Author Topic: Are married family men truly happy?  (Read 50107 times)

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #100 on: January 03, 2017, 10:38:33 AM »
Happiness is fleeting for everyone, married or not. Enjoy happiness when it comes but don't expect it to last.

Having kids, on the other hand, is amazing. Gives your whole life a sense of purpose and meaning that is difficult to put into words.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #101 on: January 03, 2017, 10:39:08 AM »
Often when two people are together, but not married, they are more committed to being together. Sometimes after marriage folks stay together mainly because they are married. Marriage should not change relationships and commitments, but it happens.

I disagree. When you are married its harder to separate so the couple can sometimes save their marriage through counseling. Folks usually stay together because of kids. I see many couples that when the kids reach 18 they split. Very sad since they've been married for so long.
People should realize no one is perfect. We all screw up. Forgiveness and change is part of the healing.

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #102 on: January 03, 2017, 10:41:20 AM »
I disagree. When you are married its harder to separate so the couple can sometimes save their marriage through counseling. Folks usually stay together because of kids. I see many couples that when the kids reach 18 they split. Very sad since they've been married for so long.
People should realize no one is perfect. We all screw up. Forgiveness and change is part of the healing.

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't you eventually divorce Ayeesha?

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #103 on: January 03, 2017, 10:43:34 AM »
Happiness is fleeting for everyone, married or not. Enjoy happiness when it comes but don't expect it to last.

Having kids, on the other hand, is amazing. Gives your whole life a sense of purpose and meaning that is difficult to put into words.
part of the reason people feel this way is because it gives people an excuse to stop working on themselves

"oh cant do this or that, got kids you know........."

not gonna type out the whole theory but it's pretty straight forward and true, especially for poor people who never achieve shit

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #104 on: January 03, 2017, 10:52:44 AM »
stop working officially and just sell drugs etc

no income no child support/alimony

Real men provide for there kids, wouldn't be an option for me...

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #105 on: January 03, 2017, 10:54:19 AM »

Real men provide for there kids, wouldn't be an option for me...
being divorced and paying child support is still cheaper than being married

women's spending never ends


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #106 on: January 03, 2017, 10:56:53 AM »
latter 2016 into present I see for myself what happens in a 'married'relationship  almost 12 yrs with 3 kids and home and getting blindsided all at once that the 'issues'over time are now 'the foundation is crumbling'i can only hope this will pass or I will be facing a new lease on life alone 'relatively speaking'
I`m hoping for the best for you my brother.

Stay strong.   ;)


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #107 on: January 03, 2017, 11:00:36 AM »

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #108 on: January 03, 2017, 11:01:46 AM »
being divorced and paying child support is still cheaper than being married

women's spending never ends

Nah.... You have to keep two houses, there's no win, unless she quickly remarries..

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #109 on: January 03, 2017, 11:07:15 AM »

Nah.... You have to keep two houses, there's no win, unless she quickly remarries..


merica must be worse than i thought

as long as the woman is able to work why the hell would you need to pay her

just pay for the child which you have to do anyway divorce or not


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #110 on: January 03, 2017, 12:25:31 PM »
Shame Howard isn't here. He is an expert on being married and single.

Maybe no one uses Facebook anymore also explains lack of posts

Overall this one is pretty basic and simple.

As Poly and MOS already posted, for some guys, married with kids is the BEST.
It's obvious from his posts that MOS feels loved and adored by his wife and daughter.
I'd wager MOS is emotionally mature, stable and selfless.

Sadly, more men feel trapped when married with children.
For them I'd strongly advise to get divorced on the best terms possible and stay single.

In fact, I'd urge most guys under 30 to avoid marriage and/or getting any female pregnant.
Don't, I repeat don't get married and start a family because "it's just what you do."

In my case, I prefer being married and in a committed, relationship without children.
I was married and divorced a coupe times and I'm a real partner with my current wife.
To me, the big stress is having kids, BUT, everyone is different.

Bottom line : CHOOSE the relationship and lifestyle that suits you. Know this before you get involved with a woman or you might end up living like she prefers instead ( kids, married, etc )


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #111 on: January 03, 2017, 12:27:51 PM »
why is the marriage part needed? unless youre religious

It's not but I wonder why have kids? Why not be married partners and enjoy building a life together.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #112 on: January 03, 2017, 12:29:22 PM »
I am married and have 3 kids. It is fullfilling BUT it also keeps me wondering from time to time what could be achieved/accompliced ( for example career wise and saving up money) without having these responsibilities ( there is no turning back, it is a one way street)

Thanks for the honest post.

