
  • Getbig V
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You didn't destroy me at all because i agree with you on that first part. Those are my views too. It was justifiable in a sense, but many innocent died when it happened and there is no hiding that. Many more would have died on both sides...But the demographic is what i talk about...Soldiers would have died...The innocents lives were sacrificed for the further prosperity of both countries as a whole, no? That's what it looks like when you put it in perspective....

I'm not concerned with the tax breaks?? Why do you think i support Trump, lol? He totally hates that the rich are not paying much but getting paid in lump some....He is including himself in this and will further help help circulate the money through the country by his tax policy propositions (his description of it is almost 60 minutes long, VERY SPECIFIC) that is what he excels at...Oppose to someone like Bernie Sanders who will just print money and devalue the US dollar....Trump will actually circulate the money that already exists throughout the public because he's an economic genius..This is what he does...Turned 200 million into 10+ billion....Bernie will devalue the economic potential of college students earning for short term loan reliefs....This is not good....Peoples earning potential is much higher right now....By making the colleges free you're essentially making it so your long-term earning potential after you get that job is much lower..But the short term is higher...Which is not good....The reason it doesn't look like that right now and it looks all messed up is not because people aren't making enough money...THEY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THEIR OWN MONEY...They're never taught in school...Devaluing US dollar is not the answer....Trump will circulate the money so that the wealth gap isn't as much...So that the middle class can AFFORD college all while there isn't another cent printed more than normal...Which means oil trade will continue being in the US dollar as well and we will be more stable than ever which sets up the debt ceiling to be smaller and smaller....Bernies proposed tax plan is 20 TRILLION dollars....I don't know how anyone could even vote for that communist...He's the opposite of what the American dream is....Truth be told he would probably die or get dementia (which is already setting in) before he even finished his first term

 ;D ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
Wrong.  Obama was supposed to negotiate a new SOFA.  He didn't want too, because he wanted to keep his campaign promise of ending the war in Iraq.  He sent Biden to negotiate, which ended in failure.  He then claimed credit for ending the war in Iraq.  When it blew up in his face and was questioned, he claimed he didn't have a choice.  Incredibly dishonest man. If he left behind a stabilizing force like the military (and common sense) recommended, ISIS would not be in control of large portions of Iraq today.  One of the president's many foreign policy failures. 

The SOFA was already negotiated by Bush......and again who is to be believed???????...ORDIERNO...war hero and commander of Iraqi forces ........................ .......OR............... ...Dos Equis ....getbig poster

I rest my case

Dos Equis

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The SOFA was already negotiated by Bush......and again who is to be believed???????...ORDIERNO...war hero and commander of Iraqi forces ........................ .......OR............... ...Dos Equis ....getbig poster

I rest my case

Your case is full of holes. 

Did you watch the clip? 


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
Your case is full of holes. 

Did you watch the clip? 

I did....and he did.....end of story...and its not mY story...ITS THE TRUTH ACCORDING TO ODIERNO....its his you are telling us here that you HAVE MORE CREDIBILITY THAN GEN, ORDIERNO....??????

you're really demented now

Dos Equis

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I did....and he did.....end of story...and its not mY story...ITS THE TRUTH ACCORDING TO ODIERNO....its his you are telling us here that you HAVE MORE CREDIBILITY THAN GEN, ORDIERNO....??????

you're really demented now

Are you that much of a true believer that you didn't see how incredibly dishonest he was?  He was bragging about ending the war in Iraq, then when it fell apart, claimed the war ended because he didn't have a choice.  I guess I don't really expect you to see it for what it is, because Obamabots don't really care about the facts, but it is plain as day. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
Are you that much of a true believer that you didn't see how incredibly dishonest he was?  He was bragging about ending the war in Iraq, then when it fell apart, claimed the war ended because he didn't have a choice.  I guess I don't really expect you to see it for what it is, because Obamabots don't really care about the facts, but it is plain as day. you're reaching...which proves you've completely run out of you're claiming that an honorable man, war hero, commander of U.S. forces is a liar.......WOW

is that what you are NOW claiming after I totally destroyed your arguments??????????

Dos Equis

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  • Getbig V
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  • I am. The most interesting man in the world. (Not) you're reaching...which proves you've completely run out of you're claiming that an honorable man, war hero, commander of U.S. forces is a liar.......WOW

is that what you are NOW claiming after I totally destroyed your arguments??????????

I know you have a lot invested in the Messiah, like most of his true believers, but you cannot change the facts.  You cannot change history.  Both disagree with you. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Our forefathers would be shooting by now
This thread is GOLD JERRY GOLD!!!!!

Holyshit you lefties are deluded idiots. The world is on fire because of Obama...directly because of Obama, not despite of him, not because of Bush...because of Ol Barry. We have beaten this horse to people can't win with facts. Its comedy gold....


