Author Topic: Former Gov. Gary Johnson Announces Entry Into 2016 Presidential Race  (Read 6001 times)

Dos Equis

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the republican nominee is a 911 Cter truther.   doesn't that drive ya nuts? 

spend ten years dissing them, and now he's taking over.

I don't take anything you say at face value.  You are incapable of telling the truth.

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I don't take anything you say at face value.

Ari Fleischer accused Trump of being a 911 truther.   Who are you going to believe, awesome republican ari, or liberal trump?

Actually, trump never denies it... and he goes on alex jones and well, infowars/prison planet is pretty much working to get trump elected.

so yeah, the repub nominee is a damn big CTer.  good luck with that ;)

Dos Equis

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Ari Fleischer accused Trump of being a 911 truther.   Who are you going to believe, awesome republican ari, or liberal trump?

Actually, trump never denies it... and he goes on alex jones and well, infowars/prison planet is pretty much working to get trump elected.

so yeah, the repub nominee is a damn big CTer.  good luck with that ;)

I can tell who I don't believe:  the compulsive liar (you). 

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I can tell who I don't believe:  the compulsive liar (you).

Read about it.   Ari fleischer called Trump a 911 truther.

and yes, trump's been on jones' nutty show, and they're great buddies.

LOL at you not knowing this.  You feel dumber than ever now.  Trump is a 911 conspiracy theorist.  LOL at you not knowing this - do you even know who alex jones is?  Oh brother, you're clueless on this, huh?  No worries, read about it.


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he has /had best platform save ron paul or rand paul

would make excellent president

Don't include Rand in this comparison.  He's a total sellout.  Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are ok in my book and I am a self professed far left liberal.

Dos Equis

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Read about it.   Ari fleischer called Trump a 911 truther.

and yes, trump's been on jones' nutty show, and they're great buddies.

LOL at you not knowing this.  You feel dumber than ever now.  Trump is a 911 conspiracy theorist.  LOL at you not knowing this - do you even know who alex jones is?  Oh brother, you're clueless on this, huh?  No worries, read about it.

I feel dumber every single time I read one of your posts.  So I clicked on the link.  Here is what it says:

Ari FleischerVerified account
How can the NYT ridicule birthers then make their op-ed page home to a truther??

You claim the above twitter comment supports this:

the republican nominee is a 911 Cter truther.   

Geeze Louise.   :-[

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Care to explain his close relationship with alex jones?   ;)

Dos Equis

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Care to explain why you lied about Trump being a 9/11 Troofer?

Rhetorical question.  You are incapable of telling the truth. 

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Care to explain why you lied about Trump being a 9/11 Troofer?

Rhetorical question.  You are incapable of telling the truth. 
Donald Trump's extended riff on 9/11 last weekend — "the World Trade Center came down under the reign of George W. Bush," and so on — has not merely been rejected by the mainstream right. It has been described as disqualifying, as a conspiracy theory, as something "a liberal Democrat" (per Dick Cheney) or "Michael Moore" (per Jeb Bush) might say. And many of the critics have used a potent neologism, "truther," to insist that Trump has gone beyond the bounds of sanity.

"I thought Trump really exposed himself as a truther, and I don’t think that will play real well in South Carolina," said Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.)

Dos Equis

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Donald Trump's extended riff on 9/11 last weekend — "the World Trade Center came down under the reign of George W. Bush," and so on — has not merely been rejected by the mainstream right. It has been described as disqualifying, as a conspiracy theory, as something "a liberal Democrat" (per Dick Cheney) or "Michael Moore" (per Jeb Bush) might say. And many of the critics have used a potent neologism, "truther," to insist that Trump has gone beyond the bounds of sanity.

"I thought Trump really exposed himself as a truther, and I don’t think that will play real well in South Carolina," said Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.)

Did you read the link you just posted?

"There's really no evidence that Trump doubts the facts of 9/11 — that 19 hijackers affiliated with al-Qaeda managed to evade detection and take down four commercial planes, two of them destroying the World Trade Center and murdering thousands of people."


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Did you read the link you just posted?

"There's really no evidence that Trump doubts the facts of 9/11 — that 19 hijackers affiliated with al-Qaeda managed to evade detection and take down four commercial planes, two of them destroying the World Trade Center and murdering thousands of people."


I just bumped the Trump 911 truther thread.

Just read his statements, including those about pre-911 warnings.   

You really wanna defend this guy, I get it.

Dos Equis

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I just bumped the Trump 911 truther thread.

Just read his statements, including those about pre-911 warnings.   

You really wanna defend this guy, I get it.

