Author Topic: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?  (Read 17110 times)

Pete Nice

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2016, 09:04:47 AM »
And that's the problem with the left, the highlighted couldn't be further from the truth but they kept buying into the lies thats been perpetuated by the MSM that the gay community bought into, same with the black communities. If people would bother to just little research or God for bid teach it in school, we might not have such a society of complete dumbfucks.

So, Tim. You're a good guy and I believe you have good intensions but here's a fact, even though there are assholes out there who are in fact homophobes and racists, the majority are not, in fact we could careless if your gay, trans or otherwise. What pisses us off is when your community tries to ram their agenda down our throats (NO PUN INTENDED). It's not necessary, most people know right from wrong.

A funny from Coach  8)
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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #26 on: November 18, 2016, 09:31:47 AM »
Poor Tim wasn't just wrong about the election. He was spectacularly wrong. He predicted Hillary would get 345 EVs or more. Now, he's forced to confront the harsh reality that he's completely incompetent. That can't be easy. Even the bug eyed Asian guy on the Young Turks only predicted Hillary would get 320.

Perhaps Tim should get in touch with the girls at Huffpo as only they would understand what he's going through.

I've noticed that many ultra liberals like Tim live in their own little cosmopolitan bubble. Outside of getbig, I doubt he has much communication with people who hold views that are to the right of his own. I'd also bet that all his friends think much like him in regards to politics. Therefore, he starts believing that his hard leftist views are the standard and that conservative/traditional views are a small and dying minority now.
Trump's victory must have been a reality check for him, much like Brexit was a reality check for the left here in the UK -  a realization that the general public are not as liberal as they thought.

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #27 on: November 18, 2016, 10:27:46 AM »
I've noticed that many ultra liberals like Tim live in their own little cosmopolitan bubble. Outside of getbig, I doubt he has much communication with people who hold views that are to the right of his own. I'd also bet that all his friends think much like him in regards to politics. Therefore, he starts believing that his hard leftist views are the standard and that conservative/traditional views are a small and dying minority now.
Trump's victory must have been a reality check for him, much like Brexit was a reality check for the left here in the UK -  a realization that the general public are not as liberal as they thought.

Spot on, except that they can't accept that decent people might disagree with them. The loss is being attributed to underestimating the stupidity of Americans and to how many racists/sexists/homophobes there are in the country. They believe this even though Trump won the College educated white male vote and 45% of the college educated female vote.

The 25 minute Young Turks Election night meltdown YouTube is very instructive as to how the Left views the Trump win.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #28 on: November 18, 2016, 10:32:10 AM »
I've noticed that many ultra liberals like Tim live in their own little cosmopolitan bubble. Outside of getbig, I doubt he has much communication with people who hold views that are to the right of his own. I'd also bet that all his friends think much like him in regards to politics. Therefore, he starts believing that his hard leftist views are the standard and that conservative/traditional views are a small and dying minority now.
Trump's victory must have been a reality check for him, much like Brexit was a reality check for the left here in the UK -  a realization that the general public are not as liberal as they thought.

Yeah, but in the strict sense, Trump is not even that traditional/conservative. He's not a religious conservative like Carson or Cruz. I'd hardly consider Trump to have conservative/traditional views. I think, in all in reality, he really falls somewhere in the middle on most issues.

Not that it matters to me, as I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2016, 10:53:45 AM »


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2016, 12:04:28 PM »
Yeah, but in the strict sense, Trump is not even that traditional/conservative. He's not a religious conservative like Carson or Cruz. I'd hardly consider Trump to have conservative/traditional views. I think, in all in reality, he really falls somewhere in the middle on most issues.

Not that it matters to me, as I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump.
His campaign blew Romney's and McCain's out of the water conservatism wise. McCain I'm not surprised but people look at Romney as being more conservative then Trump. His policies were not.

There is a lot that goes into political conservatism.

The True Adonis

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2016, 06:22:03 PM »

To be honest, that is nothing to be proud of.

Lincoln destroyed this country with an illegal war, suspended habeas corpus imprisoned any journalist he did not like and sent many to jail for simply printing the truth.  That is not even the half of the shit he pulled.  If you think Hillary Clinton should be locked up, then Lincoln should have been hung from the highest tree in DC.

I still can't believe his legacy of the Income Tax lives on.  I digress, but there is so much illegal nonsense that traitor pulled.  I find it hilarious that the Liberal morons have defied and canonized his as some sort of Saint (totally revisionist history) and the Republicans of today readily accept it (when in reality he did everything that a tyrant would do).

Hopefully one day you and others will disavow Dishonest Abe.

The True Adonis

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2016, 06:25:34 PM »
This is just not defensible. Lincoln, the embarrassment. (Liberals really have tried to make him into a saint) He is not.

Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors May 18, 1864 Messages and Papers of the Presidents Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Font Size: mediumlargemaximum Print Share

The American Presidency Project

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Major-General John A. Drx,

Commanding at New York:

Whereas there has been wickedly and traitorously printed and published this morning in the New York World and New York Journal of Commerce, newspapers printed and published in the city of New York, a false and spurious proclamation purporting to be signed by the President and to be countersigned by the Secretary of State, which publication is of a treasonable nature, designed to give aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States and to the rebels now at war against the Government and their aiders and abettors, you are therefore hereby commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison in any fort or military prison in your command the editors, proprietors, and publishers of the aforesaid newspapers, and all such persons as, after public notice has been given of the falsehood of said publication, print and publish the same with intent to give aid and comfort to the enemy; and you will hold the persons so arrested in close custody until they can be brought to trial before a military commission for their offense. You will also take possession by military force of the printing establishments of the New York World and Journal of Commerce, and hold the same until further orders, and prohibit any further publication therefrom.



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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2016, 07:35:33 PM »
I've missed your glorious posts sir!!

Thank you!!  ;D

I imagine his leftist views are linked to his homosexuality. Since the right-wing have historically been seen as being homophobic, he sees them as a threat to his lifestyle so supports all SJW causes purely because they at odds with the "fascist" right-wingers.

Tim's a good guy but like most hard liberals, he's somewhat delusional when it comes to the harsh realities of the world we live in.
He should look at Milo Yiannopoulos as an example of how gay men should be. :D

My thoughts exactly.  Tim commented on Milo before, and seemed to just think Milo was doing it for show.  I don't think that is accurate though.

Jeez There is No helping These Lefty Libtards
What part do they not understand - these scumbag terrorists
follow a fcucked up religion - they hate any non muslim - and a vast a mount
of other muslims.
Also they are so Kind to Queers  ::)

i may just join twitter just to reply to such utter mental illness nonsense
- He wants them in - let them come live with him -

Tell me about it.  Tim's dislike of his own in-group - and White people are his own in-group whether he wishes to acknowledge or not - makes him support a group that has far more negative views on homosexuality?  ???  Makes the Twilight Zone.

Tim Fagarty

It has been said before:

Tim Fogarty = Team Faggotry.


The 17th Strongest Man in The Greater Thunder Bay/Sudbury region speaketh truth in this thread.

LOL!!!  Thank you.  Actually, I did place 17th overall at the regional powerlifting meet in 2013!  Even if one could say that 100 strong guys sat out - and I doubt that - I would be 117th out of a city of over 100,000, in addition to some of the out-of-town guys who show up.  Keep in mind that I compete at 170-lb.  In 2015, I was happy to compete at 163, and only missed the 280-lb Viking Press, and I honestly think with two more weeks of training on the Viking Press apparatus and I would have gotten it.  This should be visible to anyone who has a Facebook account.  Feel free to add me:

Yes, Matt "The Cuck Slayer" Canning never disappoints.


He [Matt C] might be the only guy in Canada who isn't a Leftist. The election was a real  eye opener. I didn't know Canada was so far gone, maybe even worse than Sweden. I guess all the Canadian Hockey Players live in an isolated area.

I believe this information is correct.

2) 90% of his politics is shaped by his homosexual identity, almost everything I've seen him take a strong position on is directly or near directly related to the homosexual experience. The rest is easily tilted far left simply because it has the liberal push behind it.

Exactly.  Yet he takes issue with your average White straight dude having an identity.  His argument would be that White straight males are not oppressed.  On that note, there has been a push in some leftist circles lately to claim that White gay men aren't oppressed because Whiteness trumps gayness.

Tim doesn't like stereotypes of his demographic.  I don't like stereotypes of my demographic.  We are similar in some ways.  I think Tim is convinced that every strongly self-identified White man like myself must be a card-carrying KKK member.  Ironically, even those images of the KKK are distorted via a lens of leftist media lies.  Not to justify the KKK, but consider that Black-on-Black homicides in six months normally exceed the entire number of Blacks lynched from 1882 to 1968:

Just look at the number of Black-on-Black homicides in Chicago alone...just this far!:

You are starting to see a rise in populist movements all across Europe AND a weakening in the power of the leftist mainstream media.

Hopefully these 2 factors combined will be enough to pull the people out of their daze.

I hope so.