Question: Overall , how stressful do you find raising kids to be?


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #113 on: January 03, 2017, 12:30:10 PM »
As answered a billion times across the eons by smart men such as myself - it depends on the person. Lame, ordinary but yet cuts to the heart of the truth.

Some guys like my brother will be lost at sea without his girlfriend. They've been together for 22 years (since his mid teens) and seem just as happy as always. Me, I can take it or leave it. Being with someone that is. I'll never marry. Never ever ever. Did you hear me??? EVER. No way I'm paying for a marriage license and a party so some broad can feel like a 'princess' whilst I'm only there to say 'I do' and GTFO of the way. Unless there's a discernible benefit - which there's isn't. And spare me the emotional argument about declaring your love to one another or the world or in front of God. You're 2 of 7.4 billion other mouth-breathing dumb shitheads out there, you're not special and the world don't care.

And I agree with the OP. In the past my training and savings used to take a massive hit when tangled up with some stupid whore with dumb ideas. Not anymore. Been with my current girlfriend for about 18 months and my training and saving has never been better. She knew me first before we started dating and she was well aware of my views on women, marriage, money and dating. Yet she still chose to sniff around me and not once in 18 months tried changing those views. She's actually more anal (before you ask - she don't) about spending money than I am and her usual answer to me wanting to buy something or go somewhere is; waste of money. So it works in those ways. Sex is good and as much as I want, but I'd be lying if I tell ya that I don't fantasize about banging other women sometimes. Only natural I guess

Great post


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #114 on: January 03, 2017, 12:33:56 PM »
My wife and I were blessed with kids who made it through the teen years without causing us much trouble. Not every parent is so lucky.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #115 on: January 03, 2017, 12:49:49 PM »
jack good post man. i was pretty niave when i got married. i fell for the "princess" wedding, jesus boy doing our vows (im an atheist- still pissed to this day we paid thAt fucker), annoying mother in law with her formal bullshit, 6 and 6 bridemaids and groosman, very old fashion, etc. etc. at the time, i just didnt care. kinda like, oh well sure whatever. as im 30s now, my friends getting married are doing destination weddings, fun stuff with small group of friends, etc. looks so fun, so i am kinda still pissed we did the stupid dog and poney show. that seems like the shit that goes on when you are in your twenties getting married. so my advice, wait till your an adult like age 30 and up. 25 is no adult.

financially speaking, marriage was great for us. my savings was shit, and my wife earns double what i earn. we were able to buy a house, and move up in investments, etc. also, like you said, my wife is very thrifty amd always looks for the best deal. friends we have in their thirties who are marrying are still doing the townhouse or rental thing. so combining assets really can propel you forward much faster.

now, this might not be important to many people. its really not to me. i argue alot about what we buy because id be fine with a shack in the woods. that always seems to be where people argue, is the life style. people have expectations. my expectation was big savings, retire early and small modest home and never worry about money. wife loves work, and wants big houses, nice things. thats our one main wedge, which sucks.

honestly, i was depressed single (wasnt getting laid bcause i wasnt confident (this was before tindr, which
ooks fun and easy) was lonely, had no one to watch dogs when i traveled). i also get depressed being married. so much hot asss out there, and you always thinkg " wow i bet that girl really has it all...nice person, loving, hot, etc...but you never really know. grass is always greeener. its a mental illness which i have. im never satisfied. i do KNOW that if i was single, id still be miserable though. i think im better off married honestly. like others said, working on happiness is the hard part and thats what im goin focus on for 2017. any tips are welcom!

Great post and thanks for being honest about having to endure the big show wedding.
Lots of woman want that sort of thing and that's just part of most females DNA?
However, the one way wedding demands can lead to her getting her way in married life.
It doesn't have to however, and most BIG weddings are shows for friends and family anyway.

Sounds to me like you're pretty well suited , save for one major thing:
She seems very interested in bragging rights and what people ( friends /family) think.
Woman are really bad about picturing a fantasy lifestyle and assume the man will change to meet it.

Ok, I'd have a calm , loving heart to heart talk and lay out in basic, clear terms; YOUR dream lifestyle.
It's possible that if you BOTH stay calm, you could reach a compromise, BOTH can live with.