Wait.  So you want me to read yet another link that doesn't support your lying, deranged rants?  LOL! 

Dos Equis

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Libertarian's Gary Johnson Vows to Target Clinton, Trump in National Race
By John Gizzi
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Hours after announcing Friday that Massachusetts’ former Republican Gov. William Weld would be his vice presidential choice, likely Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson told Newsmax that what he considered our “strongest ticket ever” would break into double digits in a fall contest with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

The former New Mexico governor, Johnson, spoke to us shortly after a Fox News poll of a three-way race including him, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, showed him drawing 10 percent among likely voters.

If those numbers were to hold up, his party could pull 10 times the best showing of any Libertarian candidate since the party began fielding nominees for president in 1972.

Along with what he considers the advantage of Weld on his ticket, Johnson feels the Libertarians will at least reach double digits in its vote total this fall because of presumptive nominees Clinton and Trump.

But the polling data suggests the Libertarians may help Trump more than hurt him.

Johnson says he will be targeting both Clinton and Trump.

"She'll do more to make government grow and isn't going to change anything," he said. "At the end of the day, taxes will go up."

He noted that Trump also is for big government and "all over the board on many issues. But if you take him at his word, his presidency means more government."

As an example of what he means, Johnson pointed to the issue of immigration and Trump's signature issue of building a wall along the southern border with Mexico.

"He says he wants to build a wall and then deport 11 million people here illegally," said the Libertarian, "That's big government right there. These are people who take jobs Americans don't want and whose only major barrier is the language, which they can overcome."

He went on to cite his disagreements with Trump's calls for requiring Apple to manufacture products in the U.S., the revival of waterboarding to interrogate prisoners in the war on terror, and killing families of suspected terrorists.

As for Trump's most recent controversial statement that he would talk to North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un, Johnson said: "I'm open to anything, but I don't see the wisdom in that. [Kim] seems to be nuts. But I do agree that North Korea is the biggest threat in the world today because one of these days, one of their ICBMs is going to work."

With both Trump and Clinton holding high unfavorables among voters, some see a third party opportunity. The Libertarians will likely have ballot access in all or almost all 50 states.

With Libertarians meeting in Orlando for their national convention May 27-28, Johnson is considered a shoo-in for another nomination for president and Weld is almost sure to be nominated for vice president.

Recalling how he and Weld were governors together in the 1990s, Johnson said, "Bill was always the smartest guy in the room" and how he admired that the Bay State governor was "fiscally conservative and socially liberal — which is where I am — and had won twice in a heavily Democratic state."

"And when President Clinton appointed Bill to be ambassador to Mexico, [the late North Carolina Republican Sen.] Jesse Helms blocked his nomination in part because he was pro-gay rights, in favor of a woman’s right to choose [abortion], and for legalization of marijuana," he told us, "These are all positions I have always held."

According to Johnson, the idea of a "Johnson-Weld" ticket "originated with me." After Weld, who now practices law in New York, replied to an email from the Johnson staff on May 10, the two spoke by phone.

Along with Weld's wife, Leslie, and Johnson's longtime campaign adviser Ron Nielson, the two former governors held a private meeting at Harrah’s Hotel in Las Vegas on May 14 and a subsequent dinner at the nearby Treasure Island restaurant.

Will he seek out Mitt Romney, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, and others pursuing a new right-of-center third party candidacy as the alternative to Trump?

"No," Johnson shot back.

Now that such hoped-for third party candidates such as retired Gen. James Mattis have said no to Kristol and Company, Johnson said, "They now can call us anytime they want. We'd be glad to meet with them."

"And I estimate it will take about $50 million for us to play in the game," he added. "That's a lot. But with two of the most polarizing figures in U.S. politics as the likely major party nominees, the Libertarian Party has more opportunities than ever before."

Las Vegas

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Almost no one knows he's running.  That can't be very helpful to him.

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Almost no one knows he's running.  That can't be very helpful to him.

IF he can get on stage at a televised debate - and that's a big IF.... 

He can provide ANY alternative to a nation that knows trump is a d-bag and hilary is an evil liar.

As long as he's not an evil lying douchebag, he can win some votes.  He won't win, of course, but he can peel 8 or 9% off in a race where both options are shithead NY liberal RINOs who stand for nothing besides grabbing power.

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IF he can get on stage at a televised debate - and that's a big IF.... 

He can provide ANY alternative to a nation that knows trump is a d-bag and hilary is an evil liar.

As long as he's not an evil lying douchebag, he can win some votes.  He won't win, of course, but he can peel 8 or 9% off in a race where both options are shithead NY liberal RINOs who stand for nothing besides grabbing power.