Honestly, around 2009 when I saw the movie Pride, I had the exact same reaction as Bill Burr.  It was then that I realized this isn't about being reasonable, it's about using racial guilt as a psychological weapon against White people:


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #34 on: November 18, 2016, 11:06:52 PM »

LOL!!!  Thank you.  Actually, I did place 17th overall at the regional powerlifting meet in 2013!  Even if one could say that 100 strong guys sat out - and I doubt that - I would be 117th out of a city of over 100,000, in addition to some of the out-of-town guys who show up.  Keep in mind that I compete at 170-lb.  In 2015, I was happy to compete at 163, and only missed the 280-lb Viking Press, and I honestly think with two more weeks of training on the Viking Press apparatus and I would have gotten it.  This should be visible to anyone who has a Facebook account.  Feel free to add me:

----------- That's Very Good Going. 👍🏻 --------------

Tim doesn't like stereotypes of his demographic.  I don't like stereotypes of my demographic.  We are similar in some ways.  I think Tim is convinced that every strongly self-identified White man like myself must be a card-carrying KKK member.  Ironically, even those images of the KKK are distorted via a lens of leftist media lies.  Not to justify the KKK, but consider that Black-on-Black homicides in six months normally exceed the entire number of Blacks lynched from 1882 to 1968:

Just look at the number of Black-on-Black homicides in Chicago alone...just this far!:

------------ Posting the statistics won't help -- As it doesn't fit in with their required agenda..  ::)
                 They Fcuking Hate That. ------------------

Honestly, around 2009 when I saw the movie Pride, I had the exact same reaction as Bill Burr.  It was then that I realized this isn't about being reasonable, it's about using racial guilt as a psychological weapon against White people:

-------------- Well Thankfully Their Psychological Guilt Weapon Never Worked on Me
                   And Countless others --- Also more & more are seeing through it now.. :D --------------

Being queer Definatly has some mental issues attached to it
For the vast majority of them.
Now wether the Mental issues cause them to be Queer
Or Being Queer cause the Mental issues..??
Either way they need help.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2016, 02:20:46 PM »

Yes, 240 was spot on with his predictions from Trump being a Dem plant that was purposely trying to throw the election to Killary to Cruz having a list of mistresses (still waiting for those pics BTW) Worked out well for him. 

I wonder if, when Rob starts posting under his 240 account again, he'll continue his usual bullshit rhetoric by claiming that Trump's presidency is just a secret ploy to get Hillary elected in 2020.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2016, 02:29:16 PM »
It was then that I realized this isn't about being reasonable, it's about using racial guilt as a psychological weapon against White people:

I quoted this to bring attention to it.  Matt is 100% correct and it is very important that white people understand this point.

Erik C

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2016, 02:35:45 PM »
I quoted this to bring attention to it.  Matt is 100% correct and it is very important that white people understand this point.

Yes, Matt is correct. Trying to make white people guilty, for being superior to dark skinned animals, is absurd. White people being superior is perfectly natural. There is zero evidence to the contrary. White people are, without a doubt, superior to every other race.

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2016, 02:42:46 PM »
Yes, Matt is correct. Trying to make white people guilty, for being superior to dark skinned animals, is absurd. White people being superior is perfectly natural. There is zero evidence to the contrary. White people are, without a doubt, superior to every other race.
No. What you said is racist.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2016, 02:50:18 PM »
Yes, Matt is correct. Trying to make white people guilty, for being superior to dark skinned animals, is absurd. White people being superior is perfectly natural. There is zero evidence to the contrary. White people are, without a doubt, superior to every other race.

I don't think that I am superior to anyone else just because I'm white. I know plenty of non-white people that are smarter and more accomplished than I am.

Erik C

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2016, 03:02:25 PM »
I don't think that I am superior to anyone else just because I'm white. I know plenty of non-white people that are smarter and more accomplished than I am.

Stop apologizing for being white. In my case, I don't know anyone that is non-white, and who is superior to me.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #41 on: November 19, 2016, 03:03:49 PM »
I don't think that I am superior to anyone else just because I'm white. I know plenty of non-white people that are smarter and more accomplished than I am.

Just like there r 'plenty' of  whites much, much more intelligent and accomplished than u, moron. Try running a comb thru ur hair as a black dude and get back to me.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #42 on: November 19, 2016, 03:08:07 PM »
Coach mentioned that Tim has been depressed lately, based on his Twitter posts:

I understand why gay men in general are leftists - I think there is this feeling of being "the other", so they join this coalition against the dominant in-group.  If White homosexuals think they will have a better life in a diverse/multicultural society, I would suggest they look to Brazil and compare the quality of life there to the USA.  :-X

Most Western nations are extremely accepting of homosexuals.  I think here in Canada, the figure is something close to 80%.  In the USA, I doubt it is under 70%.  If Tim thinks diversity is a godsend he is completely wrong.  At the same time, I understand why he feels the way he does.  Imagine eating a steady diet of MSNBC and thinking everyone around you hates you.

