Author Topic: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?  (Read 13458 times)

Darren Avey

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Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« on: September 03, 2015, 08:59:41 AM »
Some are saying what a tragedy others are saying one less potential Jihadi to worry about in twenty years. What do you enlightened folk think?

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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2015, 09:05:52 AM »
The media is so shameless, they're using it as their latest pro-immigration centerpiece.  I know that much.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2015, 09:12:44 AM »
Yup....theres hundreds of bodies in the Mediterranean ....I'm sure a lot of them are children.
This is an attempt by the media to shame some countries into taking in millions of people .
If we didn't destabilize the entire area by taking out Sadamm and Momar and trying to shove democracy down their throats we wouldn't have this problem to begin with.Too fvckin late now.Gemany alone is expected to assimilate almost 1 million immigrants a year !


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 09:16:42 AM »
Yes its sad and tragic. Beyond that, does it affect most people? No.

It'd be nice if the kid hadn't died, but the same can be said for billions of others. It hasn't changed my day one bit. Unfortunately kids are dying horribly ever day, I don't need to see and hear about it via every media source going.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 09:18:26 AM »
It will become one of the most iconic photos of the 21st century and will be used by almost every part of the political spectrum for their own purposes.

RIP little dude. You deserved better than what the world gave you.

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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2015, 09:32:22 AM »
The sociopaths controlling the media couldn't possibly care less about the child, for obvious reasons.  Let's get that out of the way right off the bat.  If they were capable of caring, they wouldn't be trying so hard to destroy the world.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 09:39:52 AM »
It will become one of the most iconic photos of the 21st century and will be used by almost every part of the political spectrum for their own purposes.

RIP little dude. You deserved better than what the world gave you.

Every time I think that this place is full of nothing but douchebags - I read a post like this and realize that there are some good cats here.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2015, 09:42:14 AM »
yes leftist media just use it for political leverage

very obvious for us with critical and logical thinking

sheeps will swallow the bait


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2015, 09:47:01 AM »
Very sad. Looked like a normal family.

RIP, and hopefully the father finds solace.

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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2015, 09:47:42 AM »
leftist media just use it for political leverage

Is FOX the right media?  Because Rupert Murdoch wants to push immigration on us like no one else.

Didn't you know that?


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2015, 10:17:44 AM »
It is very sad. Poor kid. :'(

It is unfortunately now being used as a tool for the liberal media to shame Europeon countries into accepting all the refugees. That's bound to happen though.

TBH, Syrians are decent folk and their women are pretty hot. I don't have too much issue with allowing them in as long as the countries of the resources to cope. Most of them will be Shia as well who are the better type of Muslim.
The biggest problem is if you start letting the thousands in, you'll have millions at the borders before you know it. :-\


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2015, 10:23:39 AM »
The sociopaths controlling the media couldn't possibly care less about the child, for obvious reasons.  Let's get that out of the way right off the bat.  If they were capable of caring, they wouldn't be trying so hard to destroy the world.

ANOTHER great post. The sociopaths in the media and the government are tearing us down.

Its absolutely foolish for people to believe that we can continue like this. I am as down to Earth and skeptical as ANYONE - but I can see what is happening. The only chance we have - is to get back to strong fiscal conservatism and less government intrusion in our personal lives.

We need to stop being such gluttons for misery. Its sickening how much the world CRAVES to see sensational - horrific suffering and tragedy.

America (and I know some tool will say there is no 'America' so I will say The United States) needs to start leading the world through its INTERNAL actions. That doesn't mean a weak defense - quite the contrary. What it means is that our military should NEVER be used to push the agenda of those in power. If there is a threat - we swiftly and violently neutralize it. What we do NOT do is try to project American values on others. In my opinion - if we take care of ourselves and create an environment in the US that the rest of the world can admire - change WILL take place globally. "Cramming" democracy down peoples throats has never and will never work.

*****THE PROBLEM *****   There is FAR too much money in war..  We could build a military 100% designed for defense on 1/100th the budget currently spent AND it would be 100 times stronger. Our soldiers - sailors - airmen and Marines would have MUCH MUCH better equipment with this philosophy. The military would no longer be a social experiment either. The intestinal fortitude and moral of the military would increase dramatically - as there would be no doubt the "reason" for their jobs. Special Ops would be the standard - and the waste of resources would be gone. The citizens would be see these things and the ripple effect would be incredible.

I am probably rude on here and I am sure may come across as arrogant and I apologize for that. I honestly don't have a ton of time to read through posts and I often post before reading much at all. The fact is that IRL I am not that way at all and don't want to be perceived that way although I will never divulge my real info (not that I am famous or even well known).. I actually care immensely about people. I have been fortunate (wont say Blessed because the atheists aren't very tolerant) and I want to see others successful. That's one of the things about GB that is sickening. The ONLY reason that people are negative about others is because they are disappointed in themselves. I could care less about seeing pics of members - but I know that only a few % actually LOOK like they are into BB. I cant for the life of me understand why a scrawny or fat guy would come here unless he was busting his ass to get in shape and wanting to learn (but GB isn't exactly a place to learn anything). That cat that had pics of himself in a chef costume and smoking beside his motorcycle - LOL I mean come on man???  

All that being said - sadly GB is a microcosm of the real world. The world is so full of jealousy and that one emotion fuels a HUGE % of the worlds problems. God humbled me long ago - but Pride is another emotion that is deadly. I am sure the insecure atheists will say that my faith confirms my ignorance. I will not even indulge that argument. I WILL say that I learned long ago that its wise to employ people smarter than yourself  ;).  