I'll admit to being mostly ignorant about him, but if he got onto a nationally-broadcast debate stage with the other two and he managed to administer some hard swings on them, we may be surprised at how far he could go.

But you're right, what a giant 'if' that is, to think he might get the opportunity.  Not cool at all that things are this way.

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I'll admit to being mostly ignorant about him, but if he got onto a nationally-broadcast debate stage with the other two and he managed to administer some hard swings on them, we may be surprised at how far he could go.

But you're right, what a giant 'if' that is, to think he might get the opportunity.  Not cool at all that things are this way.

The 2 in the race are both polarizing idiots and people will have to hold their nose to vote for either.

If Johnson could just show up, say positive things, keep his dignity, and avoid rolling in the mud with these 2 clods, who knows.   It's 2016.  Two lying RINOs have the nomination.  At this point, anything can really happen.

Las Vegas

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I really don't recall ever seeing the guy anywhere.  Will look up some of his debates and watch him.

If he's good, then it's all the more reason to figure they'll never let him within a 100 miles of Hillary on a stage.

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I really don't recall ever seeing the guy anywhere.  Will look up some of his debates and watch him.

If he's good, then it's all the more reason to figure they'll never let him within a 100 miles of Hillary on a stage.

He was very good on NCIS.   

Yeah, I doubt they'll let him get into the debate. Although the anti-moron feeling is strong, and even though he's unknown, he's at 11% already, to Clinton 42%, Trump 34%.     He eats a LOT of the Trump vote actually.

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Johnson-Weld Not Your Typical Third-Party Ticket

Boston Herald

With a platform that is socially liberal and fiscally conservative, the Libertarian party’s national convention will take place this Thursday through Monday in Orlando, Fla., and in a “normal” presidential election year this would be met with a “who cares.”

But — as we have seen time and time again — the 2016 election has been anything but normal.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump both have unfavorable ratings above 50 percent — meaning that when Election Day comes, millions will vote against, rather than for, one of these polarizing candidates.

Much of the electorate is starving for a third option because they believe the choice between Clinton and Trump is a choice between untrustworthy and unpredictable.

It is expected that former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson will be the Libertarian nominee.

Johnson has already announced that former Bay State Gov. Bill Weld will be his running mate.

Johnson and Weld have more governing experience — 16 years — than Clinton and Trump combined.

And although some national polls currently show Johnson earning just 10 percent of the vote, if he polls at 15 percent he will be allowed on the debate stage this fall.

But for Johnson to run for president, millions, if not billions, of dollars must be raised.

Fortunately, that tall task may be handled by Republican David Koch — a man who has a net worth of nearly $50 billion.

A story surfaced earlier this week that Koch would contribute tens of millions of dollars to Johnson’s presidential campaign, though both Johnson and Koch denied the report.

Despite their denials, the idea of Koch underwriting a Johnson-Weld ticket is not that far-fetched.

Koch, who has said he will not back Trump, is expected to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into down ballot elections and his true political soul is that of a Libertarian.

After all, Koch was the party’s nominee for vice president in 1980.

A third-party candidate has not won a state since 1968, when former Alabama Gov. George Wallace won five states and 46 electoral votes.

So the question becomes: Can Johnson-Weld win a single state? Not likely.

But this time around the Libertarian party will have a viable, experienced ticket that may be very well financed. If they are included in the debates — at least American voters will have another choice.

Las Vegas

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He was very good on NCIS.   

Yeah, I doubt they'll let him get into the debate. Although the anti-moron feeling is strong, and even though he's unknown, he's at 11% already, to Clinton 42%, Trump 34%.     He eats a LOT of the Trump vote actually.

Really, I'd say 11% is very significant in this case, because I'd imagine that's similar to the percentage of people who are even aware of him.

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Really, I'd say 11% is very significant in this case, because I'd imagine that's similar to the percentage of people who are even aware of him.

Yep.  I'd guess about 2% of the country really knows and loves this ticket.  The other 9% there are just saying "Anybody but Trump or Hilary!"

All he has to do is show up and not act the fool.   Often, the LESS the people know about a candidate, the MORE they like them.  Palin lost points every time she spoke.  Johnson should show up, act dignified, not get emotional/rattled with insults from trump, and just provide a sensible alternative to these two assclowns.

It's 2016.  Literally, anything can happen.   People are NOT voting their positions/beliefs in 2016 because, well, those of trump and hilary are just so close.  People are voting for personality, leadership, strength, control, etc.  So any odd positions Johnson may carry - they might not hurt him all that much.