Last Saturday, "The Fifth Estate" on CBC had a documentary basically telling Canada how racist Thunder Bay police officers and blah, blah, blah.  They featured a police officer arresting a drunk Aboriginal who drops his little girl off to dance classes that my little girl also attends.  The man couldn't be further from a racist.  In fact, I'm happy there is a sort of police presence at my little girl's dance lessons because he's there.  I hate toxic leftist propaganda like this Fifth Estate documentary.

Yeah, let's tell non-Whites, women, and homosexuals that they are being oppressed when they aren't and expect such a model to be workable.  ::)

My point is, while I understand why Tim and other homosexual men are leftists at rates disproportionate to the average, they really shouldn't be.

Also, Tim - if you are reading this - I realize how it must sadden you that Republicans opposed gay marriage for so long, although Democrats did too, but try to look at it this way: due to insane divorce laws, I refuse to get married.  Not that I care, but how is that much different?  It's not that I legally can't get married, it's that the incentive structure is so warped that I don't see how any sane man with any savings or net worth or decent income would want to take the risk.  Just yesterday, a female friend of mine told me about a 30-year-old she just met who is getting a $50,000 buy-out for child support for a child that isn't even the biological child of the man who is paying her the money!  The biological father ran for the hills, the new guy picked up the slack, and now the new guy has to pay all the child support!

And please - no stories of homosexuals "being oppressed" in Western societies.  ::)  I'm not buying it - this is not Saudi Arabia.  I have been assumed to be gay before - no one cares.

Lastly, Tim Fogarty reminds me of FANGS FOGARTY from the Little Archie comics I read when I was a kid, that I will soon be introducing my children to.  Picture attached.

- Matt C

What kind of crap is this?

OP is definitely a closet homo, secretly yearning to bottom for Libfag Fogarty


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #43 on: November 21, 2016, 08:02:39 PM »
I quoted this to bring attention to it.  Matt is 100% correct and it is very important that white people understand this point.

Yes, Matt is correct. Trying to make white people guilty, for being superior to dark skinned animals, is absurd. White people being superior is perfectly natural. There is zero evidence to the contrary. White people are, without a doubt, superior to every other race.

Thank you.

And thanks to everyone who read and replied to this.

We should be able to state that West Africans produce the best sprinters though.  Also, Blacks excel at football, basketball, and I think squats due to the length of their glutes.  Look at how low Ronnie's glutes were compared to Jay's.  My glutes look more like Jay's.

"The races are different."

How about that?  Or is that somehow too controversial for academia.  ::)

Check out Jordan Peterson on YouTube.  One wonders if Tim Fogarty would be happy with the University of Toronto persecuting Professor Peterson as they have done.  Also, look at what Peterson says at almost exactly the 1:00:00 mark.  Pure genius.  In today's PC age, stating the obvious is genius:

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #44 on: November 21, 2016, 08:34:04 PM »
Thank you.

And thanks to everyone who read and replied to this.

We should be able to state that West Africans produce the best sprinters though.  Also, Blacks excel at football, basketball, and I think squats due to the length of their glutes.  Look at how low Ronnie's glutes were compared to Jay's.  My glutes look more like Jay's.

"The races are different."

How about that?  Or is that somehow too controversial for academia.  ::)

Check out Jordan Peterson on YouTube.  One wonders if Tim Fogarty would be happy with the University of Toronto persecuting Professor Peterson as they have done.  Also, look at what Peterson says at almost exactly the 1:00:00 mark.  Pure genius.  In today's PC age, stating the obvious is genius:

Is this a joke?

Can one person (other than Howard) really be this fucking stupid?

Not sure what rock you crawled out from under retard, but crawl the fuck back you moron.

Chadwick The Beta

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #45 on: November 22, 2016, 04:57:10 PM »
I just figured that the AIDS caught up with him.

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #46 on: November 22, 2016, 08:49:10 PM »
Probably curled up in the fecal position in some abandoned gay bath house toilet.


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #47 on: November 23, 2016, 09:15:05 PM »
Is this a joke?

Can one person (other than Howard) really be this fucking stupid?

Not sure what rock you crawled out from under retard, but crawl the fuck back you moron.

I was in Thunder Bay since I stopped posting in 2011.

I'm back though.  :D

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #48 on: November 23, 2016, 09:23:17 PM »
I was in Thunder Bay since I stopped posting in 2011.

I'm back though.  :D

What is your fascination with the resident getbig phaggot?

You a closet homo looking to shizzo a few dozen dicks around here?


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Re: Tim Fogarty - Missing in Action?
« Reply #49 on: November 24, 2016, 01:46:25 PM »
I was in Thunder Bay since I stopped posting in 2011.

I'm back though.  :D

why did you stop posting?

you put on any new muscle?