Now, ( this is important, so pay attention) *If she tries to laugh off your lifestyle ideas as silly
and only takes her side seriously, you've got some real problems brewing.
The best approach then,  is to be firm but calm and matter of fact of what YOU really want.
She needs to accept that it takes two to make a marriage work.
All you can do is be fair , reasonable and be sure she knows YOU listened to HER.

Since you're younger them me, I need to share one more major issue with you.
Most woman can and do change between 20 to 35.
Not sure why, but they do and assume men will change like them...we don't.

For example, my 1st ex-wife changed her mind about wanting kids 3 yrs into the marriage.
I had two basic choices:
1. Have kids with her when I didn't want to
2. Divorce

I chose divorce with no regrets.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #116 on: January 03, 2017, 12:51:30 PM »
Very few of my married friends are happy.  A couple of them happy.  The rest miserable, trapped, depressed.... in cheaper to keep her situations.  Ive been with my wife 12 years, married for 2. I was happy for the first 10.  Not so much since the wedding.  Lots of people told me, they change once you marry them..... they were so right its. scary.


I'd suggest no man get married under age 30 .


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #117 on: January 03, 2017, 12:54:58 PM »
Having kids is very meaningful, not much time to explain why....
I believe you and am sure you had few if any doubts about becoming a father.
I sincerely believe some people are "called" to be parents. You must be one of those.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #118 on: January 03, 2017, 12:55:48 PM »
you guys make it sound like your entitled to happiness? whatever gave you that idea

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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #119 on: January 03, 2017, 01:00:18 PM »
Overall this one is pretty basic and simple.

As Poly and MOS already posted, for some guys, married with kids is the BEST.
It's obvious from his posts that MOS feels loved and adored by his wife and daughter.
I'd wager MOS is emotionally mature, stable and selfless.

Sadly, more men feel trapped when married with children.
For them I'd strongly advise to get divorced on the best terms possible and stay single.

In fact, I'd urge most guys under 30 to avoid marriage and/or getting any female pregnant.
Don't, I repeat don't get married and start a family because "it's just what you do."

In my case, I prefer being married and in a committed, relationship without children.
I was married and divorced a coupe times and I'm a real partner with my current wife.
To me, the big stress is having kids, BUT, everyone is different.

Bottom line : CHOOSE the relationship and lifestyle that suits you. Know this before you get involved with a woman or you might end up living like she prefers instead ( kids, married, etc )

I'd like to think I'm those things  ;), but really my position is grounded in my faith; although, I no longer discuss such topics on these boards anymore.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #120 on: January 03, 2017, 01:01:37 PM »
Most standard weddings today average much more than that... $35-50K.  Unbelievable waste of money.

I refused to go  with any BIG $$ wedding .

My current wife and paid for our own wedding ( around 4k* which included her dress, my suit, everything!) and had 40 close friends and family in a Chapel Cabin in the N Ga Mts.
It was very personal and meaningful.

Many woman that demand the big show, big $$ wedding will also assume they will get their way in the marriage.
First she demands and gets this big event wedding and feels like the queen of Sheba.
Then when she wants kids, she assumes he'll comply. Same with picking out the home, vacations, etc.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #121 on: January 03, 2017, 01:06:50 PM »
I'd like to think I'm those things  ;), but really my position is grounded in my faith; although, I no longer discuss such topics on these boards anymore.

I'm a pretty good judge of character and you seem to be a very solid dude.

What's that old adage...don't talk about religion or politics in public  ;D

Anyhooooo, I'm one of those very moderate types on religion. I absolutely believe in GOD, but don't follow any one faith or religion. I happen to think that atheist are as extreme and close minded as any religious zealot.

God Bless and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #122 on: January 03, 2017, 01:10:22 PM »
I'm a pretty good judge of character and you seem to be a very solid dude.

What's that old adage...don't talk about religion or politics in public  ;D

Anyhooooo, I'm one of those very moderate types on religion. I absolutely believe in GOD, but don't follow any one faith or religion. I happen to think that atheist are as extreme and close minded as any religious zealot.

God Bless and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.

are you calling mos fat?


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #123 on: January 03, 2017, 01:14:47 PM »
are you calling mos fat?

Nope! I've got enough blubber for both of us plus you. :P


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Re: Are married family men truly happy?
« Reply #124 on: January 03, 2017, 01:18:30 PM »
Are single men happy?
Are old people happy?

If you are selfish like most in the bodybuilding community are, then don't get married. And really don't have children.

STAY POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

get married? shit dude most true narcissits can't even have a meaning full relationship for more than a month or two