Las Vegas

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Yep.  I'd guess about 2% of the country really knows and loves this ticket.  The other 9% there are just saying "Anybody but Trump or Hilary!"

All he has to do is show up and not act the fool.   Often, the LESS the people know about a candidate, the MORE they like them.  Palin lost points every time she spoke.  Johnson should show up, act dignified, not get emotional/rattled with insults from trump, and just provide a sensible alternative to these two assclowns.

It's 2016.  Literally, anything can happen.   People are NOT voting their positions/beliefs in 2016 because, well, those of trump and hilary are just so close.  People are voting for personality, leadership, strength, control, etc.  So any odd positions Johnson may carry - they might not hurt him all that much.

I really hate to say this, but considering the above from the Herald, it seems we're back to pointing at Hillary.  How in the bleeding hell is it that everything seems to benefit her, despite her worthlessness as a candidate?

Dos Equis

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Libertarians pick ticket, slam Trump
By Eli Watkins, CNN
Sun May 29, 2016

Orlando, Florida (CNN)Libertarians on Sunday selected a presidential ticket headed by former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who lit into presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on immigration and a range of other issues.

At the party convention in Orlando, Florida, Johnson got his preferred running mate, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, in a weekend gathering that drew sharp contrasts with the major party candidates -- Trump and Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee.

Johnson described the real estate mogul's immigration policies as "just racist," particularly the Republican's call to deport 11 million undocumented people currently in the country.

Libertarian activists contend their ticket could play a pivotal role in the 2016 campaign, with Trump and Clinton both viewed unfavorably by large swaths of the electorate. Even grabbing a small percentage of the vote in key states could affect the Electoral College calculus.

Trump was a frequent target of criticism of many Libertarians at the weekend convention. In addition to immigration participants particularly took issue with Trump's stated positions on international trade and national security -- all of which stand in firm opposition to a party that tends to favor lax immigration restrictions, free trade and is skeptical of military intervention. Austin Petersen, one of the presidential candidates who lost to Johnson, called Trump a fascist, a term regularly echoed throughout the convention.

At one point on Sunday, an announcer told the convention that Trump had begun attacking Johnson and Weld. The audience roared in approval at the news. It was not immediately apparent what attacks the announcer was referring to, but in a statement to the New York Times about Weld, Trump said, "I don't talk about his alcoholism."

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday night.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

Weld, for his part, took a somewhat more nuanced tone toward the Libertarians' rivals.

"Someone doesn't have to be disaffected with Ms. Clinton to think that we have a good story," Weld said. "One doesn't have to be Never Trump to see that we were two of the most fiscally conservative governors in the United States."

Thanking the Libertarian delegates after his victory, Johnson played up his general election chances.

"At a minimum, I think we're in the presidential debates," Johnson said to cheers.

Johnson also called for inclusion in more national polling surveys.

"This is another voice at the table," Johnson said. "How about some skeptic at the table when it comes to these military interventions?"

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote. But his preferred choice for the vice-presidential nomination, Weld, also came up just short of 50 percent on the first round of balloting, leading to a second vote, which he won with just over 50 percent of the vote.

Many Libertarian activists were skeptical of Weld, arguing his 1991-97 gubernatorial tenure saw too much growth in government and new gun control measures. But Johnson argued Weld could bring momentum and fundraising power to the Libertarian ticket, and the delegates obliged him.

"I pledge to you that I will stay with the Libertarian Party for life," Weld said before the vice presidential nominating contest.

Johnson received almost 1 percent of the general election vote in 2012, but said that in a year of unpopular offerings from the Democratic and Republican parties, he stands a chance of breaking through.

A recent national poll had Johnson receiving 10 percent of support from registered voters, drawing his strongest support from respondents under 35. Another national poll showed 44 percent of registered voters would want a third party to run against Trump and Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee.

The Libertarian Party is the only third party with ballot access in 50 states. This means Johnson will be the only alternative to Trump and Clinton available to all voters in this election.

Just before the nomination vote, Johnson said if he were to win the nomination, he would head to New York on Monday for media opportunities.
Johnson, who served as New Mexico governor as a Republican from 1995-2003, said too few people knew what a Libertarian is, and that his job is to change that.

Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark spoke to press following the nomination process, discussing the Libertarian Party's outreach and fundraising efforts. Sarwark said the party had established a "back channel" to the Koch brothers, in the hopes the wealthy libertarian-leaning funders donate to the Libertarian Party. Sarwark also said he had been speaking to Matt Kibbe, former president of conservative advocacy group Freedomworks, about supporting the party's nominee.