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
I know you have a lot invested in the Messiah, like most of his true believers, but you cannot change the facts.  You cannot change history.  Both disagree with you. 

uh huh.,,....just because you say so???.......all of your blustering and posturing isn't going to get you over this're dead wrong and you know it...move've lost all credibility and now I've reduced you to making up your own facts now.....I expect stuff like that from Soul Crusher who I drove off the board many months ago....but now you've officially stepped into his category

Dos Equis

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  • Getbig V
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This thread is GOLD JERRY GOLD!!!!!

Holyshit you lefties are deluded idiots. The world is on fire because of Obama...directly because of Obama, not despite of him, not because of Bush...because of Ol Barry. We have beaten this horse to people can't win with facts. Its comedy gold....



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
This thread is GOLD JERRY GOLD!!!!!

Holyshit you lefties are deluded idiots. The world is on fire because of Obama...directly because of Obama, not despite of him, not because of Bush...because of Ol Barry. We have beaten this horse to people can't win with facts. Its comedy gold....

Agreed...we're laughing at you and the Republicans daily

Dos Equis

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uh huh.,,....just because you say so???.......all of your blustering and posturing isn't going to get you over this're dead wrong and you know it...move've lost all credibility and now I've reduced you to making up your own facts now.....I expect stuff like that from Soul Crusher who I drove off the board many months ago....but now you've officially stepped into his category

I made up that clip of Obama?  

You drove Soul Crusher off the board?  Oh good grief.  lol  You sound like a friggin screwball.  lol . . . .


  • Getbig IV
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I made up that clip of Obama?  

You drove Soul Crusher off the board?  Oh good grief.  lol  You sound like a friggin screwball.  lol . . . .

lmao this was just worded very funny hahahah


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
I made up that clip of Obama?  

You drove Soul Crusher off the board?  Oh good grief.  lol  You sound like a friggin screwball.  lol . . . .

you used to be a respected poster...what happened to you???I guess Obama drove you nuts like he did the rest of the Tea Party


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 979
you used to be a respected poster...what happened to you???I guess Obama drove you nuts like he did the rest of the Tea Party

You were never a respected poster, so it really isn't your job to judge the quality of others posting history.  Yet another thread where you whine about racism....I'm shocked.  Where were you to assess racism when Obama attended Jeremiah wright's racist anti-American church; or when he quickly gets involved with every black criminal being killed/arrested without knowing the facts.  But then again that is your thing, you cry about racism without proof, all the while you have a hatred and resentment for whitey.  People like you will never accomplish anything because you always make excuses as to why you are an incompetent piece of shit.

In the future, can you just start a recurring "andreisdaman racism accusation" thread.  It's the common theme in your postings anyhow


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 979
While I'm at it, what is your opinion of Obama associating himself with a well known racist/race baiter, al sharpton.  Afterall, if we are going to complain about racism, I think it would only be fair to request that the person you are claiming to be the victim should have clean hands on the issue of racism himself. 

And if you can't admit to sharpton being a racist, or if you deny obama' association with him, you are just dishonest.  Any rational person, be it black, white, etc should question the professionalism of that relationship.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Kill it
While I'm at it, what is your opinion of Obama associating himself with a well known racist/race baiter, al sharpton.  Afterall, if we are going to complain about racism, I think it would only be fair to request that the person you are claiming to be the victim should have clean hands on the issue of racism himself. 

And if you can't admit to sharpton being a racist, or if you deny obama' association with him, you are just dishonest.  Any rational person, be it black, white, etc should question the professionalism of that relationship.

Don't forget that a NYC businessman who was white was jailed for owing less than half of the taxes that Sharpton does....While Al can walk in and out of the whitehouse with no problems and be alongside the mayor of Baltimore....Pathetic

The liberals have made it so the judicial system is afraid of prosecuting black people because they're afraid that the uneducated masses are going to wreak havoc on the towns if they imprison them...Funny thing is these people know nothing about the cases nor follow them even though they're publicly televised...


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 979
Let me be clear, I have a disdain for any form of racism, and if these guys actually had proof of Republicans opposing Obama as a result of race, I would be all for exposing everyone involved.  The reality is they don't have any real proof, just baseless accusations.  It has always been the nature of political parties to oppose the other party, regardless of the issue.  Yet, andre here automatically chalks it up to racism because he has likely been doing that his entire life with his own shortcomings.  

In contrast, Obama continues to find himself involved with toxic racially motivated people, yet andre is quiet.  


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6587
  • Getbig!
Don't forget that a NYC businessman who was white was jailed for owing less than half of the taxes that Sharpton does....While Al can walk in and out of the whitehouse with no problems and be alongside the mayor of Baltimore....Pathetic

The liberals have made it so the judicial system is afraid of prosecuting black people because they're afraid that the uneducated masses are going to wreak havoc on the towns if they imprison them...Funny thing is these people know nothing about the cases nor follow them even though they're publicly televised...

