and collected when presenting or debating?


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Re: Harley Breite - Appreciation thread
« Reply #1899 on: October 14, 2015, 12:53:57 PM »
Hey Guys,
  Do any of you ever feel as if all you wanted to do was to liberate yourself from all the stress your job creates?
  I so often think of Michael Douglas' character in "Falling Down" and admire how he was able to just let it all go
and dish out true justice to all the stupid idiots who unnecessarily tried to make his life more difficult.
  Sometimes I wish I could do that.
  Whenever I see that classic photo of him in that white short sleeved shirt carrying the black bag through traffic, I smile
and root for him all over again.