The convention at times got rowdy. Many candidates issued lengthy protests and changed strategies throughout the day. Delegates stormed through the halls with signs and chants. At one point, a man did a striptease on stage until he sat before the audience -- and live television -- in nothing but his underwear.

"Never underestimate the ability of Libertarians to shoot themselves in the foot," said Christopher Barber, a delegate from Georgia, said before and after the display on stage.


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Libertarians pick ticket, slam Trump
By Eli Watkins, CNN
Sun May 29, 2016

Orlando, Florida (CNN)Libertarians on Sunday selected a presidential ticket headed by former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who lit into presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump on immigration and a range of other issues.

At the party convention in Orlando, Florida, Johnson got his preferred running mate, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld, in a weekend gathering that drew sharp contrasts with the major party candidates -- Trump and Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee.

Johnson described the real estate mogul's immigration policies as "just racist," particularly the Republican's call to deport 11 million undocumented people currently in the country.

Libertarian activists contend their ticket could play a pivotal role in the 2016 campaign, with Trump and Clinton both viewed unfavorably by large swaths of the electorate. Even grabbing a small percentage of the vote in key states could affect the Electoral College calculus.

Trump was a frequent target of criticism of many Libertarians at the weekend convention. In addition to immigration participants particularly took issue with Trump's stated positions on international trade and national security -- all of which stand in firm opposition to a party that tends to favor lax immigration restrictions, free trade and is skeptical of military intervention. Austin Petersen, one of the presidential candidates who lost to Johnson, called Trump a fascist, a term regularly echoed throughout the convention.

At one point on Sunday, an announcer told the convention that Trump had begun attacking Johnson and Weld. The audience roared in approval at the news. It was not immediately apparent what attacks the announcer was referring to, but in a statement to the New York Times about Weld, Trump said, "I don't talk about his alcoholism."

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment Sunday night.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

Weld, for his part, took a somewhat more nuanced tone toward the Libertarians' rivals.

"Someone doesn't have to be disaffected with Ms. Clinton to think that we have a good story," Weld said. "One doesn't have to be Never Trump to see that we were two of the most fiscally conservative governors in the United States."

Thanking the Libertarian delegates after his victory, Johnson played up his general election chances.

"At a minimum, I think we're in the presidential debates," Johnson said to cheers.

Johnson also called for inclusion in more national polling surveys.

"This is another voice at the table," Johnson said. "How about some skeptic at the table when it comes to these military interventions?"

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote. But his preferred choice for the vice-presidential nomination, Weld, also came up just short of 50 percent on the first round of balloting, leading to a second vote, which he won with just over 50 percent of the vote.

Many Libertarian activists were skeptical of Weld, arguing his 1991-97 gubernatorial tenure saw too much growth in government and new gun control measures. But Johnson argued Weld could bring momentum and fundraising power to the Libertarian ticket, and the delegates obliged him.

"I pledge to you that I will stay with the Libertarian Party for life," Weld said before the vice presidential nominating contest.

Johnson received almost 1 percent of the general election vote in 2012, but said that in a year of unpopular offerings from the Democratic and Republican parties, he stands a chance of breaking through.

A recent national poll had Johnson receiving 10 percent of support from registered voters, drawing his strongest support from respondents under 35. Another national poll showed 44 percent of registered voters would want a third party to run against Trump and Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee.

The Libertarian Party is the only third party with ballot access in 50 states. This means Johnson will be the only alternative to Trump and Clinton available to all voters in this election.

Just before the nomination vote, Johnson said if he were to win the nomination, he would head to New York on Monday for media opportunities.
Johnson, who served as New Mexico governor as a Republican from 1995-2003, said too few people knew what a Libertarian is, and that his job is to change that.

Libertarian National Committee chair Nicholas Sarwark spoke to press following the nomination process, discussing the Libertarian Party's outreach and fundraising efforts. Sarwark said the party had established a "back channel" to the Koch brothers, in the hopes the wealthy libertarian-leaning funders donate to the Libertarian Party. Sarwark also said he had been speaking to Matt Kibbe, former president of conservative advocacy group Freedomworks, about supporting the party's nominee.

The convention at times got rowdy. Many candidates issued lengthy protests and changed strategies throughout the day. Delegates stormed through the halls with signs and chants. At one point, a man did a striptease on stage until he sat before the audience -- and live television -- in nothing but his underwear.

"Never underestimate the ability of Libertarians to shoot themselves in the foot," said Christopher Barber, a delegate from Georgia, said before and after the display on stage.

Fact: You are either going to live in Trump town or Hillary town, that's the 2 choices. You can protest all you want, but that doesn't accomplish anything but help elect Hillary in the end and get you moved to Hillary Town.