Yep no black people is imprisoned in the US. Good point.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 979
Yep no black people is imprisoned in the US. Good point.

Nice way to try and manipulate what he said.  If you think fear hasn't affected law enforcement's handling of black rioters in Ferguson, Baltimore and other recent areas, you are in pure denial.  All of that was allowed to happen as a result of liberal pressure and fear of being labeled racist


  • Getbig IV
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  • Kill it
Yep no black people is imprisoned in the US. Good point.
wanna know why they're imprisoned? Because they commit many crimes. I'm not racist either it's just a statistical overwhelming fact. I know you liberals will blame the court system and the police but NOTHING can justify those overwhelming statistics. Also, there would be MANY MORE and BIG NAMES if the judicial system wasn't affected by the radical public. There are many personalities that get let off Scott free because of their power in the black community and their following. People say they're sick of the constant arrests...we can't say we are sick of them constantly breaking the law? Since when is arresting people for constant crime a boring burden to society all of a sudden? They justify committing 50% of the homicides in the country and only taking up about 10% of the population by saying it's the polices fault that they're stereotyped? please....a girl kills herself in jail after an arrest for a minor offense and then the cop is called a murderer by millions because she is emotionally unstable and a coward?? He gets so depressed he quits his job he has a family and nobody cares? Your life and following is backwards


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
You were never a respected poster, so it really isn't your job to judge the quality of others posting history.  Yet another thread where you whine about racism....I'm shocked.  Where were you to assess racism when Obama attended Jeremiah wright's racist anti-American church; or when he quickly gets involved with every black criminal being killed/arrested without knowing the facts.  But then again that is your thing, you cry about racism without proof, all the while you have a hatred and resentment for whitey.  People like you will never accomplish anything because you always make excuses as to why you are an incompetent piece of shit.

In the future, can you just start a recurring "andreisdaman racism accusation" thread.  It's the common theme in your postings anyhow

OH WOW...thank you SO much Mr. 53 posts.....

You need to stay out of other people's feuds if you don't understand the history and don't know what you're talking about....I've been here ten just got here an hour ago.....and if you are so blindfolded that you can't see that oftentimes Obama's treatment is tied to his race then you should stop posting here and stay in the explicit sex thread where you can be with like-minded people and mastubate all day


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
While I'm at it, what is your opinion of Obama associating himself with a well known racist/race baiter, al sharpton.  Afterall, if we are going to complain about racism, I think it would only be fair to request that the person you are claiming to be the victim should have clean hands on the issue of racism himself. 

And if you can't admit to sharpton being a racist, or if you deny obama' association with him, you are just dishonest.  Any rational person, be it black, white, etc should question the professionalism of that relationship.

I'm not a Sharpton fan but to just paint him as a "racist" is mising the point....I've followed Sharpton for a long time since he has a big history here in NY and he is a rabblerouser, not a racist.....when people are assaulted or murdered by police they need someone who has a media following to get their point out to the media...Sharpton fulfills that role...BUT.....people call him and ask him to to do that....and he charges a fee for that.....I DON'T LIKE SHARPTON BUT HE DOES FIGHT FOR THE LITTLE GUY (WHILE ENRICHING HIMSLEF) for Obama's association with him, there is no big time association as you are trying to imply, but thats politics......its the same whereby Republicans have associations with racist organizations like the "(white) Citizen's Councils all across the south


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
Don't forget that a NYC businessman who was white was jailed for owing less than half of the taxes that Sharpton does....While Al can walk in and out of the whitehouse with no problems and be alongside the mayor of Baltimore....Pathetic

The liberals have made it so the judicial system is afraid of prosecuting black people because they're afraid that the uneducated masses are going to wreak havoc on the towns if they imprison them...Funny thing is these people know nothing about the cases nor follow them even though they're publicly televised...

you're really going overboard...I see no such "fear" as you put it by the judicial system seeing that blacks all over the US are being sent to long prison terms on a daily basis...that "fear" in in your own mind...what this has to do with Obama destroying Republicans is beyond me


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
Nice way to try and manipulate what he said.  If you think fear hasn't affected law enforcement's handling of black rioters in Ferguson, Baltimore and other recent areas, you are in pure denial.  All of that was allowed to happen as a result of liberal pressure and fear of being labeled racist

you're amazing.....riots are seldom reacted to with commensurate force....look at all the riots by white people when pro sports and college teams win ..especialy hockey teams...they loot, set fires, turn over cars, smash things..etc....does the law comedown harshly on them???????....NO...this is normal police procedure not to be tough on rioters....

everything in your mind is a liberal plot......get help dude