Need to get back to doing something productive - hope you cats have an outstanding day!

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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2015, 01:47:01 PM »
It's just very sad. Nothing else to say.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2015, 01:48:50 PM »
Natural selection.  Nothing more, nothing less.   :-\


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2015, 01:50:37 PM »
Some are saying what a tragedy others are saying one less potential Jihadi to worry about in twenty years. What do you enlightened folk think?

One less potential Jihadi to worry about in twenty years.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2015, 01:52:14 PM »
One less potential Jihadi to worry about in twenty years.

I'd add:  If his total retard of a father had stayed put in Turkey, the kid would still be alive.  That family was safe in Turkey, and could have worked and lived with their Muslim brethren.  But I guess that just wasn't good enough...


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2015, 03:03:35 PM »
Pro immigration ammunition in Sweden

My Facebook is flaring up with leftists crying over this

I just unfollow whoever posts third world problems


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2015, 03:48:10 PM »
Horrible :-[


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2015, 03:53:14 PM »
Pro immigration ammunition in Sweden

My Facebook is flaring up with leftists crying over this

I just unfollow whoever posts third world problems

The media is cynically manipulating people, and "useful idiots" like the ones you see on Facebook are taking the bait and running with it.

Qatar hasn't taken in a single refugee, and yet they're reportedly budgeting a quarter of a trillion dollars for the 2022 World Cup.  Why do you think this is?  And why aren't leftist pieces of shit protesting this "injustice"?  Why is Europe forced to "make sacrifices" and "do its fair share" -- and why does the media, and its useful idiots, keep pushing, incessantly, for mass immigration into Europe?


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2015, 03:55:37 PM »
Its the Ghost of Osama Bin Ladden recruiting members unda da sea

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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2015, 03:58:21 PM »
he's dead, who gives a shit, doesnt matter


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2015, 04:01:48 PM »
ANOTHER great post. The sociopaths in the media and the government are tearing us down.

Its absolutely foolish for people to believe that we can continue like this. I am as down to Earth and skeptical as ANYONE - but I can see what is happening. The only chance we have - is to get back to strong fiscal conservatism and less government intrusion in our personal lives.

We need to stop being such gluttons for misery. Its sickening how much the world CRAVES to see sensational - horrific suffering and tragedy.

America (and I know some tool will say there is no 'America' so I will say The United States) needs to start leading the world through its INTERNAL actions. That doesn't mean a weak defense - quite the contrary. What it means is that our military should NEVER be used to push the agenda of those in power. If there is a threat - we swiftly and violently neutralize it. What we do NOT do is try to project American values on others. In my opinion - if we take care of ourselves and create an environment in the US that the rest of the world can admire - change WILL take place globally. "Cramming" democracy down peoples throats has never and will never work.

*****THE PROBLEM *****   There is FAR too much money in war..  We could build a military 100% designed for defense on 1/100th the budget currently spent AND it would be 100 times stronger. Our soldiers - sailors - airmen and Marines would have MUCH MUCH better equipment with this philosophy. The military would no longer be a social experiment either. The intestinal fortitude and moral of the military would increase dramatically - as there would be no doubt the "reason" for their jobs. Special Ops would be the standard - and the waste of resources would be gone. The citizens would be see these things and the ripple effect would be incredible.

I am probably rude on here and I am sure may come across as arrogant and I apologize for that. I honestly don't have a ton of time to read through posts and I often post before reading much at all. The fact is that IRL I am not that way at all and don't want to be perceived that way although I will never divulge my real info (not that I am famous or even well known).. I actually care immensely about people. I have been fortunate (wont say Blessed because the atheists aren't very tolerant) and I want to see others successful. That's one of the things about GB that is sickening. The ONLY reason that people are negative about others is because they are disappointed in themselves. I could care less about seeing pics of members - but I know that only a few % actually LOOK like they are into BB. I cant for the life of me understand why a scrawny or fat guy would come here unless he was busting his ass to get in shape and wanting to learn (but GB isn't exactly a place to learn anything). That cat that had pics of himself in a chef costume and smoking beside his motorcycle - LOL I mean come on man???  

All that being said - sadly GB is a microcosm of the real world. The world is so full of jealousy and that one emotion fuels a HUGE % of the worlds problems. God humbled me long ago - but Pride is another emotion that is deadly. I am sure the insecure atheists will say that my faith confirms my ignorance. I will not even indulge that argument. I WILL say that I learned long ago that its wise to employ people smarter than yourself  ;).  

Need to get back to doing something productive - hope you cats have an outstanding day!

A very good post.
Sadly it's likely to be missed by many
As its to serious, to honest, & to much to read.

Things do need to change.
I just doubt they will any time soon.


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2015, 04:09:15 PM »
is it sad...sure. But y is this more important or sad than the THOUSANDS of other kids that probably drown. Its just the media taking advantage of  a picture they got

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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2015, 04:28:39 PM »
Anyone with kids will feel shitty seeing such images, on the other hand I don't want my country fucked up for my kids in the future...

They need to support the Syrian government and help to stabilise Libya and solve the problem at the root, fuck having all our towns messed up, the state can barely provide for what we have


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Re: Whats your view on that little kid washed up on the beach?
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2015, 04:32:38 PM »
Great replies here.....lets continue with why the fvck aren't any of the Arab countries stepping up to help ?